meaning vfdgfgof function sheet

Meaning of Function Sheet A function sheet will contain complete information on all events within a function for one day. All function sheets for the coming week will be distributed with the weekly forecast, i.e., and will be discussed during the morning briefings. Function sheet: Where the content of a function sheet has been amended due to changes from the guest, they will be reprinted and redistributed. Small changes of the number of expected attendants or in timing do not need a revised function sheet. The daily event list will provide all the updated information to each department. Always make sure the BEO’s are in order, with the first function of your work shift at the front. The Room where the function will be held. The Number of guests expected. Table setup specification ( including the size, types and colors of table cloths and table skirts ) The menu for the function ( including beverages, number of courses and dessert ) The Time to serve each course. The type of function. Any Special requests.

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Meaning of Function SheetAfunctionsheet will containcompleteinformationonall eventswithinafunction for one day.All function sheets for the coming week will be distributed with the weeklyforecast, i.e., and will be discussed during the morning briefings.Function sheet: Wherethecontent of afunctionsheet has beenamendedduetochanges from the guest, they will be reprinted and redistributed. Small changes of the number of expected attendants or in timing donot need a revised function sheet. The daily event list willprovide allthe updated information to eachdepartment. Always make sure the B!"s are in order, with the first function of yourwork shift at the front. The #oom where the function will be held. The $umber of guests expected. Table setup specification % including the si&e, types and colors of tablecloths and table skirts ' The menu for the function % including beverages, number of coursesand dessert ' The Time to serve each course. The type of function. Any Special re(uests.Function sheet utilize as Cost SheetAct as a Control Sheet MIS statement for Top Management!nce you have a signed contract, you have officially secured a client. An event sheet is a way to conveniently organi&e your events on a single sheet of paper. An event sheet for a restaurant may be different from that of a ban(uet facility. An event sheet is also referred to as a B! %ban(uet event order', resume, or function sheet. )n some cases, these documents will substitute for a contract with the client signing the event sheet.Using the Fuction Sheet to CommunicateAside from organi&ing the details of the event, the event sheet is a line of communication between you and your staff. The event sheet will have the following information to aid the chef, the staff, and vendors in the setup of the event. Reservation name. The name of the company or last nameof the individual hosting the event. Used to guide guests to the proper function in the likelihood the facility has more than one private space. Contact name. This line on the event sheet is for the person planning the event, possibly diferent than the person hosting the event. Include your contact's phone number, fax number, and e-mail address as ell. On-site contact. This line is intended for the person ho is hosting the event. This person ill be present at the event hilethe contact person may not be present. Menu choices. This space is used to communicate to the chef and staf. The menu choices ill involve courses, special re!uests, and allergies. The function's menu may be a limited menu ith a choice of appeti"ers, choice of entr#es, and desserts. $imited menus are also referred to as prix %xe menus and usually entail a per-person charge.& 'nother menu option is family-style dining, in hich large platters of appeti"ers, salads, and entr#es are placed on the table for guests to help themselves. This is also referred to as communal dining. Beverage choices. (ou can have a line item for speci%c beverage types )nonalcoholic beverages, ine, beer, or cocktails*. +everage billing can be based upon consumption using a cash-and-carry bar in hich all guests pay for each individual drink consumed, or the client can pay a set amount for all the drinks in an all-inclusive open bar or host bar. Room setup. 'll events need diferent table setups depending on the si"e of the function. 'n event planner may denote the si"e of the table ith the number of chairs or simply attach a ,oor plan to the event sheet. Notes for FOH. The notes for the front of the house relay any communication to the servers, staf, managers, and bartenders. Notes for BOH. The notes for the back of the house relay communication to the chef, pastry chefs, and sous chefs. Initials. Initials on an event sheet ill let the planner kno that everyone has seen the information to order and staf the event appropriately. Credit card numer. -epending on your company's policy, you may need to secure the deposit ith a credit card number. .ome companies may accept a deposit in the form of a check and in addition still secure a credit card number. /aving a creditcard number on %le ill secure any funds, in addition to the deposit, forfeited as a result of a cancellation or damage. The forfeited funds may go toard paying the losses of the vendors and purveyors, if any, plus any scheduled staf. Form of pa!ment. 0otes ho the guest intends to pay for the event. This line should also have the notes regarding the deposit. Room charge. 1any companies, hotels, ban!uet halls, and restaurants levy a room charge for events. In addition some establishments may impose a room charge for private and semiprivate areas. The cost of the room charge varies from business to business. Service charge. ' service charge usually re,ects a server fee, although occasionally this fee can refer to a management or administrative fee. ' service charge can translate as an hourly rate for servers or be charged in addition to a gratuity. 2or example, if a board meeting re!uires a server for six hours, the gratuity may be lo because the sales are based upon beverages only. (ou ill ant to charge the client a service charge to pay your server additionally. +artenders command higher rates. +e sure the client understands any service fees up front. "alet charge. The client may ant to host the valet. In other ords, the client ould like to pay for all of her guests' valet charges. In!uire as to hether the valet company imposesan automatic gratuity to the clients' valet charges. ' standard tip for a valet is 34 per car. #ratuit!. -enotes a percentage of the bill to hich a gratuity ill be applied. 's a national average, 56 percent is thestandard gratuity, although in ma7or cities the percentage is higher at 58 to 49 percent. In some cases, your commission ill be deducted from this percentage, and the server ill consider you a tipped employee much like a busser, bartender, or food runner. (our tipped income needs to be reported to the I:..The gratuity is based upon the food and beverage total. There has been much debate on the controversy of tipping servers on the ine and alcohol portion of the bill. ;ssentially the government is recogni"ing patrons tipping on a ine and beverage total. $a%-e%emption. .ome businesses are exempt from being taxed by the government. ?s received by the client. -epending onyour company, the con%rmed guest count is due to to %ve days prior to the event. This is the minimum number of guests the client ill be charged for, and the ordering and sta=ng for the event ill be based upon this number. Billing information. +usinesses have individual billing preferences. ;vent-planning companies are no exception. (our company may prefer to invoice a client after an event rather than charge a credit card. 0oadays many companies ill choose a check over a credit card to avoid credit card fees. @redit card companies charge 5 to A percent of the transaction amount. 'dditional re(uests. :e!uests can range from linens to candles to music and everything in beteen. $ist the client's special re!uests on this line.