media evaluation q2

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Media Evaluation How does your media product represent social groups?
  2. 2. Our Aims Our aim, as a group, was for our end product to represent a lower social group. The stereotypical representation of young adult males/teenagers fitted perfectly for our piece mainly because our cast was an all male, teenage group of males. It benefitted us greatly to use this stereotype because it came naturally, we didnt need to put on an act, it was already part of our daily routine. Plus, everybody knows about the whole hoodie lifestyle of a young man. Although they may not agree with it, they recognise it. After watching and analysing a variety of thrillers, the one we feel fitted us best was Fast and Furious. Although its a thriller of a completely different sub-genre, we could translate the male characters present it that franchise and portray the same sort of bond between young males in our product. Being represented as rough and violent beings, the young male population is still one of a dominant and intelligent nature. A nature we intended to reflect amongst our characters. The dialogue really fits the whole relaxed yet rough vibe of the cast due to the links to gaming and banter used. To really get a true characterisation of young males, we felt it fitted best if an addition of improvisation took place just so the audience really got a sense of natural behaviour within the characters. This bond between the 3 lads made the sudden attack and murder all the more surprising and unexpected.
  3. 3. lOCATION As a group we once again decided to use the stereotypical viewpoint of where typical, young teenagers live. It coincides with the thriller convention as well. When we watched a variety of thrillers which involved teenagers, whether they were boys or girls, there was always a fairly isolated house. But we didnt want to overload the emphasis on the houses isolation. We wanted the audience to realise that for themselves and come to a conclusion before the climax that the victims, even if they did run, couldnt escape. The house we used isnt on a typical housing estate with numbers of neighbours but at the same time, its not just one lonesome home out in the middle of no where. The location used Id characterise as being an above average home that reflects how a teenage male lives. They would still have to look after their home and their garden and their surrounding area and get their hands dirty, like a young lad should. This really reflected the social group we chose and what they had to do as individuals within that group. The setting of the location as well represents the social group as a whole. The scenery is dark and gloomy throughout but the characters have to show no signs of fear because thats what being a young male is all about: proving yourself.
  4. 4. Victims The victims of the killer are just your typical teenage boys. Theyll mess around, have banter between one and other within the dialogue and just have a good time constantly. All 3 victims wear the standard teenage boy clothing: hoodie, skinny jeans, t-shirts and trainers. This reflects the typical attire of young male men, (our chosen social group). Their behaviour before the equilibriums disturbed is the representation of what we believe to be the typical behaviour of chosen social group. Whilst we mainly coincide with the usual stereotype of young males, with the way the behave and act. But the fact that the teenage boys were victims instead of the heroes contradicts the usual expectation of what roles male characters have. The expected perception of what boys should behave like in films is that they should be the hero or villain, not the victim. This break of the usual male role could be perceived as being a more modern viewpoint of the genders power. Women have gained increased respect over the years due to increased rights equality. Resulting in the male stature going on a slight decrease. Which is presented in our product.
  5. 5. Killer The killer within our film never has their actual identity and therefore, their gender, revealed. This could be seen as being a reflection of both males and females being equals. Although the killer wears all black attire (hoodie, trousers and shoes), which could be considered a more masculine costume, the killer could still be a female. The characterisation of each of our actors was down to Propp, who stated that theres main character types, these are: villains, damsels and heroes. But he doesnt state that any of these should be male or female, creating an open choice of who plays what role. We then furthered these characterisations by developing the specific role. For example our villain is the killer, our damsels are the victims and theres no actual hero due to the thriller being within the horror genre. The costume of the killer both contradicts and coincides with the thriller convention through its unknown perception of whos actually wearing them.
  6. 6. British Identity Due to our piece being filmed in the UK, the style of our thriller has been effected and what we represent has slightly altered. Our all male cast and low society social group representation may cause some viewers from outside of the UK to question the represented category. The teenage section of society with Britain is one of a very unique standard. The perception of the group varies dependant on where in the UK you are looking. Some see teenagers as the future of the country and some see them as nothing more than cheap, ASBO ranking, street walkers. Our cast represents what we seem the young, teenage male society being, and thats the future. Although the are eventually the victims, they do show respect and courage throughout the entire piece.
  7. 7. British Identity Due to our piece being filmed in the UK, the style of our thriller has been effected and what we represent has slightly altered. Our all male cast and low society social group representation may cause some viewers from outside of the UK to question the represented category. The teenage section of society with Britain is one of a very unique standard. The perception of the group varies dependant on where in the UK you are looking. Some see teenagers as the future of the country and some see them as nothing more than cheap, ASBO ranking, street walkers. Our cast represents what we seem the young, teenage male society being, and thats the future. Although the are eventually the victims, they do show respect and courage throughout the entire piece.