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  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science



    1. Another name for the ankle bone is the:

    A. Tarsus

    B. Metatarsus

    C. Calcaneus

    D. Talus

    2. The peripheral nervous system is composed of the:

    A. Spinal cord and sensory nerves

    B. Motor and sensory nerves ...

    C. Brain and sensory nerves

    D. Brain and spinal cord

    3. The topographic term used to describe the back surface of the body is:

    A. Exterior

    B. Anterior

    C. Posterior ...

    D. Inferior

    4. Which of the following vertebrae are found in the neck?

    A. Cervical ...

    B. Lumbar

    C. Sacral

    D. Coccyx

    5. Which of the following vessels does NOT carry blood back to the heart?

    A. Inferior venae cavae

    B. Superior venae cavae

    C. Pulmonary artery ...

    D. Pulmonary vein

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    6. A prominence called the olecranon process is found on the:

    A. Knee

    B. Hip

    C. Elbow ...

    D. Shoulder

    7. Together, the right and left lungs contain how many lobes?

    A. 6

    B. 2

    C. 5...

    D. 3

    8. The system responsible for body movement and body shape is the:

    A. Musculoskeletal system...

    B. Skeletal system

    C. Nervous system

    D. Muscular system

    9. Which of the following systems is responsible for releasing chemicals that regulate body


    A. Skeletal

    B. Cardiovascular

    C. Nervous

    D. Endocrine ....

    10. Bilateral fractures of the femur indicates:

    A. Both femurs are broken...

    B. Both the superior and inferior ends of the femur are broken

    C. The bone is broken in two or more pieces

    D. Both zones of the femur are broken

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    11. Red blood cells are NOT responsible for:

    A. Protecting the body against infection...

    B. Carrying carbon dioxide

    C. Carrying oxygen

    D. Giving blood its color

    12. The most distal three or four vertebrae form the:

    A. Coccyx...

    B. Sacrum

    C. Ilium

    D. Ischium

    13. Which of the following systems has specialized tissue that produces rhythmic electrical


    A. Circulatory

    B. Skeletal

    C. Cardiac conduction...

    D. Endocrine

    14. Which of the following statements about the anatomy of a child's respiratory system is


    A. A child's cricoid cartilage is less developed and not as rigid

    B. A child depends more heavily on the diaphragm for breathing

    C. A child's tongue takes up proportionally less space in the mouth...

    D. A child has a narrower trachea that can be easliy obstructed by swelling

    15. What is another name for the clavicle?

    A. Rib cage

    B. Funny bone

    C. Collar bone...

    D. Breast Bone

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    16. The central nervous system is composed of the:

    A. Spinal cord and sensory nerves

    B. Motor and sensory nerves

    C. Brain and sensory nerves

    D. Brain and spinal cord...

    17. What three bones make up the shoulder girdle?

    A. Acromion, clavicle, scapula

    B. Acromion, humerus, olecranon

    C. Clavicle, scapula, humerus ...

    D. Acromion, scapula, humerus

    18. What set of nerves is responsible for carrying information from the body to the brain?

    A. Sensory...

    B. Motor

    C. Cranial

    D. Vetebral

    19. The leaf-shaped flap of tissue that prevents food and liquid from entering the trachea is

    called the:

    A. Epiglottis...

    B. Uvula

    C. Laryngopharynx

    D. Cricothyroid membrane

    20. In order to assess a femoral pulse, you would palpate the patient:

    A. On the anterior surface of the foot

    B. Between the anterior and superior iliac spines

    C. Between the iliac crest and the coccyx

    D. In the groin...

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    21. Which of the following structures are responsible for the exchange of nutrients and waste in

    the cells?

    A. Capillaries...

    B. Venules

    C. Arteries

    D. Arterioles

    22. The ribs, sternum, and thoracic vertebrae form the:

    A. Thorax...

    B. Upper extremities

    C. Lumbar

    D. Lower extremities

    23. The topographic term used to describe the center line of the body is the:

    A. Internal line

    B. Convergence point

    C. Midline....

    D. Midaxillary

    24. In the systemic circulatory system, deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body is

    returned to the heart via the

    A. Inferior vena cava....

    B. Superior vena cava

    C. Aorta

    D. Coronary sinus vein

    25. What type of muscle has its own rich supply of blood?

    A. Voluntary

    B. Musculogenic

    C. Cardiac...

    D. Skeletal

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science



    1. D

    2. B

    3. C

    4. A

    5. C

    6. C

    7. C

    8. A

    9. D

    10. A

    11. A

    12. A

    13. C

    14. C

    15. C

    16. D17. C

    18. A

    19. A

    20. D

    21. A

    22. A

    23. C

    24. A

    25. C

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science



    26. Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride. What is baking soda?

