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Measurement System Analysis For Battery Production Using DMAIC at Northvolt AB Phuc Nguyen Adam Sahlberg Industrial and Management Engineering, master's level 2020 Luleå University of Technology Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences

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Page 1: Measurement System · MS Measurement System MSA Measurement System Analysis P/T Precision to Tolerance SIPOC Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer

Measurement System AnalysisFor Battery Production

Using DMAIC at Northvolt AB

Phuc Nguyen

Adam Sahlberg

Industrial and Management Engineering, master's level


Luleå University of Technology

Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences

Page 2: Measurement System · MS Measurement System MSA Measurement System Analysis P/T Precision to Tolerance SIPOC Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer

Measurement System Analysis

For Battery Production

Using DMAIC at Northvolt AB


För batteriproduktion genom

förbättringsmetoden DMAIC på Northvolt AB

Master Thesis project in Quality Technology and Management at

Luleå University of Technology and Northvolt Labs in Västerås.

Examensarbete utfört inom ämnesområdet kvalitetsteknik vid

Luleå tekniska universitet och Northvolt Labs i Västerås

By Av

Phuc Nguyen

Adam Sahlberg

Västerås, 2020-06-04

Supervisors Handledare

Erik Lovén, Luleå University of Technology

Sreepal Reddy, Northvolt AB

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Acknowledgement This Master Thesis project has been the final work of our Quality Technology and Management

master program and our five-year educational adventure at Luleå University of Technology. The

project was performed between January 20th and June 5th in 2020 on the mission of Northvolt at

Northvolt Labs in Västerås, Sweden.

It has been a great readjustment from the regular university studies which required us as students

to be more independent and creative. Despite an external threat in terms of the covid-19 pandemic,

the progress has been overall smooth and without any major obstacles. We are both proud and

happy over the outcome and consider this as a great introduction to the upcoming challenges in

the working life.

Lastly, there are many individuals we feel a strong gratitude towards. Without their unlimited

support, this Master Thesis would not have been possible. We would like to thank the entire

Quality team and the other Northvolters for continuous guidance and support along the way,

especially Lina for always being available and for trusting us with the Master Thesis task in the

first place. We would also like to thank our fellows Cong Fei, Ding Hui and Duan Chao for

relentlessly and tirelessly providing us with samples to measure. Also, a big thank you to our

classmates and friends Magnus and Maximilian for the co-operation and support during our time

in Västerås. We would also like to express our gratitude to our families for a place to stay, food

and a car to borrow, your daily support has been indispensable. Last but not least, we would like

to thank our supervisors Erik Lovén at Luleå University of Technology and Sreepal Reddy at

Northvolt for valuable advices, comments and support along the way.

Västerås, June 2020.

Phuc Nguyen Adam Sahlberg

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Abstract As battery manufacturing is enclosed with multiple quality and safety requirements, the battery

industry needs adequate Measurement Systems (MS) to provide high product quality and ensure a

safe working environment. The study purpose was to improve the performance of an MS for

battery production by utilizing MSA and Six Sigma methodology, and to make appropriate

recommendations for improvement and future control. The study included 28 measurement

instruments which were evaluated by the utilization of a framework consisting of five different

errors identified in the literature, namely bias, linearity, stability, reproducibility and repeatability.

This framework is considered as the theoretical contribution of this study.

The improvement methodology DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) was used to

perform the case study. The results indicate an overall improved MS and generated improvement

suggestions of three recurrent scenarios that arose in the analysis. Moreover, a company adopted

control plan with an intention to serve as a basis for future work within MSA is presented and

concerns the practical contribution of this work. The results provide helpful support as well as

establish a foundation of how to maintain a well-performing MS for Northvolt. By implementing

the suggested recommendations, the potential saving was estimated to 395 000 SEK annually.

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Sammanfattning En mätsystemanalys genomfördes hos batteritillverkaren Northvolt. Då batteriproduktion

omgärdas av flera kvalitets- och säkerhetskrav behöver batteriindustrin tillförlitliga mätsystem för

att generera hög produktkvalitet samt upprätthålla en säkerhet för användare. Studien syftade till

att förbättra prestandan hos ett mätsystem inom batteriproduktion genom användandet av

mätsystemanalys och Sex Sigma-metodik, samt att ge lämpliga rekommendationer för

förbättringar och framtida kontroll. Studien inkluderade 28 mätinstrument som utvärderades

genom användningen av ett ramverk bestående av fem olika mätsystemfel identifierade i

litteraturen, nämligen bias, linearity, stability, reproducibility och repeatability. Detta ramverk

betraktas som det teoretiska bidraget från denna studie

Förbättringmetodiken DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) användes för att

utföra fallstudien. Resultaten visar på ett övergripande förbättrat mätsystem och genererade

förbättringsförslag på tre återkommande scenarier som uppstod i analysen. Dessutom presenteras

en företagsanpassad kontrollplan med avsikt att utgöra en grund för framtida arbete inom

mätsystemanalys och ses det praktiska bidraget från denna studie. Resultaten förblir ett användbart

stöd samt skapar en grund för hur Northvolt upprätthåller ett högpresterande mätsystem. Genom

att säkerställa prestandan av mätsystemet uppskattades den potentiella besparingen till 395 000

SEK årligen.

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Table of Content 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Case Study Background ................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Problem Discussion and Purpose ..................................................................................... 3

1.4 Delimitations .................................................................................................................... 4

1.5 The Logical Disposition ................................................................................................... 5

2 Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 6

2.1 Research Approach .......................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Research Methodology ..................................................................................................... 6

2.2.1 Define ........................................................................................................................ 7

2.2.2 Measure ..................................................................................................................... 7

2.2.3 Analyze ..................................................................................................................... 8

2.2.4 Improve ..................................................................................................................... 8

2.2.5 Control ...................................................................................................................... 8

2.3 Knowledge Establishment ................................................................................................ 9

2.3.1 Literature Review...................................................................................................... 9

2.3.2 Interviews .................................................................................................................. 9

2.4. Creditability of Research Findings ................................................................................. 10

3 Theoretical Framework .............................................................................................................. 11

3.1 The Measurement System .............................................................................................. 11

3.1.1 The Concept of Precision and Accuracy ................................................................. 11

3.1.2 Measurement System Error ..................................................................................... 12

3.2 Measurement System Analysis ...................................................................................... 13

3.2.1 Accuracy ................................................................................................................. 14

3.2.2 Precision .................................................................................................................. 17

3.3 Measurement System Analysis of Attribute Data .......................................................... 19

3.4 Cost of quality ................................................................................................................ 20

3.5 MSA and Decision-making ............................................................................................ 21

3.6 Measurement System Analysis in ISO 9001:2015 ......................................................... 22

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4 Case Study ................................................................................................................................. 23

4.1 Define ............................................................................................................................. 23

4.1.1 Project charter ......................................................................................................... 23

4.1.2 Process overview .................................................................................................... 24

4.1.3 Potential savings ..................................................................................................... 30

4.2 Measure .......................................................................................................................... 32

4.2.1 Thickness Measurements ........................................................................................ 33

4.2.2 Weight Measurements ............................................................................................ 33

4.2.3 Dimension Measurements ....................................................................................... 34

4.2.4 HI Pot Test .............................................................................................................. 34

4.2.5 Angle Measurements .............................................................................................. 34

4.3 Analyze........................................................................................................................... 35

4.3.1 Analysis Strategy .................................................................................................... 35

4.3.2 Analysis of Measurement Readings........................................................................ 38

4.4 Improve .......................................................................................................................... 41

4.5 Control ............................................................................................................................ 45

5 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 50

6 Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 53

6.1 Validity and Reliability of Method ................................................................................ 53

6.2 Validity and Reliability of Data ..................................................................................... 54

6.3 Study Contribution ......................................................................................................... 55

6.4 Recommendations for future research............................................................................ 56

7 References .................................................................................................................................. 57

Appendix I – Complete Analysis Results ........................................................................... 33 pages

Appendix II – Analysis Using Minitab ................................................................................. 2 pages

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Figures Figure 1: Northvolt Labs (Northvolt AB, 2019a) ........................................................................... 2

Figure 2: Prismatic cell (Northvolt, 2019b) .................................................................................... 4

Figure 3: Logical disposition of remaining chapters. ..................................................................... 5

Figure 4: The concept of precision and accuracy. ........................................................................ 12

Figure 5: The concept of MSA ..................................................................................................... 14

Figure 6: Visualization of Bias Error ............................................................................................ 15

Figure 7: Visualization of Linearity Error .................................................................................... 15

Figure 8: Visualization of Stability Error .................................................................................... 16

Figure 9: Visualization of Repeatability ....................................................................................... 17

Figure 10: Visualization of Reproducibility ................................................................................. 18

Figure 11: Calendering Process .................................................................................................... 25

Figure 12: Anode Jumbo Roll and Thickness of Electrode .......................................................... 25

Figure 13: Notching and Slitting process ...................................................................................... 26

Figure 14: Cathode Pancake ......................................................................................................... 26

Figure 15: Electrode Cutting and Stacking process ...................................................................... 27

Figure 16: Anode electrode dimensions ....................................................................................... 27

Figure 17: The Stacking procedure into a Jelly Roll. ................................................................... 28

Figure 18: Hot Pressing process ................................................................................................... 28

Figure 19: Jelly Roll thickness with pre-welded tab dimension ................................................... 28

Figure 20: Pre-welding process .................................................................................................... 29

Figure 21: Final welding process .................................................................................................. 29

Figure 22: Lid Angle and Film Wrapping Position ...................................................................... 29

Figure 23: Insulation film wrapping process ................................................................................ 30

Figure 24: Electrolyte Filling #1 & #2 .......................................................................................... 30

Figure 25: Type I Error rate .......................................................................................................... 31

Figure 26: Decision tree for the MSA........................................................................................... 49

Figure 27: MI improvement measured in %Error ......................................................................... 51

Figure 28: Linearity which change in variation ............................................................................ 56

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Tables Table 1: Project Charter .................................................................................................................23

Table 2: Existing measurement instruments in Calendering and the Cell Assembly processes ....24

Table 3: Measurement equipment used to measure reference value. ............................................32

Table 4: Acceptance Criteria for Numerical Data .........................................................................36

Table 5: Acceptance Criteria for Attribute Data ............................................................................36

Table 6: Result of Analysis ............................................................................................................38

Table 7: Improvement Suggestions ...............................................................................................42

Table 8: Important understanding prior to MSA. ..........................................................................46

Table 9: Concrete sampling and analysis strategy for the MIs at Northvolt Labs. ........................47

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List of Abbreviations

AAA Attribute Agreement Analysis

CCD Charge Coupled Device

CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine

DMAIC Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control

IDMS Image Dimension Measurement System

ISO International Organization of Standardization

MI Measurement Instrument

MS Measurement System

MSA Measurement System Analysis

P/T Precision to Tolerance

SIPOC Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer

QC Quality Control

R&D Research & Development

R&R Repeatability & Reproducibility

SEK Swedish crowns

SNR Signal to Noise Ratio

SPC Statistical Process Control

SQ Study Question

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1 Introduction This section introduces the subject of this Master Thesis. A description of the case, a discussion

of the problem and a purpose along with a short description of the case company are presented.

Delimitations and the logical disposition lastly illustrate the structure of this study.

1.1 Background By reducing variability in the production, the manufacturing industry has the possibility to obtain

major benefits in terms of money and time (ElMaraghy, Azab, Schuh & Pulz, 2009). At the same

time, companies need to ensure that their product meet the customer’s expectation, which highly

relies on quality of the production process (Coronado & Antony, 2002). ElMaraphu et al. (2009)

stress the importance of managing variations at all levels of the manufacturing process in order to

maintain the profit as well as the high level of quality, responsiveness and adaptability; meanwhile

offering the product variety for customers.

The well-known concept Six Sigma offers a set of statistical tools to measure variation and hence

make it able to manage the process variation (Alkunsol, Sharabati, AlSalhi & El-Tamimi, 2019).

When the process variation reduces, the number of defects also decreases, which is the reason for

the wide usage of Six Sigma in the manufacturing sector nowadays (Abhilash & Thakkar, 2019).

There are many companies that represent great examples of Six Sigma implementation, for

instance Motorola and General Electric which managed to save more than two billion dollars in

one year by reducing the cost of poor quality such as reduced defects, rework and warranty costs

(Alkundsol et al., 2019; Coronado & Antony, 2002). This highlights the importance for companies

to focus their resources on quality and improvement.

The quality of the final product is not only influenced by the production processes, but also from

the performance of the measurement system (MS) (Runje, Novak & Razumić, 2017). A MS can

briefly be described as all the components used to evaluate a certain characteristic of an object. A

critical, yet often overlooked, part of the journey towards reducing variation and continuous

improvement is developing confidence in the system that is used to measure the process

(Kazerouni, 2009). Here, an extremely important Six Sigma tool is measurement system analysis

(MSA) (Kazerouni, 2009; Zanobini, Sereni, Catelani & Ciani 2016). This study defines MSA

according to the definition by Niles (2002): a systematic procedure that identifies the components

of variations in the precision and accuracy assessments of measuring instruments used in a MS.

MSA is based on the philosophy that measurement error covers the true process capability, and

should therefore be performed prior to any other process improvement activity (Harry & Lawson,


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It is apparent that maintaining a proper MS is crucial in most industries, however, there are some

industries that are more dependent of the MS than others. Battery technology has become

increasingly important along with the increasing demand of hybrid and electric vehicles (Liu, Bao,

Cui et al, 2019). This has brought both challenges and opportunities for battery manufacturers. To

satisfy the increasing market demand, manufacturing of high volume, high quality and high-

performance batteries are critical (Ju, Li, Xiao, Huang & Biller, 2014). Simultaneously, Ju, Li,

Xiao, Arinez & Deng (2015) claim that quality has been recognized as one of the most critical

issues in battery manufacturing due to its sensitivity and narrow safety tolerance. Additionally, it

can be problematic when the lack of quality in the earlier battery production line goes undetected

and may have substantial impact on the subsequent operations (Ju et al., 2015). A proper MS has

therefore a critical role to detect defects as quickly as possible and prevent them from traveling

further down the production line.

