mds summer camp newsletter, week 6

MDS Summer Camp Newsletter

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Page 1: MDS Summer Camp Newsletter, Week 6

MDS Summer Camp Newsletter

Page 2: MDS Summer Camp Newsletter, Week 6

A Message from Morah Marsha

Although our time in camp is winding down, the fun keeps on going. This week was filled with many special experiences. Morah Yona's mom brought in their family dog Charlie to meet our campers. In addition to being the cutest dog we have ever met, he is a therapy dog, who visits people in hospitals and nursing homes. What a mitzvah dog! Speaking of mitzvot, our kids did such a great job drawing pictures for the IDF chayalim last week, they were asked to draw more pictures for the chayalim again this week. Color day was amazing! The campers and counselors dressed in their bunk colors. It was quite a sight seeing all the colors of the rainbow (plus white and pink) walking our halls, going from activity to activity. We all enjoyed our time in The Fun Bus - it really was so much fun! If you get a chance check out the color murals each bunk made. They are displayed outside each of their rooms. It is unbelievable that we are going into our last week of camp. But don't worry, there is still plenty of good times planned for next week. Shabbat Shalom Morah Marsha

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There are many exciting activities happening at camp every week . Our

counselors take pictures of the children having fun and keeping busy

throughout the day. While we can’t include all pictures in the Newsletter,

the pictures are uploaded every week to Dropbox, a private photo-

sharing website. (These pictures cannot be accessed without a direct

link.) Links to the photos are below - click the link to your child’s bunk to

see their pictures. More pictures will be added on an ongoing basis but

the link will stay the same, so you can save it for future viewing. We hope

you enjoy!









Page 4: MDS Summer Camp Newsletter, Week 6

Hi Families, We can't believe six weeks of camp have already flown by! The week started off on a sweet note when the P’rachim and Kochavim baked chocolate cupcakes with Morah Shari. In Kinderdance, Teacher Melissa taught us some new dances and introduced us to an obstacle course. With Morah Simona in science, we continued our exploration of ooblek. It was fun to get messy and play around!. Morah Debbie gave us a chance to use stickers, glue, and confetti to decorate different types types of bugs. Our bugs are definitely the most beautiful bugs in the world! On Monday, Charley the Dog came to camp! He was so sweet and all the children loved getting a chance to pet Charley and see him wag his tail! Thursday was the most exciting day in our week! The Kochavim came dressed for color day in white, while the Prachim came dressed in yellow. Morah Debbie had another project ready for us and we got to make a special color collage! It was so fun painting using different brushes and gluing with pom poms, flowers, and foam shapes. All the children loved their beautiful creation. The Fun Bus was the highlight of our day! Everyone loved jumping on the trampoline, swinging from the bar, and climbing all over the gym equipment. The day ended with decorating the cupcakes we made on Monday with frosting, sprinkles, and chocolate chips. What a delicious way to end the week! We can't believe the summer is almost at an end, with more fun surely to be had next week! We are so sad to say goodbye to our friend Jesse. Love, Morah Stephanie, Morah Talya, Celia, Jenny, Hannah, and Lilly

Kochavim & P’rachim

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Page 6: MDS Summer Camp Newsletter, Week 6

This week the campers had a wonderful time enjoying new experiences and fun activities. On Monday we met 2 very special guests, Morah Yona's mommy and her dog, Charlie! We learned that doggies have allergies just like people and that they pick up their food with their tongues. We even read a book about the importance of taking dogs for walks so they can go to the bathroom, meet other dogs, sniff trees and see the world! In baking this week we made blondies and chocolate cupcakes that we got to ice with our groups color icing! Science was awesomely explosive this week! We used color vinegar and baking soda to create a huge amount of bubbles that overflowed our cups and spilled into our trays. We also got to choose was colors we wanted the bubbles to be. While celebrating color day we participated in a bunch of new activities. We sung, slide, jumped and climbed onto the fun bus where we swung over a giant doughnut, used a gymnas-tics bar and slid down a slide out the back of the bus! We also went on a color string hunt. We hunted the building looking for our groups strings! We found so many, too many to count! It was a great week and we are looking forward to next week, our last week of camp. Morah Yona and Morah Rachel Morah Sara and Morah Gabriella

D’vorim & Parparim

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D’vorim & Parparim

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This week in camp was truly a blast,

Camp is almost done let's make it last!

In Kinderdance we practiced our flexibility skills,

Like arabesque, pirouette, and isolation dance drills.

In gym we had obstacle courses with a ball pit and more,

A football toss, and hula hoops, and tunnel crawling galore.

In art with Morah Debbie we molded Hokusois' "wave",

And decorated animals - they were scary and we were brave.

In science we mixed water colors and vinegar, and put baking soda on top,

We were surprised by the bubbles it made- there were so many to pop.

Color day was a hit, we were the GREENEST we could be,

The fun bus and string hunt- so many adventures for you and me.

In baking we made green cupcakes what a delicious treat,

We added chocolate chips and sprinkles it was so yummy and sweet.

In super soccer stars we practiced passing the ball to our friends,

We woke the balls up in the net, soccer fun never ends!

Wow! This week was one of the best we can't wait for more to do,

We'll see you on Monday and have a great weekend too!


Morah Shira and Morah Jessie

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Page 12: MDS Summer Camp Newsletter, Week 6

Tziporim Wow! Six whole weeks have gone by so fast.

With each successive week being more fun than the last.

Although it was short this week was no exception.

Just take a look at Dropbox and see our happy expressions.

This week was leading up to the big color day.

The Tziporim all came in orange ready to play.

