media question 00

ELLEN TOZER Media Evaluation Answer

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Media Evaluation Answer

Front Cover Double Page Spread Contents Page

As the creator of my music magazine, I needed a target audience who I could connect with and understand more about their interests and lives to help my magazine appeal to them more.Therefore I chose to have a target audience in the age group young adults and teenagers, this is mainly because I am a young adult myself and can connect with them knowing what the majority who admire pop music would like and dislike.

The main social classes, which my target audience would probably be,

is E or D these are unskilled workers mainly who are students

or young adults.

The main gender I am focusing on for my target audience is female. This is mainly because I can relate more to them unlike males which gives me an advantage on including what they will prefer to see in this pop genre magazine.The ethnicity of the target audience shouldn’t really matter, my main aim is to attract audiences who enjoy and have a passion for ‘pop music genre’, however because my magazine is set mainly with British artists I will focus it more for the British as well as White American because they can relate to most of the artists and be inspired by them more.

My preferred primary (main) target audience is based on a younger age group which would mean I can be a lot more creative with my colour choices and can always keep my text and images bright as well as keeping a more juvenile audience around the ages 11-18.

The social class would be E because at this age most of my audience will be a student and be un employed or having un paid work experience.

The ethnicity would be based on White – British and American because they still focus on pop music and enjoy the same artists.

The main gender would be female mainly because of my chosen artists and that I can connect more with them.

My preferred secondary (additional) target audience is based on an older age group more around the age of 14-24. Therefore I can base my music magazine helping them get through tougher exams and not just basic SATS. It would mean I would include more simple text and more mature colours.

The social classes would still be E because most would be un employed however some may be D and have a part time job helping with university finances.

The ethnicity would be =White – British and American therefore they would still be able to enjoy the same artists.

Like my primary target audience the main gender would be female and this means I can connect more with them.

The gender would always be female because I cant relate to the male audiences even though

it would challenge me more however I need one which I can relate to easier to help me

include everything they want.The ethnicity would be mixed ranging from different ethnicity’s in America or England

instead of just a couple; having a larger range would attract more people and help my music

magazine grow stronger with publicity. The social class, which I would want my target

audience to be is D this is because they wouldn’t have a job or be a student, meaning

they would be at the lower end of the social chart for me.

Originally I wanted the target audience that I wanted to aim my music magazine for was teenagers and young teenagers, this is because they are easier to please when younger because they don’t always have an as strong opinion as young adults.

Before I had a set target audience who I would aim my magazine to, I knew I would want a younger audience making it different to my own age but still challenging me to attract them.

I have made my target audience this age group because from my questionnaire responses that I received, my main audience who answered were aged between 11-20. This is the age group I wanted to attract and even a little younger than 20, being in the teenager and young adult age group myself I would be able to know what they prefer to see and what is trending in the month for my magazine.

I have made my target audience this gender group because as it is clear from my questionnaire responses, the female audience were the most popular to answer my questionnaire therefore most of the responses are from a female point of view. I had to aim the colour schemes to be more girly and feminine to appeal more to them.Also I personally wanted my target audience to be female because I am and therefore can help relate more to them and can include what I like inside too.

I have made my target audience this ethnicity group because even though I wanted a mix ethnicity of groups because it would make the magazine more well known and popular in different parts of the world. The most popular response which I got from my questionnaire was White – British, Irish, Gyspy/Roma, Other. Therefore I tried to base most of the content of my magazine on British artists and pop stars so that my audience can inspire to be more like them and look up to them.

I have made my target audience this social class group which is social class E because this is the average social class of my target audience age as well as mine personally. The social class E which is a pensioner (not my target audience), unemployed and student and my audiences are a student being in the age brackets of 11-18 of a young adult or teenager.

The certain colour schemes I chose which were having bright and loud colours helped attract my audiences more and it grabbed their eyes, because I was mixing different pinks and purples with blues I helped the pages flow more and made the colour scheme carryon through each page making the magazine as a whole look more professional.

Different ways which my genre attracted the target audience is firstly through the colour scheme for example because I am having a more feminine audience, I chose the backgrounds of my pages to have the colours pink and purple on them and then a tint of blue as well to try attract some males.

Also I chose to have on my double page spread and front cover long shot photographs which are the full length of the body, this is because the audiences are able to see the full model and not only the head. However on the contents page I went against this and wanted to add more variety of shots. I chose to use medium shots (waist upwards) and short shots (collar bone upwards). This meant I could have a variety of shots instead of having a few and making the magazine look boring.When I edited the photos I

wanted to keep the models fairly natural so I am not giving the wrong impression for young teenagers to wear full makeup at their age. Therefore I edited them keeping them natural and just blurring out some blemishes but nothing major.

The models themselves help promote the genre of my music magazine which is pop by always looking happy because this is what pop music I all about. By having my models always smiling and looking excited to be there this helps the audience feel like this more and helps promote ‘pop’ as a genre of music more.

Different ways which my choice of models helped attract the target audience is that firstly their age, the models I chose were all aged between 14 and 17 which is moving into the older age bracket of my target audience this helps my audience be inspired by them and be able to look up to them more, idolizing towards them.

Secondly the models were chosen who had different identities and not all blonde or all brunette this is so I can attract different audiences as well as different ages of audiences.

However when choosing my models I feel now like I should have included some male models to help bring in the boys within my target audience as this would make the range of my audience bigger.

In the headlines I included words which related more to the younger audience so they notice them first such as ‘school desk’ and ‘super school stress’.

I chose to add in different cover lines and headlines to my magazine and these attracted my target audience by including most of their problems which they may be facing as well as cheering up their day more.I included some well known artists and not just my own to help the audience idolize towards them more.I included some alliteration in my cover lines so it sticks in the audiences head more and is read more easily, these help my younger target audience remember the sentence for a longer period of time making them remember our magazine as a whole for longer.

and understand the text such as ‘hear 7 years and hello and how they’re flying to number 1’ and ‘Hash tags that got the nation talking’.

I feel older audience willunderstand longer sentences more and this is why I laid my magazine out like this

This is because a younger audience will not read the small print because they would get bored unlike an older group who would read more into it

Different marketing campaigns which would attract my target audience when my magazine is released are promoting my own magazine through other magazines such as the ones represented by IPC Media so Neon Pop is shown and marketed to more audiences.

Another marketing campaign which would attract my target audience is having my own Facebook page, this is because the social media these days are apart of everyone's day life and Facebook and Snapchat are two of the most popular. It would be a safe environment for audiences to socialise on and know what is popular with neon pop and what is trending in music.

Different marketing companies which may take on my magazine after it is released to attract my target audience are possibly one ‘IPC’ which is the International Publishing Corporation known mainly in the United Kingdom

however still is known world wide.

IPC would be able to get Neon Pop known

in the music magazine industry

over the UK and around the world with other magazines such

as Top of the Pops, We (heart) Pop and