1.2 Case Study Background The Swedish start-up Northvolt was founded in 2016 with headquarters in Stockholm and with the

business goal to extend the boundaries of battery performance, quality and cost (Northvolt, 2020a).

This derives from a commitment to sustainability and the ambition to minimize the dependence of

the European automobile manufacturers on the Asian suppliers (Northvolt, 2020b).

In order to execute the business goal, a Gigafactory in Skellefteå, Northvolt Ett, is planned to

commence the production in large scale early 2021. Moreover, there are factories planned and

under construction in Germany (Northvolt Zwei) and Poland (Northvolt Battery Systems Jeden)

at this point (Northvolt, 2019c). In Västerås, where this Master Thesis is executed, the intended

R&D center Nortvolt Labs (see Figure 1) is starting its mission of qualifying and industrializing

battery cells and manufacturing processes together with the customers (Northvolt, 2019b).

Figure 1: Northvolt Labs (Northvolt AB, 2019a)

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1.3 Problem Discussion and Purpose As Ju et al. (2015) mention, the lack of quality in early processes will accumulate and have a

negative impact on later stages in the production. Despite this fact, the measurement variation

interferes with the detection of the lack of quality and simultaneously covers the actual process

performance. As many decisions in the current competitive environment are made based on data,

the efficiency of the decision completely relies on the quality of the available data (Kazerouni,

2009). Along with the importance of making fact-based decisions, battery production encloses

multiple quality and safety requirements that have narrow measurement limits. Therefore, a

reliable MS in the battery industry is crucial.

The importance of a reliable MS has also been recognized by Northvolt Labs. The production line

is in a commissioning phase, where the need of process improvement and delivery of high-quality

products is highly prioritized. However, these tasks cannot be achieved without a reliable MS to

track the improvement and monitor the process output. Therefore, conducting MSA is vital for the

company at this stage. In addition, the processes in the production line are equipped with multiple

measurement instruments (MIs) to continuously monitor and measure the processes. Thus, it is

especially important that the MS perform properly at this stage, otherwise severe consequences

are unavoidable. As a start-up, Northvolt cannot afford to deliver products with poor quality since

it would have a substantial negative impact on the company image.

Furthermore, ensuring the performance of the MS is a requirement to be certificated by various

standards within the industry, such as ISO 9000:2015. The standard emphasizes the importance of

that organizations ensure the validity and reliability of monitoring and measuring results, which

inevitably are affected by the MI. Activities regarding calibration, verification or maintenance

should be regularly conducted and properly documented in order to ensure the measurement

traceability. Additionally, an ISO 9000:2015 certification is strongly required from the Northvolt

customers. Since Northvolt is striving to be certificated as early as in November 2020, MSA has

an important role to play for the company at this stage of business.

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As earlier mentioned, MSA is an effective methodology to improve manufacturing processes by

reducing the variation in the processes and the defects in the products (Smith, McCrary, &

Callahan, 2007). Consequently, MSA can be used to reduce the variation of the MS in the battery

production at Northvolt. Thus, the purpose of this Master Thesis project is:

To improve the performance of a MS in battery production by using MSA and making

appropriate recommendations for improvement and future control.

To fulfill the purpose, following study questions (SQs) will be answered in regard to Northvolt:

SQ1 How can the measurement system be evaluated?

SQ2 How much of the variation in each process is due to the measurement system?

SQ3 How can the measurement system be monitored to ensure its performance?

1.4 Delimitations The focus of this project is to investigate the MS in two of the manufacturing processes, namely

Calendering and Cell Assembly of Prismatic Cells. These processes are mainly chosen to obtain a

moderate number of MIs to work with considering the time frame of this study, but also since the

company argues that these processes are the most eligible to investigate at this point in time.

Batteries come in a variety of shapes and designs. As the company sees the MS of the prismatic

battery line as more urgent than the cylindrical battery line, this study will only focus on the

manufacturing of the prismatic battery design at Northvolt Labs, see Figure 2.

Figure 2: Prismatic cell (Northvolt, 2019b)

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1.5 The Logical Disposition Figure 3 below follows the structure of this report, which aims to provide better understanding of

the content of the remaining chapters. Since this Master Thesis was conducted according to the

DMAIC stage-model, the structure of the report is different from the traditional approach. The

main difference can be distinguished in the chapter Methodology, where the choice of action is

presented and motivated. However, the detailed description of how the action is accomplished is

presented in Case Study – DMAIC. The chapters Result and Analysis in the traditional report

subsequently are subchapters under Case Study – DMAIC.

Figure 3: Logical disposition of remaining chapters.

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2 Methodology This section describes the methodology used to fulfill the purpose and answer the study

questions. The choice of research approach is also motivated and the strategies that have been

applied to achieve the aim of the Master Thesis are presented. Finally, the measures taken to

increase the creditability of the methodology are described.

2.1 Research Approach According to Åsvoll (2013), there are three main research approaches, namely deductive, inductive

and abductive. van Hoek, Aronsson, Kovács and Spens (2005) argue that the deductive approach

derives from reviewing the existing literature, from which logical conclusions are formed. These

conclusions in turns generate hypotheses, which eventually was evaluated by empirical

exploration. According to Arlbjørn and Halldórsson (2002), a deductive research approach is most

relevant for the purpose of investigating the validity of existing theories, rather than generating

new ones. An inductive approach distinguishes from a deductive approach when it comes to

generating new knowledge (van Hoek et al., 2005). An inductive approach starts with data

collection, from which analysis is conducted to obtain generalizable conclusions (van Hoek et al.,

2005; Saunders, Lewi & Thornhill, 2019). Further, an abductive approach effectively combines

both induction and deduction (Sauders et al., 2019). This approach starts with studying data to

identify any deviating phenomena. By using existing theory to explain these phenomena, new

knowledge can be obtained.

In this Master Thesis project, an abductive approach was preferably chosen. Since the production

at Northvolt Labs is in a commissioning phase and the existing internal knowledge about the MS

is limited, a deductive approach is not suitable, and a more exploratory approach therefore comes

naturally. Furthermore, there is no need to establish hypotheses since this study is aimed to

investigate the potential improvement of the assigned MIs and propose an appropriate control plan.

It is also important to emphasize that the aim of this Master Thesis was not to present any new

knowledge nor expose any gap in existing literature. However, even though the generated

knowledge from this project comes from analysis of collected data, the data has been analyzed

based on existing knowledge about MSA. This indicates a combination of deduction and induction,

and hence an abductive approach has been chosen.

2.2 Research Methodology The focus of Six Sigma is to decrease the variability in a process output till the likelihood of defects

becomes extremely low (Montgomery & Woodall, 2008). If considering the MS as an independent

process and the measurement reading as output, the Six Sigma tools can be applied on the MS to

minimize the variability of its reading.

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The structured improvement procedure of Six Sigma is known as the DMAIC framework (define-

measure-analysis-improve-control) (De Mast & Lokkerbol, 2012). By utilizing statistical tools,

such as Design of Experiments, Process Capability Analysis and Control Charts, the DMAIC stage

model is exceptionally effective in process improvement (Montgomery & Woodall, 2008).

Due to the project purpose, the Six Sigma DMAIC framework was chosen as stage model, and to

which the case study was conducted accordingly. It was also important to mention that MSA used

to be an activity performed during the Measure phase. However, due to the scope and the

importance of MSA for the case company, MSA was chosen to be the subject of the thesis. The

DMAIC framework is further described by Montgomery and Woodall (2008) below.

2.2.1 Define The objective of the Define phase is to determine the project opportunity in order to legitimate

breakthrough potential. Initially, a project charter is established (Montgomery & Woodall, 2008),

which helps to define the project scope and clarify important tollgates. The authors also suggest

utilizing graphical aids such as process maps, flow charts or SIPOC (supplier-input-process-

output-customer) to illustrate and help with a better understanding of the processes.

For this Master Thesis project, the Define step was initiated with studying about the batteries and

battery production processes to understand the operation better. Further, a literature study was

conducted in order to obtain relevant knowledge about MSA, see 2.3.1 Literature Review. To

clarify the purpose of the project, its scope, responsibility of team members and different tollgates,

a project charter was formulated with support from the supervisor at the Northvolt. To obtain a

deeper understanding of the process, a process overview was created. Consequently, an estimation

of potential impact in terms of potential cost savings, increased revenue or customer satisfaction

were calculated.

2.2.2 Measure The purpose of the Measurement phase is to evaluate and understand the process by collecting

data on different criteria related to quality, cost and cycle time. The authors mean that data

collection can be conducted by studying historical records as well as collecting process data during

a certain period. This is, however, depending on the completeness of the existing data. If there are

many human factors involved in the process, data samples would be more useful. The collected

data is used to study the current state of the process.

Regarding the Master Thesis project, more MS related data were collected in this phase. Since the

production includes different types of MIs, different approaches were conducted to estimate the

capability of each MI. Furthermore, since the production is in its commissioning phase, actual

process data was not available. Therefore, Standard Weights and Standard Gauge Blocks with

known specifications were used to justify the capability of the MS. In addition, sample collections

for each MI were required where the project group was assisted by the technician responsible for

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each process to gather samples. As this was the first time MSA is conducted at Northvolt, this

phase was also aimed to discover the appropriate data collection procedure for each type of MI.

Such knowledge would likely be implemented in the large-scale production at Skellefteå Ett in

order to save time and ensure data completeness.

2.2.3 Analyze The Analyze step is aimed to determine the cause-and-effect relationship in the process by using

data from the previous phase. Here, the main purpose is to identify the root cause as well as any

quality issue or problem that initiated the project. Montgomery and Woodall (2008) provides a

large range of statistical tools that are relevant in the Analyzing phase. Some of these tools are

control charts, regression analysis and Design of Experiment. Sometimes the analysis of data

exposes useful evidence concerning potential problem causes, which may lead to specific

improvement actions. However, the aim of this step is to study the correlation between different

variables in the process to ultimately address specific causes that need to be listed prior to the

Improve phase.

In this Master Thesis, the Analyze step was conducted to justify whether each measurement

instrument is capable and acceptable for the intended purpose. The criteria of acceptance were

formulated based on the results of the literature review, where important characteristics of a MS

was identified and classified. The data analysis was performed using the computer software,

Minitab and Microsoft Excel.

2.2.4 Improve This step concerns the development of specific adjustments that can be performed to improve the

process and solve its related problem. Such changes can include redesigning the process or Design

of Experiments. Once the solution to a problem has been developed, a pilot test should be

conducted to evaluate and document the solution to ensure the alignment between the solution and

the project purpose.

The Improve phase in this study was intended to address the issue identified in the Analyze phase.

Once the suggested improvement was conducted, another sample from the MS was taken and

analyzed in order to follow up the improvement results as well as other issues, which were not

earlier addressed. This loop was performed between every sampling until the performance of the

MS reached the acceptance criteria.

2.2.5 Control The final step in the DMAIC stage model is referring to the Control step. This step aims to ensure

that the achievement from the project is utilized (Montgomery & Woodall, 2008). This step

includes the handover of the improved process to the project owner. Furthermore, a control plan

with control charts on critical process metrics should also be provided.

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For this Master Thesis project, one of the key results is the improved performance of the MIs,

which has been progressively implemented during the project and hence did not require an

implementation plan. Instead, the Control phase of this Master Thesis included a control plan with

information regarding what process, which MI, what measurement, how to perform the sampling

procedure and QC verification was provided and handed over to the case company. Furthermore,

the control plan also stated the frequency to conduct MSA, concrete instruction to the technicians

or the person in charge. In addition, a decision tree for MSA with further recommendations and

analysis instructions was also shared with the case company.

2.3 Knowledge Establishment An important part of the project has been to identify existing knowledge regarding MSA and

structure a theoretical framework to shape the entire project. Also, knowledge regarding different

processes and MIs was acquired through experts within the field.

2.3.1 Literature Review In the initial phase of this study a theoretical framework was established to position the study and

further explain key concepts and definitions. Appropriate literature has been studied to highlight

the existing knowledge and identify the type of new knowledge required to answer the purpose

and study questions (Thorgren & Frishammar, 2019). The aim was to retrieve information from

peer-reviewed, multiple cited, scientific articles by targeting relevant journals. Through the library

of Luleå University of Technology, the databases used for obtaining relevant literature were

Google Scholar and Scopus. Keywords used in the literature review were Measurement System

Analysis, Measurement System, Six Sigma and Gauge R&R. To further extend the knowledge,

course literature and books such as Introduction to Statistical Process Control (Montgomery,

2012) and Measurement system analysis (MSA) (AIAG, 2010) were used.

2.3.2 Interviews To explore a general area in depth, a semi-structured interview is appropriate. This type of

interview enables the respondent to explain or build on the previous answer and is therefore

beneficial for more specific data collection (Saunders et al., 2019).

Multiple semi-structured interviews were held to better understand how the MI and the calibration

procedure functions. The interviewees were chosen to be technicians, process engineers and

suppliers because they have great experience in the MI and the associated processes. The obtained

information contributed with knowledge in how to handle this type of instrument in upcoming

factories within the studied company.

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2.4. Creditability of Research Findings To ensure the creditability of the research result as well as minimize the risk of getting an

inadequate answer, Sauders et al. (2019) claim that the focus should lay on the research design.

According to Golafshani (2003), the reliability of the research finding concern how the result is

consistent over a certain duration. Concurrently, the researched population should be

representative for the total population while using the same methodology. In other terms, the

author means that reliability refers to the consistence of the research finding when using the same

data collection procedure and analysis approach. Furthermore, Golafshani (2003) refers the

validity of the research to the degree that the research truly measures what it was intended to. Thus,

it refers to the accuracy of the research. Especially in quantitative research, researchers affect the

validity of the research by formulating concepts, hypothesis or questions to obtain the data they

prefer. In addition, the choice of analysis method or test also affects the interpretation of data.

To ensure the reliability of the study, the framework for analysis was derived from existing

knowledge during literature study conducted. Therefore, the framework was expected to include

all the aspects when it came to evaluate a MS. Since all the aspects of a MS were studied, it was

reasonable to expect that similar result regarding the performance of the MS was achievable when

evaluating with other frameworks than the one using in this study. The project group also received

standardized trainings when measured reference value, which ensure the quality of the result and

the traceability of the measurement.

