media2014 audience research


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Page 1: Media2014 audience research
Page 2: Media2014 audience research

In order to create a successful promotional

package, it is necessary to find out exactly

what the target audience looks for in their

chosen subgenre of horror films. To do this,

I will carry out a significant amount of

audience research, in the form of 25

questionnaires and a subsequent focus

group based on the results of those


Concerning the questionnaires, 25 will be

randomly distributed to various classmates,

friends, and adults of mixed

genders/interests, and the results will be

filtered into three categories – those that

like supernatural horrors, those that like

horrors in general, and those that don’t

enjoy horror as a genre (the latter of which

will not be used). From this, the results of


Question will be individually analysed,

whereupon the more popular of the

multiple choice answers for each will be

considered in the creation of my

promotional package. For example, if 17

out of 25 people think the most

successful part of a horror film trailer is

the use of sound, then particular focus

would be directed to the composition of

the soundtrack during my trailer.

Furthermore, upon analysing each

question using the aforementioned

method, a general conclusion will be

made concerning the type of supernatural

horror package I will be making, based on

the opinions of the target audience. This

will allow me to adapt the work in order

to suit their expectations and needs.















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The audience who answered positively to supernatural horror being their favourite subgenre will then be

asked to take part in a focus group, whereupon they will be asked a series of specified closed and open

questions in a series of individual interviews. These questions will allow me to understand what the

typical target audience expects from a new supernatural horror film, and what features/recurring

conventions they like and, more importantly, dislike. Again, this will further enable me to shape the

promotional package around their opinions. Furthermore, when the drafts of the poster, trailer, and

magazine cover are completed, the attendees of this focus group will be called back in order to deliver

feedback on how the promotional package is successful, and how it can be improved upon. This will

allow me to understand if I have understood and appealed to each of their expectations, desires, and

needs concerning horror films, giving me a chance to further adapt my work until a satisfactory final

product is produced. In terms of actually displaying the focus group, 2 sample interviews will be shown

on the blog, while the results of the rest are documented and analysed.

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Sample questionnaire

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1. 19 of the 25 participants are aged 17,with the other 6 being 18.

2. All of the 25 participants enjoy horror films.

3. 13 said their favourite subgenre was supernatural/possession, with 8 saying slasher, 3 choosing

psychological, and 1 choosing gothic.

4. 17 of the 25 said their favourite place to watch a horror is in the cinema, with 5 choosing their own

home and 3 preferring to watch them at a friend’s house.

5. Of the 25, 21 thought the full length trailer was the most effective method of promotion, with 1

saying teaser trailer and 4 choosing the poster.

6. The answers as to why contained several recurring patterns. Those who chose the trailer talked about

the horror promised in the poster and front cover ‘coming to life’, and the fact that sound and imagery

can be used to gain an idea of how scary the film will be. Those who chose the poster said that it was

visceral and easier to remember than a trailer.

7. 18 of 25 thought that sound effects/music was the most important aspect of a horror film, with 16

saying jumpscares, 16 highlighting the importance of showing the villain, 11 suggesting keeping the

plot hidden, 4 saying recognisable actors/directors and 3 saying pacing and composition of shots.

8. Here, 20 of 25 chose ‘showing the antagonist’, with 17 choosing ‘colour and font’, 19 choosing the

use of background, 6 choosing props and 9 choosing the use of a disturbing/interesting tagline.

9. Although the answers varied substantially here, there was one common theme; all of the participants

liked to be scared, and liked to be presented with something unconventional.

10. 19 of the 25’s least favourite convention was one character surviving until the very end, with the

remaining 5 disliking characters who don’t believe until the very end and 1 disliking the same repeated


11. Each answer was entirely different here, but two recurrent films that could be seen were The

Shining and the Conjuring.

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RESULTS ANALYSIS1. Each participant falls within the age bracket of my desired target

audience – a promising start that increases the likelihood of them giving

answers more relevant to my cause. Indeed, the ages of 18 and 19 are

the prime ages for the perfect TA individual, so the six 18 year olds here

are an exemplification of the kind of people I want to reach.

Furthermore, the fact that all 25 like horror films is excellent, as this

means that none of the questionnaires given will be considered ‘null’ or


2. With the clear majority of choices going to ‘supernatural/possession’,

results more applicable to my promotional package will be seen. In turn,

this also proves the prediction made in my TAP where I suggested that

most 15-24 year olds of this generation will like supernatural horror


3. As so many prefer watching horror films in the cinema, ‘The

Basement’ will be altered to be a truly visual and auditory experience

that would simply not be the same on television or a laptop. This means

particular emphasis will be placed on perfecting and enhancing sound

and settings, with an option to see the film in IMAX to maximise this.

4. 21/25 thought that a full length trailer is the most effective method

of promotion. This is not entirely unpredictable, as a trailer combines all

the expectations drawn from the posters etc. and actually introduces the

audience to the narrative of the film. This is why I will ensure that the

trailer shares symbiosis with the other areas of the promotional package

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5. As sound, shots of the antagonist, and

jumpscares were the most popular options, the

trailer for ‘The Basement’ will be adapted

accordingly to include all of these conventions.

Non-diegetic sound will be especially prominent

due to it being the most popular choice, and in

order to create something truly unique, I hope to

compose my own soundtrack.

6. Although 20 of 25 participants thought that

showing the antagonist was the most important

feature on a poster, no antagonist will be shown

– only implied – on the poster for ‘The

Basement’. Showing one of the several

antagonists will somewhat ruin the mystery

surrounding the narrative, and will force

comparisons with other posters that would

otherwise have nothing in common with the

film. Instead, the entirety of focus will be placed

upon the background, which is the second-most

popular option, ensuring that the TA still get

their expectations satisfied.

7. When asked what they like about horror

films, all participants like to be scared in a new

way. As previously highlighted in the blog, ‘The

Basement’ will do just this.

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8. In order to address the participants’ evident dislike of one

character surviving until the very end, the narrative of both

the film and the trailer have been altered so that neither of

the characters die at the end, yet still suffer from a terror-

driven finale. The characters of Joel and Kerrie, who are

portrayed to be reasonably intelligent, broad-minded people,

will also believe in the presence of the supernatural

relatively soon within the film. This demonstrates how I

have removed the conventions that my target audience

dislike, increasing their chances of appreciating the

individuality of ‘The Basement’.

9. The fact that the participants mentioned ‘The Shining’

and ‘The Conjuring’ more than once is excellent, as these

two films served as inspirations when I initially started

working on the promotional package. It is therefore likely

that, if the TA like these films, they will also like ‘The
