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Innova&on workshop for the 2015 alumni reunion http://kwanghui.com Kwanghui Lim Associate Professor, MBS and CoDirector, Intellectual Property Research Ins&tute of Australia. [email protected]

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Innova&on  workshop  for  the  2015  alumni  reunion  


Kwanghui  Lim      

Associate  Professor,  MBS  and  

Co-­‐Director,  Intellectual  Property  Research  Ins&tute  of  Australia.    

 [email protected]    

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•  Quick  introduc&ons  

•  What  is  innova&on?  –  A  framework  for  being  a  beOer  innovator.  

•  Prac&ce  session!  –  This  is  a  workshop.  Not  a  lecture.  

•  Discussion  and  wrap-­‐up  


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•  What  is  innova&on?  


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Top  myths  

•  Innova&on  is  about  technology.  –  What  about  business  model  innova&ons,  design  innova&ons,  etc.?  

•  Innova&on  is  ‘disrup&on’.  –  What  about  architectural,  radical,  incremental  innova&on?  

•  Innova&on  is  about  startups.  –  That’s  entrepreneurship.  Innova&on  also  applies  to  incumbent  firms  and  to  

social,  community,  government.  

•  Innova&on  is  an  individual  effort.  –  Even  inven&on  is  no  longer  an  individual  effort.  

•  Innova&on  just  needs  the  company  to  regularly  run  an  ‘innova&on  day’.  –  Good  innova&on  &es  strategy,  marke&ng  and  organiza&onal  processes  at  a  

deeper  level.  


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So  how  do  we  become  more  innova&ve?  

•  Lots  of  techniques  available  –  Crea&vity  –  Brainstorming  –  Design  thinking  –  Lean  –  Etc.  

•  But  we’re  MBAs  …  –  So  it  is  important  to  have  a  framework  that  puts  them  together  J  –  It  should  help  not  just  startups,  but  expand  our  capacity  to  innovate  

more  broadly.    


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Start  with  a  problem  


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A  simple  innova&on  framework  


Hothouse  promising  ideas   Slingshot  those  with  the  highest  product-­‐market  fit  Hatch  lots  of  ideas  

Image credits: Google Images., http://techtites.com/angry-birds-epic/angry-birds-epic-upgrade-your-heroes/ http://disneydude-94.deviantart.com/art/The-Eggs-Hatched-267491726

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I.  How  to  hatch  ideas  

•  Use  crea&vity  techniques,  brainstorming,  the  Stanford  design  thinking  bootleg,  etc.  –  It  is  a  myth  that  only  some  people  are  born  crea&ve.  

•  Four  key  elements  cut  across  different  techniques:  –  Observe  –  Reframe    –  Recombine  –  Withhold  judgment  !  

 •  Even  simple  steps  can  make  the  ordinary  into  something  new.  

–  E.g.,  hOp://pix.kwanghuiseto.com/Fun/2013-­‐05-­‐MBS-­‐Favs    


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II.  How  to  hothouse  your  promising  ideas  

•  Develop  a  business  model  –  What’s  the  added-­‐value  of  the  idea?  –  Which  customers  and  channels  to  pursue.  –  Cost  and  revenue  models.  –  Market  entry  strategies.  

•  Test  with  actual  market  feedback  –  Prototype,  validate  and  pivot  as  needed  (e.g.,  using  the  lean  methodology)  

•  Build  a  team  –  Bring  onboard  the  minimum  number  of  people,  but  with  the  diverse  range  of  

skills  needed  to  get  off  the  ground.  


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Elements  of  a  business  model  

•  Note:  A  business  model  is  not  a  strategy  (yet)!  It  just  ar&culates  viability  without  necessarily  taking  into  account  the  full  compe&&ve  dynamics  and  a  comprehensive  marke&ng  plan.  


What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best?Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?

What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue streams?

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?Revenue Streams?

