mba placement brochure of iibm patna

INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PATNA An AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, Recognised and Ministry of Communication & IT, Government of India Funded & ISO 9001:2008 Certified National Institute Establishment in the Year 1979 n i M e a c n n a e l g l e e m c x e E n f t o E s d e u d c a a c t e i o D n - 3 n i M e a c n n a e l g l e e m c x e E n f t o E s d e u d c a a c t e i o D n - 3 PGDM 2010-2012 BATCH PLACEMENT BROCHURE WHERE EXPERTISE WHERE EXPERTISE MEETS EXPERIENCE

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Placement Brochure of PGDM equivalent to MBA of IIBM Patna. The PGDM 2010-2012 batch students of IIBM Patna are looking forward to set their mark in the Corporate world. Interested Organisation/Companies may contact IIBM Patna 9386598582


Page 1: MBA Placement Brochure of IIBM Patna

INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PATNAAn AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, Recognised and Ministry of Communication & IT,

Government of India Funded & ISO 9001:2008 Certified National Institute Establishment in the Year 1979

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Indian Institute of Business ManagementYEARS


“ Lead me from the unreal to the real.

Lead me from darkness to light.

Lead me from death to immortality.”

Brhadaranyaka Upanishad

Page 3: MBA Placement Brochure of IIBM Patna

ns de Placement Brochure of PGDM 2010-2012IIBM I

II II2Message of Founder Director

II II4Origin and Objectives


II II9Our Infrastructure

II II12Batch Snapshot-2012

II II13-14HR Student Profile

II II19IIBM in News

II II20Training & Placement

II II22-23Stay and Travel in Patna

II II3Message From Placement Desk

II II5Mission and Vision

II II8American Corner Patna

II II10Faculty

II II11Our Alumni

II II16-18Marketing Student Profile

II II15Finance Student Profile

II II21Workshop & Seminar

II II24Placement Procedure & Placement Schedule







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Founder Director General

Sectional President


Past President

Vice President, Bihar-Jharkhand

Past Indian Representative

Accredited Supervisor

Ex. Vice President (East)

Ex. Sectional Chairman, Bihar-Jharkhand

Chairman (IMC)

Former Member

Indian Institute of Business Management &

Dr. Zakir Husain Institute, Patna

Asian Institute of Information Technology,


Indian Institute of Bio-Informatics

& Bio-Technology, Patna

S.P.S. Institute of Journalism & Mass


Institute of Hotel Mgt. & Catering Technology,


ICT-CS,100th Indian Science Congress

Computer Society of India, Mumbai

Indian Commerce Association

Indian Institute of Public Administration

International Fedn of Information Processing,

Vienna, Austria

DOEACC, Dept. of IT, Govt. of India

Computer Society Of India, Mumbai

Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi

Women’s ITI, Muzaffarpur

(World Bank Funded Project)

All India Board of Management Studies

AICTE, New Delhi

Pro ChancelorThe Global Open University, Nagaland

Message of Founder Director

As we have completed 33-years of excellence in

Management & IT education, we take this opportunity

to express our deep sense of gratitude and thanks to

all individuals who encouraged us at the moment it was

seriously needed. We remember each word and every action

which all together made it possible to let dreams came true.

We are equally thankful to Department of Education, Dept. of

Labour, Employment & Training, Dept. of Science &

Technology, Govt. of Bihar and Magadh University, Indira

Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), All India Council For

Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi American Hotel &

Lodging Association, USA Intercultural Open University, The

Neetherlands, The Global Open University, Milan, Manipal

Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), City and Guilds

International, London, for accreditation of Bachelor's and

Master's level degree / diploma academic programmes in the

areas of management, computer sciences and IT, hotel &

hospitality management, journalism & mass-communication,

fashion technology paramedical & allied health sciences.

We cannot forget the financial assistance by Ministry of

Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India and

All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of HRD,

Govt. of India Ministry of Environment, Govt. of India for

strengthening the efforts and endeavours of IIBM team.

However, the success of the institute has been possible due to

the training and hundred percent final placement of our

students by numerous corporate industrial organisations from

public and private sectors.

Our aim is to enable you to develop both intellectual and

practical skills and to think creatively and criticaly. In that

way, you should not only be capable in your chosen profession

or area of work, but will also be able to make a significant

contribution to the wider community.

