
MB0039– Business Communication Assignment Set- 1 Q.1 Describe any situation in your experience where the communication went wrong. Analyze the situation by pointing out the type of barrier to communication and suggest how to overcome this barrier. Ans. Situation where Communication was a failure to me: As an Associate Manager, I was a sender for a communication and intended to be received by my executives. I have sent the following communication to my executives through a notice and displayed on the notice board: “Coming Second Saturday to complete our targets for the month a review meeting is arranged and all should attend. If any executive is not able to attend should find out the contents of the meeting from their peers without fail”. But my communication went wrong and out of 10 executives, only three executives have attended at 4.00 PM who checked-in with me the time of the meeting. Following were the barriers of communication which stood in the way of my communication: The “Channel” I have chosen communication by “Receivers” did not ensure the receipt of the The communication lacked the “Chronological context” The second Saturday being a non working day. The communication has created a “Psychological noise” by not mentioning correct time of the meeting and confusion has been created. The “social context” also is one of the cause for the failure of the communication as I have not taken all my executives into 1

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Page 1: MB0039

MB0039– Business Communication

Assignment Set- 1

Q.1 Describe any situation in your experience where the communication went wrong.

Analyze the situation by pointing out the type of barrier to communication and suggest

how to overcome this barrier.

Ans. Situation where Communication was a failure to me: As an Associate Manager, I was a

sender for a communication and intended to be received by my executives. I have sent the

following communication to my executives through a notice and displayed on the notice

board: “Coming Second Saturday to complete our targets for the month a review meeting is

arranged and all should attend. If any executive is not able to attend should find out the

contents of the meeting from their peers without fail”. But my communication went wrong

and out of 10 executives, only three executives have attended at 4.00 PM who checked-in

with me the time of the meeting. Following were the barriers of communication which stood

in the way of my communication: The “Channel” I have chosen communication by

“Receivers” did not ensure the receipt of the

The communication lacked the “Chronological context” The second Saturday being a non

working day. The communication has created a “Psychological noise” by not mentioning

correct time of the meeting and confusion has been created. The “social context” also is one

of the cause for the failure of the communication as I have not taken all my executives into

confident by giving any advance information or a intention of the meeting earlier.

Lessons learnt in order to overcome these barriers of communication: My communication

was unclear by not giving exact time of meeting. The media I have used is the placing the

notice on the notice board, instead had I circulated to all the receivers and obtained their

signatures by asking their availability or feedback my communication would not have failed.

I have chosen a wrong day a holiday though the task was a routine one.

I could have maintained good relations with my executives for success of my communication.

Overcome the communication barriers

When you send a message, you intend to communicate meaning, but the message itself

doesn’t contain meaning. The meaning exists in your mind and in the mind of your receiver.


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To understand one another, you and your receiver must share similar meanings for words,

gestures, tone of voice, and other symbols.

1. Differences in perception

The world constantly bombards us with information: sights, sounds, scents, and so on. Our

minds organize this stream of sensation into a mental map that represents our perception or

reality. In no case is the perception of a certain person the same as the world itself, and no

two maps are identical. As you view the world, your mind absorbs your experiences in a

unique and personal way. Because your perceptions are unique, the ideas you want to express

differ from other people’s Even when two people have experienced the same event, their

mental images of that event will not be identical. As senders, we choose the details that seem

important and focus our attention on the most relevant and general, a process known as

selective perception. As receivers, we try to fit new details into our existing pattern. If a detail

doesn’t quite fit, we are inclined to distort the information rather than rearrange the pattern.

2. Incorrect filtering

Filtering is screening out before a message is passed on to someone else. In business, the

filters between you and your receiver are many; secretaries, assistants, receptionists,

answering machines, etc. Those same gatekeepers may also ‘translate’ your receiver’s ideas

and responses before passing them on to you. To overcome filtering barriers, try to establish

more than one communication channel, eliminate as many intermediaries as possible, and

decrease distortion by condensing message information to the bare essentials.

3. Language problems

When you choose the words for your message, you signal that you are a member of a

particular culture or subculture and that you know the code. The nature of your code imposes

its own barriers on your message. Barriers also exist because words can be interpreted in

more than one way. Language is an arbitrary code that depends on shared definitions, but

there’s a limit to how completely any of us share the same meaning for a given word. To

overcome language barriers, use the most specific and accurate words possible. Always try to

use words your audience will understand. Increase the accuracy of your messages by using

language that describes rather than evaluates and by presenting observable facts, events, and


4. Poor listening


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Perhaps the most common barrier to reception is simply a lack of attention on the receiver’s

part. We all let our minds wander now and then, regardless of how hard we try to concentrate.

People are essentially likely to drift off when they are forced to listen to information that is

difficult to understand or that has little direct bearing on their own lives. Too few of us

simply do not listen well! To overcome barriers, paraphrase what you have understood, try to

view the situation through the eyes of other speakers and resist jumping to conclusions.

Clarify meaning by asking non-threatening questions, and listen without interrupting.

