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Conventions of a film opening

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Conventions of a film opening

Main factors

The main reason for having conventions is to insure that the film opening will appeal to the viewers and also be successful. The conventions are what help structure and give guidelines for the opening sequence. Here are some of the conventions

• Grab interest from viewer/audience • State the genre of the film• Main character(s)• Strong narrative • Order titles• Location must be set

• Key event • Non-diegetic sound

Conventions of title sequence

The title sequence is usually displayed in a similar manner, and is shown at the beginning no matter on the genre of the film. The relevance of the title sequence is to tell the audience about the main people involved in the production, distribution etc..

• Production icon• Distrubtion icon • Distribution• Production• Film title • Actor(s)• Casting• Costume• Music• Editing• Desinger • Photography• Excutive producer• Written by• Director

Order of the titles This is a few screen grabs of the

order of the titles.1. Film title 1. Actors

2. Actors 2. Costume

3. Costume 3. Music

4. Music 4. Film title

as you can see there is a difference in the placement of titles is slightly different me and my group followed the one we discovered together as a class some films place certain titles differently but are generally the same order