    A. Potassium chloride

    B. Potassium carbonate

    C. Potassium hydroxide

    D. Sodium bicarbonate

    The correct answer is {Option D

    27. Ozone hole refers to

    A. hole in ozone layer

    B. decrease in the ozone layer in troposphere

    C. decrease in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere

    D. increase in the thickness of ozone layer in troposphere

    The correct answer is {Option C

    28. Pine, fir, spruce, cedar, larch and cypress are the famous timber-yielding plants of which

    several also occur widely in the hilly regions of India. All these belong to

    A. angiosperms

    B. gymnosperms

    C. monocotyledons

    D. dicotyledons

    The correct answer is {Option B

    29. Pollination is best defined as

    A. transfer of pollen from anther to stigma

    B. germination of pollen grains

    C. growth of pollen tube in ovule

    D. visiting flowers by insects

    The correct answer is {OptionA

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    30. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from

    A. chlorophyll

    B. atmosphere

    C. light

    D. soil

    The correct answer is {Option D

    31. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called

    A. osmosis

    B. active transport

    C. diffusion

    D. passive transport

    The correct answer is {Option B

    Active transport, this is the only transport method that can move species against their

    concentration gradient (from low to high concentration). Facilitated diffusion only moves species

    down their concentration gradient from high to low concentration.

    32. Photosynthesis generally takes place in which parts of the plant?

    A. Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts

    B. stem and leaf

    C. Roots and chloroplast bearing parts

    D. Bark and leaf

    The correct answer is {OptionA

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    33. Most fish do not sink in water because of the presence of

    swim bladder

    air bladder

    air sacs

    air in spongy bones

    A. I and II are correct

    B. II and III are correct

    C. III and IV are correct

    D. I, II, III and IV are correct

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    34. Plants synthesis protein from

    A. starch

    B. sugar

    C. amino acids

    D. fatty acids

    The correct answer is {Option C

    35. Plants absorb dissolved nitrates from soil and convert them into

    A. free nitrogen

    B. urea

    C. ammonia

    D. proteins

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    36. Out of 900 reported species of living gymnosperms, conifers are represented by about 500

    species, About 2,50,000 species of angiosperms (flowering plants) have also been reported

    in the world. The vast and dominant woodlands in Europe, Asia, North America and

    mountains such as Himalayas are wooded with

    A. all gymnosperms, except conifers

    B. only angiosperms

    C. only conifers

    D. angiosperms and all gymnosperms except conifers

    The correct answer is {Option C

    37. One of the following is not a function of bones.

    A. Place for muscle attachment

    B. Protection of vital organs

    C. Secretion of hormones for calcium regulation in blood and bones

    D. Production of blood corpuscles

    The correct answer is {Option C

    38. Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their

    A. embryonic zone

    B. growing point

    C. root hairs

    D. zone of elongation

    The correct answer is {Option C

    39. Photo-oxidation is

    A. photorespiration

    B. photolysis

    C. light and oxygen induced breakdown

    D. All of the above

    The correct answer is {Option D

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    40. Process of cell division can take place by

    A. heterosis

    B. fusion

    C. mitosis

    D. None of these

    The correct answer is {Option C

    41. Most highly intelligent mammals are

    A. whales

    B. dolphins

    C. elephants

    D. kangaroos

    The correct answer is {Option B

    42. Plant development is influenced by

    A. quality of light only

    B. quality and quantity of light

    C. quality and duration of light

    D. quality, quantity and duration of light

    The correct answer is {Option D

    43. Prokaryotic cells lack

    A. nucleolus

    B. nuclear membrane

    C. membrane bound by organelles

    D. All of these

    The correct answer is {Option D

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    44. Photosynthesis takes place faster in

    A. yellow light

    B. white light

    C. red light

    D. darkness

    The correct answer is {Option B

    45. Nucleus, the genetic material containing rounded body in each cell, was first discovered in

    1831 by

    A. Robert Hooke

    B. Robert Brown

    C. Rudolf Virchow

    D. Theodore Schwann

    The correct answer is {Option B

    46. Primary phloem develops from

    A. lateral meristem

    B. protoderm

    C. extrastelar cambium

    D. provascular tissue

    The correct answer is {Option D

    47. Other than spreading malaria, anopheles mosquitoes are also vectors of

    A. dengue fever

    B. filariasis

    C. encephalitis

    D. yellow fever

    The correct answer is {Option B

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    48. Plants that grow in saline water are called

    A. halophytes

    B. hydrophytes

    C. mesophytes

    D. thallophytes

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    49. Pyorrhoea is a disease of the

    A. nose

    B. gums

    C. heart

    D. lungs

    The correct answer is {Option B

    Pyorrhoea, or periodontal disease, to give it a proper medical term, is a disease of the gums, it

    is one of the most widely prevalent diseases. It affects the membrane surrounding the roots of

    the teeth and leads to loosening of the teeth, pus formation, and shrinkage of the gum. Thisdisease is the primary cause for tooth loss among adults.

