mco 4650.39 defense travel system (dts ... - 4650.39.pdf · procedures for the...

DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS 3000 MARINE CORPS PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350·3000 MCO 4650.39 MIa 9 Jun 2011 MARINE CORPS ORDER 4650.39 From: To: Subj : Ref: Encl: Commandant of the Marine Corps Distribution List DEFENSE TRAVEL SYSTEM (DTS) (a) DOD Financial Management Regulation, Vol. 9, January 4, 2011 (b) Privacy Act of 1974 (c) Guide to Managing Travel-Incurred Debt (Defense Travel Training Resource) (NOTAL) (d) DTS Financial Field Procedures Guide, January 14, 2011 (e) DTR 4500.9-R, "Defense Transportation Regulation,· Part I, November 2010 (f) Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR), Vol. 1 (g) Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) , Vol. 2 (h) Public Law 105-264 (i) MCO 4600.40A (j) MARADMIN 476/04 (k) Marine Corps Total Force System Codes Manual (1) DOD 7000.14-R, "DOD Financial Management Regulation,· Vol. 5, December 2010 (m) SECNAV M-5210.1 (n) SECANV M-5214.1 (1) USMC Debt Management Process (2) Accounting Management Process (3) USMC DTS Business Rules (4) Standard Naming Conventions (5) Fraud Identification and Reporting Requirements (6) Appointment Letter (DD Form 577) Templates (7) Emergency Procedures 1. Situation. This Order provides policy, guidance, and procedures for the operation of the Defense Travel System (DTS) , per references (a) through (n). As directed by reference (a), DTS shall be the sole mechanism for travel administration within its capabilities. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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MCO 4650.39MIa9 Jun 2011



Subj :



Commandant of the Marine CorpsDistribution List


(a) DOD Financial Management Regulation, Vol. 9,January 4, 2011

(b) Privacy Act of 1974(c) Guide to Managing Travel-Incurred Debt

(Defense Travel Training Resource) (NOTAL)(d) DTS Financial Field Procedures Guide,

January 14, 2011(e) DTR 4500.9-R, "Defense Transportation Regulation,· Part I,

November 2010(f) Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR), Vol. 1(g) Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) , Vol. 2(h) Public Law 105-264(i) MCO 4600.40A(j) MARADMIN 476/04(k) Marine Corps Total Force System Codes Manual(1) DOD 7000.14-R, "DOD Financial Management Regulation,·

Vol. 5, December 2010(m) SECNAV M-5210.1(n) SECANV M-5214.1

(1) USMC Debt Management Process(2) Accounting Management Process(3) USMC DTS Business Rules(4) Standard Naming Conventions(5) Fraud Identification and Reporting Requirements(6) Appointment Letter (DD Form 577) Templates(7) Emergency Procedures

1. Situation. This Order provides policy, guidance, andprocedures for the operation of the Defense Travel System (DTS) ,per references (a) through (n). As directed by reference (a),DTS shall be the sole mechanism for travel administration withinits capabilities.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release;distribution is unlimited.

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2. Cancellation. This Order incorporates and thereforesupersedes previous DTS guidance issued via message traffic.

3. Mission. This Order provides policy for the operation anduse of the DTS.

a. DTS was established to meet the requirements for asingle, paperless Travel Management System (TMS) to be used byall Department of Defense (DOD) travelers. DTS is an electronicend-to-end TMS that is transforming the current paper-basedprocesses into a streamlined, integrated, and paperless system.DTS represents a revolutionary approach which reengineers travelfor DOD and is designed to more closely mirror the best businesspractices of commercial industry. DTS provides an automatedmeans to make transportation and lodging arrangements, estimatetravel costs, authorize travel, obligate funds, issue tickets,process vouchers for reimbursement and reconciliation, and meetDOD and Service reporting requirements.

b. Per reference (b), all personal information maintainedin DTS shall be used for authorized purposes only. Safeguardsare in place to prevent unauthorized access to the personal datacontained in DTS.

4. Execution

a. Commanders Intent and Concept of Operations

(1) Commanders Intent. Per the references, DTS has beenfielded to all units within the Marine Corps. This Orderestablishes standardized procedures for the operation of DTS.

(2) Concept of Operations

(a) Enclosure (1) provides details regarding typicalresponsibilities and functions of individuals, leaders, andsupporting staffs/organizations. Commanders are directed toutilize DTS as their primary TMS. Commands shall utilize DTSfor all travel within DTS' capabilities. Due to administrativetravel complexities involved with deserters and prisoners, theirtravel is exempt from DTS use. Enclosures (2) through (8)provide detailed information on all aspects of the DTS.


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(b) Disbursing and Finance Officers (DO/FO) shall notaccept legacy travel vouchers if the travel type is supported byDTS.

b. Subordinate Element Missions. Successful operation ofthe DTS requires active participation by representatives of thecommand and the functional areas of administration, distributionmanagement, comptroller and disbursing/finance. Commandersshall appoint representatives from these functional areas toensure the efficient and effective operation of DTS. Theindividuals selected shall manage and perform DTS tasks asrequired. To the greatest extent possible, Commanders shallensure that a minimal number of functions be assigned to thesame individual and that system administrators are not involvedin approving travel vouchers. Commands shall regularly reviewpermission levels for their subordinate activities to ensureproper separation of duties. Additionally, commanders mayappoint individuals to perform Post Payment Reviews inaccordance with reference (a). The functional Subject MatterExperts (SME) appointed by the commander shall provide trainingand oversight to Approving Officials (AO) to ensure compliancewith all applicable regulations. The DD Form 577(APPOINTMENT/TERMINATION RECORD) shall be used for allappointments to accountable positions. DD Forms 577 shall beissued and retained for six years and three months, upon releaseof assignment as required by references (a) and (k). Thefollowing personnel are required:

(1) Lead Defense Travel Administrators (LDTAs)

(a) LDTAs shall be appointed in writing by theappropriate commander using the DD Form 577. LDTAs shall ensurethat certifying officials submit a copy of their appointmentletters to the central electronic repository at the DefenseFinance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Indianapolis DisbursingOperations Directorate (JFD) , 8899 East 56th Street,Indianapolis, IN 46249 (secure e-mail [email protected])following that office's guidance. DOs may view DD Forms 577 onthe Electronic Document Access (EDA) website. And that thosepersonnel requiring Certifying Officer Legislation (COL)certification have completed the training. The COL training isavailable on the DTS website. See reference (1) forinstructions on how to maintain the Certifying Officer DD Form577 appointments electronically.


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(b) The LDTA shall manage DTS at the installation leveland provide support to tenant activities to the extent possible.In addition, the LDTA shall ensure commanders appointOrganizational Defense Travel Administrators (ODTA) who shallsupport the site's sub-organizations/subordinate commands.LDTAs shall oversee the daily operation of DTS and subordinateODTAs. ODTA'S shall ensure Approving/Authorizing Officials (AO)are appointed in writing for sub-organizations/subordinatecommands and appropriate letters of appointment andcorresponding DD Form 577s are forwarded to the LDTA forretention. LDTAs at a minimum. shall perform the followingduties:

1. Conduct ODTA initial and annual refreshertraining to meet the needs of the command and maintain a copy ofattendance rosters for the current and two previous years.

~. Conduct training on procedures to retrieveDTS reports as outlined in paragraph b. (2) below.

3. Conduct AO training and maintain a copy ofattendance rosters for the current and two previous years.

i. Ensure AOs complete Travel Policies trainingavailable on the DTS website, and maintain a copy of thecompletion certificate for the duration of the assignment.

~. Train and assist FDTAs, DMMs, ODTAs, andadministrative personnel in retrieving required reports toperform their duties.

~. Ensure local Help Desk contact informationis current and accurately published on the Defense TravelManagement Office (DTMO) website. This information shall alsobe widely disseminated throughout each command.

2. Monitor permission levels to ensureappropriate separation of duties. Appropriate training shall becompleted before any DTS permissions are assigned. DTSpermissions shall be revoked immediately should a lapse intraining occur.

8. Shall ensure appropriate separation ofduties to preclude errors or attempts at fraud or embezzlementfrom going undetected. Shall assign key duties such as


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authorizing, approving, and recording transactions; issuing orreceiving assets; making payments; certification of funding; andreviewing or auditing to separate individuals to minimize therisk of loss to the government to the greatest extent possible.

(2) Organizational Defense Travel Administrators(ODTAs) ODTAs are the individuals responsible for the dailyadministration of DTS at the organizational level. Commandersshall designate an ODTA in writing using the DD Form 577. ODTAs

shall forward a copy of their DD Form 577 to their servicingLDTA. ODTAs at a minimum shall perform the following duties.

(a) Conduct initial user and annual DTS refreshertraining and maintain a copy of attendance rosters for thecurrent plus one previous year.

(b) Reports. The following reports shall beretrieved from the DTS website and maintained for the currentplus one previous year.

. l. Signed Status Report - Shall be retrievedweekly to monitor proper and timely document routing.

~. Unsubmitted Voucher Report - Shall beretrieved weekly and reconciled with AOs and GOVCC APCs toverify that travelers are submitting their travel voucherswithin the prescribed time frame after completion of travel andGOVCCs are being properly paid for cardholders.

l. Depart Status Report - Shall be retrievedweekly, prior to the regular weekend or holiday weekend andreconciled with AOs to ensure that authorizations are routed,approved and ticketed by the eTO.if necessary, prior tocommencement of TDY.

4. Return Status Report - Shall be retrievedweekly in addition to the Unsubmitted Voucher Report to confirmthat travelers have returned from TDY and that the trip actuallyoccurred. If trip did not occur, appropriate action shall betaken to cancel the authorization or voucher for the CTO Feesinvolved, if any.


