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mcqs on unit 2 civil


Unit ISR NOMCQ's of BCEEABCDANSu1The irregation engineering may be defined as The process of artificially supping water to soil for raising cropsa science of planning and designing an efficient and economic irrigation systemThe engineering of controlling & harnessing the various natural sources of water of water,by the constuction of dams,canals and finally distributing the water to the agricultural fields .All the aboveDu1Irrigation is necessary in an area where there is a scanty rain fall where the rain fall is not uniformwhere commercial crops requires more water All the aboveDu1the term used for major or important roads of country iscountry roadurban roadhighwaynone of theseCu1A road connecting two towns is called a country roadurban roadhighwaynone of theseAu1A good sleeper should be such thatthe rails can be easily fixed & taken out from the sleeper without moving themit can be provide sufficient bearing area for the railtit can provide sufficient effective bearing area on the balastAll the aboveDu1A scale of 1: 1000 meansonly 0.1 % ares is plottedarea is enlarged thousand timesare is plotted thousand timesfield area is reduced by 1/1000Du1A map having scale 1cm = 400m will have R. F. of (1 : 400)(1: 4000)(1 : 40000)(1 : 400000)Cu1If scale of a map is 1cm = 50 m, a side of building admeasuring 40m will appear as a line .. cm long on map0. working whole to part, generally the area is divided into as first step.large trianglesvery samll trianglesrectanglessquareAu1For locating a point near a survey line it is essential to measure at least . From the survey line.perpendicular distancetwo angles and one distancetwo anglestwo distances and one angleCu1If we measure one distance and one angle of a point with respect to a survey line, definitely wit5h respect to the linetwo points areone point isone triangle istwo triangles areBu1Maps always shows . angles and distances.inclinedobliquehorizontalverticalCu1For preparing map of an are . Measurements are not requiredhorizontalobliquehorizontalverticalDu1By working whole to part, is prevented accumulation of errorsdivision of errorstotal instrumental errorpersonal errorAu1Outputs of surveying areplansmapscorrect horizontal measurementsvertical measurementsCu1Corrected horizontal angles and are used to prepere maps.horizontal distancesplansmodern instrumentsgraph papersAu1map is actually graphical presentation of projected on horizontal planemam-made objectsnatural featuresangles and linesportion of Earth's surfaceDu1Scale such as 1 cm= 250 km upto 1cm = 500 km is generally adopted for mapscity geologicalforestdistrictCu1Mineral resources and rock types are shown on .. MapsarcheologicaltopographiccadastralgeologicalDu1Cadastral map typically includes .land and property boundariestopographical featuresenvironmental detailsclimate zoneAu1National park, bird sancturies, etc are shown in .. Mapsenvironmentalcadastral forest climaticCu1 maps can be used to identify rocks, minerals, earthquake zones, stone quarries, etcgeologicalgeographical topographicALSEISMICAu1Different types of ecosystems and biodiversity can be studied from .. Maps.Forestcadastral geographicalenvironmentalDu1rainfall, wind, temperature and such zones are shown on .. Maps.forestweathercadastralenvironmentalBu1Town planning can be assisted by mapsForestweathertopographicalcityDu1Contours and main features such as water bodies, forests, hills, etc. are found in .. Mapstopographicalcityforest archeologicalAu1For planning and execution of mega- project such as Konkan railways, type of map must be mainly used.archeologicalforesttopographicALgeologicalCu1Tourists can use maps for visiting new places in towntopographicalcityarcheologicalcadastralAu1A scale such as 1cm = 50 m is used for mapsarcheologicaltopographical forestcityDu1for defence, positoning of bunkers and check posts, .. Maps are used.militaryarcheological city forestAu1Drawing with a scale such as 1 cm= 1m is called as city mapcadastral mapplangeological mapCu1If surveying is not done whole to part, accumulation of error leads to ..wrong angular measurementswrong distance measurementsbad shaped triangles in triangulationincorrect mapDu1Identify the incorrect type of map (irrelevant in engineering)Cadastral mapcity mapgeological mapwall mapDu1Major grawback of modern methods and electronic equipment is requirement of power sourcemore time requireddifficult repairsharmful radiationsAu1Minimum angle that can be measured by digital thedolite is .1'1"15'15"Bu1Digital thedolite is not used for . Out of followingdistance measurementmeasuring angles of elevationneasuring angles of depressionmeasuring horizontal angleAu1out of following, .. Is not a part of digital thedoliteoptical plummetlevelling head tracing armtelescopeCu1Optical plummet is used for the digital thedolite over the instrument stationstartingcenteringlevellingplacingBu1In triangulation work, . Is used for measuring interior angles very accuratelyE.D.M.optical plummetlaserdigital thedoliteDu1While measuring angles with digital thedolite, thedolite is mounted (fixed) on a ..standtripoidplatformrobotBu1Digital theodolite can be used as a level by ..adusting vertical angle to zeroadusting horizontal angle to zerorotating telescaope slowly about vertical axisfocussing accuratelyAu1Total station is a combination of ..mechanical and electronic theodolitedigital thedolite and digital planimeterE.D.M. and electronic digital theodolite digital planimeter and E.D.M.Du1All X, Y, and Z co- ordinates of a station can be obtained by usinglaser digital theodolitedigital planimetertotal stationDu1Missing line measurement is possible with surveyingtotal stationelectronic digital theodolitedigital planimeterBu1Distance measurements, angle measurements and .. Measurements are possible by using station. Hence surveying and levelling are integrated.verticalareamapplanAu1Rotary laser mounted on tripod is used for .parallel linecentar lineslaser levellingcenteringCu1For alignment, checking verticality and horizontality very accuratly, . Can be used at construction sites.E. D. M.G. P. S.Total stationLaser instrumentsDu1For safe navigation even at night times, . Can be usedG. P. S.E. D. M.Digital theodolitetotal stationAu1For rapid survey, . Can be used to obtain co-ordinates of station.E. D. stationG. P. planimeterCu1Vertical navigation, locating a station exactly possible by using total stationG. P. S.Digital