    50. O2 released in the process of photosynthesis comes from

    A. CO2

    B. water

    C. sugar

    D. pyruvic acid

    The correct answer is {Option B

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    51. Placenta is the structure formed

    A. by the union of foetal and uterine tissue

    B. by foetus only

    C. by fusion of germ layers

    D. None of these

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    52. Plants hormone that induces cell division is

    A. auxins

    B. gibberellins

    C. kinins

    D. domins

    The correct answer is {Option C

    53. Neurospora is used as genetic material because

    A. it has short life cycle of 10 days

    B. the product of single meiosis can be easily analysed

    C. meiotic products are linearly arranged in the form of ordered tetrads

    D. is a diploid fungus

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Phloem is a tissue found in

    A. reproductive organs of animals

    B. plants

    C. insects

    D. mammals

    The correct answer is {Option B

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    54. N2 content is kept constant in the biosphere due to

    A. N2 fixation

    B. industrial pollution

    C. nitrogen cycle

    D. absorption of N2

    The correct answer is {Option C

    55. out of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates present in a cell membrane, what is true?

    A. Lipids are maximum

    B. Carbohydrates are minimum

    C. Carbohydrates are maximum

    D. All three are in equal proportion

    The correct answer is {Option B

    56. Potato is a modified form (outgrowth) of

    A. root

    B. stem

    C. fruit

    D. leaf

    The correct answer is {Option B

    Of the following taxonomic categories which is the most inclusive (i.e. is the highest in


    A. Order

    B. Subspecies

    C. Class

    D. Genus

    The correct answer is {Option C

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    57. Prothrombin which helps in clotting of blood is released by

    A. lymphocytes

    B. erythrocytes

    C. monocytes

    D. blood platelets

    The correct answer is {Option D

    58. Myopia is connected with

    A. ears

    B. eyes

    C. lungs

    D. None of these

    The correct answer is {Option B

    59. Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called

    A. anthocyanin

    B. carotene

    C. chlorophyll

    D. xanthophylls

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Anthocyanin - A blue, violet, or red flavonoid pigment found in plants.

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    60. Plants developing in dry conditions are

    A. xerophytes

    B. mesophytes

    C. lithophytes

    D. hydrophytes

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Plants growing on sand are called as

    A. chasmophytes

    B. oxylophytes

    C. lithophytes

    D. psammophytes

    The correct answer is {Option D

    Our skin, when exposed to excess sunlight, becomes dark. This is because our skin pigments


    A. flavoxanthin

    B. melanin

    C. carotene

    D. Xanthophyll

    The correct answer is {Option B

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science



    Ramapithecus and Cro-Magnon man are considered

    A. ancestors of modern man

    B. ancestors of monkey

    C. ancestors of lion

    D. None of the above

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Normal adult human male has

    A. 10 gram of haemoglobin/100 gram of blood

    B. 14 gram of haemoglobin/100 gram of blood

    C. 18 gram of haemoglobin/100 gram of blood

    D. 24 gram of haemoglobin/100 gram of blood

    The correct answer is {Option B

    Plants wilt due to excess of

    A. transpiration

    B. photosynthesis

    C. absorption

    D. None of these

    The correct answer is {OptionA

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Monotremes are unique mammals because they

    A. posses hair

    B. give birth to live young

    C. secret milk in a pouch

    D. lay eggs

    The correct answer is {Option D

    Poison glands of snakes are homologous to

    A. electric organs of fishes

    B. stings of rays

    C. sebaceous glands of mammals

    D. salivary glands of vertebrates

    The correct answer is {Option D

    Radical vascular bundles are those in which

    A. xylem is surrounded by phloem

    B. phloem is surrounded by xylem

    C. xylem and phloem occur on the same radius

    D. xylem and phloem occur on the different radii

    The correct answer is {Option D

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    With the help of examples, explain the various types of vascular bundles.

    In angiosperms the vascular bundles are mainly of three types (i) radial (ii) conjoint (iii)


    (i) Radial : Presence of radial vascular bundles is the characteristic feature of roots. Those

    vascular bundles in which xylem and phloem are present on different radii are known as radial

    vascular bundles. In between xylem and phloem bundles parenchymatous cells are present.