Day Month Year


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Example:  Tradi&onal  versus  do-­‐it-­‐yourself  book  publishing  

http://kwanghui.com Source: “Business Model Generation” by Osterwalder & Pigneur


Costs Revenues



Value Proposition



Customer Segments

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III.  How  to  ‘slingshot’  your  most  promising  ideas  

•  The  key  is  to  build  the  right  capabili&es  and  resources  to  execute  on  your  proposed  business  model.  –  Seek  funding  (if  needed).  –  Pitch  to  obtain  investment,  mentoring,  lead  customers  and  support.  –  Protect  the  idea  and/or  develop  partnerships.    

•  Note  that  partnering  is  risky  if  you  cannot  protect  the  idea.  

•  An&cipate  and  overcome  obstacles,  avoid  nega&vity.  –  Recruit  champions.  –  Recruit  customers/users  –  Cross  the  “chasm”.  –  Build  an  innova&ve  culture  and  organiza&on  (ini&al/founding  condi&ons  


•  Con&nue  adap&ng  to  feedback  and  pivot  as  needed.  http://kwanghui.com

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A  simple  innova&on  framework  


Hothouse  promising  ideas   Slingshot  those  with    the  highest  product-­‐market  fit  

Develop  Business  Model  

Test,  Validate,  Pivot  

Build  a  Team  

Crea&vity  techniques  

Design  thinking  


Recruit  champions  Recruit  customers  

Seek  funding  if  needed  Protect  and/or  partner  Cross  the  “chasm”  

Build  innova&ve  organiza&on  

Hatch  lots  of  ideas  

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A  few  &ps  

•  You  should  hatch  many  ideas,  as  only  some  of  them  will  find  a  product-­‐market  fit.  

•  Form  teams  that  cross  disciplinary  areas,  and  with  different  social  connec&ons.  –  It  helps  reframe/recombine,  e.g.,  through  knowledge  bridging  and  brokering.  

•  Isolate/separate  the  three  nodes.  –  They  require  different  tradeoffs,  choices.  –  E.g.,  hatching  an  idea  needs  the  suspension  of  judgment,  while  building  a  business  plan  

requires  engaging  with  ‘reality’.  

•  Hatching  an  idea  is  only  a  small  part  of  it.  –  MBAs  can  play  a  key  role!  

•  E.g.,  building  the  strategy  and  market  links,  championing  and  genera&ng  momentum,  having  a  business  systems  view.  

–  Don’t  overthink  the  business  model/plan.  A  real  risk  for  MBAs.  


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A  simple  innova&on  framework  


Hothouse  promising  ideas   Slingshot  those  with    the  highest  product-­‐market  fit  

Develop  Business  Model  

Test,  Validate,  Pivot  

Build  a  Team  

Crea&vity  techniques  

Design  thinking  


Recruit  champions  Recruit  customers  

Seek  funding  if  needed  Protect  and/or  partner  Cross  the  “chasm”  

Hatch  lots  of  ideas  

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Your  team  Challenge  (30  minutes)  

•  Pick  a  problem  to  work  on.  –  Preferably  something  from  work  or  

your  recent  social  experience.  •  Write  it  down  at  the  top  of  the  



•  Go  through  the  steps  in  our  framework  –  Hatchery  -­‐>  Hothouse  -­‐>  Slingshot    


Statement of problem

Hatchery •  Observe •  Reframe •  Recombine •  Withhold judgment

Hothouse •  What’s the business

case? •  How to test it? •  Who to bring


Slingshot •  What problems do

you anticipate? •  How would you

overcome them: •  What resources,

people and capabilities will get you there?

•  Funding, protecting IP, partnership

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Slides  for  Q&A  


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The  key  thing  is  to  overcome  the  emo&onal  obstacles  mid-­‐way  


Courtesy of Sally Hogshead http://www.printmag.com/Article/The-5-Stages-of-Your-Creative-Process

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Taxonomy  of  innova&ons  

http://kwanghui.com Source: “The business model innovation factory” by Saul Kaplan