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  • 8/8/2019 Media Server Dialogic Final


    Integrating Web-centric

    Media Processing for Simplified

    Development of Web-based

    Voice and Video Applications

    Mike Chapman and

    Ken Osowski


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    Ken Osowski

    Director of Product Marketing

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 3

    Webinar Target Audience

    For Web Service Providers and Enterprises

    Add value to Web 2.0 sites and spur innovation by offeringeasy telecom-enablement for additional services

    Rapid development: no need to learn/deal with telecomenvironment

    Draw traffic: expand the usage of Web sites by bridging intoservice provider phone networks

    Example(s): Google Voice, LinkedIn, Twillo, Fring, Facebook,

    For traditional Telcos

    Who want to expand into Web 2.0

    Example(s): AT&T, Verizon, Sprint

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 4

    Enterprise Web 2.0 spending to reach $4.6 billion by 2013

    (Source: Forrester Research)

    Enterprise Social Networking Market Expected to Reach $2 billion

    by 2013 (Source: Wainhouse Research)

    Web 2.0 mobile market is $20 billion Worldwide by 2013(Source: Juniper Research)

    Mobile social networking reaches $29 billion by 2012 (Source:


    Mobile social networking will rise to $17.1 billion in 2013

    (Source: Strategy Analytics)

    Analysts Size Web 2.0 Market Opportunity

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 5

    Social networking click-to-call or click-to-video

    Voice or video-enabling real-time communications from

    text tweets

    Integration of audio and video for Web-based call center

    access Web-accessible network-based messaging

    Video portals

    Adult entertainment

    Mobile advertising

    Location-based services

    What Kind of Web Services Require Media Processing?

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 6

    Application Programming Interface (API)

    Web 2.0

    Web Services

    Telephony and Media Processing

    Defining Some Terms

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 7

    An application programming interface API is an interface

    implemented by a software program which enables it to interactwith other software components

    The API represents an abstraction of functions/capabilities that are

    invoked by other components

    Software components can be on the same computer or connected viaa remote connection in a network using remote procedure calls (RPC)

    Usage can be interactive user program accessing functions of a

    component or machine-to-machine (M2M)

    API can represent a generalized set of functions or address a need inan application specific domain

    Application Programming Interface (API)

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 8

    The second generation of the World Wide Web, especially the movement

    away from static web pages to dynamic and shareable content and socialnetworking

    A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with each other as contributors to

    the website's content, in contrast to websites where users are limited to the

    passive viewing of information that is provided to them

    One of the most significant differences between Web 2.0 and the traditional

    World Wide Web (now referred to as Web 1.0) is greater collaboration

    among Internet users and other users, content providers, and enterprises

    Representative Web 2.0 technology

    Ajax, RSS-generated syndication, wikis

    Examples of Web 2.0 usage include:

    Blogging, social bookmarking, mash-ups

    Web 2.0

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 9

    Web Services are Application Programming Interfaces (API) or Web APIs

    that are issued to a remote server using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP)

    A Web API is typically a defined set of HTTP request messages along with a

    definition of the structure of response messages

    Typically expressed in EXtensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object

    Notation (JSON) Web APIs

    Web 1.0 & 2.0 SOAP (RPC)messages embedded in XML documents

    Web 2.0 REST (Representational State Transfer) style communications relying

    on HTTP

    APIs conforming to the REST constraints are referred to as being RESTful

    REST constraints are properties of the REST software architecture

    adhered to by the Web

    Web Services

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 10


    The process of establishing real-time audio or video communicationsbetween two callers

    Technology components of a call

    Call signaling for call set-up, etc.

    Establishing real-time audio & video connections, i.e., media processing Media Processing

    Streaming of real-time audio & video for 2-way communications

    between callers

    Processing phone key pad numbers (DTMF) if necessary Manipulating the streams encoded format to bridge different media

    types on different call legs

    Adding information to video media

    Telephony and Media Processing

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 11

    Audio Media Processing

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 12

    Video Media Processing

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 13

    Very fast time-to-develop

    Leverage existing Web development tools

    Easily integrate with existing Web 2.0 applications

    Familiarity with API design model

    Stick with proven Web API approaches

    Eliminate complexity of traditional telephony programming

    Developer may not be familiar with network-centric telephony model

    Need to take a Web technology point-of-view

    Leverage a media processing technology that is purpose built forintegrating telephony with Web applications

    Targeted for Web development and usage

    Market Requirements for Web Media Processing

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 14

    Network-centric versus Web-centric Media Processing



    Voice Calls

    Initiating voice calls from the Web usingnetwork-centric call processing approach*



    Cell phone

    Voice phone

    SIP Call Control


    Mobile Network

    SIP Media Control

    * - Please refer to USE CASE(S) portion of the Legal Notice on the last slide.

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 15

    Network-centric versus Web-centric Media Processing



    Voice Calls

    Initiating voice calls from the Web usingWeb-centric call processing approach*

    MediaServer Cell phone

    Voice phone

    PSTNOrMobile Network

    HTTP /RESTful API Call & Media Control

    * - Please refer to USE CASE(S) portion of the Legal Notice on the last slide.