5. Differing emotional states

Every message contains both a content meaning, which deals with the subject of the message,

and a relationship meaning, which suggests the nature of the interaction between sender and

receiver. Communication can break down when the receiver reacts negatively to either of

these meanings. You may have to deal with people when they are upset or when you are. An

upset person tends to ignore or distort what the other person is saying and is often unable to

present feelings and ideas effectively. This is not to say that you should avoid all

communication when you are emotionally involved, but you should be alert to the greater

potential for misunderstanding that accompanies aroused emotions. To overcome emotional

barriers, be aware of the feelings that arise in your self and in others as you communicate,

and attempt to control them. Most important, be alert to the greater potential for

misunderstanding that accompanies emotional messages.

6. Differing backgrounds

Differences in background can be one of the hardest communication barriers to overcome.

Age, education, gender, social status, economic position, cultural background, temperament,

health, beauty, popularity, religion, political belief, even a passing mood can all separate one

person from another and make understanding difficult. To overcome the barriers associated

with differing backgrounds, avoid projecting your own background or culture onto others.

Clarify your own and understand the background of others, spheres of knowledge,

personalities and perceptions and don’t assume that certain behaviors mean the same thing to


Q.2 Describe any two aspects of non verbal communication and give examples of how

each of them could be used to convey positive messages at the workplace.

Ans. Knowledge of non-verbal communication is important managers who serve as leaders


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of organizational "teams," for at least two reasons:

To function effectively as a team leader the manager must interact with the other members

successfully. Non-verbal cues, when interpreted correctly, provide him with one means to do


The team members project attitudes and feelings through non-verbal communication. Some

personal needs such as approval, growth, achievement, and recognition may be met in

effective teams. The extent to which these needs are met is closely related to how perceptive

the team leader and team members are to non-verbal communication in themselves and in

others on the team.

If the team members show a true awareness to non-verbal cues, the organization will have a

better chance to succeed, for it will be an open, honest, and confronting unit. Argyle and his

associates have been studying the features of nonverbal communication that provide

information to managers and their team members. The following summarizes their findings:

Static Features


Distance. The distance one stands from another frequently conveys a non-verbal message. In

some cultures it is a sign of attraction, while in others it may reflect status or the intensity of

the exchange.

Orientation. People may present themselves in various ways: face-to-face, side-to-side, or

even back-to-back. For example, cooperating people are likely to sit side-by-side while

competitors frequently face one another.

Posture. Obviously one can be lying down, seated, or standing. These are not the elements of

posture that convey messages. Are we slouched or erect ? Are our legs crossed or our arms

folded ? Such postures convey a degree of formality and the degree of relaxation in the

communication exchange.

Physical Contact. Shaking hands, touching, holding, embracing, pushing, or patting on the

back all convey messages. They reflect an element of intimacy or a feeling of (or lack of)


Dynamic Features

Facial Expressions.


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Facial Expressions. A smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information.

Facial expressions continually change during interaction and are monitored constantly by the

recipient. There is evidence that the meaning of these expressions may be similar across


Gestures. One of the most frequently observed, but least understood, cues is a hand

movement. Most people use hand movements regularly when talking. While some gestures

(e.g., a clenched fist) have universal meanings, most of the others are individually learned

and idiosyncratic.

Looking. A major feature of social communication is eye contact. It can convey emotion,

signal when to talk or finish, or aversion. The frequency of contact may suggest either

interest or boredom.

The above list shows that both static features and dynamic features transmit important

information from the sender to the receiver.

Tortoriello, Blott, and DeWine have defined non-verbal communication as:

. . the exchange of messages primarily through non-linguistic means, including: kinesics

(body language), facial expressions and eye contact, tactile communication, space and

territory, environment, paralanguage (vocal but non-linguistic cues), and the use of silence

and time."

Let's review these non-linguistic ways of exchanging messages in more detail.


Lamb believes the best way to access an executive's managerial potential is not to listen to

what he has to say, but to observe what he does when he is saying it. He calls this new

behavioral science "movement analysis." Some of the movements and gestures he has

analyzed follow:

Forward and Backward Movements. If you extend a hand straight forward during an

interview or tend to lean forward, Lamb considers you to be an "operator"- good for an

organization requiring an infusion of energy or dramatic change of course.

Vertical Movements. If you tend to draw yourself up to your tallest during the handshake,

Lamb considers you to be a "presenter." You are a master at selling yourself or the

organization in which you are employed.


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Side-to-Side Movements. If you take a lot of space while talking by moving your arms about,

you are a good informer and good listener. You are best suited for an organization seeking a

better sense of direction. Lamb believes there is a relationship between positioning of the

body and movements of the limbs and facial expressions. He has observed harmony between

the two. On the other hand, if certain gestures are rehearsed, such as those made to impress

others, there is a tendency to separate the posture and the movements. The harmony


Studies by Lamb also indicate that communication comes about through our degree of body

flexibility. If you begin a movement with considerable force and then decelerate, you are

considered a "gentle-touch." By contrast, if you are a "pressurizer," you are firm from

beginning to end. The accuracy of Lamb's analyses is not fully known. However, it is

important that corporation executives are becoming so sensitive to the importance of non-

verbal messages that they are hiring consultants, such as Lamb, to analyze non-verbal

communications in their organizations.

