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  • 8/9/2019 May-July 2010 Bexar Tracks Bexar Audubon Society


    Bexar Audubon Societyis a chapter of the NationalAudubon Society. Its primarygoals are to promote speciesand habitat conservation andenvironmental education in thecommunity.Bexar TracksBexar TracksBexar TracksBexar Tracks

    Volume XXVI, No. 11

    For the latest news and updates, see Inside this issue:

    Controlling Giant

    River Cane


    War on Salvinia 3

    Mitchell Lake



    Community Events 5-7

    Hardberger Park

    Grand Opening


    May-July 2010

    World population hasmore than doubled since1960, with Texas popu-lation over twice that of1970. This growthwiththe associated demandsplaced on water, food,energy, waste disposalsites, infrastructure, andother human necessi-

    tiesis generating one of the greatmass extinctions in earth's history,mainly due to wildlife habitat destruc-tion. Dr. Balin will discuss the implica-tions of exponential growth, recognizing

    that there are limits to this expansionand potentially devastating conse-quences for our future. She will examinehistorical growth trends, globally to theregional level.

    Dr. Balin received her Bachelors de-gree in Geology from the University ofTexas at Austin, and her Ph.D. in Geol-ogy from Cambridge University in Eng-land. Her work experience includes aca-

    demia, the petroleum industry, and theUS Geological Survey conducting geo-

    logic field work in the Brooks Range ofAlaska.

    Dr. Balin holds one of two environmentalpositions on the South Central TX RegionalWater Planning Group and served as amember of the Citizens Working Group forWater Policy in the late 1990s. She was amember of the San Antonio Open SpaceAdvisory Board for seven years, and cur-rently works as a research and consultinggeologist in San Antonio.

    Human Population Growth: Impact on Resources and Wildlife Habitatwith Dr. Donna Balin

    The Impact of Human Population Growth

    Bexar Audubon Society Meeting

    Thursday, May 13, 2010Trinity University, Cowles Life Science Bldg., Room 149 (map on pg. 6)

    Announcements at 6:45 PM, Program begins at 7 PM. Everyone Welcome!

    Bexar Audubon Field Trip

    Land Heritage InstituteSaturday, May 29, 9 AM

    Land Heritage Institute (Old ApplewhiteProperty) on the Medina River

    Meet at the entrance; we'll take a hayrideto the historical homestead where Mark Op-pelt, Land Heritage Institute President, willgive us an overview ofthis place: History, Ar-chaeology, Environment,and more! We will then

    take a leisurely walkingtour highlighting historicalfeatures and the naturalhabitat. Info/directions:[email protected] 210.837.0577 or checkwww.bexar .

    "Land Heritage Instituteinterprets, maintains anddevelops 1,200 acres of

    open space on the MedinaRiver as a living land mu-seum, thereby preservingarcheological, cultural, edu-cational, environmental,historical and recreationalresources"

    The Land Heritage Insti-tute is located on the south-ern bank of the MedinaRiver between ApplewhiteRd. and Neal Rd. Its 1,200

    acres within ten miles ofdowntown San Antonio in-side Loop 1604 south. Ac-cess is by appointment onlyor through a field trip suchas this. Meet at the en-trance on Neal Rd.

    Human Population Growth & Our Future

  • 8/9/2019 May-July 2010 Bexar Tracks Bexar Audubon Society


    Controlling Giant River Caneto Economic Advantage

    Jim Earhart, Ph.D.Director of the Rio Grande International Study Center

    Cane Control Project

    Unfortunately for the vegetation and wildlife of the riparianhabitat along the Rio Grande, this American heritage river wasmade part of the border between the United States and Mexico.The historic economic disparity between the two countries, cou-pled with the recent war on terrorism, has created a war onwater quality and habitat for native plants and animals along theriver.