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    Mike Chapman

    Director of Product Management

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 17


    An application uses SIP, VoiceXML, NetAnn, or MSCML to control anIP Media Server and initiate the specific media processing

    functionality desired

    An active SIP call is required between an IP Media Server and the

    application server for each remote telephony endpoint that will be

    transmitting or receiving media to/from an IP Media Server

    This required SIP session serves a dual role

    Used by an IP Media Server to create the media stream directly between

    an IP Media Server and the remote endpoint

    Used by the SIP session as a transport mechanism between theapplication server and an IP Media Server for the media control XML

    language content

    Traditional Deployment

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 18

    Traditional Deployment*



    IP Media Server







    * - Please refer to USE CASE(S) portion of the Legal Notice on the last slide.

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 19

    The Dialogic PowerMedia Web Media Server (WMS) provides a

    new Web 2.0 (RESTful) interface for control New media control interface utilizes HTTP requests and responses to

    perform media and call control operations

    PowerMedia WMS uses HTTP event streaming technologies to

    enable the client to receive asynchronous event notifications The Web application does not use SIP call control

    Application is not involved in call control signaling

    Easier for web developers to use even if they are not familiar with

    telephony development

    Web 2.0 Interface Configuration

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 20

    Web-centric Deployment*



    Web Media Server(WMS)

    WebServer MediaGateway




    * - Please refer to USE CASE(S) portion of the Legal Notice on the last slide.

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 21

    REST - REpresentational State Transfer

    Requests and responses are built around the transfer of"representations" of resources. Resources accessed through


    REST-style architectures consist of clients and servers

    Clients initiate requests to servers Servers process requests and return appropriate responses

    RESTful APIs

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 22

    A RESTful web service (also called a RESTful web API) is a simple

    web service implemented using HTTP and the principles of REST Contains following 3 aspects:

    Base URI for the web service (Ex: )

    MIME type of the data supported by the web service (Ex: JSON , XML)

    Set of operations supported by the web service using HTTP methods GET - retrieve info about resource(s)

    POST - Create a new resource

    PUT - Modify existing resource

    DELETE - Delete existing resource

    RESTful APIs
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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 23

    Buttelephony applications must handle unsolicited events

    DTMF digit detection Play completion events

    Conference events

    Unsolicited events or client notifications do not fit well into the HTTPrequest / response model

    Dialogic PowerMedia Web Media Server (WMS) supports eventstreaming

    HTTP event streaming is a mechanism that enables unsolicited events to besupported

    In a normal HTTP interaction, the client sends a request to the server, which

    performs its processing actions and send the HTTP response, then theconnection between the client and server is closed

    With HTTP event/data streaming, the TCP connection remains open afterthe response is sent from the server, allowing the server to continue to sendraw data to the client without notice

    RESTful APIs

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 24

    RESTful Event Handling




    HTTP POST with API specific URI and

    HTTP body

    HTTP 201 Created, with API response

    details in HTTP body

    HTTP Get to retrieve future

    asynchronous events

    200 OK Response, No HTTP Body, TCP

    connection remains open for supplying

    future events

    Event Data

    Event Data


    from caller


    from caller


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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 25

    Any language or OS

    Must support HTTP and XML processing Dialogic PowerMedia Web Media Server (WMS) uses HTTP with XML, not JSON

    Sample development platforms:

    Java Dialogic demos are Java-based PHP





    Flexibility to select appropriate client-side platform, based on application needsand developer skill set

    RESTful Client Side Technologies

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 26

    Web Accessible Media Processing

    Feature DialogicPowerMedia Web Media Server (WMS)


    Audio / Video play/record, A/V conferencing, text overlay

    Connectivity IP only

    Call Control SIP call handling in App Server SIP inbound / outbound call agent in PowerMedia WMScontrolled via HTTP

    Management Web GUI



    Software only standalone server

    Media access Local, NFS, From RTSP Server, HTTP

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 27

    Social Media Site Click2Conference

    Usage Model: Click2Conference application uses HTTP Post with list of phone


    Dialogic PowerMedia Web Media Server handles incoming HTTP

    post requests to make outbound calls Call Flow:

    PowerMedia WMS makes outbound SIP calls, based on phone

    numbers in HTTP request

    Participants in the HTTP post request are placed into sameconference

    Use Case: Click2Conference

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 28

    Use Case*: Click2Conference

    Voice or Video Calls

    Voice Calls






    Web Server

    (Social Media Application )


    Web MediaServer (WMS)

    Dialogic Vision 1000Video Gateway




    Social Media Site



    * - Please refer to USE CASE(S) portion of the Legal Notice on the last slide.