The characteristics of the MS which were evaluated in this study were general and can be found

in all types of MS. Furthermore, the characteristics were derived from literatures and research

conducted in the other industries than the battery industry. Many MI in the case company such as

electronical scale, camera or thickness sensors can also be found in other industries. It was

therefore reasonable to believe that the framework used in this study can be adopted in other

industries. The statistical tools used in this study are useful to describe the data collected in this

study. To ensure the validity of this study, conclusions and decisions were made based on many

criteria rather than a single metrics. Such criteria as sample collection approach, quality of data,

sample size as well as external factors were also taken into consideration when decisions or

conclusion were made.

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3 Theoretical Framework Firstly, the theoretical framework captures the MS in general terms and specific ways in how to

analyze it. It also highlights how the decision-making is influenced by the MS and emphasizes

the importance of the cost of quality. Lastly, an overlook of MSA in ISO 9001 is presented.

3.1 The Measurement System A measurement system (MS) is defined as “the collection of instruments or gauges, standards,

operations, methods, fixtures, software, personnel, environment and assumptions used to quantify

a unit of measure or fix assessment to the feature characteristic being measured; the complete

process used to obtain measurements” (AIAG, 2010). Further, AIAG (2010) argues that there are

certain fundamental properties that distinguish a well-functioning MS:

1) Adequate discrimination and sensitivity – The variation of measurement should be small

relative to the process variation or specification limits for the purpose of measurement.

2) The MS ought to be in statistical control - This means that under repeatable conditions, the

variation in the MS is due to common causes only and not due to special causes.

3) For product control, variability of the MS must be small compared to the specification limits.

This means an assessment of the MS to the feature tolerance is necessary.

4) For process control, the variability of the MS ought to demonstrate effective resolution and be

small compared to manufacturing process variation. An assessment of the MS to the 6-sigma

process variation and/or total variation from the MSA study is necessary.

Apart from this, a MS is also required to have appropriate statistical properties in order to measure

what it is intended to in a proper way (AIAG, 2010), which is an important aspect within process

improvement activities (Montgomery, 2012).

3.1.1 The Concept of Precision and Accuracy Montgomery (2012) and Grubbs (1973) argue that each measurement made by MI generally

consists of an inherent measurement error, which can be divided into precision and accuracy.

Precision is in many organizations often interchanged with repeatability, which describes the

expected variation of repeated measurements over the operating range (size, range and time) of the

MS. However, the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) defines precision in a

broader sense to include the variation (reproducibility) from different readings, gauges, people,

labs or conditions (AIAG, 2010). This study aligns with ASTM and will define precision to include

both repeatability and reproducibility.

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Accuracy can be described as the extent of agreement between the average value of one or

more measured results and a reference value (AIAG, 2010). In other words, accuracy is the

measurement of the systematic error of the MS. As AIAG (2010), this study defines accuracy

as the difference between the true value (reference value) and observed average of

measurements on the same characteristic on the same part. Precision and accuracy are

illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4: The concept of precision and accuracy.

3.1.2 Measurement System Error To briefly introduce the studies of measurement system errors, consider this formula describing

MS performance.

𝜎𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙2 = 𝜎𝐺𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒

2 + 𝜎𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠2

where 𝜎𝐺𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒2

is the measurement error, 𝜎𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙2 is the total observed variation and 𝜎𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡

2 is the

actual process performance. Further, Montgomery (2012) defines 𝜎𝐺𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒2 as reproducibility and

repeatability, which are included in the concept of precision (Kazerouni, 2009; Hajipour, Kazemi

& Mousavi, 2013; Cagnazzo et al., 2010). While mentioning accuracy as an important aspect of

the measurement system capability, Montgomery (2012) never includes this in his definition of

𝜎𝐺𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒2 . This is supported by Kooshan (2012), and they both seem to set aside the importance of

the measurement accuracy.

However, Grubbs (1973), Kazerouni (2009), Hajipour et al. (2013) and Runje et al. (2017)

highlight the concept of accuracy and include this in the measurement of error. Runje et al. (2017)

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emphasize the importance to consider all the elements of a MS when performing MSA. Grubbs

(1973) argues how both precision and accuracy are important to calculate the true product

variability and true variances in errors of measurements. The equation can therefore be considered

as inadequate to evaluate a MS since improvement in precision does not necessarily mean that the

MS produces a true value. Evaluating the difference between the observed value and the true value

of the samples is therefore an approach to analyze the aspect of accuracy in the MSA framework.

3.2 Measurement System Analysis To ensure that the process delivers products within the specification, the MS must perform

properly to minimize the measurement error (Pai, Yeh & Hung, 2015). Data collected by MIs

generally consists of an inherent measurement error (Chen, Wu & Chen, 2008; Pai et al., 2015),

and risks to be inaccurate and hence considered inappropriate to use for monitoring the process

(Chen et al., 2008). In the attempt to improve the MS performance, companies have established

various techniques, including MSA.

External factors such as human, material, machine or methodology can affect a MS to an extent

that systematic and random errors may occur during the measurements (Wu, Pan, Cai & Zhang,

2014). The purpose of MSA is to ensure the reliability of the measured data (Pai et al., 2015) and

to capture and quantify the measurement error in the MS (Wu et al., 2014). By performing

statistical analysis and graphical methods on the MS error, the MSA estimates the variability

associated with the MS (Pai et al., 2015), which includes variation from the MI, the appraiser, the

measured part as well as the surrounding environment (Chen et al., 2008).

There are five types of classified measurement errors: bias, linearity, repeatability, reproducibility,

and stability (Wu et al., 2014). These errors can be categorized according to the concept of

precision and accuracy, see 3.1.1 The Concept of Precision and Accuracy. According to this

categorization, accuracy includes error associated with bias, linearity and stability while

repeatability and reproducibility constitute the precision error (Kazerouni, 2009; AIAG, 2008).

The concept of MSA have been summarized in Figure 5 below.

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Figure 5: The concept of MSA

If a MS is not capable to detect process variation, decisions cannot be made based on its produced

data. This is where MSA comes into play, since it evaluates if the MS is suitable for the intended

purpose (AIAG, 2010). As accuracy reflects the quality of the measurement data, precision reveals

the predictability of the MS (AIAG, 2010). It is therefore important to analyze and monitor these

characteristics when conducting MSA. However, accuracy and precision are often considered

interchangeable which can result in inadequate decision-making concerning the product and

process, since controlling one of the error types does not necessarily ensure control of the other

(AIAG, 2010). It is therefore important to understand the difference between these aspects.

3.2.1 Accuracy As previously mentioned, the accuracy error can be divided into bias, linearity and stability.


Bias, see Figure 6, refers to the difference between the averages of the measured data and the

reference value of the measured part (Pai et al., 2015; Kazerouni, 2009; AIAG, 2008; Wu et al.,

2014). Pai et al. (2015) state that the bias can be obtained when the same appraiser repeatedly

measures the same characteristic of the same part using the same measuring equipment. By

determining the difference between the gauge reading and the reference value, the bias can be

calculated. The gauge reading is constituted by a single or by multiple measurement(s), meanwhile

the reference value comes from readings of certified measurement equipment (Pai et al., 2015) or

a known value of a reference sample (AIAG, 2010). An example for bias is that when using a scale

to measure a sample with the true weight of 5 kg. The reading from the scale is instead 6 kg, which

indicates a bias of 1 kg.

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Figure 6: Visualization of Bias Error


Another aspect affecting MS accuracy is linearity, which according to Wu et al. (2014) is the

difference of the bias value within the operating range of the measurement instrument, see

Figure 7. In other words, it is the difference between the observation and the reference value for

different ranges. When linearity exists in the MS, the size of bias varies as the size of reference

varies. The existence of linearity indicates a systematic error in the MS (AIAG, 2010). Generally,

the existence of error related to bias and linearity is unacceptable (AIAG, 2010). If present,

recalibration to minimize the error is required. An example for linearity is that when using a scale

to measure multiple samples. The bias observed when measuring the lightest sample is

significantly differed the weight of the heaviest one.

Figure 7: Visualization of Linearity Error

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It is of interest to evaluate whether the linearity is acceptable at a certain confidence interval.

According to AIAG (2010) and Wu et al. (2014), such evaluation can be conducted by performing

a linear regression over the average of the observation for each size of parts. Consequently, a Test

of Hypothesis is performed to determine if the slope of the fitted regression line and the intercept

is significantly differed from zero. If the slope of the regression can assume the value of zero, the

bias for all reference values in the MS must be the same.


The last aspect of error in precision is stability. It refers to the variation of the measured

observations obtained using the same MS to measure the same characteristic of the same part over

a certain duration (Wu et al., 2014; AIAG, 2010). In other words, stability reflects the variation of

bias over time, see Figure 8. The system has acceptable stability if the measurement produces

similar readings every time (AIAG, 2010). According to Montgomery and Woodall (2008), the

drift in bias over time can be a result of machinery warm-up effects, shift in environment or change

in operating procedures. Such shifts can easily be detected by monitoring the bias in a �̅� & 𝑅 or

𝑋 ̅& 𝑠 control chart over time (AIAG, 2010). If the control chart does not show any out-of-control

or noticeable pattern, the error associated with stability is not significant.

Figure 8: Visualization of Stability Error

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3.2.2 Precision As earlier mentioned, variation concerning precision can be distinguished by repeatability and



The repeatability refers to the variation that occurs when repeatedly conducting measurements of

the same part using the same gauge under the same circumstances, while measuring the same

characteristic of the part (Kazerouni, 2009). In other words, repeatability displays the capability of

the MS to produce similar readings from repetitive measurements, see Figure 9. Since repeatability

is the variation from repetitious trials under a defined measurement condition, it includes all the

within-system variation (AIAG, 2010). A scale with high repeatability is able to produce consistent

results with multiples readings.

Figure 9: Visualization of Repeatability


The reproducibility is the variation in the measurement when different appraisers measure the same

part with the same MI (Kazerouni, 2009; Wu et al., 2014). However, AIAG (2010) argues that this

is only true when the measurement is performed manually, because an appraiser is not a significant

source of variation in autonomous systems. Hence, it is more accurate to define the reproducibility

as the between-system or between-condition variation, see Figure 10. The difference in conditions

can be referred to different working instructions, different people who conduct measurements or

different environment.

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Figure 10: Visualization of Reproducibility

Gauge R&R

To evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of the MS, a Gauge R&R study can be conducted

(Runje et al., 2017). There are several methods for a Gauge R&R study to be conducted

accordingly (AIAG, 2010; Burdick, Borror & Montgomery (2003). However, according to

Burdick et al. (2003), a Gauge R&R study using an analysis of variance is preferable. As the

method can be adapted to handle more complex experiments, it is both simple and widely used by


When evaluating the precision of the MS, the precision-to-tolerance (P/T) ratio is a common

indicator in the production industry (Dalalah & Hani, 2016). The metric can be calculated as


𝑃 𝑇⁄ =𝑘�̂�𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒


In the equation, �̂�𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒 refers to the estimated measurement error, 𝑈𝑆𝐿 − 𝐿𝑆𝐿 is the tolerance

band. The constant k is often chosen to be either 5,15 or 6,00 depending on the desired level of

confidence. According to the guideline of AIAG (2010), the variation from the MI should not take

more than 10 % of the output tolerance. In this study, the abbreviation used by Montgomery (2012)

is applied.

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The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is another measure of MS adequacy (Montgomery, 2012). AIAG

(2010) defines SNR as “the number of distinct levels of categories that can be reliably obtained

from the data”. Further, AIAG (2010) states that this measure demonstrates the ratio between the

signal power and the noise power. The metric can be calculated as following:

𝑆𝑁𝑅 = √2𝑃𝑝

1 − 𝑃𝑝

Where 𝑃𝑝 is the ratio between the process variability 𝜎𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠2 and the total variability 𝜎𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙

2 . A

value of five or more is usually recommended, and a value of two or less indicates that the MS is

of no value when monitoring the process (Burdick et al., 2003).

3.3 Measurement System Analysis of Attribute Data Apart from measuring variable data, the concept of MSA also includes attribute data (Furterer,

Hernandez & Doral, 2019). For this type of analysis, the study assesses how well the appraisers

agree with each other, with themselves as well as the standard, which is why an MSA of attribute

data is usually called Attribute Agreement Analysis (AAA). Similarly, as variable data, attribute

data can be studied based on accuracy and precision. The accuracy refers to the variation between

measurement and reference values meanwhile the precision aspect concerns the variation from

repetitive measurement of the same part in the same condition (repeatability) and the variation

when the same part is measured in different conditions (reproducibility) (Furterer et al., 2019).

According to Marques, Lopes, Santos, Delgado and Delgado (2018), there are two ways of

evaluating performance of an attribute MI. The first is referring to the percentage of agreement

between the appraisers and the reference value, or among appraisers. The second concerns the

kappa statistic. As the first one indicates the observed agreement that can be calculated based on

what value the MI generates, the latter considers the possibility that the agreement occurs by

chance (Viera & Garrett, 2005). The metric can be calculated as following:

𝐾𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑎 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 = 𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 − 𝐴𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

According to AIAG (2010), a Kappa value higher than 0,75 indicates good agreement, but a value

of 0,9 or higher is preferred. In this project, the Kappa statistic value will be used to assess the

attribute MS at the case company.

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3.4 Cost of quality Cagnazzo et al. (2010) argue how the accuracy of a MS will have a direct influence on the judgment

of a product and process quality. Consequently, this has a substantial impact on the cost of quality

as well. Cost of quality is an important factor within the quality concept and is a suitable tool to

direct companies into a more promising future (Desai, 2008; Surange; 2015). There is no general

agreement on a single definition of cost of quality in the literature (Schiffauerova, Thomson, 2006).

However, Surange (2015) divides the quality costs in two categories: cost of good quality and cost

of poor quality. Surange argues how cost of quality is not the price of creating a quality product or

service. Instead, it is the cost of not creating a quality product or service. Desai (2008) views cost

of quality as a double-edged sword, which ensures quality improvement along with cost reduction.

Further, the cost of quality can be divided according to the most established PAF (Prevention,

Appraisal, Failure) model (Porter & Rayner, 1992; Schiffauerova & Thomson, 2006; Desai 2008),


Prevention – The cost of the actions taken to investigate, prevent or reduce the risk of non-

conformity or defects (Porter & Rayner, 1992).