    To stop the flow of illegal traffic across the border, US HomelandSecurity has proposed among other measures to eradicate giantriver cane (Arundo donax,A.donax) by mechanical removal withheavy equipment and application of a broad spectrum herbicide byhelicopter. This invasive plant conceals illegal activity, replacesindigenous plants that provide habitat for native species, and uses

    large quantities of water, but we believe the means will be highlydetrimental to the ecology of the Rio Grande.

    Giant river cane was introduced by early Spanish settlers,who used it to construct crude housing, weave baskets andmats, make musical instruments, and, very likely, feed live-stock. Lacking natural enemies, it grows prolifically in thiswarm, moist environment, far more successfully than in its na-tive Mediterranean region. Dense stands extend for hundredsof miles along the Rio Grande.

    The Rio Grande International Study Center, in conjunctionwith Laredo Community College (LCC), is investigating the po-tential of this invasive giant grass as food for livestock. Most USranchers along the river do

    not graze livestock on thecane for fear of theft or fevertick infestation or becausethey believe animals will noteat it. In Mexico, oppositethe LCC Campus, we seehorses, goats, cattle, anddonkeys drink from the river.Concomitantly we observevery little cane growing onthe Mexican bank; its linedwith large trees that shadethe flowing water.

    These observations, along

    with reports that goats suc-cessfully controlled cane growth in California, prompted TomMiller, Director of the Lamar Bruni Vergara Environmental Sci-ence Center, and Dr. Tom Vaughan, Texas A&M InternationalUniversity Biology Professor, to compare US and Mexican canegrowth by canoeing the 90 miles between Laredo and EaglePass. They estimated cane cover on the US river bank at 95 to98 percent compared to 3 to 5 percent on the Mexican side.During three nights on the river the dense cane forced them tocamp either in Mexico or on islands in the river. They reportedno mammalsdomestic or wildon the US river bank.

    A Word From the WoodA Message from the BAS President, Tony Wood

    Things are looking better for Bexar Audubon Society.Maybe its partly because were having a wet spring,

    the drought is broken, and the Edwards Aquifer is 10feet above normal. Maybe its partly because this is thebest year that Ive ever seen for south Texas wildflow-ers and that the lands and watersheds that Ive beenwalking here in south Texas have what appear to be ahealthy crop of forbs, birds, and wildlife. Or maybe Imjust a bit more in tune to the pulse of our organizationthan I have been in quite a while. But it seems to melike Bexar Audubon Society and environmental aware-ness of groups and individuals across our city arechanging.

    For a while our organization, like many of the othersacross the city, seemed to be limping along. We had a

    group of the same dedicated environmentalists andconservationists who would always turn up at ourmeetings. We lost a few active members who movedaway. Some of our spin-off projects had waned, atleast for a while.

    But things are looking up lately. There are freshideas, a new website design, an educational program,and perhaps most important, new dedicated individu-als who are breathing new life into our efforts.

    We are entering a new era for Bexar Audubon Soci-ety. Were getting back to the basic themes of oursouth Texas conservationist organization. Our last twomeetings and our last two outings have had a definitive

    bird theme. Weve been learning about birds and theirnatural history lately, although Ive learned as muchabout native plants as I have about the birds. But ifyoure not a bird person, dont worry. Bexar AudubonSociety remains as one of the largest and most prag-matic civic environmental groups in south Texas. Wecontinue to listen to all sides of an environmental argu-ment before taking a position, if at all. We usually di-versify into the core habitat issues such as land andwater resources, recognizing that avian habitat is ourregions coal mine and that our canaries range fromhummingbirds to turkeys.

    Bexar Audubon co-sponsors and/or supports most

    water and land conservation programs in the region.Our board members are active on the boards andmanagement of many of the regional water planning,watershed cleanup and management, land trust, andland heritage organizations. If you want to get involvedwith any of these bird, wildlife, land, or water conserva-tion projects in the San Antonio area, get or stay in-volved with Bexar Audubon. If you are looking for away to spend a weekend or a few hours in a conserva-tion effort, please visit our website. There is somethingfor everyone, regardless of age or physical capacity.