theodoliteE. D. M.Bu1Data stored in digital theodolite or total station can be used for ..area measurementcalculationdigital mappingestimationCu1Different types of data and maps can be retrieved very fast using .G. P. stationDigital theodoliteG. I. S.Du1For relectronic measurement of distance is required at the remote or slave station.reflector with prismsreflector with mirrorsreceiver with special glassescollector with prismsAu1Based on the measurement range, E. D. M. are of .. Types234manyBu1Different types of foundation are:Wall foundation, Shallow foundation, Deep foundationStructure foundation, shallow foundation, deep foundationBuilding foundation, shallow foundation, deep foundatioColumn foundation, shallow foundation, deep foundationAu1The part of structure below ground level is called as:Wall ColumnFoundationPlinthCu1Foundation Engineering makes use of the knowledge of behaviour of the soil obtained from geo=technical engineering and determines:Cube rate analysisProper type of foundationProof consultancyPlinth area estimateBu1One of the application of foundation engineering is:Design of proper foundationClassification of soilRehabilitation of old structuresDesign of gates to control flood waterAu1Foundation of building structure is designed to serve the following purposes:Settlement of structure should be uniform throught the area of foundationBasic concepts and index properties of soils can be studiedDesign of structural elementDetermining the capacity of reservoirAu1A branch or basic area of civil engineering which deals with water supply, diposal of waste water generated from domestic and industrial use and environmental pollution control is known as:Structural engineeringEnvironmental engineeringGeotechnical engineeringIrrigation engineeringBu1One of the application of environmental engineering is:To treat and supply of waterTo determine bearing capacity of soilIt helps for assessing the capability of subgrade of roadFailure analysis of collapsed structureAu1One of the use of environmental engineering is:To determine detailed estimateTo control pollution and protect human lifeTo determine the capacity of reservoirRehabilitation of old structureBu1Branch of environmental engineering which deals with the treatment of domestic and industrial waste water is known as:Water supplySanitary engineeringQuantity SurveyingIrrigation engineeringBu1The water supply and treatment of water supply comes under the part of:Sanitary engineeringQuantity SurveyingIrrigation engineeringEnvironmental engineeringDu1Waste water in the big cities is carried away by network of pipelines called as:Network of pipesWater mainsSewerCement pipesCu1The part of the environmental engineering which deals with the air pollution, sound pollution, thermal pollution and water pollution etc.Sanitary engineeringEnvironmental pollutionWater supplyEnvironmental engineeringBu1Presence in outdoor atmosphere, of one or more contaminants, such as dust, fumes, gases, mist, smoke, odour or vapour in quantities with characteristics and such duration as to be injurious to human, plant, or animal life or to property or which reasonably interferes with the comfertable enjoyment of life is known as: Water pollutionNoise pollutionAir pollutionLand pollutionCu1Unwanted sound is called:NoiseGreen house effectAcid rainOzone depletionAu1A branch or basic area of civil engineering which deals with the measurement of items of construction and multiplies it by the present market rate so as to know the probable cost of the construction is known as:SurveyingQuantity SurveyingAdvance surveyingGISBu1A procedure or mathematical method of working out the probable cost of construction based upon the measurement of various items of the construction work is known as:Quantity surveyingEstimateDesignTrial pitBu1A detailed estimates is prepared in________ stages.OneTwoThreeFourBu1One of the type of estimate is :Cube rate estimateSquare rate estimateCircle rate estimateLine rate estimateAu1The cost of each item of construction work is determined in a format called as:Revised estimateSupplementary estimateAbstract sheetConstruction sheetCu1One of the application of quantity surveying is:Probable cost of the work Before constructionIntensity of stresses on soil strata at different depths underneathFailure analysis of collapsed structureTo know the safe bearing capacityAu1Branch of quantity surveying which deals with the assessing the present fair value of aproperty is knownQuantity surveyingEstimationValuationSurveyingCu1One of the necessity of valuation is:Design of proper foundationBuying and selling the property Water supplySanitary engineeringBu1One of the type of value is:Salvage valueStand valueGate valueInsuranceAu1The value of dismantled materials of a property at the end of its utility period is known as:Scrap valueSalvage valueMarket ValueBook valueAu1The value at the end of utility period without being dismantled is known as:Scrap valueSalvage valueMarket ValueBook valueBu1The value or amount of property, which may be obtained at any time from the open market is known as:Scrap valueSalvage valueMarket ValueBook valueCu1The value or amount mentioned in the account book at the time of purchase and can be obtained on deduction done by depreciation is known as: Scrap valueSalvage valueMarket ValueBook valueDu1Scrap value is about ________ of its total cost of construction10%20%30%40%Au1The branch of basic area of civil engineering which deals with the study of zones of probable seismic intensity upon the different area so that any preventive care can be taken against eartquake is known as : Foundation engineeringGeotechnical engineeringEarthquake engineeringSoil MechanicsCu1The branch of civil engineering which deals with development, design,construction & maintainance of roadways,railways,airways and waterways is known as -----------------.Irrigation engineeringStructural engineeringTransportation engineeringEnvironmental engineeringCu1The distance between inner face of two parallel rails is known as---------.trackballastsleepergaugeDu1which of the following gauge is not used in india as railway gauge?medium gaugeNarrow gaugeBroad gaugemeter gaugeAu1In case of broad gauge the distance between inner faces of two parallel rail is ----------.1 m1.676 m1.678 m1.687 mBu1in case ofNarrow gauge the distance between inner faces of two parallel rail is ----------.1 m0.675 m0.762 m 0.767 mCu1In case ofmeter gauge the distance between inner faces of two parallel