media planning process


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Media planning process


Page 1: Media planning process


Page 2: Media planning process

MEDIA PLAN It specifies the media in which the advt

messages will be placed to reach the desired target audience.

It includes objectives, strategies, media choices, and a media schedule for placing a message.

MEDIA CLASS :- it is a broad category of media such as radio, T.V or news papers

MEDIA VEHICLE :- it’s a particular option for placement with in a media class.

E.g.:- Newsweek magazine with in the magazine

media class.

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THE MEDIA PLANMEDIA OBJECTIVESReach the target audienceGeographic scope of media placementMessage weight.

MEDIA STRATEGIESReach & FrequencyContinuity, continuous, flighting, pulsingAudience duplicationLength or size of Advt.

MEDIA CHOICESMedia mix: concentrated, assortedMedia efficiency: cost per thousand (CPM), cost per thousand-target market(CPM-TM), cost per rating pointCompetitive media assessment

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MEDIA OBJECTIVES It set specific goals for a media placement.

Reach the target audience, determine the geographic scope of placement, and identify the message weight, or the total mass of advertising delivered against a target audience.

Reach the target audience:- using the data collected/provided by the media research organizations.

Single-source tracking services:- new method of research

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Determining the geographic scope of media placement.

Geo-targeting : it is the placement of ads in geographic regions where higher purchase tendencies for a brand are evident.

Message weight: it is the gross number of advt messages or exposure opportunities delivered by the vehicles in a schedule. It is expressed in terms of gross impressions.

Vehicle duplication: recurring advertisements in the media vehicles

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MEDIA STRATEGIES Its decisions help to ensure that messages

placed in chosen media have as much impact as possible.

Reach and frequency:Reach refers to the number of people

or households in a target audience that will be exposed to a media vehicle or schedule at least one time during a given period of time.

Frequency is the average num of times an individual or house hold with in a target audience is exposed to a media in a given period of time.

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GRP : It is the product of reach times frequency (GRP= r x f). It is used as a relative measure of the intensity of one media plan versus another.

Effective frequency is the number of times a target audience needs to be exposed to a message before the objectives of the advertiser are met- either communications objectives or sales impact.

Effective reach is the number or percentage of consumers in the target audience that are exposed to an ad some minimum number of times.

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CONTINUITY It is the pattern of placement of ads in

a media schedule. Continuous scheduling is a pattern of placing

ads at a steady rate over a period of time. Flighting is achieved by heavy advertising for

a period of time, usually 2 weeks, then stopping advertising altogether for a period, only to come back with another heavy schedule.

Pulsing is a media scheduling strategy that combines elements from continuous and flighting techniques.

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LENGTH OR SIZE OF THE ADVT It depends upon the creative requirements of the ad, the media budget, and the competitive environment with in which the ad is running.

Square Root Law: i.e.“ the recognition of print ads increase with the square of the illustration”

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MEDIA CHOICES Media mix: it is the blend of different media

that will be used to effectively reach the target audience.

Concentrated media mix: It focuses all the media placement dollars in one medium.

The benefits are: 1. It may allow the advt to be dominant in 1

medium.2. Brand familiarity might be heightened3. Concentrating media buys in high-visibility

media.4. A concentration of media dollars may result in

significant volume discounts from media org.

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Assorted media mix : It employs multiple media alternatives to reach target audiences. It facilitates communication with multiple markets.

The advantages:1. Reach of different target audiences.2. Different messages in different media reaching

single target may enhance the learning effect.3. It will increase the reach of the message,

compared to concentrating placement in 1 medium.

4. Grater audience reach compared to the other type of media mix.

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Media Efficiency: each media efficiency measures using

CPM (Cost Per Thousand)= x 1000

CPRP (cost per rating point)=

Cost of media buyTotal audience

Dollar cost of adPlacement on a program

Program rating

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MEDIA SCHEDULING AND BUYING It takes place through out the planning effort. All aspects of timing, reach, frequency, and

competitive media assessment are evaluated during the scheduling phase.

Heavy-up- scheduling. Agency of record.

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Media planners rely heavily uponcomputer databases and custom

analytical software to assess a widerange of possibilities before making

costly media buys

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There are two main areas where media proliferation is occurring

1:Expansion of traditional media Cable TV is expanding rapidly Satellite dishes offer consumers a

greater range of programming Increasing amount of magazines and


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2: New media are being developed to reach consumers in more and different ways

Railroad station (big screens, online services)

Movie theatre ads Internet (online information services) Direct marketing (firms of all types

started to publish newsletters, news magazines and catalogues targeted at their current customers and created their own in-house media options)

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Insufficient and Inaccurate Information The information used to analyse

who is using what medium at what time and in what numbers is generated as secondary data by large commercial media research organizations

It is often out-of-date and does not provide the category of measurement the marketer or advertiser is interested in

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Escalating Media CostsThe costs of newspaper and magazine ads or a single spot on TV (traditional media) can reach a high amount of money. These costs escalate every year and e.g. depend on prime-time. Therefore advertisers scrutinize their media costs and start thinking about alternatives e.g. placing advertisements in interactive media.

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Interactive MediaInteractive media reach beyond TV and include e.g. interactive telephones, interactive CDs, electronic kiosks, virtual billboards, online services, online versions of magazines and the Internet. Companies and department stores started using home pages on the World Wide Web to inform the consumer

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Media Choice and Integrated Brand PromotionsThe great array of choices makes it more difficult for the media planner tries to achieve integrated marketing communication.

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