media and public relations 2011

Media and Public Relations Michael Kalvort, CPRP City of Chesapeake, Virginia Mandi Smith, CTRS County of Roanoke, Virginia

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Media and Public Relations 2011 - Revenue School - Year One


  • 1. Media and Public Relations
    Michael Kalvort, CPRP
    City of Chesapeake, Virginia
    Mandi Smith, CTRS
    County of Roanoke, Virginia

2. 3. 5
4. Why should parks and recreation agencies use public relations strategies?
Fosters positive image
Generates support
Gain exposure
Generate revenue
Build and reinforce your agency or facility brand
Cost effective
5. How do you want your organizationspublic relations to be?
6. 7. Public relations is one of the most powerful and important strategies you can use.
8. What is the true meaning of public relations?
The practice of managing the communication between an organization and its public
Ongoing activities to ensure the overall company has a strong public image
Systematic effort to create and maintain goodwill of an organizations various publics through non paid forms of communication and publicity
9. What Public Relations is not
Marketing product, place, price, promotion
Advertising sale of products using paid media messages
Branding identifies goods and services of one seller
10. Public Relations We create the news!
Many news outlets are looking to fill pages
The story needs to be unique and entertaining
Match your target audience with the right media channels
Follow up
Thank your media partners
11. What are the components of a successful public relations program?
12. Components of a successful PR program
Developing ways to communicate with participants, constituents, citizens, and customers
Mailings and personal communication
Community speaking engagements
Train all staff in customer service, regardless of position
13. Components of a successful PR program
Network with other related organizations
Interpret the agencys vision and mission
Compare your agency to other service providers
State rationale for providing services
State the benefits of participating to individuals in the community
14. Implement public information services
Press Releases
Maintain current and up to date media lists
Insure that publicity is timely and
Components of a successful PR program
15. Components of a successful PR program
Communicate to participants
Assist with media events and media tours
Respond to requests for information from the public
Prepare information packets for special issues
16. Components of a successful PR program
Represent the organization
School presentations
Special Events
Chamber of Commerce meetings
Plan of Reaction
When / How?
17. "PR means telling the truth and working ethically - even when all the media wants is headlines and all the public wants is scapegoats. Public relations fails when there isno integrity."
18. I am a firm believer in the people.If given the truth, they can meet any national crisis.The point is to give them real facts. Abraham Lincoln
19. The New Frontiers of Media
20. 21. Why social media? Social media sites are ruling the internet world
Social media sites are ruling the internet world
22. If content is king, then conversion is queen.
John Munsell, Bizzuka
23. Facebook
How many agencies use facebook?
How many students have a facebook page?
What are the positives?
What are the negatives?
Be careful!
24. Linkedin
Business oriented social networking site
Gated access control you must have a preexisting relationship with your inner circle
25. Linedin facts
The Parks and Recreation Professionals group has over 1,100 members
The NRPA group has almost 1,700 members
The Florida Recreation and Park Association group has over 500 members
26. 27. Twitter
Who tweets?
One way communication, 140 characters
Timely information and promotions
Free, but must be consistent
Easily can take a lot of time, but in little bits
28. Blogs
Can be individual or for the organization or agency
Can be informational and/or editorial
Engage readers and make them feel important
To be successful obtain your own domain name and website
29. Paul Gilberts Blog
30. 31. 32. QR Codes
A specific 2-D matrix barcode
Consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background
Readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and camera phones
The information encoded can be text, URL,or other data.
Consumers want immediate access to information
33. QR Code Uses
Used to display text to the user
Open a URL
Signs, Business cards
Any other printed material
34. QR Code Informational Links
QR Code redirect for
35. 36. 37. Learning how to "connect" with people remotely and get results from a distance is your key to virtual leadership success. ~Debra A. Dinnocenzo
38. 39. Social Media & FOIA
What is FOIA?
Freedom of Information Act
The U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law ensuring public access to U.S. government records.
Federal / State / Local Governments are all effected.
A "public record" is any writing or recording, in any format, prepared or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its officers, employees or agents in the transaction of public business.
For example, public records may be in the form of handwritten notes, typewritten documents, electronic files, audio or video recordings, photographs, or any other written or recorded media.
40. What makes it a public record?
Editing ability?
Forums vs. Fan site
Public Conversation
Agency guidelines / policies
Social Media & FOIA
41. Is there a difference between social media and digital marketing?
Social media strategy earns online and offline coverage.
Digital marketing buys online and offline coverage.
42. New marketing is about the relationships, not the medium.
43. The New Public Relations Mix
Typically uses a number of methods and media
Incorporate print, internet, direct correspondence, and social media
There is not a pure perfect depends on your product, service, or demographic
44. PR can be as simple as a decorated van.
45. . or as complicated as a heavily integrated plan involving consultants
46. People dont believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. Seth Godin, Seths Blog
47. Group public relations activity
48. In Review Public Relations is
Managing the communication between an organization and people
Making sure the overall company has a strong public image
To create and maintain goodwill of an organizations users through non paid forms of communication and publicity
49. Lets sum up the following easily:
Public Relations
50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Thank you
55. Group activities Group 1
A hometown soldier is returning home in 3 days.You just were notified that your manager wants to celebrate his/her service at a ceremony.What PR plan will you develop?
56. Group activities Group 2
You just received notice that the your City/County was designated as Kaboom Play City.Develop a media plan to get the word out and generate publicity for your programs.Your budget meeting is in 4 days.
57. Group activities Group 3
USA Olympian Shaun White is vacationing in your town.His publicist called you up and he wants to do a public appearance at your park in 5 days.How will you obtain PR?What tactics will you use?
58. Group activities Group 4
Your waterpark was just recognized from the local Visitors and Convention Bureau as one of the best places for a family to make memories and spend time.How will you tell the community of this important designation?
59. Group activities Group 5
Congratulations!Your agency just received a sponsorship from the Mattel Toy Company to build a new park for preschoolers from 2 to 5 years old.How will you get the word out to the community and what methods will you use to reach families where both parents are working?
60. Group activities Group 6
Congratulations!The petting zoo which your agency runs has an animal who just delivered a newborn llama.What tactics will you use to let the community know?