rail is ----------.1 m0.999 m1.100 m1.010 mAu1The capital cities of the various states are connected to each other bycement concrete roadnational higwaystate highwaytar roadBu1which type of road connect district place to taluka place?major district roadstate highwayother disrtict roadvillage roadAu1which type of road connect taluka place to village?major district roadstate highwayother disrtict roadvillage roadCu1road connecting district places in state is known as --------.major district roadstate highwayother disrtict roadvillage roadBu1which type of material is used in construction of expressway?cement concretebitumentar asphaltAu1The road pavement can not change their shape without rupture are known as --------.tar pavementflexible pavementearthen pavementrigid pavementDu1The road pavement which can change their shape without rupture are known as:tar pavementflexible pavementearthen pavementrigid pavementBu1the common example of rigid pavement is cement concrete roadwater bound macadam roadTar roadEarthen roadAu1One of the application of transportation engineering is------------Useful in planning new towns in better wayGeological formations over vast areas can be studiedRemote areas and rural areas become accessible and communicableFloods can be monitored and flood damage can be accessedCu1The necessity of road isQuick and easy transportImproving irrigation in countryuseful planing of citiesRehabilitation of peopleAu1The branch which deals with the study of soil, its behaviour and application as an engineering material is known as...Foundation engineeringirrigation EngineeringStructural engineering Geotechnical EngineeringDu1The branch which deals with the study of different types of foundations, design, construction of foundation is known asis known as...Foundation engineeringirrigation EngineeringStuctural EngineeringGeotechnical engineeringAu1The portion of structure constructed below the ground is known as.Base FoundationSuper StructurePlinthBu1A phenomenon in which a part of the inicident electromagnetic radiation passes through matter is known as..Transmission ScatteringReflectionTransitionAu1The function of foundation isTo increase load of structure To increase settlement of structureto increase stability of structureto increase base of structureCu1The application of geotechnical engineering isdetermination of water qualitydetermination of pollutiondetermination of costdetermination of soil propertiesDu1the branch which deals with the study of water supply,waste water & different types of pollution is known as Foundation engineeringirrigation Engineeringenvironmental engineeringground water engineeringCu1Drinking water is supplied to domestic purpose.before treatmentafter treatmentfrom wellfrom damBu1The branch which deals with determination of approximate cost of construction before construction is known asQuantity surveyingsurveyingcostingvaluationAu1The branch which deals with determination of the present fair value of the property is known aslevellingSurveying costingvaluationDu1The necessity of valuation of property is .for fixing boundries of propertyfor construction on propertybuying and selling of propertyfor insurance of propertyCu1The value of property mentioned in the account book at the time of purchase and can be obtained on deduction is known as ..Salvage valuescrap valueMarket ValueBook valueDu1The value of property which may be obtained at any time is known as.Salvage valuescrap valueMarket ValueBook valueCu1The branch of civil engineering which deals with the study of zones of probable seismic intensity in the different areas is known asearthquake engineeringGeotechnical engineeringfoundation engineeringEnvironmental engineeringAu1Seismic map of india has been prepared by which departmentgeologicalirrigation EngineeringSurveying meteorologicalDu1The point on the earth's surface where we feel earthquake is known as.hypocenterepicenterseismic centerearthquake centerBu1for a dam project folowing is not releventelectrical engineeringbiomedical engineeringmechanical engineeringagricultural engineeringDu1erection of transmission towers is not a part of ---------- projectdamexpressway for remote areasConstruction Engineeringinfrastructure devolopmentCu1expressway is generally said to be most economical if width of road is minimumit is construction on B.O.T. basis.amount of earthwork is cutting and filling is nearly equal.tar top is used with gentle slopeCu1which is the correct sequencesurveying , preparing plans and sections,estimation,designsurveying ,design, preparing plans and sections,estimation,estimation,surveying , preparing plans and sections,designdesign,estimation, preparing plans and sections,surveying ,Au1in 21 st century--------- is of great significance for the developing country like india for fast economic and social unliftment.infrastructure devolopementtown planningexpresswaydamAu1for best possible efficient completion of a mega project, there must be ----------- aproach followed by all agencies and persons.automationenvironment awarenessinterdisciplinaryopenCu1for foundation selection and design ------- is very essentialenvironment engineeringSuper structuresubsoil explorationlayoutCu1catchment and commad are a studies are a part of ----------- projectexpresswayhigh rise buildingsrailwaysdam(irrigation)Du1good infrasrtucture gives gives boost to-------- of the rigion or areaeconomyindependenceland-usespowerAu1The branch of basic area of civil engineering which deals with the study of zones of probable seismic intensity upon the different area so that any preventive care can be taken against eartquake is known as : Foundation engineeringGeotechnical engineeringEarthquake engineeringSoil MechanicsCu1Earthquakes are produced by sudden release of tremendous amounts of energy within the earth by a sudden movement at a point called :HypocentreEpicentreCentreSeimic centreAu1The point on the surface of the earth directly above the hypocentre is called: HypocentreEpicentreCentreSeimic centreBu1An earthquake map of India has been prepared by the __________ Department showing zones liable to severe, moderate and minor earthquakes.MeteorologicalSurveyIrrigation GeotechnicalAu1There is vertical and horizontal wave like motion of the ground in case of earthquakes. The most destructive force in the horizontal direction because:Vertical motion is much greater than horizontal motionsVertical motion and horizontal motion are zeroHorizontal motion are much greater than