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5. Self Registration Report - Shall beretrieved weekly to ensure that travelers that have self­registered to the organization have their profiles received,returned for appropriate corrective action, or deleted alongwith staging profile.

i. Approved Status Report - Shall be retrievedweekly and reconciled with the Signed Status Report to monitorstatus of possible amendments to documents.

7. Basic Traveler Information List (Locatedunder People in the Maintenance Tool) - Shall be retrieved at aminimum of once monthly and reconciled against the unit Alpha

Roster to ensure personnel who are no longer part of theorganization and have no outstanding documents or debtmanagement issues, have had their profiles appropriatelydetached.

8. Complete Traveler Information List (Locatedunder People in the Maintenance Tool) - Shall be retrieved at aminimum of once monthly and reconciled against DD Form 577s onfile to monitor profile permissions.

(c) Provide Tier I trouble shooting, document, andprofile assistance for travelers.

(d) Monitor and ensure DTS personnel are properlyappointed with DD Form 577 and maintain a copy of all approvedDD Form 577s for retention. See Chapter 33 of reference (1) forretention instructions.

(e) Ensure authorizing officials have completedinitial and annual Certifying Officers Legislation (COL)training via the DTMO website (TRAX). Ensure COL certificatesare retained by the AO/CO for the duration of the assignment.

(f) Ensure authorizing officials have completedTravel Policies training via the DTMO website (TRAX). EnsureTravel Policies certificates are retained by the AO/CO for theduration of the assignment.

(g) Conduct profile and organizational maintenance.This organizational maintenance shall ensure routing lists are


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configured to maximize the accuracy of DTS documents whileallowing for documents to be approved as expeditiously aspossible.

(h) Commanders shall establish DTS check-in andcheck-out procedures to ensure travelers have no outstandingtravel advances, un-liquidated vouchers, or debt in DTS upontransfer or separation.

(i) Routinely monitor the actions of AOs and informcommanders of any irregularities.

(j) Ensure ODTA and local Help Desk contactinformation is current and accurately disseminated throughoutthe command.

(3) Finance Defense Travel Administrators (FDTAs). TheFDTA may consist of one or more budget, resource management, or

accounting and finance personnel who shall be responsible formanaging and supporting the accounting/budgeting aspects of DTSat the organizational and/or site level. Chapter 2 of reference(c), and reference (d) provide additional information on FDTAduties and responsibilities. FDTAs shall be appointed inwriting by the appropriate commander using the DD Form 577.FDTAs shall perform the following duties.

(a) Establish budgets.

(b) Create lines of accounting (LOA).

(c) Maintain budgets and LOA.

(d) Reconcile LOA and budgets within DTS.

(e) Reports. The following reports shall beretrieved from the DTS website and maintained for the currentplus one previous year.

1. Unsubmitted Voucher Report - Shall beretrieved bi-monthly and reconciled with the ODTA/AO to ensurethat travelers are liquidating their travel vouchers within theprescribed time frame after completion of travel.


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2. Budget Transaction Report - Shall beretrieved bi-monthly and reconciled with the Unsubmitted VoucherReport. This report shows all individual transactions thataffect a given budget. These transactions include documentswhich have been cross-organization that have affected the givenbudget and provide an effective tool for FDTAs to manage theirbudgets track documents.

(f) Assist AO in funding requests for travel.

(g) Manage interface errors between DTS and theStandard Accounting Budget and Reporting System (SABRS).

(h) In accordance with paragraph 110203 of reference(a) and Chapter 11 of reference (k), retain a file of approvedletters of appointment for authorizing officials appointed ascertifying officials for travel claims at the organizationaland/or installation level supported by the FDTA. The FDTA shallprovide a letter signed by the installation or activitycommander to the appropriate disbursing office(s) stating thatall authorizing officials acting as certifying officials for

travel claims have been appointed and delegated in writing inaccordance, per reference (1), Volume 5, Chapter 33. Thisrequirement does not apply if the disbursing office can beprovided with the capability to verify electronically thatcertifying officials for electronic vouchers have been dulyappointed in writing.

(i) In accordance with chapter 33 of reference (1),retain a file of approved letters of appointment for authorizingofficials appointed as certifying officials for travel claims atthe organizational and/or installation level supported by theFDTA. These appointment letters can be maintainedelectronically. See reference (1), chapter 33, paragraph330602.

(j) Shall ensure appropriate separation of dutiesto preclude errors or attempts at fraud or embezzlement fromgoing undetected. Shall assign key duties such as authorizing,approving, and recording transactions; issuing or receivingassets; making payments; certification of funding; and reviewingor auditing to separate individuals to minimize the risk of lossto the government to the greatest extent possible.


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(4) Authorizing Officials (AO) and Certifying Officers(CO). For the purposes of DT8, AOs and COs shall be referred toas AOs. AOs determine when travel is mission essential and havethe authority to authorize travel, obligate funds, and approvetravel expenses. AOs shall be a 8NCO or civilian equivalent(G8-7) or above, and be appointed in writing by the commanderusing the DD Form 577 and complete initial/annual CertifyingOfficer Legis±a&ion (COL) &raining. In addi&ion, AOs shallcomplete Travel Policies training available on the DT8 website.The grade requirement is waiverable. Request for waivers shallbe submitted to the first 0-6, or above, in the chain ofcommand. COL and Travel Policies completion certificates andthe original DD Form 577s shall be retained by the individualwith a copy forwarded to the servicing LDTA. AOs who areappointed the authority to apply the ~APPROVED" stamp to traveldocuments are subject to pecuniary liability in the execution oftheir duties. AOs shall refer to references (a) through (k) ofthis Order, with particular attention to be given to appendix 0of reference (f). Additionally, AOs shall seek guidance fromtheir servicing functional subject matter experts in the areasof administration, distribution management, comptroller anddisbursing/finance. At a minimum, AOs shall perform thefollowing duties.

(a) Ensure authorizations are approved prior tocommencement of travel and GOVCC cardholders are properlyutilizing their cards in conjunction with travel and currentpolicy.

(b) Ensure travelers submit vouchers within five (5)business days of returning from travel.

(c) Ensure vouchers are approved within five (5)business days after being signed by the traveler.

(d) Verify all required receipts are attached to thevoucher. AOs may request additional documentation/receipts asnecessary. Due to DT8 electronic document storage limitations,it is highly encouraged that AOs adhere to the provisions ofreference (f) regarding receipts for under $75.

(e) If receipts are impracticable to obtain or havebeen inadvertently lost or destroyed, a statement-in-lieu


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of receipts explaining the circumstances shall be uploaded intoDTS as substantiating documentation.

(f) Ensure the traveler's signed DD Form 1351-2 isuploaded into the DTS document as substantiating documentationfor all vouchers that are stamped T-entered.

(g) Work with theirODTA to resolve problems at thelocal level, if possible.

(h) Ensure TDY leave is reported in the Marine CorpsTotal Force System (MCTFS) via Marine On Line (MOL) for Marinesand in the civilian payroll system for civilian employees.

(5) Distribution Management Officers (DMO)

(a) Distribution Management Officers (DMOs) areresponsible for facilitating requested travel services throughDTS, in close coordination with their respective CommercialTravel Office (CTO) and LDTAs/ODTAs. The DMO shall be placed inall authorization routing lists when the organization isserviced by a Marine Corps DMO (this does not include routinglists for vouchers). This requirement may be waived but onlytemporarily and until which time the DMO is properly staffed toaccommodate the additional workload. Requests for an exceptionshall be justified in writing by the DMO and submitted to CMC(LPD-2) for ultimate approval/disapproval. DMOs shall assistusers, ODTAs, and AOs in understanding and clarifyingtransportation entitlements and policy as prescribed inreferences (a) through (n).

1. AOs have final decision making authorityregarding transportation requests as authorized by reference(f). As such, DMOs shall not return authorizations to thetraveler, but shall advise AOs when the transportation requestedis not in accordance with current Marine Corps policy. Areas ofparticular concern regarding the City Pair Program and policy,approval, and reporting of premium class travel are addressed inreferences (e) and (i).

2. All OCONUS travel shall be routed inaccordance with chapter 103, A.2 of reference (e) which mandatespassengers use the Air Mobility Command (AMC) procured channelairlift unless there is a documented negative critical missionimpact that can be provided at less cost by a commercial air


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carrier, if commercial air service is preferred by, or is moreconvenient for the traveler. Currently, DTS does not providethe necessary electronic interface with AMC.

(b) DMOs shall contact the Deputy Commandant,Installation & Logistics (LPD-2), to set up separate CentrallyBilled Accounts (CBAs) for use by travelers who do not possess aGovernment Travel Charge Card (GTCC). See enclosure (4) forrequirements regarding use of the GTCC.

(c) DMOs shall provide oversight of the CTO as necessary,manage the use of the City Pair Program, reconcile the centrallybilled accounts in a timely manner, and provide qualityassurance to ensure the most cost effective air travel isutilized in compliance with policy.

(6) Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA) NDEAs may be appointedby commanders to input and digitally sign DTS authorizations andvouchers on behalf of travelers. If commanders determine theuse of an NDEA is necessary, the NDEA shall be appointed usingthe DD Form 577 and complete initial/annual COL training. Theoriginal DD Form 577s shall be retained by the NDEA with a copyforwarded to the servicing LDTA. When T-Entering a voucher, ascanned or faxed copy of the DD Form 1351-2 signed by thetraveler shall be uploaded into the DTS voucher prior toapplying the ~T-Entered" stamp. NDEAs shall ensure allappropriate receipts are attached to vouchers they T-enter.