    Photo by Cuate Santos / Laredo Morning TimesJim Earhart leading Poncho & Filemon

    Page 2 Bexar TracksMay-July 2010

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    Page 3 Bexar TracksMay-July 2010

    Photo Contest

    National Wildlife Federation40th Annual Photo Contest

    From the dazzling bluebirds visiting your birdhouse tostart a family to the resourceful squirrels drinking fromyour birdbath, be sure to enter your photos in the NationalWildlife Photo Contest. Winning photographs receivecash prizes and will be published online. A selection ofwinning photos will appear in the December 2010 issue ofthe magazine. Enter today!

    More than $30,000 in Cash Prizes

    Two $5,000 Grand PrizesPro, Amateur and Youth divisionsCategories for Entries: Mammals; Birds; Other Wildlife,Backyard Habitats; Connecting People and Nature; Land-scapes and Plant Life; Global Warming. Visit our 2010Contest page for entry details and categories Deadline July 6. Enter today!

    Texas Declares War on SalviniaThe Texas Parks and Wildlife Department launched a

    public awareness campaign asking people to help controlone of the most dangerous invasive aquatic species thestate has ever known, giant salvinia. A native of Brazil,giant salvinia is a floating, rootless fern that can double itscoverage area in less than a week. The invasive plant,first discovered in a small pond near Houston in 1998,has been reported in 17 Texas lakes, including some ofthe states most popular recreational water bodies: ToledoBend, Sam Rayburn, Caddo Lake, Sheldon Lake, LakeTexana and Lake Conroe. Left unchecked, giantsalvinia can choke off boating and fishing access toan entire lake, clog power plant water intakes, anddisplace beneficial native plants needed by fish.

    Not only is giant salvinia endangering the ecol-ogy of our Texas lakes, its threatening the econo-mies of lakeside communities that depend on fish-

    ing, boating, and tourism, said Carter Smith, TPWD ex-ecutive director. The truth is most invasive species can-not be eradicated; we can only hope to slow their spreador prevent their arrival, said Peter Holt, TPW Commissionchairman.

    With the arrival of the spring outdoor recreation season,TPWD is launching a campaign to educate the publicabout ways to identify, report and stop giant salvinia,which is usually spread unknowingly by people moving

    their boats from lake to lake. It onlytakes one little tiny section of a plant tostart a new infestation, said HowardElder, an aquatic vegetation control ex-

    pert in TPWDs Inland Fisheries Divi-sion. Transporting giant salvinia is pro-hibited by state law. Because it grows so

    fast, mechanical methods to remove the plant are imprac-tical and the use of herbicides amounts to a costly, after-the-fact control measure. No one has enough money tofix the problem once this plant gets established, Eldersaid. What we can do:

    Learn to identify and report giant salvinia and otherinvasive aquatic species.

    Clean your boat, jet ski, trailer and gear and placeplant material in a trash can before leaving a boat ramparea.

    If you see giant salvinia, report it at giantsalvinia or 409.384.9965.

    Learn more online at Texas Parks & Wildlife

    Clean Air Act UpdateA group of concerned citizens of San Antonio met in

    early April at the Federal Building for a press conferencefollowed by a meeting with Stephanie Smith from the of-fice of Rep. Charlie Gonzalez. Besides Public Citizen

    (from Austin) and Energia Mia, the Sierra Club, and ourown Audubon Society there were 2 students from aUTSA environmental group that expressed concern aboutthe numerous House bills that are being proposed to ei-ther admonish EPA for the recent use of the Clean AirAct or to modify the Act directly. The United States fed-

    eral government has enacted a series of cleanair acts, beginning with the Air Pollution ControlAct of 1955, and followed by the Clean Air Act of1963, the Air Quality Act of 1967, the Clean AirAct Extension of 1970, and Clean Air ActAmendments in 1977 and 1990.The current at-tempt to amend the Clean Air Act are all spon-sored by certain Republicans in the House of

    Representatives. HR 391 is the largest out of seven filedand has 153 co-sponsors, according to the Thomas websearch program.

