media jobs and internships

Media jobs & internships

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Post on 12-Jan-2017




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Media jobs & internships

Online image

Paper cover letters and resumes are not dead, but many companies are asking

for submissions online.

Social Media

Some are searching your social profiles on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,

LinkedIn, etc. so be careful what you’re posting online!

“The image you present online is not more important than the work you do. But

you may not get to show what you can do if you don’t show someone first in

your digital profile.”

Marketing yourself

●Proper grammar/spelling

●Communication skills


○ Video resumes can be useful, especially if you’re seeking a TV


○ Audio clips, even if you’re not trying for a radio gig

○ Writing clips for radio and TV people

●Strong work ethic


●Analytical skills


Finding jobs & internships

Jobs and Internships

●Your mass communications/journalism program at school

●Professors in your department

●Career and Veterans Services

●Associate Collegiate Press -



●Company websites - Media related jobs are offered at almost any


Newspaper jobs

●American Society of Newspaper Editors -


Finding jobs & internships

Television and Radio

●Radio Television Digital News Association -




Public Relations

●Public Relations Society of America -

●International Association of Business Communicators -

●Public Relations Student Society of America -


●U.S. web portal -


●Send your resume/letter/application to a specific person, no “sir” or

“madam.” Check the name and spelling of the name of the person you’re

sending your application or resume to.

●Check spelling and grammar in any contact made to editors/hiring officers

●Use a professional email handle ([email protected], NOT

[email protected]). Don’t use your school email either, since it’s


●Don’t use emoticons!

●Include your website (but make sure it’s professional).


● Include clips! Six articles, give or take, that show a variety of writing styles.

For audio/video clips, include an explanation of the clip and why you did

the story.

● Include if you’re bilingual or multilingual, but be ready to prove it in an


● No fake claims!

● Familiarize yourself with the company.

Cover letters

●Target your letter to the job/company you’re applying to.

●Address the letter to a specific person, i.e. HR director, etc.

●Give a good first impression; entice them to read your clips

●Keep to one page!

●Double, triple check spelling!

●Check names and titles!

●Be straightforward - not cute, not boring.

●Mention your resume’s high points

●Different approaches

○ Direct - Straightforward

○ Experience - Your experience and why you want the job

○ Reference - Who you know (if you use this, keep it short)

Examples The example below reads like 95 percent of cover letters out there. It basically says, “I know I need a cover letter, so

here are some paragraphs of blah.” There is nothing special about this letter.

Dear Hiring Manager:

Your posting on LinkedIn for a Sales and Marketing Coordinator recently caught my eye, and I think you will find I am

an exceptional candidate for this position.

I am an accomplished administrative professional and a junior in the Marketing & Management program at Riverrun

University. Over the past ten years, I have provided high-level support in a variety of industries and across multiple

functional areas. I am now seeking a position that will make the most of my administrative experience while offering

additional opportunities for personal and professional development.

In exchange, I offer exceptional attention to detail, highly developed communication skills, and a talent for managing

complex projects with a demonstrated ability to prioritize and multitask.

My accomplishments and qualifications are further detailed in the attached resume. I welcome the opportunity to meet

with you and discuss the value that I can bring to your organization.

Warmest regards,

Catelyn Stark

Examples from:

Examples This is a better, more personalized version that will stand out to hiring managers.

Dear Hiring Manager:

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for the position of Sales Coordinator for the Westeros Castle Project. As an

administrative professional with more than 10 years’ experience, I know my diverse skills and qualifications will make me an asset to the

Westeros project team.

As you will see from the attached resume, I’ve built my career in a variety of roles and industries, mostly in small companies where I was not

just the admin, but also gatekeeper, technology whiz, bookkeeper and marketing guru. I’m not only used to wearing many hats, I sincerely enjoy

it; I thrive in an environment where no two work days are exactly the same.

In addition to being flexible and responsive, I’m also a fanatic for details – particularly when it comes to presentation. One of my recent projects

involved coordinating a 200-page grant proposal: I proofed and edited the narratives provided by the division head, formatted spreadsheets, and

generally made sure every line was letter-perfect and that the entire finished product conformed to the specific guidelines of the RFP. (The

result? A five-year, $1.5 million grant award.) I believe in applying this same level of attention to detail to tasks as visible as prepping the

materials for a top-level meeting and as mundane as making sure the copier never runs out of paper.

Last but certainly not least, I want you to know that I’m a passionate Westeros fan and a longtime supporter of the new castle. I’ve been

following the new castle movement since the earliest days of the original “Save the Tombs” campaign, and I am so excited to see this vision

becoming a reality. I’ve already checked out the new castle website, and the renderings of the new throne and great hall are stunning, to say the

least – I particularly love the vintage murals and art featured throughout the building. Nice touch!

In closing, I am thrilled at the possibility of being involved in the new castle almost literally from the ground up, and would love the opportunity to

meet with you and discuss the value that I can bring to the Targaryen organization and the Westeros Castle Project. I appreciate your

consideration and look forward to hearing from you.

Warmest regards,

Catelyn Stark

Cover letter format

Career goals page

For your portfolio, I have asked you to provide a “Career Goals” page. This

should read like a cover letter, but more generic, so you can edit/personalize it

for specific opportunities.

Think of the body of your cover letter for this assignment.


●Stay simple - one page only!

●Double, triple check spelling!

●Use white paper, not pretty paper

●Start with an objective.

○ Vague to specific

●List your experience

●Include two or three references





Online applications & portfolios


Some online applications might ask you to include the following:

●Press release announcing your hire

●Essay on a specific topic

Online Portfolios | |


●Home page with your name and email address

●Writing, audio, video examples

●Social media links


Keep these updated regularly!

Follow up

A week or two after you have sent your letter and resume, call the organization

to ask if they were received and if you may come in for an interview.

Confidence counts!



●Dress conservatively

●Be prompt

●Be prepared

●Understand the costs


●Be enthusiastic

●Be polite

●Be pleasant

●Be yourself

●Ask questions

When answering questions, be creative but sincere.