mechatronics - unit - ii

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  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II



    Sensors and Transducers

    Sensors: It is used for an element which produces signal relating to the quantity

    being measured

    Example: An electrical resistance temperature element, the quantity being measured is

    temperature and the sensor transforms an input of temperature into a change in resistance

    Transducer: These are defined as elements that when subject to some physical changeexperience a related change.

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    Performance Terminology

    Range and span:

    The range of a transducer defines the limits between which the input can vary

    The span is the maximum value of the input minus the minimum value.

    Span = Max. value of inputMin. value

    Ex: A load cell for the measurement of forces might have a range of 0 to 50 KN.

    Span = 500 = 50 KN.

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    It is the difference between the result of the measurement and

    the true value of the quantity being measured.

    Error = Measured valueTrue value

    Error = 2524 = 1c

    Error = 2526 = -1c

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    It is the extent to which the value indicated by a measurement systemmight be wrong.

    Ex: A measuring system having an accuracy of 2c implies that the

    reading given by the instrument can be expected to lie within + or - 2c of

    the true (actual) value

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    It is the relationship indicating how much output you get per unit input

    i.e., output / input

    Ex: A resistance thermometer may have a sensitivity of 0.5/c

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    Hysterisis Error:

    Transducers can give different outputs from the same value of quantity

    being measured according to whether that value has been reached by a

    continuously increasing change or a continuously decreasing change. This

    effect is called Hysterisis.

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    Repeatability / Reproducibility:

    The transducer that are used to describe its ability to give the same output

    for repeated applications of the same input value.

    Repeatability = ((Max.Min. values given)/Full range)* 100

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    Its ability to give the same output when used to measure a constant input

    over a period of time.


    It is the smallest change in the input value that will produce an observable

    change in the output.

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    Displacement sensors:

    These are concerned with the measurement of the amount by which some

    object has been moved.

    Position sensors:

    These are concerned with the determination of the position of some object

    with reference to some reference point.

    Proximity sensors:

    These are a form of position sensors and are used to determine when an

    object has moved to within some particular critical distance of the sensor.

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    Consideration for selecting a displacement, position and proximity sensor

    1. The size of the displacement: for a proximity sensor, how close

    should the object be before it is detected.

    2. Whether the displacement is linear or angular. Linear displacement

    sensors might be used to monitor the thickness or other dimensions of

    sheet materials.

    Angular displacement methods might be used to monitor the angular

    displacement of shafts.

    3. The resolution and accuracy required.

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    4. What material the measured object is made i.e., some sensors

    will only work with ferromagnetic materials some with only metals,

    some with only insulators.

    5. The cost.

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    Inductive proximity switch

    Number of forms of switch which can be activated by the presence of

    an object in order to give a proximity sensor with an output which is

    either ON or OFF.

    The micro switch is a small electrical switch which requires physicalcontact and a small operating force to close the contact.

    Ex: In the case of determining the presence of an item on a conveyor belt,

    this might be actuated by the weight of the item on the belt depressing the

    belt and hence a springloaded platform under it, with the movement of

    this platform then closing the switch.

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    Pneumatic proximity sensor

    Pneumatic sensor involve the use of compressed air displacement or

    the proximity of an object being transformed into a change in air


    From the fig.(a) low pressure air is allowed to escape through a port in

    the front of the sensor, this escaping air in the absence of any close

    by object, escapes and in doing so also reduces the pressure in the

    nearby sensor output port.

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    From fig. (b) if these is a closeby object, the air cannot so readily escape and

    the result is that the pressure increases in the sensor output port. The output

    pressure from the sensor thus depends on the proximity of the object.

    Such sensors are used for the measurement of displacements of fractions of mm

    in ranges which typically are about 3 to 12 mm

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    Incremental Encoder

  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    Circular disk contains alternative evenly spaced opaque and transparent

    segment over a circle.

    Light source located on one side of the disk .

    Photo detecting device (Photo detector) is placed on the other side of the disk.

    LED is used as the light source that provides continuous signal.

    The line of action of light source, the circular pattern and the photo detector

    must match with each other.

    Light signals can be received if the transparent segment of the pattern is

    in between the light source and the photo detector.

    The detector receives no light signal if opaque segment of the pattern is


    Disk is made to rotate, the photo detector will receive pulsed light signal for

    every time it sees the light source i.e., LED The disk is rigidly fixed with rotor or shaft of rotating element. The evenly

    spaced transparent radial lines on its surface, rotates part the light source.

    The output is taken from the photo detector. The number of pulses determines

    the position of the disk and the number of pulses / sec. measures the velocity

    of the disk.

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    The pulsed light signal generated by utilizing the two patterns are

    usually called channelA signal and channelB signal.

    In fig. (b) an equivalent relative angular placements of two are shown.

