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  • 8/2/2019 Mba Mm Syallabus



    Bharathidasan University, Department of Commerce and Financial Studies

    Master of Business AdministrationMBA (Marketing Management)-CBCS

    Regulations & Syllabi - 2011-2012 onwards

    About Department of Commerce and Financial Studies (DCFS)

    The Department of Commerce was formulated on 28.12.1998. The main objective of the

    Department is to promote research, teaching and training in the frontier fields of

    Commerce. In the short span of time, the Department established itself in the area of

    Finance. Department has a well equipped library, PROWESS Database, Computers with

    net facility for the usage of the students and scholars. Having realized the challenging

    opportunities of imparting practical knowledge to the students to enable them to satisfy

    the needs of the industry in the areas of Finance and Marketing M.B.A (Financial

    Management) was introduced in the year 2007-2008 and MBA (Marketing Management)

    in the year 2011-12. The students of this programme gain practical knowledge through

    projects, educational tours, organizing events and other innovative teaching methods.

    Short term research programs at the end of every year are also undertaken.


    To progress into an Advanced Centre for Financial Studies and also a Change

    Agent through excellence in learning and quality in research and linkages with thecommunity to improve the quality of the collective existence of the community at large.


    To structure our learning process in such a way that the vision outlined above is

    translated into reality through workable strategies.


    1) Excellence- We believe in continuously improving the process for attainingexcellence in all we do, be it teaching, research, consulting, training, or outreach

    programs.2) Professionalism - We believe in strengthening financial practices in corporate on

    an ethical foundation and high standards of professional behavior

    3) Innovation - We promote innovation and entrepreneurial spirit throughCREATIVE DESTRUCTION of the practices not relevant to the knowledge era.

    4) Pluralism - We believe in working together to learn from and act on situationsand ideas from diverse perspectives.

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    5) Pro - activeness - We anticipate and prepare ourselves in advance to meetemerging situations rather than simply reacting to situations.

    1) Course Objective

    The two-year M.B.A (Marketing Management) course is the new programme of

    Bharathidasan University. This course is designed to enable students to acquire the skills

    and capabilities that will enable them to reach responsible global positions in the area of

    marketing management. The programme lays the foundation for conceptual and

    analytical reasoning and gives the students an insight into the dynamics of the business

    environment. It prepares students to manage and lead in global business scenario, which

    is getting increasingly complex and dynamic. The department has been constantly

    refining its modules to suit the needs of the Industry. The syllabus is revised every three

    years and assessment methods are constantly modified. The corner stone of pedadogy

    used in the Department is the Case Study method of learning. Case discussions are

    supplemented with guest lectures, seminars, workshops, industrial visits, management

    games, industrial training cumproject and so on. The case study method is used to

    develop problem solving and decision making skills by facilitating the application of

    theoretical concepts to real life situations. This methodology gives a great opportunity to

    innovate, to apply the theoretical concepts and to question even the fundamentals.

    Course Features

    Mode : Full-time Regular Programme

    Duration : 2 Academic Years consisting of 4 Semesters

    Eligibility : Any Under Graduate Degree (with Mathematics as a

    allied Course) with a minimum aggregate of at least

    50% of marks under Part-III subjects.

    Pattern : Semester

    Medium of Instruction : English only

    2) Credits

    The total credits for this programme is 98.

    3) Attendance

    As prescribed by the University from time to time. As of now, each student

    should earn a minimum of 50% of attendance to appear for the University Examinations.

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    4) Evaluation

    Evaluation of each course (other than Project Works and Extra Disciplinary

    Courses) shall comprise of Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) for 30 marks and End

    Semester Examination (ESE) for 70 marks.

    a) The components of CIA Marks are as followsTest (Two) = 10 (Third test for genuine absentees)

    Seminar = 5

    Assignment = 5

    Case analysis = 5

    Quiz/ Group discussion = 5

    b) Question Paper pattern for the Final Examination

    Part A Questions Marks Total Marks

    Ten Questions (no choice) 10 2 20 marks

    (Two Questions from each unit)

    Part B

    Five Questions (either or type) 5 4 20 marks

    (One Question from each unit)

    Part C

    Three Questions (either or type) 3 10 30 marks

    (At least one Question from each unit)


    5) Passing Minimum

    a) A student is declared to have passed in each course other than Project Works and

    Extra Disciplinary Courses if he/she secures not less than 40 % marks in University

    Exams and 40 % marks in CIA and not less than 50 % marks in the aggregate taking CIA

    & University Exams marks together.


    70 Marks

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    6) Guidelines for Summer Institutional Training Project and Final Project

    A student project is a necessary condition for the award of MBA (Marketing

    Management) degree. The project must be individual work and should be carried on in

    any organization outside the University. The Project should be designed in the form of a

    case analysis and the student should select a real life transaction, event or situation facing

    an organization or manager. It should develop practical solutions to the problem. The

    project report shall be jointly evaluated by the Head /Supervisor and External Examiner

    appointed for this purpose. At the end, Viva Voce examination shall also be conducted.

    The format of the project report and date of submission will be decided by the

    Department. The weightage for Viva - Voce is 25 marks and Report presentation is 75


    a) Summer Institutional Training Project (MMPW 1)

    Each student shall be required to take up institutional training cum project in any

    business organization for a period of not less than 4 weeks after completing the second

    semester (during vacation) and shall submit a report. While doing summer training

    project, the students are expected to interact with officials in the organization. The

    attendance certificate from the sponsored organization should be enclosed in the project.