    All agreed in our hour long talk that Mr. Gonzalez hasbeen a worthy carrier of environmental concerns as heserves on the subcommittee forEnergy and the Environ-ment. In 2009 he received a 100% ranking by the Leagueof Conservation Voters. The year before it was 74% sowe were especially encouraged and Ms. Smith (the Spe-cial Project Manager) was quite appreciative of the gen-eral tone of the meeting.

    If you, too, are interested in Mr. Gonzalez and his

    worthwhile environmental concerns, feel free to leave hima message either by phone at 210.472.6195 or on theweb site at

    Try the following link for a Flying WILD activity: Read more about Flying WILD on page 4.

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    Page 4 Bexar TracksMay-July 2010

    Mitchell Lake Audubon Center

    About Mitchell LakeJust south of downtownSan Antonio, MitchellLake Audubon Center islocated on a 1200-acrenatural area. This uniqueand beautiful bird havenconsists of the 600-acreMitchell Lake, 215 acresof wetlands and pondsand 385 acres of uplandhabitat. Audubon Texashas partnered with theSan Antonio Water Sys-tem (SAWS) to showcasethis wonderful naturalarea and welcomes na-

    ture enthusiasts, school-children and families.

    MLAC programs held onSaturdays unless other-wise noted. Limitedspace, RSVP required formany programs. Someprograms have fees. Info/RSVP: [email protected], 210.628.1639.

    Green program. Free, spacelimited, RSVP required.

    Starry, Starry NightJune 19, 8:3010:30 PM Astronomy Nightwith theSan Antonio AstronomicalAssociation. An evening ofstar gazing and astron-omy. Bring chairs and blan-kets! Free.

    Mitchell Lake

    Audubon Center10750 Pleasanton Rd.

    San Antonio TX 78221


    Susan Albert

    Center Director

    some to loan. Dress for abird walk: long pants, dullcolors, walking shoes, & ahat. $5/non-members; freefor members.

    San Antonio Road Run-ners Bird Lovers 10KMonday, May 31, 8 AMThe fourth annual fun runat Mitchell Lake sponsoredby the San Antonio RoadRunners! Come and enjoyrunning at our site. SARRhas a 5K and 10K route.

    JuneTogetherGreen Commu-nity Gardening DayJune 5, 9 AMNoonGet MLAC Native PlantGardens ready for thegrowing season. Help uswith garden tasks andlearn about these greatnative and drought tolerantplants and how to use yournew skills in your homelandscape. No experiencenecessary. Project fundedthrough Toyota's Together

    MayEthnobotany Plant WalkMay 15, 911:30 AMwith Patty Leslie Pasztor

    Take a walk with Patty tolearn the fascinating historyand uses of many of theunique plants found atMitchell Lake. Many of theplants youll see have beenused for food and medicineand play an important role inour history. Youll be amazed!Program fee: $5/non-members; free for members.

    Basic Birding for Adults

    May 29, 8:3011:30 AMDo you enjoy watching birds& find birds interesting andbeautiful? MLAC DocentsTom & Patsy Inglet sharetools, tips, & techniques foryou to build your birding skills.The class is 1.5 hours of in-struction and 1.5 hours in thefield. Bring binoculars & a birdfield guide; we also have

    Become a Class of 2010

    Flying Wild TeacherFlying WILD makes it easy for teachers to educate their students about birds and their conser-

    vation. Hundreds of teachers in the San Antonio region will be trained in the Flying WILD curricu-lum that engages children in bird conservation and gets kids outdoors!

    Are you a classroom teacher or environmental educator?

    Do you work or volunteer for a locally based organization or group? Do you facilitate other EE training programs?

