media product evaluation

EVALUATION Amy, Lily & Sam

Upload: amieepickles

Post on 28-Jun-2015




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USE: my magazine uses the ‘maximum 3 colours’ (not including black and white) colour scheme, which I have used on the front cover, the contents page and the double page spread. This is a convention of magazines. I decided to use pink, blue, black and white. It also means that it’s easy on the eye and not too busy.

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USE: my magazine uses the ‘maximum 3 colours’ (not including black and white) colour scheme, which I have used on the front cover, the contents page and the double page spread. This is a convention of magazines. I decided to use pink, blue, black and white. It also means that it’s easy on the eye and not too busy.

USE: the main image I have used is a mid-shot, which is common for most music magazines, and also fashion magazines, which could also appeal to the target audience.

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USE: my magazine uses the ‘maximum 3 colours’ (not including black and white) colour scheme, which I have used on the front cover, the contents page and the double page spread. This is a convention of magazines. I decided to use pink, blue, black and white. It also means that it’s easy on the eye and not too busy.

USE: the main image I have used is a mid-shot, which is common for most music magazines, and also fashion magazines, which could also appeal to the target audience.

USE: I have also used a skyline similar to most genres of music magazines. For example, Kerrang, Top of the Pops, Vibe.

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USE: As with all magazines, I have put my masthead at the top centre, and have used a font that stands out because it is bold and in a contrasting colour to the background.

USE: my magazine uses the ‘maximum 3 colours’ (not including black and white) colour scheme, which I have used on the front cover, the contents page and the double page spread. This is a convention of magazines. I decided to use pink, blue, black and white. It also means that it’s easy on the eye and not too busy.

USE: the main image I have used is a mid-shot, which is common for most music magazines, and also fashion magazines, which could also appeal to the target audience.

USE: I have also used a skyline similar to most genres of music magazines. For example, Kerrang, Top of the Pops, Vibe.

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USE: As with all magazines, I have put my masthead at the top centre, and have used a font that stands out because it is bold and in a contrasting colour to the background.

USE: my magazine uses the ‘maximum 3 colours’ (not including black and white) colour scheme, which I have used on the front cover, the contents page and the double page spread. This is a convention of magazines. I decided to use pink, blue, black and white. It also means that it’s easy on the eye and not too busy.

USE: the main image I have used is a mid-shot, which is common for most music magazines, and also fashion magazines, which could also appeal to the target audience.

USE: I have also used a skyline similar to most genres of music magazines. For example, Kerrang, Top of the Pops, Vibe.

USE: Sell lines are mainly located in the left third of the cover, which allows the target market to see the articles when they’re lined up to be sold.

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USE: As with all magazines, I have put my masthead at the top centre, and have used a font that stands out because it is bold and in a contrasting colour to the background.

USE: As with some music magazines, I have used a button in order to make it noticeable, and for the freebie to stand out.

USE: my magazine uses the ‘maximum 3 colours’ (not including black and white) colour scheme, which I have used on the front cover, the contents page and the double page spread. This is a convention of magazines. I decided to use pink, blue, black and white. It also means that it’s easy on the eye and not too busy.

USE: the main image I have used is a mid-shot, which is common for most music magazines, and also fashion magazines, which could also appeal to the target audience.

USE: I have also used a skyline similar to most genres of music magazines. For example, Kerrang, Top of the Pops, Vibe.

USE: Sell lines are mainly located in the left third of the cover, which allows the target market to see the articles when they’re lined up to be sold.

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Develop: We decided that, instead of using a button in the shape of a circle, like a lot of magazines do, we would use a star. I think it’s more fitting with the target audience, and it draws attention to the freebie, which our audience research shows that people are attracted to magazine if there is a freebie.

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Challenge: We decided that, in order to follow our house style and ensure that all our magazines looked the same, we put our barcode in the top right of the page, in comparison to bottom left, most commonly.

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Challenge: We decided that, in order to follow our house style and ensure that all our magazines looked the same, we put our barcode in the top right of the page, in comparison to bottom left, most commonly.

We don’t feel that it was necessary for our magazine to challenge conventions, it looks more professional and the target audience are not the type of audience that would be interested in buying because of it being ‘edgy’ or breaking conventions, unlike genres such as rock magazines.

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USE: Images used as ‘sneak peak’ into some of the articles. This is used on all contents pages. All images look around the same age as the target audience, which would appeal to them.

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USE: Images used as ‘sneak peak’ into some of the articles. This is used on all contents pages. All images look around the same age as the target audience, which would appeal to them.

USE: Sell lines that are on the front cover are on the contents page, along with regular features.

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USE: Images used as ‘sneak peak’ into some of the articles. This is used on all contents pages. All images look around the same age as the target audience, which would appeal to them.

USE: all page numbers are bold and stand out, making each article easy to find. I used black in order to make them stand out against the blue background and the blue and pink writing.

USE: Sell lines that are on the front cover are on the contents page, along with regular features.

