measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – this controversy...

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions Measurement uncertainty relations Pekka Lahti Turku Centre for Quantum Physics Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Turku Turku, 20 October 2014

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Page 1: Measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertainty relations, like those proved

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Measurement uncertainty relations

Pekka Lahti

Turku Centre for Quantum PhysicsDepartment of Physics and Astronomy

University of Turku

Turku, 20 October 2014

Page 2: Measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertainty relations, like those proved

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions


Measurement uncertainty relations are quantitative bounds on theerrors in an approximate joint measurement of two incompatibleobservables like position and momentum.

They can be seen as a generalization of the error/disturbancetradeoff first discussed heuristically by Heisenberg.

Such relations are closely connected with the more familiarpreparation uncertainty relations, which constrain the sharpness ofthe distributions of the two observables in the same state.

Page 3: Measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertainty relations, like those proved

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

My talk is based most directly on a paper with the same title (JMP 55(2014) 042111 [29 pages]) together with Paul Busch (York) andReinhard Werner (Hannover). Other related papers of BuLaWe:

• Proof of Heisenberg’s Error-Disturbance Relation, PRL 111(2013)160405 (2013) [5 pages].

• Heisenberg uncertainty for qubit measurements, PRA 89,012129 (2014)

• Colloquium: Quantum root-mean-square error and measurementuncertainty relations, RMP, in the press, arxiv:1312.4393v2[quant-ph].

Page 4: Measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertainty relations, like those proved

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Heisenberg’s original idea:

Heisenberg’s 1927 intuitive ideas with a semiclassical analysis ofthe γ-ray thought experiment led him to the following conclusion:

A position measurement of an electron with an accuracy q1(resolution of the microscope) necessarily disturbs its momentumby an amount p1 such that

p1q1 ∼ h. (1)

Page 5: Measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertainty relations, like those proved

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Recent controversy

Some authors have recently claimed that Heisenberg proposed andeven proved the following inequality

Error(A, ρ) · Disturbance(B, ρ) ≥ 12|〈[A,B]〉ρ|, (2)

with the notions of Error(A, ρ) and Disturbance(B, ρ) which turn thisinequality wrong!

Such a claim is both absurd and historically wrong.

The proposed notions Error(A, ρ) and Disturbance(B, ρ) have onlyrather limited validity as a measurement error and disturbancecaused by the measurement.

There can be NO error-disturbance relation of the form (2) !

Page 6: Measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertainty relations, like those proved

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

PUR – Preparation uncertainty relations– an example of the power of a theorem –

This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertaintyrelations, like those proved originally by Kennard (1927), Weyl (orPauli) (1928), and Robertson (1929):

∆ρ(A) ·∆ρ(B) ≥ 12|〈[A,B]〉ρ|, (3)

Here ∆ρ is the standard deviation of the measurement outcomedistribution of a given observable in state ρ.

For ∆ρ(A) 6= 0, there is NO TRUE VALUE around which themeasurement results are scattering.

- this is not a bug but a feature of quantum mechanics.

(3) is not an error-error or error-disturbance tradeoff relation.

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To test a PUR like ∆ρ(Q)∆ρ(P) ≥ 12 |〈[Q,P]〉ρ| = ~


NO single object is subjected both to Q and P -measurements:

Figure: Scenario of preparation uncertainty

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Recall also

• If∆ρ(A)∆ρ(B) ≥ c > 0 for all ρ,

then A and B are (strongly) incompatible, they cannot bemeasured jointly or together (in any state).

• PUR gives no information how an A-measurement ‘disturbs’another observable B.

• PUR gives no information on the possibility of measuringincompatible observables together approximatively.

. . . but it is a hint!

Page 9: Measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertainty relations, like those proved

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

A study of measurement uncertainty relations and theclaims of its alleged violation require careful mathematicaland conceptual analysis:

– How to describe approximate measurements in quantummechanics?

– How to quantify a measurement error and the disturbancecaused by a measurement?

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Operational basis of QM– statistical causality –

• states as equivalence classes [π] of preparations π,• observables as equivalence classes [σ] of measurements σ,

• measurement outcome probabilities p[σ][π](X ) ' n(X )/N,

• the map [π] 7→ p[σ][π] preserves statistical mixing of preparations

π and thus of states [π].

