measuring the viscoelastic behaviour of soft materials.pdf

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  • 7/28/2019 Measuring the Viscoelastic Behaviour of Soft Materials.pdf


    Oscillatory RheologyMeasuring the Viscoelastic Behaviour of Soft Materials

    Masuring this tim dpndnt strss r-

    spns at a sing frqunc immdiat rvas

    k diffrncs btwn matrias, as shwnschmatica in figur 1(b). If th matria is an

    ida astic sid, thn th samp strss is pr-

    prtina t th strain dfrmatin, and th pr-

    prtinait cnstant is th shar mduus f th

    matria. Th strss is awas xact in phas

    with th appid sinusida strain dfrmatin.

    In cntrast, if th matria is a pur viscus

    fuid, th strss in th samp is prprtina t

    th rat f strain dfrmatin, whr th pr-

    Sft matrias such as cida suspnsins,

    musins, fams, r pmr sstms ar ubiq-

    uitus in man industris, incuding fds, phar-macuticas, and csmtics. Thir macrscpic

    mchanica bhaviur is a k prprt which

    ftn dtrmins th usabiit f such matrias

    fr a givn industria appicatin. Charactrising

    th mchanica bhaviur f sft matrias is

    cmpicatd b th fact that man matrias ar

    viscastic, s thir mchanica prprtis i

    btwn that f a pur astic sid and that f

    a viscus iquid. Using sciatr rhg, it is

    pssib t quantif bth th viscus-ik and

    th astic-ik prprtis f a matria at diffr-

    nt tim scas; it is thus a vauab t fr un-

    drstanding th structura and dnamic prpr-tis f ths sstms [1, 2].

    Oscillatory Rheology

    Th basic princip f an sciatr rhmtr is

    t induc a sinusida shar dfrmatin in th

    samp and masur th rsutant strss r-

    spns; th tim sca prbd is dtrmind b

    th frqunc f sciatin, , f th shar d-

    frmatin. In a tpica xprimnt, th samp is

    pacd btwn tw pats, as shwn in figur

    1(a). Whi th tp pat rmains statinar, a

    mtr rtats th bttm pat, thrb imps-ing a tim dpndnt strain (t)=sin(t) n

    th samp. Simutanus, th tim dpndnt

    strss(t) is quantifid b masuring th trqu

    that th samp impss n th tp pat.

    Fig. 1: (a) Schematic representation of a typical rheometry setup, with the sample placed betweentwo plates. (b) Schematic stress response to oscillatory strain deformation for an elastic solid, aviscous fluid and a viscoelastic material.

    Prof. David Weitz, Dr. Hans Wyss, Ryan Larsen,Harvard University

    Soft materials such as emulsions, foams, or dispersions are ubiquitous in

    industrial products and formulations; they exhibit unique mechanical

    behaviours that are often key to the way these materials are employed in a

    particular application. Studying the mechanical behaviour of these materials

    is complicated by the fact that their response is viscoelastic, intermediate

    between that of solids and liquids. Oscillatory rheology is a standard

    experimental tool for studying such behaviour; it provides new insights

    about the physical mechanisms that govern the unique mechanical

    properties of soft materials. Pht: 108 (phtcas)

    G.I.T. Labratry Jurnal 3-4/2007, 68-70, GIT VERLAG GmbH & C. KG, Darmstadt

  • 7/28/2019 Measuring the Viscoelastic Behaviour of Soft Materials.pdf


    prtinait cnstant is th viscsit f th fuid.

    Th appid strain and th masurd strss ar

    ut f phas, with a phas ang =/2, as

    shwn in th cntr graph in figur 1(b).

    Viscastic matrias shw a rspns that

    cntains bth in-phas and ut-f-phas cntri-

    butins, as shwn in th bttm graph f figur

    1(b); ths cntributins rva th xtnts f

    sid-ik (rd in) and iquid-ik (bu dttd

    in) bhavir. As a cnsqunc, th tta strss

    rspns (purp in) shws a phas shift with rspct t th appid strain dfrmatin

    that is btwn that f sids and iquids,


  • 7/28/2019 Measuring the Viscoelastic Behaviour of Soft Materials.pdf


    sca f this raxatin is xpctd t dpnd n

    th strain rat f dfrmatin; th raxatin

    spds up if th sstm is subjctd t shar [4,

    810]. As th strain ampitud f dfrmatin is

    incrasd in a strain-swp masurmnt, th

    strain rat incrass and th charactristic fr-

    qunc f th sw raxatin prcss mvs t-

    wards highr frquncis. As a cnsqunc, a

    pak in th ss mduus is bsrvd at th pintwhr this charactristic frqunc bcms

    cmparab t th sciatin frqunc f th

    strain dfrmatin, . Thus, th bsrvd bhav-

    iur at arg strains dirct rfcts th structur-

    a raxatin f th matria.

