mcgill university - medical physics unit annual …radiation (radiation oncology physics); (ii)...

Medical Physics Unit Annual Report 2017 1 McGILL UNIVERSITY - MEDICAL PHYSICS UNIT ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Jan Seuntjens, Ph.D., FCCPM, FAAPM, FCOMP Professor & Director Margery Knewstubb, Administrative Coordinator September, 2018 I. Activity Summary I.1. Background The main areas of interest in medical physics at present are: (i) treatment of cancer by ionizing radiation (radiation oncology physics); (ii) diagnostic imaging with x rays, ultrasound and nuclear magnetic resonance (diagnostic radiology physics); (iii) diagnostic imaging with radionuclides (nuclear medicine physics); and (iv) the study of radiation hazards and radiation protection (health physics). In recent years medical physics has grown into a complex multidisciplinary science with involvements and affinities to biomedical engineering, health and life sciences, systems biology, biophysics and computer science. Medical physics is also a rapidly expanding profession and job opportunities for graduates of medical physics programs, although affected by a saturating job market in the clinical profession, remain promising locally, nationally and internationally. McGill’s Medical Physics program has been in existence for 39 years and the program is playing a world-leading role in academic training of professionals as well as scientists in medical physics. The accreditation of graduate and residency programs in medical physics is generally provided by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Educational Programs (CAMPEP) sponsored by five organizations: the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM); the American College of Radiology (ACR); the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO); the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP); and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). The MPU graduate programs in medical physics were first accredited in 1993 for a period of 5 years and reaccredited in 1998, in 2003, 2008 and 2013 for an additional 5-year period. The MPU is currently awaiting the result of review for the December 2018 reaccreditation process. McGill was the third university in North America with such accreditation and between 1993 and 2004 it was the only Canadian university with such an accreditation. Since 1997 the MPU also provides a residency program in radiation oncology physics. In this program graduates in medical physics receive a structured clinical-professional training in radiation oncology physics. The program received its first accreditation in 2000, and was re- accredited in 2005, 2010 and finally 2015 for an additional 5-year period to December 31, 2020. McGill is one of 11 institutions in Canada and one of 92 in North America with this type of accreditation. Information about the MPU, its clinical, research and academic mission can be found under

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Page 1: McGILL UNIVERSITY - MEDICAL PHYSICS UNIT ANNUAL …radiation (radiation oncology physics); (ii) diagnostic imaging with x rays, ultrasound and nuclear ... medical physicists from four

Medical Physics Unit Annual Report 2017



Jan Seuntjens, Ph.D., FCCPM, FAAPM, FCOMP Professor & Director

Margery Knewstubb, Administrative Coordinator

September, 2018 I. Activity Summary I.1. Background The main areas of interest in medical physics at present are: (i) treatment of cancer by ionizing radiation (radiation oncology physics); (ii) diagnostic imaging with x rays, ultrasound and nuclear magnetic resonance (diagnostic radiology physics); (iii) diagnostic imaging with radionuclides (nuclear medicine physics); and (iv) the study of radiation hazards and radiation protection (health physics). In recent years medical physics has grown into a complex multidisciplinary science with involvements and affinities to biomedical engineering, health and life sciences, systems biology, biophysics and computer science. Medical physics is also a rapidly expanding profession and job opportunities for graduates of medical physics programs, although affected by a saturating job market in the clinical profession, remain promising locally, nationally and internationally. McGill’s Medical Physics program has been in existence for 39 years and the program is playing a world-leading role in academic training of professionals as well as scientists in medical physics. The accreditation of graduate and residency programs in medical physics is generally provided by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Educational Programs (CAMPEP) sponsored by five organizations: the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM); the American College of Radiology (ACR); the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO); the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP); and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). The MPU graduate programs in medical physics were first accredited in 1993 for a period of 5 years and reaccredited in 1998, in 2003, 2008 and 2013 for an additional 5-year period. The MPU is currently awaiting the result of review for the December 2018 reaccreditation process. McGill was the third university in North America with such accreditation and between 1993 and 2004 it was the only Canadian university with such an accreditation. Since 1997 the MPU also provides a residency program in radiation oncology physics. In this program graduates in medical physics receive a structured clinical-professional training in radiation oncology physics. The program received its first accreditation in 2000, and was re-accredited in 2005, 2010 and finally 2015 for an additional 5-year period to December 31, 2020. McGill is one of 11 institutions in Canada and one of 92 in North America with this type of accreditation. Information about the MPU, its clinical, research and academic mission can be found under

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Medical Physics Unit Annual Report 2017


In 2013, the MPU program initiated the Medical Physics Research Training Network (MPRTN) together with the CAMPEP accredited medical physics program at Laval University. This structure provides resources for medical physics research training to a network consisting of McGill MPU, U Laval and collaborators from the National Research Council Canada, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, the Massachusetts General Hospital Proton Centre, and others together with industry. The networked training approach allows the MPU to provide trainees with an enriched training environment so that they are better prepared for employment roles in industry, government and academia, in addition to the well-established role in clinical professions. The MPRTN has improved access of trainees to expertise and opportunities available internationally. The MPRTN is currently funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council through the CREATE program with contributions from McGill University, RI-MUHC as well as industry. More information about the MPRTN program can be found on The NSERC funding source for the program will end in April 2019 and alternative sources of funding are actively being pursued to maintain the training elements set out by the program. I.2. Highlights I.2.1. Research and publications The calendar year 2017 was again a successful year in terms of output: x73 peer reviewed publications by MPU members; x55 published abstracts; x18 invited presentations; and x62 conference presentations. For complete listings and for a history of MPU’s Research and Publications, please consult: Similarly, the overall grant and project support revenue for year 2017 was substantial considering the limited number of academic faculty. For a listing of grants, projects and contracts, please consult Appendix XIII. I.2.2. M.Sc. graduate program revision During 2017 the revisions to the M.Sc. Medical Physics program were approved by McGill Senate. These revisions consist of the elimination of two 2-credit courses and one 1 credit course. In addition, the credits of the course “Physics of Nuclear Medicine” was reduced from 3 to 2. In lieu of these changes, two new courses were created:

1. Anatomy and physiology for medical physics (3-credits) with support from the department of anatomy and physiology but tailored to medical physicists and weighed towards cross sectional anatomy;

2. Instrumentation (3-credits): dealing with electronics, computer networks and Python programming – linking these together in a development project that the students carry out.

The introduction of the “Anatomy and Physiology for medical physics” course was under the impulse of the 2013 CAMPEP program review that pointed out the lack of this course as a weakness of the MPU M.Sc. program. Other steps taken on the topic of program revision during 2017 was the officialization of the “Certificate Program in Medical Physics”. The latter had been sanctioned by CAMPEP but did not have any official status at McGill. Initial steps to officialize this were taken during 2017.

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Medical Physics Unit Annual Report 2017


I.2.3. Teaching and learning Three M.Sc. students in medical physics graduated during 2017. Two became Ph.D. students (1 at University of Toronto, 1 at University of South Carolina), 1 became a Resident / Postdoctoral Fellow at the McGill University Health Centre. Please consult Appendix II for the full list of graduated students. Demographic data is given in Appendix III. During the 2017 calendar year, 3 PhD students graduated in Medical Physics – 1 became a Postdoctoral Fellow (Brest Institute for Health & Biological Research, France); 1 became a Physicist (at the Ottawa Hospital Centre); and 2 applied for several Residency positions in the US (and were accepted during 2018). During the 2017 calendar year, 5 residents completed the two-year Residency Training Program in Radiation Oncology Physics. Since the initial McGill University residency program accreditation by CAMPEP in 2000, the number of Residency graduates amounts to 47 – the number of informal “on the job” ab initio training in radiation oncology physics at McGill prior to inception of the CAMPEP-accredited residency program was 16. The number of residents enrolled in the McGill program during of Fall 2017 stood at 12. This significant number of trainees is thanks to a Quebec-wide approach to the residency training where junior staff medical physicists from four centres in Quebec and one centre in NY State enroll in the McGill residency program. A listing of the residency graduates and various relevant data are provided in Appendix IV. The graduate teaching distribution during the 2017 calendar year is shown in the list of instructors for didactic courses in Appendix V. During the 2017 calendar year, all 12 mandatory graduate courses underwent evaluations by students. The results were circulated to staff, are filed in the MPU office, and their summaries without instructor identification are enclosed as Appendix VI. All individual instructors were evaluated separately and also 2 laboratory courses, having several instructors each, were evaluated based on the course itself as opposed to an individual instructor. On a scale of 1 (bad) to 5 (excellent) and averaged over all registered students, the evaluations for the Winter 2017 semester ranged from 4.07 to 4.83 and for the Fall 2017 semester they ranged from 4.12 to 4.94. Students who began either their first or second year of M.Sc. medical physics studies in Fall 2017 are listed in Appendix VII. The Ph.D. program, in collaboration with the Department of Physics and the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), grew dramatically over the past few years. The 17 students at various stages of their Ph.D. thesis work during Fall 2017 are listed in Appendix VIII. Most have either passed the preliminary examination at the Physics Department of McGill or their comprehensive project committee at the BME Department. The employment situation of M.Sc. medical physicists has become more restricted as a result of the 2014/2016 ABR/CCPM deadline (ABR: American Board of Radiology; CCPM: Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine). Every clinical medical physicist wishing to sit for the certification exams of the ABR or CCPM must come from a CAMPEP (CAMPEP: Commission for Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs) accredited residency program. Despite the increase in CAMPEP-accredited residency programs, access to these programs is severely restricted for M.Sc. graduates, since they often compete with Ph.D. candidates applying for the same positions. The recruitment philosophy of the MPU M.Sc. program, hence, is tending towards recruitment for candidates who are more likely interested in the Ph.D. program. In Winter 2017 the recruitment cohort of M.Sc. candidates consisted of 66 candidates,

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out of which the incoming cohort for September 2017 comprised 10 new students. The incoming cohort for September 2018 is expected to consist of similar statistics, i.e., 12 students. I.2.4. Accreditation review and cyclical review During the year 2013, the MPU was reviewed by the Commission for Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs (CAMPEP; The accreditation review document was largely complementary although pointed to the fragility of the MPU structure. The report offered some suggestions but unconditional reaccreditation for 5-years (2013-2018) was received. Following CAMPEP suggestions, in terms of course offerings, during 2017 the MPU revised its M.Sc. curriculum with respect to the introduction of new courses in (1) Anatomy and Physiology, (2) Instrumentation (See Section I.2.2). The unit also underwent Cyclical Review with site visit in November 2013. The report was again largely complimentary, but pointed to two key points and six other issues that must be addressed. The two key points in the report were:

1. “The structure of the unit makes it vulnerable to any of the core academic members leaving. As an example, the devastation by the recent departure of Dr. Bruce Pike was cited. Retention of the current director is seen by the review committee as a priority. Further, the review committee recommends (1) Five positions to be secured at the university to be staffed with a mix of junior and mid-career scientists. (2) Elevation from Unit status to Departmental status.”

2. “The imminent retirement of the core experimental Radiation Biologist (Dr. Lehnert) leaves a hole in the wet-lab capability of radiation biology expertise within (or accessible to) the unit.”

The faculty of medicine committed to increasing the staff to four TT positions. One of these positions (the 3rd) was posted during 2015 and a candidate selected and appointed (Dr. J Kildea, January 2017). Dr. Levesque (MRI Physicist) took up the 4th TT position as of January 2017. A potential transition to Departmental status remains a medium-term goal. With regards to point 2, Dr. Norma Ybarra was appointed as course teacher for Radiation in the budget freed by the retirement of Dr. Lehnert and she assumed that position in early 2017. The MPU has therefore reached a core academic member count of 5 members (plus 1 member at the MNI). One of the six other points raised by the review committee, was dry-lab space. The need for dry lab space at the MUHC has been pointed out to both Faculty and MUHC on different occasions and in subsequent annual reports. Currently, the MPU is housed in the Cancer Centre at the Glen. The dry lab space for this is inadequate and consists of borrowed clinical space. The graduate student cohort continues to increase, with more trainees with different background taking part in research projects. I.2.5. Involvement in the community Members of the MPU are actively involved in clinical duties and also take up significant roles in professional and scientific committees and boards. Appendix XVI and Appendix XVII summarize the committee memberships within McGill and outside McGill, respectively. Of particular note are activities in committees of prestigious organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Commission for Radiation Units and measurements (ICRU).

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I.2.6. Partnerships Members of the MPU have a broad network of collaborators worldwide. In 2013, the MUHC cancelled the single and only physics residency position. Since then local residents have been supported by temporary replacements of clinical physicists in maternity leave, left-over budgets from research grants, etc. A very important partnership has improved the capacity of the medical physics residency program whereby the MPU is responsible for residency training of junior staff physicists in affiliate institutions. The MPU-MUHC has partnership agreements with (1) St. Peters (Albany); (2) U. Laval (CHUQ); (3) U. Montreal (CHUM); (4) Trois-Rivieres; (5) JGH and (6) Saudi Arabia. During the year 2017, this model has developed further and the current number of clinical medical physics residents is 12 (see Appendix IV). I.2.7. Personnel and location changes during 2017 Currently all clinical medical physicists at the MUHC and the JGH either have CAS-professional, CAS-research appointments in the department of Oncology or are holding an affiliate member status in the MPU. Recent MPU members that have left McGill generally continue to hold adjunct faculty status and generally continue to participate in the co-supervision of graduate students. The academic year 2017-2018 was the third year in which the majority of the didactic teaching was at the Glen Cedars Cancer Centre. Despite the lack of research space, the new facilities provide superior meeting and teaching spaces which is a positive factor for the educational mandate of the Unit. I.2.8. Honors, awards and prizes The year 2017 was an extremely successful year with regards to scholarship awards to students. They can be summarized as follows:

Table: External scholarships or awards granted to MPU students (during calendar year 2017)

Note: Funding from the MPU CREATE/MPRTN program is additional & not part of this listing. Student Name Scholarship type/agency Supervisor Afshari, Nousha • Fac Medicine Differential Fee Waiver Enger Ahmed, Zaki • George G. Harris Fellowship

• Physics Travel Award • Supervisor research award


Albers, Julia • MSSS Bursary Parker, Kildea Aldelaijan, Saad • KFSHRC Scholarship Devic Ayala-Alvarez, Santiago • Max Stern Fellowship Seuntjens Bancheri, Julien • Fac Medicine CREATE award Seuntjens Carrier-Vallieres, Martin • George G. Harris Fellowship Seuntjens Chatterjee, Avishek (Postdoctoral Fellow)

• STARS21 Scholar, UHN (TFRI) Seuntjens

Côté, Benjamin • Graduate Excellence Fellowship Renaud/Seuntjens

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Medical Physics Unit Annual Report 2017


Diamant, André • FQRNT PhD Scholarship • RIMUHC Studentship • Physics Travel Award


Famulari, Gabriel • Graduate Excellence Award • Physics Schulich Award


Fortier, Véronique • FQRNT PhD Scholarship • NSERC PhD Scholarship (Jan17-Dec19) • ISMRM Trainee Educational Stipend


Heng, Jean • Ervin B. Podgorsak Fellowship Seuntjens Hickling, Susannah • NSERC PhD Scholarship

• Physics Travel Award • CIRMS Travel Award

El Naqa, Seuntjens

Joseph, Ackeem • Henry R. Shibata Cedars Cancer Institute Fellowship Award


Mathew, Felix • Graduate Excellence Fellowship Levesque Mégrourèche, Julien • MSSS bursary Enger Mirzakhanian, Lalageh • Physics Travel Award

• Fac Medicine Studentship Seuntjens

Modchalingam, Mithunan

• Gerald Clavet Fellowship Levesque

Montgomery, Logan

• Alexander Graham Bell Canada Grad Scholarship- Doctoral (CGSD)


Mullins, Joel • Physics Travel Award • Supervisor research award


Novosad, Philip • FQRS scholarship Collins Osunkwor, Emmanuel • CIBC Fellowship, Fac Medicine

• Graduate Excellence Award Davis

Patrick, Haley • Graduate Excellence Award Kildea Perez, Jessica • WMIC Travel Award Seuntjens Renaud, James • McGill Dobson Award (Health

Sciences) • EIRR21 (UHN) award


Renaud, Marc-André • FQRNT Doctoral Scholarship Seuntjens Schneider, James • LDI Travel Award

• Supervisor research award Davis

Toltz, Allison • EIRR21 (UHN) award • Stars21 Alumni award • Stars21 Travel award • Physics Travel Award


Turgeon, Vincent • FQRNT MSc Scholarship Enger Watson, Peter • CIHR Travel Award Seuntjens Xing, Stella • FRSQ PhD Scholarship

• Physics Travel Award • Quebec BNTA Scholarship • ISMRM Educational Stipend


Zlateva, Yana • McGill Medical Travel award • COMP Young Investigator award

El Naqa, Seuntjens

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Medical Physics Unit Annual Report 2017


Further awards or honors obtained/maintained during 2017 are:

Faculty awarded Type of award Enger, Shirin RI-MUHC Merck Grant Award, Junior Investigator

Patents: (1) Development & optimization of a non-invasive…; (2) Delivery system for intensity modulated high dose rate…

Gauvin, Alain Fellow, Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) Kildea, John Patient Partnership Award – Oncology Portal & Application

(OPAL) (with L. Hendren, T. Hijal) Prix de Cancérologie en Organization des Services, Cancérologie du Québec (Health Informatics Group) Intégration du Système national de declaration des incidents (SNDAIRT) (with L. Montgomery et al) New PI Travel Award, Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)

Levesque, Ives MGH Foundation / Phil Gold Fellowship / RI-MUHC Parker, William Faculty Honor List for Educational Excellence - Award for

outstanding contributions to education in the Faculty of Medicine Serban, Monica Travel Award, American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)

– One of 2017 annual meeting top abstracts Seuntjens, Jan Theresa Marcoux Award, RI-MUHC, October 2017;

US patent: Method and System For Calorimetry Probe, 9,586,060 B2 granted

I.2.9. Fundraising and social media presence The “Ervin B. Podgorsak Fellowship for Graduate Studies in Medical Physics” fund was established in September 2013 with the aim of supporting outstanding MSc Medical Physics students in their studies. The ongoing campaign to encourage donations to the Fellowship is highlighted with bi-annual mailings to alumni & colleagues, also with a reception & presentations to mark International Day of Medical Physics on November 07 each year and during the McGill#24 campaign. The fund attained fellowship status in 2017 in time to allocate the first Ervin B. Podgorsak Fellowship award to a meritorious incoming MSc student in Fall 2017 in the amount $10,000. By creating this Fellowship, the MPU made a commitment to sustain Dr. Podgorsak’s dedication to academic excellence through increased student funding. Through the support of our faculty, alumni, and friends, the MPU is committed to raising a minimum of $10,000 per year to maintain and grow the fund. More information can be found on The MPU also enhanced its social media platforms through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The McGill Medical Physics webpage is also kept up to date by the Medical Physics Student Council (MPSC), see Follow McGill Medical Physics on Facebook at: @McGillMedicalPhysics.

