medard h. nelson walkthrough observation notes

Walk-through Observation Notes Teacher: Date: Time In: Time Out: Observer: Mastery Objective: While in your classroom I observed the following: Classroom Management and Culture CMC Teacher Behaviors/Actions CMC Student Behaviors/Actions o Sense of urgency o Respectful, supportive tone o Assertive tone when appropriate o High expectations o Stimulating classroom environment o Positive reinforcement o Redirecting inappropriate/off task behavior o Strong procedures/routines/transitions o On task and actively participating o Following directions/expectations o Respectful/courteous o Sense of responsibility/initiative for learning o Productive risk-taking o Off task/disengaged o Disruptive/disrespectful CMC Strengths CMC Areas of Improvement Instructional Planning and Delivery IPD Teacher Behaviors/Actions IPD Evidence/Usage of Instructional Strategies o Objective clearly posted and stated o Current lesson plans available o Engaging and effective instructional strategies o Varied and effective grouping strategies o Read world connections o Questioning/higher order thinking skills o Actively monitoring student understanding o Formative/summative assessments o Effective pacing and sequencing Mastery Objective: How teacher assessed for student mastery of objective or checked for understanding: IPD Strengths IPD Areas of Improvement

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Medard h. nelson walkthrough observation notes

Walk-through Observation Notes

Teacher: Date: Time In: Time Out:Observer: Mastery Objective:

While in your classroom I observed the following:

Classroom Management and CultureCMC Teacher Behaviors/Actions CMC Student Behaviors/Actions

o Sense of urgencyo Respectful, supportive toneo Assertive tone when appropriateo High expectationso Stimulating classroom environmento Positive reinforcemento Redirecting inappropriate/off task behavioro Strong procedures/routines/transitions

o On task and actively participatingo Following directions/expectationso Respectful/courteouso Sense of responsibility/initiative for learningo Productive risk-takingo Off task/disengagedo Disruptive/disrespectful

CMC Strengths CMC Areas of Improvement

Instructional Planning and DeliveryIPD Teacher Behaviors/Actions IPD Evidence/Usage of Instructional Strategies

o Objective clearly posted and statedo Current lesson plans availableo Engaging and effective instructional strategieso Varied and effective grouping strategieso Read world connectionso Questioning/higher order thinking skillso Actively monitoring student understandingo Formative/summative assessmentso Effective pacing and sequencing

Mastery Objective:

How teacher assessed for student mastery of objective or checked for understanding:

IPD Strengths IPD Areas of Improvement

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KEY TAKE-AWAYSKeep Doing Start Doing Think About Not Doing

ACTION STEPS (if applicable)1.2.3.

Instructor’s signature Observer’s signature Date of Conference

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