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Media and Information Literacy:The UTech, Jamaica Experience David A. Drysdale University Librarian, UTech, Jamaica

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Media and Information

Literacy: The UTech,

Jamaica Experience

David A. Drysdale

University Librarian, UTech, Jamaica


Give brief background on UTech, Ja.

Highlight the development of IL program

at Calvin McKain Library (CML) at UTech

Show how cooperation between Library

staff and faculty works

Share features of the UTech Library

online MIL program

Brief Background on UTech

Previously known as CAST – College of

Arts, Science and Technology

Established in 1959

Gained University status in 1995

Has grown significantly over last 5 years

Now approx. 13,000 students

Background Cont’d

Number of Faculties - 5

◦ Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies

◦ Faculty of Engineering and Computing

◦ Faculty of Law

◦ Faculty of Science and Sport

◦ Faculty of The Built Environment

Number Colleges - 3

◦ College of Health Sciences

◦ College of Business and Management

◦ Joint Colleges of Medicine & Public Health, Oral Health &

Veterinary Sciences

Front View of Library Building

Calvin McKain Library Building

Background of IL at UTech

Calvin McKain Library at UTech,Jamaica

has successfully implemented an

Information Literacy program

Information Literacy has been taught by

Librarians since the 1970’s.

Incorporated in 3 University Fundamental


Academic Writing 1 & 2

Research Methods (3rd year students)

Background of IL at UTech

More recently developed an Information

Literacy course for Engineering students


This is a one (1) Credit course

Taught exclusively by librarians

Course Content

Session taught by librarians for 11/2 hours

Cover search techniques, evaluating print

and electronic sources, using sources


REF Works database helps in this

Library resources also introduced

Assignment given: an essay

Requires using skills taught and resources

Other IL Sessions

LISOS Unit also meets students in non-

classroom spaces

Meet on dorms

Library Linkup sessions (eating and lyming


Program orientation arranged for


Online Program

relatively new IL program developed for

students in online Post-graduate Diploma

in Pharmacy Degree program.

Program was developed and implemented

for Pharmacy students dispersed across 5

Caribbean Islands

Jamaica, St Lucia, Belize, Grenada,


Development of the Program

Program serves as a model for

cooperation between Academic Library

and faculty in an academic institution

UTech is only tertiary institution in

English-speaking Caribbean that trains


Online program is new

Introduced in 2013

Development of the Program

Development of IL project Involved:


Faculty members from College of Health

Sciences (COHS)

Staff from the Office of Distance Learning


Development of the Program

Initial meeting with lecturers from COHS

involved in development of Online Post-

Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy

Program Director for Online Pharmacy

program was integrally involved

Support for IL program came from

highest level in the COHS

Program Team

Team from Library included:

Five Librarians

Administrative support staff

Instructional Media Services (IMS)

Division staff

Media Studies student in the Bachelor of

Arts in Communication Arts and

Technology (BCAT) program

Curriculum Development

Library was responsible for developing

the Information Literacy Module.

Done in collaboration with Everett Allen,

Instructional Design Specialist, office of

Distance Learning and Lecturer from


Curriculum Development

Team had two months to work on


Had to be ready to be uploaded to

student learning management platform

Moodle in August 2013

Had to be tested and ready for start of

new semester in August 2013


Big6 Model used to develop Information

Literacy module

Content include PowerPoint presentations

An introductory video

Also Word documents

Content Cont’d

Module designed for completion in 6


Self-paced learning

Assessment at end of each unit

Quizzes for completion

UTECH’s Recent IL Experience

Cyber Lab

A 27-workstation lab where IL classes are usually taught

IMS AV Theatre & Video Studio

Audiovisual Theatre also available as classroom space in the library


CML IL sessions seen as valuable to


Many learn for first time about rich

resources the Library offers

Online Information Literacy module is a

work in progress

A success story in having a fully online IL