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Medical Physics Unit Annual Report 2017


II. Unit Status Update II.1. General objectives of the Medical Physics Unit 1) To promote the field of medical physics through teaching, research and clinical service. 2) To encourage interest, education, training & research in medical physics. 3) To join in one academic unit (Medical Physics Unit) the various members of McGill

departments, McGill University Health Centre and Jewish General Hospital who, through their academic training in physics, engineering or a related science and through work in clinical and academic environments, support the objectives (i) and (ii) above.

4) To offer a graduate program leading toward an M.Sc. degree in medical physics. 5) To offer, in conjunction with McGill’s Physics and Biomedical Engineering departments, a

graduate program leading toward a Ph.D. degree in medical physics. 6) To offer a residency program in radiation oncology physics. 7) To maintain CAMPEP accreditation of the M.Sc. & Ph.D. academic programs as well as

the residency training program in radiation oncology physics. 8) To offer support to other institutions wishing to provide a residency program in radiation

oncology physics through affiliation with the CAMPEP-accredited McGill program. 9) To encourage, promote and excel in research in the application of physics in diagnosis

and treatment of human disease. 10) To promote McGill as an important institution in the international medical physics

community through excellence in teaching of, and research in, medical physics. 11) To promote national and international medical physics organizations through active

participation of the Medical Physics Unit and its members in these organizations. 12) To encourage links and collaboration between medical physicists, clinicians and basic

scientists with the goal of developing and improving methods for diagnosis and treatment of human disease.

13) To provide medical physics consultation services to McGill institutions, national & international organizations and the general public, as required.

14) To work with clinicians and basic scientists in the development of a strategic research program in radiation oncology.

15) To work with industry, government agencies, other CAMPEP accredited programs as well as international academic institutions to update and modernize the graduate programs so that graduate students have access to expertise and equipment most suitable for their project and education.

II.2. Specific objectives for 2017-2018 The goals for the upcoming academic year will continue to address the previous cyclical review report, new curriculum revisions and the further deployment of the MPRTN CREATE program as well as the need to further develop the Unit’s research capacity and support structure: 1) To continue rebuilding the academic program staffing and appoint more CAS-research

(with salary source MUHC and JGH) faculty in the Department of Oncology. 2) To continue graduate program curriculum revisions commensurate recent developments

in Medical Physics and its interaction with associated basic and clinical sciences. 3) To continue teaching the CREATE courses and activities as outlined in the CREATE

proposal. To seek new funding to keep the CREATE MPRTN program active post the NSERC funding sunset of 2019.

4) In response to the previous cyclical review report (January 2014), to revive the discussion for the future of the MPU with consideration of Departmental status.

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Medical Physics Unit Annual Report 2017


5) To maintain the MPU’s operating budget to adequately cover teaching responsibilities of

non-McGill clinical physics staff. 6) To maintain & increase productivity with regards to standard academic indicators (# of

publications, presentations, graduating students, etc.). II.3. Overview of McGill Medical Physics Program, Staff and Committee Structure Details regarding the graduate programs and research in medical physics can be found on the Medical Physics Unit website at: Established: September 1979 by the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University Montréal Directors: M. Cohen (September 1979 to August 1991) E.B. Podgorsak (September 1991 to December 2008) J. Seuntjens (January 2009 to present)


• Graduate Program Director: Jan Seuntjens, Ph.D., FCCPM, FAAPM, FCOMP • Degrees offered: M.Sc., Ph.D. and Certificate program in medical physics • Accreditation: CAMPEP* accredited the M.Sc. & Ph.D. programs since 1993 • Re-accreditation: CAMPEP* re-accredited both programs (1998, 2003, 2008, 2013): • M.Sc. degrees conferred to date: 239 • Ph.D. degrees conferred to date: 40 • Current M.Sc. student enrollment: 12 • Current Ph.D. student enrollment: 17 • Number of mandatory courses: 12 (M.Sc), 2 (Ph.D), 2 (CREATE) • Number of academic faculty: 6 • Number of clinical faculty: 20 • Number of adjunct / external members: 10 RESIDENCY PROGRAM IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY PHYSICS:

• Residency Program Director (RPD): William Parker, M.Sc., FCCPM • Accreditation: CAMPEP* accredited the Residency program in 2000 • Re-accreditation: CAMPEP* re-accredited (2005, 2010, 2015) for 5 y • Number of graduates to date: 47 (47 accredited & 16 non-accredited) • Current enrollment: 12

• Program duration: 2 years • Number of mandatory rotations: 4 • Number of mandatory courses: 4* (*) If candidate does not come from CAMPEP accredited graduate program. The staff (see Appendix I) of the MPU consists of 36 staff members and a full-time Administrative Coordinator (Margery Knewstubb). The MPU Administrative Coordinator holds the only permanent staff position in the MPU, and organizes the day-to-day activities of the MPU, deals with graduate students on a daily basis, corresponds with potential applicants to the medical physics program, and records minutes of MPU staff meetings.

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Since 1991, the MPU is led by a Director who is appointed by the Dean of Medicine. Most members of the MPU hold primary appointments in the clinical departments of the JGH or the MUHC or in other major departments of McGill’s Faculty of Medicine (Biomedical Engineering, Neurology and Neurosurgery). For more information see Appendix I. The main responsibilities of clinical physicists are related to clinical aspects of radiation therapy and diagnostic radiology; however, the clinical physicists are involved with teaching of didactic medical physics courses and laboratories, as well as with co-supervision of graduate students. Four committees help with the running of the MPU: the Graduate Committee, Seminar Committee, the Curriculum Update Committee and the Alumni Committee. The Graduate Committee (2017 membership: Dr. J. Seuntjens, Chair; Dr. S. Enger; M. Knewstubb; Dr. J. Kildea; Dr. I. Levesque; Dr. N. Ybarra) evaluates applications to the academic programs, decides on the number of candidates to be accepted for a particular academic year, and recommends the most suitable candidates for admission. For the 2017-2018 academic year, 66 complete applications were received by the MPU, and the graduate committee recommended to McGill 20 candidates for admission of which nine registered to begin MSc Medical Physics studies in September 2017. For more information, please see Appendix VII. The Seminar Committee (2017 membership: Dr. I. Levesque, Dr. J. Kildea, & Dr. S. Enger for MUHC; Dr. S. Devic for JGH) organizes the medical physics seminar series, a bi-monthly collection of seminars given by MPU staff, outside visitors or graduate students to staff and students of the MPU. The medical physics seminars organized during the Winter, Summer and Fall semesters of 2017 are listed in Appendix XV. The Curriculum Update Committee (2017 membership: Dr. J. Seuntjens, Chair; Dr. S. Enger; Dr. J. Kildea; Mr. W. Parker; Dr. M. Popovic; Dr. N. Ybarra) reviews the curricula for the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs. During 2017, the committee membership was more fluid than recent years due to accelerated curriculum update process: other ad-hoc members were added as needed to revise the curriculum of the M.Sc. program. The Alumni Committee (2017 membership: Dr. J Seuntjens, Chair; Dr. S. Enger, Dr. J Kildea, M. Knewstubb, Dr. I. Levesque, T. Nisic, Dr. M. Popovic, & student representatives A. Diamant, P. Watson) aims to organize and improve the relations between the MPU and its alumni. One of the main activities of this committee is to seek funding support for initiatives such as the Ervin Podgorsak Fellowship. III. Grants, Publications, and Service outside of McGill III.1. Publications The calendar year 2017 in relation to teaching, research, and service was a productive year for the MPU, with all performance indicators fairly stable in comparison to previous academic years. As demonstrated by the lists of x73 publications (Appendix IX), x55 published abstracts (Appendix X), x18 invited presentations (Appendix XI), and x62 presentations at national and international conferences (Appendix XII), all for calendar year 2017, the MPU staff are productive, representing with distinction McGill's involvement in medical physics research.

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Historical academic productivity of MPU staff from 2003 to December 31, 2017 can be found at the following URL:

list of published papers; published abstracts; invited presentations; presentations at national or international meetings.

III.2. Grants The listing of research and teaching grants held by the MPU staff (Appendix XIII) also attests to the respectable professional standing of the MPU staff members. It should be noted that the grants are generally attained under the auspices of the grantee's primary department. Current research interests of the MPU academic staff members are shown in Appendix XIV. III.3. Committees and Boards As shown in Appendices XVI and XVII, the MPU staff members are active on committees and boards within and outside of McGill. Currently, the MPU members serve on Boards of Directors of the two Canadian medical physics organizations: the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) and the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP). MPU staff members currently also serve on Boards of American Medical Physics organizations: the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs (CAMPEP); the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM); and the AAPM Summer School, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Commission of Radiation Measurements and Units (ICRU) Task groups, Work Groups, committees and subcommittees. III.4. Other Academic Activities of the MPU The MPU holds several staff meetings per year to which all MPU members and student representation are invited. Three meetings of the MPU academic staff were held during the 2017 calendar year. In January 2017, completion of the first and start of the second semester of the 2016-2017 academic year; in May 2017, completion of the second semester and start of M.Sc. thesis research work of the 2016-2017 academic year; and in October 2017, start of the 2017-2018 academic year. The purpose of the staff meetings is to discuss the issues affecting the MPU in general and the performance of graduate students in particular. Minutes of each staff meeting are taken by the graduate coordinator and distributed to staff and the Dean of Medicine as soon as possible following each meeting. During the Winter semester of the 2016-2017 academic year and the Fall semester of the 2017-2018 academic year, the MPU organized regular medical physics seminars on Fridays at noon given by staff, graduating students or visiting scientists. The frequency of the seminars averaged three to four per month in the Fall semester and one per week in the Winter semester. The location for the seminars was the RBC Conference Room at the McGill University Centre-Glen Site. The presentations are video linked to the SMBD-Jewish General Hospital and also to Centre de la Santé et des Services Sociaux-Laval (CSSSL) to allow MPU members there to attend without significantly disturbing their clinical activities. The attendance of seminars is mandatory for graduate students. All noon seminars are recorded (funded by the Association Québecoise des physiciens médicales, AQPMC) and disseminated. A seminar committee headed by Drs. I. Levesque, J. Kildea and S. Enger organizes the seminars - a listing of the MPU medical physics seminars during the 2017 calendar year is given in Appendix XV.

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All McGill graduate students in medical physics are required to attend weekly formal research presentation meetings (“Friday Morning Talks (FMT)”: Fridays at 9:15 a.m.). The presentations are given either by staff or students. At least once every three – six months each student presents his or her research work and results, and thus gains practical experience on organizing and presenting scientific results. The speaker of a given seminar is introduced by the presenter of the previous seminar. Student attendance is compulsory and verified through a sign-up sheet. The senior Ph.D. student, who also serves as a student representative, organizes the weekly research seminars and organizes the sign-up sheet. All graduate students attend the weekly journal club (Thursday 11:30 am) where students review recent journal papers. Depending on the PI, multiple other group meetings and interactions occur between student groups and their respective PI. The weekly clinical physics meetings of the MUHC Medical Physics Department are open to graduate students and some with particular interest in radiation oncology attend them regularly. Students are also encouraged to attend the weekly seminars (Monday Morning Rounds) organized by the Radiation Oncology Department. Students are strongly encouraged to submit their work for presentation at national and international scientific meetings, either as regular presentations or as presentations during young investigator symposia. The awards won during 2017 are listed on pages 5-7 of this Annual Report. IV. Discussion of Performance As evident from the Highlights (Section I.2) above and the Appendices to this report, the MPU staff and students have during the 2017 calendar year continued to bring some prestige to the University. They also fulfilled the basic objectives of the MPU. The MPU is known worldwide for its high-quality teaching programs, and its M.Sc. and Ph.D. graduates generally do not have difficulties in finding suitable jobs upon graduation. As shown in Appendices II through IV, graduates of McGill medical physics programs and the residency program are distributed in institutions throughout Québec, Canada, North America and around the world; quite a number of them in leadership positions. This attests to high standards of the McGill programs, helps with the retention of the CAMPEP accreditation, and attracts high quality graduate students and faculty into the programs. A persistent problem of the Unit has been fragility with its very few core tenure track faculty members. During 2015 the MPU was able to post the position for replacement of Dr. El Naqa, (Dr. J Kildea was appointed in January 2017). An additional TT position was committed by the Faculty of Medicine and Dr. Levesque (MRI Physicist) was selected. Additionally, during 2017 together with the Chair of Oncology, it was decided that the budget line that was earmarked for Radiation Biology teaching was going to be used to attract another faculty member to hold that responsibility. Dr. Ybarra was selected for that position. This brought the academic group to 5.

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The close collaboration between clinical (JGH, MUHC) programs and academic faculty remains, however, essential to maintain the MPU’s stability. In the past, this stability was engraved by ensuring that the academic director also holds the clinical physics chief position at the MUHC. The separation of the clinical departments from the academic group demands that the communication lines between the different groups remain wide open. The reporting structure of MUHC and JGH clinical faculty through their managers to the respective mission or hospital administrations independent from the academic leadership remains challenging. The most recent cyclical review (2013) points out that the stability of the Unit in future years may require consideration of elevating the MPU to Departmental status. Another problem that remains is the lack of dry-lab space (pointed out in subsequent annual reports). MPU faculty are guests in the Cedars Cancer Centre and their students partially occupy clinical space. With the MPU growing, the pressure keeps on mounting. The most difficult months are summer months when, aside from graduate students and postdocs, also a large contingent of summer students occupy space in the Cancer Centre. A space request is under development that will be communicated to the Cancer Mission, the RI-MUHC and the faculty leadership in due course.

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APPENDICES I. List of MPU faculty members; List of MUHC Medical Physics staff; List of Residents (Fall 2017) ....................................................................... A-1 II. M.Sc. & Ph.D. degrees in medical physics during 2017 calendar year ...... A-6 III. Basic demographic data for M.Sc. and Ph.D. graduates ............................ A-7 IV. List of Residency graduates 1999-2017 … .......................................... …..A-10 V. Course instructors: Winter - Summer - Fall 2017 ..................................... A-13 VI. Course evaluations: Winter - Fall 2017 .................................................... A-14 VII. Students in M.Sc. studies in Fall 2017 ...................................................... A-16 VIII. Students working on Ph.D. projects in medical physics in Fall 2017 ........ A-18 IX. Publications by MPU staff during the 2017 calendar year ....................... A-20 X. Published abstracts by MPU staff during the 2017 calendar year ........... A-25 XI. Invited presentations by MPU staff during the 2017 calendar year ......... A-29 XII. Conference presentations by MPU staff during the 2017 calendar year . A-30 XIII. Research grants by MPU staff: January to December 2017 .................... A-34 XIV. Current research interests of MPU staff ................................................... A-43 XV. Medical physics seminars: January to December 2017 ........................... A-46 XVI. Committee & board membership by MPU staff: 2017 (within McGill) ...... A-47 XVII. Committee & board membership by MPU staff: 2017 (outside McGill) .... A-50 XVIII. Additional teaching & partnerships: 2017 ................................................. A-53

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MCGILL UNIVERSITY: MEDICAL PHYSICS UNIT FACULTY MEMBER DIVISION 1 JAN SEUNTJENS, PhD, FAAPM, FCOMP, FCCPM Clinical Director, Medical Physics Unit Professor (TT), Department of Oncology 2 KRUM ASIEV, MSc, MCCPM Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 3 D. LOUIS COLLINS, PhD Imaging Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Professor (TT), Department of Biomedical Engineering 4 TANNER CONNELL, PhD Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 5 STEPHEN D. DAVIS, PhD, MCCPM, DABR Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 6 FRANÇOIS DEBLOIS, PhD, FCCPM Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Adjunct Professor, Department of Oncology Clinical Chief, Medical Physics, Centre Hospitalier U. de Montreal 7 SLOBODAN DEVIC, PhD, FCCPM Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (CAS/Research), Department of Oncology Assistant Chief, Medical Physics, Jewish General Hospital 8 ISSAM EL NAQA, PhD Clinical Adjunct Professor, Medical Physics Unit Adjunct Professor, Department of Oncology Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, U. Michigan 9 SHIRIN ENGER, PhD Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (TT), Department of Oncology 10 MICHAEL D.C. EVANS, MSc, FCCPM, FCOMP Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (CAS/Professional), Department of Oncology 11 CHRISTOPHE FURSTOSS, PhD, MCCPM Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit

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MPU Faculty members (continued) FACULTY MEMBER DIVISION 12 ALAIN GAUVIN, MSc, MCCPM, DABMP, DABR Imaging Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 13 GYORGY HEGYI, PhD Imaging Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 14 MARITZA HOBSON, PhD Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (CAS/Professional), Department of Oncology 15 JOHN KILDEA, PhD, MCCPM Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (TT), Department of Oncology 16 SHIRLEY M. LEHNERT, PhD Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit Emeritus Professor, Department of Oncology 17 IVES LEVESQUE, PhD Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (TT), Department of Oncology 18 LI HENG LIANG, MSc, MCCPM Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 19 BELAL MOFTAH, PhD, FCCPM Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 20 PAVLOS PAPACONSTADOPOULOS, PhD Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 21 WILLIAM A. PARKER, M.Sc., FCCPM Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (CAS/Professsional), Department of Oncology Clinical Chief, Department of Medical Physics, MUHC Director, Residency Training Program 22 PIOTR PATER, PhD Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 23 HORACIO J. PATROCINIO, M.Sc., FCCPM, DABR Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (CAS/Professional), Department of Oncology 24 G. BRUCE PIKE, Ph.D. Imaging Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit Adjunct Professor, Department of Oncology Adjunct Professor, Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery 25 ERVIN B. PODGORSAK, PhD, FCCPM, FCOMP, FAAPM, DABR Clinical Emeritus Professor, Department of Oncology

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MPU Faculty members (continued) FACULTY MEMBER DIVISION 26 EMILY POON, PhD, MCCPM Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 27 MARIJA POPOVIC, PhD, MCCPM Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (CAS/Professional), Department of Oncology 28 ANDREW READER, PhD Imaging Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit Professor, University College London 29 RICHARD B. RICHARDSON, PhD Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit Research Scientist, Internal Dosimetry Service 30 RUSSELL RUO, MSc, FCCPM, DABR Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 31 ARMAN SARFEHNIA, PhD, MCCPM Clinical Medical Physicist, Odette Cancer Center, Sunnybrook, Toronto Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit Adjunct Professor, Department of Oncology 32 MONICA SERBAN, MSc, MCCPM Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 33 EMILIE SOISSON, PhD, FCCPM, DABR, CMD Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit Adjunct Professor, Department of Oncology 34 GABRIELA STROIAN, PhD, MCCPM Clinical Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Assistant Professor (CAS/Research), Department of Oncology 35 NADA TOMIC, MSc, FCCPM Clinical Affiliate Member, Medical Physics Unit 36 NORMA YBARRA, PhD Associate Member, Medical Physics Unit Clinical Assistant Professor (CAS/Research), Department of Oncology ____________________________________________________________________________

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Director, Medical Physics Unit, McGill University

Jan Seuntjens, PhD, FCCPM, FAAPM, FCOMP

Clinical Chief, Department of Medical Physics, MUHC

William Parker, M.Sc., FCCPM

Administrative officer/Research Coordinator Tatjana Nisic, MA Administrative Coordinator Margery Knewstubb

Medical Physicists Tanner Connell, PhD Stephen Davis, PhD, MCCPM, DABR Shirin Enger, PhD Michael Evans, MSc, FCCPM, Rad.Safety Officer, Class II, MUHC Gyorgy Hegyi, PhD Maritza Hobson, PhD, MCCPM, DABR John Kildea, PhD, MCCPM Ives Levesque, PhD Horacio Patrocinio, MSc, FCCPM, DABR Ervin B. Podgorsak, PhD, FCCPM, DABMP, FAAPM, FACMP

(Professor Emeritus) Emily Poon, PhD, MCCPM

Marija Popovic, PhD, FCCPM Russell Ruo, MSc, FCCPM Monica Serban, MSc, MCCPM Khushdeep Singh, MSc Emilie Soisson, PhD, CMD, MCCPM, DABR Norma Ybarra, PhD


Irene Marie Bélanger, RTT Jennifer Brown, RTT

Line Comeau, RTT), CMD Lioudmila Dychkant, RTT

Chris Kaufmann, RTT, CMD – Chief Dosimetrist Francesco Paolino, RTT, BS Maria Papageorgiou, RTT Cenzetta Procaccini, RTT

Electronic technicians Joe Larkin Bhavan Siva, BEng

Radiation Safety Officer Camille Pacher Information systems technician

Suzana Darvasi, BSc

Research assistants Alexandre Berryman, B.Sc.