the vertical wave motionsHorizontal and vertical motions are equal.Cu1Which is one of the preventive care that is taken against eartquake:The maximum foundation pressure under dead and live load combined with Seismic forces shall not exceed by 10 % of the normal safe bearing pressure An earthquake map of India has been prepared by the meteorological department showing zones liable to severe, moderate and minor earthquakesSeismic forces vary rapidly with time. Therefore, they impose a dynamic loading on building.During an earthquake, the ground may move horizontally in any direction and up and down, shifting the building foundation correspondingly.Au1Branch or basic area of civil engineering which deals with the provision of good infrastructural facilities which help for the rapid growth of a particular areais known as: Highway engineeringIrrigation engineeringInfrastructural developmentSurveyingCu1______ provides the infrastructural facilities at many places in Maharashtra by which there is a fast development and growth of areas.MIDCKIDCCIDCDIDCAu1Remote sencingnis a modern technique of _____________ .LandscapingSurveyingIrrigationTown planningBu1Remote sencing in surveying uses a sensor system that transfers and receives the energy in the form of :Infrared RaysElectromagnetic wavesU.V. raysMagnetic wavesBu1Remote sencing is used to collect the information about :Agriculture, forestry, archeology environment, water resources management, transportation etc.Innovative processes and elements for their contemporary normal building procedures.To determine the capacity of soilProbable cost of the work before constructionAu1___________mainly deals with the planning aspects and sitting of industries in such a way that the natural resources are conserved and utilized in the best possible manner.Surveyingquantity SurveyingTown planningEnvironmental engineeringCu1Town planning is an integral aspect of _________ of an area Infrastructural developmentEconomic developmentRoad developmentAutomation developmentBu1Town planning helps to reduce illegal construction in the area by formation ________ rules for specific area Economic controlDevelopment controlRoad ControlAutomation controlBu1As per new government policies, government is promoting the development of townships and _________ in various statesSocial economic zonesSpot economic zonesSpecial economic zonesSpeed economic zonesCu1One of the need of automation in construction industry is :Increase in project speedReady mix concreteProvision of a proper drainage systemCube rate estimateAu1One of the example of automation in construction industry is:Increase in project speedReady mix concreteProvision of a proper drainage systemCube rate estimateBu1Following are automatic machine use in construction of road Tower craneAsphalt mixer and asphalt pavers Total stationLaser levelBu1__________ is an example of automation in material movement. Tower craneAsphalt mixer and asphalt pavers Total stationLaser levelAu1The ___________ pick it up, swings and places at the required height.Tower craneAsphalt mixer and asphalt pavers Total stationLaser levelAu1At large projects e. g. Dams and tunnel construction, automation has happened in the use of earth moving equipments, thus _________ ton dumpers are common taking away large excavation debris.25 or 305 or 1015 or 201 or 5Au1In _______ construction, two manholes are dug at two places and then a tunnel is bored below the surface, without disturbing the surface.Trench lesstrenchearth workExcavationAu1Sites can be surveyed with the use of modern instruments such _______ having a PC connectivity and softwre. Laser levelProfilo meterAuto levelEDMBu1Instrument__________ measures the profile of a structure, say, inside of tunnel and records the measurements on a CD. Then the instrument gives an engineering drawing of the tunnel profile.Laser levelProfilo meterAuto levelEDMBu1Branch or discipline coming under the basic areas in civil engineering is :Irrigation engineeringWaterLandRoadAu1Civil engineering is perhaps the only branch of engineering which is closely associated with two of the three basic human needs of :Shelter and foodShelter and roadFood and roadFood and waterwayAu1Civil engineering finds out probable cost of the project by ________SurveyingTestingEstimationStructural designCu1These days, especially for big projects like expressways, water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants etc. the responsibility of maintenance also entrusted to ____________.Mechanical EngineerElectrical Engineer Computer engineerCivil engineerDu1The civil engineer has to select proper site for construction of dam across a _________.LakeStreamRiverSpringCu1_________ area is that area of ground from where, all the rainfall falling on that area gets conveyed and stored at one point.Catchment areaTopographycontourSurveying areaAu1The total amount of water that can be stored in the reservoir is ________Area capacityLake capacityPound capacityReservoir capacityDu1Hydraulic design of adjoining structures such as spillway, energy dissipator, canals is also carried out by Irrigation engineerHydraulic engineer Environmental engineerGeotechnical engineerAu1if the dam is to be constructed for generation of hydro-electrical power the planning, designing and construction of power plant is a joint responsibility of :Civil, chemical & mechanical engineerCivil, electrical and production engineerCivil, electrical and mechanical engineerCivil, chemical and production engineerCu1The most ______ alignment shall be selected.SraightTechno economicalCheaper in constructionEasy in constructionBu1Design of electrically operated trains is carried out by:Electrical & mechanical engineerCivil & mechanical engineerCivil & electrical engineerCivil & electrpnic engineerAu1Design of signaling system is carried out by:Electronic & electrical engineerElectronics & Civil engineerCivil & electrical engineerCivil & mechanical engineerAu1Fabrication, maintenance of construction equipments, design & manufacture of buses, trains is carried out by :Civil engineerElectrical Engineer Mechanical engineerElectronic engineerCu1One of the following adverse condition faced by civil engineer in constrction is :construction of structures in coastal areas across the valley or on problematic soilcommunication between different trainsin fabrication of construction equipment in design of signaling systemAu1In _________ vertical measurement or level or elevations of relative