mbad/f 617: optimization and financial engineering instructor: linda leon fall 2011

MBAD/F 617: Optimization and Financial Engineering Instructor: Linda Leon Fall 2011

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MBAD/F 617: Optimization and Financial Engineering

Instructor: Linda LeonFall 2011

Course Background

Financial engineering is a multidisciplinary field involving the application of quantitative methods to finance.

Used for quantitative analyst positions in securities, banking, financial management and consulting industries

Optimization models can help a manager maximize/minimize objectives or just quickly produce feasible solutions for highly constrained problems

Financial Engineering Examples

GE Capital, a $70 billion subsidiary of GE financial services business, developed an optimization model to allocate and schedule the rental and debt payments of a leveraged lease which allowed analysts to target profitability as well as optimize NPV of rental payments.

Grantham, May, Van Otterloo & Co., an investment management firm with $26 billion assets, developed a mixed integer programming model to design portfolios that achieve investment objectives while minimizing the number of stocks and transactions required.

Another Example:

TFM Investment Group, which was designated as a market maker in exchange traded funds (ETFs) in 2001, used integer programming to minimize the cost of producing creation units while remaining hedged. A second optimization technique was used to minimize the beta-dollar difference between the ETF and the portfolio of constituent stocks which minimized the tracking error between the current position in the basket of stocks and the number of short ETFs in TFM’s portfolio.

W o rk in g C a p ita l M g m t

C a p ita l In ves tm e n t P la nn ing

S h o rt T e rm F ina n c ia l P lan n ing

F in a nc ia l M a na g em e nt

Id e n tifying A rb itrag e O p po rtu n it ies

S e cu rity D e s ign

F in a n c ia l M a rke ts P o rtfo lio M a na g e m e nt

O ptim ization & Financial Engineering

C a sh B ud ge ting

M u lt ipe rio d L P M o d e ls

W o rk in g C a p ita l M g m t

C a p ita l B u d ge ting

IP M o d e ls

C a p ita l In ves tm e n t P la nn ing

M u lt ip le O b je c tives

G o a l P rog ra m m ing

S h o rt T e rm F ina n c ia l P lan n ing

F in a nc ia l M a na g em e nt

F o re ig n E xcha n g e M arke ts

Id e n tifying A rb itrag e O p po rtu n it ies

M u n ic ipa l B o nd U n d erw rit ing

L e ve rag ed Le ases

S e cu rity D e s ign

F in a n c ia l M a rke ts

P o rtfo lio S tru ctu ring

E ffic ien t F ron tie rs

N L P M o d e ls

D a ta E n ve lo pm e nt A na lys is

E th ica l M utu a l Fu n ds

P o rtfo lio M a na g e m e nt

Optim ization & Financial Engineering

Financial Modeling

Many financial models which use advanced modeling and analytical techniques are spreadsheet based

There is a market demand for more sophisticated models and analysis by financial end-users

Most end-users prefer to develop their own models (cost,flexibility)

A model is valuable if you make better decisions when you use it than when you don’t!

Model Results

Management Situation










Symbolic World

Real World

Decision Support Models Force you to be explicit about your objectives

Force you to identify the types of decisions that influence those objectives

Force you to think carefully about variables to include and their definitions in terms that are quantifiable

Force you to consider what data are pertinent for quantification

Allow communication of your ideas and understanding to facilitate teamwork

Force you to recognize constraints on values that variables may assume

Decision Models

Inputs• Decisions which are controllable• Parameters which are uncontrollable

Outputs• Performance variables, or objective functions, that

measure the degree of goal attainment• Consequence variables that display other

consequences so results can be better interpreted

Deterministic –vs- Probabilistic Models

In deterministic models, all of the relevant data (parameter values) are assumed to be known with certainty.

In probabilistic (stochastic) models, some parameter input is not known with certainty, thus causing uncertainty in the other variables.

Two General Approaches to Financial Modeling

Simulation • Process of imitating the firm so that the

possible consequences of alternative decisions and strategies can be analyzed prior to implementation (MBAD/F 619)

Optimization• Identifies which decision alternative leads

to a desired objective given a specified set of fixed assumptions (MBAD/F 617)

Advantages of End-User Modeling

End-users get closer to the raw data and the assumptions being made

End-users can customize the models to generate information that fits their needs

End-users can see results easily and immediately, which enhances strategy generation and encourages risk analysis

Disadvantages of End-User Modeling

Incorrect information is generated by inappropriate or inaccurate models (20 to 40% contain significant errors)

End-users are overconfident about the quality of their own spreadsheets

Poorly designed models can discourage strategy generation and risk analysis

End-users may not always employ the most productive methods for generating insights or may misinterpret the generated information

Recent spreadsheet research shows…

End users typically do not plan their spreadsheets

End users rarely spend time debugging their models

End users almost never let another person review their spreadsheets

Many end users do not consistently use tools that can make modeling productive and insightful

Course Objectives: Students should be able to

Construct decision-support spreadsheet models to analyze various complex, multi-criteria financial applications.

Apply advanced analytical skills in modeling and decision-making with an emphasis on optimization techniques.

Course Objectives (continued)

Critically analyze and integrate information provided by the use of optimization techniques into the decision-making process.

Implement appropriate organizational controls and spreadsheet design skills to mitigate the risks of a misstatement in a financial spreadsheet.

Financial Modeling Competition