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(Fall 2017) Residents in order of expected program completion: PAPACONSTADOPOULOS, Pavlos (MUHC, JGH) BOIVIN, Jonathan (CHUQ) QUINTERO MATEUS, Chrystian (CHUM) HERRINGTON, Joseph (St Peters, Albany) MASCOLO-FORTIN, Julia (CHUM) ST-AMANT, Patricia (CHUM) AL MAKDESSI, Georges (MUHC, Glen) CABANA, Jean-François (CHUM / Levis) POGLIANI, Jonathan (St-Peter’s, Albany) FILION, Olivier (CHUQ) JOSEPH, Ackeem (MUHC, Glen) PIRENNE, Angélique (CHUM) McGill University Health Centre (Glen Campus) McGill University Health Centre (SMBD-Jewish General Hospital) Joint program: MUHC & St-Peter’s Hospital, Albany, NY Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal Centre Hospitalier de l’Université du Québec

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M.Sc. DEGREES IN MEDICAL PHYSICS : January-December 2017 1. ALMAKDESSI, Georges (Davis) Secondary neutrons around clinical electron and proton beams Currently: Postdoc Fellow / Resident, Medical Physics, McGill University, Montreal,

Québec 2. MODCHALINGAM, Mithunan (Levesque) Distortion field quantification and multi-echo gradient optimization for radiation therapy planning images

Currently: PhD student, Medical Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario 3. OSUNKWOR, Emmanuel (Davis) Commissioning of an optically-stimulated luminescence dosimetry (OSLD) system for in-vivo dosimetry

Currently: PhD student, Medical Physics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

Ph.D. DEGREES IN MEDICAL PHYSICS : January-December 2017 1. ALONSO ORTIZ, Eva (I. Levesque, G.B. Pike) Gradient echo-based quantitative myelin water imaging Currently employed: Physicist, Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario 2. CARRIER-VALLIÈRES, Martin (I. El Naqa, J. Seuntjens) Radiomics: Enabling factors towards precision medicine Currently employed: Postdoctoral Fellow, Brest Institute for Health & Biological Research (IBRBS), Brest, France 3. PEREZ, Jessica (I. El Naqa, J. Seuntjens) Molecular imaging of radiation-induced lung injury Currently employed: (Varian Medical Systems, Product Manager)

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for the 239 M.Sc. and 40 Ph.D. GRADUATES


at McGILL UNIVERSITY (1980 – October 2017)

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1980 – October 2017


Total number of M.Sc. graduates in medical physics: 239 Graduates’ origin: Quebec 83/239 another Canadian province 68/239 USA 13/239 another country 75/239 Working in medical physics: 199/239 in Quebec 81/199 in another Canadian province 56/199 in the USA 44/199 in another country 18/199 Currently Ph.D. student: 30/239 (24 in Quebec, 4 in other Canadian province, 1 in Europe) Origin of M.Sc. graduates currently working in Quebec: 81/239 Quebec 42/81 another Canadian province 13/81 USA 0/81 another country 26/81 M.Sc. graduates of Quebec origin: 83/239 working in medical physics 64/83 in Quebec 41/83 in another Canadian province 7/83 in the USA 13/83 in another country 3/83 Currently Ph.D. student: 12/83

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1983 – October 2017


Total number of Ph.D. graduates in medical physics: 40 Graduates’ origin: Quebec 12/40 another Canadian province 14/40 USA 0/40 another country 14/40 Working in medical physics: 39/40 in Quebec 14/37 in another Canadian province 11/37 in the USA 8/37 in another country 4/37 Origin of Ph.D. graduates currently working in Quebec: 14/40 Quebec 6/14 another Canadian province 4/14 USA 0/14 another country 4/14 Ph.D. graduates of Quebec origin: 12/40 working in medical physics 12/40 in Quebec 6/12 in another Canadian province 2/12 in the USA 3/12 in another country 1/12

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A- 10




Date grad Background at entry Current position Current address

1 Belal Moftah, Ph.D. May ‘00 Ph.D (high energy physics) U British Columbia

Clinical medical physicist

King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2 Lara Dyke, Ph.D. May ‘00 M.Sc. (medical physics) U Alberta

Clinical medical physicist

Varian Medical Systems, Miami, Florida, USA

3 Tony Falco, Ph.D. Dec ‘00 Ph.D. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

TFMG, Incorporated Montreal, Quebec

4 Slobodan Devic, Ph.D.

Mar ‘02 Post-graduate training Washington U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec

5 Kavita Murthy, M.Sc. May ‘02 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Ottawa, Ontario

6 Jennifer Barker, M.Sc.

Dec ‘02 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec

7 François DeBlois, Ph.D.

Jul ‘03 Ph.D. (medical physics) McGill U.

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec

8 Siobhan Ozard, Ph.D.

Nov ‘03 Ph.D. (medical physics) U. British Columbia

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Medical Physics, Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, Windsor, Ontario

9 Wamied Abdel-Rahman, Ph.D.

Dec ‘05 Ph.D. (medical physics) McGill U.

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Damman, Saudi Arabia

10 Yizhen Wang, M.Sc. May ’06 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario

11 Li Heng Liang, M.Sc.

Aug ‘06 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec

12 Nada Tomic, M.Sc. Aug ‘06 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept of Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec

13 Gabriela Stroian, Ph.D.

Aug ‘07 Ph.D. (theoretical physics) U Paul Sabatier, France

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec

14 Eric Reynard, M.Sc.

Mar ‘09 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

PEI Cancer Treatment Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

15 Kristin Marchant, Ph.D.

Mar ‘09 Ph.D. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina, Saskatchewan


Krum Asiev, M.Sc. Jun ‘09 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec


Ismail Aldahlawi, M.Sc.

Jun ‘10 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology/Physics, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York


Emily Poon, Ph.D. May ‘11 Ph.D. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Medical Physics, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec

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Jonathan Thébaut, M.Sc.

May ‘11 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Intermountain Health Care, Salt Lake City, Utah


Arman Sarfehnia, Ph.D.

Feb ‘12 Ph.D. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Medical Physics, Odette Cancer Ctr, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Ctr, Toronto, Ontario


John Kildea, Ph.D. Jun ‘12 Postdoc (astrophysics) Harvard U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Medical Physics, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec


Stephen Davis, Ph.D.

Aug ‘12 Ph.D. (medical physics) U Wisconsin

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Medical Physics, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec


Joseph Holmes, M.Sc.

Aug ‘12 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Kootenai Medical Centre, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho


Ellis Mitrou, M.Sc. Aug ‘13 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Radio-oncologie, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université Montréal, Montréal, Quebec


Marc Morcos, M.Sc. Aug ‘13 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Radiation Oncology & Moleular Radiation Sci., Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland


Greg Twork, M.Sc. Aug ‘13 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Medical Physics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee


Amanda Dyess, M.Sc.

Aug ‘14 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

St Peter’s Hospital, Albany, New York

28 Hamed Bekerat, M.Sc.

Aug ‘14 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec


Naomi Shin, M.Sc. Aug ‘14 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Centre d’Oncologie Dr Léon-Richard, Moncton, New Brunswick

30 Ghada Aldosary, M.Sc.

Nov ‘15 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Medical Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

31 Karim Zerouali, M.Sc.

Nov’15 M.Sc. (medical physics) Univ de Montréal

Clinical medical physicist

Centre Hospitalier Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec

32 Khushdeep Singh, M.Sc.

Jan ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Medical Physics, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec

33 Michael Fan, M.Sc. Jan ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Jacksonville, Florida

34 Yuji Kamio, M.Sc. Jan ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) Univ de Montréal

Clinical medical physicist

Radio-oncologie, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université Montréal, Montréal, Quebec

35 Mathieu Goulet, Ph.D.

Jan ‘16 Ph.D. (medical physics) Univ de Laval

Clinical medical physicist

Centre Hospitalier du Québec, Québec, Québec

36 Sharlie Vincent, M.Sc.

Jan ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) Univ de Laval

Clinical medical physicist

Centre Hospitalier Régionale de Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Québec

37 Varun Thakur, M.Sc. Mar ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

38 Tanner Connell, Ph.D.

Mar ‘16 Ph.D. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Medical Physics, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec

39 Alex Zaharakis, M.Sc.

Jul ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) New York U

Clinical medical physicist

St Peters Hospital, Albany, New York

40 Iqbal Alamri, M.Sc. Sep ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) Univ of Surrey

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Medical Physics, Royal Hospital, Muscat, Oman

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A- 12

41 Dominique Guillet, M.Sc

Sep ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) McGill U

Clinical medical physicist

Dept Radiation Oncology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec

42 Audrey Cantin, M.Sc.

Oct ‘16 M.Sc. (medical physics) Univ de Québec

Clinical medical physicist

Centre Hospitalier du Québec, Québec, Québec

43 Eric Poulin, Ph.D. Jul ‘17 Ph.D. (medical physics) U Laval

Clinical medical physicist

Centre Hospitalier du Québec, Québec, Québec

44 Mohsen Ahanj, M.Eng.

Aug ‘17 M.Eng (biomedical phys) Ryerson U

Clinical medical physicist

Bespoke Dosimetry & Physics, LLC, (New York, New Jersey)

45 Nicolas Côté, M.Sc. Aug’17 M.Sc. (medical physics) U de Montréal

Clinical medical physicist

Hôpital Charles-Lemoyne, Montréal, Québec

46 Vincent Cousineau-Daoust, M.Sc.

Sep’17 M.Sc. (medical physics) U de Montréal

Clinical medical physicist

Hôpital Charles-Lemoyne, Montréal, Québec

47 Magali Besnier, M.Sc.

Oct’17 M.Sc. (medical physics) U de Montréal

Clinical medical physicist

Centre Hospitalier du Québec, Québec, Québec

Prior to 1999, there were x16 graduates of the non-CAMPEP-accredited Residency Training Program.

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Course # Course Title Instructor(s) Winter semester 2017 MDPH 602 Applied Dosimetry S. Davis, J. Seuntjens MDPH 603 Laboratory in Radiation Physics S. Davis (coordinator) MDPH 607 Physics of Medical Imaging * I. Levesque MDPH 609 Radiation Biology N. Ybarra, S. Lehnert MDPH 612 Computers in Medical Imaging H.J. Patrocinio, F. DeBlois MDPH 616D Selected Topics in Medical Physics W. Parker (coordinator) (Part II) 563-625 D Thesis Research (individual supervisors) Summer semester 2017 MDPH 608 Lab in Diag. Radiol. & Nucl. Med. G. Hegyi (coordinator) NEW CURRICULUM: Fall semester 2017 MDPH 601 Radiation Physics * J. Seuntjens MDPH 607 Medical Imaging * I. Levesque MDPH 613 Health Physics J. Kildea (coordinator) MDPH 615 Physics of Nuclear Medicine * S. Devic, P. Papaconstadopoulos MDPH 618 Anatomy & Physiology for W. Parker Medical Physics * designates core courses

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APPENDIX VI. McGill University - Medical Physics Unit Teaching Evaluation Summary - Winter 2017 Question


A. Course material and presentation 1. Individual classes are well organized. 4.8 4.0 3.7 4.4 4.5 4.8 4.5 3.8 30.57 4.4

2. The instructor develops subject matter in a logical manner. 4.8 4.0 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.8 4.0 4.0 30.48 4.4 3. The instructor makes the material clear and interesting. 4.8 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.8 4.0 4.0 29.75 4.3

4. The instructor encourages and stimulates student thinking. 4.8 4.8 4.3 4.6 4.5 4.8 4.3 4.3 31.85 4.6 5. The instructor incorporates up-to-date information in the

course. 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.8 4.8 4.3 32.10 4.6 6. The pace of the course is satisfactory. 4.8 4.0 4.5 3.5 3.5 5.0 4.3 3.5 29.50 4.2

7. The instructor speaks clearly. 5.0 4.8 4.3 4.6 4.5 4.8 5.0 4.5 32.85 4.7 8. The instructor makes good use of the blackboard or

audiovisual aids. 4.8 4.5 4.0 3.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 4.3 30.30 4.3

B. Interaction with instructor 9. The instructor welcomes questions in class. 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.8 4.8 5.0 4.8 4.0 33.55 4.8

10. The instructor is available for consultation outside classes. 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.7 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.7 31.67 4.5 11. Consultation with the instructor is helpful. 5.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.7 33.50 4.8

C. Assignments and examinations 12. The mid-term exam questions are fair. 3.5 4.0 4.3 4.5 11.75 3.9

13. The mid-term exam marking and grading are fair. 4.4 4.7 4.5 9.07 4.5 14. Assignments contribute substantially to students'

understanding of course material. 4.5 4.3 4.8 4.4 4.0 5.0 26.90 4.5 15. Assignments returned sufficiently promptly for students to

benefit from corrections. 4.5 3.5 2.0 3.8 3.5 4.8 22.05 3.7

D. Overall assessment 16. You would like to take another course from the same

instructor. 4.75 4.5 3.8 4.4 4.3 4.8 4.5 4.8 30.90 4.4 17. The instructor's overall teaching ability is excellent. 5.0 4.3 4.0 4.4 4.3 4.8 4.5 4.8 31.15 4.5

Overall average course rating for instructor. 4.75 4.25 4.07 4.34 4.28 4.83 4.48 4.29


Average/5 4.41

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McGill University - Medical Physics Unit Teaching Evaluation Summary - Fall 2017 Question AVG

A. Course material and presentation 1. Individual classes are well organized. 4.6 4.8 5.0 3.4 4.1 3.3 4.3 4.6 4.8 3.6 4.5 4.3

2. The instructor develops subject matter in a logical manner. 4.8 4.8 5.0 3.4 4.6 3.9 4.4 4.9 5.0 4.1 4.6 4.5 3. The instructor makes the material clear and interesting. 4.6 4.7 4.9 4.2 4.8 4.5 4.1 3.8 4.8 3.2 3.7 4.3

4. The instructor encourages and stimulates student thinking. 4.2 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.6 3.8 4.5 4.4 4.2 4.5 5. The instructor incorporates up-to-date information in the

course. 4.4 4.9 4.9 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.8 6. The pace of the course is satisfactory. 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.4 4.6 4.3 4.5 4.9 4.9 3.9 3.2 4.4

7. The instructor speaks clearly. 4.7 4.8 5.0 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 4.4 4.4 4.8 8. The instructor makes good use of the blackboard or

audiovisual aids. 4.7 4.8 5.0 4.6 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.9 4.9 4.2 4.4 4.6

B. Interaction with instructor 9. The instructor welcomes questions in class. 4.9 4.9 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9

10. The instructor is available for consultation outside classes. 4.9 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.7 4.5 4.7 4.8 5.0 4.4 4.7 4.8

11. Consultation with the instructor is helpful. 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.8 4.6 4.2 4.8 5.0 4.7 4.7 4.8

C. Assignments and examinations 12. The mid-term exam questions are fair. 4.9 4.2 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.8 4.3 5.0 5.0 4.1 4.9 4.7

13. The mid-term exam marking and grading are fair. 4.9 4.7 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.9 4.9 5.0 5.0 3.9 4.9 4.8 14. Assignments contribute substantially to students'

understanding of course material. 4.7 3.9 4.7 4.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.1 4.7 4.7 15. Assignments returned sufficiently promptly for students to

benefit from corrections. 4.9 3.1 5.0 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.4 4.7 4.6

D. Overall assessment 16. You would like to take another course from the same

instructor. 4.8 4.4 4.9 4.3 4.2 4.4 4.1 4.1 4.9 3.9 4.5 4.4 17. The instructor's overall teaching ability is excellent. 4.7 4.3 5.0 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.4 3.9 4.8 3.8 4.3 4.3

Overall average course rating for instructor. 4.71 4.57 4.94 4.50 4.61 4.46 4.54 4.63 4.90 4.12 4.48

Overall Average/5

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Medical Physics Unit Appendix VII. Annual Report 2017





(major department and supervisor are indicated in parentheses; number following the major department indicates year of M.Sc. study in Fall 2016)

1. AFSHARI, Nousha (MPU-1, Enger)

(title of thesis not yet available)

2. AYALA ALVAREZ, Santiago (MPU-1, Seuntjens)

(title of thesis not yet available)

3. BANCHERI, Julien (MPU-1, Seuntjens)

(title of thesis not yet available)

4. CARROLL, Liam (MPU-1, Enger)

(title of thesis not yet available)

5. CÔTÉ, Benjamin (MPU-1, Renaud)

(title of thesis not yet available)

6. HENG, Jean (MPU-1, Seuntjens)

(title of thesis not yet available)

7. LUND, Christopher (MPU-1, Kildea)

(title of thesis not yet available)

8. MATHEW, Felix (MPU-1, Levesque)

(title of thesis not yet available)

9. MÉGROURÈCHE, Julien (MPU-1, Seuntjens)

(title of thesis not yet available)

These students started their studies in September 2017, selected their supervisor(s) in Winter 2018, and are expected to begin their M.Sc. thesis research work in Summer 2018.

