mccoy world history unit 6 multiple choice

Unit 6 Test: Enlightenment 2014-15

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Multiple Choice Test (John McCoy, Mt. Hebron High School, Howard County MD). 2014-15


  • Unit 6 Test: Enlightenment


  • 1. Voltaire's famous polemic slogan, Crush the infamous thing!, referred to?

    a. royal despotism b. political radicalism c. religious bigotry as supported by an organized clergy d. constitutional monarchy 2. The Declaration of Independence was based upon the ideas of

    a. Hobbes b. Locke c. Rousseau d. Montesquieu

    3. In general, the 18th century philosophes were?

    a. popularizers of the scientific and intellectual discoveries of the 17th century b. a group of learned Christian clerics who wished to modernize religion c. originators of a new philosophy based on reason and the concept of natural law d. people who were always the wealthiest members of 18c Western European society 4. Diderots stated goal in creating his Encyclopedie was to

    a. Change the French government b. Change European society c. Change the general way of thinking d. Change the relationship between people and the government 5. Newton defined the three laws of motion in his work entitled

    a. The Starry Messenger b. The Copernican Model c. Principia d. Boyles Law 6. Rulers of the 18th century who tried to govern by Enlightenment principles while maintaining their royal powers


    a. Enlightened republicanism b. Enlightened conservatism c. Enlightened radicalism d. Enlightened absolutism 7. Copernicus supported the theory of the solar system called the

    a. Geocentric model b. Heliocentric model c. Ptolemaic model d. Kepler model

    8. The best government, said which of the following men, is achieved by the separation of powers?

    a. Locke b. Voltaire c. Montesqiueu d. Diderot

  • 9. Which European nation assisted the American colonists during the revolution?

    a. Prussia b. France c. Austria d. Spain

    10. Maria Theresa can be labeled an "Enlightened Despot" because she?

    a. introduced religious toleration in the Habsburg Empire b. eliminated the death penalty in the Habsburg Empire c. invited political radicals to live in her palace in Vienna d. introduced many legal reforms in the Habsburg Empire 11. The American Bill of Rights protected all of the following except

    a. Freedom of Religion b. Freedom of Press c. Freedom of Assembly d. Freedom of Government 12. Who is called the father of rationalism?

    a. Descartes b. Newton c. Galileo d. Kant

    13. All of the following are considered major factors that fostered the ideals of the Enlightenment EXCEPT

    a. the colonial worldview b. the Newtonian worldview c. the need for administrative and economic reform in France after the wars of Louis XIV d. the consolidation of a print culture 14. The Scientific Revolution was pioneered by all of the following individuals EXCEPT

    a. Galileo b. Descartes c. Bacon d. Ptolemy

    15. The Enlightenment

    a. was based upon the assumption that science and reason can explain all things b. regarded human progress as an impossibility "in this best of all possible worlds." c. was diametrically opposed to the Newtonian concept of natural law d. rejected the claims of modern science

    16. The recognized capital of the Enlightenment was?

    a. London b. Amsterdam c. Paris d. Vienna

  • 17. Which Prussian monarch was considered the most cultured monarch of the 18th century and has close ties to the


    a. Frederick William I b. Frederick the Great c. Catherine the Great d. Joseph II 18. The greatest loser of the Seven Years War was

    a. France b. Great Britain c. Prussia d. Russia 19. Even though he was a philosopher, Francis Bacon is credited with the development of the

    a. The Newtonian Method b. Republican form of government c. Scientific Method d. Critical Method 20. The wars of the 18th century saw the emergence of the international rivalry between France and

    a. Great Britain b. Prussia c. Austria d. Russia 21. Galileo is not considered a thinker of the Renaissance period

    a. Due to his relationship with the Medicis b. Due to his friendship with Martin Luther c. Due to his conflict with the Anglican church d. Due to his conflict with the Catholic Church 22. Voltaire was noted for his a. Criticism of the Three Estates and feudal taxes b. Criticism of England and constitutional monarchies c. Criticism of religion and absolutism d. Criticism of republican education 23. Rousseau proposed a social contract in which

    a. The government creates individual contracts with its people b. People write contracts with each other to enforce the law c. An entire society agrees to be governed by its general will d. Monarchs agree to protect the rights and property of its people

  • 24. The ideas of the Enlightenment were debated and exchanged in

    a. Executive meetings b. Salons c. Assemblies d. Congresses 25. One of the most important impacts of the scientific revolution was that

    a. New ideas were discouraged by the Catholic Church b. Absolute monarchies embraced new scientific principles c. Astronomy became recognized as a legitimate field of study d. Intellectuals barriers, such as the Catholic Church, were broken down 26. John Locke believed that people were born

    a. Into slavery b. Tabula Rasa c. Into a natural state d. Evil 27. Many of the scientific theories developed by the likes of Galileo, Kepler, and Newton were taken by

    Enlightenment thinkers

    a. and applied to society b. and disproved c. and expanded upon in essays and books d. and applied to constitutions 28. Unlike the Renaissance, the major thinkers and ideas of the Enlightenment

    a. Emerged in waves across Europe b. Emerged simultaneously across Europe c. Emerged in isolation of each across Europe d. Garnered the support of the Catholic Church 29. One of the goals established by Enlightenment thinkers to reform education was to create

    a. Universities b. Republican or virtuous citizens c. A new generation of enlightened monarchs d. New means of communication 30. One of the most radical ideas of the Enlightenment period was that of Deism, proposed by

    a. Locke b. Montesquieu c. Voltaire d. Rousseau 31. Montesquieus most famous work was entitled...

    a. The Starry Messenger b. The Spirit of Laws c. Emile d. Principia

  • 32. Which of the following best describes Hobbes?

    a. He was a pessimist b. He believed in limited monarchy c. He advocated for a bill of rights d. He believed men should live in a state of nature 33. Which of the following best describes Enlightened Absolutism?

    a. Absolute monarchs who embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment but still retained total authority b. Absolute monarchs who embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment and practiced those ideas c. Absolute monarchs who wrote and contributed to the Enlightenment period d. Absolute monarchs who rejected Enlightenment ideas in favor of increasing their authority 34. All of the following are considered enlightened despots EXCEPT

    a. Joseph II of Austria b. Catherine the Great of Russia c. Peter the Great of Russia d. Frederick the Great of Prussia 35. The country most commonly associated with the Enlightenment was

    a. England b. France c. Russia d. Spain

    Historical Term Identifications: Please complete all three IDs, each on a separate sheet of lined paper with your name, period, and term listed.

    Thomas Hobbes Enlightened Despots Seven Years War