    The project may be done independently by the student or under the guidance of an

    official of the organization.

    b) Final Semester Project (MMPW2)

    In addition to the summer institutional project, each student shall be required to

    take up a project during the final semester and submit a report. The authenticity of the

    project work should be certified by a guide/ Head of the Department.

    c) Suggested Topics

    The students are encouraged to take up a project on contemporary concerns under

    the guidance of a faculty. The project should fit within one of the following themes:

    i) Pricing Research: The research on pricing aims to find what customers arewilling to pay and so what the optimum price point is to maximise profit orrevenue.

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    ii) Product Management: The analysis of new product development, productdifferentiation, product life cycle management, product positioning, packaging

    and labeling etc.

    iii) Brand Management: The analysis of Brand Alliances, Brand Equity, Privatebrand , Corporate branding , Family branding, Individual branding etc.

    iv) Advertising: Advertising research may focus on a specific ad or campaign, ormay be directed at a more general understanding of how advertising works or

    how consumers use the information in advertising.

    v) Publicity: The analysis of the effectiveness of publicity i.e., deliberateattempt to manage the public's perception of a subject.

    vi) Sales and Sales Promotion: The research on sales promotion techniques,effectiveness of sales promotion to end-users and agents, benefits of sales

    promotion, evaluation of providing incentives to the sales personnel.

    vii) Channel Management: The research can be made on effective functioning ofchannels.

    viii) Services Marketing: This might be research on the marketing of services likesoftware, hospital, hotel, banking, insurance etc.

    ix) Market Survey: The market survey can be made for the different kinds ofproducts/brands etc.

    x) Consumer Research: The consumer perception or the customer statisfactionfor the different kinds of products/brands can be made.

    xi) Contemporary Topics - The students are free to propose other themes andtopics that fit within the broad area of marketing.

    7) Case Studies

    Each student should go to the identified concern, business unit develop a case and

    submit the case to the undersigned after presentation. They should submit their detailed

    case reports (typed in MS Word Font Size 12 Line Spacing 1.5) covering the CompanysOrigin, Structure, Control System and Growth, analysis results along with tables, charts,

    figures etc., to the Department and to the institution whose case they are analyzing. The

    students will be evaluated based on the report presentation and the feedback provided by

    the officials in the respective institutions.
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    8) Other Regulations:

    a) The Departmental Committee may be empowered to change/modify theregulations relating to MBA (Marketing Management) programme as and when


    b) The Departmental Committee may be empowered to implement the orders ofthe University

    c) The Common regulations of the University shall also be applicable to thisProgramme.

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    M.B.A (Marketing Management) Under CBCS




    CodeTitle of the Course



    No of













    I Semester

    Principles of Management

    Accounting for Business Management

    Computer Applications in Business

    Operations Research

















    Total 20 20 120 280 4













    II Semester

    Business Economics

    Organisational Behaviour

    Production and Operations Management

    Sales and Distribution Management

    Summer Institutional Training Project

    Extra Disciplinary Courses (EDC)

























    Total 20 29 120 380 5

    CIA = Continuous Internal Assessment ESE = End Semester Examination* Theory40 marks and Practical30 marks For Computer Applications (FC2)MMFCMarketing Management Foundation Course EDCExtra Disciplinary Course

    MMCCMarketing Management Core Course MMPWMarketing Management Project


    Syllabus - 2011-2012 onwards

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    CodeTitle of the Course



    No of
















    III Semester

    Retail Management

    Services Marketing

    Brand Management

    Marketing Research

    Extra Disciplinary Courses (EDC)


























    Total 20 24 120 280 400











    IV Semester

    Total Quality Management

    Global Marketing

    Consumer Behaviour

    Customer Relationship Management

    Project Work


























    Total 20 25 120 380 500

    Grand Total 80 98 480 1320 1800

    CIA = Continuous Internal Assessment ESE = End Semester Examination* Theory40 marks and Practical30 marks for Computer Applications (FC2)

    MMFCMarketing Management Foundation Course EDCExtra Disciplinary Course

    MMCCMarketing Management Core Course MMPWMarketing Management Project


  • 8/2/2019 Mba Mm Syallabus




    Unit 1: Introduction to Management: Definition - Management as Science, Art andProfession - Manager and Environment Development of Management Thought -

    Systems Approach to Management - Responsibilities of Management Functions of

    Management - The Social Responsibility of Managers - Levels of Management.

    Unit II: Planning: Principles of Planning - Types of Plans - Steps in Planning,

    Limitations of Planning Objectives Process of Managing by Objectives -Strategic

    Planning Process - Major Kinds of Strategies - Implementation of Strategies - SWOT

    Analysis - Business Portfolio Analysis BCG Matrix - GE Business Screen DecisionMaking.

    Unit III: Organizing: Organization Structure and Design - Span of Management -Delegation of Authority and Decentralization - Line and Staff Organization.

    Staffing: Systems approach to Human Resource Management Selection - Selectionprocess - Techniques and Instruments.

    Unit IV: Directing: Importance of DirectingScopeHuman FactorsCreativity andInnovation Harmonizing ObjectivesLeadership Types of Leadership Leadership

    Theories - Motivation TechniquesTheories of Motivation.

    Unit V: Controlling: Introduction and Overview of Controlling Control as aManagement ProcessRevisiting Control Process - Prerequisites of Controlling Systems

    - Methods of Control Controlling for Organisational Performance Measures of

    Organisational Performance Tools for Monitoring and Measuring Organisational



    1.Harold Koontz and Heinz Weirich, 1990Essentials of Management, 5th Ed., McGraw

    Hill International.

