media evaluation question 4 - how did you use new media technologies in construction and research

Question 4- Technologies Used

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Page 1: Media evaluation question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in construction and research

Question 4- Technologies Used

Page 2: Media evaluation question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in construction and research

Camera The camera that we used was a Canon 550 DSLR. We used this camera not just for filming our

teaser trailer we used it for taking our stills as well, our magazine cover

for Little White Lies.

In the research part of our assignment we had a talk with

Simon who is the College’s media technician. He showed us at the beginning of the project how the camera worked and the different

functions of the camera. He showed us how to attach the camera to the

tripod, where the buttons on the camera were e.g. the shutter… This is the camera that we used in the

picture to the right.

Page 3: Media evaluation question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in construction and research

Social NetworkWe used social networking sites to our benefit by getting feedback off our friends. Lewis put the teaser trailer on to Facebook so that all his friends could give us feedback good or bad. This was good because it showed us what other people who were not in our group what they thought of our work. We used youtube as well which is another social network. We used youtube to put our videos online and get inspiration from other teaser trailers in the same genre.

Above is it on facebook

Page 4: Media evaluation question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in construction and research

Blogs We used mahara to put all of our progress from research to

the final teaser trailer. The blogs showed the amount of progress that we had made

from the beginning to end. It also showed off what skills we

had to offer because in parts of the progress we took pictures, print screens of what we have done, for example at the stage

of editing we took a lot of pictures of the chroma key when we were editing the

green screen.

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Final cut/ live type

Final cut was used by us to edit our teaser trailer. We used final cut to edit our teaser trailer mainly because it was the best edit software that we had to our disposal. But the main reason was because it had good features on it that we could use we found

our static on the effects tab. We were also able to edit our green screen which was bascially in every scene in the teaser this was called the Chroma key. We also used final cut to cut parts of clips that we did or didn’t to be in our final version of

the teaser trailer.

We used live type a lot because we used it to make our titles in the teaser trailer. We choose live type because it is a good

programme to use for creating text. It also had a good choice of fonts on there as well. When we couldn’t find a font we liked we went on to which had a wide range of font that we could download for free and put in to our final cut. We did this

for all our titles.

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Once we had uploaded our rough cut version members of our class would look at it on youtube and give us some feedback.

We used youtube a lot during our process of editing and research. We also used it for a task where we had to a sweeded version of a teaser trailer that was a similar genre

We used it a lot during our research stage because we had to get ideas and look at similar teaser trailers in our genre and different genres. This was so that we could get a better idea of what we wanted to base our teaser on.

Other then uploading our own material we commented on other members of our class videos to give them feedback. We did this on there rough cut version.

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Apple MACsInstead of using PC’s we used

Apple MACS we used these because they were in our

classroom and they had all the software that we needed to use e.g. Final Cut Express, Live type etc…. We used these because it was there for us to use so it was convenient to us. For our teaser trailer we used stock footage in parts so we had to find that on safari, when we found it and

downloaded it, it went straight on to Final Cut which is where we wanted it to be. This made it

easier for us to edit it.

The macs had many different programmes on the system which we found useful it had photobooth which we used to take pictures of

our animatic we also used it to film a vox pop to get feed back from

members of our class.