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(major departments and supervisors are indicated in parentheses; number following the major department indicates year of M.Sc. study in Fall 2017)

1. ALBERS, Julia (MPU-1, W. Parker)

Software development for prospective and retrospective analysis of lung

stereotactic body radiation therapy treatment

2. PATRICK, Haley (MPU-1, J. Kildea)

Development of a DVH registry for plan evaluation, dose accumulation,

and cohort analysis

4. TURGEON, Vincent (MPU-1, S. Enger)

Non-invasive positron detector to monitor the arterial input function in

Positron Emission Tomography

These students began their M.Sc. studies in September 2016, completed the Fall and Winter didactic semesters of the 2016-2017 academic year, and are currently completing their M.Sc. thesis research. All are expected to submit their theses by Fall 2017.

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(major department and supervisors are indicated in parentheses) 1. AHMED, Zaki (Physics – I. Levesque) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2015) 2. ALDELAIJAN, Saad (Physics – S. Devic) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2016) 3. DIAMANT-BOUSTEAD, André (Physics – J. Seuntjens) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2016) 4. FAMULARI, Gabriel (Physics – S. Enger) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2016) 5. FORTIER, Véronique (Physics – I. Levesque) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2016) 6. HICKLING, Susannah (Physics – I. El Naqa, M. Hobson, J. Seuntjens) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2014) 7. MIRZAKHANIAN, Lalageh (Physics – J. Seuntjens) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2015) 8. MONTGOMERY, Logan (Physics – J. Kildea) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2016) 9. MULLINS, Joel (Physics – J. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in January 2014) 10. RENAUD, Marc-André (Physics – J. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2012) 11. SCHNEIDER, James (Physics – S. Devic) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2016)

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12. TOLTZ, Allison (Physics – J. Seuntjens) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2012) 13. TRUONG, Peter (Physics – S. Enger) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2016) 14. WANG, Judy (Physics – J. Seuntjens) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in January 2014) 15. WATSON, Peter (Physics – J. Seuntjens) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in January 2013) 16. XING, Stella (Physics – I. Levesque) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2015) 17. ZLATEVA, Yana (Biomedical Engineering – I. El Naqa) (title not yet available) Expected to submit thesis: date not yet available (began Ph.D. in September 2013) PhD oral defense in Fall 2016 – graduated in Winter 2017: MARKEL, Daniel (Physics – I. El Naqa) Simultaneous registration and segmentation coupling using the Jensen Rényi divergence

for adaptive radiotherapy PhD degree requirements completed December 2016 – graduated in February 2017 PATER, Piotr (Physics – I. El Naqa, J. Seuntjens) Numerical models for radiation-induced DNA damage PhD degree requirements completed October 2016 – graduated in February 2017 RENAUD, James (Physics –J. Seuntjens) On the development of absorbed dose calorimeter systems for absolute clinical

dosimetry PhD degree requirements completed December 2016 – graduation in February 2017 PhD oral defence & graduation in 2017: ALONSO ORTIZ, Eva (Physics – I. Levesque, G.B. Pike) Gradient echo-based quantitative myelin water imaging CARRIER-VALLIÈRES, Martin (Physics – I. El Naqa, J. Seuntjens) Radiomics: Enabling factors towards precision medicine PEREZ, Jessica (Biomedical Engineering – I. El Naqa, J. Nadeau) Molecular imaging of radiation-induced lung injury

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by members of the Medical Physics Unit : 2017 calendar year (x 73)

(names of MPU staff members are underlined, students are indicated by †) 1. R. Sanford, A.L.F. Cruz, S.C. Scott, N.E. Mayo, L.K. Fellows, B.M. Ances, D.L. Collins, Regionally

specific brain volumetric and cortical thickness changes in HIV-infected patients in the HAART era, JAIDS J. Acq. Imm. Defic. Syndr. 74(5), 563-570 (2017).

2. P. Bosco, A. Redolfi, M. Bocchetta, C. Ferrari, A. Mega, S. Galluzzi, M. Austin, A. Chincarini, D.L. Collins, et al, The impact of automated hippocampal volumetry on diagnostic confidence in patients with suspected Alzheimer's disease: An EADC study, Alzheimer's & Dementia 13(19), 1013-1023 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.01.019. Epub 2017 Mar 3.

3. D. Schoemaker, J. Poirier, D.L. Collins, S. Gauthier, J.C. Pruessner, Familiarity deficits in cognitively normal aging individuals with APOE ε4: A follow-up investigation of medial temporal lobe structural correlates, Alzh. & Demen.: Diagn. Assmt Dis. Monit. 9, 21-24 (2017).

4. M. Tuwaig, M. Savard, B. Jutras, J. Poirier, D.L. Collins, P. Rosa-Neto, D. Fontaine, J. Breitner, Deficit in central auditory processing as a biomarker of pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease, J. Alzheimer's Dis. (preprint), 1-12 (2017).

5. B. Muir, W. Culberson, S.D. Davis, G-Y. Kim, Y. Huang, S-W. Lee, J. Lowenstein, A. Sarfehnia, J. Siebers, N. Tolani, Insight gained from responses to surveys on reference dosimetry practices, J. Appl. Clin. Med. Phys. 18, 182-190 (2017).

6. A. Toltz†, M. Hoesl, J. Schuemann, J. Seuntjens, H.M. Lu, H. Paganetti, Time-resolved diode dosimetry calibration through Monte Carlo modeling for in vivo passive scattered proton therapy range verification, J. Appl. Clin. Med. Phys 18(6), 200-205 (2017). doi: 10.1002/acm2.12210. [Epub ahead of print].

7. L. Montgomery†, P. Fava, C.R. Freeman, T. Hijal, C. Maietta, W. Parker, J. Kildea, Development and implementation of a radiation therapy incident learning system compatible with local workflow and a national taxonomy, J. Appl. Clin. Med. Phys. 19, 259-270 (2017). DOI: 10.1002/acm2.12218.

8. G. Famulari†, T. Urlich, A. Armstrong, S.A. Enger, Practical aspects of 153Gd as a radioactive source for use in brachytherapy, Appl. Rad. Isotopes 130, 131-139 (2017).

9. J.D. Lewis, A.C. Evans,J.R. Pruett Jr, K.N. Botteron, R.C. McKinstry, L. Zwaigenbaum, A.M. Estes, D.L. Collins, et al, Infant Brain Imaging Study Network, The emergence of network inefficiencies in infants with autism spectrum disorder, Biol. Psych. 82(3), 176-185 (2017).

10. M.D. Shen et al, The Infant Brain Imaging Study (IBIS) Network is a National Institutes of Health–funded Autism Center of Excellence project and consists of a consortium of eight universities in the United States and Canada; J. Piven, H.C. Hazlett, C. Chappell, S. Dager, A. Estes, D. Shaw, K.N. Botteron, R, McKinstry, J. Constantino, J. Pruett, R. Schultz, L. Zwaigenbaum, J. Elison, A.C. Evans, D.L. Collins, G.B. Pike et al, Increased extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid in high-risk infants who later develop autism, Biol. Psych. 82(3), 186-193 (2017).

11. M.D. Albaugh, T.V. Nguyen, S. Ducharme, D.L. Collins, K.N. Botteron, N. D’Alberto, A.C. Evans, S. Karama, J.J. Hudziak, Brain Development Cooperative Group, Age-related volumetric change of limbic structures and subclinical anxious/depressed symptomatology in typically developing children and adolescents, Biol. Psych. 124, 133-140 (2017).

12. J. Mullins†, F. DeBlois, A. Syme, Experimental characterization of the dosimetric leaf gap, Biomed. Phys. Eng. Expr. 2(6), 065013 (2017).

13. J. DeCunha†, C. Janicki, S.A. Enger, A retrospective analysis of catheter-based sources in intravascular brachytherapy, Brachytherapy 16(3), 586-596 (2017).

14. S. Aldelaijan†, S. Wadi-Ramahi, A. Nobah, B. Moftah, S. Devic, N. Jastaniyah, Commissioning of applicator-guided stereotactic body radiation therapy boost with high-dose-rate brachytherapy for advanced cervical cancer using radiochromic film dosimetry, Brachytherapy 16(4), 893-902 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.brachy.2017.03.009. Epub 2017 Apr 28.

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15. S. Aldelaijan†,, H. Bekerat, I. Buzurovic, P. Devlin, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, Dose comparison between TG-43–based calculations and radiochromic film measurements of the Freiburg flap applicator used for high-dose-rate brachytherapy treatments of skin lesions, Brachytherapy 16(5), 1065-1072 (2017). DOI:

16. L.H. Liang, N. Tomic, T. Vuong, S. Aldelaijan†, H. Bekerat, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, Physics aspects of the Papillon technique: Five decades later, Brachytherapy, 2017 Nov 1. pii: S1538-4721(17)30474-9. doi: 10.1016/j.brachy.2017.09.016. [Epub ahead of print].

17. B. Liszewski, C. Angers, J. Kildea, Mitigating the barriers to a culture of quality and safety in radiation oncology, Clin. Oncol. 29(10), 676-679 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.clon.2017.08.001.

18. S. Drouin, A. Kochanowska, M. Kersten-Oertel, I.J. Gerard, R. Zelmann, D. De Nigris, S. Bériault, T. Arbel, D. Sirhan, A.F. Sadikot, J.A. Hall, D.L. Collins, IBIS: An OR ready open-source platform for image-guided neurosurgery, Int. J. Comp. Asst. Radiol. Surg. 12(3), 363-378 (2017).

19. J.R. Nair, F. DeBlois, T. Ong, S. Devic, N. Tomic, H. Bekerat, L. Rosenbloom, K. Sultanem, R. Forghani, Dual energy CT: Balance between iodine attenuation and artifact reduction for the evaluation of head and neck cancer, J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr. 41(6), 931-936 (2017). doi: 10.1097/RCT.0000000000000617.

20. Y. Xiao, V.S. Fonov, M.M. Chakravarty, S. Beriault, F. Al Subaie, A. Sadikot, G.B. Pike, G. Bertrand, D.L. Collins, A dataset of multi-contrast population-averaged brain MRI atlases of a Parkinson׳s disease cohort, Data in Brief 12, 370-379 (2017).

21. S. Das, T. Glatard, C. Rogers, J. Saigle, S. Paiva, L. MacIntyre, M. Safi-Harab, M.E. Rousseau, J. Stirling, N. Khalili-Mahani, D. MacFarlane, P. Kostopoulos, P. Rioux, C. Madjar, X. Lecours-Boucher, S. Vanamala, R. Adalat, Z. Mohaddes, V.S. Fonov, S. Milot, I. Leppert, C. Degroot, T.M. Durcan, T. Campbell, J. Moreau, A. Dagher, D.L. Collins, J. Karamchandani, A. Bar-Or, E.A. Fon, R. Hoge, S. Baillet, G. Rouleau, A.C. Evans, Cyberinfrastructure for open science at the Montreal Neurological Institute, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 10, 53 (2017).

22. É. Léger, S. Drouin, D.L. Collins, T. Popa, M. Kersten-Oertel, Quantifying attention shifts in augmented reality image-guided neurosurgery, Health Tech. Lett. 4(5), 188-192 (2017).

23. D. Schoemaker, C. Mascret, D.L. Collins, E. Yu, S. Gauthier, J.C. Pruessner, Recollection and familiarity in aging individuals: Gaining insight into relationships with medial temporal lobe structural integrity, Hippocampus 27(6), 692-701 (2017).

24. M. Dadar, J. Maranzano, S. Ducharme, O. Carmichael, C, Decarli, D.L. Collins, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Validation of T1w-based segmentations of white matter hyperintensity volumes in large-scale datasets of aging, Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 Nov 27, doi: 10.1002/hbm.23894. [Epub ahead of print]

25. J. Seuntjens, E.F. Lartigau, S. Cora, G.X. Ding, S. Goetsch, J. Nuyttens, D. Roberge, Prescribing, recording, and reporting of stereotactic treatments with small photon beams, J. ICRU 14(2) (2014), publ 2017 Jul. ICRU Report No. 91.

26. M. McEwen, L. DeWerd, G. Ibbott, D. Followill, D.W.O. Rogers, S. Seltzer, J. Seuntjens, T. Kawachi, T. Katayose, T. Kodama, R. Miyasaka, Addendum to the AAPM's TG-51 protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high-energy photon beams, Igaku Butsuri 37(1), 2-24 (2017). doi: 10.11323/jjmp.37.1_2. PMID: 28924094; DOI: 10.11323/jjmp.37.1_2.

27. E. Alonso-Ortiz†, I. Levesque, G.B. Pike, Field inhomogeneity correction for gradient echo myelin water fraction imaging, Magn. Res. Med. 78(1), 49-57 (2017).

28. E. Alonso-Ortiz†, I. Levesque, G.B. Pike, Multi-gradient-echo myeline water fraction imaging: Comparison to the multi-echo-spin-echo technique, Magn. Res. Med. 78(3), 1439-1446 (2017).

29. Z. Ahmed†, I. Levesque, Increased robustness in reference-region model analysis of DCE MRI using two-step constrained approaches, Magn. Res. Med. 78(4), 1547-1557 (2017).

30. V. Fortier†, I. Levesque, Phase processing for quantitative susceptibility mapping of regions with large susceptibility and lack of signal, Magn. Res. Med. 2017 Nov 11. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26989. [Epub ahead of print].

31. I.J. Gerard, M. Kersten-Oertel, K. Petrecca, D. Sirhan, J.A. Hall, D.L. Collins, Brain shift in neuronavigation of brain tumors: A review, Med. Image Anal. 35, 403-420 (2017).

32. S. Hickling†, H. Lei, M. Hobson, P. Leger, X. Wang, I. El Naqa, Experimental evaluation of x-ray acoustic computed tomography for radiotherapy dosimetry applications, Med. Phys. 44(2), 608-617 (2010). doi: 10.1002/mp.12039. Epub 2017 Feb.

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33. P. Papaconstadopoulos, L. Archmabault, J. Seuntjens, Experimental investigation on the accuracy of plastic scintillators and of the spectrum discrimination method in small photon fields, Med. Phys. 44(2), 654-664 (2017), doi: 10.1002/mp.12064.

34. M-A. Renaud†, M. Serban, J. Seuntjens, On mixed electron-photon radiation therapy optimisation using the column generation approach, Med. Phys. 44(8), 4287-4298 (2017). doi: 10.1002/mp.12338, Epub 2017 Jun 30.

35. J. Renaud†, A. Sarfehnia, J. Bancheri†, J. Seuntjens, Aerrow: A probe-format graphite calorimeter for absolute dosimetry of high-energy photon beams in the clinical environment, Med. Phys., 2017 Nov 13, DOI: 10.1002/mp.12669.

36. S. Aldelaijan†, N. Tomic, P. Papaconstadopoulos, J. Schneider† J, Seuntjens, J. Shih, D. Lewis, S. Devic, Technical note: Response time evolution of XR-QA2 GafChromicTM film models, Med. Phys., 2017 Nov 22, doi: 10.1002/mp.12689, [Epub ahead of print], PMID: 29164628.

37. R. Carrier, A. Gauvin, M. Kalivas, Mammographie numérique: Guide d’évaluation pour les physiciens médicaux, Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux (MSSS), publ # 17-902-04W, ISBN 978-2-550-75859-4.

38. H.C. Hazlett, H. Gu, B.C. Munsell, S.H. Kim, M. Styner, J.J. Wolff, J.T. Elison, M.R. Swanson, H. Zhu, K.N. Botteron, D.L. Collins, et al, IBIS network; Clinical sites, data coordinating center, image processing core, statistical analysis, Early brain development in infants at high risk for autism spectrum disorder, Nature 542(7641), 348-351 (2017).

39. B. De Leener, V.S Fonov, D.L. Collins, V. Callot, N. Stikov, J. Cohen-Adad, PAM50: Unbiased multimodal template of the brainstem and spinal cord aligned with the ICBM152 space, NeuroImage 21(165), 170-179 (2017).

40. A. Zandifar, V.S. Fonov, P. Coupé, J.C. Pruessner, D.L. Collins, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, A comparison of accurate automatic hippocampal segmentation methods, NeuroImage 155, 383-393 (2017).

41. M. Dadar J. Maranzano, K. Misquitta, C.J. Anor, V.S. Fonov, M.C. Tartaglia, O.T. Carmichael, C. Decarli, D.L. Collins, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Performance comparison of 10 different classification techniques in segmenting white matter hyperintensities in aging, NeuroImage 157, 233-249 (2017).

42. S. Ewert, P. Plettig, N. Li, M. Chakravarty, D.L. Collins, T. Herrington, A. Kühn, A. Horn, Toward defining deep brain stimulation targets in MNI space: A subcortical atlas based on multimodal MRI, histology and structural connectivity, NeuroImage, 2017 May 20. pii: S1053-8119(17)30407-X.

43. E. Alonso-Ortiz†, I.R. Levesque, G.B. Pike, Impact of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy at 3 T and 7 T on T2*-based myelin water fraction imaging, Neuroimage, 2017 Sep 25, pii: S1053-8119(17)30788-7, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.09.040. [Epub ahead of print].