    Become a Flying WILD Teacher! Help educators reconnect city kids with nature and build science and literacy skillsthrough birds. Choose from these two upcoming training sessions, in May or June:

    May 25, 9 AM4 PM Required Basic Training May 26, 9 AM12 Noon Supplemental TrainingCibolo Nature Center Pavilion, Boerne, TX

    June 9 and 10, 9 AM12 Noon Eisenhower Park PavilionWorkshop registration, contact Mary Kennedy at [email protected] (or [email protected] for CNC work-

    shop). Formal and non-formal educators will be trained in bird education with the Flying WILD program. Flying WILDprovides interdisciplinary activities and environmental education for educators to help middle school students excelacademically with a program that engages students in real inquiry, and meets national science standards. Flying WILDmaterials provides interactive, interdisciplinary, standards-based activities to help students understand the importanceof migratory birds and their conservation. ***Activities are grouped as teacher-led, student-led, or volunteer-led.

    Teacher workshops: Teachers learn how to conduct WILD lessons, participate in hands-on activities from the activityguide which teaches basic biology, identification and ecology, and bird conservation service learning activities.***Participants receive great ideas as well as the curriculum guide to take back to their school or organization.

    Flying WILD is a program of the Council for Environmental Education.

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    Community Events

    MayWildlife Field Research EventMonday-Saturday, May 3-8CNC Park; free. Registration required.Info/register, call 830.249.8240. Be-come a citizen scientist! Interested inmammals, insects, reptiles, birds,grasses, trees, fishes or aquatic inver-tebrates? Volunteers receive trainingand hands-on experience doing sur-veys that monitor our land stewardshippractices.

    Kids Club: Stop Buggin Me!May 8CNC Backporch. Donations accepted;for kids from 3-103. No drop offs.Ever wonder why bugs bug us somuch? Lets take a closer look at bugsand get to know these little guys better.

    2nd Saturday Volunteer WorkdayMay 8, 9 AM-NoonCNC Park. Bring family and friends tospend the morning pulling weeds, pick-ing up trash and other to-do projects to

    help keep the CNC beautiful.

    Art in the ParkMay 15, 10 AM2 PMCNC Park; free. Cibolo Arts Counciland CNC bring you this family event forexpressing creativity inspired by nature.School-aged children and adults worktogether on art activities such as bead-ing, flower pot painting, outdoor pho-tography, water colors and more. Pro-fessional and student artists will behere demonstrating their talents. Chil-dren and adults create together. Nodrop-offs please. BAS & SAAS willhave a Flying WILD station and par-ticipants will be making a mural onbutcher paper on the wall of the backporch of the view of the birds at thefeeding station.

    Rainwater Harvest WorkshopMay 15, 9 AMNoonRepeated June 12, July 10

    CNC auditorium and visit to Kight in-stallation. Pre-registration required; fee.Limited to 30. John Kight, engineer andrainwater catchment owner, gives thelatest technological information andpractical advice. Learn about designand materials from someone who hasdone it himself! The Kight home with nowell or outside water source is in a tra-ditional development.

    Boerne Birders/Kiehl Park

    May 15, 810 AMDonations welcome. Info: contact [email protected] or Del-mar at 830.230.5551. Meet at KiehlPark entrance parking lot. Come birdthis new Kendall County Park on theGuadalupe River, with grassland andextensive wooded river frontage.

    Mother Natures Storytime:Wildlife Babies

    Tuesday, May 18, 1011 AMCNC Visitor Center; donations gladlyaccepted. For children ages 3-5 and

    their caregiver. Our theme this month isnatures littlest ones!

    Sustainable Concept House WorkshopMay 29, 9 AMNoonFee. The Adams family has lived in theSustainable Concept House now forone year and will share their insightson what works/what doesn't in thehome and yard. Program includes in-ground rainwater storage, sub-surfacedrip irrigation and gray water reclama-tion for outdoor watering.

    Second SaturdayBeginners Walks

    Join San Antonio Audubon Soci-ety on the second Saturday of themonth; start at 8 AM, meet at theJudson Nature Trails next to theAlamo Heights swimming pool, onViesca street. More information, call210.342.2073. Newbies Welcome!