Appraisal – The cost of evaluating the achievement of quality requirements (Porter & Rayner,


Failure – The cost of nonconformities, both internal failure (discovered before customer delivery,

such as scrap, rework, re-inspection), and external failure (discovered after customer delivery, such

as warranty costs and service calls) (Porter & Rayner, 1992).

Nevertheless, the literature regards the cost of quality as the sum of conformance and non-

conformance cost, where cost of conformance is the price paid for prevention of poor quality (for

example, inspection and quality appraisal) and cost of non‐conformance is the cost of poor quality

caused by product and service failure (such as rework and returns) (Schiffauerova, Thomson,

2006). Schiffauerova & Thomson (2006) states that even if many larger companies claim to assess

quality costs, multiple industry surveys have confirmed that cost of quality is not a widely applied

area, even regarding larger companies. Companies rarely have a realistic idea of how much profit

they are losing through poor quality (Schiffauerova & Thomson, 2006). However, companies that

have implemented cost of quality to drive quality costs down seem to be successful. Hesford &

Dale (1991) studied how British Aerospace Dynamics significantly managed to lower the

manufacturing costs with cost of quality, including improvements of the MS. Moreover, Knock

(1992) investigated how the company York International managed to reduce their failure

manufacturing costs with 96 % by applying cost of quality to their organization.

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It is important to find the balance between the cost of conformance and non-conformance. In this

case study, the studied MS must undergo substantial improvement to achieve better performance.

However, when applying the principle of cost of quality on the MS, if the costs of improving the

MS are too extensive, it is more beneficial to, for example, establish regular maintenance.

3.5 MSA and Decision-making MSA is necessary to evaluate the precision and accuracy and facilitates to understand the

implications of measurement error for decision-making about a product or process (Cagnazzo,

Sibalija & Majstorovic, 2010; Diering, Hamrol & Kujawińska, 2015). Critical decision-making is

often based on data from the manufacturing processes (Kazerouni, 2009). The outcome of these

decisions is strictly related to the quality of the data, which is what ties MSA and decision-making

strongly together (Cagnazzo et al., 2010).

A MS incapable of detecting process deviation can never be trusted to decide on process

adjustment, or any decision at all (Cagnazzo et al., 2010). A wrong decision can be made whenever

any part is measured to be outside the specification limits and is therefore considered good (type I

error). Or oppositely, a bad part can sometimes be considered good (type II error) and subsequently

is sent to the customer. When the decision-making is based on inaccurate data, it has the potential

to cost companies substantial amounts of money and time (AIAG, 2010).

Cagnazzo et al. (2010) investigated the MSA action implemented in a manufacturing company

and evaluated the measurement system capability. When analyzing based on the concept of bias,

linearity and Gauge R&R, it reveals how proper MSA actions could influence the general business

performance. The business achieved a significant financial improvement in a short time. Further,

Cagnazzo et al. (2010) explain that the business performance of a company is related to the

decision-making process, which also is seen as an underlying, contributing factor in the success.

Furthermore, Diering et al. (2015) mention that it is possible to ensure the efficiency of decision

regarding for example process and product control. By monitoring the MS in terms of bias,

stability, reproducibility and repeatability, the quality of measurement data is assured, which

positively influences the overall business. The same conclusion can therefore be applied for

Northvolt and a proper implementation of MSA is thus advantageous for the company business.

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3.6 Measurement System Analysis in ISO 9001:2015 Ensuring the MS performance is also required to be certificated by standards in the automotive

industry, which is often demanded by the customers. ISO 9000:2015 is an international standard

that guides companies in establishing a Quality Management System and simultaneously provides

accredited certification (Hadidi, Assaf, Aluwfi & Akrawi, 2017). According to the authors, there

are many studies that present evidence how achieving the certificate effects the customer

satisfaction. Even though the requirements of the standard are generic, some requirements can be

specific, depending on the industry (Pop & Elod, 2015). One requirement refers to documentation

of how companies properly use different Automotive Quality Core Tools such as Statistical

Process Control, Potential Failure Modes and Effect Analysis. The utilization of MSA is also one

of the tools mentioned by Pop and Elod (2015).

ISO 9001:2015 stresses the importance of monitoring and measuring in an adequate manner. (SIS,

2015). The requirement also highlights that organizations must ensure the creditability of the

monitoring or measuring results. Activities referring to calibration, verification or maintenance

should be regularly conducted and properly documented to ensure the measurement traceability

(SIS, 2015). Since Northvolt is striving to be certificated with ISO 9001:2015 as early as

November 2020, MSA has an important role to play for the company in this stage of business.

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4 Case Study In this section, the case study conducted at Northvolt is performed. By following the DMAIC

model, the case study begins with the define phase where project charter and production

processes are reviewed. In measure and analyze phase, the data was collected and analyzed,

respectively. Improvement suggestions for the MS is presented in the Improve phase. Lastly, in

the control phase, a plan for how Northvolt in the future can monitor and conduct MSA is found.

4.1 Define As different MIs included in this study have their own attributes and functionality, they need to be

analyzed differently. Therefore, the proper approach is to consider each of the included MIs as an

own mini-DMAIC. In this way it is easier to keep track of the MI improvements.

4.1.1 Project charter The project charter, see Table 1, presents the overview of the project that was formulated by the

team. The purpose of the project charter was to structure the project approach, highlight the

importance of the project outcome and to align all involved in the project.

Table 1: Project Charter

Problem statement

As the production at Northvolt Labs is newly

implemented, the need of improvement is apparent.

However, improvement cannot be properly

conducted without reliable measurement systems to

track the results. The lack of reliable data can lead to

wrong decision-making which inevitably has

negative effects on company image as well as profit.

Business case

To achieve the goal of delivering sustainable batteries with high

quality to a competitive price, quality must be incorporated in

every step of the production. Defect products must be detected

and removed. As Northvolt is a start-up it is important with a

respectable reputation by managing to deliver products with

high quality. A functioning and reliable measurement system is

crucial for achieving this. Thus, conducting MSA aligns with

the business targets and is a fundamental need for future

successful business results.

Goal Statement

To improve the measurement systems in the battery

production by using Six Sigma methodology and

making appropriate recommendations for improve-

ment and control.

Project scope

All measurement instruments included in the manufacturing

processes Calendering and Cell Assembly of the prismatic

battery design.

Project Plan

Phase Start End






w. 4

w. 7

w. 11

w. 15

w. 20

w. 7

w. 12

w. 16

w. 19

w. 23


Phuc Nguyen, Adam Sahlberg

Erik Lovén, Sreepal Reddy

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4.1.2 Process overview In Table 2, a mapping of each MI type existing in Calendering and Cell Assembly processes is

presented. This is followed by a brief description of a battery cell. The Calendering and Cell

Assembly processes of the prismatic cell design are then described in a consequential order. All

processes take place in a dry and clean room due to the need of a controlled environment and to

minimize the level of particle contamination. The visualization of the process could have been

done using tools such as SIPOC-chart or process flow chart. However, such tools require some

information that, to a certain extent, is confidential. Therefore, the processes are visualized in a

simpler structure excluding such confidential information without disrupting the comprehension.

Table 2: Existing measurement instruments in Calendering and the Cell Assembly processes

Measurement instrument Amount Function

TF Laser Gauge 2 A laser that screens the electrode back and forth to monitor the


Charge Coupled Device (CCD) 17

A camera system that measures dimension and detects shape or

surface defects. The initial pixel size is 50 µm and the highest

accuracy is 3 pixels, i.e. 150 µm. Because of its versatility, the

CCD is the most common measurement instrument within the

investigated processes.

Electronic Scale/Load Cell 4 Monitors weight.

HI Pot Test 2

An insulation test that investigate if there is contamination with

metal particles in the battery cell which risk short-circuit. Since

the cell is not filled with electrolyte, the electron movement is

limited, and electric current should not occur. By applying testers

(current collectors) to both the anode and cathode the current

going through the cell can be detected.

Contact Sensor 1 Monitors thickness.

Battery cell

A battery consists of several battery cells arranged together in a serial or parallel combination,

which helps to create the desired capacity. The cell is the most essential part of the battery as it

holds the electrochemical reaction and releases energy. The battery cell is built by electrodes

(anode and cathode) which allow the exchange of electrons and lithium ions and produce

electronical energy. The cathode and anode electrodes consist of aluminum and copper foil

respectively, coated with a slurry mix of carbon and other active materials. The anode and cathode

operations are similar and run parallelly until they are assembled in the Stacking process, see

Electrode Cutting & Stacking. In a battery cell, the cathode and anode electrodes are arranged

alternatively and held apart by a separator. This entirety is kept in a steel can, to not be affected by

external forces. Once the can is sealed it is filled with electrolyte, which allows the movement of

electrons and lithium ions.

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In Calendering, see Figure 11, the coated electrode is compressed through two oil-heated, massive

cylindrical pressing rolls. Simultaneously, the electrode thickness is reduced to a controlled value

as improvement in adhesion and the active material density is achieved. The thickness, see Figure

12, is monitored by the TF Laser Gauge. Lastly, the electrode is rewound into a roll which at this

stage is called Jumbo Roll.

Figure 11: Calendering Process

Figure 12: Anode Jumbo Roll and Thickness of Electrode

Notching & Slitting

The Cell Assembly process starts with Notching & Slitting, see Figure 13, where the Jumbo Roll

is loaded and unwounded at the loading station. After being straightened, it is notched by a

mechanical notching unit that continuously moves up and down to cut the electrode with its sharp

edges, see Figure 14. The electrode is then cut in half and the width of each half is monitored by a

CCD. Lastly, they are rolled up on two different rolls, called Pancakes, before unloading.

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Figure 13: Notching and Slitting process

Figure 14: Cathode Pancake

Electrode Cutting & Stacking

In the Electrode Cutting and Stacking process, see Figure 15, the electrodes are cut into dimensions

according to the current design specification. There are two CCDs that controls the dimension of

each cut electrode, see Figure 16. The cut electrodes then enter the stacking procedure, where the

corresponding electrodes are stacked alternatively and separated by a zig-zag folded separator foil,

see Figure 17. When the stacking sequence is finished the output is called a Jelly Roll, see Figure


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Figure 15: Electrode Cutting and Stacking process

Figure 16: Anode electrode dimensions

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Figure 17: The Stacking procedure into a Jelly Roll.

Hot Pressing

The Jelly Roll is transported to Hot Pressing, see Figure 18, where it is pressed with heat to prevent

movement of electrodes. The thickness, see Figure 19, and the weight of the Jelly Roll are

monitored by a thickness sensor and an electronical scale.

Figure 18: Hot Pressing process

Figure 19: Jelly Roll thickness with pre-welded tab dimension

Tab Pre-Welding

This procedure contains an ultrasonic welding machine to weld the multi-layer electrode foil tabs

together, see Figure 20. The dimension of the pre-welded anode and cathode tab, see Figure 19, is

monitored by one CCD respectively. Lastly, a HI Pot test is conducted to examine contamination

in the Jelly Roll.

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Figure 20: Pre-welding process

Tab Final Welding

A certain number of Jelly Rolls are taped together to obtain the desired battery capacity. A CCD

is used to monitor the taping position to ensure the stability of the Jelly Rolls. The pre-welded tabs

of the Jelly Rolls are welded together with a current collector (anode to anode and cathode to

cathode), see Figure 21. The angle of the current collector, the lid angle, is controlled prior to

welding procedure by another CCD, see Figure 22. Lastly, a HI Pot test is conducted to ensure


Figure 21: Final welding process

Figure 22: Lid Angle and Film Wrapping Position

Insulation Film Wrapping

To ensure stability and prevention of short-circuit, the welded battery cell is wrapped with an

insulation film, see Figure 23. The wrapping position, according to Figure 22: Lid Angle, is

monitored by two CCDs at three different positions on each side of the cell.

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Figure 23: Insulation film wrapping process

Electrolyte Filling #1 and #2

Before the battery is injected with a certain amount of electrolyte through repeated pressurization

and vacuum pumping, see Figure 24, the weight of the incoming battery is controlled by an

electronical scale. Once the battery is filled the first time, its weight is controlled again by another

scale before it is transported to age at a high temperature, which enable the electrolyte can be fully

infiltrated. After aging, the can is filled with electrolyte for the second time to ensure that the

battery is properly filled.

Figure 24: Electrolyte Filling #1 & #2

4.1.3 Potential savings Pai et al. (2015) argue how a well-functioning MS can incur great savings by detecting Type I and

Type II errors. As the fundamental purpose of the measurement is to determine whether the

products meet the quality specifications and safety requirements, great expenses occur when

sending defective products to the customers or rejecting an acceptable product (Pai et al., 2015).

In addition, Cagnazzo et al. (2010) argue how MSA strongly influences the general business

performance, where significant financial benefits can be achieved in a relatively short period of

time. As Northvolt is a start-up, and as their batteries are not rigorously tested at this point, it would

not be beneficial for the company image and business to utilize a dysfunctional MS.

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However, there are no historical data to base this calculation on. Thereby, the potential savings

must be based on how many Type I or Type II errors that occur annually. In any hypothesis test, α

refers to the probability of Type I error and β to the probability of Type II error (Pollard &

Richardson, 1987). As the calculation of β involves data such as effect size and sample size

(Pollard & Richardson, 1987) which differs largely between each MI, the Type II error cannot be

calculated properly and is therefore overlooked in these calculations. Furthermore, since the Type

II error refers to the rejection good products, the type I error is considered to entail higher costs,

as Northvolt’s image and reputation also may be affected. Since the production at Northvolt Labs

cannot be considered stable, it assumes a 5 % defect rate as in a four-sigma process instead, see

Figure 25: Type I Error rate.

According to personal communication (March 23rd, 2020 and 31st March 2020), information about

the total cost of a standard battery cell and the annual production volume in watt-hours were

obtained. With an assumption that 5 % of the production is defect, and that 5 % of the defects

experiences a Type I error, an unreliable MS would cost Northvolt 395 000 SEK annually. To

clarify, further expenses in terms of brand image, inferior customer relationships or Type II errors

is not considered in these calculations.





Annual production volume (Wh)

Detected +

Type 2


Type 1


5% Defected

Figure 25: Type I Error rate

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4.2 Measure This chapter starts with a mapping of the instruments used to determine the reference value for all

gathered samples in this project, see Table 3. A description of the data collection then follows.

