media planning final 2014 v2


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Table of Contents

Executive Summary - 1

Situation Analysis -2

SWOT Analysis - 5

Marketing ObjectivesTarget Overall Media BudgetTarget CoverageRegionalitySeasonality

Media StrategyMedia MixSchedulingReach, Frequency, Media Weight

Implementation and evaluationSuggestions for Vehicle for each selected mediumMedia Flowchart



Executive Summary:

We believe our media plan will take Old Spices viewership of ads and also sales up significantly. Old Spice has been around for a while and has appealed to the older audience until about 12 years ago. Now, Old Spice is thought of as being a youthful brand. We here at OVF advertising believe that Old Spice transcends age and can be a product men of all ages can enjoy. With our plan, we specifically want to target men ages 18-45 over the next year. We believe this is a great starting point for Old Spice in regards to merging these two very diverse age groups. Our budget is $30 million and we based this figure off of what Old Spice has spent in the previous fiscal year. We want to capitalize on the viral potential of Old Spices ads, for the youthful crowd, but at the same time capture the audience of more mature viewers. We chose to advertise on television and also the Internet. We want to continue to create brand awareness with new generations, but also stay relevant with the older generations. We believe that because of how often millenials, and also the younger working man, use the Internet and also their televisions, these mediums would be perfect outlets to reach all of our target audience. Because YouTube is an outlet that has become regular in the work setting, whether it is referencing a video during a presentation, or watching a how to video, we believe this would be a great place for us to advertise. This way we will be able to continue Old Spices viral success and hope that watching one advertisement will lead to watching more of Old Spices viral ads, which are also conveniently on YouTube. Our ads will pulse in correlation with the summer time, due to people spending more time outside, and also during the Christmas season. Between Old Spices vast product lines and our well thought out plan, we believe this will be a great success.Industry/Company Overview:

Old Spice competes in the male grooming products category. Male grooming products is roughly a $6 billion dollar industry and Proctor & Gamble, as of 2012, had 42% value share of the market (Euromonitor International, 2013). The mens grooming market grew 2% after 2012, doing worse than the previous two years. Old Spice, who is owned by Proctor and Gamble, did roughly $564 million in sales according to Bernstein estimates. However, Old Spice only contributed to 1% of annual revenue to P&G who brought in $83.66 billion in 2013 (Anderson, 2013). The current Old Spice product line consists of: antiperspirants, deodorants, body washes, body sprays, bar soaps, hair care products, shave gels, shaving devices and fragrances. The target audience for Old Spice is men between the ages of 18-45. Old Spice, in the last decade, has transitioned from being a product for older men, to being a youthful and vibrant product. The product we want to focus on for our campaign is Old Spice body wash. In 2010, Old Spice became well known for their spokesperson Mr. Mufasa who garnered them a massive viral media presence. Not only that, but that advertising campaign earned Old Spice a flat share of the market, at the end of 52 weeks, in a market that grew 8.6% on the year (Neck, 2010). As of recent, Old Spice has enlisted the assistance of Terry Cruz, who is the spokesperson in the newest viral advertisement installments. This has continued to help Old Spice body wash stay relevant in a very competitive market, with competitors like Dove, Gillete, Speed Stick and Axe. Old Spice appeals universally to a male audience, with a wide range of age. However, they are a male centered product, therefore lose out on the female market altogether. AXE targets young males with their advertising campaigns. The basis of advertising for AXE is sex appeal. Men who use AXE products will be constantly barraged by beautiful women. This puts up multiple problems for Old Spice campaigns. Old Spice wants to target the old and new consumers, but youthful consumers are being blocked by AXE. Right guard is known for its deodorant, but the company also has body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. Consumers view axe as an image enhancer, axe can change the way a man appears in front of women. Right Guard appeals to men of all ages that participate in sports or outdoor activities. Their images usually have to do with a person working out ( sweat under the armpits ) and someone noticing then giving them right guard deodorant. Right Guard threatens Old Spice deodorant because of its dominant presence in the deodorant market. Right guard markets their product to athletes in their advertisements. Instead of focusing on the promise of beautiful women it appeals directly to people who participate in sports. The Right Guard website is designed to look like a locker room. According to an article by Salman Husain Right Guard use athletes as actors, such as Kevin Love, a professional basketball player in the NBA.Degree Men antiperspirants are very similar to Right Guard because it focuses athletes as well. Degree Men reference the use of their products to hardcore sports like mountain climbing, snowboarding, skydiving, hang gliding, and dirt bike riding. Husain mentions that Degree Men used Bear Grylls, the survival expert, to suggest that their product is reliable. The idea, much like dove products, is the product is used by real people and real athletes. Old Spice offers products that have to do with hygiene, because of this they have many indirect competitors. Any company that used body wash or deodorant can be a potential indirect competitor. Irish Springs body wash is rising in popularity and becoming a brand that Irish people can associate with. Although Irish Springs only has body wash, they always will present a threat. Doves new men product line is quickly rising in sales. Dove has come out with a body wash that can eliminate odor with a variety of masculine scents. Husain mentions that Dove is viewed as a high quality and relatively inexpensive product. Old Spice market share is 37% for mens deodorant and 6.6% for mens fragrance according to The target market for old spice are men age 18-24. The article on explains that fragrances are important to this age bracket. The author states a deodorant that smells good eliminates the need to wear cologne. Old Spices product positioning has changed in the last twenty years, most notably in the last 3-5 years. The products have expanded and Old Spice is not only known solely as a deodorant heavy company. Successful advertising campaigns have helped bring notice to Old Spices new products. Old Spice now has a suite of male grooming products including antiperspirants, deodorants, body washes, body sprays and fragrances. Proctor and Gamble should focus on the international market. Hubpages mentioned that Old Spice is effectively deployed in Brazil, Russia, India, and China, the author states These emerging markets further reinforces P&Gs mission statement and brings value to their benefit offering. With global markets having efficient and effective sales Proctor and Gamble can continue to sell overseas in the BRIC countries. Old Spice should expand their classic products to keep aging consumers. Consumers 18-24 will only be interested in Old Spice later in their life if they have the classic product. The Old Spice body spray, according to hubpages, created a market in the early 2000s and they have maintained over 20% market share since this time. Old spices advertising campaigns can focus their limited body spray products to increase sales. Old Spice should look into creating a organic/natural product line. In the 2000s organic and natural products have become the new craze. People are frequently studying about their health and the importance of natural products. If Old Spice can access this market with new organic products then it might create new profit and raise market share.