(7) Self-Authorizing Official (SAO). Within DTS,Blanket or Repeat Travel Orders do not exist. Instead,individuals who previously traveled under these types of ordersmay be designated "Self-Authorizing Officials." Self­Authorizing Officials may act as their own AO, and approve theirown authorizations. They may not, however, certify their ownvouchers for payment. Self-authorizing officials shall bedesignated in writing and shall acknowledge in writing that theymay not certify their own vouchers for payment. Another AO inthe organization shall approve their voucher. Self-AuthorizingOfficials shall complete COL training. COL completioncertificates and DD Form 577s shall be retained by the commandand individual with a copy forwarded to the servicing LDTA.

(8) Routing Official (RO). Routing officials performdesignated local functions as defined by commanders in the local


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business rules. These individuals are supervisors and/or dutyexperts in a specific area to assist AOs in the performance oftheir duties.

(9) Debt Management Monitor (DMM) .. To ensure a sounddebt management process is in place, a Debt Management Monitor(DMM) shall be appointed within each activity that has theauthority to approve official Temporary Duty Travel. It can becentralized. Enclosure (2) contains detailed debt managementprocedures. References (c) and (d) indicate that the uFinanceDefense Travel Administrator" (FDTA) for the organization thatapproves the travel shall be appointed as the DMM. The DMMshall be appointed in writing using the DD Form 577. The DMMshall retain the original DD Form 577 and a copy shall bemaintained by the LDTA. DMMs shall perform the followingduties.

(a) Ensure the debt management process is monitoredand required actions are complete.

(b) Ensure the collection of government funds fromthe traveler when a travel settlement results in a debt to thegovernment.

(c) Coordinate waiver of indebtedness actions withall command, disbursing, and DTS operations as required.

(d) Local debt management procedures shall beestablished to address all facets of debt collection to includethe waiver process.

(10) Installation Personpel Administration Centers(IPAC). The IPAC is responsible to ensure all Marine CorpsTotal Force System (MCTFS) reporting requirements are compliedwith to include Personnel Tempo (PersTempo), leave, familyseparation allowance, and all deployed/TDY pay entitlements.The IPAC shall ensure appropriate personnel have access toDTSManpower Information System (MIS) reports to simplify thisprocess.

(11) DTS Travel Support Section. Travel SupportSections shall be established at three levels consisting of:

(a) Tier I Travel Support Section.Travel Support Section shall be located at thelevel within the traveler's organization. All


The Tier Itraveler/ODTAtraveler issues

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should initially be made through the Tier I Travel SupportSection. Issues that cannot be resolved at this level should bereferred to the Tier II Travel Support Section by the ODTA.

(b) Tier II Travel Support Section. The Tier IITravel Support Section shall be located at the installation orsenior command level. Tier II support is provided to thoseissues that have been escalated by Tier I. The establishment ofan installation/senior command level Tier II Travel SupportSection is mandatory. The Tier II Travel Support Section shallconsist of representatives, appointed by the commander, whoshall coordinate with the functional SMEs involved in DTS. Theappropriate commander shall decide whether to physically locatethe Travel Support Section in a single location or havefunctional representatives remain in their respective work areasand perform their DTS Travel Support Section duties. Issuesthat cannot be resolved at this level should be referred to theMarine Corps DTS Help Desk by the LDTA.

(c) Marine Corps DTS Help Desk. The Marine CorpsDTS Help Desk shall serve as the Service-level interface withthe Travel Assistance Center (TAC). Issues not resolved by TierII should be escalated to the Marine Corps DTS Help Desk forresolution. The Marine Corps DTS Help Desk is designed toprovide Service-wide visibility of issues, hands-on assistance,and maintain a knowledge repository for best practices.

(d) Tier III Travel Assistance Center (TAC). TheTAC serves as the Service/Agency support team. The TAC assistswith issues that cannot be resolved at any other level. As theTAC serves all DOD and agency travelers, only issues escalatedby the Marine Corps DTS Help Desk should be addressed to theTAC.

c. Training Requirements. Training plays a crucial role inthe day to day operation of DTS. At a minimum, the followingtraining shall be conducted as indicated.

(1) LDTAs are responsible for developing a training planthat encompasses required AO, Reviewing Official, ODTA, FDTA,NDEA, and user training. To assist the LDTA in developingtraining, the DTS Document Library provides detailed usermanuals and links to web based training tools.


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(2) ODTAs are responsible for developing a training planand/or ensuring attendance at LDTA sponsored training thatencompasses required AO, Reviewing Official, subordinate ODTA,NDEA, and user training. To assist the ODTA in developing aplan, the DTS Document Library provides detailed user manualsand links to web based tools.

(3) LDTAs and ODTAs should use subject matter experts toaugment and enhance training, i.e., DMO, Finance,Administration.

5. Administration and Logistics

a. Deputy Commandant, Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA)is the lead for the DTS. Functional advocates in support of DTSare the Deputy Commandants (DC), Programs and Resources (P&R)and Installations and Logistics (I&L).

b. Enclosure (4) contains the Marine Corps DTS BusinessRules. Commanders shall create business rules for theirrespective commands using enclosure (4) to meet the minimumrequirements. Commanders may augment enclosure (4) with localprocedures as necessary.

c. Developers, owners, and users of all Marine Corpsinformation systems have the responsibility to establish andimplement adequate operation and information technology controlsincluding records management requirements to ensure the propermaintenance and use of records, regardless of format or medium,to promote accessibility and authorized retention per theapproved records schedule and reference (m).

d. Submit recommendations concerning this Order to thesponsor.

6. Command and Signal

a. Command. This Order is applicable to the Marine CorpsTotal Force.


