media evaluation question two answer

How effective is the combination of your short film, film review and film poster? QUESTION TWO

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How effective is the combination of your

short film, film review and film poster?QUESTION TWO

Page 2: Media Evaluation Question Two Answer

He follows short film and behind the scenes.

The Short Film

Behind the scenes

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Film Poster and Review

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What message does the film try to portray?

The main message of this film was to think of the long term consequences due to the short term pleasures in this instance being drinking and consequently drink driving which lead to the death of her baby brother. Furthermore, we wanted the audience to think about the relatable situations where we think that it wont happen to me as that’s one of the conventions for thriller films, the passible/relatable experiences.

We wanted the audience to be sitting there and thinking ‘what is she doing, don’t leave him’ or something similar. And feel guilty in a sense as she chose the short term pleasure of going out to a party when she was specifically told to stay at home as she was baby sitting.

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What message did I try to send the audience through the poster and the review?

What I wanted from my poster and review combination was for the audience to be able to scan through it and be able to tell right of the back that this film had a dark story line. Furthermore, I also wanted to show the grieve of the sister but also the dangers of drink driving.

I believe that I did a great job of portraying this through both of medians. By using a picture of the little boy in the foreground being illuminated by the car in the background chucks the audience right into the action without revealing what will happened in the plot of the film. However it still portrays a dark ending due to the isolation thanks to the darkness of the poster but also the slight desaturated colours to portray emptiness but also a slight red tint to the headlights of the car to show danger.

I attempted to continue with this theme throughout the magazine as well by throwing several photos from the film with key elements to the plot without giving the whole film away. Furthermore, I decided to use pale colours instead of white and some shades of red to fit the these of the film but also portray emptiness and danger which is felt throught the film, which is desirable as that is one of the conventions from the thriller genre.

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Does the review and poster advertise my film well?

The poster is much more appealing to a greater audience due to that fact they are spread all round the place from cinemas to back street alleys to appeal to everyone. Furthermore, due to the mysterious scenario and intriguing tag line the viewers would defiantly be interested to watch the film. The magazine review addresses the viewers further as it gives them a full rough insight to the film letting the consumer picture and imagine the film, however, it still works on the mystery aspect from the poster due to the similar imagery as I didn’t want give away too much visual stimuli, I wanted the imagination to go wild. Through the two medias, I have been completely honest with the content to promote the film for what it is in all its glory.

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In what ways are they similar to your short film and how does it represent it?

To ensure that links could be made I kept the font as similar as possible but also followed the same colour scheme to portray fear, isolation and danger through the use of dull, dark colours, predominantly blues and reds. I included the names of the actors in the poster but also the name of our production company as that the crucial part of the film as that’s the first thing seen so for some it will stick straight away. I decided to stick with photographs of the young child from the car crash scene due to the fact that, that scene is the most crucial element of the whole film but he’s also the most vulnerable character whom can be seen as the antagonist in a way. By portraying him as a vulnerable young child I already set expectations for the viewer.

To put it simply my review and poster are representing the film by carrying its name and similar colour schemes to ensure it all flows nicely. I ensured to use imagery from the most crucial part in the film but also include the actor as he is representing the short film too, he’s the ‘face’ of it. The links between all three can easily be made.

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Mode of address for all three

Film The Language used is laid back in a way, its defiantly informal

and sympathetic to make the audience feel pity and anger towards Tommy's killer but then their reaction would quickly change upon realisation that he followed her after he was murdered. We used typical imagery throughout the film as a mode of address to ensure that its relatable and appealing to the audience. The use of a typical teenager who wants to party instead of baby sitting their siblings is a very ordinary scenario. However, we changed this ordinary scene by spacing it up with some alcohol and it quickly tuned extraordinary.

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Mode of address for all three

Poster I wanted a professional looking poster which was formal compared to

the imagery. To ensure I was able to accomplish this thanks to the research I did before hand, by knowing what the conventional layout was I was able to achieve a formal and aesthetical finish with the layout. When taking the photograph I ensured that the actor was illuminated to make him a greater focal point in the photograph and to further increase the significance of this I ensured rule of thirds was fallowed for appropriate layout for the correct focal point. This worked as mode of address due to the fact the viewers eyes are forced onto the image in a way. Appropriate selection of the font also enhanced this due to the fact the tittle with the slightly transparent tag line was able to stand out greater due to its significant size compared to any other text.

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Mode of address for all three

Magazine The mode of address I wanted to use in the magazine review was

a lot more informal and laid back to ensure the film is much more appealing to greater deal of people. However, I ensure that the film didn’t loose its tense suspense throughout the film by including the photograph of before the child got hit,

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Unique selling point

Magazine I believe that the unique selling point (USP) would be the large image which

is covering slightly more than half of the surface of a double spread review, this works as the first eye catcher due to the illuminated child by the car headlight which some might find uneasy due to relatable reasons.

Poster I believe that the USP on the poster would be the combination between the

tagline and the photograph due to the fact that there isn’t great deal of typo making the tag line stand out and the words consequence was dear could really work with the viewers mind for the simple fact that it’s a child in the foreground with a car in the background indicating an accident is possible on happening. I included dear as well as you usually call your sibling dear which can work on thriller conventions even more, one being that the viewer would feel scared uneasy for the ‘main’ character, in this instance being the child.

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Success rate of the magazine in real life

I believe that my magazine review would stand a good chance if it was published in a magazine due to how visually appealing it is but also its very informative about the whole narrative and what to expect but also it informs the reader slightly about the technical part of the film.

Overall, I believe it would stand a good chance but would need a slight bit of tweaking to make sure its appealing to the general public by maybe making the typo slightly more formal.

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Success rate of the poster in real life

Based on my research on block busters such as Batman and Disturbia I believe my poster is done to same high standard considering I had no budget of any sort to produce it.

If I were to mass print it I believe that my poster would not get questioned if it was done by a amateur as I used a high resolution image which is mysterious and intriguing due to the slight fear factor present. Furthermore, the layout of all the typo was though about especially the composition of the photograph itself to have a clear focal point due to the courte jour created.

Overall the creepy secret behind it would be its main attraction.