Prof. Uttam Kumar Singh







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Dear Sir, The management graduates from our institution have

the highest level of motivation, right orientation, The Indian Institute of Business Management

(IIBM), Patna, as a Management Institute was sincerity to their job apart from being adequately

established in the year 1979 and has since then qualified. The management graduates passing out imparted management education to almost from IIBM have always achieved superlative results 10,000 persons. In the last three decades, the and have been able to contribute to accomplishing IIBM has successfully imparted academic as well

the tasks assigned to them because of their as practising management concepts, backed up

dedication, honesty and sincerity. It goes without by right attitudes and necessary skills and

saying that management students from IIBM will be a techniques and management tools. The two great asset to your corporation/ company years course that is being imparted is recognized /institution/ organisation once in your AICTE and confers a PGDM equivalent to

Masters of Business Administration (MBA). The Special emphasis has always been placed by IIBM to participants of the course have all been deliver results with a target oriented approach which employed in industry/trade/NGOs, the

are quantifiable even in the most adverse of Government aided sectors etc across the

situations and to always perceive the opportunities country, and many of them are now at important

that are being thrown up even in situations which are functional positions of their organisations

difficult, adverse or unpredictable. This ability of our occupying important executive posts, while management graduates is the reason for their many have emerged a s succes s fu l

success in which every sector they have been entrepreneurs, adding to the wealth of the

nation. employed with. We take pride in the fact that 100%

placement of our management graduates has taken Considerable resource material has been

accumulated over the last 33 years in the place since the time of inception from 1979 onwards

Institution in the form of assignments carried out and many are at the top echelons of their by the students. IIBM Patna has one of the organization.largest library in the city with more than 2.5 lacs

We would be happy to carry out or facilitate Job books, 100 periodicals/journals from across the

Interviews for your organization or representative at globe.IIBM campus Patna. If you do choose to show interest

We would be happy to collaborate with your in the Management Graduates passing out from IIBM institution/company/organisation to take on any Patna we would be happy to even forward their latest Project work of yours, which would also provide

CVs to your organization for any preliminary exposure to our students in various sectors of

business, trade and non-profit making scrutiny/assessment at your level before shortlisting.

organisations and help them acquire a more With regards,meaningful insight into complexities of

Executive Directormanagement. Prof. Rohit Singh,

Message From Placement DeskIIB



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Origin and Objectives Indian Institute of Business Management Patna has been established in the year 1979 with the help of

prominent academicians, social workers, philosophers, planners and administrators, management

thinkers, industrialists as an autonomous, non-profit making all India institute for training, research and

studies in the areas of management, computer sciences, hotel & hospitality management, e-business, e-

governance and rural development. The activities of the institute include training, research,

publications, conference organisation, consultancy and organisation of specialised technical and

academic pogrammes besides organisation and implementation of programmes having a positive,

social, educational, cultural and economic content in order to ensure the optimum development of

Indian societies.

Since it's inception, the institute responds to the educational needs of the society through continuous

investigation of what those needs are as well as what they are likely to become. In responding to those

needs, the institute prepares and develops both teachers and scholars who appreciate the real world of

schools, students and communities. The object, content, structure and methods of different educational

systems involve a variety of abilities and attitudes with the content of growth to bring reflective

dimensions in their work. The emphasis is on building bridges from theory and research to practice and


The Institute firmly believes in the dignity of human beings at work and their relationship within the

enterprise. Keeping this in mind, IIBM is striving hard to achieve the objectives viz. :

Ø To provide basic analytical tool-kit for management, including fundamental concepts and

principles from the various management disciplines (HR, Marketing, Finance, Production,

Materials, Agriculture, Health-Care, Export, Computers, Rural Development and Hotel

Management and an understanding of the major institutions in the business and government


Ø To develop skills in using these tools in an imaginative, orderly, problem solving capacity by

first identifying what the problems are, then analysing alternative solutions, and finally,

implementing the chosen solution.

Ø To advance ability to make and carry out rational decisions.

Ø To develop a basis for dealing effectively with others, in person and in writing to bring

efficiency and more productivity.

ØTo encourage continued learning from experience, habitual receptiveness to new ideas and

new ways of dealing with problems.

