mcpherson part 2


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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Page 1: McPherson Part 2
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The Patterson map was introduced as a method for determining crystal structures by Lindo Patterson in 1934. he had been inspired by studies of others on radial distribution functions in liquids and powders. This revolutionized our ability to determine crystal structures, especially if the structure contained a heavy atom that dominated the map.

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• E. Schrodinger, W. Pauli, N. Bohr, P.A.M. Dirac, P. Debye, W.L. Bragg, A.H. Compton, H.A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, W. Heisenberg, E. Henriot, I. Langmuir, M. Planck, M. Curie, P. Langevin, O.W. Richardson, P. Ehrenfest, P. Piccard, et al.

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• Max Perutz, Vernon Shomaker, James Watson, Jack Dunitz, Julian Huxley, Francis Crick, Richard Marsh, Ken Trueblood, Maurice Huggins, Ray Pepinsky, Ken Palmer, John Rollet, Vitorio Luzzati, George Beadle, David Davies, Maurice Wilkins, John Kendrew, Alex Rich, Bea Magdoff, Maurry King, Linus Pauling, Robert Corey, David Harker, William Astbury, Richard Bear, William Bragg, Lindo Patterson, John Edsall, Francis O. Schmidt, John Randall, Barbara Low, I.F. Trotter

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