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QM = the Hilbert space quantum mechanics

• Assume that states [π] are given as density operators ρ[ρ ≥ 0, tr [ρ] = 1, or the so-called pure states as unit vectors (wavefunctions)],


⇒ the sturcture of observables [σ] is completely determined[as positive operator measures A : X 7→ A(X), with outcome spaces (Ω,A),typically the real Borel spaces (R,B(R)) or (R2,B(R2))];

⇒ the form of the probability measures p[σ][π]

is completely determined

[as the Born rule: X 7→ pAρ(X) = tr [ρA(X)] = Aρ(X)].

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Fundamental features of quantum mechanics, 1

Single measurement results ωi ∈ X have almost no meaning at all.It is the whole measurement outcome statistics (distribution)

Aρ [defined by the preparation and measurement]

which is the result of a measurement.

Page 13: Measurement uncertainty relations · – an example of the power of a theorem – This controversy has nothing to do with the preparation uncertainty relations, like those proved

Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Example: the statistics of a douple-slit experiment withsingle atoms

S.Dürr, T. Nonn, G. Rempe, Nature 395 (1998) 33-37.

A single spot on the screen (a measurement outcome) is of nospecial meaning.

The result of the measurement is the full position distribution Qρ onthe screen [from which we can compute e.g. 〈Q〉ρ and ∆ρ(Q)].

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Fundamental features of quantum mechanics, 2

A measurement changes, in general, the state of the system

ρ 7→ ρ′,

and thus also the measurement outcome distributions of observables

Aρ 7→ Aρ′ ≡ A′ρ.

This we see again in the statistics.

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Douple-slit experiment with ‘path marking’- no need to read the mark-

The ‘disturbance’ felt by the atoms is seen in the statistics(Qρ 7→ Qρ′ ).

By inspection: 〈Q〉ρ ' 〈Q〉ρ′ and ∆ρ(Q) ' ∆ρ′(Q),though the distributions Qρ and Qρ′ differ hugely!

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Joint measurements

A bimeasurement is any measurement (and thus observable M)which registers (with independent detectors) pairs of outcomes.

Let M1 be the partial observable (marginal) obtained when thesecond outcome is ignored.

Let M2 be the partial observable (marginal) obtained when the firstoutcome is ignored.

Observables (sharp or not) A and B can be measured jointly(together) if there is a bimeasurement M such that

A = M1 and B = M2.

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Fundamental features of quantum mechanics, 3

There are pairs of observables that cannot be measured together.

Such pairs include the typical canonical pairs:• position and momentum (in a given spatial direction),• components of angular momentum,• components of spin or polarization,• number and phase,• energy and time.

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In measuring an observable A with a measurementM, theactually measured observable A′ may differ from A.

An operational quantification ∆(A′,A) of the difference of theapproximator A′ from the target observable A is the error inmeasuring A withM.

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The measurementM causes a change (disturbance) in anyother observable B, the disturbed observable B′ being uniquelydetermined from B byM .

An operational quantification ∆(B′,B) of the difference of B′ fromB is the disturbance of B caused byM.

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Heisenberg’s scenario for p1q1 ∼ h.

The middle row shows an approximate position measurement Q′

followed by a momentum measurement.

ρ P'Q'

ρ P

ρ Q


∆(P, P' )

∆(Q, Q' )

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Approximate joint measurements

The error-disturbance scenario is just a special case of the approximate jointmeasurement scenario.

An approximate joint measurement of observables A and B is ANYmeasurement, with pairs of outcomes, and thus any observable M,with two marginals M1,M2, so that we may consider M1/M2approximating A/B.

The errors ∆(M1,A) and ∆(M2,B) quantify the quality of M as anapproximate joint measurement of A,B.

Measurement uncertainty relation for A,B is any inequality thatexcludes for any M the origin ∆(M1,A) = 0 = ∆(M2,B) and someregion around it. For instance,

∆(M1,A) ·∆(M2,B) ≥ c > 0, or ∆(M1,A)2 + ∆(M2,B)2 ≥ c′ > 0.

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How to define ∆(A′,A)?

In general, there is no point in comparing individual measurementoutcomes of the approximator A′ and the target observable A ineach case.

But one may compare the distributions A′ρ and Aρ in all (or almostall) input states.