    The relative angular placements of transparent segments of these two

    patterns are such that the outputs of two photo detectors are shown in

    fig . The phase difference between the two signals is 90 deg. such

    signals together are referred to as Quadrature Square waves means

    that two squarewaves that are phaseshifted w.r.t. each other by 90deg.

    If channelA leads channelB, then the direction of movement is

    clockwise direction and vice versa.

    The number of transparent segments on the disk determines the

    resolution of the encoder. More the number of transparent segments

    more accurate position (angular) information can be obtained.

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  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    Absolute Encoders

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    Absolute encoder for the measurement of angular displacement.

    It gives an output in the form of Binary number of several digits, each

    such number representing a particular angular position.

    The rotating disk has four concentric circles of slots and four sensors

    to detect the light pulses. The slots are arranged in such a way that the

    sequential output from the sensors is a number in the binary code.

    Typical encoders tend to have upto 10 or 12 tracks. The number of bits

    in the binary number will be equal to the number of tracks. Thus with

    10 tracks there will be 10 bits and so the number of position that can be

    detected is 210

    i.e., 1024 , a resolution of (360/1024) = 0.35 deg.

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    Normal form of binary code is generally not used because changing

    from one binary number to the next can cause result in more than one

    bit changing and if, through some misalignment, one of the bits

    changes fractionally before the others then an intermediate binary

    number is momentarily indicated and so can lead to false counting.

    To over come this gray code is generally used with this code only one

    bit changes in moving from one number to the next.

    Edd t i it S

  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    Eddy current proximity Sensors

    If a coil is supplied with an alternating current, an alternating magnetic field isproduced.

    If a metal object is in close proximity to this alternating magnetic field, then

    eddy currents are induced in it.

    The eddy current themselves produce a magnetic field. This distorts the

    magnetic field responsible for their production.

    As a result, the amplitude of the alternating current changes. At some preset

    level this change can be used to trigger a switch.

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    It is used for the detection of nonmagnetic but conductive materials. They

    have the advantages of being relatively inexpensive, small in size with high

    reliability and can have high sensitivity to small displacements.

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    Hall effect sensors

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    Beam of charged particles passes through a magnetic field, forces act

    on the particles and the beam is deflected from its straight line path.

    A current flowing in a conductor is like a beam of moving charges and

    thus can be deflected by a magnetic field. This effect is called Hall


    Electrons moving in a conductive plate with a magnetic field applied at

    right angles to the plane of the plate.

    As a consequence of the magnetic field, the moving electron is

    deflected to one side of the plate and thus that side become negatively

    charged while opposite side becomes positively charged since the

    electrons are directed away from it.

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    Used to determine the level of fuel in automobile fuel tank

    Magnet is attached to a float and as the level fuel changes so the float

    distance from the Hall sensor changes. The result is a Hall voltage

    output which is a measure of distance of the float from the sensor and

    hence the level of fuel in the tank.

    A li i f ll ff

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    Application of Hall effect sensor

    Hall effect sensors commutate 3- brushless DC motor.

    The simple cylindrical 3- motor Figure aboveis commutated by a Hall effect

    device for each of the three stator phases. The changing position of the

    permanent magnet rotor is sensed by the Hall device as the polarity of the

    passing rotor pole changes. This Hall signal is amplified so that the stator coils

    are driven with the proper current. The Hall signals may be processed by

    combinatorial logic for more efficient drive waveforms.
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    Potentiometer Sensor

    Consists of resistance element with a sliding contact which can be moved over thelength of the element. Such elements can be used for linear or Rotary displacements,

    the displacement being converted into a potential difference.

    The rotary potentiometer consists of a circular wire wound track or a film of

    conductive plastic over which a rotatable sliding contact can be rotated. The track may

    be single turn or helical.

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  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    Pyroelectric Sensors

    Pyroelectric materials example Lithium tanlate are crystalline materials

    which generate charge in response to heat flow.

    When it is heated to a temperature just below curie temperature about

    610 deg. and the material cooled while remaining in the field, electric

    dipoles within the material line up and it becomes polarized.

    The effect is like magnetizing a piece of iron by exposing it to a

    magnetic field.

    When the pyro electric material is exposed to infrared radiations, its

    temperature rises and this reduces the amount of polarization in the

    material, the dipoles being shaken up more and losing their alignment

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    Pyroelectric Sensors

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    Pyroelectric Sensors

    It consists of a polarized pyroelectric crystal with thin metal film

    electrodes on opposite faces.

    Because the crystal is polarized with charged surfaces, ions are drawn

    from the surrounding air and electrons from any measurement circuit

    connected to the senor to balance the surface charge as shown in fig. (a)

    If infrared radiation is incident on the crystal and changes it temperature

    the polarization in the crystal is reduced and consequently that is a

    reduction in charge at the surfaces of the crystal as shown in fig. (b).