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b. Signal. This Order is effective the date signed.

~~~Deputy Commandant forManpower and Reserve Affairs


Copy to: 7000023 (10)70000260 (2)7000144/8145001 (1)


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USMC Debt Management Process

1. Information. This document summarizes the debt managementprocess within the Defense Travel System (DTS) and the MarineCorps Total Force System (MCTFS). Reference (a) is theDepartment of Defense regulation that details use of DTS forofficial travel. These procedures shall be used when DTSsettlements result in an amount due the U.S. and shall be usedin conjunction with reference (c), which is the DTS publicationdescribing the DTS debt management process.

2. Background. On occasion, settlement of a travel voucher mayresult in a negative balance, or balance "Due U.S." An exampleof when an overpayment may occur is when an audit reveals atraveler has been overpaid a reimbursable expense such aslodging. These procedures outline the process that shall beused when the settlement of a claim results in an overpayment.

3. Duties. Each organization that has the authority to expendtravel funds shall appoint a Debt Management Monitor (DMM). Atthe discretion of the installation/senior commander, DMM dutiesmay be centralized in one location. Commands that choose tocentralize the DMM duties shall ensure that the centralized DMMhas the necessary organizational access to allow them to monitorall traveler records within the organization(s) they support.As detailed in reference (c), the DMM shall be responsible forall DTS debt related activity, to include: identifying,collecting, tracking, and recording of the debt in all relatedautomated systems. The DMM shall coordinate debt collectionwith the following:

a. Accounting Officer - Standard Accounting Budgeting andReporting System representative (SABRS) as required.



Disbursing/Finance Officer - Marine Corps Total Force(MCTFS) representative as required.

Civilian Personnel Office - Defense Civilian Pay Systemrepresentative as required.

d. Defense Finance & Accounting Service, Army, Air Force,Navy, and other DOD agencies as required.

4. Identifying Debt.identifying DTS claims

The following methods may be used inwith a negative (Due U.S.) balance:

Enclosure (1)

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a. Travelers receive a notification identifying Due voucher settlements. The notification consists of anemail received by the traveler upon approval of the voucher bythe Approving Official or AO and acceptance by the accountingsystem. The AO and the DMM also receive a notification when theDue US voucher is approved.

b. The DMM shall have the ability to retrieve DebtManagement Reports (DMRpt) from DTS. These reports shall beavailable as a pre-defined report option under the "ReportScheduler" accessed by selecting the "Reports" menu bar optionof the DTS main menu after login. DMMs can also view a listingof all Due U.S. items for their organization using the DMMGateway accessible from the main menu bar in DTS. The DMM shallretrieve the DMRpt on a daily basis. Each traveler has 30 daysto repay the overpaid amount before payroll collection action isinitiated (payroll collection should be discouraged). The 30days begins when the AO approves the voucher and the travelerreceives the DTS email notification of the indebtedness.

5. Accounts Receivable (RRE) entry in SABRS. The process forcreating the RRE in SABRS is automatic and occurs when a DueU.S. voucher is approved and accepted by the accounting system.

6. Overpayment $10 or Less (All travelers, military andcivilian). Refer to reference (a) for detailed guidance.

7. Overpayment of More Than $10; Direct Remittance (collectionprocess) of Indebted Amount, Military and Civilian Travelers

a. DTS sends email notification to a traveler advising thetraveler of an overpayment when the voucher is stamped"Approved" by the AO and the accounting system returns apositive acknowledgement. The email notifiesthetraveler.AO.organizational reject email address, and DFAS-Indianapolis ofthe indebtedness, and contains instructions to the traveler forremitting payment. The traveler shall mail the remittance tothe address indicated in the email.

b. The remittance shall be received and processed byDFAS-Indianapolis. After processing, DFAS-Indianapolis shallsend an Advice of Collection (AOC) to DTS, the traveler, and theDMM, notifying them that the collection has been processed. The

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notification to the traveler and the DMM shall be in the form ofan email. The DMM shall then follow the procedures outlined inreference (c).

8. Collection Process for a u.s. Marine, Overpayment is MoreThan $10 (if $10 or less see paragraph 6 above)

a~. These procedures are for payroll col~lections for Mar~ines

only. Procedures for civilian travelers and other Servicemembers are outlined elsewhere in this document, and inreference (c). If the Marine has not repaid the outstandingamount within the first 27 days after notification, the Marinetraveler shall be notified by a second email which isautomatically generated by DTS. The second email notificationindicates that the Marine traveler's pay account shall beautomatically debited for the outstanding amount in five days.

b. Upon receipt of the 27 day email notification, the DMMshall attempt to contact the traveler to verify that thetraveler has not sent a payment to DFAS. Five days after the 27day email notification, the payroll collection shallautomatically be forwarded to the MCTFS for collection from theMarine's pay.

c. During the five day window the DMM can enter a monthlyrepayment amount in DTS and apply the "Due Process Stamp". Thisshall send the payroll collection request to MCTFS with themonthly installment amount entered by the DMM. If no monthlyinstallment amount is entered by the DMM, the payroll collectionshall be sent to MCTFS with maximum monthly deduction allowed.

d. The DMM may initiate a payroll collection prior to the27 th day email notification if earlier collection is required dueto separation from the Marine Corps or for other reasons. Seereference (c) for procedures to initiate the payroll collectionbefore the 27 th day.

e. The DMM may terminate the collection process byaccessing the DMM module of the DTS and following the proceduresoutlined in reference (c).

f. The Marine's commanding officer may request aliquidation of the indebtedness. If the Marine's End of CurrentContract (ECC) is of sufficient length to support a monthlyreimbursement schedule, the servicing disbursing or finance

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office (DO/FO) shall prepare a disbursing diary entry using theTTC for Check Liquidation of Indebtedness.

g. If the Marine's ECC is not of sufficient length tosupport a monthly reimbursement schedule, the request toliquidate shall be returned with the appropriate explanation.

9. Collection Process for Service Members (other than a Marine)and Government Civilian Travelers, Overpayment is More Than $10(if $10 or less see paragraph 6 above)

a. Debt Management Payroll Collection (DMPC) Report. Ifthe traveler has not repaid the outstanding amount within thefirst 30 days after notification, the DMM shall request apayroll collection. The DMM shall initiate payroll collectionby preparing a Debt Management Payroll Collection report (DMPC)following the instructions outlined in reference (c). The DMPCreport shall be forwarded to the appropriate payroll system.DTS determines the appropriate payroll system based on thetraveler's profile.

b. DTS shall automatically update to reflect collections asnotifications of collection are received fromDFAS-Indianapolisas indicated in reference (c). The process is complete whennotice of final collection is received from the payroll officeand DTS is updated to reflect that the total amount of theindebtedness has been collected.

10. Marine Separated Before Collection is Complete. If theMarine is separated before full collection is accomplished, theservicing DO/FO shall ensure collection is accomplished at thetime of final settlement.

11. Marine Separated Before Payroll Collection is Initiated.The servicing DO/FO shall contact the DMM to determine if thereare any outstanding DTS travel debts. If so, the DO/FO shalltake collection action upon final settlement. To facilitate thecollection process upon separation the servicing DO/FO shouldrequest read only access (ROA) to DTS records in order todetermine if there are outstanding DTS debts at the time offinal settlement. The DMM can assist DO/FO in getting ROAaccess.

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12. Marine Transfers to a Different Duty Location. Theoriginating DMM shall continue to process the collection untilsuch time as the entire amount is repaid.

13. Manual Procedures for Use When the Automated Process Cannotbe Used. These procedures shall be used when the automatedprocess cannot be used due to system problems.

a. Collection Process for a U.S. Marine, Overpayment isMore Than $10 (if $10 or less see paragraph 6 above)

(1) If the Marine has not repaid the outstanding amountwithin the first 30 days after notification, the DMM shallrequest a payroll collection. The DMM shall initiate payrollcollection by preparing a Debt Management Payroll Collectionreport (DMPC) following the instructions outlined in reference(c). This document can be found at the DTS Web site.

(2) The DMPC report shall be printed and forwarded tothe local Marine Corps Disbursing or Finance Office (DO/FO)servicing the installation and is the substantiating record forrequesting payroll collection. Note that clicking the "Submit"button upon completion of the DMPC does not forward theDMPC for Marines. The report must be printed and sent ashardcopy or scanned and sent electronically to the localDisbursing or Finance Office. This process differs from theprocess described in paragraph 8 above for civilian travelersand members of the other Services. The servicing Disbursing orFinance Office shall make the necessary adjustments to theMarine's pay account in MCTFS.

(3) In addition to the DMPC, the DMM or unit requestingthe payroll collection shall prepare an SF 1080 for eachtraveler; see Figure 1 for a sample SF 1080. The purpose of theSF 1080 is to transfer the collected funds to the correctappropriation. The SF 1080 will charge the amount collected tothe applicable military pay appropriation (active or reserve)and credit the travel appropriation originally charged for thetrip. A copy of the SF 1080 shall be forwarded to the servicingDO/FO along with the DMPC. Together, these documents serve asthe substantiating documents to effect the payroll collection.

(4) The servicing DO/FO shall enter a payroll collectionfor the entire amount of the indebtedness using theMiscellaneous Checkage Type Transaction Code (TTC) and the five

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digit pay code established for DTS overpayments listed in Table1-1.

Officer/Active Duty 32019Enlisted/Active Duty 32119Officer/Reserve on Active Duty 30211Enlisted/Reserve on Active Duty 31311Officer/Reserve 56196Enlisted/Reserve 56296