44. Y. Zeighami, S.M. Fereshtehnejad M. Dadar, D.L. Collins, R.B. Postuma, B. Mišić, A. Dagher, A clinical-anatomical signature of Parkinson's disease identified with partial least squares and magnetic resonance imaging, Neuroimage, 2017 Dec 19. pii: S1053-8119(17)31074-1.

45. B. Aubert-Broche, K. Weier, G. Longoni, V.S. Fonov, A. Bar-Or, R.A. Marrie, E.A. Yeh, S. Narayanan, D.L. Arnold, L.H. Verhey, B. Banwell, D.L. Collins, Monophasic demyelination reduces brain growth in children, Neurology 88(18), 1744-1750 (2017).

46. R. Sanford, L.K. Fellows, B.M. Ances, D.L. Collins, Association of brain structure changes and cognitive function with combination antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive individuals, JAMA Neurol, 2017 Nov 13. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2017.3036. [Epub ahead of print]

47. X. Su, D. Fang, Y. Liu, G. Ruan, J. Seuntjens, J.M. Kinsella, S.D. Tran, Lyophilized bone marrow cell extract functionally restores irradiation-injured salivary glands, Oral Diseases 1-5, DOI: 10.1111/odi.12728, accepted 2017 Aug.

48. N. Tomic, P. Papaconstadopoulos, S. Aldelaijan†, J. Rajala, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, Image quality for radiotherapy CT simulators with different scanner bore size, Physica Medica: Eur. J. Med. Phys. 45(2), 65-71 (2017).

49. K.A. Rabaeh, A.A. Basfar, A.A. Almousa, S. Devic, B. Moftah, New normoxic N-(Hydroxymethyl)-acrylamide based polymer gel for 3D dosimetry in radiation therapy, Physica Medica 33, 122-126 (2017).

50. G. Aldosary, H. Safigholi, W. Song, J. Seuntjens, A. Sarfehnia, Polarity and ion recombination corrections in continuous and pulsed beams for ionization chambers with high Z chamber walls, Phys. Med. 35, 102-109 (2017). Epub Feb 12, pii: S1120-1797(17)30027-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2017.01.019.

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51. M. Vallières†, S. Laberge, A. Diamant, I. El Naqa, Enhancement of multimodality texture- based prediction models via optimization of PET and MR image acquisition protocols: a proof of concept, Phys. Med. Biol. 62, 8536–8565 (2017).

52. G. Famulari†, P. Pater, S.A. Enger, Microdosimetry calculations for monoenergetic electrons using Geant4-DNA combined with a weighted track sampling algorithm, Phys. Med. Biol. 62(13), 5495-5508 (2017). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa71f6.

53. P. Watson†, M. Popovic, J. Seuntjens, Determination of absorbed dose to water from a miniature kilovoltage X-ray source using a parallel-plate ionization chamber, Phys. Med. Biol. 63(1):015016, epub 2017 Dec 19. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa9560.

54. S. Faria, R. Ruo, F. Cury, M. Duclos, L. Souhami, Acute and late toxicity in high-risk prostate cancer patients treated with androgen suppression and hypofractionated pelvic radiation therapy, Prac. Radiat. Oncol. 7(4), 264-269; doi: 10.1016/j.prro.2017.01.003. Epub 2017 Jan 20. PMID:28222995.

55. M. Pruessner, L. Bechard-Evans, S. Pira, R. Joober, D.L. Collins, J.C. Pruessner, A.K. Malla, Interplay of hippocampal volume and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis function as markers of stress vulnerability in men at ultra-high risk for psychosis, Psychol. Med. 47(3), 471-483 (2017).

56. T.V. Nguyen, J. Lew, M.D. Albaugh, K.N. Botteron, J.J. Hudziak, V.S. Fonov, D.L. Collins, S. Ducharme, J.T. McCracken, Sex-specific associations of testosterone with prefrontal-hippocampal development and executive function, Psychoneuroendocrin. 76, 206-217 (2017).

57. T.V. Nguyen, M. Wu, J. Lew, M.D. Albaugh, K.N. Botteron, J.J. Hudziak, V.S. Fonov, D.L. Collins, B.C. Campbell, L. Booij, C. Herba, Dehydroepiandrosterone impacts working memory by shaping cortico-hippocampal structural covariance during development, Psychoneuroendocrin. 86, 110-121 (2017).

58. J. Kildea, The Canadidan neutron-induced carcinogenic effects research program: A research program to investigate neutron relative biological effectiveness for carcinogenesis with a particular focus on secondary (by-product) neutrons in high-energy radiation therapy, Rad. Envir. Med. 6(2), 55-61 (2017).

59. A. Chatterjee†, M. Serban, B. Abdulkarim, V. Panet-Raymond, L. Souhami, G. Shenouda, S. Sabri, B. Jean-Claude, J. Seuntjens, Performance of knowledge-based radiation therapy planning for the glioblastoma disease site, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 99(4), 1021-1028 (2017).

60. G. Famulari†, P. Pater, S. Enger, Microdosimetric evaluation of current and alternative brachytherapy sources: A Geant4-DNA simulation study, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 100(1), 270-277; epub 2017 Sep 25. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2017.09.040.

61. S.L. Valk, B.C. Bernhardt, F.M. Trautwein, A. Böckler, P. Kanske, N. Guizard, D.L. Collins, T. Singer, Structural plasticity of the social brain: Differential change after socio-affective and cognitive mental training, Sci. Adv. 3(10), e1700489 (2017).

62. J.R. Perez†, S. Lee, N. Ybarra, O. Maria, M. Serban, K. Jeyaseelan, L.M. Wang†, J. Seuntjens, I. El Naqa, A comparative analysis of longitudinal computed tomography and histopathology for evaluating the potential of mesenchymal stem cells in mitigating radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis, Sci. Rep. 7(1), 9056 (2017). DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09021-7.

63. M. Vallières†, E. Kay-Rivest, L.J. Perrin, X. Liem, C. Furstoss, H.J.W.L. Aerts, N. Khaouam, P.F. Nguyen-Tan, C-S. Wang, K. Sultanem, J. Seuntjens, I. El Naqa, Radiomics strategies for risk assessment of tumour failure in head-and-neck cancer, Sci. Rep. 7(1), 10117 (2017). Epub 2017 Aug 31.

64. J.R. Perez†, N. Ybarra, F. Chagnon, M. Serban, G. Paré, O. Lesur, J. Seuntjens, I. El Naqa, Image-guided fluorescence endomicroscopy: From macro- to micro-imaging of radiation induced pulmonary fibrosis, Sci. Rep. 7, (2017), 17829. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18070-x.

65. J.R. Perez†, N. Ybarra, F. Chagnon, M. Serban, S. Lee, J. Seuntjens, O. Lesur, I. El Naqa, Tracking of mesenchymal stem cells with fuorescnce endomicroscopy imaging in radiotherapy-induced lung injury, Sci Rep. 19, 7:40748 (2017) doi: 10.1038/srep40748.

66. H. Palmans, P. Andreo, M. Saiful Huq, J. Seuntjens, Dosimetry of small static fields used in external beam radiotherapy: An international code of practice for reference and relative dose determination, Tech. Rep. Series No.483, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2017 STI/DOC/010/483; (ISBN:978-92-0-105916-1); pp. 211 (2017).

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67. D. Fang, S. Shang, Y. Liu, M. Bakkar, Y. Sumita, J. Seuntjens, S.D. Tran, Optimal timing and frequency of bone marrow soup therapy for functional restoration of salivary gland injured by single dose or fractionated irradiation, J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., DOI: 10.1002/term.2513, publ 2017 Nov 08.

68. D. Fang, X. Su, Y. Liu, J.C. Lee, J. Seuntjens, S.D. Tran, Cell extracts from spleen and adipose tissues restore function to irradiation-injured, J. Tissue Engin. Regen. Med., publ 2017 Nov. DOI: 10.1002/term.2567.

69. M. Dadar, T.A. Pascoal, S. Manitsirikul, K. Misquitta, C. Tartaglia, J. Brietner, P. Rosa-Neto, O. Carmichael, C. DeCarli, D.L. Collins, Validation of a regression technique for segmentation of white matter hyperintensities in Alzheimer’s disease, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 36(8), 1758-1768 (2017).

70. G. Paré, R. Lebel, J.R. Perez†, F. Chagnon, M-A. Bonin, C. Bibeau, I. El Naqa, E. Marsault, M. Lepage, O. Lesur, Emerging applications of intra-vital smart micro-imaging: from bench-to-bedside, in “Microscopy and imaging science: Practical approaches to applied research and education”, ed. A. Méndez-Vilas, publ. Formatex Research Center, Spain, pp. 120-133 (2017).

71. N. Tomic, S. Devic, Radiochromic film dosimetry for radiology, Ch.11 in “Handbook for X-ray Imaging: Physics and Technology”, ed. P. Russo, CRC Press, ISBN 9781498741521 (2017).

72. G. Hegyi, Clinical fluoroscopy units, Ch.27 in “Handbook of X-ray Imaging: Physics and Technology”, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy (2017).

73. S. Bradforth, K. Kudinov, D. Cooper†, K. Ha, C. Khill, Jan Seuntjens, Jay Nadeau, Scintillation yield estimates of colloidal cerium-doped LaF3 nanoparticles and potential for “deep PDT”, Nanoscale, Submitted August 2017.

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by members of the Medical Physics Unit : 2017 calendar year (x 55) (names of MPU staff members are underlined, students are indicated by †)

1. P. Watson†, M. Popovic, J. Seuntjens, Measurement of absorbed dose to water for a low-energy

miniature x-ray source with and ionization chamber, 25th Annual Meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements & Standards (CIRMS) “Past, Present, and Future”, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, March 27-29, 2017. Poster presentation.

2. J. Renaud†, A. Sarfehnia, J. Bancheri†, J. Seuntjens, Aerrow: A probe-format graphite calorimeter for use as a local absorbed dose standard for high-energy photon beams in the clinical environment, 25th Annual Meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements & Standards (CIRMS), NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, March 27-29, 2017. Student Travel Grant Awards Presentation.

3. S. Hickling†, H. Lei, M. Hobson, I. El Naqa, Measuring radiation dose through the detection of radiation-induced acoustic waves, 25th Annual Meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements & Standards (CIRMS), NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, March 27-29, 2017. Student Travel Grant Awards Presentation.

4. G. Famulari†, J.J. Munro, S. Enger, Retrospective evaluation of prostate cancer treatment plan quality obtained from intermediate-energy sources for high-dose rate brachytherapy, Brachytherapy 16(3), Suppl S22; Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Oral presentation, abstract.

5. G. Famulari†, S. Enger, A novel delivery system for high dose rate intensity modulated brachytherapy with intermediate energy radiation sources such as 169Yb, Brachytherapy 16(3), Suppl S23; Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Oral presentation, abstract.

6. S. Devic, J. Schneider†, T. Vuong, N. Tomic, R. Lisbona, M. Hickeson, G. Chausse, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, G. Battist, Differential uptake volume histograms as a predictor of response in rectal adenocarcinoma patients treated with preoperative endorectal brachytherapy, Brachytherapy 16(3), Suppl S24-S25; Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Oral presentation, abstract.

7. J. DeCunha†, S. Enger, Investigation of a new device to improve dosimetric outcomes in intravascular brachytherapy, Brachytherapy 16(3), Suppl S80; Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Poster presentation, abstract.

8. P. Truong†, N. Ybarra, M. Evans, S. Enger, Nuclei size distribution as a predictor for radiosensitivity with 192Ir brachytherapy, Brachytherapy 16(3), Suppl S83; Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Poster presentation, abstract.

9. S. Aldelaijan†, H. Bekerat, I. Buzurovic, P. Devlin, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, D.L. Collins, S. Devic, Improving dose accuracy of HDR brachytherapy treatment of skin lesions using Freiburg flap applicator based on reference radiochromic film dose measurements, Brachytherapy 16(3), Suppl S99; Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Oral presentation, abstract.

10. S. Aldelaijan†, S. Wadi-Ramahi, A. Nobah, B. Moftah, S. Devic, N. Jastaniyah, Commissioning of HDR brachytherapy combined with an application-guided SBRT boost for advanced cervical cancer, Brachytherapy 16(3) Suppl S103; Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Oral presentation, abstract.

11. Z. Ahmed†, I. Levesque, Robust reference-region DCE-MRI analysis with a vascular component and two-fit analysis, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 22-27, 2017. ePoster, p.1906.

12. Z. Ahmed†, I. Levesque, Quantitative DCE-MRI analysis using a reference tissue and AIF tail, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 22-27, 2017. ePoster, p.1907.

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13. E. Alonso-Ortiz†, I. Levesque, Comparison of myelin water fractions from multi-echo spin-echo and

multi-gradient echo techniques, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 22-27, 2017. ePoster, p.1366.

14. V. Fortier†, I. Levesque, Phase processing for quantitative susceptibility mapping of regions with large susceptibility and lack of signal, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 22-27, 2017. ePoster, p.3678.

15. S. Xing†, I. Levesque, A probabilistic approach to automated classification of distinct pathological regions in soft tissue sarcoma using diffusion and T2 relaxation, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 22-27, 2017. ePoster, p.4507.

16. G. Famulari†, P. Pater, S. Enger, Microdosimetric evaluation of intermediate-energy brachytherapy sources using Geant4-DNA, J. Eur. Soc. Radiother. Oncol. 123(1), S192; 36th annual meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 4-9, 2017. Oral presentation, abstract OC-0359.

17. T. Vuong, A. Garant, S. Devic, A. Kezouth, Bowel dysfunction resulting from different treatment strategies in patients with rectal cancer, J. Eur. Soc. Radiother. Oncol. 123(1), S368 (2017).

18. M-A. Renaud†, M. Serban, C. Lambert, J. Seuntjens, On mixed-modality radiation therapy optimization using the column generation approach, J. Eur. Soc. Radiother. Oncol. 123, Suppl 1, S831; 36th annual meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 4-9, 2017. ePoster, abstract EP-1545.

19. J. Schneider†, N. Tomic, T. Vuong, R. Lisbona, M. Hickeson, G. Chausse, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, FDG-PET background definition in rectal cancer patients using differential uptake volume, J. Eur. Soc. Radiother. Oncol. 123, Suppl 1, S930-931; 36th annual meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 4-9, 2017. ePoster, abstract EP-1701.

20. N. Tomic, P. Papaconstadopoulos, J. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois, S. Devic, Image quality comparison between two radiotherapy simulators, J. Eur. Soc. Radiother. Oncol. 123, Suppl 1, S941-S942; 36th annual meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 4-9, 2017. ePoster, abstract EP-1717.

21. J. Kildea, L. Hendren, D. Hererra, A. Joseph†, R. Maglieri, T. Hijal, Opal: The oncology portal and application, J. Eur. Soc. Radiother. Oncol. 123, Suppl 1, S950-S951; 36th annual meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 4-9, 2017. Abstract EP-1730.

22. S. Devic, U. Mwidu, A. Alkafi, B. Moftah, S. Shakir, H. Hijazi, C. Yeung, T. Vuong, Highly conformal external beam modalities vs brachytherapy boost for rectal cancer patients, J. Eur. Soc. Radiother. Oncol. 123(1), S987-988 (2017).

23. P. Watson†, M. Popovic, J. Seuntjens, Uncertainties in measuring absorbed dose from a low-energy miniature X-ray source, International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO-2), AAPM Organization, Vienna, Austria, June 20-23, 2017.

24. A. Diamant†, JJ. Seuntjens, Large scale comparison between AAA and MC-recalculated lung SBRT cases, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017.

25. Y. Zlateva†, J. Seuntjens, Cherenkov dosimetry via directional Cherenkov-to-dose conversion factors: Monte Carlo protocol and experimental feasibility, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017.

26. S Hickling†, M. Hobson, M-A. Renaud†, I. El-Naqa, In vivo detection of radiation-induced acoustic waves for treatment delivery verification: A simulation study, Med. Phys. 44(6), 2760; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Oral presentation SU-F-708-01.

27. A. Toltz†, M. Hoesl, J. Schuemann, J. Seuntjens, H. Lu, H. Paganetti, In vivo proton therapy range verification using time-resolved diode dosimetry: Validation through numerical modeling, Med. Phys. 44(6), 2767; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Oral presentation SU-H1-GePD-T-04.

28. G. Famulari†, S. Enger, Cluster pattern analysis for alternative high dose rate brachytherapy sources 75Se, 169Yb, and 153Gd, Med. Phys. 44(6), 2827; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. ePoster presentation SU-I-GPD-T-06.

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29. G. Almakdessi†, J. Kildea, A. Licea, Secondary neutrons from clinical electron beams, Med.Phys

44(6), 2881; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. ePoster presentation SU-I-GPD-T-235.

30. E. Osunkwor†, K. Singh, J. Seuntjens, S. Davis, Characterization of optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter supralinearity with respect to prior dose history, Med. Phys. 44(6), 2987; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Oral presentation SU-K-205-04.

31. Y. Zlateva†, J. Seuntjens, I. El Naqa, Cherenkov dosimetry via stopping-to-Cherenkov power ratios: Protocol and experimental feasibility, Med. Phys. 44(6), 2996-2997; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Oral presentation SU-K-FS2-08.

32. P. Papaconstadopoulos, N. Tomic, H. Bekerat, P. Watson, E. Mainegra-Hing, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, Beam quality variations within a CTDI phantom for the energy range 100 to 140 KVp, Med. Phys. 44(6), 3036; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Oral presentation MO-RAM-GePD-I-02.

33. A. Diamant-Boustead†, I. El-Naqa, S. Faria, J. Seuntjens, Does the omission of a CTV for NSCLC SBRT patients result in increased risk of distant metastases?, Med. Phys. 44(6), 3107; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Poster presentation TU-C1-GePD-T-03.

34. N. Tomic, P. Papaconstadopoulos, J. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois, S. Devic, Comparison of image quality between RT CT simulators, Med. Phys. 44(6), 3112; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. ePoster presentation TU-C2-GePD-I-02.

35. A. Chatterjee†, M. Vallières, A. Dohan, I. Levesque, Y. Ueno, V. Bist, S. Saif, C. Reinhold, J. Seuntjens, Keys to avoiding statistical pitfalls of small datasets in radiomics, Med. Phys. 44(6), 3114; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. ePoster presentation TU-C2-GePD-J(A)-04.

36. S. Hickling†, M. Hobson, I. El Naqa, Experimental sensitivity analysis of x-ray acoustic computed tomography for radiotherapy dosimetry applications, Med. Phys. 44(6), 3209-3210; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Therapy ePoster yheater presentation WE-RAM1-GePD-TT-02.

