media final evaluation

Media Final Evaluation By Lewis Timony

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Post on 16-May-2015




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Media Final Evaluation

By Lewis Timony

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In what way does you media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media



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• In the music video that i have created, the video links in with other videos that are used within the same genre, which is the indie style. The band I have chosen is local band and has a niche audience in which mainly comes from people that have come from around Biddulph or have heard the music via myspace facebook etc. I chose the band due to them being my friends and with me having constant contact with them to film the media video.


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• The band I have chosen is called “The Edition”. As my music video is that of a local band playing live, it links in with other videos in which i have used in the research part of my blog. The video i have chosen consists 100% of live shots, this challenges the conventions of other videos in this genre as they regularly have a link to the lyrics as well as promoting the band playing by having live shots of them playing.


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Goodwin’s Theory

• My video follows Goodwin’s theory to this point as it shows genre characteristics e.g. the indie band performing for the consumer to view. However as it is 100% live footage it also challenges Goodwin’s theory in which he says there is a relation between the visuals and lyrics, this can be true for one part of the music video when there is a freeze frame/ still scene.


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• As the lyrics say “its STILL the same and nothing to shout about” in which I stopped the footage and added in a freeze frame. The third rule is that there is a relationship between the music and the visuals, I have tried to incorporate this into my music video by alternating the shots when there is a prominent sound, for example at the start of the video when the shots alternate with the addition of the guitar, bass and vocals.


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• As there is no female presence in my music video product the voyeuristic treatment of the female video does not exist, however, I followed the conventions as if the band had signed a record deal and the promotion of the lead singers and song writers face has many close ups of them singing/ performing in contrast to the other band members.


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How effective is the use of your main product and your

ancillary texts?


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• With relation to my music video being my main product and my album cover, inner album cover, back album cover and poster being my ancillary texts i feel the relation between them is strong. With the poster, and all 3 covers all using strong intertextuality between them; the keys, wires and orange colour, i feel that all the products have been effective due to them being closely linked. If the products were placed under mass production for the public, consumers would be able to easily recognise the products and know that they all related. However with the video, i feel that it does not relate to the other products in many shapes or forms at all. If i recreated this i would like to show more forms of the other products in the video, this could be done by the video having scenes of computers inside of it. Either close ups of the band playing around a multitude of computers or the video having scenes and clips of computers upon there own, in time with the end chant of the song "We only make computers for education!".


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For Example

All images from the Digi-pack contain an element from each other, this can be from the wires that link together, to the keys from the old keyboard, to even the orange colour that is shown from all of the backgrounds.


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• From Looking through other pieces of media of the same genre I can see that, most pieces of the digi-pack contain some sort of connecting element. As the genre I have chosen to base my project on is Indie (Individual) I decided that to make my own project an individual piece of art I decided to stray away from major conventions and create images from broken computers and parts. The effect of this then relates back to the music in which the products have been designed to; “ We only make computers for education” being the song name and also the motif for the creation of the album cover and other covers to follow suite.


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What have you learnt form your audience feedback?


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• Audience feedback personally came from other students and audiences/consumers following the music in which has been displayed. By using the feedback given from people commenting upon my blog or mentioning things to me verbally, i feel that my work could not have been recognised by the consumers/audience it has been intended to. Qualitative and quantitative feedback has been used by myself to improve and create my products in which are displayed upon my blog.


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• My video had been commented on, and it had been said that the ill use of effects and the scarce use of effects effected my video as it did not look aesthetically pleasing and smooth. By adding in effects into the correct places in my video it made the video look more professional as well keeping the audience interested throughout the performance.


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How did you use media technologies in the

construction and research, planning and evaluation



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• Through out the blog technology has been widely used to access the different stages of production. Firstly the use of the blog has helped me to create an effective archive of the process of how my final media products have been created. The blog has been useful as it creates a paperless folder of where my work can be easily accessible by anybody who uses the Internet to gather ideas and place feedback upon my products, regarding they have the Internet at there own disposal. In addition/relation to the Internet matter it can be said that the Internet helped me massively throughout the research stage of my work.


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• The Internet allowed me to access multiple music videos through the websites such as yahoo music and YouTube to gather information upon music videos that relate to that of the genre of my the music video i have created. During the production of my music video and other ancillary products i have used a lot of production and editing programmes as well as equipment such as camera, video camera recorders and computers. These programmes that i used were them such as pinnacle 12 for the editing and adding of effects for my music video which has created it into its near professional state.


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• After never using any sort of video editing software before i found it hard to adapt and to attempt to synchronise the music to the video. For the creating of my ancillary products ( inner album cover, back album cover, album cover and poster) i used the photoshopping programme called fireworks. This macro media programme, which i have used before, proved to be as reliable as when i created the music magazine in the AS module of the subject, and therefore i was confident in using its tools again.


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• To upload my images to the computer i used my mobile phone which has a 12.1 mega pixel camera. Instead of using a school camera i felt that using my own which was of better quality, was always free and one that i was more confident in using was the better option.