positions of points are found out and then contour maps can be prepared so as to know the ground profile of earth surface.SurveyingLevellingEstimationQuantity surveyingBu1________ maps can be prepared which gives the correct idea of the ground profileContour maparea mapSite mapSurveyAu1Horizontal distance can be found out with the help of __________Optical squareLine rangerChainDumpy levelCu1Carrying out the survey on lakes, rivers, nala and sea to study the bed profile. This is known as _________Topographical surveyLand surveyHydrographic Survey Aerial surveyCu1_________ instrument is used for levelling.ChainRanging rodDumpy level Line rangerCu1_________ are used for aerial photography.Airplane or helicopterTotal stationEDMDigital planimeterAu1Carrying survey in city areas as to locate details like open area, streets, buildings, water supply and sewer line etc. This is known as :Chain surveyCompass surveyCity surveyAerial surveyCu1Most advance method of surveying:Remote sensingAerial photographyHydrological surveyingChain SurveyingAu1The part of super structure existing between the ground level and floor level is known as :LintelsillplinthskirtingCu1Construction engineer basically is concerned with two parts as follows:Materials for construction and construction processesMaterial for construction and surveyingSurveying & construction processesSurveying & estimationAu1In construction engineering, building structures are of three types as follows:Framed, load bearing and composite structureBrick, stone & composite structureWood, plastic & load bearing structureMud, framed & composite structureAu1One name of type of road based upon material used for construction.WBMNHSHMDRAu1One name of type of road based upon function and location.Earthen roadWater bound macadam roadcement concrete roadNational highwayDu1One of the factor for site selection of factory building is :Site selection for factory should be away from care residential zone Site selection for factory should be near from care residential zoneIt should not be accessible Raw material required should not be in vicinityAu1One of the factor for site selection of residential building is :It should br developed plot with roads, electricity and waterIt should not be located in residential zoneIt should in polluted area It should be near industrial zoneAu1One of the use of environmental engineering is:Pollution controlPopulation controlSignal controlVehicle controlAu1One of the use of Geotechnical engineering isFor designing the earthen damFor design of buildingFor laying of railway trackPollution control Au1One of the use of structural engineering is :Rehabilitation of old structureTreatment of waterSurveying of landRehabilitation of peopleAu1One of the use of foundation engineering isDesign of shallow foundationDesign of buildingDesign of roofR.C.C. DesignAu1One of the differnce between estimation and valuation of building is :Estimation gives the approximate cost of the construction and valuation gives the presentnvalue of property already constructedEstimation gives the cost of the property and valuation gives value of constructionEstimation gives quantity of construction and value of constructionEstimation gives value of construction & valuation gives approximate cost of constructionAu1One of the difference between Flexible pavement and Rigid pavement :Flexible pavement can change their shape to some extent without rupture where as rigid pavement cannot Flexible pavement thickness is less than rigid pavementFlexible pavement is more stiff then rigid pavementFlexible pavement does not take the shape of surface soil as that of rigid pavementAu1Road constructed by using cement concrete is known as :Earth roadBituminous roadCement concret roadWBMCu1Cement concrete road is :Flexible roadRigid roadWBM roadStrong roadBu1Bituminous road is :Flexible roadRigid roadWBM roadStrong roadAu1Ballast means:SleeperRailGaugeCrushed stones & metalDu1Following are three gauges used in indian railwayNarrow, Meter, broad gaugeHalf meter, wide, narrow gaugeNarrow, wide & broad gaugeMeter, short & broad gaugeAu1Parts of railway track are Rail & sleeperRail & saddleSleeper & woodSleeper & gaugeAu1One of the difference between railway & roadway:Road is suitable for any ditance whereas railway is suitable for long distanceRoad maintenance cost is more , railway maintenance cost is lessRoad load carrying capacity is more than railwayRoad is not suitable for all type of traffic as railwayAu1The road having their surface consisting of clean, crushed aggregates mechanically interlocked by rolling and bound together with filler material and water laid on a prepared base course is called: Earth roadWBM roadcement concrete roadBituminous roadDu1The road having its wearing surface consisting of clean, crushed aggregates mechanically interlocked by rolling and bound together with filler material and water laid on a prepared base course is called :Earth roadWBM roadcement concrete roadBituminous roadBu1The road having its foundation and wearing surface consisting of one or two compacted layers of an ordinary soil is known as :Earth roadWBM roadcement concrete roadBituminous roadAu1The position occupied by the centre line of road in plan is called:Road alignmentCurveGradientSuper elevationAu1The rolled steel section laid end to end in two parallel lines over sleepers to form a railway track are known as :SleepersRailsGaugeBallastBu1The members laid transversely under the rails for supporting and fixing them to the gauge distance apart are known as:SleepersRailsGaugeBallastAu1Indian railways are divided into ______ Zones for convenience of operation and maintenance.NinetenFiveTwoAu1An__________ is a procedure or mathematical method of working out the probable cost of construction based upon the measurement of various items of the construction work as :EstimateSurveyConstruction LayingAu1One of the example of interdisciplinary approach in engineering:Power generation projectSurveyConstruction of wallConstruction of rootAu1In construction of expressway design of software is done by:Civil EngineerComputer engineerMechanical engineerElectronic engineerBu1The role of civil engineer in construction of building:Finding the foundation detailsDesign of turbinesMaintenance of construction equipmentExpressway constructionAu1Role of civil engineer in construction of dams:Catchment area studiesDesign of turbinesHydraulic & geotechnical insrumentsMass rapid transit systemAu1Role of civil engineer in construction of expressway:Maintenance of construction equipmentDesign softwareDesign of cross-sectionDesigning layout of underground internet cables, telephone linesC