Since there are more than 40 MIs in the assigned processes, the data collection will be summarized

based on the characteristic that each MI is intended to measure, namely thickness, weight, width,

angle and HI Pot test. Observe that once data from a certain MI is collected, the analysis was

conducted, see 4.3 Analyze, which resulted in improvement suggestions as in Table 7. When

improvement was performed, further data was collected to evaluate the improvement result which

followed by further analysis and improvement suggestions. This workflow proceeded until the

performance of each MI reached an acceptable level. The sample size chosen when studying each

measurement depends on the availability of staff, material, machine and verifying instruments.

Table 3: Measurement equipment used to measure reference value.


Instrument Function

Image Dimension

Measurement System


The IDMS resembles a microscope, but with a screen and an auto-calibration

function. By taking multiple high resolution 2D-pictures on the measured part, it can

be used to measure different type of geometrical dimensions such as length, angle,

or area.


Machine (CMM)

The CMM is a device with extremely high precision used to measure the physical

geometrical characteristics. Equipped with a probe, it creates surfaces along the x, y-

and z-axis where the distance between the surfaces can be determined.

Analytical Scale A calibrated scale that has a precision of four decimals. Maximum weight is 230 g.

Calibrated Scale A calibrated scale that has a precision of four decimals. Maximum weight is 6000 g.

Standard Weight Blocks Cylindrical Standard Weights of 50, 100 and 500 g.

Standard Gauge Blocks Blocks with a known thickness of 130, 180 and 230 µm and 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100


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4.2.1 Thickness Measurements The thickness measurements in the production consists of MIs with different measuring

mechanism. Therefore, it required different approaches when studying the performance of these


TF Laser Gauge – Calendering

Standard Gauge Blocks were used when assessing the reading of the thickness from Calendering.

Three Gauge Blocks with the known thickness of 130, 180 and 230 µm was placed under the TF

Laser Gauge. The reading was conducted on 30 positions on each Gauge Block and the result was

then summarized in Excel. This procedure was conducted for Calendering of both anode and


Contact Sensor – Hot Press

Standard Gauge Blocks and a Master Sample were used to evaluate the reading. Since the

individual thickness of each Standard Gauge Block fell below the minimum allowed limit of the

Contact Sensor, a compromise was made by putting two Standard Gauge Blocks with different

thickness together, which resulted in eight different combinations of Standard Gauge Block pairs.

The CMM was used to measure the thickness of the Master Sample and the Standard Gauge Block

pairs at ten different positions. The average reading from the CMM was used as reference value.

Consequently, the Hot Press Contact Sensor did measure the thickness of the samples at the same

ten positions.

4.2.2 Weight Measurements In the weight assessment, certain scales did not manage to measure the intended Standard Weights

due to the scale design. Therefore, Standard Gauge Blocks were used for certain scales. Prior to

measurement, the weight of both Standard Weights and Standard Gauge Blocks was controlled

with an Analytical Scale. Each Standard Weight and Standard Gauge Block was measured ten

times and their average value was used as reference value.

Electronic scale – Hot Pressing

Two Standard Weights and three Standard Gauge Blocks were used to assess the reading from the

Hot Press scale. Each part was weighted ten times.

Electronic scale – Electrolyte Filling 1 and 2

The three remaining scales in Electrolyte Filling were studied by using five different Standard

Gauge Blocks, since the Standard Weights did not fit due to the scale design. Each part was

weighted ten times.

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4.2.3 Dimension Measurements There are several steps in the production where the dimension of different objects is measured. For

this type of measurement, CCDs were used.

CCD 3 & 4 – Notching & Slitting

To obtain the reading from the CCDs in the Notching & Slitting Machine, a sample with ten

reading positions was prepared by the responsible operator. To obtain the reference value, an

IDMS was used to measure these ten positions. By comparing the CCD with the IDMS

measurement, Appropriate adjustment suggestions could be made. The second sample with 20

reading positions was prepared to the adjustment and followed by a third sample with 20 other

reading positions. This procedure was conducted for both cathode and anode.

CCD 1 & 2 – Electrode Cutting & Stacking

Ten different samples were collected from anode and cathode respectively. On each of these

samples, six different measures with the IDMS were taken. Data from the concerned CCD were

provided by the responsible technician which enabled comparison.

CCD 1 & 2 – Tab Pre-welding

The welded ear height was measured with an IDMS on ten different samples for both anode and

cathode. A result was achieved by comparing with data from the two CCDs in the manufacturing

by measuring anode and cathode respectively.

CCD Upper & Lower – Insulation Film Wrapping

To assess the reading from the CCD in the Insulation Film Wrapping Machine, ten battery cells

wrapped with film were prepared. Together with responsible operators, six measuring positions

for upper and lower taping position respectively were decided. The taping position was measured

with an IDMS. Production data was provided by operator. Consequently, the IDMS measured the

same six positions, where the result was used as reference value.

4.2.4 HI Pot Test To assess the capability of the four HI Pot Test in the production, the study was conducted by

using inhouse made samples. The sample consisted of five G- and five NG-cells, where each cell

went through the HI Pot Test three times.

4.2.5 Angle Measurements After the Tab Welding Machine, the lid angle of the samples was measured by using the IDMS.

Ten samples were collected for both cathode and anode.

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4.3 Analyze The analyze phase began with establishing acceptance criteria when assessing the MIs. The criteria

are determined mainly on existing knowledge from 0. 3 Theoretical Framework. In addition, the

analyze criteria used for each type of MI were also chosen based on the availability and

characteristic of data. For instance, there are some processes where it is impossible to obtain

multiple readings on the same sample, which limited the MS evaluation concerning repeatability.

Furthermore, as historical data is not available, the standard deviation of each process is calculated

using the reference values, which should reflect the standard deviation, at least at the time of

measurement. Once the acceptance criteria are determined, analysis of the measurement reading

was conducted. The MI results is presented individually in Table 6.

4.3.1 Analysis Strategy To detect the error related to stability, the bias must be monitored using control charts during a

longer period, including gathering of multiple samples. Due to the number of MIs that are needed

to be studied, the time frame does not allow to investigate the variation in stability. According to

Montgomery and Woodall (2008), the drift in bias over time can be a result of machinery warm-

up effects, shift in environment or change in operating procedures. However, since the studied MS

is in a controlled environment with constant climate conditions and limited human access, it is

reasonable to believe that these factors will not have a significant effect on the MS. The stability

error can therefore be assumed to be zero and hence, the analysis will not consider the error of

stability. Consequently, the analyze criteria will only be based on the existence of bias and linearity

and the error of repeatability and reproducibility.

Since bias refers to the differentiation of averages between the measured data and the reference

value of the measured part, it is logical to assume that bias does not exist in a measurement when

the difference is not statistically significantly differed from zero. Likewise, since linearity indicates

the difference between the observation and the reference value for different ranges, a conclusion

about the non-existence of linearity can be made if the slope of the fitted regression line on the

bias is not significantly differed from zero. If a linearity problem is not statistically proven, the

average bias can be assessed since the individual bias is assumed to be equal across the range of

study. However, if the linearity problem is significantly present, the size of bias is therefore

assumed to vary across the range of study, hence the individually bias should be assessed instead.

By using Minitab, the study of bias and linearity can be conducted. If the slope and the average

bias is less than 0,05, a conclusion can be made with 95 % confidence that the size of the slope

and the differentiation between the averages of the measured data and the reference value of the

measured part are not differed from zero. AIAG (2010) and the Northvolt argue how a 95 %

confidence interval is a sufficient coverage factor and is established as an industry standard.

Consequently, a 95 % confidence interval is used.

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As the MS environment remains controlled and constant over time and the measurement of a

sample is conducted automatically, it is appropriate to argue that the condition in which the

measurement is performed is constant. An assumption that the condition is not accountable for the

variation in the measuring reading conducted by the MS is thereby made. The reproducibility can

therefore be considered insignificant. Consequently, the entire variation that has acquired from

measuring the same part repetitively therefore relates to the repeatability. The software Minitab

compares this repeatability variation to the tolerance of the part, which indicates the MS precision-

to-tolerance, P/T, which according to AIAG (2010) should not be greater than 10 %. Furthermore,

Minitab can also calculate the number of distinct levels of categories, SNR, which should be

greater than five (Burdick et al., 2003; AIAG, 2010). The result from Minitab is compared with

the Acceptance Criteria in Table 4 to determine the MS performance.

Table 4: Acceptance Criteria for Numerical Data

NUMERICAL DATA Criteria Acceptance

Linearity p-value ≥ 0,05

%Linearity %Linearity ≤ %Bias

(Average/Linearity) Bias p-value ≥ 0,05

(Average/Linearity) %Bias %Bias ≤ %Linearity

Precision-to-tolerance P/T ≤ 10 %

Signal-to-noise SNR ≥ 5

When conducting the AAA, the Kappa statistic value is used. Since each attribute assessment in

Northvolt is conducted automatically by one single MI, there is no need to study the agreement

among the appraisers, i.e. reproducibility. However, it is of interest to study how well the appraiser

agrees with itself, i.e. repeatability, as well as with the reference value, i.e. bias. Based on the

AIAG (2010) recommendation, the acceptance criteria can be formulated according to Table 5.

Table 5: Acceptance Criteria for Attribute Data


Criteria Acceptance

With Appraiser Kappa ≥ 75 %

Appraiser vs Reference Kappa ≥ 75 %

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Since the processes are in the commissioning phase, they are not stable and the variation from each

process varies. In order to keep an overview over the MI improvement as well as to answer SQ2,

the contribution of the measurement error in each process variation will be calculated using the

tolerance of each process parameters, which can be considered as the allowed variation determined

by the case company. This contribution will be presented as the ratio %Error, which will be

calculated according to the formula below. Due to the confidentiality, neither the process tolerance

nor the measurement error will be presented in this study.

%𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 =𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟

𝑈𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 − 𝐿𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

Additionally, AIAG (2010) agrees that it is necessary to assess the MS based on the feature

tolerance, which the ratio %Error does. According to AIAG (2010), the variation from a well-

functioning MS used for product control, must be relatively small compared to the specification

limits. This implies that the smaller the ratio, the better the MI has improved. Observe that this

ratio is similar to the P/T ratio which instead is used as acceptance criteria. However, the %Error

ratio includes the total variation in measurement error, and hence does not seem to provide

information about source from which the variation is coming from. Therefore, this ratio appears

to be more useful to track the overall improvement in a certain MI, and to provide an answer to


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4.3.2 Analysis of Measurement Readings The analysis result is presented in Table 6 below. However, the complete analysis can be found in

Appendix I – Complete Analysis Results. To distinguish between different data, the data taken from

the MS is called “Measurement” and the reference value is called “Reference”. In between every

sampling, the results are analyzed, and necessary calibrations are performed for further

improvement. This loop proceeds until an adequate result is obtained.

Table 6: Result of Analysis

Process Measurement

Instrument Characteristic Measurement Sampling Result %Error Remark


Anode TF Laser Gauge Thickness 1 1st Bias and linearity 15,4 % Bad precision and bad accuracy


Cathode TF Laser Gauge Thickness 2 1st Bias 2,2 %

Good precision and bad accuracy.

Bias size 0,43

Notching & Slitting


CCD #3

Pancake Coated



1st Bias 9,1 % Bias size -0,245

2nd Linearity 9,1 %

3rd Bias 9,4 % Bias size 0,0185

CCD #4 4

1st Linearity 22,9 %

2nd Bias and linearity 12,2 %

3rd Bias 40,6 % Bias size -0,026

Notching & Slitting


CCD #3

Pancake Coated



1st Bias 8,1 % Bias size -0,187

2nd Bias and linearity 11,2 %

3rd Bias and linearity 10,5 %

CCD #4 6

1st Linearity 9,7 %

2nd Linearity 9,2 %

3rd Linearity 12,5 %

Electrode Cutting

Anode CCD #1

Upper Width 7

1st Linearity 32,4 %

2nd Linearity 23,5 %

3rd Linearity 30,4 %

Coating Depth 8 1st Bias and linearity 15,1 %

2nd Bias and linearity 10,9 %

Tap Position 9

1st Bias 39,1 % Bias size 0,039

2nd Bias 30,0 % Bias size -0,247

3rd Bias 20,6 % Bias size -0,143

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Process Measurement

Instrument Characteristic Measurement Sampling Result %Error Remark

CCD #2 Lower Width 10

1st Bias and linearity 31,6 %

2nd Bias and linearity 16,3 %

3rd Bias and linearity 9,7 %

CCD #1 & #2 Average Length 11

1st Bias and linearity 18,0 %

2nd Linearity 75,0 %

3rd Bias 10,0 % Bias size 0,222

Electrode Cutting


CCD #1

Upper Width 12

1st Bias 9,6 % Bias size -0,154

2nd Bias 12,3 % Bias size 0,017

3rd Bias 12,9 % Bias size 0,190

4th Bias 16,8 % Bias size -0,07

Coating Depth 13 1st Bias and linearity 11,1 %

2nd Bias and linearity 8,8 %

Tap Position 14

1st Bias 10,4 % Bias size -0,03

2nd OK 10,8 %

3rd Linearity 22,3 %

4th OK 8,4 %

CCD #2 Lower Width 15

1st Bias 8,2 % Bias size -0,076

2nd Bias 7,4 % Bias size -0,019

3rd Bias 8,8 % Bias size -0,043

4th Bias 9,7 % Bias size -0,032

CCD #1 & #2 Average Length 16

1st Bias 3,5 % Bias size -0,075

2nd OK 5,7 %

3rd Linearity 14,6 %

4th Bias 9,4 % Bias size 0,204

Hot Pressing Electronic Scale Weight 17 1st Bias 0,12 % Bias size 0,0076

Contact Sensor Thickness 18 1st Bias and linearity 64,6 %

US Pre-Welding

CCD Anode Ear

Dimension 19

1st Linearity 135,8 %

2nd Linearity 48,5 %

CCD Cathode Ear

Dimension 20

1st Bias and linearity 110,0 %

2nd Linearity 76,2 %

HiPot Test Insulation 21 1st OK

Tab Final Welding CCD Lid Angle 22

1st Linearity 237,6 %

2nd Linearity 67,0 %

HiPot Test Insulation 23 1st OK

Insulation Film

Wrapping Upper CCD

Upper Taping

Position 24 1st Bias and linearity 28,4 %

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Process Measurement

Instrument Characteristic Measurement Sampling Result %Error Remark

2nd Bias and linearity 22,5 %

3rd Bias and linearity 5,9 %

4th Bias 6,4 % Bias size 0,004

Lower CCD Lower Taping

Position 25

1st Linearity 25,3 %

2nd Linearity 26,9 %

3rd Linearity 7,5 %

Electrolyte Filling 1

Electronic Scale Incoming Cell

Weight 26 1st OK 0,0016 %

Load Cell Outgoing Cell

Weight 27

1st Bias and linearity 0,21 %

2nd OK 0,003 %

Electrolyte Filling 2 Electronic Scale Final Cell Weight 28 1st OK 0,0011 %

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4.4 Improve Apart from bias, certain MIs initially showed a high degree of linearity. This turned out to be

manageable with appropriate calibrations. Subsequently, no recommendations concerning

investments in MI upgrades are presented. The improvement was divided in three scenarios based

on the encountered conditions of each MI. Specific proposals connected to each scenario are

presented and motivated. The proposals lead to specific actions, which can be found in Table 7.

