mci (p) 149/06/2014 august 2015 keat hong - · mci (p) 149/06/2014 august 2015 n. 2...

Chua Chu Kang TOWN COUNCIL C o n n e c t s Keat Hong MCI (P) 149/06/2014 August 2015 Special Edition

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Page 1: MCI (P) 149/06/2014 August 2015 Keat Hong - · MCI (P) 149/06/2014 August 2015 n. 2 Dear Residents and Friends station and within a 200m radius of the LRT stations and

Chua Chu KangT O W N C O U N C I LConnect

sKeat HongMCI (P) 149/06/2014 August 2015

Special Edition

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Dear Residents and Friendsstation and within a 200m radius of the LRT stations and existing bus shelters. All these walkways should be completed by 2019 and will link many of our blocks to the MRT and LRT stations.

In the next few years, 76 lifts in our division will be replaced with new lifts which have better safety and security features like motion-sensing doors and vision panels.

We will have a new Community Club built on the hard court opposite Lot One very soon. With a wide range of facilities and activities such as a bowling alley, food outlets, and 24-hour gym, it will be the go-to place for playing, learning or simply having fun with your fam-ily and neighbours.

Keat Hong Shopping Centre is also undergoing a face-lift. The centre has been freshly-painted and the toilets have been upgraded. We have also recently up-graded the escalator and, soon, we will start installing a new lift – your shopping trips will be a whole lot easier.

Our successful projects are often the result of community collaboration and a lot of hard work on the ground. Most of the credit must go to our residents, the Town Council, grassroots organisations and all the other agencies for their strong working relationships.

Let’s all work together to create a better environ-ment in Keat Hong!

Mr Zaqy MohamadMP for Chua Chu Kang GRC

Chairman of Chua Chu Kang Town Council

Thank you for your strong support for the Keat Hong team over the years. Our division has indeed mirrored the continuous improvement of the Singapore land-scape. From large scale developments to smaller im-provements, the last five years have been wonderful for Keat Hong.

In the next five years, we will bring you even more exciting projects!

Two neighbourhoods (Blocks 401-428, Choa Chu Kang Ave 3/4 and Blocks 271-295, 276A, 287A Choa Chu Kang Ave 2/3) have been selected for the Neigh-bourhood Renewal Programme (NRP). After the upgrad-ing works are complete in 2019, residents will have a re-juvenated estate with upgraded facilities, which we can enjoy with our families, friends and neighbours.

The projects that are currently underway include the construction of new amenities at Blocks 432-440 and 442-445 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4. This will provide our residents with jogging tracks, state-of-the-art fitness equipment, new children’s playgrounds and BBQ facili-ties enabling residents to stay active and enhance their living environment.

We are also proud to have 12.5km of off-road cycling paths to make cycling an even more popular choice for getting around in Choa Chu Kang.

Under the Walk2Ride programme, LTA will expand the sheltered walkway network giving easy access to all within a 400m radius of the Choa Chua Kang MRT

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Terima kasih atas sokongan padu anda kepada pasukan Keat Hong selama beberapa tahun ini. Estet kita telah bergerak sejajar dengan peningkatan berterusan ke atas landskap Singapura. Daripada pembangunan berskala besar hingga ke peningkatan yang sekecil kecil nya, lima tahun yang lepas ini adalah sangat menakjubkan bagi Keat Hong.

Lima tahun kehadapan, kami akan membawa lebih banyak projek- projek yang menarik!

Dua kawasan kejiranan (Blok 401-428, Chua Chu Kang Ave 3/4 dan Blok 271-295, 276A, 287A Chua Chu Kang Ave 2/3) telah dipilih untuk Program Pembaharuan Kejiranan (NRP). Apabila kerja-kerja menaik taraf sele-sai dalam tahun 2019 kelak, penduduk-penduduk akan mempunyai estet yang berwajah baru yang dapat kita nikmati bersama keluarga, rakan-rakan serta jiran-jiran.