    Page 5 Bexar TracksMay-July 2010


    All listings are on Saturdays unless otherwise indicated

    CNC: 140 City Park Dr., Boerne. For more information visit Pre-registration for workshops, 830.249.4616 [email protected].

    Except where noted, workshops/seminars on Saturdays, varying fees.


    15890 Highway 16 SouthSan Antonio TX 78264MRNA located approx. 4 milessouth of Loop 410 on SH 16 South

    Reservations requested for all MRNAevents. Information or RSVP for anyevent in the MRNA call 210.624.2575.

    SECOND SATURDAY PROGRAMSCelebrate Mother EarthMay 8, 911 AMWith Apache del Rio Intertribal or-ganization as they honor the earthwith Native American dancing andstorytelling. Native American kidfriendly craft included.

    SNAKES ALIVE!June 12, 911 AMWith the South Texas HerpetologyAssociation. View up close Texasnative non-venomous and venomoussnakes. Kid friendly snake mobileactivity included.

    Rocks, Minerals and StonesJuly 10, 911 AMWith gemologist Emmett Jackson.Discussion of rock and mineral for-mations. View display of different

    types of minerals and semi-preciousstones. Kid friendly activity of polish-ing rocks and stones.

    www.sanaturalareas.orgSuggested donation for each

    program is $3/person or $5/family


    You Rock! Get Outdoors CampJune 21-25, 8:30--11:30 AMCampers learn about ethnobotany,geological forces of nature, compass

    and natural area inventory tech-niques with nature craft activities in-cluded. You Rock! recommended forpre-teens (4th7th grade). Suggesteddonation for one week of camp is$50. Pre-registration required byJune 4, limited to 15 campers. Lim-ited scholarships are available.For more information or to registerfor this or other summer camps inthe MRNA, call 210.624.2575.

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    Page 6 Bexar TracksMay-July 2010

    First SaturdayNature Walks

    Tree WalkCrownridge Canyon Natural Area7222 Luskey Blvd.May 1, 10 AM12 Noon

    With all the rain and the coolerweather, everything is incredibly greenthis year. The meadow at Crownridgeis covered with wildflowers and thetrees are lush with foliage. Join us onthis Nature Walk that will focus on thetrees of this gem of a Natural Area.See which ones fared well in thedrought and get some ideas for nativeplantings at home!Reservations suggested; hikes occa-sionally change. Call 210.372.9124 [email protected]. Partici-

    pants limited to 15/hike. $2/personsuggested donation.

    Upcoming Walks:June 5 Friedrich Park

    Family walk with craftsJuly 3 Walker Ranch

    Family walk with craftsAug 7 Eisenhower Park

    Family walk with craftsWalks from 10 AM12 Noon. Familywalks with crafts end at 11:30. Infoand reservations at 210.564.6400 or

    email [email protected] May Day

    SPRING WILD FLOWERSMay 1, 911 AMTake a guided walk with Lottie Milsaps, Texaswildflower expert, to view and identify the localwildflowers in the park. Make a kid friendly MayDay Basket of flowers to take home. This eventis located at 12000 NW Military. Bus Shuttleavailable at the (HEB) Alon Shopping Center,just south of Wurzbach Pkwy/NW Military.

    Tails on the TrailsJune 5, 810 AMJoin the Search and RescueDogs, Guide Dogs of Texas,SA Big Dawgs and MilitaryDogs in exploring the waysdogs have helped in the com-munity! You are welcome tobring your dogs to this event; Pets Must BeLeashed and Controlled by Owner. Event at13203 Blanco Rd. entrance, just north of Wurz-bach Pkwy.


    For more information on listings below, visit

    Plants of the CanyonCrownridge Canyon NAJune 12, 10 AM12 NoonJanis Merritt, local native plant ex-pert, will lead a walk focusing onidentification, ethnobotany and poten-tial landscape uses.

