mccoy world history unit 4 multiple choice

  Unit 4 Test: Age of Discovery 2014-15

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Multiple Choice Test (John McCoy, Mt. Hebron High School, Howard County MD). 2014-15


  • Unit 4 Test: Age of Discovery


  • 1. Who discovered America in 1492?

    a. Columbus b. Magellan c. Cortes d. Pizarro

    2. Who was the first European to lead an expedition that circumnavigated the world?

    a. Columbus b. Magellan c. Cortes d. Pizarro

    3. Who was the first European explorer to sail directly to India?

    a. Magellan b. Cortes c. Da Gama d. Columbus

    4. The Spanish explorers who defeated the Aztecs, Incas, and other various Native American peoples were called

    a. Explorers b. Conquerors c. Knights of Columbus d. Conquistadors

    5. The journey for slaves from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas was called the a. Middle Passage b. Triangular Trade c. Middle Voyage d. Slave Trade 6. All of the following can be cited as motivations for exploration except a. Marco Polo b. Ibn Battuta c. Conquest of Constantinople d. English Reformation 7. The strong demand for slaves in Africa lead to an increased amount of a. Trade b. Warfare c. Democracy d. Capitalism 8. The pattern of trade between Europe, Africa and Asia, and the Americas was called the a. Triangular Trade b. Middle Age c. Central Passage d. Slave Trade

  • 9. The conclusion of which medieval event allowed the Spanish monarchy to invest in Columbus expedition? a. The Reformation b. The Inquisition c. The Reconquista d. The War of Spanish Succession 10. All of the following spices desired by Europeans could be found in the Far East except a. Allspice b. Cinnamon c. Nutmeg d. Black Pepper 11. Which two monarchs were nicknamed The Catholic Monarchs?

    a. Charles and Isabella b. Henry and Isabella c. Ferdinand and Elizabeth d. Ferdinand and Isabella

    12. The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) granted the eastern trades routes around Africa towards India to the Portuguese, the

    western routes were granted to the

    a. English b. Spanish c. French d. Italians

    13. In order to establish their authority over the Americas, a system was established in which Spaniards administered

    large plantations to take income or labor from the land and its native inhabitants called

    a. Feudal systems b. Encomiendas c. Reconquistas d. Commercial economy

    14. The scarcity of labor in the Americas, especially in the aftermath of smallpox and other European diseases, led the

    Spanish and the Portuguese

    a. To move their original colonies to the interior of the Americas b. To import labor from Africa c. To institute policies that protected native Americans d. To establish a wage earning system for the native Americans

    15. Portuguese exploration of the African coast was supported by

    a. Prince Henry the Navigator b. Henry VIII c. Ferdinand and Isabella d. The Pope

  • 16. The dominant economic system of the Age of Exploration was

    a. Commercial capitalism b. Money economy c. Mercantilism d. Industrialism

    17. The first world wide empire, stretching from Europe, down the coast of Africa, and all the way to Japan was the

    a. Spanish Empire b. Dutch Trading Empire c. English West Indies company d. Portuguese Trading Empire

    18. What were established along the coast of Brazil for the purpose of growing sugarcane? a. Manors b. Estates c. Plantations d. Asientos 19. In what year was the first load of slaves taken directly from Africa to the Americas? a. 1513 b. 1517 c. 1518 d. 1520 20. The most powerful state in India that Europeans encountered was the a. Mughal Empire b. Mongolian Empire c. Golden Horde d. Qing Empire 21. The introduction of new products and goods for trade by Europeans to Africa led to a shift of importance from the inland states of Africa to the a. Coast b. Nile River c. South Africa d. Morocco 22. Which city did the Ottoman Empire capture that encouraged the western European nations to seek alternative trade routes?

    a. Alexandria b. Rome c. Constantinople d. Cyprus

  • 23. In relation to the primary motivations of God, Glory, and Gold the age of exploration was closely associated with what other historical movement?

    a. The Catholic Counter Reformation b. The Renaissance c. The Protestant Reformation d. The Wars of Religion

