media still image

Camera – The camera angle is a close up. The significance of this is that we can interpret more about the character, for example What’s he doing there? How did he get there? The camera angle makes the audience pick up on the sweat pouring on his forehead, this is emphasises by his greasy hair sticking to his forehead. The camera angle also makes us feel emotion towards the character who we have never seen before and we might be able to relate to him in a certain aspect. The camera angle also stresses the fact in which his head is too big for what looks like a wooden door, as he cannot get all of his head through it. Setting – The setting is what we make out to be a slash in a wooden bathroom door, this is unclear to the audience but makes the most reasonable explanation due to the connotations in which we have linked with the slashes commonly known within horror films. By there being nothing else in the shot we can interpret that the character is perhaps lonely. The character fits the typical horror stereotype very well as he looks crazy, dirty and smelly. The fact in which he is presented to the audience in this particular way could suggest that he has hygiene issues as he needs a good shave and to brush his discoloured teeth. The characters eyes also look very dark and dingy, this could suggest that he is staring at something and is almost preying on them/it. The way in which his eyes are positioned suggests that he has an evil plan, this is supported by the way in which his teeth and almost grinding each other. Lighting – By the lighting being dull/mysterious it conforms to typical horror films as it suggests mystery and death, the low key lighting supports this as many different connotations can be interpreted from the lighting, for example Where is he? The lighting also gives the audience the feeling of anxiety as they don’t know/can’t see what he’s looking at in the dingy little space in which he head is poking out of. Genre – From looking at this still-image we can tell that the genre of the film is a horror due to the low key lighting, dirty looking character and slash in the door. All three of these features are typical things in which we would expect to find in a horror film as they can all offer lots and varied connotations. How does looking at a still- image help our analysis? – By looking at this still-image it helps our analysis as we are slowly piecing together what type of genre we think the film is and why it has been crafted for that affect.

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Media still image

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Camera – The camera angle is a

close up. The significance of

this is that we can interpret

more about the character, for

example What’s he doing

there? How did he get there?

The camera angle makes the

audience pick up on the sweat

pouring on his forehead, this is

emphasises by his greasy hair

sticking to his forehead. The

camera angle also makes us

feel emotion towards the

character who we have never

seen before and we might be

able to relate to him in a

certain aspect. The camera

angle also stresses the fact in

which his head is too big for

what looks like a wooden door,

as he cannot get all of his head

through it.

Setting – The setting is what we make out to be a

slash in a wooden bathroom door, this is unclear to

the audience but makes the most reasonable

explanation due to the connotations in which we

have linked with the slashes commonly known within

horror films. By there being nothing else in the shot

we can interpret that the character is perhaps lonely.

The character fits the typical horror

stereotype very well as he looks

crazy, dirty and smelly. The fact in

which he is presented to the

audience in this particular way could

suggest that he has hygiene issues as

he needs a good shave and to brush

his discoloured teeth. The characters

eyes also look very dark and dingy,

this could suggest that he is staring at

something and is almost preying on

them/it. The way in which his eyes

are positioned suggests that he has

an evil plan, this is supported by the

way in which his teeth and almost

grinding each other.

Lighting – By the lighting being

dull/mysterious it conforms to typical

horror films as it suggests mystery

and death, the low key lighting

supports this as many different

connotations can be interpreted from

the lighting, for example Where is

he? The lighting also gives the

audience the feeling of anxiety as

they don’t know/can’t see what he’s

looking at in the dingy little space in

which he head is poking out of.

Genre – From looking at this still-image we can tell

that the genre of the film is a horror due to the low

key lighting, dirty looking character and slash in the

door. All three of these features are typical things in

which we would expect to find in a horror film as

they can all offer lots and varied connotations.

How does looking at a still-

image help our analysis? – By

looking at this still-image it helps

our analysis as we are slowly

piecing together what type of

genre we think the film is and

why it has been crafted for that