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USE: Images used as ‘sneak peak’ into some of the articles. This is used on all contents pages. All images look around the same age as the target audience, which would appeal to them.

USE: all page numbers are bold and stand out, making each article easy to find. I used black in order to make them stand out against the blue background and the blue and pink writing.

USE: Sell lines that are on the front cover are on the contents page, along with regular features.

USE: the contents page follows the same colour scheme as the front cover and double page spread, assuring a link between the pages.

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USE: Images used as ‘sneak peak’ into some of the articles. This is used on all contents pages. All images look around the same age as the target audience, which would appeal to them.

USE: all page numbers are bold and stand out, making each article easy to find. I used black in order to make them stand out against the blue background and the blue and pink writing.

USE: Sell lines that are on the front cover are on the contents page, along with regular features.

USE: the contents page follows the same colour scheme as the front cover and double page spread, assuring a link between the pages.

USE: the same fonts have been used on all pages, which creates continuity between pages, as well as a colour scheme.

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DEVELOP: Although my features are arranged into blocks/paragraphs, I decided to not use as much structure as most music magazines do. I decided to rotate my blocks, I think it is more representative of the target audience as being more fun, and less structured.

DEVELOP: I wanted some articles to be in a larger font than others to show importance and to stand out.

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CHALLENGE: I have not used titles at the top of each block of features. This is a common feature that I decided to subvert because it makes our magazine unique and different.

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USE: I have used 2 different colours, that still follow the colour scheme for the actual article. This means that it is clear for the reader to see who’s talking.

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USE: I have used 2 different colours, that still follow the colour scheme for the actual article. This means that it is clear for the reader to see who’s talking.

USE: the title is clear, and in a bold font that has been used for titles and mastheads on the front covers and contents pages. It informs the reader what the article is about, but does not distract attention from any other part of the page.

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USE: I have used 2 different colours, that still follow the colour scheme for the actual article. This means that it is clear for the reader to see who’s talking.

USE: the title is clear, and in a bold font that has been used for titles and mastheads on the front covers and contents pages. It informs the reader what the article is about, but does not distract attention from any other part of the page.

USE: the article itself, written in clear columns and an easily readable font.

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USE: I have used 2 different colours, that still follow the colour scheme for the actual article. This means that it is clear for the reader to see who’s talking.

USE: the title is clear, and in a bold font that has been used for titles and mastheads on the front covers and contents pages. It informs the reader what the article is about, but does not distract attention from any other part of the page.

USE: the article itself, written in clear columns and an easily readable font.

USE: more than one image of the artist used.

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USE: I have used 2 different colours, that still follow the colour scheme for the actual article. This means that it is clear for the reader to see who’s talking.

USE: the title is clear, and in a bold font that has been used for titles and mastheads on the front covers and contents pages. It informs the reader what the article is about, but does not distract attention from any other part of the page.

USE: the article itself, written in clear columns and an easily readable font.

USE: more than one image of the artist used.

USE: Because the genre is pop, it isn’t following conventions to have a background, therefore I kept the original background on the image which was a plain wall, which follows colour scheme, while not blending into the background of the page, leaving free space.

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USE: I have used 2 different colours, that still follow the colour scheme for the actual article. This means that it is clear for the reader to see who’s talking.

USE: the title is clear, and in a bold font that has been used for titles and mastheads on the front covers and contents pages. It informs the reader what the article is about, but does not distract attention from any other part of the page.

USE: the article itself, written in clear columns and an easily readable font.

USE: the introduction to the article, at the start, in the same colour as the magazine’s/interviewer’s question. Following this convention helps to maintain professionalism of my product and creates authenticity.

USE: more than one image of the artist used.

USE: Because the genre is pop, it isn’t following conventions to have a background, therefore I kept the original background on the image which was a plain wall, which follows colour scheme, while not blending into the background of the page, leaving free space.

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CHALLENGE: I decided that, since the article is an exclusive interview about a new music sensation, they have no clue what she’s like or what the article will say. By not using a pull-quote from the article, I am encouraging the audience to read the article in order to discover what they can about the artist.

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LILY: How I attracted the target


USE OF PICTURES: According to our audience research, the audience like to see interesting pictures, so in order to attract the audience, I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the photos, to make them look more professional and brighter, appealing more to the audience.

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LILY: How I attracted the target


USE OF PICTURES: According to our audience research, the audience like to see interesting pictures, so in order to attract the audience, I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the photos, to make them look more professional and brighter, appealing more to the audience.

MODELS: In my magazine, I have used mainly females as models, and but have also used sell-lines that could be aimed at both genders, such as ‘2013’s next best artists’, in order to appeal to majority females, but also to some males as well.

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LILY: How I attracted the target


FREEBIE: In order to attract the target audience, I decided to include a freebie on the front of a magazine, because our audience research shows that people are attracted to magazines because of the freebies included. I ensured that the freebie stood out by putting it in a button.

USE OF PICTURES: According to our audience research, the audience like to see interesting pictures, so in order to attract the audience, I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the photos, to make them look more professional and brighter, appealing more to the audience.