    2.Stonier & Wankel,Management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi.

    3.Peter F. Drucker,Practice of Management, Pan Books, London.4.Stephen P. Robbins and David A. Decenzo, 2001Fundamentals of Management, 3rd

    Ed. Pearson Education Asia.

    5. Basic Management Skills for all E.H. Mc Grath S.J. Six edition.

    6. P.C. Tripathi and P.N. Reddy, 2006, Principles of Management, 3rd

    Edition, TataMcGraw Hill Publications.

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    UNIT 1: Financial Accounting: Definitions Scope - Significance and Limitations Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesConventions and Concepts

    Maintenance of Books of Account: Journal Entries Ledger Accounts - - Preparation ofTrading and Profit and Loss Account - P & L Appropriation Account BalanceSheet(Vertical/horizontal form)

    UNIT II: Cost Accounting: Definitions Scope - Significance and Limitations - Cost

    Classification - Cost Sheets - Methods of Costing - Process Costing - Job Costing - ActivityBased Costing.

    UNIT III: Management Accounting: Definitions Scope - Significance and Limitations -Marginal Costing - Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis - Break Even Analysis - Decisions Regarding

    Sales Mix - Make or Buy decisions - Discontinuation of a Product Line.

    UNIT IV: Fund Flow and Cash Flow Analysis: Analysis of Fund Flow Statement - Cash

    Flow Statement - Ratio Analysis.

    UNIT V: Standard Costing: Variance Analysis - Budgeting and Budgetary control

    Classification of Budgets Performance Budgeting - Fixed and Flexible budgets

    Responsibility AccountingZero Based Budgeting.


    1. M.C. Shukla, T.S. Grewal and S.C. Gupta,Advanced Accounting, S. Chand & Co.

    2. R.L. Gupta & M. Radhasamy,Advanced Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons.

    3. Arora, M.N.A Text Book of Cost Accountancy, 6th

    Ed., Vikas Publishing House,New Delhi.

    4. Hansen & Mowen, 2000 Management Accounting, 5th

    Ed., South-Western

    College Publishing.5. Welsch Glenn A. Ronald W. Hilton, and Paul N. Gordon, Budgeting ,Profit

    Planning and Control, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

    6. Pandey, I.M.,Management Accounting, Vani Publication, Delhi.

    7. Barfield, Jessie, Ceily A. Raiborn, and Michael R. Kenney, Cost Accounting:Traditions and Innovations, South Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio.

    8. Hongren C.T., George Foster, and Srikant M. Daliar, Cost Accounting: A

    Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

    Weightage: Problems-50% and Theory50%

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    Unit I: Introduction: Meaning, Types and Classification of Computers - Evolution andComponents of Digital Computers - Hardware and Software - Input and Output Devices - Low

    Level Languages and High Level Languages - Impact of Computer on Society.

    Unit II: Ms-Word: Different parts and functions of the Word window - Navigation andSelection Techniques - Editing and Formatting TextTables - Page LayoutStyles - Sections

    and Columns - Formatting Tables - Labels and EnvelopesGraphicsTemplates

    Unit III: MS-Excel: Spreadsheet Terminology - Entering and Editing Data, Modifying aWorksheet, Using Functions, Formatting Worksheets, Creating Charts - Using Multiple

    Worksheets and Workbooks - Advanced Formatting - Using Lists and Tables, Sorting and

    Filtering - Working with Styles and Themes

    Unit IV: MS-Access: Database Concepts - Plan and Design a Simple Database - Finding,

    Editing and Organizing Records - Setting Field Properties - Creating and Using Queries -Creating Forms - Working with Reports - Normalize Data - Work with Lookup Fields and

    Subdatasheets - Add Objects to Forms - Print Reports and Labels - Creating Charts - Using

    Pivot TablesPivot Charts.

    Unit V: MS- PowerPoint: Fundamental Features of PowerPoint - Creating New Presentations

    - Format Slides - Modify Text - Draw Objects - Inserting and using Graphics - Using Tables,

    Charts and Diagrams - Transition and Time Presentations - Creating Slide Masters - Modify,Proof and Deliver Presentations - Creating Custom Presentations - Modifying Clip Art and

    Adding Animations - Including Interactive Elements in Presentation

    Reference:1. Sanjay Saxena,MS Office 2000 for Everyone, Vikas Publishing House.2. Krishnan, N., Windows and MS Office 2000 with Database Concepts, Scietech

    Publications, Chennai.3. David Whigam, 1998 ,Quantitative Business Methods Using Excel, Oxford.4. Edward Willet, David Crowder, and Rhonda Gowder, MS Office Bible, IDGBooks

    India Pvt. Ltd.

    Marks:CIA30 and ESE70 (Out of 70, 40 marks for written {ESE would be conducted for70 marks and converted for 40 marks) and 30 marks for practical)

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    Unit I - Introduction to OR and LPP : Definition of Operation Research - Scope - Models -Advantage of a Model - Classification of Models - Linear Programming Formulation of LP

    Problems - General formulation of LPP - Matrix form LP Problems.

    Unit II Graphical Methods : Procedure of solving LPP by Graphical Method GeneralFormulation Matrix form Some Important Definitions - Canonical and Standard Forms -

    Characteristics of the Standard forms and Canonical Form with definition Statements of basic

    theorems & properties.