Unit IISR NOMCQ's of BCEEABCDANSu2The lowest part of the structure which transmits the load to the soil is known asSuper StructurePlinthFoundationBasementCu2The foundation in buliding is provided to Distribute the load over a large areaincrease overall stability of the structureTransmit load to the bearing surface at uniform rateAll of the aboveDu2The failure of the foundation of building is due to Withdrawl of subsoil moistureunequal settlement of soillateral escape of supporting materialAll of the aboveDu2The ability of subsoil to support the load of the structure without yielding is known asBearing value of soilbearing power of soilbearing capacity of soilany one of theseDu2The minimum load which will cause failure of a foundation is called asUlimate tensile strengthnominal strengthUltimate bearing powerUltimate compressive strengthCu2A scale of 1: 1000 meansonly 0.1 % ares is plottedarea is enlarged thousand timesare is plotted thousand timesfield area is reduced by 1/1000Du2A map having scale 1cm = 400m will have R. F. of (1 : 400)(1: 4000)(1 : 40000)(1 : 400000)Cu2If scale of a map is 1cm = 50 m, a side of building admeasuring 40m will appear as a line .. cm long on map0. working whole to part, generally the area is divided into as first step.large trianglesvery samll trianglesrectanglessquareAu2For locating a point near a survey line it is essential to measure at least . From the survey line.perpendicular distancetwo angles and one distancetwo anglestwo distances and one angleCu2If we measure one distance and one angle of a point with respect to a survey line, definitely wit5h respect to the linetwo points areone point isone triangle istwo triangles areBu2Maps always shows . angles and distances.inclinedobliquehorizontalverticalCu2For preparing map of an are . Measurements are not requiredhorizontalobliquehorizontalverticalDu2By working whole to part, is prevented accumulation of errorsdivision of errorstotal instrumental errorpersonal errorAu2Outputs of surveying areplansmapscorrect horizontal measurementsvertical measurementsCu2Corrected horizontal angles and are used to prepere maps.horizontal distancesplansmodern instrumentsgraph papersAu2map is actually graphical presentation of projected on horizontal planemam-made objectsnatural featuresangles and linesportion of Earth's surfaceDu2Scale such as 1 cm= 250 km upto 1cm = 500 km is generally adopted for mapscity geologicalforestdistrictCu2Mineral resources and rock types are shown on .. MapsarcheologicaltopographiccadastralgeologicalDu2Cadastral map typically includes .land and property boundariestopographical featuresenvironmental detailsclimate zoneAu2National park, bird sancturies, etc are shown in .. Mapsenvironmentalcadastral forest climaticCu2 maps can be used to identify rocks, minerals, earthquake zones, stone quarries, etcgeologicalgeographical topographicALSEISMICAu2Different types of ecosystems and biodiversity can be studied from .. Maps.Forestcadastral geographicalenvironmentalDu2rainfall, wind, temperature and such zones are shown on .. Maps.forestweathercadastralenvironmentalBu2Town planning can be assisted by mapsForestweathertopographicalcityDu2Contours and main features such as water bodies, forests, hills, etc. are found in .. Mapstopographicalcityforest archeologicalAu2For planning and execution of mega- project such as Konkan railways, type of map must be mainly used.archeologicalforesttopographicALgeologicalCu2Tourists can use maps for visiting new places in towntopographicalcityarcheologicalcadastralAu2A scale such as 1cm = 50 m is used for mapsarcheologicaltopographical forestcityDu2for defence, positoning of bunkers and check posts, .. Maps are used.militaryarcheological city forestAu2Drawing with a scale such as 1 cm= 1m is called as city mapcadastral mapplangeological mapCu2If surveying is not done whole to part, accumulation of error leads to ..wrong angular measurementswrong distance measurementsbad shaped triangles in triangulationincorrect mapDu2Identify the incorrect type of map (irrelevant in engineering)Cadastral mapcity mapgeological mapwall mapDu2Major grawback of modern methods and electronic equipment is requirement of power sourcemore time requireddifficult repairsharmful radiationsAu2Minimum angle that can be measured by digital thedolite is .1'1"15'15"Bu2Digital thedolite is not used for . Out of followingdistance measurementmeasuring angles of elevationneasuring angles of depressionmeasuring horizontal angleAu2out of following, .. Is not a part of digital thedoliteoptical plummetlevelling head tracing armtelescopeCu2Optical plummet is used for the digital thedolite over the instrument stationstartingcenteringlevellingplacingBu2In triangulation work, . Is used for measuring interior angles very accuratelyE.D.M.optical plummetlaserdigital thedoliteDu2While measuring angles with digital thedolite, thedolite is mounted (fixed) on a ..standtripoidplatformrobotBu2Digital theodolite can be used as a level by ..adusting vertical angle to zeroadusting horizontal angle to zerorotating telescaope slowly about vertical axisfocussing accuratelyAu2Total station is a combination of ..mechanical and electronic theodolitedigital thedolite and digital planimeterE.D.M. and electronic digital theodolite digital planimeter and E.D.M.Du2All X, Y, and Z co- ordinates of a station can be obtained by usinglaser digital theodolitedigital planimetertotal stationDu2Missing line measurement is possible with surveyingtotal stationelectronic digital theodolitedigital planimeterBu2Distance measurements, angle measurements and .. Measurements are possible by using station. Hence surveying and levelling are integrated.verticalareamapplanAu2Rotary laser mounted on tripod is used for .parallel linecentar lineslaser levellingcenteringCu2For alignment, checking verticality and horizontality very accuratly, . Can be used at construction sites.E. D. M.G. P. S.Total stationLaser instrumentsDu2For safe navigation even at night times, . Can be usedG. P. S.E. D. M.Digital theodolitetotal stationAu2For rapid survey, . Can be used to obtain co-ordinates of station.E. D. stationG. P. planimeterCu2Vertical navigation, locating a station exactly possible by using total stationG. P. S.Digital theodoliteE. D. M.Bu2Data stored in digital theodolite or total station