    This bhaviur is xpitd in a nw ap-

    prach t sciatr rhg, Strain-Rat Fr-

    qunc Suprpsitin (SRFS) [5], whr th am-

    pitud f strain rat is kpt cnstant as is

    varid. examps f such masurmnts ar

    shwn in figur 2(d) fr diffrnt strain rat am-

    pituds f shar dfrmatin. At a strain rats,

    th frqunc dpndnc f th rspns

    shws th bhaviur xpctd fr a sw struc-

    tura raxatin prcss, with a prnuncd pak

    in th ss mduus. Th data shw that with in-

    crasing strain rat ampitud th rspns

    mvs twards highr frquncis; hwvr, th

    gnra shap f th rspns is surprising in-

    snsitiv t strain rat, as shwn in figur 2().

    B scaing th frqunc and th magnitud f

    ach data st, w caps th data rcrdd at

    diffrnt strain rats nt a mastr curv with

    th crrspnding scaing factrs shwn in th

    inst. Whi th magnitud scaing factr, a(),

    dpnds n wak n th appid strain rat,

    th frqunc scaing factr b() shws a in-ar dpndnc n ; thus, within th rang

    studid, th charactristic raxatin frqunc

    is prprtina t th appid strain rat. Surpris-

    ing, ntab diffrncs in th shap f this

    shar-drivn raxatin ar bsrvd btwn

    diffrnt samps [5]. Thus, th shap f th r-

    axatin is nt gvrnd b th sing tim sca

    inducd b th shar but is instad gvrnd b

    a samp-dpndnt spctrum f raxatin

    tims. In th xamp shwn th unusua

    brad shap f th pak indicats that th rax-

    atin spctrum f this sstm cntains a rmark-

    ab brad rang f tim scas.

    Th bhaviur bsrvd suggsts that vauab

    infrmatin abut th structura raxatin f

    sft matrias can b accssd frm such nnin-

    ar viscastic masurmnts, vn if th rax-

    atin ccurs at tim scas that ar nt accssi-

    b t inar sciatr rhg.


    osciatr rhg is a vauab t fr stud-

    ing th mchanica bhavir f sft matrias.

    Rcnt studis suggst that th nninar visc-

    astic bhavir cntains vauab infrmatin

    abut th dnamics f ths sstms. Thus ma-

    surmnts at arg strain dfrmatins shud

    ad t a bttr undrstanding f th phsica

    mchanisms that gvrn thir bhaviur.


    [1] W. Macsk: Rhg: Princips, Masurmnts

    and Appicatins, Wi-VCH, Nw yrk, 1994

    [2] larsn R.G.: Th structur and rhg f cm-

    px fuids, oxfrd Univrsit Prss, Nw yrk,


    [3] Hu Z. and Xia X.: Adv. Matrias 16, 305 (2004)

    [4] Miazaki H.M. et al.: eurphs. ltt. 75, 915


    [5] Wss H.M. et al.: cndmat/0608151 (2006)

    [6] Sich P. et al.: Phs. Rv. ltt. 78, 2020 (1997)

    [7] Cats M.e. and Sich P.: J. Rhg 48, 193


    [8] Fuchs M. and Cats M.e.: Phs. Rv. ltt. 89


    [9] Fuchs M. and Cats M.e.: Farada Discuss. 123,

    267 (2003)

    [10] Miazaki K. et al.: Phs. Rv. e 70, 011501 (2004)

    C o n t a c t

    Dr. Hans M. Wyss

    Ryan J. Larsen

    Prof. David A. Weitz

    Harvard Univrsit

    Phsics & DeAS

    Cambridg, USA

    T.: +1 617 496 80 49

    Fax: +1 617 496 95 64

    [email protected]