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions usually communicate emotions. The expressions tell the attitudes of the

communicator. Researchers have discovered that certain facial areas reveal our emotional

state better than others. For example, the eyes tend to reveal happiness or sadness, and even

surprise. The lower face also can reveal happiness or surprise; the smile, for example, can

communicate friendliness and cooperation. The lower face, brows, and forehead can also

reveal anger. Mehrabian believes verbal cues provide 7 percent of the meaning of the

message; vocal cues, 38 percent; and facial expressions, 55 percent. This means that, as the

receiver of a message, you can rely heavily on the facial expressions of the sender because

his expressions are a better indicator of the meaning behind the message than his words.

Eye Contact

Eye contact is a direct and powerful form of non-verbal communication. The superior in the

organization generally maintains eye contact longer than the subordinate. The direct stare of

the sender of the message conveys candor and openness. It elicits a feeling of trust.

Downward glances are generally associated with modesty. Eyes rolled upward are associated

with fatigue.

Tactile Communication

Communication through touch is obviously non-verbal. Used properly it can create a more


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direct message than dozens of words; used improperly it can build barriers and cause

mistrust. You can easily invade someone's space through this type of communication. If it is

used reciprocally, it indicates solidarity; if not used reciprocally, it tends to indicate

differences in status. Touch not only facilitates the sending of the message, but the emotional

impact of the message as well.

Personal Space

Personal space is your "bubble" - the space you place between yourself and others. This

invisible boundary becomes apparent only when someone bumps or tries to enter your


How you identify your personal space and use the environment in which you find yourself

influences your ability to send or receive messages. How close do you stand to the one with

whom you are communicating ? Where do you sit in the room ? How do you position

yourself with respect to others at a meeting ? All of these things affect your level of comfort,

and the level of comfort of those receiving your message.

Goldhaber says there are three basic principles that summarize the use of personal space in an

organization: The higher your position (status) in the organization,

(a) the more and better space you will have,

(b) the better protected your territory will be, and

(c) the easier it will be to invade the territory of lower-status personnel.

The impact of use of space on the communication process is related directly to the

environment in which the space is maintained.

Q3. which types of listening would be required the most at the workplace? Explain with

suitable examples.

Ans. Effectively listening in the workplace is a form of non-verbal communication. Clichéd,

as it may sound, silence speaks more than words. When you make a conscious decision to

listen to somebody, you do it with full, undivided attention. Your complete attention and

concentration, towards the speaker's subject, communicates your concern to the speaker. In

this way, effectively listening in the workplace, serves as a non-verbal communication tool.

Corporate organizations are demanding and challenging. Most of us cope up with the


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pressures, however, it is always a listening ear, that provides us with motivation, care and

concern to carry on. Read more about employee motivation.

Developing effective listening in the workplace through effective listening activities, is a way

of fortifying emotional intelligence at work. This works with the logic of 'a friend in need, is

a friend indeed'. If your employees can establish strong relations with each other, it's going to

benefit your organization. Those of you, who think that your employees may conspire if they

mingle too much, then let me tell you, boss, you are wrong!! Hearing out one another,

working together, sharing load, being a helping hand and walking the extra mile, will go a

long way in making your organization successful. Read more on emotional intelligence.

There are many factors to effective listening strategies. However, focusing with clarity is the

important of all. I hope these effects of effective listening in the workplace and effective

listening techniques, help you in building a reliable workforce.

Work days are longer, the pace of life is faster, and there's an endless contest for our

attention. In an environment full of deadlines, cell phones, e-mail and other distractions,

focusing long enough to listen to another human being can be a challenge.

But in a tight labor market, you can't afford to alienate the people you spent so much time and

money to hire. Employees are more willing to share their ideas if they know you're really

listening. Being a good listener not only helps boost morale but also helps you learn more

about what motivates your staff and how you can get the best work from them.

Active listening prevents miscommunication, improves customer service and increases your

effectiveness as a leader. "Bosses, in particular, find power in effective listening," says Jamie

Martindale, a psychology professor with the ITT Tech Institute in Indianapolis. "You don't

need to give in as much on projects, parameters, deadlines and so forth when employees feel

you understand them."

The secret lies in using the Chinese characters that make up the verb "to listen": ears, eyes,

undivided attention and heart.


Indiana's Chief Deputy Building Commissioner Bill Franklin has a reputation for being an

excellent listener. When the writer for this article contacted the building commissioner's

department, she didn't have a contact name to request, only the description "a manager who

implemented better listening skills." The receptionist immediately said, "You must mean Bill


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Franklin. He's the best listener I've ever worked with."

Franklin started developing his listening skills when a manager from the elevator and

amusement safety division came to his office at wit's end. He requested Franklin to facilitate

a team within his division because "they just don't listen to me."