can be used for ..area measurementcalculationdigital mappingestimationCu2Different types of data and maps can be retrieved very fast using .G. P. stationDigital theodoliteG. I. S.Du2For relectronic measurement of distance is required at the remote or slave station.reflector with prismsreflector with mirrorsreceiver with special glassescollector with prismsAu2Based on the measurement range, E. D. M. are of .. Types234manyBu2The function of aggregate s in concrete is to serve asbinding material fillercatalystall of theseBu2The rate of hydration is . Proportion to the generation of heatDirectlyInverselyBoth of theseNone of theseAu2Low heat is used in .. StructuresthinthickmediumAll of theseBu2The cement, widely used in retaining wall isRapid hardening cementlow heat cementSulphate resisting cementOedinary portland cementBu2Blast furnance slag cement is used forDamsbridge abutmentretaining wallsall of theseDu2Blast furnace slag cement concrete require time for shuttering and curinglessmoreall of these none of theseBu2Blast furnance slag cement Develops low heat of hydration has less early strengthBoth of thesenone of theseCu2Which of the following cements is expected to have the highest compressive strength after 3 days?Ordinary Portland camentrapid hardening cementHigh alumina cementsulphate resisting cementCu2The fineness of cement is measured in terms ofpercentage wt. retained on IS sieve number 9Surface area in cm2 per gram oc the cementeither of theseNone of theseCu2The aggregate which pass through 75 mm IS sieve and entirely retain on 4.75 mm IS sieve is known ascyclopen aggregatecoarse aggregatefine aggregateall-in-aggregateBu2The maximum particle size of coarse aggregate is45 mm55 mm65 mm75 mmDu2The maximum particle size of fine aggregate is2.5 mm4.75 mm5.85 mm6.5 mmBu2The minimum particle size of fine aggregate is0.0075 mm0.075 mm0.75 mm0.95 mmBu2Bulking of sand isCompacting of sandsegregating sand of particular sizeincrease in volume of sand due to presence of moisture upto certain extentnone of theseCu2In reinforced cement concrete stuctures, the steel reinforcement consists ofdeformed bars cold twisted barsmild steel and medium tensile steel barsall of theseDu2Cement is homogeneous and well propartioned mixture of lime stone andcalciumclaysoilsilicateBu2In construction following of which material is used as binding materialcementsandbrick steelAu2Cement is the . product obtained by burning and crushing of lime stone and clayHardstrongArtificialNaturalCu2Surface area of cement in cm2 per gram is known as finenessfitnesssettingSoundnessAu2For ordinary Portland cement, 7 days compressive strength should be greater than 12 N/mm232 N/mm242 N/mm222 N/mm2Du2Due to presence of lime and magnesium oxide, expansion of cement takes place as it comes in contact with water. This property of cement is known asStrengthFinenessSoundnessSettingCu2Initial setting time of cement should not be less than30 min30 sec300 sec10 minAu2Final setting time of cement is about14 to 16 hrs1 to 2 days4 to 7 days3 to 6 hrsDu2The phenomenon by which the plastic cement paste changes into hard mass is known as compressive strengthsoundnesssetting timefinessCu2When cement is thrown into a bucket of water it should . For sometimeSinkHardsmoothfloatAu2If one's hand is plunged into a bag of cement he should feelwarm hotcoolstickyCu2The cement may be trusted,if the cement is found in the form of powderImperviousImpalpableImmersedIngredientBu2One of the use of cement is..Construction of earthen damReinforcement in RCCManufacturing of bricksManufacturing of tilesDu2The shape of 1 st class bricks are.Sharp straight edges and plin rectangular faceSharp straight edges and rough rectangular facesBlunt straight edges and plain rectangular facesDistorted round edges and plain rectangular facesAu2Absoption of water by weight in case of 1 st class brick is.Less than 30 %Less than 25 %Less than 20 %Less than 22 %Cu2Absorption of water by weight in case of 2nd class brick isLess than 30 %Less than 25 %Less than 20 %Less than 22 %Du2Absorption of water by weight in case of 3rd class brick isLess than 30 %Less than 25 %Less than 20 %Less than 22 %Bu2Compressive strenght of 1st class brick should be> than 10.5 N/mm2> than 7 N/mm2> Than 5 N/mm2> than 3.5 N/mm2Au2Compressive strength of 2 nd class brick should be> than 10.5 N/mm3> than 7 N/mm3> Than 5 N/mm3> than 3.5 N/mm3Bu2which of the following is not directly related to foundationfootingB.C. of the soilDPCDifferential settlementu2SBC of the soil can be obtained by multiplying UBC and fosdeviding UBC and FOSAddition of UBC and FOSsubtracting FOS from UBCu2foundation is also termed as substructure because ------it is not as important as structureit is the part below the structureit is the part below the ground levelit is the minor part of the structureCu2meaning of differential settlement of foundation is----------different structures have different settlementssettlements are different than the IS codessettlement are difficult to controldifferent foundations of the same structure settle by different amounts.Du2when distance between columns is small , ----------------- is prefferabledeep foundationisolated footingcombined footingstrip footingCu2shallow foundations are used for-----------small loads on the structure and good bearing capacity less depthlarge loads on the structure and good bearing capacity greater depthsmall building and good bearing capacity large depthsmall building andvery poor bearing capacity less depthAu2by grouting or chemical treatments ----------------- can be improvedB.C .of the soilsettlement of the foundationfoundation designstrenght of the foundationAu2a pile foundation that transmits the loads through its lower end resting on hard strata is called---------------bearing capacity of the pile end bearing pilereaction pilefriction pile Bu2footings provided separately for RCC columns are called --------------------grillage foundationstrip footingsisolated column footingstrap footingCu2which of the following is type of the deep foundations.grillage foundationstap footingpile foundationraft foundationCu2foundations for tall buildings are designed for--------------------dead loads and seismic loadswind loadsdead loads and wind loadseccentric loadsAu2Tor steel bars are available in two grades namely---------------Fe 250 & Fe 500Fe 250 & Fe 415Ts 250 & Ts 500Fe 415 & Fe 500Du2The steel used are reinforcement in R.C.C. is known as---------.Mild steelHigh tensile steelTor