    (ii) Conjoint : In these vascular bundles xylem and phloem are present on the same radii.

    Conjoint vascular bundles may be collateral (phloem is present only outer to xylem) or

    bicollateral (phloem is present on both sides of xylem). If cambium is present between xylem

    and phloem then the vascular bundle is known as open, otherwise it is called closed.

    (iii) Concentric : Those vascular bundles in which one type of vascular tissue is surrounded by

    another type are known as concentric vascular bundles. These bundles may be amphivasal or

    leptocentric(phloem is completely surrounded by xylem) or amphicribal or hardocentric (xylem is

    completely surrounded by phloem). Amphivasal bundles are found in Dracaena and Yucca.

    Amphicribal bundles are found in stamens of many dicots etc.

    Plant bends towards the source of light on account of the movement of curvature known as

    A. geotropism

    B. thigmotropism

    C. chemotropism

    D. phototropism

    The correct answer is {Option D

    Plant have ____ while animals lack it.

    A. starch

    B. cellulose

    C. protein

    D. fat

    The correct answer is {Option B

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Osmosis is the flow of solution from higher concentration to a solution of lower concentration

    through a semi permeable membrane. What is incorrect in this statement?

    A. Exact concentration of solution is not given

    B. Character of semi permeable membrane is not given

    C. The flow of solution is not possible through semi permeable membrane

    D. All are incorrect

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Photosynthesis is a process

    A. reductive and exergonic

    B. reductive and catabolic

    C. reductive, endergonic and catabolic

    D. reductive, endergonic and anabolic

    The correct answer is {Option D

    On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical experiment?

    A. Gram

    B. Maize

    C. Pea

    D. Wheat

    The correct answer is {Option C

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Pigmentation of skin is due to

    A. lymphocytes

    B. monocytes

    C. leucocytes

    D. melanocytes

    The correct answer is {Option D

    Norepinephrine increases

    A. respiration

    B. urine production

    C. saliva production

    D. blood pressure

    The correct answer is {Option D

    Night blindness is cause by lack of which vitamin?

    A. Vitamin A

    B. Vitamin B

    C. Vitamin C

    D. Vitamin D

    The correct answer is {OptionA

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Monocot root differs from dicot root in having

    A. open vascular bundles

    B. scattered vascular bundles

    C. well developed pith

    D. radially arranged vascular bundles

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Radioactivity is a phenomenon of the spontaneous emission of

    A. protons (alpha particles)

    B. electrons (beta particles)

    C. gamma rays (short wave electromagnetic waves)

    D. All of the above

    The correct answer is {Option D

    Organic Substances which, in very small amounts, control growth and development called

    A. vitamins

    B. hormones

    C. enzymes

    D. None of the above

    The correct answer is {Option B

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Our major foods, fibres, spices, fruits and beverage crops are

    A. flowering plants

    B. gymnosperms plants

    C. pteridophytes

    D. bryophytes

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Movements due to light are shown by

    A. flowering plants

    B. lower plants

    C. all land plants

    D. all the plants

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Outer covering of virus made up of protein is

    A. capsid

    B. coat

    C. virion

    D. viriod

    The correct answer is {OptionA

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Radish is a

    A. bulb

    B. conn

    C. modified root

    D. tuber

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Most common disease of poultry in India is

    A. fowl pox

    B. tick fever

    C. ranikhet

    D. coryza

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Most abundant tissues of our body are

    A. muscular

    B. connective

    C. epithelial

    D. nervous

    The correct answer is {Option B

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Mumps is a disease caused by

    A. fungus

    B. bacterium

    C. virus

    D. None of these

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Rain water helps to increase the ____ to some extent.

    A. phosphorous contents

    B. nitrogen contents

    C. calcium contents

    D. potash contents

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Number of chromosomes in Down's syndrome is

    A. 46

    B. 47

    C. 48

    D. 49

    The correct answer is {Option B

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Plants are killed in winter by frost

    A. because of desiccation and mechanical damage to the tissues

    B. because no photosynthesis takes place at such low temperature

    C. because respiration ceases at such low temperature

    D. because there is no transpiration

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    One of the following is most suitable for study of mutations

    A. Haploids

    B. Diploids

    C. Tetraploids

    D. Polyploid

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Pulses are a good source of

    A. carbohydrates

    B. fats

    C. proteins

    D. vitamins

    The correct answer is {Option C

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Oxygen in our blood is transported by a protein named

    A. haemoglobin

    B. keratin

    C. collagen

    D. myoglobin

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Nymph is the name of young one of

    A. butterfly

    B. beetle

    C. housefly

    D. cockroach

    The correct answer is {Option D

    One day you wake with a sore throat and a runny nose. Your doctor takes a swab from your

    throat, sends it to a lab, and telephones you the next day to say that antibiotic will not help you

    get better. Which of the following is the most likely reason for the doctor's statement?