37. J. Schneider†, R Lisbona, M. Hickeson, G. Chausse, N. Tomic, T. Vuong, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, FDG-PET background definition with the use of differential uptake volume histograms for rectal cancer patients, Med. Phys. 44(6), 3279; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. TH-AB-FS4-03.

38. M-A. Renaud†, M. Serban, J. Seuntjens, Mixed-modality radiation therapy optimisation using the column generation method, Med. Phys. 44(6), 3304; 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Oral presentation TH-CD-708-07.

39. G. Famulari†*, M-A. Renaud†, S. Enger, An intensity modulated delivery system for prostate brachytherapy using intermediate energy sources, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017, Young Investigators’ Symposium – oral presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4370.

40. A. Chatterjee†*, M. Vallières†, A. Dohan, I. Levesque, Y. Ueno, V. Bist, S. Saif, C. Reinhold, J. Seuntjens, Novel methodology for applying radiomics to small datasets, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. General proffered papers - oral presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4371.

41. M. Evans, R. Ruo, C. Hudon, C. Maietta, A. Molineu, H. Mehrens, H. Patrocinio, W. Parker, S. Rossel, Verification of photon total body irradiation using the IROC-Houston anthropomorphic phantom, Med. Phys. 44(8), 4379 (2017).

42. E. Osunkwor†*, K. Singh, J. Seuntjens, S. Davis, Characterization of OSLD reproducibility with number of repeated read, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. General proffered papers - poster presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4385.

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43. D. Breitkreutz, M-A. Renaud†, M. Weil, J. Seuntjeuns, M. Bazalova-Carter, Inverse optimization of

low-cost kilovoltage arc therapy plans for breast and lung patients, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. General proffered papers - poster presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4387.

44. L. Mirzakhanian†*, H. Benmakhlouf, J. Seuntjens, Predicting correction factors for reference dosimetry in any phantom material for Leksell gamma knife, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. General proffered papers - poster presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4387.

45. M-A. Renaud†*, M. Serban, J. Seuntjens, Mixed modality radiation therapy optimisation using the column generation method, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. General proffered papers - poster presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4395.

46. J. Mullins†*, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, VMAT treatment plan optimization using a noncoplanar class solution trajectory applied to cranial targets, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. General proffered papers - poster presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4396.

47. J. DeCunha†, S. Enger, Resolving dosimetric issues in intravascular brachytherapy, Med. Phys. 44(8), 32; 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Oral presentation.

48. G. Famulari†, P. Pater, S. Enger, Microdosimetry calculations for monoenergetic electrons using Geant4-DNA combined with a weighted track sampling algorithm, Physica Medica 42(8); International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA), Naples, Italy; October 15-18, 2017.

49. G. Famulari†, E. Soisson, M. Duclos, S. Enger, Consequences of patient heterogeneities for intermediate-energy sources in post-implant assessment of prostate brachytherapy treatment plans, Physica Medica 42(8); International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA), Naples, Italy; October 15-18, 2017.

50. X. Wang†, J. Seuntjens, F.M. Vareas, Assessment of RBED electron-impact ionization cross sections for Monte Carlo electron transport, Physica Medica 42(S1), 35; International Conference on Monte Carlo techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA), Naples, Italy; October 15-18, 2017.

51. A. Sarfehnia, N. Entezari, G. Peterson, J. Renaud†, H Nusrat, Development of an MRI-compatible water calorimeter for Absolute Dosimetry in MRLinac and Gamma Knife, 59th Annual Meeting and Exhibition - American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. Oral presentation TU-FG-205-06.

52. M. Serban, C. Kirisits, K. Nkiwane, I. Dumas, J. Swamidas, A. De Leeuw, R. Hudej, G. Lowe, R. Potter, J. Lindegaard, K. Tanderup, Irradiated volumes in image guided adaptive brachytherapy in cervix cancer: Results from the EMBRACE study, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 99(2), S25 (2017). DOI: .

53. A. Diamant†, I. El Naqa, S. Faria, J. Seuntjens, Can dose metrics predict distant metastases in SBRT non–small cell lung cancer patients?, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 99(2), E452. DOI:, American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting (ASTRO), September 24-27, 2017, San Diego, California. #ASTRO17.

54. G. Famulari†, S. Enger, IMBrachy: A novel intensity modulated brachytherapy delivery system using 169Yb, ASTRO 59th Annual Meeting, September 24-27, 2017, San Diego, USA; Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 99(2), E657 (2017). DOI:

55. A. Joseph†, L. Hendren, T. Hijal, J. Kildea, Predicting waiting times in radiation oncology using machine learning, Proc. 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications (ICMLA), Cancun, Mexico, December 18-21, 2017.

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by members of the Medical Physics Unit : 2017 calendar year (x 18) (in multiple author entries, the author who presented the paper is shown with an asterisk)

1. J. Seuntjens, Physics approaches to cancer radiation medicine, Cancer Research Program, RI-

McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, QC, January 24, 2017. 2. I. Levesque, Mapping magnetic susceptibility in the human body, Department of Physics, Concordia

University, Montréal, QC, January 30, 2017. 3. I. Levesque, Magnetization transfer MRI and applications to MSK imaging, PERFORM Centre,

Concordia University, Montréal, QC, February 15, 2017. 4. I. Levesque, Advancing the reference region model of DCE-MRI, Département de Physique

Médicale, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, March 21, 2017. 5. S. Enger, Investigation of intermediate energy brachytherapy radiation sources for use with

IMBrachy: A novel intensity modulated high dose rate btrachytherapy delivery system, Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, April 18, 2017.

6. I. Levesque, Advancing the reference region model of dynamic-contrast-enhanced MRI, Magnetic Resonance Research Labs, Department of Radiology, University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, April 20, 2017.

7. I. Levesque, Magnetization transfer: Applications in MSK imaging, Sunrise Educational Session: Contrast Mechanisms in MSK Imaging, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, HI, April 24, 2017.

8. M. Serban, C. Kirisits, K. Nkiwane, I. Dumas, J. Swamidas, A. de Leeuw, R. Hudej, G. Lowe, R. Pötter, J. Lindegaard, K. Tanderup, Irradiated volumes in image guided adaptive brachytherapy in cervix cancer: Results from the EMBRACE study, Gynaecological Cancer Seminar, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 04, 2017.

9. S. Enger, How to get a CIHR or NSERC grant: Tips for success, Continuing Education Sessions, Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP), Ottawa, ON, July 14, 2017.

10. J. Kildea, Radiation knowledge sharing at the McGill University Health Centre, Physics Seminar Series, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, September 20, 2017.

11. J. Seuntjens, (keynote) A Monte Carlo perspective on small field radiation therapy, International Conference on Monte Carlo Applications in Medical Applications, Naples, Italy, October 17, 2017.

12. I. Levesque, Modélisation de l’IRM dynamique de contraste, Centre d’Imagerie Moléculaire de Sherbrooke, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, October 26, 2017.

13. A. Gauvin, Restez connecté, Siemens Healthineers – Symposium “Les innovations de Siemens”, Québec City, Québec, October 29, 2017.

14. S. Enger, Intensity modulated brachytherapy, macro and microdosimetry, Radio-oncology Rounds, Centre Hospitalier de Québec / Université Laval, Laval, QC, November 02, 2017.

15. I. Levesque, Making sense of parallel imaging, 6th annual McGill University Health Centre MRI Seminar, Montreal, QC, November 11, 2017.

16. I. Levesque, MR safety and operating modes, 6th annual McGill University Health Centre MRI Seminar, Montreal, QC, November 11, 2017.

17. M. Serban, A. de Leeuw, I. Jurgenliemk-Schulz, K. Tanderup, Vaginal dose surface, maps vaginal dose: Surface histograms, 5th GEC-ESTRO Workshop (European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology), Rome, Italy, November 30-December 01, 2017.

18. I. Levesque, Fooling Fourier: Advances in fast magnetic resonance imaging, Medical Physics Unit, McGill University, Montréal, QC, December 08, 2017.

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by members of the Medical Physics Unit : 2017 calendar year (x 62) (presenter is indicated by an asterisk *)

(the names of staff members of the MPU are underlined, students are indicated by †)

1. A. Gauvin*, Informatics I: The digital breast image – interoperability and management, Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) Winter School, Montebello, QC, February 01-03, 2017.

2. A. Gauvin*, Informatics II: Medical displays in mammography, Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) Winter School, Montebello, QC, February 01-03, 2017.

3. I. Levesque*, M. Hobson, M. Serban, H. Patrocinio, W. Parker, MRI for treatment simulation: Experience in the deployment of a dedicated MRI system and program expansion, Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) Winter School, Montebello, QC, February 01-03, 2017. Oral presentation.

4. Z. Ahmed†*, I. Levesque, Advancing the reference region model for DCE-MRI, Journée Scientifique du Réseau de Bio-Imagerie di Québec, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montréal, QC, February 10, 2017.

5. V. Fortier†*, I. Levesque, Comparison of phase processing techniques for quantitative susceptibility mapping, Journée Scientifique du Réseau de Bio-Imagerie di Québec, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montréal, QC, February 10, 2017.

6. S. Xing†*, C.R. Freeman, S. Jung, I. Levesque, A probabilistic approach to automated classification of distinct pathological regions in soft tissue sarcoma using diffusion and T2 relaxation, Journée Scientifique du Réseau de Bio-Imagerie di Québec, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montréal, QC, February 10, 2017.

7. J. Renaud†*, A. Sarfehnia, J. Bancheri†, J. Seuntjens, Aerrow: A probe-format graphite calorimeter for use as a local absorbed dose standard for high-energy photon beams in the clinical environment, 25th Annual Meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements & Standards (CIRMS), NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, March 27-29, 2017. Student Travel Grant Awards Presentation.

8. S. Hickling†*, H. Lei, M. Hobson, I. El Naqa, Measuring radiation dose through the detection of radiation-induced acoustic waves, 25th Annual Meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements & Standards (CIRMS), NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, March 27-29, 2017. Student Travel Grant Awards Presentation.

9. J. Kildea, L. Hendren, D. Herrera, A. Joseph†, R. Maglieri, T. Hijal, Opal: The oncology portal and application, Innovate Approaches to Optimal Cancer Care in Canada, Toronto, ON, April 07-08, 2017. Poster presentation.

10. L. Montgomery†, J. Kildea, Implementation of an in-house radiotherapy incident learning system, compatible with the Canadian national system for incident reporting: Radiation treatment, Innovate Approaches to Optimal Cancer Care in Canada, Toronto, ON, April 07-08, 2017. Poster presentation.

11. S. Devic*, J. Schneider†, T. Vuong, N. Tomic, R. Lisbona, M. Hickeson, G. Chaussé, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, G. Batist, Differential uptake volumn histograms as a predictor of response in rectal adenocarcinoma patients with preoperative endorectal brachytherapy, Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017.

12. J. DeCunha†*, S. Enger, Investigation of a new device to improve dosimetric outcomes in intravascular brachytherapy, Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Poster presentation.

13. G. Famulari†*, J.J. Munro, S. Enger, Retrospective evaluation of prostate cancer treatment plan quality obtained from intermediate-energy sources for high-dose rate brachytherapy, Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Oral presentation.

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14. G. Famulari†*, S. Enger, A novel delivery system for high dose rate intensity modulated

brachytherapy with intermediate energy radiation sources such as 169Yb, Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Oral presentation.

15. N. Truong†*, M. Evans, N. Ybarra, S. Enger, Nuclei size distribution as a predictor of radiosensitivity with Ir 192 brachytherapy, Annual Meeting of the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), Boston, MA, April 20-22, 2017. Poster presentation.

16. V. Fortier†*, I. Levesque, Phase processing for quantitative susceptibility mapping of regions with large susceptibility and lack of signal, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 22 – 27, 2017. Electronic poster.

17. Z. Ahmed†*, I. Levesque, Robust reference-region DCE-MRI analysis with a vascular component and two-fit analysis, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 22 – 27, 2017. Electronic poster.

18. Z. Ahmed†*, I. Levesque, Quantitative DCE-MRI analysis using a reference rissue and AIF tail, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 22 – 27, 2017. Electronic poster.

19. E. Alonso-Ortiz†*, I. Levesque, G.B. Pike, Impact of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy at 3 T and 7 T on T2*-based myelin water fraction imaging, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 22 – 27, 2017. Electronic poster.

20. E. Alonso-Ortiz†*, I. Levesque, G.B. Pike, Comparison of myelin water fractions from multi-echo spin-echo and multi-gradient echo techniques, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 22 – 27, 2017. Electronic poster.

21. S. Xing†*, I. Levesque, A probabilistic approach to automated classification of distinct pathological regions in soft tissue sarcoma using diffusion and T2 relaxation, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, April 22 – 27, 2017. Electronic poster.

22. G. Famulari†*, P. Pater, S. Enger, Microdosimetric evaluation of intermediate-energy brachytherapy sources using Geant4-DNA, 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 04-09, 2017. Oral presentation.

23. J. Kildea*, L. Hendren, D. Hererra, A. Joseph†, R. Maglieri, T. Hijal, Opal: The oncology portal and application, 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 04-09, 2017.

24. M-A. Renaud†*, M. Serban, C. Lambert, J. Seuntjens, On mixed-modality radiation therapy optimization using the column generation method, 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 04-09, 2017. Poster presentation.

25. N. Tomic, P. Papaconstadopoulos, J. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois, S. Devic, Image quality comparison between two radiotherapy simulators, 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (ESTRO), Vienna, Austria, May 04-09, 2017. (1717P.)

26. G. Almakdessi†, C. Vallhagen Dahlgren, J. Dubeau, S. Enger, R. Maglieri, L. Mirzakhanian†, S. Witharana, J. Kildea, Secondary electrons around clinical proton beams, 13th Symposium on Neutron & Ion Dosimetry (NEUDOS13), Krakow, Poland, May 14-19, 2017. Oral presentation.

27. R.B. Richardson*, F. Ali, C. Boyer, C.S. Costello, A. Festarini, I. Gosselin, M.E. Harper, J. Kildea, L.C. Paterson, D. Patten, R. Rogge, M Stuart, Re-examination of radiation effects to nuclear and mitochondrial cellular targets from and enhanced thermal neutron flux, 13th Symposium on Neutron & Ion Dosimetry (NEUDOS13), Krakow, Poland, May 14-19, 2017. Oral presentation.

28. J. Kildea*, C. Angers, B. Liszewski, E. Brown, J. Hunt, M. Milosevic, L. Montgomery†, K. Moran, S, Ross, A. Walker, Development and refinement of the Canadian national system for incident reporting in radiation treatment (NSIR-RT), IAEA International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO2), Vienna, Austria, June 20-23, 2017. e-poster presentation.

29. P. Watson†*, M. Popovic, J. Seuntjens, Uncertainties in measuring absorbed dose from a low-energy miniature X-ray source, IAEA International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO2), Vienna, Austria, June 20-23, 2017. Accepted.

30. L. Mirzakhanian†*, J. Seuntjens, Monte Carlo calculated correction factors for nine detectors in Leksell gamma knife perfexion unit, IAEA International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO2), Vienna, Austria, June 20-23, 2017. Proffered paper.

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31. E. Osunkwor†*, K. Singh, J. Seuntjens, S. Davis, Characterization of OSLD reproducibility with

number of repeated reads, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017.

32. M. Evans*, R. Ruo, C. Hudon, C. Maietta, A. Molineu, H. Mehrens, H. Patrocinio, W. Parker, S. Rossel, Verification of photon total body irradiation using the IROC-Houston anthropomorphic phantom, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Poster presentation.

33. Y. Zlateva†, J. Seuntjens, Cherenkov dosimetry via directional Cherenkov-to-dose conversion factors: Monte Carlo protocol and experimental feasibility, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017.

34. G. Famulari†*, M-A. Renaud, S. Enger, An intensity modulated delivery system for prostate brachytherapy using intermediate energy sources, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Oral presentation – Young Investigator Symposium.

35. J. DeCunha†, S. Enger, Resolving dosimetric issues in intravascular brachytherapy, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Oral presentation.

36. A. Diamant†*, M-A Renaud†, J. Seuntjens, Large scale comparison between AAA and MC-recalculated lung SBRT cases, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Poster presentation.

37. A. Chatterjee†*, M. Vallières†, A. Dohan, I. Levesque, Y. Ueno, V. Bist, S. Saif, C. Reinhold, J. Seuntjens, Novel methodology for applying radiomics to small datasets, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Oral presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4371.

38. D. Breitkreutz, M-A. Renaud†, M. Weil, J. Seuntjeuns, M. Bazalova-Carter, Inverse optimization of low-cost kilovoltage arc therapy plans for breast and lung patients, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. General proffered presentation, oral; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4387.

39. L. Mirzakhanian†*, H. Benmakhlouf, J. Seuntjens, Predicting correction factors for reference dosimetry in any phantom material for Leksell gamma knife, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Oral presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4390.

40. M-A. Renaud†*, M. Serban, J. Seuntjens, Mixed modality radiation therapy optimisation using the column generation method, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Oral presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4395.

41. J. Mullins†*, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, VMAT treatment plan optimization using a noncoplanar class solution trajectory applied to cranial targets, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, Ottawa, ON, July 12-15, 2017. Oral presentation; Med. Phys. 44(8), 4396.

42. E. Osunkwor†*, K. Singh, J. Seuntjens, S. Davis, Characterization of optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter supralinearity with respect to prior dose history, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Denver, CO, July 30-August 03, 2017.

43. J Schneider†*, R. Lisbona, M. Hickeson, G. Chaussé, N. Tomic, T. Vuong, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, FDG-PET background definition with the use of differential uptake volume histograms for rectal cancer patients, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017. TH-AB-FS4-3.

44. N. Tomic*, P. Papaconstadopoulos, J. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois, S. Devic, Comparison of image quality between RT CT simulators, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 3, 2017. TU-C2-GePD-I-2.

45. P. Papaconstadopoulos*, N. Tomic, H. Bekerat, P. Watson†, E. Mainegra-Hing, F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, Beam quality variations within a CTDI phantom for the energy range 100 to 140 KVp, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017. MO-RAM-GePD-I-2.

46. G. Famulari†*, S. Enger, Cluster pattern analysis for alternative high dose rate brachytherapy sources 75Se, 169Yb, and 153Gd, 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017. ePoster presentation.

