media 210 paper 5

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  • 7/21/2019 Media 210 Paper 5


    Mel Rose M. Aguilar Prof. Elizabeth L. Enriquez, Phd

    MA Media Studies (Film) Media !"

    "!#$ %&'#!

    Short Paer

    Structuralism Vs. Post Structuralism

    *umans, as rational beings ha+e an inessant ursuit in see-ing truth and realit intheir /orld b reating and assigning meanings through strutures0 the belief that

    henomena of human life are not intelligible e1et through their interrelations /hih

    onstitute strutures and that there are onstant la/s go+erned in an abstrat ulture( S. 2la-burn, ""&. 31ford 4itionar of Philosoh, nded.). Suh erseti+e ga+elight to the Structuralist mode of reasoning that de+eloed in Euroe in the earl !5""s.

    6he +er basi tool of humans in meaning$ ma-ing is language. Language, aording

    to Ferdinand 4e Saussure is entral to the /orld /e li+e in... /ords are

    olleti+eroduts of soial interation and suh are essential instruments through /hih human

    beings onstitute and artiulate their /orld(*arris, R. !55&. Language, Saussure and7ittgenstein). Follo/ing 4e Saussures +ie/ on language as a ultural sstem, it (an

    ultural sstem) an be reresented as oded sstems of meaning rather than diret

    transations /ith realit. Struturalism in linguistis shed the same light in the fields ofSoiolog and Anthroolog furthermore, ultural sstems must be understood in

    terms of their relationshi to a larger, o+erarhing sstem or struture that /or-s to

    uno+er the strutures that underlie all the things that humans do, thin-, erei+e and

    feel(S. 2la-burn, ""&. 31ford 4itionar of Philosoh, nded.). 6he enterrise ofStruturalism, aording to 8ohn Fis-e (!55"), Struturalisms enterrise is to diso+er

    ho/ eole ma-e sense of the /orld, not /hat the /orld is. *e also argued that the /a/e ma-e sense of things are uni+ersal beause our brains are similarl strutured in suha /a.

    Follo/ing the struturalist aroah is the onetion of a field of stud /hihstudies the role of signs as art of soial life(Semiolog) (Saussure !5, !$!9) /hih

    later dealt more /ith signs (e+erthing that an be ta-en as signs) and sign roesses as a

    signifiant art of ommuniation0 this field of stud is alled Semiotis.

    6he mo+ement, dealing /ith ultural strutures beame +ital in the onstrution of

    narrati+es and mths. :otable theorists to name are (Retrie+ed from


    Le+i Straussbinar oosition is a sstem of t/o related ategories that, in its urest

    form, omrises the uni+erse. E+erthing is either in ategor A or ategor 2, and b

    imosing suh ategories uon the /orld /e are starting to ma-e sense of it (Fis-e,!55").
  • 7/21/2019 Media 210 Paper 5


    6z+etan 6odoro+

    6odoro+ suggested that on+entional narrati+es are strutured in fi+e stages (State of

    equilibrium, disrution of equilibrium, reognition of the disrution, attemt to reair

    disrution, reinstatement of the equilibrium).

    ?ladimir Pro

    *e suggested that haraters too- on the role of narrati+e @sheres of

    ation@ or funtions. From a omrehensi+e stud of fol-tales Pro ame u /ithse+en different harater tes; hero, +illain, donor, heler, riness, disather, false


    n onlusion, here are three assumtions to be made out in this mode of thin-ing

    (insights ta-en from a snthesis b >. 7histnant, "!.


  • 7/21/2019 Media 210 Paper 5


    (snhroni)reading. 2 studing ho/ ultural onets ha+e hanged o+er the ourse of

    histor, ost$struturalists see- to understand ho/ those same onets are understood b

    readers in the resent (retrie+ed from htts;