Ø To install a thorough understanding of the overall economic, political and social environment

which the trainees, as a manager, will live and work.

Ø To serve as a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences and collection and dissemination of

information on management in general and marketing, finance, industrial relations, human

resources, social welfare, retail, CRM, international business, in particular.

ØTo sponsor, promote, encourage, conduct and contribute to the study and research and to

impart instructions in any subject touching any or all aspects of management and computer

sciences, including their sociological, political and economic background and context.







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India Vision - 2020 of Hon'ble Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Former President of India

Work and sweat for a great vision, the vision of transforming India into a developed nation, powered by

economic strength with a strong value system. Keep the lamp of knowledge burning to achieve the

vision of a developed India.

Establishment of an international network of centres of excellence for learning that supports the

transformation of India into a compelling and dynamic nation, by attracting highly motivated

professionals and entrepreneurs, facilitating the mobility of global talent and engaging them in value

based productive, effective and innovative enterprise.

The Institute is vibrant and globally interlinked organisation that produces outstanding individuals,

entrepreneurs and students, a conducive and stimulating environment for personal growth and

advancement. To help global talent make informed rational decisions about the world economic

outlook, the Institute organises study, training and research in the professional subjects and fields

having positive and cultural development of the Indian economy. The Institute is the perfect place for a

meeting of minds- where local and global talent exchange ideas and collaborate on innovating and

learning projects. We facilitate many different creative and meaningful networking opportunities for

professionals around the world. Our several national centers at various locations are staffed by highly

motivated teams who are focused on creating the greatest value for our students and providing

opportunities for all in the areas of technical and vocational education.









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Why IIBM ?







Regular PGDM equivalent to MBA recognised by AICTE, New Delhi, MHRD, Govt. of India.

Eminent & Learned Pool of Faculties.

Visiting Faculties from IITs, IIMs, other National & Global Business Schools.

Participant Centered Learning.

Rich Library wih access to e-Library having more than 2.5 lacs books, journals, ebooks CD/DVDs,


Digital Classroom with high speed Internet access in Campus over Wi-fi.

Strong Industry base through Alumni Network.

100% Placement Records.

American Corner in Campus.


Incubation Centre

Centre for Corporate Social Responsiblity

Placement Services

Research Centre

Service and Trade Support

Community FM Radio

Self Managed Student Teams

Publication Division

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IIBM Corporate Leadership Committee (CLC)


IIBM Entrepreneur & Networking Club (ENC)

Centre for CSR Initiatives (CCSR)

Corporate Leadership Club is run with the realization of the fact that every company needs

strong leaders to run daily operations. CLC aims to develop that attitude which will prepare

students to lead the future companies. It involves activities, competitions, workshops, team

work and other such events which helps develop Communication, decision making,

Analytical Thinking, Thinking out Of the Box and the like while also emphasizing on ethics and

values in business. The Club recognizes potential in every student and aims to bring it out

through various club activities and high participation level and there by grooming our self as

per industry standard. The club also looks into the various career related problems that

student faces and tries to sort it out through various club activities.

Information Technology Club seeks to introduce students with the latest and relevant IT tools

used in the business and make managers more resourceful, employable, updated and quick

at work. The IT club mission is to empowering students with IT tools to provide them an edge

in their all ventures. To build, enhance and promote ideas and creativity amongst the students

through IT and to create a common platform to share knowledge and enhance skills related to


Entrepreneurship Networking Club is set up by the students with the quaint mission to

organize events, lectures and seminars to inspire each other and bring Entrepreneurs from

around and beyond to guide the budding aspirants and provide them with the opportunity to

learn nuances of business through projects and case studies. The club has led to the

establishment of incubation centre for the funding of new ideas. The Entrepreneur Group is a

resource for IIBM students interested in start-ups or who already own a business. The Group

provides opportunities for cohorts to blend, share ideas and gather advice. Objectives

include bringing in guest speakers, attending events and entering business plan


The Centre for CSR Initiatives understands that there is no single universally accepted

definition of corporate social responsibility, it has generally come to mean business decision

making linked to ethical values, legal compliance, and respect for people, community, and

environment. This centre aims at working closely with corporate and grass root institutions for

adding quality to their CSR activities. The emerging paradigm in CSR is to identify and work on

strategic areas which can contribute to societies.