To do this, Franklin decided to become a better listener himself. So he attended an eight-hour

training course that emphasized reflective listening, and returned to his offices to set an


The results show on several fronts. One noteworthy example: In 1999 after four years of

absorbing an active listening culture, a division team was given 40 days to conduct a plan

review. The employees accomplished the task in seven days.

From Franklin's point of view, understanding employees' latent feelings means his staff now

spends extra time working to understand the core issues before striving to solve problems.

Once they are able to hear each other's positions, they can better formulate solutions that meet

the needs of the team.

Q.4 Imagine that you have to make a presentation on your MBA project to a group of

your professors and industry experts. Prepare the following – a) A general statement of

purpose b) A specific statement of purpose c) The key idea d) A brief audience analysis

e) Delivery style.

Ans. Whatever planning tool an entrepreneur uses, it must as a minimum reflect the way in

which entrepreneurs develop and exploit opportunities (effectual approach). This means that

the planning process should build momentium towards launch and not bog it down in the

details that are more important later in the enterprise development.

Entrepreneurs want a planning tool that helps them create, conceptualize and clarify the idea

for themselves firstly so that they can then passionately communicate it to key stakeholders.

The planning should be less about controlling existing worlds and more about creating new

ones. It needs to accommodate the entrepreneur's ambiguity, sixth-sense and hunches with a

work towards goals and objectives at a much later time in the process. It must enhance the

entrepreneur's win-win story. The plan should be directed to the critical factors of success and

be strategic rather than operational in focus. It should be detailed on the things that matter

(steps to launch & plans to sustainability) whilst applying a broad brush to most everything


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else. It must believe that recourses are more likely to follow a great team with an ordinary

idea than a great idea with an ordinary team.

a) A general Statement of Purpose: I want to be research marketing and an academic for

sales industry. I would like to specialize in formal methods and various steps. For these

reasons, I would like to get a MBA in one of these fields. Formal Methods Research

Experience: Because I want to get my MBA in formal verification, I have spent the last two

years doing projects and research, and expanding my knowledge through seminars and book

club meetings on this subject. I carried out this work under the supervision of Prof. Sudar

Shrivastava, and as a member of his research team. As a result, I have extensive exposure to

and hands-on experience in formal methods.

b) A specific Statement of the purpose: The main specific statement of the purpose behind

this project report is to believe in myself and in what I thought is good for the company. I will

take a pro-active approach with the initiative approach and play a leadership role in

motivating people and executing the project to completion. A good manager is one who can

figure out where the problem lies, deal with it effectively by involving all the members of the

company and improve the overall culture of the company. The fact that I would be able to

pull off this task alone has boosted my confidence in my abilities.

C) The Key Idea: it's difficult to start describing things in a structured, top-to-bottom,

complete way from the beginning, unless it’s a small project or you are a genius. Picasso

once said I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else.

I will begin with explanation of general idea, business model, inspirational graphic concept,

description of some behavior requirements, pages of website or interfaces of software product

or even defining some domain-specific entities. The way in which it’s easier to start depends

on the project and information available, or on the way of thinking of people engaged in the

process. In any case the key idea is to begin moving in an easy way without creating huge,

detailed things which are expected to be final from the beginning, but rather starting with any

known elements and reshaping or changing them as the time goes, to finally get smooth,

clear, structured, sufficient and up-to-date documentation.

d) A brief audience analysis: Evaluation of financial results might include a break-even

analysis of each campaign. A market share analysis (before and after) would serve to

document marketing success. Client satisfaction surveys will help in evaluating the quality of

products and services. Input from associates, perhaps through an advisory board, could


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provide valuable insight to help improve quality and efficiency. Systems should be developed

to monitor the success of the plan and determine if modifications are necessary. Such systems

include methods of measuring and evaluating results and obtaining feedback from clients and

employees. Too often marketing campaigns are blindly repeated year-after-year without any

idea as to whether or not they have worked. Don't fall into that trap. A written analysis will

help you to clarify your company's situation and develop appropriate strategies. A good

method is a "S.W.O.T." analysis to identify your company's Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT method can be viewed as a matrix as shown below.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors.

Obviously, we have more control over internal factors than external factors. Yet we must be

aware of the external factors in order to develop effective strategies. A sample outline of a

situational analysis for a tax preparation firm appears below. Strengths can usually be

translated into opportunities. Opportunities to eliminate or counter weaknesses also exist.

Weaknesses and threats can sometimes be turned into opportunities. Each item listed should

be explained in writing for the benefit of all interested parties.

e) Delivery Style: An oral presentation consisting of 15-20 PowerPoints that details the new

venture's business model - i.e the opportunity and the plans to exploite it. An entrepreneurial

prospectus that provides the key details relating to the venture - including sections on

preliminaries, the opportunity, the concept outline, the business model, an executive

summary, launch action plans with an accompanying deal sheet if required. 20+ start-point

worksheeets that analyise, clarify and inform the two presentations detailed above. These

worksheets should follow the entrepreneurial development thinking being - Need - Idea -

Opportunity - Business Concept - Business Model - Entrepreneurial Strategic Action Plan.