    Growing Up WILDEisenhower ParkJuly 10, 10 AM12 NoonThis program targets children ages 3-

    7 and their families with nature games,crafts, hands-on displays and otheractivities.

    Second Saturday program suggesteddonation $3/individual, $5/family.

    Neighborhood BirdsFriedrich Park (note location!!)Friedrich Wilderness Park Classroom21395 Milsa, San Antonio 78256May 8, 10 AM12 NoonDo you enjoy watching the birds out-side the window in your yard squab-bling over a seed, splashing in a pud-dle, or cruising around the flowers?Why are humans so interested inbirds? Explore your interest in birdsand learn the basics of binocular use

    and bird identification. Bring your fam-ily (recommended for children 7 andover) and join Tom and Patsy Ingletfor this great program. Reservationsrecommended, 210.372.9124 [email protected].

    Second Saturday ProgramsCo-sponsored by Bexar Audubon Society and City of San Antonio

    Hardberger Park Events

    Phil Hardberger Park has entrances at 12000 NW Military Hwy. and 13203Blanco Rd. Call for information at 210.624.2575. Donations welcome(donations fund the Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy). See the back pagefor information on the Hardberger Park Grand Opening on May 15th.

    Cowles is just uphill from Laurie Auditorium &between Library and Chapman Graduate Center.Park by Laurie or in lots or on streets to the west.Handicapped parking across from Cowles. Enterfrom Oakmont or Rosewood. Call Patty for addi-tional directions, 210.824.1235 or see additionalmap at




    May BAS Program at Trinity University

    Room 149, Cowles Life Science Building

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    Bexar Audubon Society ContactsPresident: Tony Wood210.867.2363; [email protected] President: Anita Anderson210.533.8726; [email protected]: Caryl Swann210.653.2860; [email protected]: Susan Hughes210.532.2032; [email protected]: Bill Hurley210.823.1023, [email protected]: Greg Pasztor210.824.1235, [email protected] & At-Large: Harry Noyes210.490.3124; [email protected]/Outings: Patty Pasztor210.824.1235; [email protected] Chairperson: Mary [email protected]: Michele Wood210.492.4684, [email protected]

    Page 7 Bexar TracksMay-July 2010

    Earth Share of Texas raises money for environmental and conservation or-ganizations through workplace giving. If your employer participates in suchprograms, please ask them to add Earth Share to your giving options. By des-ignating the Audubon Foundation of Texas (AFT), Bexar Audubon Society canbenefit. BAS receives credit for our support and receives funding annuallyform AFT. For more information, call, email or log on: 800.GREENTX,[email protected],

    Our two years of trials demon-strate that ram sheep, Spanishgoats, Boer goats, and donkeys

    feed enthusiastically onA. donax.Poncho, one of our two donkeys,is thriving after almost two yearsbrowsing and grazing primarilyon river cane. Our goat herd nowcomprises one Billy, four nanniesand three kids. Most have fed oncane for about five months andappear healthy. Two nanniesproduced vigorous kids whilefeeding on cane. Feral dog prob-lems have impeded long termdata on sheep and goats. Wehave built more secure fencing,

    set dog traps, and increased sur-veillance by our volunteers andby Border Patrol agents, who

    have generously helped us withthe experiment.

    One question regards the live-stock carrying capacity of an acreof cane during different seasonsof the year. In recent wintermonths the cane growth rate waslow. Two donkeys and five goatsdecimated one acre of cane in afew weeks and had to be fedsupplemental hay until they couldbe transferred to a new stand ofcane. Now, April 6, 2010 sevengoats and two donkeys are hav-ing difficulty keeping up with canegrowth on the same acre.

    Other questions include: Atwhat stage of development iscane more attractive and palat-

    able to animals? What, if any, supplemental nutri-ents will be required for long-term feeding withcane? How will cane be replaced with native spe-cies?