Various Clubs & Centres of Excellence in IIBM

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The American Corner provides a window on life and

culture in the United States and is the first place to

visit for accurate and up-to-date information about

political, economic, cultural, educational and social

trends in the United States. It is hosted in Indian

Institute of Business Management Campus in

association with Public Affairs Division of U.S. Embassy,

New Delhi.

Ø Books and Magazines

Ø CD-ROMs with current full-text articles

Ø Videos and DVDs

Ø Internet access

Ø Reference service by information specialist

Ø Photocopying

Ø Referral to the American Information

Ø Resource Center

Ø Facilities for group or individual orientations

Ø Invitations to special programs/events

Acs have programs where every month speakers are

invited from Embassy and members get an opportunity

to interact with them, brush up their knowledge about

the two countries i.e. India and America. Regular

interactions with the U.S. speakers also let them

practice their English with the Native speaker and

boost the confidence. In addition there are always

some interesting events happening at AC Patna

like celebration of Earth Day, International Youth

Day, Thanks Giving Day where they can actively

participate. Such activities are designed to

promote community feeling while keeping the

members aware of the surroundings.



American Corner Patna II







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Auditorium - Lecture Halls

The Institute's library contains a selected

collection of over 2.5 lakh books and reference

materials. The Institute also subscribes more than

150 periodicals for the benefit of the participants,

faculty and researchers. The information regarding

big projects of the public as well as private sector

organisations are arranged with unlimited access by

the participants. The services of the library also

include assisting the students in providing access to

Digital Contents and computer based video tutorials.

The computer centre is equipped with most,

sophisticated computer systems 125 in number with

high speed Internet to execute several useful

software development projects. The institute was

recognised as the modern centre for the study,

training & research at Post Graduate level by Govt. of

India and subsequently several hundred computers

were installed at the computer centre of the

institute. With the establishment of Software

Technology Park, Internet Service Centre, Global

Internet Connectivity Centre and Networking Lab.,

presently the institute has world class State of the

Art IT Lab for Computing and IT Applications.

An augmentation of the state-of the-art

facilities provided to the students of IIBM

includes the new lecture halls equipped with

sophisticated Audio-Visual aids.

Our Infrastructure

IIBM is Subscriber of:







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Faculty One of the greatest challenges in offering an education in Business Management is finding and selecting

the right faculty. We believe we have assembled expert faculty who embody this integration in their lives

and teaching, and we continue to attract additional bright and talented members to expand our team.

Dr. P.R. TrivediB.Tech, MBA, PhD.

PGDM (MBA) Prof. Shailendra K. Singh

Prof N. R. Sinha MBA

Prof. Sanjay Kumar MA (LSW), LLB, Ph.D.

Prof. Chetna Priti PGDM, M.Phil

Prof. RahulM.Phil., Ph.D. Scholar, TISS

Dr. Neelam Mishra MBA, PhD

Prof. A.K. MahapatraMCA, M.Phil.

Prof. Sanjay ShuklaMA, PGDM

MBA Prof Sushil Jha

Dr. Pushpa MA, PhD

Prof. S K Sinha MBA

Prof. Ashok VermaB.Sc., MCA, M.Tech.

Prof. Satya Srivastava MBA

Prof. Rohit Singh M.Sc. (e-Business), Alumni, IIM A

Prof. Shweta Gaur MA, PGDHM

Kumud Kumari MHRM

Prof N. PrasadB.Com, M.Com

Prof. P.C. PathakBBM, MBA

Prof. Rakesh Kr. SinghMA, M.Phil.

Seema RaniMCA, PGDA

Prof. Jayant TiwariB.Tech, MBA

MA, PhD.Dr. S.K. Singh

Sudipto ChakravartiM.Sc., PGDCA

Dr. B.M.P. SharmaM.Sc., PhD.

Prof. K.L. AmbasthaM.Sc., MCA

Prof. Niraj NalinM.M.S, PhD.

Dr. A.K. NayakM.Sc., MCA, PhD.

Prof. U.K. Singh MBA, PhD.

Prof. S.K. SudhanshuPGDM (MBA)

Prof. Gaurav SinghB.Tech, IIT, Delhi, PGDCM, IIM Calcutta

Dr. Jagdanand Jha MA, LLB, PhD.