    A. Having waited a day, it is too late to take an antibiotic

    B. You need an antiseptic, not an antibiotic

    C. You need to be vaccinated instead of taking an antibioticD. You are infected by a virus

    The correct answer is {Option D

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Plants that grow under average temperature and moisture are called

    A. halophytes

    B. hydrophytes

    C. mesophytes

    D. xerophytes

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Oxyreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases and ligases are all classes of

    A. hormones

    B. enzymes

    C. proteins

    D. vitamins

    The correct answer is {Option B

    Mutation is

    A. a factor responsible for plant growth

    B. a change which affects the offspring of F2 generation only

    C. a change that is inherited

    D. a change which affects the parents

    The correct answer is {Option C

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Pollination by wind is called

    A. anemophily

    B. hydrophily

    C. zoophily

    D. entomophily

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Pollen grains in plants are produced in

    A. roots

    B. leaves

    C. flower

    D. stem

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Nitrogen is fixed in ecosystems in ways stated below. Which one of the statements below is


    A. By cyanobacteria

    B. By electrical discharges in the atmosphere

    C. By industrially synthesised fertilizer

    D. By denitrification

    The correct answer is {Option D

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science


    Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the

    A. salivary glands

    B. pituitary glands

    C. thyroid glands

    D. pancreas

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    Mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy, Corynebacterium diphtheria causes diphtheria and Vibrio

    comma causes

    A. tetanus

    B. influenza

    C. cholera

    D. typhoid

    The correct answer is {Option C

    Vibrio cholerae (also Kommabacillus) is a gram negative comma-shaped bacterium with a polar

    flagellum that causes cholera in humans

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    Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air?

    A. Oxygen

    B. Hydrogen sulphide

    C. Carbon dioxide

    D. Nitrogen

    The correct answer is {Option B


    Which of the following is a non metal that remains liquid at room temperature?

    A. Phosphorous

    B. Bromine

    C. Chlorine

    D. Helium

    The correct answer is {Option B


    Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring chelate compound in which central metal is

    A. copper

    B. magnesium

    C. iron

    D. calcium

    The correct answer is {Option B

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    Which of the following is used in pencils?

    A. Graphite

    B. Silicon

    C. Charcoal

    D. Phosphorous

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    5. Which of the following metals forms an amalgam with other metals?

    A. Tin

    B. Mercury

    C. Lead

    D. Zinc

    The correct answer is {Option B


    Chemical formula for water is

    A. NaAlO2

    B. H2O

    C. Al2O3

    D. CaSiO3

    The correct answer is {Option B

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    The gas usually filled in the electric bulb is

    A. nitrogen

    B. hydrogen

    C. carbon dioxide

    D. oxygen

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    Washing soda is the common name for

    A. Sodium carbonate

    B. Calcium bicarbonate

    C. Sodium bicarbonate

    D. Calcium carbonate

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    What is the scientific name for washing soda?

    Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda or soda ash), Na2CO3 is a sodium salt of

    carbonic acid.

    Scientific name for baking soda?

    Sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate is the chemical compound with the formula

    NaHCO3. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine

    powder. Since it has long been known and is widely used, the salt has many related names

    such as baking soda, bread soda, cooking soda, and bicarbonate of soda.


    Quartz crystals normally used in quartz clocks etc. is chemically

    A. silicon dioxide

    B. germanium oxide

    C. a mixture of germanium oxide and silicon dioxide

    D. sodium silicate

    The correct answer is {OptionA

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science



    Which of the gas is not known as green house gas?

    A. Methane

    B. Nitrous oxide

    C. Carbon dioxide

    D. Hydrogen

    The correct answer is {Option D

    In order, the most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are:

    * water vapor

    * carbon dioxide

    * methane

    * nitrous oxide

    * ozone

    * chlorofluorocarbons


    Bromine is a

    A. black solid

    B. red liquid

    C. colourless gas

    D. highly inflammable gas

    The correct answer is {Option B


    The hardest substance available on earth is

    A. Gold

    B. Iron

    C. Diamond

    D. Platinum

    The correct answer is {Option C

  • 7/26/2019 Medical and Science



    The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognisable traces of the original plant

    material is

    A. bitumen

    B. anthracite

    C. lignite

    D. peat

    The correct answer is {Option D


    Tetraethyl lead is used as

    A. pain killer

    B. fire extinguisher

    C. mosquito repellent

    D. petrol additive

    The correct answer is {Option D


    Which of the following is used as a lubricant?

