mcq ent 2

The most common cause of dysphagia is Pharyngeal tonsillitis Achalasia of the cardia Cancer oesophagus Stricture of oesophagus Dysphagia in achalasia is characterized by Progressive Solid > fluid Fluid < solid Associated with severe pain Tonsillar artery is a branch from Lingual artery Maxillary artery Facial artery Reactionary hemorrhage after adenoidectomy is treated by Removal of remenants Antibiotics Ant. Nasal pack Ligation of Bl. Vessel 2ry postadenoidectomy bleeding is treated by antibiotic and post.nasal pack ant. Nasal pack ext. carotid artery ligation cautery of little’s area tonsillectomy is absolute contraindicated in

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Page 1: mcq ENT 2

The most common cause of dysphagia is

Pharyngeal tonsillitis Achalasia of the cardia Cancer oesophagus Stricture of oesophagus

Dysphagia in achalasia is characterized by

Progressive Solid > fluid Fluid < solid Associated with severe pain

Tonsillar artery is a branch from

Lingual artery Maxillary artery Facial artery

Reactionary hemorrhage after adenoidectomy is treated by

Removal of remenants Antibiotics Ant. Nasal pack Ligation of Bl. Vessel

2ry postadenoidectomy bleeding is treated by

antibiotic and post.nasal pack ant. Nasal pack ext. carotid artery ligation cautery of little’s area

tonsillectomy is absolute contraindicated in

menstruation upper respiratory tract infection quinzy bleeding disorders

Page 2: mcq ENT 2

the usual cause of reactionary hemorrhage after tonsillectomy is

slipped ligature rebound infection tonsillar reminents early extubation

an adult with acute onset dysphagia , oedema of uvula and purely medially pused tonsil and trismus most likely to have

para pharyngeal abcess acute retropharyngeal abcess quinzy chronic retropharyngeal abcess

the following are signs of chronic tonsillitis except

enlarged cervical lymph nodes inequality of size of tonsills pus in tonsillar crypts oedema of crypts

quinzy is suppuration of

parapharyngeal space peritonsillar space retropharyngeal space submandibular space

2ry post tonsillectomy bleeding is due to

sepsis incomplete removal F.B Post.nasal pack

Pharyngeal diverticulum occur through

Superior constrictor Middle constrictor Inferior constrictor

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Palatopharyngeus ms.

The most common cause of reactionary he after adenoidectomy

Adenoid removal Adenoid enlargement Hypertension Fever

Constrictor muscles of the pharynx are responsible for

Delgutition Aspiration Glottic closure Reflux diseases

Enlarged adenoid cause all the following except

Adenoid facies Sleep apnoea Secretory OM Plummer - Vinson syndrome

Prognosis of postcricoid carcinoma is very bad because

Diagnosis is made in an advanced stage Occur in female + hypertension

dysphagia of cancer oesophagus is characterized by

solid > fluid progressive associated with weight loss all