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 29

    User clicks on Social Media site link

    Example: Users Social Media contacts are retrieved (with permission) into

    a list

    User selects the friends to

    be called


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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 30

    Social Media Site does not provide phone numbers through their

    API. So User is asked for phone numbers of selected contacts

    Phone numbers are stored in a database

    Subsequent requests use stored database phone numbers

    User presses continue buttonto create conference

    Click2Conference (contd)

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 31

    The Continue button (prev. slide) results in an http POST, with

    phone numbers submitted to the Dialogic PowerMedia WebMedia Server (WMS)

    PowerMedia WMS initiates outbound SIP calls

    Under the direction of the application, the WMS places the SIP

    calls RTP streams into a conference

    Click2Conference (contd)

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 32

    Mapping Software Click2Call

    Customer provides mapping software for many uses

    Telecommunications: location of new service availability

    Government/Military: location of nearest recruiting office

    Commercial: store location

    Basic Click2Call application works for any use

    Easy to deploy

    Increases customer satisfaction and retention

    Usage Model:

    Click2Call application uses HTTP Post with phone numbers stored in database andsupplied by subscriber

    Dialogic PowerMedia Web Media Server handles incoming HTTP post requests to

    make outbound calls

    Call Flow:

    PowerMedia WMS makes outbound SIP calls, based on phone numbers in HTTPrequest

    Participants in the HTTP post request are placed into same conference

    Use Case: Click2Call

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 33

    Use Case*: Click2Call

    Voice or Video Call

    Voice Call






    Web Server

    (Mapping Software,

    Customer Application)


    Web MediaServer (WMS)

    Dialogic Vision1000 Video Gateway




    * - Please refer to USE CASE(S) portion of the Legal Notice on the last slide.

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 34

    User navigates through the customer maps

    Drills down to the desired location


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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 35

    User enters phone number to be called

    Clicks on Submit to initiate call The company/agency contact information is retrieved and put into

    a list along with users phone number

    Click2Call (contd)

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 36

    The Submit button (prev. slide) results in an http POST, with

    phone numbers submitted to the Dialogic PowerMedia WebMedia Server (WMS)

    The PowerMedia WMS initiates outbound SIP calls

    Under the direction of the application, WMS bridges the SIP calls

    RTP streams

    User and company / agency contact are connected

    Possible for company / agency contact to add a subject matter expert

    for additional information or immediate inquiry resolution

    Click2Call (contd)

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 37

    Dialogic PowerMedia Media Processing Product Family

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 38

    Dialogics New Developer Network

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 39

    Individual VPN credentials only allow access to:

    Users System Shared Dialogic PowerMedia IP Media Server (IPMS)

    Shared Dialogic PowerMedia Web Media Server (WMS)

    Tools on Users System

    Sailfin (J2EE App Server) and demo applications GUI tools to rapidly create VoiceXML applications

    OpenMethods OpenVXML

    Vicorps xMP

    Web-Server: Apache Tomcat Ready to run demos

    IPMS and VMs can not access the Internet for security reasons

    Dialogic inCloud9 Network Resources

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 40

    Dialogic inCloud9 Network Signup Process

    To register, go to:

    After approval, welcome email with VPN instructions

    forwarded to Developer

    Dialogic Tech Support Services for inquiries

    Developer uses the VPN to access the Virtual Machine

    Developer should review before starting:

    inCloud9 readme

    Individual demo readmes
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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 41


    RESTful API based media processing is the most appropriate for Web

    application developers Familiar to developers

    Can use existing development platforms to develop apps

    Reduces programming complexity

    Dialogic inCloud9 network gives developers rapid access to freeresources for Web application development!

    No on-site test lab required

    No downloads or hardware required

    Dialogic PowerMedia media processing product family sets newindustry benchmark for range of software-based development APIs and


    This market is growing very fast based on industry analyst forecasts

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    Audience Q & A

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    Copyright 2010 Dialogic Corporation. All rights reserved.SLIDE 43

    Dialogic, Dialogic Pro, Brooktrout, Diva, Cantata, SnowShore, Eicon, Eicon Networks, NMS Communications, NMS (stylized), Eiconcard, SIPcontrol, Diva ISDN, TruFax, Exnet, EXS,

    SwitchKit, N20, Making Innovation Thrive, Connecting to Growth, Video is the New Voice, Fusion, Vision, PacketMedia, PowerMedia, inCloud9, NaturalAccess, NaturalCallControl,

    NaturalConference, NaturalFax and Shiva, among others as well as related logos, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Dialogic Corporation or its subsidiaries (Dialogic).

    The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. Dialogic encourages all users of its products to procure all necessary

    intellectual property licenses required to implement their concepts or applications, which licenses may vary from country to country. Dialogic may make changes to specifications,

    product descriptions, and plans at any time, without notice.

    This document discusses one or more open source products, systems and/or releases. Dialogic is not responsible for your decision to use open source in connection with Dialogic

    products (including without limitation those referred to herein), nor is Dialogic responsible for any present or future effects such usage might have, including without limitation

    effects on your products, your business, or your intellectual property rights


    Any use case(s) shown and/or described herein represent one or more examples of the various ways, scenarios or environments in which Dialogic products can be used.

    Such use case(s) are non-limiting and do not represent recommendations of Dialogic as to whether or how to use Dialogic products.