We baked chocolate muffins and decorated them with orange icing and

sprinkles galore. We had such a great time and all wanted more.

The Fun Bus came and lived up to its name.

We jumped, swung tumbled, and did an obstacle course game.

The Tziporim went on a hunt around camp to collect all the orange string.

We searched and searched while we cheered and did sing.

We tied the string and measured it to find out which color was the winner.

The Tziporim were victorious and had an ice cream party after our our camp Shabbat dinner.

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In art we made a model magic water scene inspired by a picture.

In science we experimented with vinegar and baking soda and what happens with that mixture.

We continued with music, kinder dance, and gym.

We are also practicing and perfecting our skills when it comes to swim.

This week we spoke about Tisha b'Av and why it is so sad.

We learned about Bnei Yiseaels sins and why they made Hashem mad.

We also discussed all of the things you can do.

So our dream of a third Beit Hamikdash can quickly come true.

We would like to wish Sarah M, a big happy birthday, may this year be nothing short

of the best.

And once again please remember to get some rest.

Our last and final week is quickly on its way.

Have a Good Shabbat and enjoy the rest of your day!

Morah Karen, Morah Allie, and Moreh Max

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Malkot As Week 6 is almost done, we all can agree it was so much fun! We started of the week with kinder dance, where the obstacle course really challenged us. In art we deco-rated flower tissue boxes with beautiful colors and sand art. In gym, we played in more obstacle courses, which the girls are now pros at! In science we learned why baking soda has it's name. When mixed with vinegar, the bubbles resemble the bubbling of soda. We mixed pinks and blues, and yellows and greens, to make beautiful colors mixed with bubbles! For color day, we went on a string hunt, in our color pink. The girls found 121 pieces of pink string! Go pink team! We ate delicious pink frosted cupcakes and pink ices for a special treat. In art we made a giant poster with all things pink! Our girls were definitely pretty in pink today! The fun bus came to visit and the girls got to go on more obstacle courses, swings, rings, and slides. All on a bus! They had never slid off a bus before! They had a great time. Have a great Shabbat! We can't wait for more fun to come next week. Morah Sarah and Morah Mollie

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Dear Giborim Parents,

Week 6 was filled with so many fun activities! We played a ton of sports this week. We learned how to drib-

ble the soccer ball in Super Soccer Stars and practiced keeping control of the ball. Coach Leora taught us how to hug

a football when we run so that no one can grab it, and we all practiced scoring touchdowns (and of course, our touch-

down victory dances). In art we decorated tissue box covers; they can be used on any square box of tissues. We also

created our own versions of the famous painting “The Great Wave”.

In science we observed what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar. We learned that baking soda

got its name because it makes bubbles, just like soda. We saw that the mixture created more bubbles when we poured

baking soda into a cup of vinegar, than when we added drops of vinegar to a tray of baking soda. These are fun exper-

iments that we can all try at home!

This week we also had a special visit from Morah Yona’s dog, Charlie. Charlie is a therapy dog and helps

make people happy. Everyone had the chance to pet Charlie and some even fed Charlie his favorite treat; cucumbers!

Our color day was a blast. Every member of the Giborim came to camp dressed in blue. We started off our

day with a string hunt. We went around the camp in search of blue strings. We were very careful to not pick up any of

the other groups’ strings. Once we searched the whole camp, we counted up our string; we found 137 blue strings!

We tied some of the strings together to measure each other. Most of the Giborim are between 4 and 5 strings tall.

Matin is 8 ½ strings tall! When we connected all of our strings, it stretched the length of the entire 2nd floor hallway!

After the string hunt we decorated cupcakes with blue frosting; they were delicious. Another special treat that

we had was the Fun Bus. The Fun Bus is a regular bus, but with no seats! Instead of seats, the bus is filled with gym-

nastics equipment. We swung on chains, hung from bars, jumped on trampolines, and walked on a balance beam. To

get off of the bus, we went down a slide from the back of the bus. It was so cool! After a busy day we all cooled off

in the sprinklers.

We had a fantastic week and are looking forward to next week.

Shabbat shalom,

Morah Rena and Matin


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August 14th—Last Day of Camp Dear Parents,

It has been a wonderful summer at MDS Summer Camp. Our amazing group of counselors have played a huge part in ensur-ing that our campers enjoyed themselves in a safe and loving environment. Their energy, creativity, and positive attitudes have helped make summer 2014 a great success.

Below is a list of your children's counselors, as well as a suggested tip schedule.

Please feel free to use this as a guideline.

Head Counselors: Full summer $75, half summer $40

Assistant Counselors: Full summer $65, half summer $35

Jr.Counselors: Full summer $55, half summer $30


o Head Counselor: Talya Leserowitz

o Assistant Counselor: Jenny Woislavsky

o Jr.Counselor: Lily Snyder


o Head Counselor: Stephanie Greenberg

o Jr. Counselor: Celia Eydeland

o Jr.Counselor: Hannah Hudes


o Head Counselor: Sarah Gravanis

o Assistant Counselor: Gabriella Steinerman


o Head Counselor: Yona Glass

o Assistant Counselor: Rachel Sheinwexler


o Head Counselor: Shira Glatt

o Assistant Counselor: Jessie Sherman


Head Counselor: Karen Gurtman

Assistant Counselors: Allie Sherman

Assistant Counselor: Max Hershkowitz


o Head Counselor: Sarah Brecher

o Assistant Counselor: Molly Gold


o Head Counselor: Rena Kirshblum

o Assistant Counselor: Matin Moradi

We hope your children have enjoyed their time at MDS Summer Camp and we look forward to seeing them next summer.

Morah Marsha

Camp Director

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See You Next Week!