steelHard steelCu2Mild steel bars are designated as ------- due to yield strength of 250 N/mm2Fe 415Fe 250Fe 500Ms 250Bu2Steel is an alloy of iron & carbon,containing carbon from -----------0.25 to 1.25 %0.5 to 1.5% 0.75 to 1.75%0.85 to 1.95%Au2The part of superstructure existing between the ground level and floor level is known as:LintelSill PlinthSkirtingCu2One of the need of automation in construction industry isIncrease in project speed Readymix concreteProvision of a proper drainage system Cube rate estimateBu2Is an example of an automation in material movement Tower craneAsphalt mixerTotal stationLeser levelAu2Settelment of structure should be uniform throughout the area of foundationBasic concept and index properties of soil can be studied.Determining the capacity of reservoir.Design of structural elementAll of the aboveAu2Different type of foundations are:Wall foundation, shallow foundation, deep foundationStructure foundation, Shallow foundation, deep foundationBuilding foundation, Shallow foundation, deep foundationColumn foundation, Shallow foundation, deep foundationAu2The part of the building above the ground level: Sub-structure Super structure Composite structure Road structureBu2Intermediate form between cast iron & wrought iron is known as .FerrousCopperSteelAluminiumCu2colour of which class of brick is uniform red?1st class2nd classclayZhamaAu2The size of modular brick as per Indian standards is20cmX 10cmX 10cm19cmX 10cmX 10cm19cmX 9cmX 9cm20cmX 9cmX 9cmCu2For construction of building and architectural coposition following of which building materal is economically usedprestress concrete bricksteelRCCBu2Which bricks are used as road metal and as agfregate in road constuction?1st classFire brickZhamaClayCu2The class of bricks used in construction of load bearing wall isClay and Zhama1st class and 2nd classFire bricksprestress bricksBu2The class of bricks used in construction of steel furnances, cement kiln,acid plants isClay and Zhama2nd class and 2nd classFire bricksprestress bricksCu2Igneous rock, sedimentary rock and Metamorphic rock are classified asgeologicalphysicalgeographicalchemicalAu2Stratified rock, Unstratified rock and Laminated rock are classified asgeologicalphysicalgeographicalchemicalBu2soft rock,medium rock and hard rock are classified asGeologicalphysicalgeographicalchemicalDu2The rocks which are formed due to cooling of molten lava are known asIgneous rocksedimentary rockmetamorphic rockstratified rockAu2The rocks that are formed by denudation and deposition of existing rocks because of the weathering action are known asIgneous rocksedimentary rockmetamorphic rockstratified rockBu2The rocks that have undergone considerable changes in their constitution, i.e. in their shape, stucture and sometimes even in mineral composition is known asIgneous rocksedimentary rockmetamorphic rockstratified rockCu2One of the example of Igneous rock isGraniteMarbleLime stoneGneissAu2One of the example of sedimentary rock isGraniteMarbleLime stoneGneissCOne of the example of metamorphic rock isGraniteMarbleLime stoneGneissBu2basalt ,granite and dolerite are some examples of -------ignious rocksedimentary rockmetamorphic rockstratified rockAu2sandstone, lime stone and gravel are some examples of----------ignious rocksedimentary rockmetamorphic rockstratified rockBu2Marble ,gneiss & slate are some examples of ----------ignious rocksedimentary rockmetamorphic rockstratified rockCu2Rock which do not have strata and can not be easily split into thin slab and their structure may be crystaline or granular are classified asunstratified rockslaminated rockscrystalline rocksstratified rockAu2Rock which show a layered structure in their natural environment & posses planes of stratification and can be easily split up along these planes are classified as --------unstratified rockslaminated rockscrystalline rocksstratified rockDu2Rock have silicaas their main constitutent & they are hard, durable and not affected by weathering agents ars called as------siliceous rocksargillaceous rockscalcareous rockslaminated rocksAu2Rocks have clay or alumina as their main constituent and they are hard, dense and compact and cannot withstand shocks are called as------siliceous rocksargillaceous rockscalcareous rockslaminated rocksBu2Rocks have calcium carbomate as their main constituent and durability of these rocks depends upon the atmospheric constituents as they are acted upon by hydrochloric acid are called as-----siliceous rocksargillaceous rockscalcareous rockslaminated rocksCu2The rock extremely suitable for ornamental and superior type of building work,monumental structure is-----GraniteMarbleLime stoneGneissBu2the rock which is used for bridge abutment and pier, flooring,kitchen platform,steps etc is------GraniteMarbleLime stoneGneissAu2the sand passing through I.S. sieve of size 4.75 mm is known as-----coarse sandmediun sandfine sandsoft sandCu2the sandretain on I.S. sieve of size 4.75 mm is known as-----coarse sandmediun sandfine sandsoft sandAu2sand obtained from pits,river beds, shore, sea bed is classified as-----coarse sandmediun sandfine sandnatural sandDu2sand obtained from crushing stone is classified as-----coarse sandartificial sandfine sandnatural sandBu2Depending on the fineness, the sand is classified in to ------ groupsfourthreetwo zeroCu2sand prevents excessive -------- of cement paste thereby avoiding cracks during setting. shrinkageswellingsoundnessvolumeAu2which of the following is not a purpose of the automation?reduced risk to human livesmachine importsfast completion of worksbetter quality of workBu2the term -------- is not related to automation in civil engineering projectsTower craneremotely controlled robotsusing R.M.C. for multistoreyed buildingsR.C.C. for beamsDu2number of students in collegr fall under --------- on the superstructuredead loads impact loadvarying loadlive loadDu2the term sill is related to --------- of a building.soilfoundationwindowroofCu2R.M.C. is carried in --------- upto the site and pumped through the special concrete pumps.steel drumsplastic tanksslowly rotating drumsdumpersCu2the structure which provided general cleanliness and safety against rainwater as well as against serpants, rodents, etc is termed as-----foundationplinthsteel windowbrick wallBu2full form of DPC is damp proof constructiondamp oroof coursedevelopment protect centerdamp protectede coarseBu2wind load considered is given as-------- for superstructures.k.v2W.(/g)k.v3W.(/g)2A