47. G. Almakdessi†*, J. Kildea, Secondary electrons from clinical proton beams, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017.

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48. M-A. Renaud†*, M. Serban, J. Seuntjens, Mixed-modality radiation therapy optimization using the

column generation method, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017. Oral presentation TH-CD-708-7.

49. S. Hickling†*, M. Hobson, M-A. Renaud†, I. El Naqa, In vivo detection of radiation-induced acoustic waves for treatment delivery verification: A simulation study, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017. Oral presentation.

50. A. Toltz†*, M. Hoesl, J. Schuemann, J. Seuntjens, H. Lu, H. Paganetti, In vivo proton therapy range verification using time-resolved diode dosimetry: Validation through numerical modeling, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017. Oral presentation.

51. Y. Zlateva†*, J. Seuntjens, I. El Naqa, Cherenkov dosimetry via stopping-to-Cherenkov power ratios: Protocol and experimental feasibility, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017. Oral presentation.

52. J. DeCunha, S. Enger, Monte Carlo evaluation of dose perturbations in intravascular brachytherapy, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Denver, Colorado, July 30-August 03, 2017. Poster presentation.

53. G. Famulari†, S. Enger, IMBrachy: A novel intensity modulated brachytherapy delivery system using 169Yb, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), September 24-27, 2017, San Diego, California. Poster presentation.

54. M. Serban, C. Kirisits, K. Nkiwane, I Dumas, J. Swamidas, A. De Leeuw, R. Hudej, G. Lowe, R. Potter, J. Lindegaard, K. Tanderup, Irradiated volumes in image guided adaptive brachytherapy in cervix cancer: Results from the EMBRACE study, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), September 24-27, 2017, San Diego, California. Oral presentation.

55. G. Famulari†*, P. Pater, S. Enger, Microdosimetry calculations for monoenergetic electrons using Geant4-DNA combined with a weighted track sampling algorithm, International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA), October 15-18, 2017.

56. G. Famulari†*, E. Soisson, M. Duclos, S. Enger, Consequences of patient heterogeneities for intermediate-energy sources in post-implant assessment of prostate brachytherapy treatment plans, International Conference on Monte Carlo Techniques for Medical Applications (MCMA), October 15-18, 2017.

57. Z. Ahmed†*, I. Levesque, Advancing the reference region model for DCE-MRI, Cancer Research Program Research Day, Research Institute-McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, QC, October 27, 2017. Poster presentation.

58. S. Xing†*, C.R. Freeman, S. Jung, I. Levesque, A probabilistic approach to automated classification of distinct pathological regions in soft tissue sarcoma using diffusion and T2 relaxation, Cancer Research Program Research Day, Research Institute-McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, QC, October 27, 2017. Poster presentation.

59. J. Kildea*, L. Hendren, T. Hijal, Opal: The oncology portal and application, Canadian Cancer Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, November 05-07, 2017.

60. Z. Ahmed†*, Robust mapping of tumor perfusion with the reference region model and DCE-MRI, Congrès de l’Association Québecoise des Physiens Médicaux Cliniques, Trois-Rivières, QC, November 18, 2017. Oral presentation.

61. J. Mégrourèche†, V. Fortier†, M. Simard†, T. Rosin, A. di Lena, I. Levesque, Automatisation des tests de contrôle de la qualité en imagerie par resonance magnétique, Congrès de l’Association Québecoise des Physiens Médicaux Cliniquesm Trois-Rivières, QC, November 18, 2017. Oral presentation.

62. A. Joseph†*, L. Hendren, T. Hijal, J. Kildea, Predicting waiting times in radiation oncology using machine learning, 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications (ICMLA), Cancun, Mexico, December 18-21, 2017. Poster presentation.

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GRANTS : NEW (accorded in 2017) & ONGOING held by MPU FACULTY MEMBERS in 2017

Grants are generally attained under the auspices of the grantee's primary department, i.e.,

either through McGill University (Oncology or Neurology & Neurosurgery) or the McGill University Health Center (Medical Physics).

[Amounts listed are annual unless otherwise stated]


K. Siddiqi, D.L. Collins et al. Medical image analysis Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC), CREATE grant (2012-2017) ................................................................................................................ $330,000 J. Seuntjens, D.L. Collins et al. Medical physics research training network (MRPTN) Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC), CREATE grant (2013-2019) ................................................................................................................ $275,000 Alain Dagher, D.L.Collins MRI biomarkers for prediction of cognitive decline in AD and PD Alzheimer’s Association / Michael J. Fox Foundation / W. Garfield Weston Foundati7n (2014-2016) .................................................................................................................. $75,000 D.L. Collins et al Analysis of atrophy in pediatric-onset MS MS Society of Canada, MSSC Grant (2014-2017) ................................................................................................................ $120,093 F. Beg, P. Bellec, D.L. Collins, A.C. Evans, et al CBRAIN: Canadian brain research and informatics platform Brain Canada, Support Grant (total grant $3,000,000) (2014-2017) .................................................................................................................. $40,000 H. Chertkow, D.L. Collins, et al (~200) Canadian Consortium for Neurodegeneration and Aging Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) – CCNA (total grant $31.55 million) (2014-2019) ............................................................................................................................ $0 N. Yoganathan, D.L.Collins, D. Stanimirovic, B. Chakravarthy, J. Soucy, P. Rosa-Neto, M. Waterson, J. Gillard Drug delivery across the human blood-brain barrier (total grant $1,496,800) Brain Canada: CQDM (2015-2018) ................................................................................................................... $50,000

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D.L. Collins Image registration for image guided surgery Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC): Discovery grant (2015-2020) ................................................................................................................... $94,000 PI: J. Cohen-Adad; collaborators: Arnold, B. De Leener, S. Nadeau, N. Stikov, D.L. Collins, T. Duval, B. Perraud, R. Topfer, D. Côté, N. Lopez-Rios, S. Rossignol Shifting the paradigm of spinal cord quantitative MRI (2015-2020) ................................................................................................................. $128,889 J. Breitner, J. Poirier, S. Gautier, P. Rosa, A.C. Evans, P.E. Etienne, D.L. Collins, P. Bellec, G. Multhaup, R. Hoge Proof of concept: Trial of Probucol, an inducer of apoE, for prevention of Alzheimer's dementia Weston Hospital Institute: Early Phase Clinical Trials Program 2014 (2015-2020) ................................................................................................................. $300,000 D. Arnold, J. Simon, C. Guttmann, J. Wolinsky, N. De Stefano, F. Barkhof, M.P. Sormani, G. Cutter, D.L. Collins, L. Kappos, O. Ciccarelli, D. Chard, S. Narayanan Progessive MS Alliance: Collaborative Network Award. (as co-applicant) (total grant 4M Euros, ~ $5.6M) (2016-2019) ................................................................................................................. $145,000 DEBLOIS, F.

F. DeBlois (co-applicant) et al. 3D patient surface scanner development SMBD-Jewish General Hospital Foundation, grant (total grant $25,000) (2015-2017) .................................................................................................................. $12,500 F. DeBlois (co-applicant) et al. Rectal applicator development Xoft Research Development grant (total grant $20,000) (2015-2017) .................................................................................................................. $10,000


S. Devic Dosimetrie à film radiochromique Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ) Bourse de chercheur-boursier Senior (total grant $265,367) (2013-2017) .................................................................................................................. $66,341

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J. Seuntjens, S. Devic, et al Medical Physics Research Training Network (MPRTN) Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council – Collaborative Research & Training Experience (NSERC-CREATE), CREATE grant (total $1,650,000) (2013-2019) ................................................................................................................ $275,000 S. Devic (PI) Radiochromic film dosimetry Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC), discovery grant (total grant $140,000) (2015-2020) .................................................................................................................. $28,000

EL NAQA, Issam

J. Seuntjens, I. El Naqa, et al Medical Physics Research Training Network (MPRTN) Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council – Collaborative Research & Training Experience (NSERC-CREATE), CREATE grant (total $1,650,000) (2013-2019) ................................................................................................................ $275,000 J. Nadeau, I. El Naqa, et al Nanoparticle-aided radiation therapy with scintillating high Z materials Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) (total 475,800) (2014-2017) ................................................................................................................. $158,600 I. El Naqa, transferred to J. Seuntjens Hybrid imaging for radiotherapy Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (total $394,720) (2014-2018) ................................................................................................................... $98,680 I. El Naqa Start-up fund, University of Michigan (total $600,000) (2015-2018) ................................................................................................................. $200,000 ENGER, Shirin

S. Enger Start-up grant Simone & Morris Fast Award for Oncology, start-up (total $150,000) (2014-2019) ................................................................................................................. $30,000

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S. Enger Monte Carlo track structure applications in microdosimetry and radiation response Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (total $95,000) (2014-2019) ................................................................................................................. $19,000 S. Enger Radiation source and detector development for use in Medical Radiation Physics Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) – John L. Evans Leaders Fund, McGill University & Research Institute-McGill University Health Centre inter-institutional grant (total $195,262) (2016-2021) ................................................................................................................... $39,052 KILDEA, J.

J. Kildea, L. Hendren, T. Hijal Provision of just-in-time patient education material via the oncology portal and application MUHC, Patient Education Committee grant (2016) ................................................................................................................................. $800 J. Kildea, L. Souhami, S. Faria, F. Cury Rectal toxicity prediction using accumulated-DVHs… Rossy Cancer Network, research grant (2016-2017) .................................................................................................................. $41,700 J. Kildea Addressing the risk from secondary neturons in radiotherapy Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, student support grant (2016-2017) ................................................................................................................... $15,000 J. Kildea Neutron-induced carcinogenic effects (NICE): An examination of the biophysics underlying neutron carcinogenesis Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC) (total $125,000) (2016-2021) ................................................................................................................... $25,000


I. El Naqa, S.M. Lehnert, et al Modeling of radiotherapy induced damage in locally advanced lung cancer by a novel system radiobiology approach Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (2011-2016) ............................................................................................................... $135,790

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I.R. Levesque (PI) Start-up grant: Methods in magnetic resonance imaging Montreal General Hospital Foundation, Research Institute-McGill University Health Centre (MGH, RI-MUHC) (2013-2016) .................................................................................................................. $75,000 J. Seuntjens, I.R. Levesque, et al Medical Physics Research Training Network (MPRTN) Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council – Collaborative Research & Training Experience (NSERC-CREATE), CREATE grant (total $1,650,000) (2013-2019) ................................................................................................................ $275,000 A. Ptito, I.R. Levesque, et al Sensing and repairing the injured brain: Tools and methods for the characterization of brain injury and repair Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), innovation fund (total $2,995,246) (awarded 2015-2016: grant period = ………………?) ................................................. $###,### I.R. Levesque Integrated magnetic resonance imaging for radiation therapy applications Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council, discovery grant (total $110,000) (2015-2020) ................................................................................................................... $22,000 I.R. Levesque (nominated PI: R. Farivar-Mohseni) Unmasking brain injury: Ultra high-resolution, distortion-free, unobstructed Imaging of grey matter in mild and moderate traumatic brain injury using multi-echo techniques Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), project grant (total $477,815) (2016-2021) ................................................................................................................... $95,563 PIKE, G.B.

K. Hyde, G.B. Pike, E. Fombonne Auditory processing in typical development and in autism spectrum disorder: Insight from the brain and behavior Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), operating grant (total $570,545) (2011-2016) ................................................................................................................ $114,109 V. Gracco, G.B. Pike et al. Regroupement pour la recherche sur le cerveau, le langage et la musique FQRNT and FQRSC, team grant (total $2,250,000) (2011-2017) ................................................................................................................ $375,000

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G.B. Pike, A. Thiel et al. Functional MRI of brain physiology Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), operating grant (total $1,031,795) (2012-2017) ................................................................................................................ $206,359 G.B. Pike et al. MRI acquisition and analysis methods for image guided neurosurgery Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC), discovery grant (total $260,000) (2012-2017) .................................................................................................................. $52,000 K. Siddiqi, G.B. Pike, L. Collins, et al NSERC-CREATE program in medical image analysis Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council, collaborative research & training experience (total $1,650,000) (2012-2018) ................................................................................................................. $275,000 J. Gotman, F. Dubeau, G.B. Pike Electrical and metabolic analysis of human epileptogenic lesions Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), operating grant (total $805,000) (2013-2018) ................................................................................................................ $161,000 J. Seuntjens, G.B. Pike et al. Medical Physics Research Training Network (MPRTN) Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council – Collaborative Research & Training Experience (NSERC-CREATE), CREATE grant (2013-2019) ................................................................................................................ $333,333 G.B. Pike Healthy brain imaging Campus Alberta Innovates Program (total $4.55M) (2013-2021) ................................................................................................................. $568,750 J-C. Adad, G.B Pike, S. Rossignol Characterization of axonal microstructure via multi-parameter MRI FRQNT team grant (total $218,200) (2014-2017) ................................................................................................................... $72,733 A.C. Evans, G.B. Pike et al Brain Canada: Platform support CBRAIN: Canadian Brain Research & Informatics Platform (total $2,999,961) (2014-2017) ................................................................................................................. $999,987

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G. Turecki, G.B. Pke et al An essential platform for brain research in Canada Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank, Brain Canada platform support grant (total $2,028,000) (2014-2017) ................................................................................................................. $676,000 V.W. Yong, G.B. Pike et al Medicines for remyelination in multiple sclerosis: The next frontier Alberta Innovates Health Solutions, collaborative research & innovation opportunities (CRIO) (total $5M) (2014-2019) .............................................................................................................. $1,000,000 C. Lebel, D. Dewy, G.B. Pike Language ability and structural brain development in preschool children: Predictors of reading readiness Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), operating grant (total $1.06M) (2014-2019) ................................................................................................................. $212,000 S. Bray, G.B. Pike, D. Dewey Neuroimaging of visual-spatial attention development in early childhood Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), bridge funding (2015-2016) ................................................................................................................. $100,000 A. Sadikot, G.B. Pike, D.L. Collins Development of novel methods for analyzing the structure and connectivity of the human basal ganglia, thalamus and brainstem Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), operating grant (total $645,000) (2015-2020) ................................................................................................................. $129,000 M. Poulin, E. Smith, G.B. Pike Aerobic exercise for older adults at increased risk of ADRD: Harnessing translational psychology Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), operating grant (total $890,551) (2015-2020) ................................................................................................................. $178,110 G.B. Pike Quantitative MRI of brain structure and function Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), foundation grant (total $2,430,713) (2015-2022) ................................................................................................................. $347,244 A.C. Evans, G.B. Pike CBRAIN: A national high-performance computing platform for brain research Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), cyber-infrastructure grant (total $2,953,353) (2016-2019) ................................................................................................................. $984,451

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E. Smith, G.B. Pike, et al Novel blood and neuroimaging markers of Alzheimer’s disease and cerebral amyloid angiopathy Brain Canada (total $750,000) (2016-2019) ................................................................................................................. $250,000 G.B. Pike MR guided focused ultrasound platform Cummings Medical Research Fund (total $4.76M) (2016-2021) ................................................................................................................. $952,000

READER, A. (total grant amount) A.J. Reader Canada Research Chair in Positron Emission Tomography Canada Research Chairs Program (renewal) (2013-2018) ................................................................................................................ $100,000 J. Seuntjens, A.J. Reader et al. Medical Physics Research Training Network (MPRTN) Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council – Collaborative Research & Training Experience (NSERC-CREATE), CREATE grant (2013-2019) ................................................................................................................ $333,333 SERBAN, M. M. Serban Training module for deep inspiration breath-hold radiation therapy treatments Patient Education Committee, McGill University (+ $5,400 for DIBH patient education materials) (2016-2017) ................................................................................................................... $40,000 M. Serban Magnetic resonance image guided brachytherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer PhD Fellowship (total $150,000) (2016-2020) ................................................................................................................... $37,500 SEUNTJENS, J.

J. Seuntjens Accurate reference dosimetry of non-standard beams using water calorimetry, ionization chambers and Monte Carlo dose calculations Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC), discovery grant (2014-2019) .................................................................................................................. $52,000

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J. Seuntjens et al. Medical Physics Research Training Network (MPRTN) Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC) – Collaborative Research & Training Experience (NSERC-CREATE), CREATE grant (2013-2019) ................................................................................................................ $333,333 J. Seuntjens et al. Monte Carlo techniques in the optimization of radiation therapy delivery and outcomes (Foundation scheme) Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) (2015-2023) ................................................................................................................... $85,242 J. Seuntjens et al. Nanoparticles for enhancement of radiotherapy with fewer side effects Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) (operating grant; PI adopted from J. Nadeau) (2014-2017) .................................................................................................................. $98,680

J. Seuntjens et al. Hybrid image analysis for Radiotherapy Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) (operating grant, PI adopted from I. El Naqa) (2014-2018) .................................................................................................................. $98,680 J. Seuntjens et al. Graphite Calorimeter Probe for Clinical Radiation Dosimetry (Idea to Innovation (I2IPJ), PI) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) (2016-2017) ................................................................................................................ $112,000

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ASIEV, Krum Quality control of Varian linear accelerator, Theratron T780 cobalt

unit, Gulmay orthovoltage machine, Nucletron MicroSelectron HDR brachytherapy afterloader.

COLLINS, Louis Image processing, registration, segmentation, MRI, image guided

neurosurgery, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy.

CONNELL, Tanner Modulated electron therapy; MV imaging with low-Z targets. DAVIS, Stephen Accurate radiation dosimetry applied to calibration of radiation

measurement devices. Commissioning of a Monte Carlo treatment planning system.

DEBLOIS, François Photon and electron beam dosimetry, stereotactic radiosurgery,

Monte Carlo treatment planning and medical physics software. DEVIC, Slobodan Radiochromic film dosimetry; biological target volumes for

radiotherapy treatment planning. EL NAQA, Issam Oncology bioinformatics, computational and systems biology,

multimodality imaging, adaptive radiotherapy. ENGER, Shirin Monte Carlo-based dose planning systems, radiation dosimetry,

brachytherapy, detector development, radiation protection. EVANS, Michael D.C. Clinical aspects of radiotherapy, including low and high dose rate

brachytherapy, dynamic external beam radiotherapy, linear accelerator calibration and quality assurance, computerized treatment planning, radiation safety.

FURSTOSS, Christophe Clinical and research projects, Canadian Partnership for quality

radiotherapy, new treatment techniques (IGRT, SRT, SBRT). GAUVIN, Alain Interest in imaging informatics revolves mostly around two topics:

regional imaging integration, and multi-system integration of medical imaging within the hospital IT ecosystem.