Scenario 1: Bias and linearity issues

There are analysis results that indicate linearity problem is dominant and responsible for the larger

part of the measurement error. The size of bias varies as the size of the measured part varies, for

example in measurement 49 where the bias increased as the weight of Standard Gauge Blocks

increases. This scenario entails more thorough work and deep understanding in order to

successfully calibrate. The most effective approach would be to study each deviant data point in

depth to find the root cause and be able to exclude this data. Another method would be to use

Master Samples in different sizes to calibrate the MI to ensure it behaves similarly for all sizes.

Once linearity issues are solved, the bias issues can be assessed.

Scenario 2: Bias issues

Existence of bias does not necessarily mean a linearity problem. There are analyzes that prove bias

issues are dominant and account for the larger part of the measurement error, where the data

illustrates gaps between the measurement and the reference values, although both curves share the

similar pattern. The bias issues can be solved by considering the difference and compensate the

MI reading. This can be performed differently depending on which MI that is addressed. For other

MIs, the solution could be reprogrammed by adding or subtracting an offset with the same size as

the bias. Regarding the CCDs, such adjustments can be done by multiply the bias ratio with the

current pixel size resolution of the CCD. The ratio is calculated as:

𝐵𝑖𝑎𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =∑





Once the difference is compensated, the gap between the two values should disappear and the

measurement data will align with the reference value. As the analysis reveals, many instruments

are initially simply not sufficiently calibrated to perform an adequate measurement, which in turn

creates the gap that this proposal manages to reduce.

Scenario 3: “All good”

As previous scenarios flow like a loop of analysis and improvement, the loop ends in this scenario

where further improvement is considered unnecessary. Firstly, this depends on the highest

accuracy that the addressed MI can provide. Secondly, the resources used for improvement exceed

the benefits that the improvement generates. This is highlighted in the theory of cost of quality,

see 3.4 Cost of quality.

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Table 7: Improvement Suggestions


1 1st Bias and linearity Change mechanical measuring part, waiting for arrival.

2 1st Bias Change mechanical measuring part, waiting for arrival.


1st Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,001492)

2nd Linearity Calibration using master sample

3rd Bias Reach the limit of accuracy. Need to be replace with other type.


1st Bias pixel size resolution with bias ratio (0,9971)

2nd Linearity Calibration using master sample Multiply

3rd Bias Reach the limit of accuracy. Need to be replace with other type.


1st Linearity Double checked the measurement positions of the width

2nd Bias and linearity Calibration using master sample Multiply

3rd Bias Reach the limit of accuracy. Need to be replace with other type.


1st Linearity Calibration using master sample

2nd Linearity Calibration using master sample

3rd Linearity Reach the limit of accuracy. Need to be replace with other type.


1st Linearity Check root cause. Calibration using master sample*

2nd Linearity Calibration using master sample*

3rd Linearity **

8 1st Bias and linearity Check root cause. Calibration using master sample*

2nd Bias and linearity **


1st Bias Check root cause. Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0066)*

2nd Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0404)

3rd Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0245)

10 1st

Bias and linearity Double checked the measurement positions. Calibration using master


2nd Bias and linearity Calibration using master sample*

3rd Bias and linearity **


1st Bias and linearity Calibration using master sample*

2nd Linearity Double checked the measurement positions

3rd Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (0,9987)


1st Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,00243)*

2nd Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (0,9997)

3rd Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0030)

4th Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0011)

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13 1st Bias and linearity Calibration using master sample*

2nd Bias and linearity **


1st Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (0,9957)

2nd OK

3rd Linearity Calibration using master sample

4th OK *


1st Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0012)

2nd Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0009)

3rd Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0007)

4th Bias **


1st Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (1,0005)*

2nd OK

3rd Linearity Calibration using master sample

4th Bias Multiply pixel size resolution with bias ratio (0,9993)**

17 1st Bias Bias size 0,0076. Relatively small since only contribute to 0,12% of the

product specification. Action determined to accept the performance.

18 1st Bias and linearity Change mechanical measuring part, waiting for arrival.

19 1st Linearity Changing measurement mechanism***

2nd Linearity Not critical. Accept the linearity error.

20 1st Bias and linearity Changing measurement mechanism***

2nd Linearity Not critical. Accept the linearity error.

21 1st OK

22 1st Linearity

Check the root cause. CCD mechanism only checks the acute angles which

causes unalignment between reference and measurement data. CCD was

reprogrammed to align with reference data despite whether the angle is

acute or obtuse.

2nd Linearity Not critical. Accept the linearity error.

23 1st OK


1st Bias and linearity Double checked the measurement positions

2nd Bias and linearity

In consultation with operators, a decision that one CCD measure the upper

taping position at three points on one side, and another CCD doing the

same for the other side was made.

3rd Bias and linearity Calibration using master sample

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Bias Bias size 0,004. Error relatively small comparing to the product tolerance.

The CCD is accepted


1st Linearity Double checked the measurement positions

2nd Linearity

In consultation with operators, a decision that one CCD measure the lower

taping position at three points on one side, and another CCD doing the

same for the other side was made.

3rd Linearity Accept the linearity problem.

26 1st OK

27 1st Linearity and bias Reprogramming the load cell.

2nd OK

28 1st OK

* The CCD could not distinguish between the electrodes and conveyer because both were black.

Consequently, the conveyers were changed from black color to transparent.

** CCD used for many different dimensions. Calibration based on one dimension affect result of

other dimension measurement. Action was taken to reduce the amount of dimension measurement

and focus on dimensions critical for quality.

*** As all tabs are partially bent after the pre-welding, and as it was measured by being fixed

between two glass plates which straightened it in the production, the tab height naturally differed

when measuring the reference values. Since this setting was difficult to recreate, one of the plates

was removed to give similar measurement conditions with the reference value.

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4.5 Control For this Master Thesis project, one key result is the improved MIs, which has been progressively

implemented during the project and hence did not require an implementation plan. Therefore, the

Control phase of this Master Thesis instead is designed as a control plan for how Northvolt in the

future should perform MSA to ensure and maintain the performance of the MS.

The control plan can be used to evaluate and improve the MS in the commissioning phase of

Northvolt Ett. In addition, it can also be used to monitor and evaluate the performance of the

existing MS in Northvolt Labs, Northvolt Battery Systems Jeden and Northvolt Zwei. For the

monitoring purpose, the frequency of MSA must be agreed upon with the customers. As mentioned

in 3.6 Measurement System Analysis in ISO 9001:2015, activities referring to calibration,

verification or maintenance should be regularly conducted and properly documented in order to

ensure the product quality and the measurement traceability.

It is recommended that the MSA activities are performed by a cross-functional team due to the

extent of the necessary competencies listed below:

- Process competence – an understanding of the critical process control parameters that are

monitored in the MS.

- Machine competence – an understanding of how the machine functions and how to extract

samples for control.

- MS competence – an understanding of how each MI perform the measurement of a certain

control parameter, as well as how to adjust or calibrate the MI.

- Quality control competence – an understanding of how to measure the sample and training in

how to handle specific lab equipment

- Statistical competence – to performance statistical analysis such as Gauge R&R or Bias &

Linearity analysis.

By utilizing a cross-functional team, it is expected that the knowledge listed in Table 8: Important

understanding prior to MSA. is identified prior to the MSA in order to ensure the effectiveness of

the following activities. Consequently, the sampling procedure for each MI is recommended to

follow Table 9 to ensure the effectiveness of sampling and completeness of data. The analysis

strategy and decision-making approach is recommended to follow the decision tree as presented

in Figure 26, which was structured as the analysis criteria that was used in this project. In this study

the statistical software Minitab was utilized. The functions of the software include Gauge Linearity

and Bias study, Gauge R&R study (crossed) and Attribute Agreement Analysis were used

throughout the project. A more detailed description of the procedure will be presented in Appendix

II – Analysis Using Minitab.

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Table 8: Important understanding prior to MSA.

Process Which process is concerned?

Process variation Historical process variation

Gauge type What type of MI?

Measurement What does the MI measure?


mechanism How does the MI perform the measurement?

Data type Variable or attribute data?

Possibility to repetitive reading?

Tolerance The tolerance for the process control parameter

Analysis strategy Gauge R&R, Bias, Linearity, Stability, Attribute Assessment Agreement

Analysis acceptance

level To be determined by the cross-functional team

Data sampling Depends on how the MI perform the measurement

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Table 9: Concrete sampling and analysis strategy for the MIs at Northvolt Labs.

Process Scope Gauge Measurement Sampling procedure QC verification Data Type Analysis


Calendering Anode/Cathode TF Laser


Jumbo Roll


Using at least 5 Standard Gauge Blocks

with significantly different thickness. Let

machine read at least 10 times in random


Verify thickness of the Gauge

Blocks by using CMM at ten

different positions. Calculate


Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity

Notching &

Slitting Anode/Cathode

CCD Top Jumbo Roll

coated width 20 samples marked with the detected

position. Stored pictures from CCD to

ensure the same positions measured in

Quality Control

Verify by using an IDMS at the

same position as the CCD. Refer to

pictures if uncertain.

Variable data



Bias & Linearity CCD Bottom Coating depth

CCD #3 & #4 Pancake coated



cutting Anode/Cathode CCD #1 & #2



At least 10 samples, repeating 3 readings

on each sample.

Verify by using an IDMS at the

same position as the CCD. Refer to

pictures if uncertain.

Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity

Stacking JR CCD Electrode


3 samples from each stacking station.

Carefully mark each JR after stacking

and follow it till pre-welding. Remove

and hand over to Quality Control.

CT scan


pressing JR


scale JR weight

Using at least 5 different Standard

Weight Block, alternatively Standard

Gauge Block or Master Sample with

known weights. Let the scale reads at

least 10 times in randomly order.

Verify the weight of the object by

using a calibrated scale. Read ten

times in random order. Calculate


Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity


sensor JR thickness

Use at least 5 Standard Gauge Blocks

with significantly different thickness. Let

machine read at least 10 times in random


Control thickness of the Gauge

Blocks using CMM at ten different

positions. Calculate average.

Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity

US Pre-

welding JR

CCD Anode/Cathode

Tap height

At least 10 samples, repeat 3 readings on

each sample.

Control by using an IDMS and

measure the same position as CCD.

Refer to pictures if uncertain.

Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity

HI Pot Test Insulation 10 G and 10 NG samples. Read 3 times

each in random order. N/A Attribute data




Tap Final

Welding JR

CCD Taping Position 10 G and 10 NG samples. Read 3 times

each in random order. N/A Attribute data




CCD Lid Angle

Make sure that the CCD reads the angle

from the inside angle, despite ocute or

acute angles. At least 10 samples,

repeating 3 readings on each sample.

Control by using an IDMS and

measure the same position as CCD.

Refer to pictures if uncertain.

Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity

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Process Scope Gauge Measurement Sampling procedure QC verification Data Type Analysis

Strategy Insulation



JR Upper/Lower

CCD Tapping Position

At least 10 samples (30 reading position

on each side), repeating 3 reading on

each sample.

Control by using an IDMS and

measure the same position as CCD.

Refer to pictures if uncertain.

Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity


Insertion Cell HI Pot Test Insulation

10 G and 10 NG samples. Read 3 times

each in random order. N/A Attribute data




Lid Laser

Welding Cell

HI Pot Test Insulation 10 G and 10 NG samples. Read 3 times

each in random order. N/A Attribute data







Cell Height 3 Samples, 10 positions. 3 readings on

each position. Randomly if possible

Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity

CCD Weld seam

inspection Attribute data





filling #1 Cell



Incoming Cell


Using at least 5 different Standard

Weight Blocks, alternatively Standard

Gauge Blocks or Master Samples with

known weights. Let the scale read at least

10 times in random order.

Control the weight of the object by

using a calibrated scale. Read ten

times in random order. Calculate


Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity Load Scale

Outgoing Cell



filling #2 Cell


Scale Final Cell Weight

Using at least 5 different Standard

Weight Blocks, alternatively Standard

Gauge Blocks or Master Samples with

known weights. Let the scale read at least

10 times in random order

Control the weight of the object by

using a calibrated scale. Read ten

times in random order. Calculate


Variable data



Gauge R&R

Bias & Linearity

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Figure 26: Decision tree for the MSA

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5 Conclusion In this section, the study results are concisely described by the answering of each SQ. An

evaluation of the fulfillment of the study purpose is also presented.

This study has aimed to improve the performance of a MS in the battery production at Northvolt

Labs by utilizing MSA, and to make appropriate recommendations for improvement and future

control. This has been achieved by the creation of an MSA framework consisting of five different

measurement errors used to analyze. The analysis resulted in three scenarios, where specific

proposals and actions were suggested and motivated to each scenario. Also, a control plan to serve

as a basis for future work within MSA was presented. This plan could be used to evaluate and

improve the MS in the commissioning phase of Northvolt Ett and other factories. All this was

encapsulated in the stage-model and improvement methodology DMAIC. By following the

suggested recommendations and implementing the control plan, estimated savings is calculated to

395 000 SEK annually.