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    The charge leaks away through the measurement circuit until the

    charge on the crystal once again is balanced by the charge on the


    Thus it behaves as charge generator which generates charge when

    there is a change in temperature as a result of incidence of infrared


    Pyroelectric Sensors

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    An IR emitting body moving across the front of a sensor will expose first

    one, then both and then the other sensor element.

    The output signal waveform from an analog sensor shows that for motion in

    one direction, first a positive, then zero and then a negative transition results.

    Motion in the other direction will produce first a negative, then zero and then

    a positive transition

    Pyro electric Sensors

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    PVDF T til

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    PVDF Tactile sensors

    It uses Piezo electric Polyvindylidene Fluoride (PVDF) film.

    Two layers of the film are used and are separated by a soft film whichtransmits vibrations.

    The lower PVDF film has an alternating voltage applied to it and this

    results in mechanical oscillations of the film.

    The intermediate film transmits these vibrations to the upper PVDF


    As a consequence of the piezo electric effect, these vibrations cause an

    alternating voltage to be produced across the upper film when pressure

    is applied to the upper PVDF film its vibrations are affected and the

    output alternating is changed.

    Light Sensors

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    Light Sensors

    Sensors which senses the presence of light are called light sensors or

    photo sensors. These sensors are also called photo electric transducers

    because when light falls on these sensors, there exist a change in their

    electrical property. i.e., light signals induce change in electrical

    properties of conductance, resistance, inductance etc., of the material.

    This change in electrical properties of the material is used to measure a

    wide range of radiations including intensity of light.

    The phenomenon is observed in terms of three effects known as

    photoemmissive, photoconductive and photovoltaic transducers

    Photo emissive Transducer

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    Photo emissive Transducer

    It is a vacuum chamber containing photo emissive cathode, an anode

    and photomultiplier consists of many dynodes.

    The light sensitive cathode emits electrons by virtue of photoelectric


    Electrons thus ejected from a photosensitive cathode are attracted

    toward and strike the 1stpositive electrode (Dynode-1) of the

    multiplier, liberating secondary electrons.

    The photoelectrons thus generated from the first dynode are again

    accelerated towards second dynode since it is kept at a higher potentialcompared to first dynode.

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    The secondary electrons bombard the second dynode generating more

    secondary electrons and so on, until a desirable current signal is produced

    through several stages.

    Finally a shower of electrons is produced and collected at the anode

    constituting anode current, which is proportional to the intensity of light.

    Photoconductive Transducers (Photo resistors)

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    Photoconductive Transducers (Photo resistors)

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    Photo conductive or light dependent resistorLDR material can be used for

    the construction of photo conductive transducers.

    Materials used for construction of photo conductive transducers are

    cadmium sulphide (Cds), Lead Selenide (PbSe), Lead Sulfide (Pbs), Lead

    Telluride (PbTe) etc.,

    When light falls on the LDR the resistance of the transducer material

    changes. If the LDR is made as a part of an electronic circuit, the changes

    will be reflected in terms of current or voltage. The change in current or

    voltage can now become the output signal, which simply appears as a

    measure of input light intensity.

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    A constant current source is connected across the LDR, when light

    falls upon it the conductivity (resistance) of the material from which

    the LDR has been made changes.

    Depending upon the type of material the conductivity may increase or

    decrease, since the LDR is supplied with a constant current source, the

    effect is developed in terms of a rise or drop in voltage across the

    LDR, which is proportional to the intensity of light. The change in

    voltage can be calibrated. If the supplied constant source becomes a

    voltage source, the measured signal would be a current signal insteadof voltage. In this case the change in current can be calibrated to

    quantify the light intensity.

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    These type of transducers are used for the detection of intensity of the

    light. The principle is also employed for the design of the color sensor.

    Ultrasonic sensors

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    Ultrasonic sensors

    Ultrasonic measurement systems consists of an ultrasonic transmitter, the

    transmission medium and an ultrasonic receiver. The commonly used

    ultrasonic sensors are the piezo electric sensing elements.

    Piezo electric effect is reversible, the ultrasonic transmitter uses the

    inverse piezo electric effect, i.e., if a voltage is applied to the transmitter

    the crystal will undergo corresponding deformation (vibration)indirect.

    The vibration of the crystal is transmitted through the media from one

    end to the other.

    The particle displacement sets up an accompanying pressure which is

    picked up by the receiver.

    The receiver use the direct piezo electric effect and converts the force

    into corresponding voltage.


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    1) Level measurement

    T = (2*I)/C

    C = velocity of ultrasonic waves

    It is to be noted that the crystal must be placed at the bottom and not at the

    top. If placed at the top due to the presence of air no wave will be able to

    propagate thus giving an erroneous measurement


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    Crack detection:

    If we measure the time then we will no exactly where the crack is developed.

    Here crack or gap acts as the second medium and thus helps us to detect where

    the crack has taken place.