Prof. Ruchi ShrivastavaMBA

Dr. L. K. Jha MA, PhD.

Prof. Rajeshwar DayanPGDM, PGDCA

Prof. R.P. SahuMA., PGDM

Prof. Sneha VyasMBA

Prof. R.A. KhanPGDM

Dr. R.S. YadavMA, PhD.

Dr. K.K. DuttaMBA, PhD.

R.K. SharmaB.Com, PGDM







Prof. Ganesh Pandey M.Sc. IT, MCA, M.Tech.

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Mr. Arun AichMr. Arun Aich

Senior Manager, HR,

NHPC Ltd, Manipur

Mr. Arun Kumar

Dr U D Choubey

Director General,


Mr. Anand Raj

Vice President

Retail Operations at GKB Lens Pvt.Ltd.

Mr. Angshuman Shashi

Chief Operating Officer,

G.T. Star Hotels, Raipur

Mr. Vinod Srivastava

Area Manager,

UP Hotels Clarks Limited, U.K.

Mr. Yusuf Quddus

SMAS at Verizon Wireless

Greater New York City Area

Mr. Arun Aich

Country Head

Star Group LLC, Qatar

Mr. Allen Laden

AGM, Marketing & Export

NALCO India, Kolkata

Mr. Satya Prakash

Regional Sales Head

Nerolac Paints, Jharkhand

Mr. Amit Sinha

Zonal Business Manager,

Idea Cellular, Bihar Circle





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chSnapshot 2010-12



Exp < 1 Year

Exp > 1 Year

Exp > 2 Years













BBA17% B.Com.






HR 38%

Marketing 49%

Finance 13%








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HR Student Profile

Neha SinhaB. A. (Economics Hons)

SIP : Proj Title : “Corporate Social Responsibility in different telecom sectors and tried to find out thelinkages that Airtel can have with NGOs and government organizations.”

[email protected] Communication.

Dimpal Kumari B. Sc (Bio Tech)[email protected] : BATA India Pvt Ltd, Patna.Proj Title : “Study on Collective Bargaining.”

Heena KumariB. A (Pshycology)[email protected] : BATA India Pvt Ltd, Patna.Proj Title : “Present Scenario of the Industrial Relation.”

Nidhi [email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, Patna.Proj Title : “Study on Training and Development.”

Kumari Renu Lata [email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, Patna.Proj Title : “Study on Recruitment and Selection process.”

Kamil AbuzarB [email protected] SIP : NHPCProj detail : “Performance appraisal was indulged in questionnaire design and feedbackcollection regarding performance appraisal”

Seema [email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, Patna.Proj Title : “Study on Wages and Salary administration.”







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Archana KumariB. Sc. (Chemistry)[email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, Patna.Proj Title : “Analysis of Recruitment and Selection process.”

Sushmita [email protected] : B S E B, Patna.Proj Title : “Grievances redressal procedure.”

Sweta KumariB.A.swetaaries18 @gmail.comSIP : B S E B, Patna.Proj Title : “Study on Performance appraisal process.”

NiharikaB.Sc (IT)[email protected] : BATA India Ltd, Patna.Proj Title : “A brief study of the present scenario of the industrial relation”

Rajesh Kumar SinghB.A ([email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, PatnaProj Title : “Study on Employee Motivation.”

Political Science Hons.)

Anamika KumariB. Sc (Hons.)[email protected] : Usha International LimitedProj Title : “Level of commitments of employee towards company ”

Babita KumariB. A (Hons.)[email protected] : Patna Dairy ProjectProj Title : “Employee welfare on Patna Dairy Project”

HR Student ProfileII







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Finance Student Profile

Jitendra KumarB. [email protected] SIP : Punjab national Bank.Proj Title : “Marketing of mutual funds through banks and performance of somemutual funds over a period of two months.”

Vijay Shankar RoyB B A, [email protected] SIP : Franklin Templeton India.Proj Title : “Marketing of mutual funds through banks and performance ofsome mutual funds over a period of two months.”

Abhay KumarB. Tech. (I.T.)[email protected] SIP : Religare Securities Ltd, Patna.Proj Title : “Securities Trading and its Risk assesment.”