    A. Graphite

    B. Silica

    C. Iron Oxide

    D. Diamond

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing, is

    A. Argon

    B. Xenon

    C. Helium

    D. Krypton

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    The correct answer is {Option C


    The gases used in different types of welding would include

    A. oxygen and hydrogen

    B. oxygen, hydrogen, acetylene and nitrogen

    C. oxygen, acetylene and argon

    D. oxygen and acetylene

    The correct answer is {Option D


    The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called

    A. osmosis

    B. deliquescence

    C. efflorescence

    D. desiccation

    The correct answer is {Option B


    In which of the following activities silicon carbide is used?

    A. Making cement and glass

    B. Disinfecting water of ponds

    C. cutting very hard substances

    D. Making casts for statues

    The correct answer is {Option C

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    The average salinity of sea water is

    A. 3%

    B. 3.5%

    C. 2.5%

    D. 2%

    The correct answer is {Option B


    When an iron nail gets rusted, iron oxide is formed

    A. without any change in the weight of the nail

    B. with decrease in the weight of the nail

    C. with increase in the weight of the nail

    D. without any change in colour or weight of the nail

    The correct answer is {Option C


    Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of

    A. lead

    B. chromium

    C. zinc

    D. tin

    The correct answer is {Option C

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    Among the various allotropes of carbon,

    A. coke is the hardest, graphite is the softest

    B. diamond is the hardest, coke is the softest

    C. diamond is the hardest, graphite is the softest

    D. diamond is the hardest, lamp black is the softest

    The correct answer is {Option C


    The group of metals Fe, Co, Ni may best called as

    A. transition metals

    B. main group metals

    C. alkali metals

    D. rare metals

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    Heavy water is

    A. deuterium oxide

    B. PH7

    C. rain water

    D. tritium oxide

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    The chemical (ethyl mercaptan) added to the otherwise odourless LPG cooking gas for

    imparting a detectable smell to the gas is a compound of

    A. bromine

    B. fluorine

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    C. chlorine

    D. sulphur

    The correct answer is {Option D


    The element common to all acids is

    A. hydrogen

    B. carbon

    C. sulphur

    D. oxygen

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    Non stick cooking utensils are coated with

    A. Teflon

    B. PVC

    C. black paint

    D. polystyrene

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    Monazite is an ore of

    A. titanium

    B. zirconium

    C. iron

    D. thorium

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    The correct answer is {Option D


    Carbon, diamond and graphite are together called

    A. allotropes

    B. isomers

    C. isomorphs

    D. isotopes

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    Potassium nitrate is used in

    A. medicine B. fertiliser

    C. salt D. glass

    The correct answer is {Option B


    Permanent hardness of water may be removed by the addition of

    A. sodium carbonate

    B. alum

    C. potassium permanganate

    D. lime

    The correct answer is {OptionA

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    Soda water contains

    A. carbonic acid

    B. sulphuric acid

    C. carbon dioxide

    D. nitrous acid

    The correct answer is {Option C


    The most important ore of aluminium is

    A. galena

    B. calamine

    C. calcite

    D. bauxite

    The correct answer is {Option D

    Bauxite is an aluminium ore and is the main source of aluminium.


    Most soluble in water is

    A. camphor

    B. sulphur

    C. common salt

    D. sugar

    The correct answer is {Option D


    Which of the following was to be discovered first in the chromospheres of the sun?

    A. Krypton

    B. Xenon

    C. Neon

    D. Helium

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    The correct answer is {Option D


    Which of the following is in liquid form at room temperature?

    A. Lithium

    B. Sodium

    C. Francium

    D. Cerium

    The correct answer is {Option C


    Sodium metal is kept under

    A. petrol

    B. alcohol

    C. water

    D. kerosene

    The correct answer is {Option D


    Which of the following are the ingredients of gun metal?

    A. Iron, Zinc, Titanium

    B. Iron, tin

    C. Iron, Brass, Tin

    D. Copper, Tin

    The correct answer is {Option D

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    From which mineral is radium obtained?

    A. Rutile

    B. Haematite

    C. Limestone

    D. Pitchblende

    The correct answer is {Option D


    What is laughing gas?