    Our work suggests one way in which cane maybe controlled to economic advantage, rather than

    by spending large sums of taxpayer money to em-ploy environmentally damaging techniques.

    We wish to honor Susan Porter Smith, environ-mental visionary, science research editor, and artistwho founded Save the Laja, Inc., and to thank theorganization she established for its financial sup-

    port of our river cane project to safely and effec-tively improve habitat along the Rio Grande by lessenvironmentally threatening means. Thanks for Ms.Nelly Hays, LCC Intern, who has worked aboveand beyond the call of duty to keep this project go-ing, and Ms. Penny Warren, RGISC Board Memberand expert birder, for her input. To lend your sup-

    port, contact Dr. Earhart at LCC, Rio Grande Inter-national Study Center, West End Washington St.,Laredo TX 78040.

    Controlling Giant River CaneContinued from page 3

    Recycle a Milk Carton.It's for the Birds!

    Audubon Licensing and Audubon Adventuresare proud to announce the Make Your Own milkcarton birdfeeder promotion in association withStonyfield Farm. Make use of your empty milk

    cartons, reduce waste and help wild birds too!PLUS, kids (with permission from their parents)can submit their creations online from April 1stthrough August 31st.

    Five participants will be selected by Audubon tobe displayed in an on-line art exhibit with theirnames, photos and outstanding milk carton birdfeeders. The five featured participants will beposted on Stonyfield's website and Audubon'swebsite. Visit for details.

    Fall Alamo AreaMaster Naturalist Training ProgramBecome a member of the founding chapter of

    the Texas Master Naturalists. This volunteergroup provides education, outreach and volunteerservice dedicated to the beneficial managementof our regions natural resources and natural ar-eas. Fall training program offers expert speakerson a wide range of subjects. Semester consists

    of ten Thursday lectures beginning Sept. 9


    , plusfour Saturday morning field trips. Tuition $125;scholarships available. Applications/instructions . Applicationsaccepted starting June 1st; deadline August 23rd.

  • 8/9/2019 May-July 2010 Bexar Tracks Bexar Audubon Society


    Bexar Tracks is the official newsletter of the BexarAudubon Society, a Chapter of the National Audu-

    bon Society. The Chapters primary goals are topromote species and habitat conservation andenvironmental education in the community.Your membership includes National Audubon andBexar Audubon and subscriptions to both AudubonandBexar Tracks.

    Membership and Support for Your Environmental Voice in Our Community

    Bexar Audubon welcomes new members to join Audubon through the chapter. This brings 100 percent of the first years dues di-rectly back to support local work. The same applies to gift memberships placed through the chapter. Your additional tax deductibledonation is greatly appreciated. Bexar Audubon receives only a few thousand dollars each year from National Audubon Society asdues share. The rest we must raise ourselves. Your help is needed, and your donations will be put to good use right here in SouthCentral Texas to provide environmental news and education to the community, including the newsletter, programs, San Antonio En-vironmental Network Issues Forum, Second Saturday programs, and other activities you may or may not hear about. Individual intro-ductory memberships are $20; seniors and students join for $15. Please provide the following information for each personal subscrip-tion or gift:

    Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    Mailing Address with Zip Code: _______________________________________________________________________

    Phone w/Area Code: _________________________________ e-mail ________________________________________

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    Bexar Audubon SocietyPO Box 6084San Antonio TX 78209-0084

    Bexar Tracks May-July 2010

    Phil Hardberger Park Grand Opening May 15, 10 AMEvents throughout the day! Family Friendly (even the dog!)

    Phil Hardberger Park at 13203 Blanco Road is bounded by Blanco, Wurzbach Parkway, and NW Military. No publicparking in Hardberger Park on Grand Opening Daytake the shuttle from Churchill HS on Blanco or from Alon (HEB)

    Shopping Center on NW Military. Come on out and enjoy the grand opening of the first phase of this beautiful 311 acrepark. Relax, enjoy the wonder of nature, and have fun!