Table l-l.--MCTFS Five Digit Pay Codes

(5) The Marine's commanding officer may request aliquidation of the indebtedness. If the Marine's End of CurrentContract (ECC) is of sufficient length to support a monthlyreimbursement schedule, the servicing DO/FO shall prepare adisbursing diary entry using the TTC for Check Liquidation ofIndebtedness. If the Marine's ECC is not of sufficient lengthto support a monthly reimbursement schedule, the request toliquidate shall be returned with the appropriate explanation.

(6) SF 1080. The purpose of the SF 1080 is to transferthe collected funds to the correct appropriation. The originalSF 1080 shall not be processed as part of the daily business bythe local DO/FO but shall be forwarded to DFAS-Indianapolis. Besure to include the DMPC report with the SF 1080. The emailaddress at DFAS-Indianapolis is: [email protected] bypostal service to:

Disbursing Operations Directorate3801 DTS RemittancesPO Box 26670Indianapolis, IN 46226-0670

(7) The DO/Fa shall notify the DMM of the collectionaction. This notification should be in the form of a copy ofthe disbursing diary showing the collection entry. Electronicnotification should be used wherever possible.

(8) The DMM shall continue to monitor the DebtManagement Report and follow up on payroll collection requestsas needed.

(9) Upon receipt of the debt collection notificationfrom the DO/Fa the DMM shall monitor the DTS ensure

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the collection information is updated in DTS as detailed inreference (c).

b. Collection Process for a Civilian Marine, Overpayment isMore Than $10 (if $10 or less see paragraph 6 above)

(1) If the traveler has not repaid the outstandingamount within the first 30 days after not i-ficabion , the DMMshall request a payroll collection, The DMM shall initiatepayroll collection by preparing a Debt Management PayrollCollection report (DMPC) following the instructions outlined inreference (c). This document can be found at the DTS Web site.

(2) The DMPC report shall be printed and forwarded tothe civilian pay payroll office and is the substantiating recordfor requesting payroll collection. The report must be printedand sent as hardcopy or scanned and sent electronically to thelocal civilian payroll office at DFAS-Cleveland. The civilianpayroll office shall make the necessary adjustments to thetraveler's pay account.

(3) In addition to the DMPC, the DMM or unit requestingthe payroll collection shall prepare an SF 2481 for eachtraveler; see Figure 2 for a sample SF 2481. The purpose of theSF 2481 is to transfer the collected funds to the correctappropriation. The original SF 2481 shall be forwarded to thecivilian payroll office along with the DMPC. Together, thesedocuments serve as the substantiating documents to effect thepayroll collection. The email address at DFAS-Cleveland is:[email protected] or by mail at:

(4) In addition to the DMPC, the DMM or unit requestingthe payroll collection shall prepare an DD Form 2481 for eachtraveler; see Figure 2 for a sample DD Form 2481. The purposeof the DD 2481 is twofold, the Form requests a payrollcollection and transfers the collected funds to the correctappropriation. The original DD 2481 shall be forwarded to thecivilian payroll office along with the DMPC. Together, thesedocuments serve as the substantiating documents .to effect thepayroll collection. The email address at DFAS-Cleveland is:[email protected] or by mail at:

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DFAS ClevelandAttention: Civilian Pay: Debt CollectionsAnthony J. Ce1ebrezze Federal Building1240 East 9th StreetCleveland OH 44199-2055

(5) The civilian payroll office shall notify the DMM ofthe -collection action once complete. Elect-ronic notificationshould be used wherever possible.

(6) The DMM shall continue to monitor the DMRpt andfollow up on payroll collection requests as needed.

(7) Upon receipt of the debt collection notificationfrom the civilian payroll office, the DMM shall monitor the DTSrecord to ensure the collection information is updated in DTS asdetailed in reference (c).

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De,mrlmoot, os\l)br.,,"m&R~burOllU', or afllen recelvlRlI funds BII.L.NO.



Ollpllrtmenl, eslnblls-hrnlml, bumllu. or O/f1CO ch"'Iled COMPLETED BY DFAS








TOTAL 0.00RamlHlln<:6 In poymenl heTflOf shoold bo senlla •

DFAS-ATDT/DEDE. ATTN: RemittanceP.O. BOX 173892,


Appropriation that funded the travel


CERTIFICATE OF OFFICE: CHARGEDI certify lhallho above articles wore received and accepled or the services performed as stated and should be chargod to the appropriallon(s)

andlor fund{s) as indicated below: or that the. advance payment requested is approvod and should be paid as Indlcaled.

(Authorized administrative. or certifying officer)(Dala) FINANCE OFFICER OR AGENT




Paid Cil&el<.No.Designed uslnr;r Po<RmnProsotlwa'l>.

Figure l-l.--Sample SF 1080

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PRIVACY ACT NOTICETh8 data on this form Is covered by the Privacy Act of1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. Section 552a.


DUTY STATIONb. ADDRESS (Street, CiIy, SfsleandZip Code) b. ADDRESS (Street, City, Slste lind Zip Code)DUTY STATION ADDRESS DUTY STATIONCrrY, STATE, ZIP


d. E·MAlL ADDRESS e. TELEPHONE NO. (DSN flnd Commen;iaf}


To liquidate a debt to the Unillld Slates, the named CredItor Componentasks that the dabt be collected as shown from the current pay ofthaemployoeldentlfled above. Notices and Inquiries concernIng the debt should be sent 10 the address shown below.




r. INTEREST DUE (Ifmme, showN/A) $ NTE 15% $ 1610.91g. PENALTY DUE ({fnone, .showN/A) ON NET PAY $ 0.00h. ADMINISTRATNECOST (If none, .shoNNI. $ PER PAYDAY $ 0.00i. TOTAL COLLECnON TO BE MADE $ 1010.91 I· COMMENCE OEDUCTIONS ON (YYYYMMDD) 201001034. DUE PROCESS IX applicable lem.s and alhorenterda/a actiOn taken in Column (1) orX Column (2) or(3) ando./edgement orconsen/.)

.' c, , ...~ ~,' 'l'ffl (1)DataAclion ('l)Acmow· (3)' ':",'; .4:ltii' .,,~ (1)DaleAdion ('l)ACknow- ''I~." ) Taken \edgemenl COIlSGIlI ".' . <.:t! ~, '~i _ Taken ladgemanl Coo;,.

lI·g~~~.rPA~~~~~~f~b~?CE d. HEARING HELD



I certIfy the following:(1) The debt Identified above Is propeny due the Unlled states from the named employee in the amounl sho'Ml;(2) ThIs Agency's regulations Implementing 5 u,ac. 5514 have been approved by the Office of Personnel Management; and(3) The Informatron concemlng this Component's and the employee's actlons Is correct as staled.






SDNh. CERTIFYING OFFICIAL(1) Signature (2) Date Signed (3) Tille I(4) Telephone No. (DSNsnclC<";mmsrcief)




DO FORM 2481, APR 2006 PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE. I Reset I Mob" Profass;onal 7.0

Figure 1-2.-Sample DD Form 2481

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14. Waiver of Indebtedness Requested. All travelers have theright to request a waiver of the indebted amount. Waivers shallbe requested and processed outside of DTS. However, DTS shallbe updated by the DMM to reflect the waiver request and to trackthe request. See reference (c) for detailed guidance regardingupdating DTS to reflect waiver action.·

15. Waiver Processing. Travelers may request a waiver of a DTSrelated debt. The following steps shall be taken when thetraveler requests a waiver:

a. Traveler notifies the DMM of their desire to request awaiver.

b. The DMM provides supporting documentation to thetraveler. Supporting documentation consists of:

(1) Printed copy of the DTS voucher showing theindebtedness.

(2) A copy of the DTS email notification ofindebtedness.

c. Waiver Submission Process for Marines

(1) Submit the DTS debt documentation to theirorganization S-l which shall assist in the completion of awaiver application. The S-l shall submit the completed waiverapplication endorsed by the Commanding Officer to the servicingadministrative center.

(2) The administrative center shall submit the waiverapplication to the servicing DO/Fa.

(3) The DO/Fa shall endorse the waiver application andprovide a copy to the DMM.

(4) The DO/Fa shall forward the completed waiverapplication to DFAS-Indianapolis.

(5) The DMM shall update DTS to reflect that a waiverpackage has been submitted.

(6) Upon receipt of the completed waiver applicationfrom DFAS-Indianapolis, the DO/Fa shall provide a copy to theDMM.

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(7) The DMM shall update DTS to reflect the final waiveraction and shall scan or fax a copy into DTS for retention as afile within the ~SubstantiatingRecords" section of DTS. Thewaiver action is now complete.

d. Waiver Submission Process for DOD Civilians

(1) Submit the DTS debt documentation to the civilianpayroll office; which shall assist in the completion of a waiverapplication.

(2) Upon completion of the waiver application, civiliantravelers must provide the DMM with a copy of the completedapplication.

(3) The civilian payroll office shall forward thecompleted waiver application to DFAS-Indianapolis.

(4) Upon receipt of the completed waiver applicationfrom DFAS-Indianapolis, the civilian payroll office shallprovide a copy to the DMM.

(5) The DMM shall update DTS to reflect the finalwaiver action and shall scan or fax a copy into DTS forretention as a file within the ~Substantiating Records" sectionof DTS. The waiver action is now complete.

16. Out of Service Debt Processing. See reference (c) fordetailed guidance regarding Out of Service debt processing.

17. Process Complete. The collection process is complete whenthe full amount has been collected and the DMM sees that the DTSrecord reflects the full collection or the debt has beentransferred to out of service debt, waived, and/or written off.

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Accounting Management Processes

1. Lines of Accounting (LOA) are key pieces of information.The Defense Travel System (DTS) requires the establishment oftravel LOAs. This process is outlined in the SABRS to DTSConversion Chart in Figure 1 of this enclosure. Finance DefenseTravel Administrators (FDTAs) shall ensure that appropriateSABRS tables are loaded with any new data.

2. When travel is performed using another organization'sLOA(s), close coordination is required between the fundingorganization and the traveler's organization. The CrossOrganizational funding feature in DTS shall be used for thisprocess. The Defense Travel Administrator(sl (DTA) User'sManual provides guidance for this process.


SABRS This is the 6-digit DrS TravelAuthorization Number known as a



'M' w;;v ==D=" Moo~,m~

~ r-----A.-___.,067443A17A02A02A11 06A27TOA21 00AOOO27AA067443A2DACOSTCODE????AM00084AFAA

AA 1721106.27TO



Electrom;;r.;c:<C'lrn:<tr=timrnrrcaa;nnsmr(~sitta~]ndard Docnment Number)

Positions 1-6 = AAC (Activity Address Code)

Positions 7-8 =last two digits of the fiscal year

Positions 9-10 = TO (Travel Order)

Positions 11-15 =last five digits of DTS authorization number

Direct Cite will always be 12-digit, RBC field must be blank

Cost Code value is optional for each command

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USMC DTS Business Rules