    A. Nitrous Oxide

    B. Carbon monoxide

    C. Sulphur dioxide

    D. Hydrogen peroxide

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    Actinides are the elements with atomic numbers from

    A. 97 to 104

    B. 101 to 115

    C. 89 to 103

    D. 36 from 43

    The correct answer is {Option C


    The two elements that are frequently used for making transistors are

    A. boron and aluminium

    B. silicon and germanium

    C. iridium and tungsten

    D. niobium and columbium

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    The correct answer is {Option B


    The filament of an electric bulb is made of

    A. tungsten

    B. nichrome

    C. graphite

    D. iron

    The correct answer is {OptionA


    Diamond is an allotropic form of

    A. germanium

    B. carbon

    C. silicon

    D. sulphur

    The correct answer is {Option B


    In fireworks, the green flame is produced because of

    A. sodium

    B. barium

    C. mercury

    D. potassium

    The correct answer is {Option B

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    Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding

    A. chlorine

    B. washing soda

    C. potassium permanganate

    D. bleaching powder

    The correct answer is {Option B


    Marsh gas is

    A. nitrogen

    B. ethane

    C. methane

    D. hydrogen

    The correct answer is {Option C


    LPG consists of mainly

    A. methane, ethane and hexane

    B. ethane, hexane and nonane

    C. methane, hexane and nonane

    D. methane, butane and propane


    Air is a/an

    A. compound

    B. element

    C. electrolyte

    D. mixture

    The correct answer is {Option D

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    1. What is the unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound?

    A. Decibel

    B. Coulomb

    C. Hum

    D. Cycles

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    2. Reading of a barometer going down is an indication of

    A. snow

    B. storm

    C. intense heat

    D. rainfall

    The correct answer is {Option D

    3. Decibel is the unit for

    A. speed of light

    B. radio wave frequency

    C. intensity of sound

    D. intensity of heat

    The correct answer is {Option C

    4. One fathom is equal to

    A. 6 feet

    B. 6 meters

    C. 60 feet

    D. 100 cm

    The correct answer is {OptionA

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    5. Fathom is the unit of

    A. sound

    B. depth

    C. frequency

    D. distance

    The correct answer is {Option B

    6. Light year is a measurement of

    A. speed of aeroplanes

    B. speed of light

    C. Stellar distances

    D. speed of rockets

    The correct answer is {Option C

    7. Very small time intervals are accurately measure by

    A. White dwarfs

    B. Quartz clocks

    C. Atomic clocks

    D. Pulsars

    The correct answer is {Option C

    8. One kilometre is equal to how many miles?

    A. 0.84

    B. 0.5

    C. 1.6

    D. 0.62

    The correct answer is {Option D

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    9. kilohertz is a unit which measures

    A. power used by a current of one ampere

    B. electromagnetic radio wave frequencies

    C. voltage

    D. electric resistance

    The correct answer is {Option B

    10. One horse power is equal to

    A. 746 watts

    B. 748 watts

    C. 756 watts

    D. 736 watts

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    11. 'Bar' is the unit of

    A. temperature

    B. heat

    C. atmospheric pressure

    D. current

    The correct answer is {Option C

    12. One Joule is equal to

    A. 105 ergs

    B. 103 ergs

    C. 107 ergs

    D. 1011 ergs

    The correct answer is {Option C

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    13. Kilowatt is a unit to measure

    A. work

    B. power

    C. electricity

    D. current

    The correct answer is {Option B

    14. Electric current is measure by

    A. commutator

    B. anemometer

    C. ammeter

    D. voltmeter

    The correct answer is {Option C

    15. A chronometer measures

    A. colour contrast

    B. sound waves

    C. time

    D. water waves

    The correct answer is {Option C

    16. Nautical mile is a unit of distance used in

    A. navigation

    B. road mile

    C. astronomy

    D. measuring the boundaries of a nation

    The correct answer is {OptionA

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    17. Knot is a unit of speed of which of the following?

    A. Aeroplane

    B. Light waves

    C. Ship

    D. Sound waves

    The correct answer is {Option C

    18. Which is/are the important raw material(s) required in cement industry?

    A. Gypsum and Clay

    B. Clay

    C. Limestone and Clay

    D. Limestone

    The correct answer is {Option C

    19. Which type of fire extinguisher is used for petroleum fire?

    A. Powder type

    B. Liquid type

    C. Soda acid type

    D. Foam type

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    20. Which of the following is commonly called a 'polyamide'?

    A. Terylene

    B. Nylon

    C. Rayon

    D. Orlon

    The correct answer is {Option B

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    21. Epoxy resins are used as

    A. detergents

    B. insecticides

    C. adhesives

    D. moth repellents

    The correct answer is {Option C

    22. Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensils contain?

    A. bicarbonates

    B. bismuthates

    C. sulphonates

    D. nitrates

    The correct answer is {Option C

    23. Which of the following is used for removing air bubbles from glass during its


    A. Arsenous oxide

    B. Potassium carbonate

    C. Soda ash

    D. Feldspar

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    24. Which of the following is a protein?