HEGYI, Gyorgy Dose optimization in CT procedures. HOBSON, Maritza Development of “in vivo” transit dosimetry procedures for EPIDs;

characterization of portal imagers; development of routine QA procedures for quality on OBIs; CT Sim using ACR CT phantom.

KILDEA, John Electronic QA; database tools, neutron spectra. LEHNERT, Shirley M. Radiobiology, tumor biology, drug delivery, functional imaging.

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LEVESQUE, Ives Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) physics, acquisition, and image

reconstruction; magnetization transfer and relaxation mapping; applications in oncology, neuroimaging, and musculoskeletal imaging; MR imaging methods for radiation oncology treatment planning.

LIANG, Li Heng Ortho-voltage treatment machine, film dosimetry. MOFTAH, Belal Developing of 3D polymer gel dosimeter for advanced radiotherapy

treatment planning and verification systems. PARKER, William Pediatric radiotherapy, quality assurance and dosimetric

measurements of IMRT beams. PATROCINIO, Horacio J. Stereotactic radiosurgery, image-guided stereotactic body radiation

therapy, motion and margin assessment in radiotherapy, image-guided brachytherapy.

PIKE, G. Bruce Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging; MRI acquisition physics,

magnetization transfer theory and applications, functional MR imaging, neuronal activation physiology, diffusion tensor imaging, image guided neurosurgery.

PODGORSAK, Ervin B. Photon and electron beam dosimetry, stereotactic radiosurgery,

general applications of physics to radiotherapy. POON, Emily Monte Carlo dose calculations; adaptive radiotherapy; treatment

planning software development; brachytherapy dosimetry; deformable image registration.

POPOVIC, Marija Adaptive radiation therapy; image guided radiation therapy;

advancing treatment planning techniques for head and neck cancer; the tools for decision making processes in the content of radiotherapy; biases with the treatment planning process; intraoperative radiotherapy.

READER, Andrew Positron Emission Tomography (PET), image reconstruction. RICHARDSON, Richard B. Radiation, p53, stem cells, cancer, aging. RUO, Russell SRS, SBRT / SABR, IMRT, IGRT. SARFEHNIA, Arman Water calorimetry, particle therapy dosimetry, detector design and

optimization, beam quality, absolute dosimetry. SERBAN, Monica Commissioning and validation of Eclipse electron Monte Carlo

treatment planning system. SEUNTJENS, Jan Radiation dosimetry, Monte Carlo simulation, computational

techniques, radiomics, device development, calorimetric radiation detectors.

SOISSON, Emilie Lung SBRT, Monte Carlo treatment planning, stereotactic

radiosurgery, tomotherapy, IGRT. STROIAN, Gabriela Monte Carlo simulations for brachytherapy, lung cancer therapy –

breathing motion management, outcome, complications, breast cancer therapy – brachytherapy, IORT.

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TOMIC, Nada Radiochromic film dosimetry, image guided radiation therapy. YBARRA, Norma Study of biomarker expression in solid tumors treated with

radiotherapy to better predict tumor response; patient susceptibility to radiotherapy; alternative therapies to reduce toxicity of irradiation.

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Winter 2017 February 03 : Paul François (Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC) Immune recognition, phenotypic spandrel and machine learning

March 10 : Phil Gold (Medicine, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, QC) Cancer immunology: ‘Of mice and men’”

March 31 : Tom Purdie (Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON) Automated treatment planning and quality assurance in radiotherapy

April 07 : Kari Tanderup (Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark) The EMBRACE studies in cervix cancer: A model for future multidimensional studies in radiation oncology

April 28 : Tony Waker (Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON) Three and a half conversations about one thing: Experimental dosimetry

May 19 : Panagiotis Papadimitroulas (BET Solutions, Athens, Greece) Moving to personalized nuclear medicine: An “in silico” perspective

May 26 : Jamie Near (Robarts Research Institute, Western University, London, ON) Dynamic measures of brain chemistry and metabolism using “in vivo” magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Fall 2017

September 01 : José M. Fernandez-Varea (Dept Physics, Univ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain) Ionization of the K and L shells of heavy atoms by electron impact

September 20 : Uulke van der Heide (Netherland Cancer Institute, Leiden, Netherlands) Quantitative MRI for assessing response to radiation therapy

September 29 : Esther Bar & Arthur Lalonde (Dépt Physique, Univ Montréal, Montréal, QC) Quantitative MRI for assessing response to radiation therapy

October 06 : Richard Richardson & Fawaz Ali (Canadian Nuclear Labs, Chalk River, ON) Assessment of ability of thermal neutrons to induce biological damage via characterization simulations of blood radiobiology irradiation at the National Research Universal Reactor

November 03 : Bryan Muir (National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON) Progress toward updating the TG-51 protocol for electron beam reference dosimetry

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COMMITTEE INVOLVEMENT of MPU FACULTY MEMBERS within McGill from January-December 2017

COLLINS, L.: Chair, Graduate Program, Dept Biomedical Engineering Mentor, Graduate Program, Dept NeuroScience Member, IPN Graduate Student Committee McGill University Member, Search Committee – Chair, Dept Biomedical Engineering Member, Search Committee – Director, Brain Imaging Center Member, Internal grant review committee Montreal Neurological Institute DAVIS, S.: Chair, Machine QA Committee Member, Medical Physics Radiation Safety Committee Member, Medical Physics Residency Training Committee McGill University Health Centre DEBLOIS, F.: Member, Medical Physics Residency Committee McGill University ENGER, S.: Member, Medical Physics Unit Curriculum Committee Member, Medical Physics Unit Admissions Committee Member, Tenure Track Recruitment Committee McGill University Member, Medical Physics Radiation Safety Committee Member, MUHC Brachytherapy Group McGill University Health Centre EVANS, M.D.C.: Member, Exam Committee – Medical Physics Residency Program Member, Radiation Safety Committee Medical Physics Unit, McGill University Member, Radiation Safety Committee McGill University Health Centre HEGYI, G.: Member, Radiation Safety Committee McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) HOBSON, M: Member, Medical Physics QA Committee McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) KILDEA, J.: Member, Medical Physics Radiation Safety Committee Chair, Radiation Oncology Risk Management Committee McGill University Health Centre Chair, Seminar Committee (2013-present) Member, Admissions Committee; Curriculum Committee; Visiting Speaker Committee; Alumni / Scholarship Committee McGill University

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LEHNERT, S.M.: Member, Radiation Safety Committee Member, Radiation Oncology Residents Training Committee McGill University Health Centre LEVESQUE, I.: Member, Radiation Oncology Research Committee McGill University Member, Imaging Quality Assurance Committee McGill University Health Centre PARKER, W.A.: Director, Residency Training Committee (Radiation Oncology Physics) Member, Quality Assurance Committee Member, Radiation Safety Committee Medical Physics, McGill University Health Centre Clinical Advisor, Glen Campus Cancer Centre Member, Radiation Therapy Equipment Procurement Committee Member, Access to Treatment Committee (Radiation Oncology) Member, Event Reporting Committee Member, Pre-treatment Image Verification Committee Member, Review of Patient Waiting Times - Quality Assurance Committee

(Radiation Oncology) McGill University Health Centre Member, CARMS – Radiation Oncology Resident Selection Committee McGill University PATROCINIO, H.J.: Member, Board Vice-president, Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) Clinical Coordinator, Residency Training Program (Radiation Oncology

Physics) Member, Residency Training Committee (Radiation Oncology Physics) Member, Radiation Safety Committee Medical Physics, McGill University POPOVIC, M.: Member, Curriculum Committee Medical Physics Unit, McGill University SEUNTJENS, J.: Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee (2009-present) Chair, Curriculum Committee (2011-present) Chair, Alumni Committee (2013-present) Medical Physics Unit, McGill University Member, Oncology Management Committee (2009-present) Member, Faculty Promotions Committee (Faculty of Medicine, 2014-2017) Member, Admissions Committee, Medical Physics Unit (2004-present) McGill University Co-Director, Residency Training Committee (Radiation Oncology Physics)

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SOISSON, E.: Member, Grant Review Committee – Studentship & Fellowship Awards Research Institute, McGill University Health Centre Member, IGRT Committee, Radiation Oncology Department Member, Dosimetry Committee, Radiation Oncology Department Member, Machine Quality Assurance Committee McGill University Health Centre Member, Alumni Committee (2013-present) Medical Physics Unit, McGill University

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COLLINS, D.L.: Member, Editorial Board, Journals: Medical Image Analysis, NeuroImage, Medical Physics, Human Brain Mapping, IEEE Transactions on

Medical Imaging Member, Review Board, NSERC, FRSQ, MSSC, Burroughs Wellcome

Foundation DAVIS, S.: Member, AAPM Working Group on the review and extension of beam

quality conversion factors for the TG-51 protocol (WGTG51) Member, AAPM TG-292 – Task Group on electronic brachytherapy

dosimetry DEBLOIS, F.: Member, National Quality Advisory Committee (NQAC): site

representative Member, Comité National de radio-oncologie (consultative) (Québec) Member, Comité National de radio-oncologie (executive) (Québec) EL NAQA, I.: Associate Editor, Frontiers in Oncology Editorial Member, Medical Physics Reviewer, (multiple scientific journals)

Member, Biological Effects Committee; Middle East Affairs Subcommittee;

Task Group No.211 American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) ENGER, S.: Journal reviewer, Physics & Medicine in Biology; Brachytherapy Abstract reviewer, COMP Winter School – “Quality & safety in radiation

oncology” Member, COMP Women’s Committee EVANS, M.D.C.: Member, Membership Oral Exam Committee; Recertification Committee Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) Member, Quality Assurance & Radioprotection Committee Association Québecoise des Physicien(ne)s Médicaux Cliniques

(AQPMC) Member, Advanced Practice Oral Examiners Committee Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) HOBSON, M.: Member, Vendor Relations & Product Usability Subcommittee American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)

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KILDEA, J.: Member, Membership Oral Exam Committee; Science & Education

Committee Chair, Organizing Committee – Winter School Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) Member, Steering Committee Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy Member, Quality & Safety Committee European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology

Chair, Planning Committee – 2019 International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiotherapy

LEHNERT, S.M.: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee (2001-present) Biological Research Facility, AECL Laboratories, Chalk River Member, Scientific Advisory Board (2005-present) Resonant Medical Systems, Montreal, Quebec Member, Editorial Advisory Board Open Nuclear Medicine Journal Member, Editorial Board International Journal of Cancer Research & Remedies PARKER, W.A.: Chairman, Summer School Sub-Committee Member, Continuing Professional Development Committee Chairman, RSNA Education Coordination Sub-Committee American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Oral Examiner, Membership Exam Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) Member, Comité de devis techniques en radiothérapie Association Québecoise des Physiciens Médicaux Cliniques

(AQPMC) Member, Credential Review Committee Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) PATROCINIO, H.J.: Oral examiner, Fellowship & Membership exams Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) Member, Professional Affairs Committee Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) ABR Item Writer, Radiological Physics exam American Board of Radiology PIKE, G.B.: Chair, Smarter Imaging Program Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

Chair, Project Grant Program Canadian Institutes for Health Research Chair, External Review Committee BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute Imaging Program External Reviewer, Medical Biophysics Department, University of Toronto Chair, International Review Committee

University of Queensland – Advanced Imaging Center, Brisbane Editor, NeuroImage (5yr Impact Factor = 6.8) – I handle approximately

150 papers per year

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Tenure Referee, Harvard University / University of Toronto / University

of Michigan Ad-hoc reviewer & Panel Member, (Multiple Granting Agencies) POPOVIC, M.: Member, Summer School Subcommittee American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Continuing Education Chair, 2017 Annual Scientific Committee Canadian Organization of Medical Physics (COMP) Section Editor, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics Member, Examination Committee Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) Member, Subcommittee on Visibility for Physicists Association Québecoise des Physiciens Médicaux Cliniques

(AQPMC) RUO, R.: Member, NRG Oncology Medical Physics Subcommittee SEUNTJENS, J.: Key Mentor (national), Excellence in Radiation Research in the 21st Century Training Program (EIRR21) Canadian Institutes for Health Research (2006-present) Chair, Committee on Small-field Photon Dosimetry & Applications

in Radiotherapy (2010-2017) International Commission on Radiation Units & Measurements

(ICRU) Member, Medical Physics & Imaging grant panel (2009-present) Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Chair, Workgroup on the Development of a Calibration Protocol

for TG-51 Non-compliant Beams (2007-present) American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Member, International Advisory Committee on Small-field Dosimetry International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2007-present) Member, Workgroup on Update of TG-51 (WGTG51) (2006-2013) American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Member, International Advisory Committee on IAEA Phase Space International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2006-present) SOISSON, E.: Board Member, Medical Dosimetrists Certification Board (MDCB) (2014) Canadian Organization of Medical Physics (COMP) (2014)

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by members of the Medical Physics Unit : 2017 calendar year


Teaching: Biomedical Engineering, McGIll – x2 3-cr courses (lecturer)

Guided teaching tours of the Image Guided Neurosurgery Research Labs (8-10 per year)

Tours for donors to the MNI of the Brain Imaging facilities (25-30 per year) Partnerships:

Joint research & teaching initiatives with other units at McGill or outside Mentor for Graduate Program in NeuroScience

Consulting: NeuroRx (Private sector consulting) – 1 day/month Patents – Revised:

US Provisional Patent application: “Simultaneous segmentation and grading of structures for state determination.” Inventors: D. L. Collins & Pierrick Coupé Filed: September 16, 2011. (US 61/535,720 / P1310USPR) This describes a method that uses a patch-based strategy to segment anatomical structures from medical images (like MRI) and to score them with a likehood as being from one group or another, predicting membership for either MCI to AD as an aid for diagnosis.

Canadian Patent application: “Simultaneous segmentation and grading of structures

for state determination.” Inventors: D.L. Collins & Pierrick Coupé Filed: September 16, 2011

CONNELL, Tanner Teaching: MUHC Diagnostic Radiology Residents 2017 series – one lecture DAVIS, Stephen

Teaching: MUHC Diagnostic Radiology Residents 2017 series – one lecture “Digital


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DEBLOIS, François

Teaching: Dawson College Physics students: Properties of Radiation / Dosimetry I DEVIC, Slobodan

Teaching: MUHC Diagnostic Radiology Residents 2015 series – 3 lectures (1.5h): Diagnostic Radiology Physics Collaborations:

Department of Biomedical Physics, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Dr Belal Moftah, Chairman)

Division of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Department of Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber/ Brigham Women's Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (Dr Ivan Buzurovic, Medical Physicist)

Universita' di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Fisica, Naples, Italy (Paolo Russo, Professor)

Medical Physics, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto (Dr. William Y. Song) EL NAQA, Issam

Teaching: Residents’ Physics course, lecture - TCP/NCTP (U Michigan) ENGER, Shirin

Patents: Provisional: Development and optimization of a non-invasive scintillating fiber wrist

beta-detector for measuring arterial input function in PET imaging, 2017. Full patent: Delivery system for intensity modulated high dose rate brachytherapy

with intermediate energy brachytherapy isotopes, 2017.

Reports of Invention: DeCunha J, Enger SA. New Catheter and guidewire system for intravascular

brachytherapy. McGill University (2017). Famulari Gabriel, Christopher Poole, Renaud MA, Seuntjens J, Enger SA,

RapidBrachyMCTPS, A Monte Carlo based treatment planning system for brachytherapy applications. McGill University (2017).

EVANS, Michael Teaching: Physics, Dawson CEGEP students, 2 lectures Health Physics FURSTOSS, Christophe

Teaching: “IGRT”, MSc Medical Physics students, Université de Montréal

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Teaching: Physics program – Residents (mammography), École Polytechnique de Montréal Consulting: Institut National de la Santé Publique du Québec; Imasoft Inc; Clinique de Radiologie

Varad; Clinique Léger HEGYI, Gyorgy

Consulting: Radioprotection, Northern Quebec HOBSON, Maritza

Teaching: Medical Physics Diagnostic Radiology course – ultrasound lectures, MUHC KILDEA, John

Teaching: Radiation physics, Radiology Medical residents, MUHC one 3hr class / per year LEVESQUE, Ives

Teaching: Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology Physics (for Radiology residents) Department of Radiation Oncology, Physics for Radiology Residents (guest lecture) Biomedical Engineering, Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering (guest lecture),

(course coordinator: Robert Funnell) Department of Radiology, MRI Physics series (to Radiology residents, fellows, staff) (series co-coordinator with Dr. Caroline Reinhold)

Consulting: Ad hoc consulting in clinical MRI to technologists in Dept of Radiology, MGH, MUHC Radiation Oncology Research Committee, Dept of Radiation Oncology, McGill U PARKER, William

Teaching: Instructor - Radiotherapy Apparatus and Clinical Dosimetry II CEGEP Dawson College - Radiation therapy technologists program, Montréal, Qc Instructor - Radiation Oncology residents teaching program Department of Oncology - McGill University, Montréal, Québec

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Teaching: Dawson College – Radiotherapy Apparatus Six 2-day Contouring & IMRT Planning Workshops, Sao Paolo, Brazil – Invited Review course in Radiation Oncology, Sao Paolo, Brazil - Invited SERBAN, Monica

Teaching: Lectures – Breast radiation therapy for radiation oncology residents Practical laboratory sessions – Brachytherapy clinical practice Partnership: Aarhus University, Denmark: “MRI-guided brachytherapy and EMBRACE database” SEUNTJENS, Jan

Patent: 2016 – J. Seuntjens, M.A. Renaud, F. DeBlois, Treatment Planning Based on Multiple Modalities, U.S. Provisional Patent No. 62/398,785 2016 – J. Seuntjens, A. Sarfehnia, J. Renaud, Method and System For Calorimetry And Clinical Dosimetry USPT Application No. US 14/403,416

Teaching: International Atomic Energy Agency, Small Field Dosimetry, South Africa Partnership: Sun Nuclear Corporation Reflexion Medical Inc LifeLine Software Inc SOISSON, Emilie

Teaching: Dawson College – Dosimetry 1

STROIAN, Gabriela

Teaching: Dawson College: “Properties of ionizing radiation” / “Radiation Oncology Program” TOMIC, Nada

Teaching: Mandatory continuing education seminar for radiation therapists: Use of X-ray

Imaging in Radiation Oncology (3 hours) Partnerships: Universita' di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Fisica, Naples, Italy (Paolo Russo,

Professor): Implementation of radiochromic films in diagnostic radiology