1. Purpose. This document provides specific policy for the useof the DTS. Commanders shall establish local administrative,transportation, and financial business rules for using DTS,which supplements Marine Corps policy/procedural guidanceprovided herein.

a. The following overarching directives shall apply inresolving travel or financial policy issues:

(1) Defense Transportation.Regulation (DTR) (DoD 4500.9-R)

(2) DoD Financial Management Regulation (DoD FMR)(DoD 7000.14-R)

(3) Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR)

(4) Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)

b. In order to travel using DTS, travelers shall beregistered with their organization.

2. Reguired Policies and Programs used in Conjunction with DTS

a. Government Travel Charge Card Program. Travelers whohave an individual Government Travel Charge Card (GOVCC-I) arerequired to use their GOVCC-I for mandatory expenses lAW PublicLaw 105-264, DoDFMR Vol 9, Chapter 3. Mandatory expensesapplied to the GOVCC-I include all transportation (air, land,sea), rental car, and lodging expenses. Travelers are alsoencouraged to utilize their GOVCC-I for meals and miscellaneousexpenses. Travelers that have not been issued a GOVCC-I shallhave their transportation expenses (air, land, sea) charged to aCentrally Billed Account (GOVCC-C/CBA). The CBA is managed bythe local Distribution Management Office (DMO).

b. Travelers who are not required to possess a GOVCC-Imay request an advance in DTS. The advance shall be depositedinto the traveler's bank account on record via Electronic FundsTransfer (EFT).

c. EFT and Split Disbursements. Per Public Law 107-314,split disbursement is mandatory for all military and DODcivilian GOVCC card holders. DTS computes travel entitlements

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and initiates EFT disbursements to the traveler's bank accounteliminating the expense of processing check payments andexpedites reimbursement. DTS "split-disburses" reimbursementsto the traveler's GOVCC-I account for transportation, lodging,and rental car expenses. The traveler shall "split disburse"all additional expenses charged to the GOVCC-I for otherexpenses which may have been incurred.

d. Contracted CTO. Travelers shall use the DTSReservation Module to make arrangements for commercial airtransportation, commercial lodging, and rental car reservationsor request CTO assistance. In certain circumstances, i.e.,short notice travel, the traveler may be required to call theCTO, using a local or toll free number to make reservations.Travel arrangements shall be charged to the traveler's GOVCC-I.If the traveler has not been issued a GOVCC-I, a CBA shall beused.

3. Detaching and Receiving Travelers in DTS. Commands shallensure local procedures incorporate a requirement for the LDTAor ODTA signature block on all check-in and check-out sheets.

a. Personnel Check-out Requirements. All personnel shallcheck-out with the LDTA or ODTA when detaching from anorganization. The LDTA or ODTA shall ensure the individual isdetached in DTS using the DTA Maintenance Tool. The LDTA orODTA should not detach an individual if there are documents inprocess. Therefore, if an individual has an authorization forwhich a voucher has not been created, the individual's profileshould not be detached until the voucher has finishedprocessing. The same holds true for local vouchers. Thisensures that the individual has completed all business inhis/her prior organization before moving on to another.

b. Personnel Check-in Requirements. Upon check-in, theLDTA or ODTA shall ensure the individual has been received inthe organization through the DTS Maintenance Tool. In the eventthat the individual has not been detached from their previousorganization, the LDTA or ODTA shall contact the prior commandand request that they detach the individual. If the individualcomes from a different Service or Agency and has not beendetached, a request to detach the individual shall be submittedby the LDTA or ODTA to the TAC. In all instances, theindividual's full name and SSN are required.

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4. Travel Requests not Currently Supported by DTS. Thissection is an overview of travel authorizations not currently

processed in the DTS. All Reserve Travel shall be coordinatedwith MARFORRES HQ and processed in accordance with theirestablished Business Rules.



Classified Travel.

Permanent Duty Travel (PDT).

Contractors. Contractors shall not use DTS for officialor be appointed as "Approving Officials".

d. Foreign military nationals shall use not use DTS forofficial travel or be appointed as "Approving Officials".

5. DTS Travel Authorizations

a. General. Air travel service shall be obtained usingpriorities in order of preference established in the DefenseTransportation Regulation (DTR) , Part 1, Passenger Movement, DoD400.9-R.

b. Foreign Flag Carriers and Air Mobility Command (AMC).

Foreign flag carriers are not authorized, unless certainconditions in the JFTR/JTR, Appendix 0 are met. Travelers shallcall the CTO to make foreign flag carrier reservations. AllOCONUS travel shall be routed through the DMO. The DMO shallnotify the AO when only foreign flag carriers are available;allowing the AO to make the determination if use of the foreignflag carrier is required to meet mission requirements. OCONUStravel orders must always be routed to the DMO to verify theavailability of Air Mobility Command flights.

c. Commercial Air Travel. General Services Administration(GSA) contract City Pairs shall be selected when flights meetmission requirements. The AO is responsible for determining ifa City Pair flight meets mission requirements. AOs holdpecuniary liability, therefore should exercise strict fiscalresponsibility when making this determination.

d. Premium Class Travel. Premium class travel includesboth first, business class travel, and any travel costing morethan coach fare. In accordance with MARADMIN 476/04, AOs shall

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refer all requests for premium class travel to CMC (MPO) forapproval in advance of the trip. CMC (MPO) shall forwardrequests to the Assistant Commandant via the Office of Counselfor the Commandant. For further guidance contact MPO-40.

Note: DoD regulations allow travelers to upgrade to first classand business class travel using frequent flyer benefits. If thetraveler intends to use frequent flyer benefits for an upgrade,the traveler shall directly contact the carrier to utilizefrequent traveler benefits after reservations have beenconfirmed by the CTO. Refusal by the traveler of the GSA CityPair carrier is unauthorized for frequent flyer benefitpurposes.

6. Leisure In Conjunction with Official (LICWO) Travel.

a. When air is the approved mode of transportation forTemporary Additional Duty (TAD) travel, the Commercial TravelOffice (CTO) shall issue the official ticket from/to authorizedlocations prior to entertaining any LICWO travel request. Oncethe official ticket has been issued, the service member has theoption of using the CTO for their leisure travel needs.

b. When the CTO is used for leisure travel: The CTO uponmember request shall exchange the travelers official ticket,paid for by either an Individually Billed Account (IBA) orCentrally Billed Account (CBA) , for a leisure ticketincorporating the official value therein. The member shall payany additional money due at the time of the ticket exchange. Ifthe form of payment used for the official ticket was a CBA, theservice member shall be required to sign a documentacknowledging their responsibility to turn back into thegovernment any official value which was applied to their leisureticket if the official trip is cancelled for any reason. TheDMO shall use the document signed by the member as a trackingtool and shall notify their local disbursing office after 30days should a pay checkage become necessary.

c. When the CTO is not used for leisure travel: If theofficial ticket issued by the CTO was purchased with a CBA, andthe ticket exchange is made directly with the airline (if thatis possible), the traveler is still liable for any officialvalue which was applied to their leisure ticket should theofficial trip be cancelled for any reason. Electronic sweeps bythe CTO will capture unused leisure tickets where official value

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is incorporated therein, and if a member does not turn theofficial value back into the government after 30 days a paycheckage may be initiated.

7. Ticketing Changes

a. Changes Before Reservations are Ticketed at CTO. If thetraveler needs to make changes prior to the authorization beingticketed by CTO, the traveler shall adjust/amend the documentvia DTS.

b. Changes After Tickets are Reserved at CTO

(1) Traveler Initiated Changes After Ticketing. Changesmade to travel arrangements after tickets have been issuedshould only be made due to mission requirements and by the CTO.The reason for this restriction is that changes may incuradditional costs to the Government. In order to make a change,the traveler shall make an amendment in the travel authorizationand resubmit for approval. When time does not permit submittingan amendment, the traveler can contact the CTO directly forrequested changes. The CTO will not assume the responsibilityand arbitrarily make a change to the official ticket without theAO's approval. Travelers who violate policy and make ticketchanges directly with the airline, instead of their respectiveCTO, must indicate the reason why they did so in their voucher.Travelers can be held financially responsible if the voucherdoes not reflect the actual travel.

(2) Airline Initiated Changes. The CTO is responsible

for notifying the traveler of any ticketing changes aftertickets have been issued. The CTO shall provide the travelerall pertinent information contained in a traveler's finalizedticket itinerary. Any changes or updates to a PNR prior to thetrip shall be passed to the traveler via e-mail, fax, ortelephone. At a minimum, this information shall include the PNRlocator number, and all flight, car rental, and commerciallodging information with costs and ticket numbers. If multiplecarriers are utilized on an itinerary, costs should be brokenout by ticket number. Changes shall be manually input by thetraveler into DTS when filing the travel voucher.

(3) Mission Directed Changes After Departure.

Travelers shall contact the CTO to initiate any travel itinerarychanges and notify the AO of any additional costs incurred. It

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is the traveler's responsibility to accurately account for allchanges and charges when submitting their voucher.

8. Ticketing Methods. Electronic ticketing (e-ticket) is thepreferred method of ticketing and is mandated when available.In the event the CTO is incapable of booking an e-ticket, theyshall have the paper tickets available three business days prior

"to travel. When a paper ticket is "required, the "trave'ter shallmake arrangements to pick up the ticket from the CTO no earlierthan three business days prior to departure. Travelers arestrictly prohibited from exchanging e-tickets for paper tickets,unless it is determined that issuing paper tickets would be inthe best interest of the command's mission."