Projek yang sedang dilaksanakan termasuk pem-binaan kemudahan prasarana baharu di Blok 432-440 dan 442-445 Chua Chu Kang Ave 4. Ia akan menye-diakan trek larian anak, alat-alat kecergasan terkini, ta-man permainan kanak-kanak baharu & kemudahan ber-santai (BBQ) yang membolehkan penduduk kami kekal aktif dan meningkatkan persekitaran kehidupan.

Kami juga berbangga untuk mengadakan laluan berbasikal di luar sepanjang jalan 12.5km untuk menja-dikan berbasikal lebih di gemari untuk mudah bergerak di sekitar Choa Chu Kang.

Di bawah program Walk2Ride, LTA akan membe-sarkan jaringan laluan berjalan kaki berbumbung yang akan memberikan laluan kepada semua, anggaran leng-kongan 400m radius stesen MRT Choa Chua Kang dan lengkongan 200m radius dari stesen LRT dan tempat menunggu bas sedia ada. Semua laluan berjalan kaki ini

yang dijangka siap menjelang 2019, akan menghubung-kan banyak blok-blok kami dengan stesen MRT dan LRT.

Dalam beberapa tahun akan datang, 76 lif di ka-wasan Keat Hong akan digantikan dengan lif baru yang akan mempunyai ciri-ciri keselamatan yang lebih baik seperti pintu pengesan pergerakan dan panel pengli-hatan.

Kita akan ada Kelab Masyarakat yang akan dibina di gelanggang keras yang bertentangan dengan Lot One tidak lama lagi. Dengan pelbagai fasilitas dan aktiviti seperti lorong bola golek, tempat-tempat makan, dan gimnasium 24-jam; ia akan menjadi tempat yang sering dikunjungi untuk bermain, belajar atau hanya bergem-bira dengan keluarga dan jiran anda.

Pusat Membeli Belah Keat Hong juga sedang me-lalui proses penambah-baikan. Pusat ini dicat segar dan tandasnya telah dinaik taraf. Kami juga telah menaik taraf eskalator baru-baru ini, dan tidak lama lagi, kami akan mula memasang lif baru – dan kunjungan anda un-tuk membeli belah akan jadi lebih selesa.

Kejayaan projek-projek adalah hasil daripada ker-jasama Masyarakat dan kerja keras di setiap peringkat lapisan. Pujian harus diberikan kepada semua penduduk kita, Majlis Penbandaran organisasi akar umbi dan semua agensi lain atas hubungan kerja mereka yang sangat erat.

Marilah kita bekerjasama untuk mewujudkan persekitaran yang lebih baik di Keat Hong!

Zaqy MohamadAP untuk GRC Chua Chu Kang

Pengerusi Majlis Perbandaran Chua Chu Kang

Penduduk yang dihormati

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We believe community action matters

The Fun Walkers @ SouthWest is one of the most popular community activities we have. Not only does it give you good, regular exercise, brisk-walking gives you a great opporltunity to get to know your neighbours and have a good chat.

We believe in celebrating ALL the Festivals. Not just the festivals that are part of our own religion and culture, but the festivals that are important to our neighbours and friends. We get to know one another better that way, and we have good times all through the year!

For Singapore to thrive – and for Keat Hong to be everything you

want – it’s important for us all to come together as one community.

To help this happen, we have get-togethers, parties, dinners, outings and other events. We have organised sports leagues, clubs and interest groups.

If you live in Keat Hong, you have many opportunities to get out and meet your neighbours, get to know them, work and play with them, help to build a stronger sense of community for all of us.

Come on. Join in.

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Emergency Preparedness Day is an annual event organised by the constituency’s Community Emergency and Engagement Committee (C2E), the SCDF and Town Council to show neighbours what they can do in an emergency, and how to do it.

Our founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, decided that a Garden City would have an advantage and started planting trees in 1963. We continue the annual tradition of Tree Planting Day as the best way to nurture a love and respect for the trees that cool our neighbourhoods.

We believe community action matters

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we believe improving amenities mattersThe Town Council completed

76 improvements in

Keat Hong in the past

5 years, including 24

covered linkways and

porches, 3 playgrounds,

4 fitness corners, and 3

sports courts.