    24. What was the primary difference between the Spanish and Portuguese Empires?

    a. The Spanish empire consisted of trading outposts, the Portuguese controlled vast amounts of land b. The Spanish empire consisted of vast amounts of land, the Portuguese controlled trading outposts c. The Portuguese empire lasted longer d. The Spanish Empire created less wealth for Spain then the Portuguese Empire did for Portugal

    25. All of the following African states or kingdoms played a major role in the Atlantic slave trade except

    a. Asante Kingdom b. Oyo Empire c. Benin d. Cape Town

    26. What were the Dutch called that settled in South Africa?

    a. Dutch b. Belgians c. Boers d. Transvals

    27. What was the primary religion of the Mughal Empire?

    a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Taoism d. Islam

    28. Which city was the primary Portuguese outpost off the coast of India?

    a. Goa b. Malacca c. Singapore d. Calicut

    29. Unlike Spanish and Portuguese trading expeditions that were controlled by the government, the Dutch East India Company

    a. Was controlled by investors b. Was a sovereign entity c. Was controlled by the king d. Was controlled by the Church

  • 30. What role did the Philippines play in the Spanish Empire?

    a. Gave the Spanish access to Chinese goods b. Gave the Spanish dominance over the China Sea c. Allowed the Spanish the circumnavigate the world d. Provided a far away land for use as a prison colony

    31. The first major colonial war was fought between the

    a. English and the Americans b. English and the Dutch c. Dutch and the French d. Americans and the Spanish

    32. The Chinese empire reached its greatest extent under the rule of the

    a. Qing b. Ming c. Tang d. Zhao

    33. Japan responded to contact with European traders by

    a. Encouraging the spread of Christianity b. Adopting European customs and practices c. By sending their own ships to Europe d. By expelling all foreigners and limiting trade to one city

    34. Prince Henry the Navigator assisted cartographers in all of the following ways except

    a. He sponsored their work b. He created schools c. He encouraged the use of maps in exploration d. He restricted their abilities to think freely

    35. Why were outposts important in the development of overseas empires?

    a. They allowed Europeans to dominate overseas trade routes b. They allowed Europeans to control large inland empires c. They allowed Europeans to forcibly convert the native populations d. They were of no assistance to the development of European empires

    36. How did spices influence the development of European exploration?

    a. The demand for spices encourage greater trade with the Ottoman Empire b. The demand for spices decreased during exploration c. The demand for spices encourage explorers to seek alternative routes d. The demand for spices encourage European conflict

    37. Who ruled the Spanish Empire during the 1530s?

    a. Queen Isabella b. King Charles I (also Charles V) c. King Joseph d. King Phillip II

  • 38. Which cartographer gave his name to the continents of the New World?

    a. Ponce de Leon b. Vasco da Gama c. Hernan Cortes d. Amerigo Vespucci

    39. Which was the most common sailing vessel used by the Portuguese?

    a. Steamship b. Galleon c. Caravel d. Drow

    40. All of the following were major influences upon the development of exploration in Portugal except

    a. Coastal location b. Contact with the Islamic world c. Desire to reconnect trade with the far east d. Cooperation with the Spanish kingdoms

    41. The conclusion of which major European event encouraged the Spanish crown to fund Columbus expedition?

    a. The Reconquista b. The Crusades c. The Reformation d. The Renaissance

    42. Hernan Cortes conquered the

    a. Inca b. Maya c. Maxtla d. Aztec

    43. Francisco Pizarro conquered the

    a. Inca b. Maya c. Maxtla d. Aztec

    44. Which answer below is the best approximation of Native Americans killed by European diseases?

    a. Less than 50% b. Less than 25% c. Most natives were killed in battle d. More than 90%

    45. The transfer of animals, plants, culture, and disease between the New and Old Worlds is known as the

    a. Cortes Exchange b. Columbian Exchange c. Magellanic Exchange d. Pizzaran Exchange

  • Historical Term Identifications: Please complete on a separate sheet of lined paper with your name, period, and term listed.

    The Columbian Exchange