These worksheets are only for internal use but will prove handy as external stakeholders

probe for analysis and answers. (interrogate)

Q5. In your opinion, does the success of a meeting depend more on the chairperson or

the participants? Justify your answer.

Ans. The success of every meeting depends on the co-operation and support the chairperson

receives from the participants. The chairperson should thus be fully aware of people's

attitudes to meetings. Meetings are an everyday occurrence at schools. List the reasons why

you think some people regard meetings as a waste of time. The Chairperson is responsible for


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ensuring that meetings are run effectively and efficiently. The chair must consider both the

task functions of the group, i.e., the actions and decisions that are critical to achieve, and the

maintenance functions – the relationships, welfare and harmony of the group. Both functions

are important and will affect the organization’s success. The chair has the lead role in

planning, preparing, implementing and evaluating meetings and is responsible for starting

and ending on time and involving members in the decisions and discussions

Amongst the many reasons people have for not liking meetings, the following have been

found to be the most common:

Poor leadership: The leader does not keep the discussion on the subject and so fails to keep

things moving in the appropriate direction and to engage in those aspects of the discussion

that are stimulating and motivating to the members.

Goals are unclear: Members are not really sure what they are trying to accomplish.

Lack of commitment: Assignments are not taken seriously by committee members.

No clear focus: For example, 'What are we supposed to be doing today?'

Recommendations ignored: Management needs to be responsive to the recommendations of a


Inconclusive discussion: Problems are discussed but no conclusions are reached or decisions


Lack of follow-through: Members are not given assignments.

Domination: Often one person or clique dominates a meeting, talking and pushing for their

positions while others wonder why they are there.

Lack of preparation: The agenda is not prepared and materials that really need to be there are

not available. Someone has not done his or her homework.

Hidden agendas: Some participants may have personal axes to grind, promoting discussions

that only they think are important.

Q6. How do memos differ from other written communication channels? Give examples

of two business situations that would require either an informational or a persuasive



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Ans. A Memo is for inner communication. You would send a memo to your work colegues or

fellow students/professors from the same school. A memorandum or memo is a document or

other communication that aids the memory by recording events or observations on a topic,

such as may be used in a business office. The plural form is either memoranda or

memorandums. A memorandum may have any format, or it may have a format specific to an

office or institution. In law specifically, a memorandum is a record of the terms of a

transaction or contract, such as a policy memo, memorandum of understanding,

memorandum of agreement, or memorandum of association. Alternative formats include

memos, briefing notes, reports, letters or binders. They could be one page long or many. If

the user is a cabinet minister or a senior executive, the format might be rigidly defined and

limited to one or two pages. If the user is a colleague, the format is usually much more

flexible. At its most basic level, a memorandum can be a handwritten note to one's


As the communication mechanism of the policy analysis process, the briefing note should

provide a coherent synopsis of a policy problem, identify different policy options for

addressing the problem, articulate opposing perspectives and advocate a recommended

option. The typical structure for a briefing note includes: a description of the proposed policy;

relevant background information; a discussion of key considerations (including

implementation concerns, financial considerations, stakeholder impacts, and possible

unanticipated consequences), a summary of arguments for and against the policy and a

recommended decision. There is no universal standard for a briefing note, but it is generally

understood to be a concise, coherent summary of a public policy problem with a clearly

articulated logic for following a recommended course of action. ”Next to a political nose, and

a logical brain, the most important skill of the good treasury [person] resides in [their] fine

drafting hand. The concise, coherent and penetrating note is the final expression of all other



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MB0039– Business Communication

Assignment Set- 2

Q1. What are some of the relative advantages and disadvantages of email, as compared

to other written communication channels? Suggest two ways to overcome the

disadvantages of email communication.

Ans. The abbreviated form of an Electronic mail is 'E-mail'. E-mail is a system of creating,

sending and storing textual data in digital form over a network. Earlier, the e-mail system was

based on Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mechanism, a protocol used in sending the

e-mails from one server to another. Today's e-mail technology uses the store-and-forward

model. In this model, the users sends and receives information on their own computer

terminal. However, the computer is used only for connecting to the e-mail architecture. The

creation, transmission and storage of e-mail takes place, only when the connection with this

e-mail architecture is established.

E-mail is one of the many technological developments that has influenced our lives. It has

changed the medium of communication. So, it becomes necessary for us to check out the

benefits and harmful effects of this popular tool used on the Internet.

Advantages of Email

The benefits of e-mail are huge in number.

Easy to use: E-mail frees us from the tedious task of managing data of daily use. It helps us to

manage our contacts, send mails quickly, maintain our mail history, store the required

information, etc.

Speed: The e-mail is delivered instantly, anywhere across the globe. No other service

matches the e-mail in terms of speed.

Easy to prioritize: Since the mails have subject lines, it is easy to prioritize them and ignore

unwanted mails.

Reliable and secure: Constant efforts are being taken to improve the security in electronic

mails. Thus making it one of the secured ways of communication.

Informal and conversational: The language used in e-mails is generally simple and thus


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makes the communication informal. Sending and receiving e-mails takes less time, so it can

be used as a tool for interaction.