Currently we are adding

jogging tracks, playgrounds,

fitness corners and other

community facilities across

the Town.

In the next 5 years we

plan to spend $5.5m on

community facilities here,

including 8 playgrounds,

5 fitness corners, and

12 covered linkways and

porches. And another $23.5m

for 76 new lifts and the

Neighbourhood Renewal

Programme for 53 blocks.

“The linkways provide sheltered passage around our

estate rain or shine.”

Linkway at Block 456 to 456A Choa Chu Kang Ave 4

Playground at Block 455 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4

Lift Upgrading Programme (LUP) at Block 288 and 294 Choa Chu Kang Ave 3/2

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we believe improving amenities matters

“The ramps allow me to move around easily,

with or without my wheelchair.”

Drop-off Point at Block 454 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4

Barrier Free Access Ramp at Block 411 Choa Chu Kang Ave 3

Fitness Corner at Block 411 Choa Chu Kang Ave 3 Linkway to bus shelter at Block 293 Choa Chu Kang Ave 3

Playground at Block 433 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4

Linkway at Block 250 to 251A Choa Chu Kang Ave 2

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we have

big plans for the futureHong Kah North

Chua Chu Kang

Keat Hong

Bukit Gombak


Yew Tee


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We’re growing our garden

We have great plans for the rail corridor; the section running beside the Sungei Pang Sua in particular. The international competition for design has closed and soon you will be able to give your feedback on the plans for the reuse of this wonderful 26 km-long green path.

We are improving and adding parks. Choa Chu Kang Park is the green heart of our Town. It was recently ex-panded with new facilities such as innovative play areas for children. You’ll get to enjoy more new parks and lei-sure spaces such as the linear park at Keat Hong Close and a neighbourhood park at Keat Hong Link.

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We are improving connectivity and accessibility by adding more sheltered linkways that are directly connected to MRT and LRT stations, as well as bus stops. This is all part of LTA’s Walk2Ride programme.

We’ve launched two new bus services, 301 and 983, and made enhancements to existing services 300 and 982E. The Downtown Line, opening soon, will connect with our LRT and offer an alternative trip to the City.

We’re growing our garden

We are building a network of approximately 12.5km of new off-road cycling paths in our Town. It’s part of the plan to build over 700km of cycling paths island-wide by 2030. LTA plans to implement the Choa Chu Kang and Bukit Panjang sectors around the same time, targeting completion in 2018 .

Together with the Ministry of Transport, we are looking into the possible redevelopment of the bus interchange within the next three to five years. This will be part of the broader redevelopment plans for the town centre.

– and building better pathways through it!

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big or small, it all matters to usTwo new Community Clubs will be completed. Keat Hong will have a new Community Club built on the hard court opposite Lot One (below). Bukit Gombak will have theirs (left). Both will be completed in late 2016. Both will be great places to get together for sports, learning, making friends, and fun.

The Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) aims to improve older estates through renewal and the provision of additional facilities. With an NRP, residents are invited to participate actively in the planning process, by giving feedback and deciding collectively on the facilities for their neighbourhood. Above are artist’s impression of two initial proposals for the NRPs that are in the planning stages for Blocks 401 to 428 Choa Chu Kang Ave 3/4 and Blocks 271 to 295, Choa Chu Kang Ave 2/3.

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big or small, it all matters to us

Solar power panels will be installed on the roofs of 40 blocks in our Town and HDB plans to install more. Re-cently HDB called tenders under EDB’s SolarNova Pro-gramme, which aims to have solar power contribute 350 MWp to Singapore’s system by 2020.

To encourage a greener lifestyle and give you more con-venience and security, we will install two-tier bicycle racks in all blocks that now have insufficient parking space for bicycles.

Automated External Defibrillators, or AEDs, will be in-stalled in every other block by the end of 2016. And for your security, the Police will install CCTV cameras in all HDB blocks and multi-storey carparks by 2017.

For your convenience and to meet the needs of working families, the National Environment Agency is going to build another Hawker Centre for our town. Its pro-posed location and completion date will be announced at a later date.

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Let’s work together to make Chua Chu Kang GRC an even

better home for all