    A. Natural rubber

    B. Starch

    C. Cellulose

    D. None of these

    The correct answer is {OptionA

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    25. Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of

    A. paint

    B. paper

    C. ink

    D. gun powder

    The correct answer is {Option B

    26. Rayon is chemically

    A. cellulose

    B. pectin

    C. glucose

    D. amylase

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    27. Optic fibres are mainly used for which of the following?

    A. Musical instruments

    B. Food industry

    C. Weaving

    D. Communication

    The correct answer is {Option D

    28. The major ingredient of leather is

    A. collagen

    B. carbohydrate

    C. polymer

    D. nucleic acid

    The correct answer is {OptionA

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    29. What are the soaps?

    A. Salts of silicates

    B. Mixture of glycerol and alcohols

    C. Sodium or potassium salts of heavier fatty acids

    D. Esters of heavy fatty acids

    The correct answer is {Option C

    30. How does common salt help in separating soap from the solution after saponification?

    A. By decreasing density of Soap

    B. By decreasing solubility of Soap

    C. By increasing density of Soap

    D. By increasing solubility of Soap

    The correct answer is {Option B

    31. In vulcanisation, natural rubber is heated with

    A. Carbon

    B. Silicon

    C. Sulphur

    D. Phosphorous

    The correct answer is {Option C

    32. Deep blue colour is imparted to glass by the presence of

    A. cupric oxide

    B. nickel oxide

    C. cobalt oxide

    D. iron oxide

    The correct answer is {Option C

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    33. Glass is made of the mixture of

    A. quartz and mica

    B. sand and silicates

    C. salt and quartz

    D. sand and salt

    The correct answer is {Option B

    34. The vast resources of unutilised natural gas can be used in the production of

    A. graphite

    B. Synthetic petroleum

    C. fertilisers

    D. carbide

    The correct answer is {Option C

    35. Paper is manufactured by

    A. Wood and resin

    B. Wood, sodium and bleaching powder

    C. Wood, calcium, hydrogen sulphite and resin

    D. Wood and bleaching powder

    The correct answer is {Option C

    36. Gypsum is added to cement clinker to

    A. increase the tensile strength of cement

    B. decrease the rate of setting of cement

    C. facilitate the formation of colloidal gel

    D. bind the particles of calcium silicate

    The correct answer is {Option B

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    37. Soap is a mixture of sodium or potassium salts of

    A. dicarboxylic acids

    B. monocarboxylic acids

    C. glycerol

    D. tricarboxylic acids

    The correct answer is {Option B

    38. Which of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor?

    A. Thorium

    B. Graphite

    C. Radium

    D. Ordinary water

    The correct answer is {Option B

    39. Which among the following is a positively charged particle emitted by a radioactive


    A. Beta ray

    B. Alpha ray

    C. Cathode ray

    D. Gamma ray

    The correct answer is {Option B

    40. Atoms are composed of

    A. electrons and protons

    B. electrons only

    C. protons only

    D. electrons and nuclei

    The correct answer is {Option D

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    41. In an atomic explosion, enormous energy is released which is due to

    A. conversion of chemical energy into heat energy

    B. conversion of mechanical energy into nuclear energy

    C. conversion of mass into energy

    D. conversion of neutrons into protons

    The correct answer is {Option C

    42. Isotopes are separated by

    A. crystallisation

    B. sublimation

    C. distillation

    D. filtration

    The correct answer is {Option C

    43. The wavelength of X-rays is of the order of

    A. 10 micron

    B. 1 angstrom

    C. 1 cm

    D. 1 m

    The correct answer is {Option B

    1 angstrom = 1.0 x 10-10 meters

    44. Mesons are found in

    A. Laser beam

    B. X-rays

    C. Gamma rays

    D. Cosmic rays

    The correct answer is {Option D

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    45. Which radioactive pollutant has recently drawn to public, due to its occurrence in the

    building material?

    A. Thorium

    B. Radium

    C. Plutonium

    D. Radan

    The correct answer is {OptionA

    46. Which of the following shows the masses of the three elementary particles in decreasing


    A. Leptons, Baryons, Mesons

    B. Mesons, Baryons, Leptons

    C. Baryons, Mesons, Leptons

    D. Leptons, Mesons Baryons

    The correct answer is {Option C

    47. What is the wavelength of visible spectrum?

    A. 8500 - 9800 angstrom

    B. 7800 - 8000 angstrom

    C. 3900 - 7600 angstrom

    D. 1300 - 3000 angstrom

    The correct answer is {Option C