To achieve the aim of the study, the purpose was divided in three SQs which now have been

answered in regard to Northvolt.

SQ1 How can the measurement system be evaluated?

By identifying five measurement errors from the literature, namely bias, linearity, stability,

repeatability, and reproducibility, which were later categorized into precision or accuracy, a

framework was created. As the investigated MIs differed due to their different measuring

mechanisms, they also had to be evaluated with different approaches. This means that the basis of

analyze occasionally differed. Nevertheless, every single MI was studied using the concept of the

five mentioned characteristics. As the five characteristics captured the entire measurement error,

the framework enabled a proper analyze of every MI involved, which proved how diverse and

adaptive the framework can be. On the other hand, it has been difficult to perform a repeatability

study on certain MIs as the measured samples were not replicable. This was due to the fact that

samples are cut or notched directly after a measurement with no possibility to cancel the process.

A conclusion could be made that the framework of precision and accuracy presented in this study

can be used to evaluate the MS.

SQ2 How much of the variation in each process is due to the measurement system at?

Since the studied processes were not stable, the data regarding process variation cannot be used to

determine how much of the process variation measured by the MI derives from the MI itself.

However, this is possible to calculate based on the process tolerance, which can be interpreted as

the ideal process variation that is determined by the case company. This ratio is abbreviated as

%Error and the result can be found in Table 6. In Figure 29 a selection of certain MIs and the

improvement the performed calibrations have generated is presented. It is apparent that the %Error

has decreased after calibrations.

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Figure 27: MI improvement measured in %Error

SQ3 How can the measurement system be monitored to ensure its performance?

As many experiences were obtained during the project, valuable knowledge regarding MSA at

Northvolt lays a foundation for a control plan presented in Table 9. Since an MSA is as important

now as it would be in a future perspective, the control plan undertakes the future responsibility of

how an MSA should be performed.

One important finding is the multiple factors the control plan highlights and must take into

consideration in order to establish and maintain a well-performing MS. This is emphasized by

Table 8, which clarifies the significance of diverse and profound understanding regarding

processes, measurements and statistical knowledge. Subsequently, skills in how to extract and

measure samples, in utilization of analytical software, in conducting comprehensible compilations

of the results and how to calibrate the MS in an appropriate way are essential. Apart from deep

knowledge and understanding of MSA, a project like this also requires cooperation and

customization to progress and be successfully performed. In fact, often certain people have deep

knowledge of only one or a few certain MIs or utilization of specific lab equipment to obtain a

reference value. This demonstrates exactly how complex and multifaceted an MSA is or can be.

To master these challenges, an establishment of a cross-functional team with the proposed

competencies as in 4.5 Control would be a suitable approach. This set up enables communication

and structure meanwhile it is easy to include all competencies necessary.

MI7 MI8 MI9 MI10 MI11 MI13 MI14 MI18 MI19 MI20 MI21 MI22

Before 32,4 15,1 39,1 31,6 18 11,1 10,4 135,8 110 237,6 28,4 25,3

After 30,4 10,9 20,6 9,7 10 8,8 8,4 48,5 76,2 67 6,4 7,5









r [%

]Selection of MI improvement

Before After

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Fulfillment of Purpose

By conducting MSA on the MS in the battery production at Northvolt Labs, the obtained data of

the calibrations performed on each involved MI has shown a significant improvement. The MSA,

as a Six Sigma tool, has proven the potential to identify and quantify the existing measurement

errors. This made it possible to provide improvement recommendations as well as track the

improvement result of each MI. Knowledge concerning MSA activities were obtained and

summarized in a plan for future control. Apart from answering each SQ properly, this study also

manages to deliver solutions that is not only adjusted to the case company but also can be applied

more generally. Thereby, the presented answering of the SQs along with the fulfillment of the

study purpose may be considered successfully achieved.

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6 Discussion In this section, the validity and reliability of both methodology and data gathering are discussed.

The study contribution is also described from a theoretical and practical aspect. Lastly,

recommendations of further studies within this area of research is presented.

6.1 Validity and Reliability of Method In agreement with 2.4 Creditability of Research Findings, the choice of DMAIC as research

methodology has been successful since it has provided structure and basis to this study. Firstly, as

DMAIC includes certain predetermined elements, the way forward has always been rather clear.

Secondly, these elements have highlighted several important results that otherwise not likely had

been presented. Altogether, the DMAIC methodology has created a complete contribution to the

stated purpose in a standardized way, which increases the validity and reliability of the research.

The presented concept of MSA composed a framework for evaluation, which has strong support

from academic researchers. By utilizing the framework, the results capture the improvement in

performance of the MS in terms of precision and accuracy. Although, one problem has been to

know where to set the limit of a well-performing MI. There are MIs that were directly approved

according to the framework. On the other hand, this scenario does not mean perfection. As there

is no certain approval criteria regarding MSA, specifically for battery industry, this limitation was

determined primarily with respect to the standard of the manufacturing industry, but also the cost

of quality see 3.4 Cost of quality. This limit has been difficult to estimate and needs to be discussed

among concerned people in order to gain multiple perspectives and lead to an adequate decision.

Moreover, there have been several cases where it required multiple samples to reach an adequate

level of precision and accuracy of each MI. Subsequently, a substantial amount of time has been

spent. Although a satisfying result, the journey prior to this has been rather protracted. The key

factor is the calibration stage, where more accurate calibration actions would have streamlined the

whole improvement process in a timely sense. As the calibrations are objectively based on the

result of data analysis, there are no further improvement proposals to minimize the number of

calibrations. However, even though time might be a crucial factor, several stages of calibration

contrariwise enabled a deeper understanding of each MI in sense of how it works and how it reacts

to different settings and conditions.

Nevertheless, all MIs included in this study indicates improvement. In fact, the analysis shows that

the majority of the MIs are improved substantially. This study, however, does not enclose the

actual reason for this. Have the investigated MIs been in unfavorable initial settings, considering

the commissioning phase of the case company? Or have the MIs facilitated the MSA work by

simply being easy to work with? As far as this study goes, the chosen approach and methodology

for the MSA have enhanced the creditability of this study.

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The risk for the MIs to deteriorate in performance after we finish the project must also be

considered. As Northvolt is in a commissioning phase, no historical experiences regarding the MIs

are available at this point. If the time frame of this study had enabled to also evaluate stability, the

performance over time would have been monitored, and subsequently the recommendations would

have been adjusted to this. Instead, the presented control plan takes time into consideration as it

focuses on MSA in a futuristic sense. In fact, we believe the control plan, along with the whole

control phase of this project, has the potential to continuously keep the MS performance at a

satisfactory level.

6.2 Validity and Reliability of Data The gathering of data has been a continuous and time-consuming task through this work. A

contributing factor is that each of the samplings that has been performed is with regard to the

availability of supplier support, that the machinery is fully functioning, a mutual understanding

between the lab and the production of how the investigated MI is measuring, and beyond this a lot

of time and workload spent in order to provide the actual samples. Subsequently, much time and

high costs are included in the production and enhanced the preciousness of the samples. In turn, it

was difficult and often impossible to provide any sort of repeatability of the measurements. This

has highlighted only a fraction of the framework’s potential, where Gauge R&R only could be

utilized in certain MIs.

The sample size chosen for studying each MS was determined by the availability of multiple

factors. Firstly, the responsible technicians must be available. Secondly, the machine in question

needs to be isolated and the process to be stopped to extract samples. Thirdly, the equipment used

to measure the reference values need to be available. Since there were several on-going projects at

the case company simultaneously, the access was limited. When considering this from a cost of

quality perspective, based on the PAF model, the appraisal cost can be estimated as higher than

the benefit of taking larger sample size. This is because it interferes and causes delay for other

projects as well as consuming time to measure the reference value.

Referring to 3.2.1 Accuracy and the narrow time frame of this study, the measurement error

stability was never included in the analysis. With the possibility to monitor the variation of bias

over time, the outcome of this project may have differed substantially, as time is not a factor that

this study has been allowed to encapsulate. In other words, time possibly could have had major

effects on the improvement suggestions and the control plan. All MIs in general, and certain CCDs

in particular, are performing a high number of measurements as the production has a fast flow. In

a longer perspective, friction occurrence is likely which in turn possibly may affect the

measurements. However, as the production environment is considered controlled and stable due

to cleanrooms and strict environmental policies, at least the time disadvantage can be estimated to

have less influence on the study contributions.

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Moreover, a higher level of conformance between certain MIs and the equipment used for

measuring the reference value would have been beneficial. This refers to the production scales and

the reference scale, which have had a different number of decimals. This means that there exists

an underlying bias in the analysis of the scales, even if there is a possibility that no bias actually


Since the measurement of reference data was conducted by the project group, proper training of

measurement equipment was conducted and evaluated by employees that has proper equipment

utilization. However, flaws in reference data is unavoidable. The equipment was delivered with a

calibration certificate by the supplier to justify their performance. However, the performance of

such measurement equipment should also be assessed, perhaps by using MSA.

6.3 Study Contribution While mentioning accuracy as an important aspect of the measurement system capability, neither

Montgomery (2012) or Kooshan (2012) include accuracy in their definition of measurement error,

but instead the variation regarding repeatability and reproducibility. However, there is a strong

academic support in also investigate the concept of accuracy when evaluating the MS. The results

arisen from this Master Thesis provide a conceptual framework for MSA involving both precision

and accuracy and presents differences of these two concepts, namely repeatability, reproducibility

and bias, linearity and stability, respectively. This framework therefore contributes to increase the

completeness of the existing MSA framework in literature.

Regarding Northvolt, this study encapsulates great experience and know-how of the multiple MIs

analyzed and investigated. Consequently, several practical contributions are presented. Firstly, this

project resulted in MS improvement of the battery production of the company, which was

estimated to have significant impact in terms of profit and image. Secondly, an adapted control

plan for how Northvolt can perform MSA activities in a future perspective including sampling

strategy as well as analysis and acceptance criteria, which otherwise would consume resources in

terms of time, money and human effort. Lastly, even though the project is conducted on only the

delimited processes at Northvolt Labs, the same procedures can be applied for the other production

processes at Northvolt Labs as well, as production at the other and upcoming factories.

It is also important to emphasize that the measurements, such as length, weight and insulation

capacity, are generic and can be found in other industries, and not solely battery manufacturing.

The main purpose of the framework, the control plan and the decision tree are to ensure the

completeness and effectiveness of data sampling, analysis and decision making. In other words,

the results of this study can therefore be transformed to other industries when performing MSA

without any comprehensive adjustments. Regarding the control plan, it is presented with specific

recommendations to solely battery manufacturing and must be overlooked. However, the structure

of the control plan is still applicable to other industries.

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6.4 Recommendations for future research The MSA framework used in this study consists of five different MS characteristics, including

linearity. In this study, linearity has been defined as the change in bias across the measured range

when moving from one part to another part. However, it is logical to assume that when moving

across the measured range, the reading assumes another variation as illustrated in Figure 28. When

comparing Figure 28 with

Figure 7, the standard deviation varies across the range of measurement, rather than the size of

bias, which this study has chosen to exclude. It is therefore of interest to investigate how this type

of linearity can affect the entire measurement error.

Figure 28: Linearity which change in variation

The MI that was investigated in this study have been assumed to be capable of its intended

measurement. In other words, this study does not investigate how suitable each MI is for its

intended purpose. For example, the CCDs used in the Notching & Slitting processes seem to not

be able to deliver the precision and accuracy required by the company. A suitable area for future

research would therefore be to investigate which type of MI is suitable for respective type of


Lastly, the choice of confidence level when conducting MSA was determined to 95 %, which

required the p-value to exceed 0,05 to not reject the hypothesis that, for example, linearity or bias

issues exist. This choice derives from the fact that a 95 % confidence level is a standard in the

manufacturing industry. However, one can argue that since battery production has more strict

requirements regarding quality and safety, it would be wiser to choose the confidence level of 99

% instead. Thus, this need to be further investigated.

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1 (33)

Appendix I – Complete Analysis Results Measurement 1 – Calendering - Anode

Process Calendering - ANODE

Gauge Type TF Laser Gauge

Measurement Thickness

%Error 15,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual Bias p-value

Individual %Bias


0,6 %


[113,6; 1810,6] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

≥ 0,05

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Bias problem

Bias problem >> Linearity problem

Precision-to-tolerance 0,24 % OK

Signal-to-noise SNR = 4842 OK

Comment Bad precision and bad accuracy








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Measurement using 230 µm Gage Block

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Measurement using 180 µm Gage Block

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Measurement using 130 µm Gage Block

Measurement Reference

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2 (33)

Measurement 2 – Calendering - Cathode

Process Calendaring - CATHODE

Gauge Type TF Laser Gauge

Measurement Thickness

%Error 2,2 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average Bias p-value

Individual %Bias


0,0 %


83,3 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

≥ 0,05

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem. Bias size 0,43

Bias problem

Precision-to-tolerance 2,25 % OK

Signal-to-noise SNR = 819 OK

Comment Good precision and bad accuracy








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Measurement using 230 µm Gage Block

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Measurement using 180 µm Gage Block

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Measurement using 130 µm Gage Block

Measurement Reference

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3 (33)

Measurement 3 – Notching & Slitting - Anode

Process Notching & Slitting - ANODE

Gauge Type CCD #3

Measurement Pancake coated width

1st sample

%Error 9,1 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias


4,3 %

141,0 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 9,1 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias


9,7 %

3,3 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 9,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Measurement Reference

2nd sample 3rd sample1st sample

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4 (33)

Measurement 4 – Notching & Slitting - Anode

Process Notching & Slitting - ANODE

Gauge Type CCD #4

Measurement Pancake coated width

1st sample

%Error 22,9 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias


51,9 %

12,6 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 12,2 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias


16,9 %

[10,9; 25,6]

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

3rd sample

%Error 40,6 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias


81,9 %

18,1 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950

QC data Machine data

1st sample 2nd sample 3rd sample

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5 (33)

Measurement 5 – Notching & Slitting - Cathode

Process Notching & Slitting - CATHODE

Gauge Type CCD #3

Measurement Pancake coated width

1st sample

%Error 8,1 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias


76,9 %

299,9 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

2nd sample

%Error 11,2 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias


56,1 %

[7,7; 58,4] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

3rd sample

%Error 10,5 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias


44,8 %

15,9 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Measurement Reference

2nd sample 3rd sample1st sample

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6 (33)