    Unit IIISimplex Method : Simplex Method and its DefinitionSimplex Algorithm - Big M-

    Method - Two phase simplex method - Degeneracy and Unbounded Solution. Important Results

    in DualityDual Simplex Algorithm - Phase I Problem- Phase II Problem

    Unit IV Transportation Problems : Transportation Problem and its Solution - North West

    Corner Rule - Least Cost or Matrix Minima MethodVogels Approximation Method (VAM)- Optimality TestMODI Method.

    Unit V Game Theory : Definition - Types of Game - The Maximin - Minimax Principle Game without saddle point (Mixed Strategies)2x2 Games without Saddle point


    1. Kalavathy.S, Operations Research, Second edition, Vikas Publication.2. Kanti Swarup, Gupta P.K. and Man Mohan , 1977, Operations Research, Sultan

    Chand and Sons.

    3. Taha, H.A ,1996, Operations Research, Third Edition, Collier - McMillan.4. Ackoff, R.L. and Sasieni, M.W,1968,Fundamentals of Operations Research, JohnWiley.

    5. Paneerselvam.R, 2008, Operations Research, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India,6. Sankarayyar.P, 2008,Operations Research, Tata Mc Graw Hill.


    Weightage: Problems-60% and Theory40%

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    Unit I: Introduction: Nature and Subject Matter of Economics - Classical and Modern

    View - Robins Contribution and its Critical Estimate - Economics as Positive Science,

    Normative science, Applied Science and Arts - Micro and Macro Economics - Relationof Economics with business.

    Unit II: Producer Behaviour: Market Demand and SupplyDeterminants MarketEquilibrium Elasticity of Demand and Supply The Scope of Business Economics toProblems of Production - Laws of Returns and their Casual and Effectual Significance -

    Analysis of CostShort-run and Long-run Cost FunctionRelation between Production

    and Cost Function.

    Unit III: Product and Factor Market: Product MarketPerfect and Imperfect Market

    Different Market Structures Firms Equilibrium and Supply Market Efficiency

    Economic Costs of Imperfect CompetitionFactor MarketLand, Labour and CapitalDemand and supplyDetermination of Factor PriceInteraction of Product and Factor

    MarketGeneral Equilibrium and Efficiency of Competitive Markets.

    Unit IV: Macro Economics: National Income and Economics welfare - Relation Between

    Size and Distribution of National Income and Economic Welfare - Business cycles -Theories of Business Cycle - The Problem of Unified Theory of Business Cycle

    Unit V: Supply and Role of Money: Keynsian Theory of Employment - The Problem of

    Full Employment - Unemployment and its impact Okuns law Inflation and theImpactReasons for InflationInflation Vs Unemployement TradeoffPhillips curve

    Supply side Policy and management- Money market- Demand and supply of money money-market equilibrium and national incomethe role of monetary policy.

    References:1. Paul A. Samuelson and William D. Nordhaus, 2005, Economics, 18th edition, Tata

    McGraw Hill,

    2. William Boyes and Michael Melvin, 2005, Textbook of Economics, Biztantra.

    3. N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics, 3rd edition, Thomson learning, New

    Delhi, 2007.4. Richard Lipsey and Alee Charystal, Economics, 11th edition, Oxford University

    Press, New Delhi, 2008.

    5. Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, 6th edition, PearsonEducation Asia,

    6. P.L.Mehta, 2007, Managerial Economics- Analysis, Problems and Cases, 13thEdition, Sultan Chand & Sons.


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    Unit-I: Introduction : Organisation Management and Organisational Behaviour

    Theories of Management leading to Organisational Behaviour Role of Culture in

    ManagementChallenges of the Changing World of WorkCurrent Concerns.

    Unit-II: Foundations of Individual Behaviour: Personality Values, Attitudes and

    Beliefs, Argyris Maturity Immaturity ContinuumManagerial RelevancePerceptualProcessFactors influencing the Perceptual Process.

    Unit-III: Interpersonal and Team Processes: Synergy through Groups Group

    Dynamics - Different Modes of Decision Making in Groups Group Effectiveness

    Stages of Group DynamicsManagers role in Groups and the Decision Making Process

    Teams How managers can tap into Groups and make them an Organisational


    Unit-IV: Power and Politics: Leadership as an Influence Process Theories of

    Leadership Leader Behavior Theories Contingency Theories of Leadership Other

    approaches to leadership Recent approaches to leadership Leadership in the IndianContext.

    Power: Sources of PowerWays to acquire and enhance powerOrganisational Politics

    Managerial Implications.

    Conflict: Nature and Dynamics of ConflictConflict Resolution ModesApproaches to

    Conflict ManagementSources of Conflict in OrganisationNegotiations.

    Unit V: Dynamics of Organisational Behaviour: Organisational Structures -Components Size, Technology and Structure Environment and Design

    Differentiation and Integration

    Organisational Change and Development: Quality of Life Organisational

    DevelopmentOrganisational ChangePotential Areas for Organisational DevelopmentInterventionsValues and Organisational Development.


    1. Uma Sekaran, 2008, Organisational BehaviourText and Cases, 2nd Edition, TMH

    Publications, New Delhi.