The number ∆(A′,A) should thus quantify the difference between thedistributions A′ρ and Aρ for all (or a relevant subset of) input states ρ.

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

• We need a distance ∆(A′ρ,Aρ) of the probability measures A′ρand Aρ.

• Such a distance should behave correctly under ‘change of units’.

• This requires a corresponding distance in Ω.

For the case Ω = R this is

d(x , y) = |x − y |.

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Monge-Kantorovich-Wassersteindistance (of order 2)

– minimizing the total cost of transportation –

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

Kantorovich duality– maximizing the win = minimizing the cost –

You may want a company to transport the extracted material to theconsturction place:

Leonid Kantorovich’s work from 1938 led to Nobel Prize foreconomics in 1975, jointly with Tjalling Koopmans, "for theircontributions to the theory of optimum allocation of resources".

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Optimal transport leads to a natural generalization of the Gaussianerror to compare any two probability measures, like A′ρ and Aρ.

– for those who like to see it –

Dγ(A′ρ Aρ) =

(∫|x − y |2 dγ(x , y)

) 12

∆(A′ρ,Aρ) =cost infγ a coupling


=win supf ,g


∫f (x)Aρ(dx)

) 12

Compare with:∆ρ(A) = ∆(Aρ, δ〈A〉ρ)

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

We take the worst case w.r.t ρ

∆(A′,A) = supρ


to represent the error in measuring A with a measurementdefining A′.

This is a device figure of merit.

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

(Q,P): covariant phase space measurements are theirapproximate joint measurements.

They are measurements M (with two outcomes) which behavecovariantly under phase space translations, that is, spatialtranslations and velocity boosts.

The partial measurements, the q- and p-marginals M1 and M2 are‘noisy’ or ‘unsharp’ versions of position and momentum, smearedwith the Fourier related densities Qσ and Pσ (with σ defining M, thatis, M = Mσ).

For them

∆(M1,Q)∆(M2,P) = (

∫q2 Qσ(dq))

12 (

∫p2 Pσ(dp))


≥ ∆σ(Q)∆σ(P) ≥ ~2,

with the lower bound attained with Mσ defined by the "oscillatorground state" σ = |h0 〉〈h0|.

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

General case

TheoremLet M be any approximate joint measurement of position andmomentum such that the errors ∆(M1,Q) and ∆(M2,P) are finite.Then

∆(M1,Q)∆(M2,P) ≥ 12~.

The lower bound is obtained by a covariant phase spacemeasurement defined by the oscillator ground state.

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Qubit observables

For a pair of ±1-valued qubit observables A,B (associated with thedirections a,b) we have:

TheoremLet M be any approximate joint measurement of the ±1-valued qubitobservables A,B. Then


)2+ ∆




2[||a− b||+ ||a + b|| − 2

]. (4)

This bound is tight and quantifies the degree of incompatibility of A,B.It can be satisfied when the approximators M1,M2 are covariant.

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

What goes wrong with the NO approaches

The experiments which claim the refutation of the Heisenberguncertainty relations rely on the noise operator (NO) based notions oferror and disturbance.

There are many equivalent expressions of this notion, e.g.,

Error(A, ρ)2 = 〈(Ain − Z out)2〉ρ⊗σ =

∫(x − y)2 Re tr [ρA′(dx)A(dy)] .

This immediately reveals that this notion cannot be determined fromthe actual measurement of the approximator A′ and from the controlmeasurement of the target A unless A′ is compatible with A in whichcase it is an over estimation of ∆(A′ρ,Aρ).

A detailed analysis of the limitations of this notion as a measurementerror is given in our Colloquium-paper.

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Summary Back ground Frame Uncertainties Quantifying Errors (Q, P) Qubit pairs NO approaches Conclusions

ConclusionQuantum mechanics allows one to

• define operationally significant notions of measurement error,for instance, those based on the Wasserstein deviationmeasures,

• prove for these notions Heisenberg-type of measurementuncertainty relations e.g. for position and momentumobservables as well as for pairs of qubit observables.

• The method is general, but a generic relation is still lacking.

• The experiments which claim the violation of the Heisenbergmeasurement uncertainty relations rely on the noise operatorbased notions of error and disturbance. These are badly chosendefinitions of measurement error, except when the quantities inquestion commute, in which case they over estimate the actualerror.