mcq reviewer

CRIMINAL LAW -- 10% 1. Badong, with evident premeditation and treachery killed his father. What was the crime committed? a. Murder b. Parricide c. Homicide d. Qualified Homicide 2. PO3 Bagsik entered the dwelling of Totoy against the latter’s will on suspicion that Totoy keep unlicensed firearms in his home. What was the crime committed by PO3 Bagsik? a. Trespass to Dwelling b. Violation of Domicile c. Usurpation Of Authority d. Forcible Trespassing 3. Berung and Betang had been married for more than six months. They live together with the children of Betang from her first husband. Berung had sexual relationship with Bea, the 14 year old daughter of Betang. Bea love Berung very much. What was the crime committed by Berung, if any? a. Simple Seduction b. Qualified Seduction c. Consented Abduction d. Rape 4. Prof. Dabcat gave a failing grade to one of his students, Sixto. When the two met the following day, Sixto slapped Prof. Dabcat on the face. What was the crime committed by Sixto? a. Corruption of Public Officials b. Direct Assault c. Slight Physical Injuries d. Grave Coercion 5. A warrant of arrest was issued against Pekto for the killing of his parents. When PO2 Tapang tried to arrest him, Pekto gave him 1 million Pesos to set him free. PO2 Tapang refrained in arresting Pekto. What was the crime committed by PO2 Tapang? a. Indirect Bribery b. Direct Bribery c. Corruption of Public Officials d. Qualified Bribery 6. Exemption to the hearsay rule made under the consciousness of an impending death. a. parol evidence b. ante mortem statement c. suicide note d. dead man statute

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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bar reviewer


CRIMINAL LAW -- 10%1. Badong, with evident premeditation and treacher !i""ed hi# $ather. What wa# the crime committed%a. M&rder'. (arricidec. )omicided. *&a"i+ed )omicide,. (-. Bag#i! entered the dwe""ing o$ /oto again#t the "atter0# wi"" on #picion that/oto !eep &n"icen#ed +rearm# in hi# home. What wa# the crime committed ' (-. Bag#i!%a. /re#pa## to 1we""ing'. 2io"ation o$ 1omici"ec. 3#&rpation -$ A&thoritd. 4orci'"e /re#pa##ing.. Ber&ng and Betang had 'een married $or more than #i5 month#. /he "ive together with the chi"dren o$ Betang $rom her +r#t h'and. Ber&ng had #e5&a" re"ation#hip with Bea, the 16 ear o"d da&ghter o$ Betang. Bea "ove Ber&ng ver m&ch. What wa# the crime committed ' Ber&ng, i$ an%a. 7imp"e 7ed&ction'. *&a"i+ed 7ed&ctionc. Con#ented A'd&ctiond. Rape6. (ro$. 1a'cat gave a $ai"ing grade to one o$ hi# #t&dent#, 7i5to. When the two met the $o""owing da, 7i5to #"apped (ro$. 1a'cat on the $ace. What wa# the crime committed ' 7i5to%a. Corr&ption o$ (&'"ic -8cia"#'. 1irect A##a&"tc. 7"ight (h#ica" In9&rie#d. :rave Coercion;. A warrant o$ arre#t wa# i##&ed again#t (e!to $or the !i""ing o$ hi# parent#. When (-, /apang tried to arre#t him, (e!to gave him 1 mi""ion (e#o# to #et him $ree. (-, /apang re$rained in arre#ting (e!to. What wa# the crime committed ' (-, /apang%a. Indirect Bri'er'. 1irect Bri'erc. Corr&ption o$ (&'"ic -8cia"#d. *&a"i+ed Bri'er. /he #ec&rit given $or the re"ea#e o$ a per#on in ctod, $&rni#hed ' him or a 'ond#man, conditioned &pon hi# appearance 'e$ore an co&rt a# reB&ired &nder thecondition# #peci+ed ' "aw.a. #&'poena '. recogniCancec. 'ai" d. warrant.?. /he e5amination 'e$ore a competent tri'&na", according to the "aw# o$ the "and, o$ the act# in i##&e in a ca#e, $or the p&rpo#e o$ determining #&ch i##&e.a. tria" '. arraignment'. pre-tria" d. 9&dgment.@. /he ad9&dication ' the co&rt that the acced i# g&i"t or i# not g&i"t o$ the oDen#e charged, and the impo#ition o$ the proper pena"t and civi" "ia'i"it provided $or ' "aw on the acced.a. tria" '. pre-tria"c. arraignment d. 9&dgment60. It i# an inB&ir or proceeding $or the p&rpo#e o$ determining whether there i# #&8cient gro&nd to engender a we"" $o&nded 'e"ie$ that an oDen#e ha# 'een committed and the oDender i# pro'a'" g&i"t thereo$ and #ho&"d 'e he"d $or tria".a. pre-tria" '. arraignmentc. pre"iminar inve#tigation d. p"ea 'argaining61. It i# evidence o$ the #ame !ind and to the #ame #tate o$ $act#.a. #econdar evidence '. prima $acie evidencec. corro'orative evidence d. 'e#t evidence6,. It i# that which, #tanding a"one, &ne5p"ained or &ncontradicted i# #&8cient to maintain the propo#ition a8rmed.a. #econdar evidence '. prima $acie evidencec. corro'orative evidence d. 'e#t evidence6.. A $orm o$ evidence #&pp"ied ' written in#tr&ment# or derived $rom conventiona"#m'o"#, #&ch a# "etter#, ' which idea# are repre#ented on materia" #&'#tance#.a. doc&mentar evidence '.te#timonia" evidencec. materia" evidence d. rea" evidence66. When the witne## #tate# that he did not #ee or !now the occ&rrence o$ a $act.a. po#itive evidence '.corro'orative evidencec. #econdar evidence d. negative evidence6;. (er#ona" propert that can 'e #&'9ect# $or #earch and #eiC&re.a. ed or intended to 'e ed a# mean# in committing an oDen#e'. #to"en or em'eCC"ed and other proceed# or $r&it# o$ the oDen#ec. #&'9ect o$ the oDen#ed. a"" o$ the a'ove6