a. Ticketed Commercial Air Itinerary. Travelers canprint ticketed itineraries through DTS.

b. Unused Tickets. Travelers shall return unused papertickets to the CTO as soon as possible. If an e-ticket isunused, the traveler shall notify the CTO. In either case, thetraveler shall note the changes in DTS.

c. Short Notice or Verbal Orders. MiSsion requirementsmay dictate the need to deviate from the standard process ofusing DTS. Local commands shall establish their own proceduresfor short notice travel.

d. Process for Handling Cancellation Fees/Penalties.Travelers may have travel plans cancelled or changed due tomission requirements. If they do not have sufficient notice,travelers may be unable to cancel reservations or registrations,and shall be charged for unavoidable expenses or penalty feesfor these changes. If a ticket is cancelled after being issued,the CTO transaction fee shall still be charged to either theGOVCC-I or CBA as appropriate. The traveler shall be reimbursedfor mission related cancellations/changes and not for personalpreference. Travelers shall complete a voucher in DTS forreimbursement of these charges. Travelers are responsible forfollowing proper cancellation procedures as directed by the AO.

e. Group Travel. Group Travel authorizations can becreated in DTS. For group travel procedures, refer to theDocument Processing Manual located in the DTS Document Library.

f. En-Route Traveler Assistance. Travelers shall makeitinerary changes directly with the Airline and/or the CTO while

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en-route. During travel, a member of the traveler'sorganization who has group access can create an amendment to theorder. Or upon return, travelers shall reflect any changes whencompleting their voucher in DTS.

g. Foreign TAD Travel. All overseas travel shall routethrough the DMO. The DMO shall determine availability offlights.

h. Rental Cars. The traveler shall coordinate with the AOto determine the size of car required for the mission. Forexample, based on mission requirements, a specific vehicle typemay be required. Once the vehicle is determined, the traveleris required to select the least expensive vehicle from the listof available companies that have a Defense Travel ManagementOffice (DTMO) negotiated Government rate. The AO has approvalauthority on rental car expenditures and should be aware ofsignificant price differences.

i. Excess Baggage. The traveler shall annotate to the CTO,when requesting travel, that excess baggage is required and whenknown or expected, shall provide the weight, number of pieces ofexcess baggage, and any special requirements. The travelershall also indicate excess baggage in the "Other Authorizations"section on the travel authorization. The CTO shall advisecarriers of excess baggage requirements when making reservationsand enter in the trip record all applicable information to thetraveler, i.e., estimated cost requirements, special check-inrequirements, etc. The traveler shall make payment for excessbaggage directly to the carrier at the time of check-in. Thetraveler shall claim reimbursement for excess baggage on thevoucher. It is the AO's responsibility to ensure excess baggageis justified. AO's should request guidance from their local DMOon any questions concerning limitations.

j. Medical TAD. Traveler shall note in their authorizationthat the TAD is for Medical reasons. Additionally, anyauthorizations stipulated shall be listed (i.e. authorizationfor premium class travel) and authorization shall bescanned/faxed into the voucher.

k. Cross Fiscal Year TAD Travel.procedures, refer to the DTS Document


For cross fiscal yearLibrary.

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9. Lodging

a. Government Billeting Availability. The AO shall

determine government lodging requirements for the traveler. Todocument the requirement for Military travelers to usegovernment lodging when traveling to a Military installation,the following statement shall be included under OtherAuthorizations / Other: "Government Quarters and Messingdirected if available." Military travelers shall provide a Non­availability number, to include the lodging facility name andphone number, in the remarks section if billeting is directedbut not available on a base or station.

b. State Tax Exemption Form. Certain states exempt DoD

travelers from paying state hotel or lodging taxes. TheGovernment Services Administration (GSA) website (accessiblethrough DTS) maintains a list of states that honor the State TaxExemption for DoD travelers. If the hotel or lodging facilitydoes not grant the State Tax Exemption, the taxes shall beclaimed' as a separate expense on the voucher.


Travel Support Section. The DTS Travel Support Sectionutilizes a three-tiered approach, with additionalprovided by the DTMO TAC.

(1) Tier I - Travel Support Section. The Tier ITravel Support Section is located at the unit/traveler level.The Tier I Travel Support Section consists of ODTAs, travelers,resource advisors, AOs/COs, and other users of DTS and iscomprised of information readily available to them. If theissue cannot be resolved after exhausting all resourcesavailable, the ODTA shall contact the Tier II Travel SupportSection. Tier I - Available Resources are as follows:

(a) DTS Tri-folds

(b) Local Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

(c) Local Business Rules for DTS

(d) Web Based Training

(e) Procedural guides for creating, reviewingapproving, and canceling authorizations

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(f) Lesson Plans/Training Materials

(g) Links to other sites

(h) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

(2) Tier II - Travel Support Section. There is one

Tier II Travel Support Section at each site. The Tier II TravelSupport Section is comprised of the LDTA and functional arearepresentatives. Tier II Travel Support Section operationsshall provide assistance to Tier I users. The intent is forthese individuals to be the most knowledgeable DTS personnel attheir site. If Tier II Travel Support Section personnel cannotresolve the issue, they should contact the Marine Corps DTS HelpDesk for assistance. Tier II - Available Resources are asfollows.

(a) All Tier .1 Travel Support Section resourcesplus;

(b) Travel Support Section contingencyoperations (CONOPS) and Bulletins

(c) DTS Finance Guide

(d) DTS Set-up Guide

(e) Electronic References

(f) Labor Relations Guide

(g) Simplified Entitlements (JTR/JFTR, Appendix0)

(3) The Marine Corps DTS Help Desk. The Marine CorpsDTS Help Desk shall serve as the Service-level interface withthe Travel Assistance Center (TAC). Issues not resolved by TierII should be escalated to the Marine Corps DTS Help Desk forresolution. The Marine Corps DTS Help Desk is designed toprovide Service-wide visibility of issues, hands-on assistance,and maintain a knowledge repository for best practices.

(4) Tier III - Travel Assistance Center. The DTMOoperates the TAC which serves as the Tier III Travel SupportSection. The TAC assists with issues that cannot be resolved atthe Marine Corps DTS Help Desk. The LDTA/ODTA shall work

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unresolved issues through the above means and coordinateresolution with the issue's originator.

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Standard Naming Conventions

1. The following Marine Corps naming conventions shall be usedwhen creating organizations and sub-organizations in DTS.

2. The standard naming convention consists of a 20-characterstring. Positions one through 14 of the naming convention shallcomply with the following mandatory standards:

position 1 2 3-6 7-9 10-14 15-20

DSSN orDefinition MEF ID, MCC

D=DOD M=USMC MSC ID or RUC Commandand MSC defined

Location MCCCodes

3. The Disbursing Station Symbol Number (DSSN) may be obtainedfrom CMC (RFF). The Major Command Codes (MCC) and ReportingUnit Codes (RUC) are contained in reference (k).

4. MEF ID Codes, MSC ID Codes, location, and major subordinatecommand (MSC) MCCs shall be used for naming conventions for theoperational forces as contained below. These codes enableoperational forces to be identified by MEF, MSC, location, andmajor subordinate command MCC. MARFORRES shall continue to useits existing naming conventions.

MEF ID Codes (Positions 1, 2 and 3) :DM1 I MEFDM2 II MEFDM3 III MEF


ID Codes (Positions 1, 2, 3, and 4) :HQ Units, I MEF1st MarDiv, I MEF1st MLG, I MEF3d MAW, I MEFHQ Units, II MEF2d MarDiv, II MEF2d MLG, II MEF2d MAW, II MEFHQ Units, III MEF3d MarDiv, III MEF3d MLG, III MEF1st MAW, III MEF

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Location codes (Positions 5 and 6) :14 Camp Pendleton15 29 Palms23 MCAS Miramar27 MCAS Yuma13 Camp Lejeune22 MCAS Cherry Point24 MCAS New River26 MCAS Beaufort44 MCAS Iwakuni91 Hawaii92 Okinawa

Combined MEF ID Code, MSC ID Code, location, and MSC MCC Codes(Positions 1 through 9) :


HQunits I MEF at Camp Pendleton, CA1st MarDiv units at Camp Pendleton, CA1st MLG units at Camp Pendleton, CA3d MAW units at Camp Pendleton, CA3d MAW units at MCAS Miramar, CA1st MLG units at MCAS Miramar, CA1st MarDiv units at 29 Palms, CA1st MLG units at 29 Palms, CA3d MAW units at 29 Palms, CA3d MAW units at MCAS Yuma, AZ1st MLG units at MCAS Yuma, AZHQ units II MEF at Camp Lejeune, NC2d MarDiv units at Camp Lejeune, NC2d MLG units at Camp Lejeune, NC2d MAW units at MCAS Cherry Point, NC2d MAW unites at MCAS New River, NC2d MAW units at MCAS Beaufort, SC2d MLG units at MCAS Beaufort, SCHQ units III MEF at Okinawa3d MarDiv units at Okinawa3d MLG units at Okinawa1st MAW units at Okinawa1st MAW units at Iwakuni3d MLG units at Iwakuni3d MarDiv units at Kaneohe Bay, HI3d MLG units at Kaneohe Bay, HI1st MAW units at Kaneohe Bay, HI

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Fraud Identification and Reporting Requirements

1. General. This enclosure provides an overview of actions AOsand Commanders shall take when processing questionable claims.Refer to reference (1) for detailed instructions.

2. Inaccuracies. Not every inaccuracy on a claim form shall beequated with intent to defraud the government. When minordiscrepancies exist as a result of clerical or computationerrors, misunderstanding of procedure, or failure to properlydocument, the intent to deceive may be missing and, a finding offraud would not likely be supported absent evidence to thecontrary. Such errors shall be discussed with the claimant andcorrected. For example, when a person inadvertently submits atravel voucher for hotel expenses that contain minor additionalroom charges that are not payable and, upon notification, theclaimant acknowledges the mistake, and where there is no intentto deceive, no fraud has occurred.

3. Fraud. When there is reason to suspect that a claimpresented for payment contains fraudulent information, theauthorizing official shall request his or her commander, orcomparable authorized civilian, to initiate an investigationinto the suspected fraud. The requirement to request aninvestigation applies regardless of the dollar value of thesuspected fraud. The authorizing official shall be given a copyof the compieted Report of Investigation (ROI) and the findingsstipulated in the ROI shall be submitted for legal review to thesupporting Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) or legal counsel and shallbe forwarded to the Commander for action. All substantiateddeterminations of fraud shall be reported to the CMC, DCs M&RA(MI) and P&R (RFF).