Easier for reference: When one needs to reply to a mail, there is a provision in the mailing

system to attach the previous mails as references. This refreshes the recipient's knowledge, on

what he is reading.

Automated e-mails: It is possible to send automated e-mails using special programs like the

auto responders. The auto responders reply back to the sender with generalized pre-written

text messages.

Environment friendly: Postal mails use paper as a medium to send letters. Electronic mail

thus, saves a lot of trees from being axed. It also saves fuel needed in transportation.

Use of graphics: Colorful greeting cards and interesting pictures can be sent through e-mails.

This adds value to the e-mail service.

Advertising tool: Many individuals and companies are using e-mails to advertise their

products, services, etc.

Disadvantages of Email

The e-mails, though beneficial in our day-to-day life, has got its own drawbacks that are

offlate coming to the fore.

Viruses: These are computer programs having the potential to harm a computer system.

These programs copy themselves and further infect the computer. The recipient needs to scan

the mails, as viruses are transmitted through them and have the potential to harm computer


Spam: E-mails when used to send unsolicited messages and unwanted advertisements create

nuisance and is termed as Spam. Checking and deleting these unwanted mails can

unnecessarily consume a lot of time, and it has become necessary to block or filter the

unwanted e-mails by means of spam filters. Spamming includes, sending hoax e-mails. E-

mail spoofing is another common practice, used for spamming. Spoofing involves deceiving

the recipient by altering the e-mail headers or the addresses from which the mail is sent.

Hacking: The act of breaking into computer security is termed as hacking. After the e-mail is

sent and before it is received by the desired recipient, it "bounces" between servers located in

different parts of the world. Hence, the e-mail can be hacked by a professional hacker.


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Misinterpretation: One has to be careful while posting any kind of content through an e-mail.

If typed in a hurry, the matter could be misinterpreted.

Lengthy mails: If the mail is too long and not properly presented the reader may lose interest

in reading it.

Not suitable for business: Since the content posted via e-mails is considered informal, there is

a chance of business documents going unnoticed. Thus, urgent transactions and especially

those requiring signatures are not managed through e-mails.

Crowded inbox: Over a period of time, the e-mail inbox may get crowded with mails. It

becomes difficult for the user to manage such a huge chunk of mails.

Need to check the inbox regularly: In order to be updated, one has to check his e-mail

account regularly.

Every new technology enters the social world with its share of benefits and drawbacks.

Different people interpret and utilize it in different ways. In order to make the most of the

available technology, users should try to understand both, the positive and negative sides of

the tool they use. No technology can be totally perfect!

Q.2 Imagine that you are the Marketing Manager of a multinational FMCG

company. Write a job rejection letter to a prospective candidate in the appropriate

format, explaining why he/she was not selected for a Management Trainee position with

the company.

Ans. Mr. Manish Agarwal

123, Gurmukh Appt.

Ravi Vihar

New Delhi, India

Dear Mr. Manish

Thank you for the time and effort you spent applying for a position as management trainee. I

would appreciate your time and effort but unfortunately, your education criteria do not match

with our criteria for the position of management trainee. Although, our HR manager seem so


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impress with your interview performance but our company is looking a management trainee

who has already completed his/her MBA in Marketing management but you still pursuing

MBA from Technia institute in different stream (HR). So we are unable to appoint you as

management trainee in our company. Whenever my company will search any HR trainee, we

will be happy to contact you in future.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.


Harish Gupta

HR Manager

Q.3 Select and briefly describe two corporate ads that you have seen recently which you

feel are effective. Explain how they benefit the company.

Ans. Advertisement 1

Kinetic Blaze Introductory Advertisement

The Blaze is part of Kinetic's Italiano series of scooters, comprises seven bestselling true-blue

European scooter designs that Kinetic bought from Italian manufacturer Italjet. With its

aggressive and glamorous Italian design, generous proportions and majestic presence, the

very special Blaze makes an instant celebrity of its rider. The high-spec Blaze also has ample

go to match the show – with a powerful 165cc, 4 valve engine that pumps out 11.6 bhp,


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coupled with automatic transmission.

Kinetic Blaze was launched in 2006. The following is an analysis of the introductory


In this advertisement, a group of girls are seen going crazy in front of a house. A guy seeing

the crowd of girls asks a nearby shopkeeper if Abhishek or John were around. The

shopkeeper says it is Rohit Verma. He has Kinetic’s latest scooter and this is the source of all

the commotion.

This advertisement is clearly targeted towards the youth. Not only are the models used in the

age group of 20-30, the entire look and feel of the advertisement is young and “hep”. This

commercial scores on some points while it fails at others.

First of all, the advertisement develops attention and generates interest. Viewers are kept in

the dark as to the source of the commotion. Interest is heightened when the shopkeeper

answers in the negative to the names of celebrities. When the name “Rohit Verma” is

mentioned, viewers are all ears (and eyes) to find out more about him.

The presentation of the product, in this case the scooter, is also well done. It looks glamorous,

and the difference in size and shape are also highlighted without words, heightening the

impact. The product and the brand are not lost in the advertisement, and viewers not only

identify the product, but also remember it.

