media evaluation q4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Upload: robynwood

Post on 24-Jul-2015




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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

When completing my research I used different technologies to present my research and complete my research. In order for me to research trailers, posters and magazine covers I used google, youtube and IMDb these are sites which are easy to use.

To present my research I used media technologies such as prezi and slide share as these websites are used for presentations. They are easy to use and make everything look a lot more presentable I decided to use these media technologies as they are easy to navigate and can present my research simply.

These are the media technologies I used for researching posters and trailers, for my magazine covers I decided to use iMovie, a media technology which again is fast and easy to use simply presenting what I have researched.

In my planning process however I started to use more media technologies which took a lot more time and concentration. I used different media technologies such as Slide share, Storyboardthat, Photoshop and iMovie.

When my group and I started to plan and write up our narrative we decided to create a story board on a website called story board that. This was better than drawing out a story board by hand and scanning it onto my blog as storyboardthat allows you to upload the storyboard onto slide share.

I used photoshop to plan the way in which I was going to create my final film poster and film magazine cover. I made a mock poster and magazine to get used to the tools on photoshop and work on different ways I could present my work.

These are my mock magazine cover and film poster.

When constructing my main product and ancillary texts I used a lot of media technologies including final cut pro, garage band, motion, live type, photoshop, pic monkey,

Final cut pro, motion and garage band are all the media technologies I used when constructing my main product.

I started by putting all of my footage onto final cut pro and put all of the footage I wanted to include onto the timeline. once all of my footage was on the timeline and where i wanted it I started to look at effects I could add to the clips .

I looked at the effects available on final cut pro, and decided to add a ‘fade in/out’ effect on several of my clips in the timeline. Once I had added the effects I felt suited the genre and film trailer the best I wanted to start looking at different foley sounds I could add on to the sequence in order to create ambience and atmosphere. To insert foley sounds I found them on garage band and sent them to iTunes as a song, once it had converted I placed it into the sequence where I wanted it to go.

Once the footage, foley sounds and effects had all been added into the sequence, I started looking at creating inter titles. I started to construct the inter titles using motion. Motion is software, were you can create different titles, adding effects, fonts. This did take me time to figure out but I figure from using the motion library I could simply add effects to my inter titles.

When creating my film poster I used photoshop, for both the mock poster and the real poster I used different layers, tools and techniques to create the best film magazine I could.

Here I had used hue/saturation to change the effect on the image of my main character, I wanted to make the image darker than usually as I was trying to make the film poster look as much like a thriller as possible.

I created another layer, and made this layer clouds. Once I had added the clouds I had moved it around to look more like dark fog or smoke, which is common in thriller films.

Once I had got the cloud image to look like dark smoke I placed the image of the protagonist back on top of the layer and this is the image I got. I had then created some rectangular shapes to get the black lines obstructing the image, then I added the typography and my final film poster was complete.

To construct my film magazine I used the same media technology, photoshop. I had created a simple black layer and placed my cropped image of the main character on top.

I realised I wanted the characters head to slightly obstruct the masthead, which I had seen in film magazines prior to constructing my own. I created another layer and put the mast head layer underneath the character layer.

I simply added more text and positioned the sub headings, just like how I had seen when researching film magazine covers. My final magazine cover looked like this…

To publish my film trailer I uploaded it onto youtube, youtube is a worldwide website where billions of videos are posted. Youtube is an easy way to watch trailer and teaser trailers as the internet is a part of peoples every day lives, millions of people use Youtube which makes uploading film trailer a cheap, fast and very effective way to market a film.

For my Evaluation I have chosen to use slide share and prezi presentations as they are easy and creative to present my ideas.