Swot Analysis:Strengths Old Spice has a strong media presence, youtube, facebook etc. Old Spice is a household name. Old spice has a strong product line. Old Spice has very appealing advertisements, they advertise well. Old Spice products are convenient to buy. Weaknesses Old Spice is limited to the male market. Old Spice is not one of the big companies P&G own, less attention sometimes maybe. Old Spice has a lot of competitors in the male grooming category. Old Spice products are not something that an individual needs to buy on a weekly basis, relatively long lasting products (month span if not longer).Opportunities Old Spice could branch off into the female market, create a womens grooming product line. Old Spice could broaden their existing line into new categories like hygiene with toothpaste. Threats Old Spice could lose out to generic brand grooming products offered by big stores like Walmart or Publix. The way Old Spice advertises in the United States could not be accepted the same way or as effective overseas.

Marketing Objectives:

Advertising Objectives: Our advertising objective is to retain customers and create brand awareness. Since Old Spice has been around the block awhile, it has a reputation to be something only older men use. However, we want to reach out to the younger market while retaining the older to increase brand awareness. These objectives evolved in part from the idea that Old Spice is a household name that may be losing its frequency. With newer introductions into the market like Axe, Old Spice is loosing its cool effect on younger customers. Its becoming old fashioned, something your grandfather wore. The idea is to revamp the product by giving it a new appeal to the younger customers while hoping not to loose its loyal customers in the process.

Creative Strategy:Over the past five years Old Spice has released two extremely successful advertising campaigns. Old Spices approach to both of these recent campaigns is viral success. Although some of these ads were released, mostly in shorter versions, on television, the released ads, along with others, could be found on Old Spices Youtube channel. Their first campaign features a spokesman they created named Mr. Mufasa. He is an attractive African American man who talked quickly and is portrayed as being very smooth. The ads are fast pace and show him transitioning from backdrop to back drop doing cool things like, sitting on a motorcycle or jumping off a waterfall. The product featured in these ads is Old Spices body wash line and also their deodorant line. The premise behind these ads is the man your man could smell like. That being said, this campaign was geared more towards women who want their men to smell a certain way, specifically the traditional man musk. Their creative approach was to use a male to serenade a female, with his words and actions, and please the woman aesthetically, in hopes to bring in sales. ( second campaign, which is still going on, features a popular African American actor, Terry Crews. Terry Crews is an extremely muscular and masculine guy. Although he may be aesthetically please to women, and some men, his physique appeals more to men who aspire to be more manly. There is no premise behind these ads except that they are always random and strange, again going for the viral success. This campaign has had less ads featured on television and more ads featured online. These ads depict Terry doing and being involved in strange things. For instance, talking to objects that have come alive in a bedroom or controlling instruments with his muscles. This campaign generally advertises Old Spices shave product line, body spray product line and also their body wash product line. Their creative approach was/is to do things so strange, that the videos go viral on YouTube and other sites. This gives spice an advantage because viral videos mean your brand stays relevant over time. (

Target Selection:The target audience we are advertising to is adults, middle-class, ages 18-45. We want to target people who dont necessarily need all of the luxuries or finer things in life, but we do want to advertise to people who are willing to pay for a quality product. Those who are the bargain shoppers, or who buy the generic brand male grooming products, are not people were interested in targeting. We want to target people who care about how they present themselves to others, whether it be the way their hair looks or how they smell. Additionally, we want to target people who want their significant other to care about how they present themselves. We want to target active people and people who like to go out and do things. We want to target those who spend a decent amount of time on the Internet and also people who spend a decent amount of time watching television. Because our advertisements are aesthetically stimulating, in a video form, we need our target audience watching our ads. Capitalizing on our target audiences media consumption habit, which in this case is intermediate Internet and television usage, is crucial for Old Spice to stay relevant as long as possible in the market.