Its market targeting and brand positioning are clearly defined. The target is the middle

income male youth. It is positioned as a scooter for men and the first in ushering in a new

market segment for scooters with its innovative design and target market.

However, the advertisement itself fails to generate a desire for more information or for

purchase. This desire is evoked by the fact that the scooter is new and innovative. If the same

advertisement was broadcast for a scooter that had already been launched in the market, it

would not have done well. So, in a way, this advertisement works for the product since it is

new, but considered solely from the advertising point of view, it does not make a big impact.

The advertisement also fails to answer some of the basic questions that consumers have while

watching the commercial. What sets this scooter apart from the other scooters in the market?

It is obvious that the look and feel of the scooter is definitely innovative. However, all new

products sport a new appearance, in fact, it is imperative that they do so. So in terms of


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performance, how does it differ? What is its USP? Why should the consumer choose to buy

this product, when he can be sure of the performance of tried-and-tested scooters?

From the advertising point of view, the commercial lacks originality and creativity. Showing

a crowd of screaming girls to enhance the psychological value of a product is not new. Many

advertisements for motorbikes, furniture, cars etc., showcase models to give the product an

“oomph” factor and increase its appeal. Also, from a logical standpoint, why would the girls

favour a guy based only on the fact that he has this scooter? How does it award him star


The advertising message is vague and unappealing. It is understood that the product is being

positioned as “your Shortcut To Fame”. But, how? Most motorbike advertisements try to

project their product as one that will give the owner an edge with the ladies. The

advertisement says much, but tells little.

Advertisement 2

Gillette’s “Champions” Advertisement

Gillette is a brand of Procter & Gamble currently used for safety razors among other personal

hygiene products. It is one of several brands originally owned by The Gillette Company, a

leading global supplier of products under various brands, which was acquired by P&G in


The Gillette Fusion is a five-bladed razor released in 2006. There are two different versions

of the Fusion available: the Gillette Fusion, and the Gillette Fusion Power. All share the

characteristic five blades on the front, and a single sixth blade on the rear that acts as a

"precision trimmer". In addition, the Fusion Power is battery powered and emits "gentle

micro pulses" that are claimed to increase razor glide. 

With the release of Gillette Fusion, P&G also launched their new advertising campaign called


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“Gillette Champions”. The following is an analysis of the first advertisement broadcast in this


This advertisement features the Gillette champions -- Tiger Woods, Thierry Henry and Roger

Federer. The commercial is called “Today” and all the three Champions explain how

important it is in their professional and personal lives to ‘Be Your Best Today’. 

The advertising campaign exploits the influencing power of brand ambassadors. The Gillette

‘Champions’ are Roger Federer (No.1 Tennis Player), Thierry Henry (No.1 Football Player)

and Tiger Woods (No.1 Golfer). The Indian campaign is varied to include Rahul Dravid to

cater to Indian sensibilities.

The advertisers try to use the concept of transference or association to enhance the image of

their product and brand. The attributes of quality, performance and excellence exuded by

these personalities are projected onto the product and the brand. This builds brand image and

a favourable attitude towards the new product.

A sense of polish and “class” underscores the entire advertisement. It plays on the viewers’

“feel-good” sensations. The advertisement comes across as smooth and urbane.

However, it does feel as if the advertisers are trying to hard by roping in three (or four) brand

ambassadors. Most advertisers feel that having celebrities or stars advertise their product

influences the consumers more than an advertisement that does not feature them. But, there is

something called too much stress on the influence of brand ambassadors.

There seems to be little relevance amongst the slogan, the advertisement and the product.

Gillette may be the best a man can get, but how does that help the ‘Champions’ in their

respective sports? Form a logical standpoint, how does the new razor blade assist the players?

The audio of the advertisement bears little or no relevance to the advertising message. The

advertisement talks about focusing on the present, but says nothing about the new blade.

Nevertheless, overall, the advertisement comes across as suave. The brand image of Gillette

is maintained and even enhanced by this advertisement. The advertisement succeeds in

generating a desire and action to purchase in spite of the drawbacks of the advertisement.

Q4. List and explain five important principles of business report writing.

Ans. Managers and leaders must express their ideas clearly, concisely, and completely when


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speaking and writing. If your written messages aren't clear or lack important details, people

will be confused and will not know how to respond. In addition, if your written messages are

too lengthy, people simply don't read them.

The process of good writing involves three basic steps - preparing, writing, and editing.

Practicing the following 16 principles will help you be a more effective writer.

1. Know your objective

Think before you write. What's your goal? Make sure you fully understand the assignment.

Are you writing a one-paragraph executive summary or a five-page report? Try answering

this question: What specifically do I want the reader to know, think, or do?

2. Make a list

Write down the ideas or points you want to cover. Why? This helps you get started in

identifying the key ideas you want to discuss.

