media situations and lords of the press

Media Situations By Shiela Coronel

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Philippine press


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Media SituationsBy Shiela Coronel

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Journalistic trends & traditions

•The Philippine press, the refrain goes, is “the freest in Asia”.

•Although press freedom was incorporated into the Philippine organic law during the American colonial period, the “dangerous tendency” rule was the test for sedition.

•Whilst occupied by the Japanese for four years (1941-1945), the Philippines was subject to total press censorship.

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•The tradition of acquiescence is supportive of what is, or what exists

•The tradition of protest initially demanded reforms in the late 19th century,

•The latter tradition went by the name “alternative press” during the late Marcos period. It was presumed to be a new phenomenon, but was actually not.

•The Marcos period was a watershed in the resurgence of this tradition.

Journalistic trends & traditions

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•In 1986, however, the alternative press itself consisted of two tendencies. The progressive tendency, with a radical critique of Philippine society and a vision of an alternative economic, political and social system and the liberal tendency, with a reformist outlook and a basic faith in the justice and wisdom of the existing system.

•In the years following the 1986 EDSA (People Power) Revolt, this latter tendency, though retaining its liberal outlook, became itself as much a part of the establishment as the conservative press, which during the Marcos period had been so supportive of the regime.

Journalistic trends & traditions

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• Since early that year, there had been increasing reports of columns being censored, as well as instances of self-censorship.

•During a press forum in November 2000, Sheila Coronel of the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) said there was increasing unwillingness amongst editors to publish pieces that were critical of government, particularly PCIJ reports.60 In the same month, a Manila-based broadsheet ceased publication because its owner was withholding newsprint.

Journalistic trends & traditions

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• The broadsheet involved was the Philippine Post, which was owned by an Estrada associate. When it was founded, the editor, Danilo Mariano, made editorial freedom a condition of his employment.

• Skill limitations have further contributed to the failings of the mass media.

Journalistic trends & traditions

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•A study by the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) of five Manila broadsheets including the Philippine Daily Inquirer, the Manila Bulletin, and the Philippine Star (the three broadsheets with the largest circulation) revealed that between March and June 2000, they failed to provide the contextual information readers needed to understand the crisis in the Muslim areas of Mindanao.

Journalistic trends & traditions

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• Several newspapers also fomented anti-Muslim prejudices through articles identifying terrorism with Muslims as an ethnic group.

• In periods of political instability, fear—of government displeasure, of advertisers and of financial losses—has made the press timid.

•As noted earlier, there are no specific laws that regulate the Philippine press, and the laws that do affect its performance are fairly liberal.

Journalistic trends & traditions

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•Obviously, a free press is not achieved simply through the absence of official regulation, and even when achieved, does not necessarily lead to a just, free or democratic society.

•Theoretically, private ownership is the guarantee of a free press, and with it should come responsible and accountable behaviour.

Journalistic trends & traditions

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Media as a public watchdog

• the Manila-based mass media has become a separate power in itself

•. In 1996, for example, when President Fidel Ramos attempted to extend his six-year term by seeking an amendment to the Constitution

•radio has also been one arena where media power has been rigorously exercised.

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•The “public service programme”• These programmes provide airtime for public criticism

•They serve to persuade government agencies

• are monitoring the government to ensure that the system somehow works.

Media as a public watchdog

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Media Market

•Radio has the biggest audience among all the mass media (85 per cent)

•television (74 per cent) and print (32 per cent)

•Print media has an 82 percent reach in Metropolitan Manila and the country’s business, political and cultural centre

•In 2002, there were eight “national” (meaning Manila based) newspapers in the Philippines, and 408 community newspapers, mostly weeklies and monthlies

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•. English is the predominant language in both the national and community press

•The national newspapers print between only 10,000 and 400,000 copies daily, while the print run of the community newspapers ranges from a low of 50 copies to a h

•. The Philippine Daily Inquirer or The Inquirer, is the most widely read broadsheet newspaper in the Philippines, with a daily circulation of 260,000 copies—a 52-per cent share of total circulation of broadsheets in the countryigh of 45,000

Media Market

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•Other big newspapers are the Manila Bulletin, the Philippine Star, Manila Times and Business World

•A problem for the reach of the print media is the country’s functional literacy rate

•According to the results of the 2003 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey 48.4 million or 84 percent of the population aged 10-64 years old are functionally literate

Media Market

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•In broadcasting, there were uneven rates of growth between 1997 and 2000

•The number of AM radio stations nation-wide rose from 333 in 1997 to just 335 in 2000 whilst FM stations grew from 399 to 537.

•TV stations numbered 194 in 2000, up from 159 in 1997. The number of cable TV stations hooked up to international servers, but which also partially generate their own content, expanded from 894 in 1997 to 1162 in 2000.66

Media Market

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•The biggest national stations are the ABS-CBN Broadcasting Company and GMA Network

•the two biggest radio stations that operate nationally are the Manila Broadcasting Company (over 500 radio stations) and Radio Mindanao Network (40 stations)

•The most significant growth in Philippine telecommunications cellular phone subscriptions—from 1,343,620 in 1997 to 6,454,359 in 2000. Since 1992, the growth of the cellular phone in the Philippine has surpassed its ASEAN counterparts

Media Market

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•. Between 2000 and 2005, Internet usage grew from 2.6 to 9.3 per cent of the population, or from 2 million to 7.8 million users

Media Market

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Public Broadcaster

•There is no public broadcasting service in the Philippines.

•the country has the Philippine Broadcasting Service—a State-owned radio with 31 stations nationwide—and the National Broadcasting Network, a State-owned television network

•The Secretary for Government Mass media Group has announced the government commitment to set up a PSB

•the new public broadcaster should be fully independent of government and commercial interests.

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Media Ownership

•Since the American period the mass media in the Philippines have been dominated by individual business and political interests

•In the Marcos era, the President’s cronies owned and controlled the media

•Corazon Aquino took over power from Marcos in 1989 in which Dozens of new newspapers were set up, TV and radio empires returned from exile to reclaim their properties which were confiscated by the Marcos regime

•The old order re-emerged; powerful families again saw the media as their domain.

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•The majority owners of the most influential daily, the Philippine Daily Inquirer include real estate and food manufacturing interests.

•Manila Bulletin owner Emilio Yap has interests in shipping and other ventures

•Two biggest media networks are owned by companies of wealthy families. ABS-CBN is owned by the Lopez family and the GMA network by the Gozon-Duavit-Jimenez family

Media Ownership

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•As the table below demonstrates, ABS-CBN is a multimedia company

Media Ownership