4. Disciplinary Action. Commanders shall take appropriatedisciplinary action in substantiated determinations of fraud.

5. Partial Fraudulent Claims. If the ROI does not support afinding of fraud, then the AO may permit payment for all amountsto which the claimant otherwise is entitled. The AO shalldocument the reasons for the determination of no fraud. If theROI confirms that some items of the claim are fraudulent, thenthe AO may permit the payment of those items free of fraud.

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Appointment Letter ContentDD Form 577, Block 14 Templates

1. Lead Defense Travel Administrator (LDTA)

a. Permission levels 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 organization + groupaccess

b. In block 13, mark "X" at Certifying Officer

c. In block 14, enter the following:"Manage DTS at the installation level. In addition, you shallensure commanders appoint Organizational Defense TravelAdministrators (ODTA) who shall support the site's sub­organizations/subordinate commands. You shall oversee the dailyoperation of DTS and manage permissions for subordinate ODTAs.You shall ensure that Approving/Authorizing Officials (AO) areappointed in writing for sub-organizations/subordinate commandsand maintain appropriate letters of appointment andcorresponding DD Form 577s for retention."

d. In block 15 enter the following references:DoD Directive 7'000.15, DoDFMR Vol. 5, Chapter 33; DoDFMR Vol. 9,Chapter 2, Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Vol. 1, Appendix 0and Joint Travel Regulations, Vol. 2, Appendix o.

2. Authorizing/Approving Officials (AO/Self-AuthorizingOfficial (SAO)

a. Permission levels 0, 1, 2 + organization & group access

b. In block 13, mark "X" at Certifying Officer

c. In block 14, enter the following:"Approve DTS temporary duty travel (TDY) , local travel, andcertify payments of TDY and local travel entitlements. As acertifying officer you shall be responsible for certifyingpayment vouchers and documents prepared under DTS in accordancewith appendix 0 of the JFTR/JTR. You may not concurrently serveas a deputy disbursing officer to any DSSN, cashier, payingagent, collection agent, change fund custodian, imprest fundcashier, or in any other accountable position involving themanagement of DTS. Exception under DTS is on a case-by-casebasis with express written approval by your major command. AnAO or SAO may not approve their personal Voucher or LocalVoucher. Only an SAO may approve their personal Travel

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Authorization. This appointment carries with it pecuniaryliability for all illegal, improper, or incorrect payment thatresult from negligent performance of duties."

d. In block 15 enter the following references:DoD Directive 7000.15, DoDFMR Vol. 5, Chapter 33; DoDFMR Vol. 9,Chapter 2, Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Vol. 1, Appendix 0and Joint Travel Regulations, Vol. 2, Appendix o.

3. Routing Officials (RO)a. Permission levels 0, 1, 2 + group access


c. In block 14, enter the following:"Review DTS travel documents (Travel Authorizations, Vouchersand Local Vouchers). As a routing official, you shall beresponsible for reviewing travel documents prepared under DTS inaccordance with Appendix 0 of the JFTR/JTR. You do not have theauthority to obligate funds or to certify travel documents forpayment."

d. In block 15 enter the following references:DoD Directive 7000.15, DoDFMR Vol. 5, Chapter 33; DoDFMR Vol. 9,Chapter 2, Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Vol. 1, Appendix 0and Joint Travel Regulations, Vol. 2, Appendix O.

4. Finance Defense Travel Administrator (FDTA)

a. Permission levels 0,1,3,5,6 + organization access

b. In block 13, mark "X" at DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTABLEOFFICIAL enter DTS Finance Defense Travel Administrator

c. In block 14, enter the following:"Perform duties of a Finance Defense Travel Administrator.Maintain DTS budgets and Lines of Accounting (LOA). Review DTStravel documents (Travel Authorizations and Local Vouchers) toverify that the correct LOA has been selected. You do not havethe authority to obligate funds or to certify travel documentsfor payment."

d. In block 15 enter the following references:DoD Directive 7000.15, DoDFMR Vol. 5, Chapter 33; DoDFMR Vol. 9,Chapter 2.

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5. Organizational Defense Travel Administrator (ODTA)

a. Permission levels 0,1,2,5 + organization & group access


c. In block 14, enter the following:"Perform duties as an Organization Defense Travel Administrator.Administer the DTS which includes updating organizations,routing lists, groups, and personnel information. You do nothave the authority to obligate funds or to certify traveldocuments for payment."

d. In block 15 enter the following references:DoD Directive 7000.15, DoDFMR Vol. 5, Chapter 33; DoDFMR Vol. 9,Chapter 2.

6. Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA)

a. Permission levels 0 + group access

b. In block 13, leave blankc. In block 14, enter the following:

"Perform duties as a Non-DTS Entry Agent. Create and T-Enter(Sign) vouchers and local vouchers for submission within DTS onbehalf of unconnected travelers assigned to organizations thatdo not have reasonable access to DTS. Receive a manuallyprepared and signed DD Form 1351-2, Voucher or SF 1164, LocalVoucher from the traveler. You must scan or fax these documentsand all applicable receipts into the DTS voucher. When you signthe DTS voucher for the traveler, you certify that theinformation contained in the traveler's manually prepared andsigned voucher is entered as claimed on that voucher. You arenot responsible for the validity of the data for the manualvoucher signed by the traveler. You do not have the authorityto obligate funds or to certify travel documents for payment."

d. In block 15 enter the following references:DoDFMR Vol. 9, Chapter 2.

7. Review Official (Post Payment Reviewing Official)

a. Permission levels: Review Officials should work withtheir Lead Defense Travel Administrator to determine the

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permission levels necessary for the Review Official to performhis/her duties.

b. In block 13, mark "X" at ACCOUNTABLE OFFICIAL

c. In block 14, enter the following:"Perform duties a Review Official. Perform post payment reviewsin accordance with the references listed in block 15 of thisappointment letter."

d. In block 15 enter the following references:DoD Directive 7000.15,DoDFMR Vol. 5, Chapter 33; DoDFMR Vol. 9,Chapter 2, Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Vol. 1, Appendix 0and Joint Travel Regulations, Vol. 2, Appendix O.

8. Debt Management Monitor (DMM)

a. Permission levels 6 + organization & group access andDMM indicator set to "Yes"

b. In block 13, mark "X" at ACCOUNTABLE OFFICIAL.

c. In block 14, enter the following:"Perform duties as a Debt Management Monitor. The DMM shall beresponsible for all DTS debt related activity, to include:identifying, collecting, tracking, and recording of the debt inall related automated systems. The DMM shall coordinate debtcollection with other sections involved, i.e., admin,disbursing, etc."

d. In block 15 enter the following references:DoD Directive 7000.15, DoDFMR Vol. 5, Chapter 33; DoDFMR Vol. 9.

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APPOINTMEHTITERMINA"JION RECORD - AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(Read;PrHaqrkIstarement and' IrJstnlct1cm: befM!: .cDll'[M!!IIlgtblm.)

PRIVACY ACTSTA1EMEllTAJJnfOrJmY: E.O.9397. 31LJ.S.C. sedont; Ja25. 3526,. OOOAift,. 7OOa.14--R, Vlll. S.PftWClPAL PURPOSElSJ: To malnt.3lll iii: recadoI~aIlCI acooutiibIe oIIlcel5" appcIntnefIt&-. amlllem:'ln31.1DI!l Cftho£e3f.1Ici'lIrnenk The:IIIftJImaIklnWIII <*0 be-used 1DrI~ purpose6 ii&OClated ll1lJI. cerilncallton G';do:::tIment& am'orilabllltyOlpUbAcreccms CIIldl:irxl5.ROunNEUSE(S}: "Jhe,l~00 thili1tmJ may bedl5c:lolied iiEi genE!Qly.pel1Jllijed mder5·U.s..C secDJn552a(bltlthe ~'laC)'Act. Of 1914,iIIi dn'K!ndecL Itmay al&D be dl&c'kl6e.d olisldi!- arihe: DepafmBrt d [JE!ferR (D:lI11) 10 the 'Ire FedeS Re.erve: bami-1b vertry auIIUII'lyortne.iICCOIETIatlIe fndMdU31 b 1&512 T.rea5UI)' c:IIec:t&. In adiIIIl%!, otDerFederal. staIi!- lind kH:aI: ga.oemmertagefXfe6, lAtKtl haVe Tdentrled.a need 10lnoW~ may_obtain ilt;.,1l1I'OlmiJltm fa' t1epupo&e(&)~: In: fuE. DoO: B&anret RootIne IJ5e& pub.l5hedl'1 'Ihe: FM!!raI~.DISCLOSURE: voori3qr,oolleler.1'a&lR1nprrMtJe.therequEl6le:tllJrOlm;rillX1may~~er.t





11. TElEPtKltlEWillBlER ~AreaG'oc1e' 12:.. EfFECTlYE DATE Of APPOfiJIIIENT~)

.!: PaSmON TOWtl:CK APPOINTED ex i:iilpplr;ade(OOe~)





I acknowledg.and accepIlhe position and _~biliti..deOnedabcM!. I mcler.;bn<llhall .... sOiclly_1x> the Uililed Sl_fix-a11 p<i>liclu""sunder mycoo4rol. 1have beencoonseled on mypearialy liabililyand havebeen g;..n wri~"" operaiilgfns1ructions. I certify thai my oficiaI sigllaUe is shown in itEm 17below.1G~ PRINlED'HAME~ iUIdlfe tr.\'.IaI.Li:liQ 11';' SIGNATURE

SECTION IV - TERMlIlATlONOFAPPOlNlMENT18.. DATE ('fYY'flJJfiDDJ_,r'. APPOINfEEINmAU _The appointment at-hi!! indMduai named above is;:hereby I"E'IfOied.



Figure 7-1 - Sample DD Form 577

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Emergency Procedures for DTS Operation

1. General. This chapter provides emergency procedures in theevent DTS experiences difficulties that greatly reduceenterprise wide operational capabilities.

2. Emergency Procedures. DC, M&RA (MI) shall coordinate andissue guidance to implement the below emergency procedures.These procedures shall only be initiated after authorized to doso by DC, M&RA (MI). Waivers to this policy shall only begranted under unique circumstances on a case by case basis. Ifit is determined that DTS will be unable to process documentsfor an extended period of time, further guidance shall bedisseminated by DC, M&RA (MI).

a. A manual DD Form 1610 shall be prepared and signed by anauthorizing official to authorize making travel arrangements(air fare, rental car and hotel booking, if required). A copyof DD Form 1610 may be found at

b. A DTS line of accounting shall be placed on thedocument. However, this line of accounting shall not beobligated in SABRS. Fund administrators shall ensure that

. sufficient funds are available in the accounting system to coverany authorizations issued under these circumstances.

c. Travelers shall contact and utilize the CommercialTravel Office (CTO) to make travel arrangements.

d. A copy of the DD Form 1610 shall be provided to theCTO/Distribution Management Office (DMO) via fax, email or shallbe hand carried.

e. If necessary, the traveler's GTCC account informationshall be passed to the servicing CTO using a secure means oftransmission.

f. The traveler shall commence travel as appropriate.

g. When able, the data from the prepared DD Form 1610 shallbe entered and the authorization shall be approved in DTS.

Enclosure (7)