If you have trouble getting started, try discussing your ideas with someone else. "Kicking an

idea around" often helps you clarify your objective and fine-tune what you are trying to


3. Organize your ideas

Just as it's difficult to find what you want in a messy, disorganized desk drawer, it's hard to

find important ideas in a poorly organized message. Here are a few ways you can organize

your ideas:


- Begin with the most important piece of information and then move on to the next most


Chronological order - Describe what happened first, second, third.

Problem-Solution - Define the problem, then describe possible alternatives or the solution

you recommend.

Question-Answer - State a question and then provide your answer.

Organize your ideas so the reader can easily follow your argument or the point you are trying

to get across.

4. Back it up


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Have an opinion but back it up - support with data. There are a number of ways you can

support your ideas, including explanations, examples, facts, personal experiences, stories,

statistics, and quotations. It's best to use a combination of approaches to develop and support

your ideas.

5. Separate main ideas

Each paragraph should have one main point or idea captured in a topic sentence. The topic

sentence is normally the first sentence in the paragraph. Each paragraph should be started by

an indentation or by skipping a line.

Q.5 As a recent MBA graduate from Sikkim Manipal University, write your resume

with a specific career objective, including all the other standard components.



Vikas Choudhary

3129, vijay nagar agar, Delhi-


mail: [email protected]

Objective: to build career in the field of management industry and observe own

identity in specific field.

Experience: Currently working marmeting mangger for TPH publishing


Academic Course

Completed MBA in HR from Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim,

Completed B.A. Hons (History) from Satyawat Co-ed College

(morning), Delhi University with second division in 1999-2002.

Completed higher secondary from Central Board of Secondary


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Education (C.B.S.E), New Delhi in 1999.

Completed Senior Secondary Certificate from Central Board of

Secondary Education (C.B.S.E), New Delhi in 1997.

Other skills: Computer Literate

Bilingual Typing (Hindi and English)

Completely familiar with Internet

Personal Detail:

Father’s name: Shri Anuj Choudhar

Date of Birth: 12th April 1985

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Indian

Languages Known: Hindi and English

Declaration: I do hereby declare that the statements made in this resume are true,

complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I

understand and agree that in the event of any information being found

false or incorrect or incomplete or ineligibility being detected at any

time before or after selection/interview, my candidature is liable to be


Date: / / 2010

Place: New Delhi

Q6. Prepare a list of ten questions to ask during a job interview, in order to make the

interview a two way process and to show that you are interested in the company and the

job you are applying for.

Ans. As the interview comes to a close, one of the final questions you may be asked is "What

can I answer for you?" Have interview questions of your own ready to ask. You aren't simply

trying to get this job - you are also interviewing the employer to assess whether this company

and the position are a good fit for you. When interviewing job applicants, I often learn as

much from the questions they ask as from the responses they give," said John Langland,

president of Langland & Langland Consulting. "What potential employees inquire about


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reveals what they deem important -- as opposed to merely answering my questions with

information they think I will find important."

What can asking questions in an interview do for you?

Show your interest in the position and the company

Give you an active role in the interview

Offer explanations about the position and the company, which help you decide if you want to

work for that organization

Showcase the depth of your knowledge and help you guide the discussion into a particular

area of expertise

Langland suggests preparing at least three questions in advance and taking notes during the

interview to record the responses.

"A few insightful, knowledgeable questions can speak volumes about you and distinguish

you from other job candidates," he said. "However as important as asking questions is asking

bad questions, such as, 'How many vacation days does the company offer?' is worse."

Langland advises asking these 10 questions during your next interview:

1. What are the top three tasks you want the candidate to perform after being hired?

This gives you a concrete idea of the projects you will be working on if hired. Often job ads

list general qualities and capabilities the position requires, but the answer to this question will

lay out the actual specifics of the job.

2. Why did you choose this company?

The answer will help you determine the organization's strengths and weaknesses with this

insider's perspective.

3. How do you see me benefiting the company?

This tells you exactly what they're looking for in a candidate and where they see your


4. Is there room for growth and advancement?

This points to your drive and initiative and underscores your intent to secure a career, not just

a job.

5. Are there opportunities for professional training or further education?


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This shows a willingness to learn and adapt as changes in the position or industry occur.

Adaptability is very important in today's fickle employment market and may make you very

valuable to the company should a reorganization occur.

6. How will I be evaluated and by whom?

This provides insight into the company's corporate culture and the department structure in

which you will be working.

7. What is the general culture of the company?

This can tell you if you will fit into the organization. If they're strictly a "suit and tie"

operation and you're all about comfort clothes, you may want to rethink the position.

8. Are there other job responsibilities not mentioned in the ad?

This reveals exactly what the ad meant when it said: "...and other duties as assigned." Will

you be helping other departments in a pinch? Making coffee? These are things you should

know before going any further in the candidate selection process.

9. When will you be making a decision on the successful candidate?

Knowing this helps you gauge when to follow up on the interview.

10. May I call you if other questions arise?

This keeps the door open for further communication.

The interview is an artful conversation designed to help both parties learn more about each

other in an effort to decide if the candidate and the position are a good match. Use it as an

opportunity to spotlight your accomplishments and determine if the job is right for you.