    2. Aswathappa, Organisational BehaviourConcpets

    3. Pareek, Udai, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, Oxford University Press,New Delhi

    4. Hellgiegel, D & J.W. Slocum, Organisational Behaviour, Thomson Learning

    5. McSchane, Organisation Behaviour, TMH, New Delhi

    6. Luthans, Fred, Organisational Behaviour, McGraw Hill, New York7. New Storm and Keith Davis, 2008, Organisation Behaviour, TMH, New Delhi

    8. Stephen P Robbins, 1998, Organisational Behaviour, New York, Mc Graw Hill.

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    Unit I: Introduction:Functional Subsystems of OrganisationsDefinitionConcept and

    Types of Production System Productivity Strategic Management - GDP and itsimpactWorld Class Manufacturing.

    Unit II: Product Design and Analysis: Meaning New Product Development Concepts Steps in New Product Development Process Planning and Design Value

    Analysis/Value EngineeringStandardisation.

    Unit III: Production Planning and Control: Introduction Scheduling SingleMachine SchedulingFlow Shop SchedulingJob Shop Scheduling.

    Unit IV: Materials Planning: Introduction Product Structure/Bill of Material MRP

    ConceptLot sizing in MRP - Types of inventory costs, EOQ, Safety stockInventoryControl Systems.

    Unit V: Work Study: Introduction Method Study Time Study Work sampling Modern Production Management ToolsJust in Time Manufacturing.

    References:1. Pannerselvam, 2005, Production and Operations Management, 2

    nd Edition,

    Prentice Hall of India Ltd.

    2. Lee J. Krajewski, Larry P. Ritzman and Manoj K. Malhotra, 2007, OperationsManagement, 8

    th Edition, Pearson Education, [Indian Adapted Edition].

    3. Martand T Telsang, 2007, Production Management, 2nd Edition, S Chand andCompany,

    4. Gaither, 2007, Operations Management, 9th Edition, Cengage Learning India Pvt.Ltd.

    5. S.Mahadevan, 2007, Operations Management, 1st Edition, Pearson Education,2007.

    6. Elwood S.Buffa, Modern Production/ Operation Management 8th Edition, Wiley

    India Pvt Ltd.

    7. Everette E. Adam., Jr. Ronald J. Ebert, 1994, Production and OperationsManagement, 5

    thEdition, Prentice Hall of India.

    8. K. Ashwathappa, 2010 Production and Operations Management, Himalayan

    Publishing Company.

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    Unit-I: Introduction to Sales and Distribution Management: Introduction and

    Evolution of Sales Management Nature and Importance of Sales Management Roleand Skills of Modern Sales Managers Types of Sales Managers/Sales Management

    Positions Sales Objectives, Strategies and Tactics Emerging Trends in Sales

    ManagementLinking Sales and Distribution Management.

    Unit-II: Personal Selling- Preparation and Process:IntroductionBuying Decision ProcessBuying SituationsEffective Communication

    Sales Knowledge and Sales Related Marketing Policies The Sales Process

    Transactional and Relationship Selling.

    Unit III:Planning, Sales Forecasting and Budgeting:Introduction Strategic Planning Role of Marketing and Sales Marketing andPersonal Selling Strategies Integrated Marketing Communication Sales Strategy

    Developing Sales Forecast Forecasting Approaches Forecasting Accuracy Sales

    Budget.Management of Sales Territory and Quotas: Defining Sales TerritoryProcedure for

    Designing Sales Territories Assigning Sales People to Territories Managing

    Territorial Coverage.

    Unit-IV: Sales Force Management:

    Organising and Staffing the Sales Force Concepts of Sales Organisation Sales

    Organisational Structures Specialisation Size of Sales Force Staffing the SalesForceTraining the Sales ForceMotivating the Sales ForceCompensating the Sales

    ForceLeading the Sales ForceSalesforce ExpensesMarketing AuditSales Force

    AuditEthical, social and legal responsibilities of Sales Force.

    Unit V: Channel Management: Introduction to Marketing ChannelsPossible Channel

    Formats Relationship of flows to service levelsChannel LevelsService Channel

    Prominent Channel Systems.


    1. Havaldar, Krishna K.& Cavale, Vasant M, 2007, Sales and Distribution Management

    Text and Cases; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

    2. Khan, Mateen; Sales and Distribution Management; Excel Books; New Delhi3. Still, Richard R., Cundiff, Edward W. & Govoni, Norman, Sales Management

    Decision, Strategies and Cases , Pearson Education/Prentice Hall of India; New


    4. Dalrymple, Douglas J.; Cron, William L. & Decarlo, Thomas, Sales Management,John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd; New Delhi

    5. Futrell, Charles M,Sales ManagementTeam work, Leadership and Technology,Thomson Learning.; New Delhi

    6. Rosenbloom, Bert,Marketing Channels: A Management View, Thomson Learning;

    New Delhi

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    Unit I: Introduction to Retail: Meaning Functions of Retailer The Rise of theRetailerThe Global Retail MarketRetail as a Career.

    Retail in India: Concept Evolution of Retail in India Drivers of Retail Change in

    IndiaThe Size of the Retail in India.

    Unit II: Theories of Retail Development and Business Models in Retail: The

    Evolution of Retail Formats Theories of Retail Development The Concept of Life

    Cycle in Retail Business Models in Retail Services Retail Traditional Business

    Models in Indian RetailIndia Specific Retail Models.

    Unit III: Retail Strategy and Planning: Meaning Strategy the Retail Perspective

    International Expansion A Growth Strategy The Retail Value Chain Ethics inRetailing.

    Store Site Location: Types of Retail Location Steps involved in choosing a retail

    location Methods of Evaluating a Trading Area Trends in Retail PropertyDevelopment in India.

    Unit IV: Introduction to Retail Merchandising: Meaning and Evolution ofMerchandising Roles and Responsibilities of the Merchandiser Roles and

    Responsibilities of the Buyer Buying for Different Types of Organisation Life Style


    Merchandise Planning: Concepts and ImplicationsProcess of Merchandise PlanningTechnology, Tools and Merchandise Planning.

    Unit V: Merchandise Management: Merchandise ProcurementMerchandise Sourcing

    The Age of Global SourcingRetail PricingConceptsElementsDetermining thePrice Retail Pricing Policies/Strategies Adjustments to Retail Price Evaluating

    Merchandise PerformanceGross Margin Rate of Return.


    1. Swapna Pradhan, 2009, Retailing Management Text and Cases, 3rd Edition, Tata

    McGraw Hill.

    2. Levy and Weitz.,Retailing Mangement , 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.3. Michael Havy ,Baston, Aweitz and Ajay Pandit, 2007, Retail Management, Sixth

    Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill

    4. Ogden, 2008,Integrated Retail Management, Biztranza, India.5. Patrick M. Dunne and Robert F Lusch, 2008, Retailing, 4


    Edition, ThomsonLearning.

    6. Chetan Bajaj, Rajnish Tow and Nidhi V. Srivatsava, 2007, Retail Management,Oxford University Press.

    7. Dunne, 2008,Retailing, 2nd Edition, Cengage Learning.

    8. Sivakumar, 2007, Retail Marketing, First Edition, Excel Books.

    9. Ramkrishnan and Y.R.Srinivasan, 2008, Indian Retailing Text and Cases, OxfordUniversity Press.

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    Unit I: Introduction to Services: MeaningFastest Growing ServicesClassification

    Strategic Aspects of Services Marketing Segment Selection Positioning for theSelected Segments Services Marketing Environment in India Ethics in Services


    Unit-II: Creating the Service Product: Service Products bundled with ConventionalProducts and Standalone Service Life Cycle Service Design Service Quality

    Customisation Vs StandardisationDefects, Failures and RecoveryService Guarantees

    Service Level Agreements.

    Service Location: Choosing Location Role of Internet Transcending physicalconstraints of location Channel Management Issues Role of Credit/Debit Cards on

    Point of Sales.

    Unit-III: Promoting Services: Objectives Plan Promotion Life Cycle Trends

    Special Considerations in Promotion of Services.

    Pricing Services: Pricing Service Product Demand Variations Segmentation Pricing of Financial Services Pricing in High Competitive Sectors Psychology of

    PricingPricing IT Services.

    Unit IV: People in Services: Importance Recruiting Employees HR Function in

    ServicesMotivationMeasuring ProductivityTraining of Employees.

    Physical Evidence in Services: Service Scapes for Employee and Customer

    Importance of Design.

    Unit V: Service Process: Customer point of View Blue Printing Technology

    Managing Waiting ProcessUse of ITComplaints Management and Service Recovery

    Order Taking and Order Fulfillment.Globalisation of Services: Globalisation and India Five Stages Managing



    1. Rajendra Nargundkar, 2006, Services Marketing, Tata Mc Graw Hill.

    2. Lovelock, Christopher, Wirtz, Jocken and Chatterjee, Jayanta, Services Marketing-

    People, Technology, Strategy, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

    3. Zeithaml, Valarie A. & Bitner, Mary Jo, Services MarketingIntegrating Customer

    Focus Across the Firm, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

    4. Rao, K., Rama Mohana, Services Marketing, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

    5. Hoffman & Bateson, Essentials of Service Marketing, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi.

    6. Rampal, M.K. & Gupta, S.L, Services marketing, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi.

    7. Shanker Ravi, Services Marketing The Indian Perspective, Excel Books, New

    Delhi. 8. Harsh Verma, 2008, Services Marketing, Pearson Education.

  • 8/2/2019 Mba Mm Syallabus




    Unit I: Introduction to Brand: Branding Concepts Branding Challenges and

    Opportunities - Concepts, Importance and Characteristics of Brand Management Branding DecisionIssues Associated with affected Brand Names.

    Unit II: Brand Positioning: Origin Meaning Identifying and Establishing BrandPositioning Positioning Guidelines Defining and Establishing Brand Mantras Internal BrandingBrand Audits.

    Unit III: Brand Communication: Brand Identity Six facets of Brand Identity

    Sources of IdentifyFactors affecting Brand IdentityBrand ImageBrand Personality

    Value, Characteristics and Creating Brand Personality Brand Loyalty, Retention,

    Brand Variety and Multiple Brand Loyalty in India.

    Unit IV: Leveraging Brands: Brand Extensions - Merits & Demerits Evaluating

    Brand Extension Opportunities Extension Guidelines based on Academic Research -

    Reinforcing Brands - Revitalising BrandsAdjustments to the Brand Portfolio.

    Unit V: Measuring Brand Performance Developing a Brand Equity Measurement

    and Management SystemMeasuring Sources of Brand Equity Measuring Outcomesof Brand Equity.

    References:1.Ranjeet Varma, 2009,Brand Management, 1st Edition, University Science Press.

    2.Kapferer, 2008, Strategic Brand Management, 4th Edition, Kogan Page, New Delhi.

    3.Kevin Lane Keller, 2008, Strategic Brand Management, 3rd

    Edition, PHI/Pearson,

    New Delhi.4.Harsh Varma, 2007,Brand Management, 2nd Edition, Excell Books, New Delhi.