    It can also be used for measurement of flow


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    It is easy to direct and focus a beam of ultrasound as diffraction of these

    waves are small due to their short wavelength.

    Ultrasonic waves can easily pass through metals. This helps in mounting

    the measurement system outside the system and it will lead to the

    development of non-invasive sensor.

    These sensors have wide application in Biomedical instrumentation such as

    measure of blood flow in the artery, determination of Blood Pressure and


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  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    When a magnetic force is generated parallel to the reed switch, the

    reeds become flux carriers in the magnetic circuit. The overlapping

    ends of the reeds become opposite magnetic poles, which attract each

    other. If the magnetic force between the poles is strong enough to

    overcome the restoring force of the reeds, the reeds will be drawn


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    What magnetic force is required to close a reed switch ?

    Minimum force - expressed in ampere-turns, will cause the reeds toclose, and is called the just-operate force. Since the force between the

    poles increases as the gap decreases, a force of approximately half the

    just-operate force will maintain the operated state. Speed of operation

    of the reed switch is determined by the excess of operating force over

    the just-operate force.

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  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    In mobile devices with doors to protect the keypads, the power to the display

    or central processing unit (CPU) can conveniently be switched on or off, just

    by opening or closing the doors.

    A reed sensor can be used in these applications because it does not drain any

    power from the battery, irrespective of its contact state. Furthermore, when

    the sensor is actuated, the resistance across the contacts is so low in the order

    of a few milliohms, that unnecessary battery drain is avoided.

    Reed sensors are also used in notebook computers to trigger the CPU to sleep

    when the door is shut. Suitable products: R5, R3, and R2SMD reed sensors.
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  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    Commercial coffee, tea, and milk vending machines need to dispense

    enough milk or water for exactly one cup.

    This can be accomplished by filling up a secondary reservoir fitted with a

    float and a reed switch which comes on when the reservoir is filled up to 200

    ml. This signal can then be used to trigger other solenoids or pumps which

    stop the main reservoir output and open the drain valve from the secondary

    reservoir to dispense the liquid into a cup.

    Using a narrow and long secondary reservoir ensures that errors in

    measurement do not exceed 5 ml.

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  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    Statistics say almost 80% of automobiles use reed switch based crash

    sensors for triggering airbags.

    A ring magnet is mounted on a very precise tension spring and this

    assembly is slid over a reed switch. Depending on the impact which is

    required to trigger the reed switch, different tension springs are used.

    In most crash sensors, two reed switches are used instead of one as a

    failsafe mechanism. When a crash occurs, the mass of the magnet

    compresses the spring and moves closer to the reed switch, closing it.

    This signal is used to trigger the compressed cylinder which inflates the


    Piezoelectric effect

  • 8/13/2019 Mechatronics - Unit - II


    e oe ect c e ect

    The piezoelectric effect occurs when the charge balance within the

    crystal lattice of a material is disturbed.

    When there is no applied stress on the material, the positive and

    negative charges are evenly distributed so there is no potential


    When the lattice is changed slightly, the charge imbalance creates a

    potential difference, often as high as several thousand volts. However,

    the current is extremely small and only causes a small electric shock.

    The converse piezoelectric effect occurs when the electrostatic field

    created by an electrical current causes the atoms in the material to

    move slightly.

    Piezoelectric Sensors

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    A piezoelectric sensoris a device that uses thepiezoelectric effectto

    measurepressure, acceleration, strainor forceby converting them to

    an electricalcharge.

    Piezoelectric Principle
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    The active element of an accelerometer is a piezoelectric material.

    Figure 1 illustrates the piezoelectric effect with the help of a

    compression disk. A compression disk looks like a capacitor with the

    piezo ceramic material sandwiched between two electrodes. A force

    applied perpendicular to the disk causes a charge production and a

    voltage at the electrodes.

    Piezoelectric effect

    The sensing element of a piezoelectric accelerometer consists of two

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    The sensing element of a piezoelectric accelerometer consists of two

    major parts:

    Piezo ceramic material

    Seismic mass

    One side of the piezoelectric material is connected to a rigid post at the

    sensor base. The so -called seismic mass is attached to the other side.

    When the accelerometer is subjected to vibration, a force is generated

    which acts on the piezoelectric element. According to Newtons Law

    this force is equal to the product of the acceleration and the seismic

    mass. By the piezoelectric effect a charge output proportional to the

    applied force is generated. Since the seismic mass is constant the

    charge output signal is proportional to the acceleration of the mass.

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    Over a wide frequency range both sensor base and seismic mass have

    the same acceleration magnitude. Hence, the sensor measures theacceleration of the test object.

    The piezoelectric element is connected to the sensor socket via a pair

    of electrodes. Some accelerometers feature an integrated electronic

    circuit which converts the high impedance charge output into a low

    impedance voltage signal.