may update

April in Bloom Dear Friends and Family, Hello Everyone! I am so appreciative for all of your love and support! I have returned home from my trip to Ireland, England and Germany, and it was a blessed time! In Ireland, I spent sometime worshiping and meeting with some folks. It was fun to see the countryside and experience the Irish culture, hopefully I will get a chance to return one day! In England I took part of a Bible project that was quite intense and I think my eyes and mind have finally recovered! While in Germany, I was privileged to spend time with a team establishing a new work in Bad Blankenburg. In the future we may have a science center there! If that is not enough, I have a little more than three weeks to prepare for my next adventure! Before I explain what will be going on there, come with me as we examine a promise that I hold dear to my heart. In the book of Jeremiah, we read that if we ask the Lord, He will show us GREAT and MIGHTY things that we don’t know. This happens to be one of my favorite promises. It constantly amazes me that we have the ability to call upon the living God for answers to our questions! Not only that but He desires to show us GREAT and MIGHTY things! What a mighty God we serve! I encourage you all to seek Him and ask Him to show you some great and mighty things! Next Steps… The ship ministry adventure with YWAM Townsville has been blessed to purchase the second vessel! Join with us as we celebrate God’s faithfulness! This second vessel is the one I have been asked to help install an operational lab and train people. I am preparing to go to Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand during June-July. Originally I thought I would need $4000 to cover my travel and room and board. Unfortunately, I will need $5500, this is because my housing fees are going to be a tad more than anticipated. To date I have about 72% covered, due to a large donation of which was a surprise and huge blessing. Would you please be praying for the remaining funds to come in? I am always amazed by God’s faithfulness and how He continues to be faithful to us! Prayer Requests… Traveling plans for Australia, Papa New Guinea, and New Zealand; finances, and wisdom. I have been buried in papers about tuberculosis and desire to truly hear from the Lord on some creative strategies. I am also writing up a few proposals for a few startup locations. I am needing a ton of discernment and knowledge, not to mention favor. Would you please join in with me as I prepare the ground aboard the ship, in the Dominican Republic (outreach post for Haiti), mobile labs, and a research center for here in Kona. I have a lot going on but I don’t feel consumed or over burdened which I know is due to your prayers, support, love and God’s unfailing grace. Thank you so much! Be sure to check out the following page…I have added some pictures! Love, April Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771 My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it. Bank draft donations are now possible! Please contact me for further information

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Post on 01-May-2017




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Page 1: May Update

April in Bloom

Dear Friends and Family, Hello Everyone! I am so appreciative for all of your love and support! I have returned home from my trip to Ireland, England and Germany, and it was a blessed time! In Ireland, I spent sometime worshiping and meeting with some folks. It was fun to see the countryside and experience the Irish culture, hopefully I will get a chance to return one day! In England I took part of a Bible project that was quite intense and I think my eyes and mind have finally recovered! While in Germany, I was privileged to spend time with a team establishing a new work in Bad Blankenburg. In the future we may have a science center there! If that is not enough, I have a little more than three weeks to prepare for my next adventure! Before I explain what will be going on there, come with me as we examine a promise that I hold dear to my heart. In the book of Jeremiah, we read that if we ask the Lord, He will show us GREAT and MIGHTY things that we don’t know. This happens to be one of my favorite promises. It constantly amazes me that we have the ability to call upon the living God for answers to our questions! Not only that but He desires to show us GREAT and MIGHTY things! What a mighty God we serve! I encourage you all to seek Him and ask Him to show you some great and mighty things! Next Steps… The ship ministry adventure with YWAM Townsville has been blessed to purchase the second vessel! Join with us as we celebrate God’s faithfulness! This second vessel is the one I have been asked to help install an operational lab and train people. I am preparing to go to Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand during June-July. Originally I thought I would need $4000 to cover my travel and room and board. Unfortunately, I will need $5500, this is because my housing fees are going to be a tad more than anticipated. To date I have about 72% covered, due to a large donation of which was a surprise and huge blessing. Would you please be praying for the remaining funds to come in? I am always amazed by God’s faithfulness and how He continues to be faithful to us! Prayer Requests… Traveling plans for Australia, Papa New Guinea, and New Zealand; finances, and wisdom. I have been buried in papers about tuberculosis and desire to truly hear from the Lord on some creative strategies. I am also writing up a few proposals for a few startup locations. I am needing a ton of discernment and knowledge, not to mention favor. Would you please join in with me as I prepare the ground aboard the ship, in the Dominican Republic (outreach post for Haiti), mobile labs, and a research center for here in Kona. I have a lot going on but I don’t feel consumed or over burdened which I know is due to your prayers, support, love and God’s unfailing grace. Thank you so much! Be sure to check out the following page…I have added some pictures! Love, April J

Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771 My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it. Bank draft donations are now possible! Please contact me for further information ☺

Page 2: May Update

Kylemore  Abbey  (Castle  and  gardens)  in  Connemara,  Ireland    I  spent  an  a8ernoon  exploring  here  J  

Somewhere  along  a  winding  road  in    Ireland…it  was  such  a  blessing  to  see    the  rolling  hills  and  sheep!  

The  infamous  clock  tower  where  we  did  our  research  project…lovely  sunset  here  in  Harpenden,  England!  

Me  and  Suse  in  Bad  Blankenburg!