Jyoti VashuB. B. [email protected] SIP : Bank of India, Laheriasarai, DarbhangaProj Title : “Ratio Analysis”Achievement : “Winner of entrepreneurship networking club (ENC)”

Eti KumariB. [email protected] SIP : Bank of India, Laheriasarai, DarbhangaProj Title : “Ratio Analysis”Achievement : “Winner of entrepreneurship networking club (ENC)”

Roshan Kumar JhaB. [email protected] SIP : Franklin Templeton, Patna.Proj Title : “Performance sale of mutual funds, Bluechip fund, Prima plus,Flexicap fund, via network of Axis Bank.”

Izzatullah HassanM. [email protected] SIP : Religare Securities Ltd, Patna.Proj Title : “Risk Management in working of broking firm and its investors.”







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Marketing Student Profile

Gopesh KumarB.A (Economics Hons)[email protected] : MTS Telecom, PatnaProj Title : “Consumer buying behavior.”

Chandan KumarB.A., Political Science (Hons.)[email protected] : Pepsico, Patna & Malyalam Manorma, PatnaProj Title : “Product Placement according to segmentation and competition”.

Satish KumarB. [email protected] : Reliance TelecomProj Title : “Effectiveness of distribution network with respect toGSM and CDMA in direct marketing.”

Chandan [email protected] : Pepsico, PatnaProj Title : “Sales promotion and distribution channel”

Shashi RanjanB. B. [email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, PatnaProj Title : “Consumer preferences on purchase of Sudha Milk and Milk products.”

Sarvesh Kr. SumanB. Sc. (IT)[email protected] : Pepsico, PatnaProj Title : “Sales Promotion and distribution channel”

Bimlesh KumarB. [email protected] : Pepsico, PatnaProj Title : “Sales Promotion and distribution channel”







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Supriya [email protected] : AirtelProj Title : “Promotions for increasing the sales of AWS.”

NEETU GIRIB. [email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, PatnaProj Title : “Brief study of 4Ps with special reference to Sudha's products.”

Harsh [email protected] SIP :TATA Tele Services, PatnaProj Title : “Performance Appraisal Management System.”

Rajeev KumarB A. (Economics Hons)[email protected] SIP : Shree Cement Ltd, New Delhi.Proj Title : “Formatting Strategies to enter into a new market, main focus on Bihar's Market.”

Satish KumarB [email protected] SIP Patna Dairy Project, PatnaProj Title : “Strategy to double the sales of Sudha Milk products in 2-3 years.”

Prakash SinhaB B [email protected] SIP : Shree Cement Ltd, New Delhi.Proj Title : “Formatting Strategies to enter into a new market, main focus on Bihar's Market.”

Vaibhav VandhavB. [email protected] : Shree Cement Ltd, New Delhi.Proj Title : “Market Research to help in Strategy building for entering in new market”Achievements : Practical approaches of Consumer behavior and demand forecasting.Use of tools like MS Excel and MS Powerpoint to generate the report.

Marketing Student ProfileIIB



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Hari Narayan SinghB. B. [email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, PatnaProj Title : “Consumer perception with reference to Sudha's products.”

Neha ChandraB. Sc ( Hons.)[email protected] : HCL Infosystem Ltd.Proj Title : “Marketing Strategy adopted by HCL with respect to its competitiors.Achievements : Practical exposure of interaction with the customers, and understanding thesales and its techniques of sales promotion. Organized the carnival and participated in it.”

Swati ShuklaB. [email protected] : Patna Dairy Project, PatnaProj Title : “Consumer preferences on purchase of Sudha Milk and Milk products.”

Suruchi [email protected] : Cygnet Computers Pvt Ltd, PatnaProj Title : “Study Post Sales Services of PCs and Laptops and its competitors.”

Abhay KumarB.Sc (Zoology Hons)[email protected] : Reliance Telecommunication, PatnaProj Title : “Effectiveness of distribution network with respect toGSM and CDMA in direct marketing.”

Anamika AnneM. A. [email protected] : MTS Telecom, PatnaProj Title : “Consumer buying process of telecom products.”

Kushal Kumar SinghB. A. (Hons.)[email protected] : Reliance TelecomProj Title : “Effectiveness of distribution network with respect toGSM and CDMA in direct marketing.”