    5.Subroto Sengupta, 2004,Brand Positioning Strategies for Competitive Advantage, 2nd

    Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.6.Rameshkumar, 2002,Managing Indian Brands, 2nd Edition, Vikas Publications.

    7.Chandrasekar, 2006,Product ManagemenText and Casest, Himalaya Publications.

    8.Moorthi.Y.L.R, 1999,Brand Management: The Indian Context, Vikas Publications.

  • 8/2/2019 Mba Mm Syallabus




    Unit I: Introduction: Meaning, Applications, Limitations, Threats to MarketingResearch.

    Marketing Research Management: Importance, Qualities of Marketing Research

    Manager Organising Marketing Research Function Evaluation and Control of

    Marketing Research Marketing Research and Marketing Management - Marketing

    Research ProcessScientific Method and Research Design.

    Unit II: Marketing Information System: Meaning, Need and Components - Marketing

    Information System and Marketing Research - Marketing Research in India.

    Secondary and Primary Data: Sources of Secondary DataEvaluating Secondary Data

    - Primary Data Collection Methods Observations - Questionnaire Preparation and

    AdministeringInterviewingScaling Techniques.

    Unit III: Sample Design: Sampling Concepts -Advantages and Limitations of Sampling

    Sampling ProcessSample DesignSample Size Decisions.

    Unit IV: Data Analysis, Interpretation and Report Preparation: Data Processing

    Data AnalysisTesting HypothesisBivariate AnalysisReport Writing.

    Unit V: Applications of Marketing Research: New Product Development Research andTest Marketing - Advertising Research - Sale Analysis and Forecasting Market

    Segmentation and Brand Position.


    1. Rajendra Nargundkar, 2003,Marketing Research- Text and Cases, 2nd

    Edition, Tata

    Mc Graw Hill Publications.2. Boyd, Harper W. Jr., Westfall, Ralph and Stasch, Stanley, 1989,Marketing Research:

    Text and Cases, 7th Edition, Richard D. Irwin Inc., Homewood, Illinois.

    2. Paul E.Green, Donald S. Tull and Alabum.G, 1988, Research for Marketing

    Decisions, 5th edition, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.3. Luck D. J., Wales, H.G., Taylor, D. A. and Rubin R. S.,Marketing Research, 7th

    Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

    4. Tull, D. S. and Hawkins D. I., Marketing Research: Measurement and Method, 6th

    Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

  • 8/2/2019 Mba Mm Syallabus




    Unit I: Introduction: World Scenario National Issues Efficiency Vs Effectiveness,

    Drivers for QualityDefinitionCustomersVisionMissionObjectives GoalsTargetPrinciples of Quality Management.

    Unit II: Total Quality Management Philosophy: Evolution Definition of TotalQuality Management Preparing for Total Quality Management Stages in TotalQuality Management ImplementationTotal Quality Management Models.

    Total Quality Management Planning: SWOT Analysis Strategic Planning

    Organisational Culture.

    Unit III: Total Quality Management Models: Customer FocusCustomer Satisfaction

    Model Customer Retention Model Quality Function deployment Customer

    Satisfaction Measurement.Total Quality Management Tools: Problem Solving Process Old Quality Control

    Tools Seven New Management Tools Continuous Improvement Strategies (Deming

    Wheel, Zero Defect, Bench Marking, Six Sigma)

    Unit IV: Human Dimensions of Total Quality Management: Top Management

    Commitment Leadership for Total Quality Management Change Management Motivational StrategiesQuality Circle Philosophy.

    Team Development: Synergy Team Building Communication and Transactional


    Unit V: Quality Certification: ISO 9000 Series Certification ISO 9001:2000

    Certification ISO 14000 Series Certification QS 9000 Certification Quality

    AuditingQuality Awards.


    1. Suganthi L and Anand A. Samuel, 2004, Total Quality Management, PrenticeHall of India Pvt Limited.

    2. K.Shridhar Bhat, 2002, Total Quality Management, 1st Edition, Himalayapublishing house.

    3. Quality Systems, Bureau of Indian Standards4. Poornima M Charantimath, 2003, Total Quality Management, Pearson


    5. B.Janakiram & R.K.Gopal, 2006, Total Quality Management . PHI Publisher6. Valarie A Zeithmal, Jo Bitner, 2005, Service Marketing, 4th Edition, Mc Graw

    Hill Int. Ed.

  • 8/2/2019 Mba Mm Syallabus




    Unit I: Introduction: Historical Perspectives and Objectives of Global Marketing KeyConcepts Drivers toward Globalisation Localised Global Marketing Developing

    Knowledge Assets.

    Unit II: Foreign Entry: Country Attractiveness:IntroductionPolitical Risk ResearchEnvironmental research Researching Competitors Entry Evaluation Procedure

    Country Data SourcesForecasting Country SalesIndustry SalesForecasting Market


    Export Expansion: Introduction Four Modes of Entry Exporting Impact of EntryBarriers Exporting Option Export Expansion Strategy Licensing Strategic

    AlliancesWholly Owned Manufacturing Subsidiaries.

    Unit III: Global Segmentation and Positioning: Introduction The Global MarketersMindset Global Market Segmentation Targeting Segments Global Product

    Positioning.Global Products: Global Product Lines Developing New Global Products

    Globalising successful Products Global Brand Management Defending Local

    ProductsCounterfeit Product.

    Unit IV: Global Pricing: Introduction Global Pricing FrameworkPricing Basics

    Financial Issues Transfer Pricing Counter Trade Systems Pricing Price and

    PositioningGlobal Pricing Policies.

    Global Distribution: Distribution as a Competitive Advantage Rationalising Local

    Channels Wholesaling Retailing Global Logistics Parallel Distribution Global

    Channel Design.

    Unit V: Global Advertising and Promotion: Promotion as a Competitive Advantage

    Global Advertising Pros and Cons Global Advertisers Decision Global Advertising

    Agency Publicity Global Public Relations International Trade Fairs DirectMarketingE-CommerceGlobal Personal Selling.References

    1. Johny K Johansson, 2008, Global Marketing, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw HillCompanies, New Delhi.

    2. Philip Cateora ,Grahamand Salwan Prasanth, 2010, International Marketing,13

    thEdition, Tata Mcgraw Hill.

    3. Doole, 2010, International Marketing Strategy, 5th

    Edition, CengageLearning.

    4. Keegan, 2010, Global Marketing, 6th Edition, Pearson Education.5. Francis Cherunilam, 2010, International Marketing, Himalaya Publishing


    6. Czinkota, 2010,International Marketing, 8th Edition, Cengage.7. Nargundkar, 2010,International Marketing, Excel Books.8. Srinivasan , 2010,International Marketing, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning.

  • 8/2/2019 Mba Mm Syallabus




    Unit I: Introduction: Introduction and Concept Basics, Importance, Reasons ofConsumer Behaviour Marketing Concept and Consumer Behaviour Consumer

    Decision Making Process - Theories of Consumer Behaviour.

    Unit II: Consumer Modeling: Introduction Nicosia Model Howard Sheth Model

    Engel-Blackwell Kollat Model Bettan Model Sheth Newman Gross Model of

    Consumption Values Shiffman and Kanuk Model Sheth Famiy Decision Making


    Unit III: Motivation and Consumer Behaviour: Motivation, its need, goals and

    dynamic characteristic, theories

    Perception and Consumer Behaviour: Perception, its meaning, process and factors

    responsible for Perceptual Distortion.

    Personality and Consumer Behaviour: Personality its meaning, nature, stages, theories.

    Unit IV: Learning and Consumer Behaviour: Introduction, Concept, Characteristics,

    Elements and Theories of Learningreinforcement and Learning Behaviour.

    Attitude and Consumer Behaviour: Introduction, Concept, Characteristics, Functions

    and Components of Attitude Attitude and Behaviour Attitude Models AttitudeFormation and TheoriesAttitude Change.

    Unit V: External Influences: Definition, Meaning and Factors responsible for SocialStratification - Characteristic Features of Social Classes - Group Dynamics and

    Consumer Reference Groups- Family and Consumer Behaviour Consumer

    Psychographics and Behaviour.


    1. Agarwal Kumar, 2009, Consumer Behaviour An Indian Perspective, 2ndEdition, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.

    2. Blackwell, Roger, Miniard, Paul & Engel, James, Consumer Behaviour,Thomson Learning; New Delhi

    3. Jay D. Lindquist and Joseph Sirgy, 2008, Shopper, Buyer and ConsumerBehavior, Biztranza.

    4. Paul Peter et al., 2005, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Stratergy, 7th Edition5. Tata McGraw Hill, Indian Edition.6.

    Schiffman, Leon G. & Kanuk, Leslie Lazar; Consumer Behaviour, PearsonEducation; New Delhi

    7. Soloman, Michael R.; Consumer Behaviour Buying, Having and Being,Pearson Education; New Delhi

    8. Nair, Suja R.; Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective,Himalaya PublishingHouse; New Delhi

    9. Raju M.S and Dominique Xardel, Consumer BehaviourConcepts, Applicationsand Cases, Vikas Publications.

  • 8/2/2019 Mba Mm Syallabus



    Unit I: Introduction: Meaning, Facets and Importance of CRMCRM and Marketing

    Role of Human Resources in CRMRediscovering the Customer.

    Unit II: CRM Structures: Customer Response Customer Satisfaction CustomerRetention.

    Unit III: CRM Measurement: Importance of Customer Relationship Measurement

    Market Research and Market Survey Market Research and CRM Market ResearchProcess.

    Unit IV: CRM in Practice: CRM in Service SectorCRM in Consumer SectorCRMin Core Sector.

    Unit V:e-CRM An Integrated ApproachNeede-CRMFront Office Software Back Office SoftwareCRM Flow Charts.


    1. Suganthi.R.K, 2003, Customer Relationship Management, 1st Edition, New AgeInternational (P) Ltd, New Delhi.

    2. Buttle, Francis, 2008, Customer Relationship ManagementConcept and Tools, 2ndEdition,Elsevier ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford, UK

    3. Payne, Adrian, 2006, Handbook of CRM Achieving Excellence in CustomerManagement, ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford, UK

    4. Dyche, Jill, 2002, The CRM Handbook A Business Guide to CustomerRelationship Management, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi

    5. Anderson, Kristen, and Carol J Kerr, 2002, Customer Relationship Management,Tata Mc Graw Hill

    6. G.Shainesh, Jagdish, N.Sheth, 2005, Customer Relationships ManagementStrategic Prespective, Macmillan.

    7. Alok Kumar et al, 2008,Customer Relationship Management : Concepts andApplications, Biztantra.

    8. Peer Mohamed and A Sagadevan, 2002, Customer Relationship Management AStep by Step Approach, Vikas Publications.