MODELS: In my magazine, I have used mainly females as models, and but have also used sell-lines that could be aimed at both genders, such as ‘2013’s next best artists’, in order to appeal to majority females, but also to some males as well.

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LILY: How I attracted the target


FREEBIE: In order to attract the target audience, I decided to include a freebie on the front of a magazine, because our audience research shows that people are attracted to magazines because of the freebies included. I ensured that the freebie stood out by putting it in a button.

COLOUR SCHEME: The colours that I used were bright and happy. The colour blue has the connotations of calm and over 50% of people say that blue is their favourite colour. The colour pink has the connotations of feminine and the majority of the audience will be female teenagers.

USE OF PICTURES: According to our audience research, the audience like to see interesting pictures, so in order to attract the audience, I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the photos, to make them look more professional and brighter, appealing more to the audience.

MODELS: In my magazine, I have used mainly females as models, and but have also used sell-lines that could be aimed at both genders, such as ‘2013’s next best artists’, in order to appeal to majority females, but also to some males as well.

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LILY: How I attracted the target


FREEBIE: In order to attract the target audience, I decided to include a freebie on the front of a magazine, because our audience research shows that people are attracted to magazines because of the freebies included. I ensured that the freebie stood out by putting it in a button.

COLOUR SCHEME: The colours that I used were bright and happy. The colour blue has the connotations of calm and over 50% of people say that blue is their favourite colour. The colour pink has the connotations of feminine and the majority of the audience will be female teenagers.

SOLO ARTISTS: Our audience research shows that the audience would prefer to see more solo artists in the magazine, so I decided to use an image of a solo artist as the main image on my cover and the majority of artists mentioned on the cover were solo artists.

USE OF PICTURES: According to our audience research, the audience like to see interesting pictures, so in order to attract the audience, I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the photos, to make them look more professional and brighter, appealing more to the audience.

MODELS: In my magazine, I have used mainly females as models, and but have also used sell-lines that could be aimed at both genders, such as ‘2013’s next best artists’, in order to appeal to majority females, but also to some males as well.

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LILY: How I attracted the target


FREEBIE: In order to attract the target audience, I decided to include a freebie on the front of a magazine, because our audience research shows that people are attracted to magazines because of the freebies included. I ensured that the freebie stood out by putting it in a button.

COLOUR SCHEME: The colours that I used were bright and happy. The colour blue has the connotations of calm and over 50% of people say that blue is their favourite colour. The colour pink has the connotations of feminine and the majority of the audience will be female teenagers.

SOLO ARTISTS: Our audience research shows that the audience would prefer to see more solo artists in the magazine, so I decided to use an image of a solo artist as the main image on my cover and the majority of artists mentioned on the cover were solo artists.

INTERESTING SELL-LINES: To attract the target audience, I used language like ‘exclusive’ and ‘best’ which implies that the magazine cannot be beaten. ‘Exclusive’ attracts the audience because everybody wants to be the first to know what is happening in music. According to our audience research, the audience say that ‘interesting sell-lines’ attract them to a magazine, so I tried to ensure that all articles are interesting and appealing.

USE OF PICTURES: According to our audience research, the audience like to see interesting pictures, so in order to attract the audience, I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the photos, to make them look more professional and brighter, appealing more to the audience.

MODELS: In my magazine, I have used mainly females as models, and but have also used sell-lines that could be aimed at both genders, such as ‘2013’s next best artists’, in order to appeal to majority females, but also to some males as well.

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BLOGGER: we used this in order to upload all our work onto the same website. It’s easy to use and convenient because you can edit posts after you’ve uploaded them.

1001 FREE FONTS: we used this website to download our fonts to use throughout our pieces. It was very fast and the fonts allowed our products to be original and different.

INTERNET: we used the internet throughout the making of our products, and during research and planning also. It was beneficial because we could see other actual media products and we could use it for ideas.

POWERPOINT: throughout the project, we used PowerPoint a lot to present research and analysis of other products. We used SlideShare to upload the powerpoints onto blogger, and PowerPoint and Slideshare, proved useful in the research stages of the project.

PHOTOSHOP was a constant during the production of our products, we used it to edit photos, delete backgrounds, and put together the whole outcome. Sometimes it got a bit tedious while trying to get rid of backgrounds, but overall proved helpful during the production of the products.

DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY such as video cameras and digital cameras, were useful throughout the project as we were using them in the preliminary through to the evaluation. These were necessary throughout the project as it allowed us to complete our products, as well as our audience research, which allowed us to complete our overall products.

Other technology used: iMovie (editing).

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I think that looking back on my preliminary task, my ability to use technology has improved, and I have learnt to successfully use Photoshop and other programs.

Both magazines were aimed around the same ages, so there wasn’t much need to adapt to a different audience. However, the language between a school magazine and a pop magazine is that a school magazine would be more formal language, whereas a pop magazine would be much more fun and informal.

Also, my product is a lot more professional and similar to actual magazines. This is due to the internet and using other examples of magazine covers and contents pages and DPS’s.