Marketing Student ProfileII







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Marketing Student Profile

Dilip DeveshB. [email protected] SIP : MTS Telecom, PatnaProj Title : “Consumer buying process of telecom products.”

IIBM in News







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Training and Placement SUMMER PLACEMENT


Summer placement is an integral part of the different programmes of the institute and the placement

office assists the participants in finding a suitable summer assignment. This experience provides the

student with an opportunity to improve his understanding of management problems in actual work

situations. The evaluation report prepared by employing organisations provide the useful feed-back

regarding the strength and weakness of the student. This feedback is of great value both to the faculty

and the student in remedying the shortcomings on the part of the student and developing an

understanding of the potentials in the student which can be tapped.

The student is required to work on a summer assignment in an organisation for about 2-3 months

between the first and second year. The assignment starts by middle of may and ends at middle of July

so that student can return to the campus by the third week of July for the new academic year. Towards

the end of the assignment, the student has to submit a report to the institute and the employer. This

report in the organisation form the basis on which the employer evaluates the student\'s performance

and the institute evaluates the same for the project report.

While a few students enter the institute programmes knowing exactly where their careers will lead

them, many more come with general goals in mind. Most students develop new objectives through

exposure to the curriculum, faculty, other students and the wide range of formal and informal

placement activities at the Institutes. For nearly everyone, time spent at IIBM is an intense period of self-

assessment, goal formulation and consideration of specific jobs. The placement office is a major

resource person for each of these process. The placement officer strives hard through out the year to

communicate with the corporate employers to request them to visit the institute campus, as and when

possible to screen the outgoing final semester participants for final placement. By virtue of institute\'s

expertise and experience to produce suitable candidates, the corporate employing enterprises from

public and private sectors are always keen to visit the campus for selection and recruitment.

Since its inception in the year 1979 the institute has taught and trained more than 12-thousand

students and all of them are placed at suitable positions in various industries and service organisations

in India and abroad. As such, this is almost difficult to publish the recruitment data of the students in

the information bulletin. However, an illustrative list of few prominent industries and enterprises are

mentioned below for reference and information.

IIBM Students Working For:







Page 23: MBA Placement Brochure of IIBM Patna

Workshops & Seminars

Mr. B.Choudhary, GM, IOCL Bihar-Jharkhandin One Day Seminar in IIBM

Dr. U.N. Singh, Chief Technologist, NASAin a One Day Seminar in IIBM

Mr. V.N. Singh, Sr. Vice President,International Wintech, Bangalore in IIBM

H.E. Sri Nikhil Kumar, Governor of Nagalandas Keynote Speaker in IIBM

One Day Workshop on Girl Child in 21st Century India in IIBM

Workshop on Personality Enhancement byMr. P.P. Dayal, Tech. Lead, Infosys, Moscow

Workshop on Soft Skills & Managerial Skillsby Nishant Krishna, Tech Lead, Avaya

Workshop on Rental Service Industry byMr. Praveen Sinha, ex-CEO, Reliance Comm.

Symposium on Management Lessons byDr. P.N. Singh, Chairman, Grid Cons.

Mr. Irfan Alam, Founder of Samman Foundationin ENC Club Activity in IIBM

PGDM 2010 Batch Winner of Speech Competition by a NGO in Patna

One Day Business Standard SamriddhiProgram Sponsored by IIBM







Page 24: MBA Placement Brochure of IIBM Patna

Patna, the capital of the state of Bihar, has a rich history that spans three millennia. The city is

associated with two of the most ancient religions of the world – Jainism and Buddhism. It has seen the

rise and fallof the great empires of the Mauryas and the Guptas. It has emerged as the second most

populous city in eastern India after Kolkata. The city has a continuous history, a feat that only a very few

cities across the globe have achieved. In the glorious years of its existence, Patna has served as the

centre of education not only for India but the whole world. The name of the city is derived from


One of the first greatest universities in recorded history ‘Nalanda’ flourished here. The ruins lie south of

Patna. The university encompassed a land of more than fourteen hectares which was ransacked by

invaders. At the peak of its glory, it attracted scholars and students all the way from China, Greece and

Persia. The library of Nalanda, known as Dharma Gunj (Mountain of Truth) or Dharmagañja (Treasury of

Truth), was the most renowned repository of Buddhist knowledge in the world at the time.