Measurement 6 – Notching & Slitting - Cathode

Process Notching & Slitting - CATHODE

Gauge Type CCD #4

Measurement Pancake coated width

1st sample

%Error 9,7 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 9,2 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 12,5 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Measurement Reference

2nd sample 3rd sample1st sample

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7 (33)

Measurement 7 – Electrode Cutting – Anode

Process Electrode cutting

Gauge Type CCD #1

Measurement Upper width

1st sample

%Error 32,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 23,5 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 30,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample1st sample

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8 (33)

Measurement 8 – Electrode Cutting – Anode

Process Electrode cutting

Gauge Type CCD #1

Measurement Coating depth

1st sample

%Error 15,1 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias



[8,4; 42,8]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 10,9 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias



[1,5; 25,2]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Refernce Measurement

1st sample 2nd sample

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9 (33)

Measurement 9 – Electrode Cutting – Anode

Process Electrode cutting

Gauge Type CCD #1

Measurement Tab position

1st sample

%Error 39,1 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

2nd sample

%Error 30,0 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

3rd sample

Standard deviation 20,6 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample1st sample

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10 (33)

Measurement 10 – Electrode Cutting – Anode

Process Electrode cutting

Gauge Type CCD #2

Measurement Lower width

1st sample

%Error 31,6 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 16,3 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias



[6,7; 26,3]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 9,7 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample1st sample

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11 (33)

Measurement 11 – Electrode Cutting – Anode Process Electrode cutting

Gauge Type CCD #1 & #2 Measurement Average lenght

1st sample

%Error 18,0 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value

%Linearity Average %Bias


165,6% [90,8; 188,6]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias %Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess indiv idual Bias

Bias proble m > Linearity prob lem

2nd sam ple

%Error 75,0 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value %Linearity

Individual % Bias

0,000 128,4%

[14,3; 77,8]%

≥ 0,05 %Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess indiv iual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias prob lem

3rd sam ple

%Error 10,0 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value

%Linearity Average %Bias


35,2% 180,9%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias %Bias < %Linearity

No linearity prob lem. Assess average Bias

Bias proble m > Linearity prob lem








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample1st sample

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12 (33)

Measurement 12 – Electrode Cutting – Cathode

Process Electrode cutting

Gauge Type CCD #1

Measurement Upper width

1st sample

%Error 9,6 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

2nd sample

%Error 12,3 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

3rd sample

%Error 12,9 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

4th sample

%Error 16,8 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample 4th sample1st sample

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13 (33)

Measurement 13 – Electrode Cutting – Cathode

Process Electrode Cutting - CATHODE

Gauge Type CCD #1

Measurement Coating depth

1st sample

%Error 11,1 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias



[105,0; 231,7]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 8,8 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias



[0,4; 4,9]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Refernce Measurement

1st sample 2nd sample

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14 (33)

Measurement 14 – Electrode Cutting – Cathode

Process Electrode Cutting - CATHODE

Gauge Type CCD #1

Measurement Tab Position (Tap to Edge)

1st sample

%Error 10,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

2nd sample

%Error 10,8 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 22,3 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

4th sample

%Error 8,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample 4th sample1st sample

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15 (33)

Measurement 15 – Electrode Cutting – Cathode

Process Electrode Cutting - CATHODE

Gauge Type CCD #2

Measurement Lower width

1st sample

%Error 8,2 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

2nd sample

%Error 7,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 8,8 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

4th sample

%Error 9,7 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample 4th sample1st sample

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16 (33)

Measurement 16 – Electrode Cutting – Cathode

Process Electrode Cutting - CATHODE

Gauge Type CCD #1 & #2

Measurement Average length

1st sample

%Error 3,5 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem

2nd sample

%Error 5,7 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 14,6 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

4th sample

%Error 9,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem > Linearity problem








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample 4th sample1st sample

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17 (33)

Measurement 17 – Hot Pressing

Process Hot Pressing

Gauge Type Electronic Scale

Measurement Weight






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Measurement using 500g Standard Weight Block

Measurement Reference






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Measurement using 100g Standard Weight Block

Measurement Reference






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Measurement using 100mm Gauge Block

Measurement Reference






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Measurement using 90mm Gauge Block

Measurement Reference






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Measurement using 80mm Gauge Block

Measurement Reference

Page 88: Measurement System · MS Measurement System MSA Measurement System Analysis P/T Precision to Tolerance SIPOC Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer

18 (33)

%Error 0,12 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Bias p-value

Avarage %Bias


0,0 %


31,3 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

≥ 0,05

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem

Bias problem > Linearity problem

Precision-to-tolerance N/A

Signal-to-noise SNR = 24308 OK

Comment The scale has bad precision and bad accuracy

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19 (33)

Measurement 18 – Hot Pressing

Process Hot Pressing

Gauge Type Contact Sensor

Measurement Thickness








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Master JIG

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block Combination 18

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block Combination 16

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block Combination 15

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block Combination 14,5

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block Combination 14

Measurement Reference

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20 (33)

%Error 64,6 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Bias p-value

Avarage %Bias


5,3 %


[5,5; 187,6] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

≥ 0,05

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Bias problem

Bias problem > Linearity problem

Precision-to-tolerance 14,38 % NOT OK

Signal-to-noise 671 OK

Comment The scale has bad precision and bad accuracy








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block Combination 13,5

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block Combination 13

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block Combination 9

Measurement Reference

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21 (33)

Measurement 19 – US Pre-welding

Process Ultra-Sonic Pre-Welding - ANODE

Gauge Type CCD

Measurement Anode Ear Dimension (Height) after trimming

1st sample

%Error 135,8 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias


50,8 %

0,4 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 48,5 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias



[3,6; 54,0]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Refernce Measurement

1st sample 2nd sample

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22 (33)

Measurement 20 – US Pre-welding

Process Ultra-Sonic Pre-Welding - CATHODE

Gauge Type CCD

Measurement Cathode Ear Dimension (Height) after trimming

1st sample

%Error 110,0 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias


91,5 %

[29,4; 61,7] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 76,2 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Average %Bias



[4,8; 25,7]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Refernce Measurement

1st sample 2nd sample

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23 (33)

Measurement 21 – US Pre-welding

Process Ultra-Sonic Pre-Welding

Gauge Type HI POT test

Measurement Insulation Test

Sample nr Reference Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3

1 F F F F

2 P P P P

3 F F F F

4 P F F F

5 F F F F

6 P P P P

7 F F F F

8 P P P P

9 F F F F

10 P P P P

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Within appraisers

Kappa value

100 %

≥ 0,75

Good consistent, Good


Appraiser vs Standard

Kappa value


≥ 0,75

Acceptable accuracy

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24 (33)

Measurement 22 – Tab Final Welding

Process Tab Final Welding

Gauge Type CCD

Measurement Lid Angle

1st sample

%Error 237,6 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias


81,8 %

[1,2; 17,5] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 67 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias


61,4 %

[0,7; 16,5] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Measurement Reference

1st sample 2nd sample

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25 (33)

Measurement 23 – Tab Final Welding

Process Tab Final Welding

Gauge Type HI POT test

Measurement Insulation Test

Tolerance Pass/Fail

Sample nr Reference Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3

1 F F F F

2 P P P P

3 F F F F

4 P P P P

5 F F F F

6 P P P P

7 F F F F

8 P P P P

9 F F F F

10 P P P P

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Within appraisers

Kappa value

100 %

≥ 0,75

Good consistent, Good


Appraiser vs Standard

Kappa value


≥ 0,75

Good accuracy

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26 (33)

Measurement 24 – Insulation Film Wrapping

Process Insulation Film Wrapping

Gauge Type CCD

Measurement Upper Taping Position

1st sample

%Error 28,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias


67,1 %

[1,1; 11,1] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 22,48

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias


80,5 %

[0,8; 45,7] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 5,9 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias



[14,5; 33,8]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

4th sample

%Error 6,4 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias




≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem










1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117

QC Machine

1st sample 4th sample3rd sample2nd sample

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27 (33)

Measurement 25 – Insulation Film Wrapping

Process Insulation Film Wrapping

Gauge Type CCD

Measurement Lower Taping Position

1st sample

%Error 25,3 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias


57,9 %

[2,0; 51,7]

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

2nd sample

%Error 26,9 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias


54,2 %

[0,7; 30,7] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem

3rd sample

%Error 7,5 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual %Bias



[0,2; 12,3]%

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Linearity problem > Bias problem












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

Refernce Measurement

2nd sample 3rd sample1st sample

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28 (33)

Measurement 26 – Electrolyte Filling 1

Process Electrolyte Filling #1

Gauge Type Electronic Scale

Measurement Cell Weight - Incoming








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 100 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 90 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 80 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 70 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 60 mm

Measurement Reference

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29 (33)

%Error 0,0016 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Bias p-value

Avarage %Bias


0,0 %


28,3 %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

≥ 0,05

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem

Bias problem > Linearity problem

Precision-to-tolerance N/A

Signal-to-noise SNR = 24308 OK

Comment The scale has bad precision and bad accuracy

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30 (33)

Measurement 27 – Electrolyte Filling 1

Process Electrolyte Filling #1

Gauge Type Electronic Scale

Measurement Cell Weight - Outgoing








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 100 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 90 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 80 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 70 mm

Measurement Reference









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 60 mm

Measurement Reference

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31 (33)

1st sample

%Error 0,21 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual Bias p-value

Avarage %Bias


0,2 %


[879,3; 1465,5] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

≥ 0,05

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Bias problem

Bias problem > Linearity problem

Precision-to-tolerance N/A

Signal-to-noise SNR = 10864 OK

Comment The scale has bad precision and bad accuracy

2nd sample

%Error 0,003 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual Bias p-value

Avarage %Bias





≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

≥ 0,05

%Bias < %Linearity

No linearity problem. Assess average Bias

Bias problem

Bias problem

Precision-to-tolerance N/A

Signal-to-noise SNR = 19818 OK

Comment The scale has bad precision and bad accuracy

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32 (33)

Measurement 28 – Electrolyte Filling 2

Process Electrolyte Filling #2

Gauge Type Electronic Scale

Measurement Cell Weight








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 100 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 90 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 80 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 70 mm

Measurement Reference








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gauge Block 60 mm

Measurement Reference

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33 (33)

%Error 0,00011 %

Parameter Result Acceptance criteria Remark

Linearity p-value


Individual Bias p-value

Avarage %Bias


0,0 %


[1,0; 8,0] %

≥ 0,05

%Linearity < %Bias

≥ 0,05

%Bias < %Linearity

Linearity problem. Assess individual Bias

Bias problem

Bias problem > Linearity problem

Precision-to-tolerance N/A

Signal-to-noise SNR = 92116216 OK

Comment The scale has bad precision and bad accuracy

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1 (2)

Appendix II – Analysis Using Minitab

Calculating Standard Deviation Prior to analysis, it is important to have as much information regarding the specific process as

possible, particularly the process standard deviation. However, since many processes at the case

company are in the commissioning phase and hence not stable, it is logical to assume that the

Reference data reflects the standard deviation of the process at the time of sample collection. The

Reference data is therefore used to calculate the standard deviation as follows:

1. Enter the Reference data in Minitab worksheet, see Image 1:

Minitab worksheet.

2. Choose Stat → Basic Statistics → Display Descriptive Statistics.

3. In Variables, enter Measurement data.

4. Open Statistic option and ensure that Standard deviation is

chosen to be displayed.

5. From the result, the standard deviation of the process at the

sampling time can be obtained.

MSA in Minitab For data with repetitive readings, the analysis using Minitab begins

with a Gage R&R analysis followed by a Gage Linearity and Bias

Study. However, if it is possible to only obtain one sampling, the

analysis only includes Gage Linearity and Bias Study. For attribute

data, the analysis will be conducted as Attribute Agreement Analysis.

Gage R&R analysis

1. Measurement data and Reference data as well as the Part are inserted in Minitab in columns,

see Image 1: Minitab worksheet.

2. Chose Stat → Quality Tools → Gage Study → Gage R&R study (Crossed)…

3. In Part numbers, enter Part.

4. In Measurement data, enter Measurement.

5. The Method of Analysis is chosen to ANOVA

6. In Option, choose and enter the Lower and Upper Specification

7. From the result, the value of Precision-to-tolerance (P/T) and Signal-to-noise (SNR) can be

obtained as Minitab display these metrics as %Tolerance (SV/Toler) for Total Gage R&R and

Number of Distinct Categories, respectively.

Image 1: Minitab worksheet

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2 (2)

Gage Linearity and Bias Study

1. Calculate the standard deviation of the process at

the sampling time as Calculating Standard


2. Measurement data and Reference data as well as

the Part are inserted in columns in Minitab, see

Image 1: Minitab worksheet.

3. Choose Stat → Quality Tools → Gage Study →

Gage Linearity and Bias Study …

4. In Part numbers, enter Part.

5. In Reference values, enter Reference data

6. In Measurement data, enter Measurement data.

7. In Process variation, enter either the variation by

multiplying six with the process standard

deviation calculated in step 1, alternatively, the

known process standard deviation.

8. From the result p-value for Linearity problem can

be obtained as p-value of Slope displayed in

Minitab. Furthermore, other acceptance criteria such as %Linearity, %Bias and p-value for

Bias problem, can be obtained as in Image 2: Result of Gage Linearity and Bias Study.

Attribute Agreement Analysis

1. Measurement data and Reference data as

well as the Part are inserted in Minitab in

columns, see Image 3.

2. Chose Stat → Quality Tools → Attribute

Agreement Analysis …

3. Chose Multiple columns, in which enter all

the Measurement data

4. In Number of appraisers enter the number

of MI that conducts the measurement,

which in this case is one

5. In Number of trials enter the number of

repetitive reading that MI conducts on each part, which in this case is three.

6. In Known standard/attribute, enter Reference.

7. From the result, the Kappa statistic Within Appraisers and Appraisers vs Standard can be


Image 2: Result of Gage Linearity and Bias Study

Image 3: Worksheet for Attribute Agreement Analysis