Overall Media Budget:

We set our budget at $30 million based off of information gathered from The huffingtonpost stated that P&G spent $26 million on advertising Old Spice in 2012, since then the ads have become extremely popular and gone viral all across the internet. We estimated $30 million based off of the $26 million they spent in 2012. Two years later with a $2 million dollars increase each year. We divided 30 by 12 to reach the cost for each month. 2.5 million will be spent on all the mediums for each month. Our spot markets are Austin Texas, Charleston SC, Gainesville FL, Jacksonville FL, Sacramento-Stockton CA, San Antonio Texas, and San Francisco CA. We chose Net TV, Spot TV, and Internet for all our mediums. Net TV Prime has 15 units with a total cost of $906,450, Net TV Sports has 15 units with a total cost of $654,990. Internet-Targeted Sites has 19 units with a total cost of $449,350. Internet Sponsorship has 17 units with a total cost of $402,050. Spot-TV Early Fringe News has 13 units with a total cost of $27,690. Spot-TV Prime has 13 units with a total cost of $58,396. All of the costs added up for the total plan cost of 53.8 reach, 1.7 average frequency, 92 GRP, and total cost of 2,498,926 for each month.

Target Audience CoverageDuring the introductory period in January to March, reach 30% of the target audience an average of three times. Following the introductory period, in April to July, reach 80% of the target audience an average of five times. During April and July, reach spot 50% and average of 7 times. In August to November, reach and frequency mirror the introductory period. Then in December, reach goes back to 80% of the audience an average of five times.

Regionality:Our media plan calls for weights in these regions of the United States: west coast, southwest, mid south, southeast and east coast (hubpages, 2013). There is a significant amount of time in these regions where they experience a warm/hot climate. Additionally, the coastal areas in these regions, California, Florida etc. have beaches and amusement parks. Regions where people are spending a lot of time outside and in need of deodorant and extra showers are areas we are interested in capitalizing on. The differences come down to which of these regions are going to need our product more, or use our product more often. We feel the areas mentioned will have more of a need and want for our product compared to other regions.


The media plan will carry the most weight from April to July because of Spring and Summer. Our target audience are people who live on the west and east coast near the beaches. The beaches are popular during these months. The month of December also carries a lot of weight because of Christmas, people will be purchasing the product for gifts. The low points will be from January to to May because of the cold weather and lack of target audience.

Media Mix Target audiences use of media class. Considering the media usage of our target audience, we suggest to focus the advertisements in television and Internet. The Internet because it has a viral effect and the men in our target market typically are heavy users of this medium. We suggest television because it is very cost efficient and necessary to reach our target audience. Advertising Objective.Our advertising objective is better met with a media mix of network TV to maximize reach quickly, and spot TV in California, Florida, Texas and South Carolina to increase frequency among the target audience in the warmer regions. Creative Constraints.Our clients creative tactics work more effectively on television due to its visually aesthetic characteristics. The Internet works more effectively than radio or magazine also due to its visually aesthetic characteristics as well as its viral tendencies. Budget constraints.Although, network TV is expensive to purchase it is very cost efficient. The same goes with the Internet, which is why we suggest focusing most of the budget on this medium.

Scheduling: For our media plan, we recommend a pulsing advertising schedule. Doing this will enable us to capitalize on the times of the year our selected regions are experiencing their warmer climates. January to March the reach will be relatively low. In April we will be raising our reach substantially until July. We will lower our reach back down during the fall months of August through November. In December, we will raise our reach once again for the Christmas season.

Recommended Media Vehicles:

The most cost effective media vehicles for reaching our target market are our main focus when considering our budget. We suggest sticking with network television and Internet only. They may be some of the most expensive mediums but they are also the most cost effective so we know money will be well spent. We will have net TV prime and net TV sports. On the Internet we will focus on targeted and sponsorship advertising for a viral effect. During our peak months April to July we will also have spot early and prime television in various cities in California, Florida, Texas and South Carolina. Running our ads this way will offer us the best national coverage while giving a little more emphasis in some of the more populated, hotter cities. Websites like YouTube and sites like Hulu, or other streaming sites, would be ideal for our advertisement. Nationally broadcasted channels like NBC and ABC would be ideal because Old Spice is a national brand. Also, channels like MTV, VH1 and Comedy Central would be good channels for our advertising.


- Old Spice Market Overview. (n.d.).HubPages. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from - - Husain, S. (n.d.). Strategic Message Retrieved April 7, 2014, from Men's grooming in the u.s.. (2013, July). Retrieved from

- Anderson, M. (2013, April 8).Old spice bar soap coming this month. Retrieved from

- Neck, J. (2010, July 26).How much old spice body wash has the old spice guy sold. Retrieved from