The ancient city boasted of many great minds of that time. One of them was Aryabhata who wrote the

treatise Aryabhatiya, which contains several works on astronomy, algebra and trigonometry. He is

remembered as giving the place-value system to the world and introducing the concept of zero to the

world. Patna Sahib is the birth place of the tenth guru of the Sikhs, Guru Govind Singh. The rich history

of Patna has a deep impact on the culture and education of the present.

The campus of IIBM Patna is located in front of Patna museum, Patna. The institute of approximately 1.5

kilometers away from the Patna Junction and four kilometers from the Loknayak Jai Prakash Narayan

Airport Patna.










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Stay & TravelHow to Reach Patna ?

Patna has excellent connectivity from and to the major cities of India.

Flight Details

New Delhi





AirIndia Ai409,Ai407, AI415

Jet Airways (Jet Lite) 9W-7082

Indigo 6E-178

Kingfisher Red IT-3347

Jet Lite S2-289, S2-102

Go Air G8-341, G8-343

IndiGo 6E-342, 6E-178

Kingfisher Red IT-3571

Jet Lite S2-721, S2-102

IndiGo 6E-276, 6E-178

IndiGo 6E-341

Kingfisher Red IT-4579

Jet Konnect 9W-2852, 9W-2854

IndiGo 6E-341, 6E-126,


GoAir G8-372

Train Details

New Delhi





Rajdhani Express 12310

Sampoorna Kranti Exp. 12394

Howrah Danapur Exp. 12351

Janshatabdi Express 12023

Poorva Express 12303

Kolkata Rajdhani 12305

Rajendra Nagar Exp. 12141

LTT RJPB Express 13202

Sanghamitra Express 12295

Bagmati Express 12578

Sanghamitra Express 12295

Bagmati Express 12578







Page 26: MBA Placement Brochure of IIBM Patna

Placement Procedure and Placement Schedule1. Company/Organisation fills the Job

Announcement Form (JAF)* and sends it by

post/fax or email to the Placement Cell of

IIBM Patna (Details are given in JAF Format).

2. Company/Organisation has the option to

send requirements through email to

[email protected]

3. Placement Office would allot date for pre-

placement talk and campus interviews and

inform the company/ organisation.

4. Resumes of Interested candidates are made

available to company/ organisation on


5. The company visits the campus on the given

date and conducts pre-placement talk,

Apt i tude/Technical Test, Personal

Interview/Group Discussion as a part of the

selection procedure.

6. Once a student gets a confirmed job offer

then he/she will not be allowed to appear for

other companies' interviews as per the IIBM

Placement Policy.

7. It may be noted that the selected student

would be able to join the company/

organisation not before July 2012.

* The Job Announcement Form (JAF)

p r o v i d e s t h e p r i m a r y b a s i s o f

communicating the details of the positions

offered to the candidates. It is therefore,

highly desirable that the JAF is complete in

all respects and it would be advantageous if

it is accompanied with relevant company

literature giving more details about the








Page 27: MBA Placement Brochure of IIBM Patna

We offer the organizations two ways

in whichthey can perform the recruitment process.

In which the students visit the organization and appear for the job interview.

In which the organization send the esteemed HR people

to the Institute for the recruitment process.

Campus on Wheels :

Campus @ home :

For any querries and information regarding placement,

please contact below SPOCs.

AMIT CHOUDHARYPlacement In-Charge

Email: [email protected] | Ph: 97089 20526

[email protected]+91-9470666846

NEHA SINHA [email protected]



Placement Cell

PROF. SHAILENDRA KUMAR SINGHDeputy Director - Training & Placement

Email: [email protected] | Ph: 93865 98582

IIBM, Budh Marg, Patna-800 001, Bihar, IndiaTel : 0612-2222174, 3269705 I Cell: +91 93865 98582 | Fax : 0612-2221909

Email : [email protected] | Website:

Page 28: MBA Placement Brochure of IIBM Patna

Budh Marg, Opp. Patna-800 001, Bihar, India

Ph.: 0612-2222174/3269704/705 I Mob.: 93041 41004 / 93865 98582

Fax: 0612-2221909 I E-mail: [email protected] I Website: