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Page 1: Medical Ethics Committee College of Medicine - … Page Year 1.pdfMedical Ethics Committee College of Medicine ... Department of Bio-Medical Sciences. ... Professor Dr. Omar Hasan

Compiled & Edited by:

Medical Ethics Committee

College of Medicine King Faisal University,

P.O. Box No. 400, Al-Ahsa-[31982]. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Page 2: Medical Ethics Committee College of Medicine - … Page Year 1.pdfMedical Ethics Committee College of Medicine ... Department of Bio-Medical Sciences. ... Professor Dr. Omar Hasan



GMCA 2012


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Page 4: Medical Ethics Committee College of Medicine - … Page Year 1.pdfMedical Ethics Committee College of Medicine ... Department of Bio-Medical Sciences. ... Professor Dr. Omar Hasan

Compiled by:

Medical Ethics Committee

College of Medicine

King Faisal University, Al -Ahsa

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E th i cs Commi t t ee .

Medical Ethics Committee

Dr Imran Sabri

Coordinator, Medical Ethics Committee

Email: [email protected]

Dr Fathia Omer Mohamed


Email: [email protected]

Dr Habeebuddin Shaji Mohammed


Email: [email protected]

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College of Medicine, Al-Ahsa

King Faisal University

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Contact us.

Imr an Sabr i , MD

Coord ina to r , Med i ca l E th i cs Comm i t t ee

Ass i s tan t Pr o f essor , Fo rens ic Med i c i ne D i v i s i on

Depar tm en t o f B io -Med i c a l Sc iences . Co l lege o f Med i c ine ,

K ing Fa i sa l Un i ve rs i t y , P .O . Box No . 400 A l - Ahs a - [31982 ] . KSA

Te l . [O ] . +966 -135897810 ]

Ema i l : im ransabr i@gma i l . c om i k han@kf u .edu . sa

W eb: www.k f u .edu .s a f o rens i c ind ia . com m edbea ts . c om

Ass oc ia t e Ed i t o r , Jou rna l Med ico lega l Upda t e , INDI A

Ass o . Ed i t o r , I nd ian Journa l o f Fo r en s i c Med i c i ne & Tox i c o log y

Ass o . Ed i t o r , I nd . I n t . Jou r . o f Fo r . Med . & Tox .

Peer Rev iewe r , Jou rna l o f Eng ineer ing and Tec hno log y J ETR,

Peer Rev iewe r , BJMP , Un i t ed K ingdom

W ebmas te r , i c f m t .ne t , [W ebs i t e o f ICFMT]

W eb Adm in i s t ra to r , s p ic .o rg . in

Mem ber , W ebs i t e Comm i t t ee , KFU, A l -Ahs a , Saud i A rab ia

Mem ber , I n te r na t iona l Soc ie t y o f Fo r ens ic Gene t i c s , Aus t r ia

L i f e Member , I nd ia Academ y o f Fo r ens i c Med ic i ne

L i f e Member , I nd ian Cong res s o f FMT [ I CFMT, I NDIA] .

L i f e - Mem ber , SOPI , I NDI A.

L i f e Member , Pun jab As soc ia t ion o f F MT [ PAFMAT] , I NDI A.

Mem ber , I n te r na t iona l Ass oc ia t i ons o f Fo ren s ic Nurs ing , I NDI A.

Mem ber Armen ian Med i c a l As soc ia t ion , A rmen ia

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D r . Mohamm ed Habeebuddi n Sha j i ,

Ass i s tan t Pr o f essor , Fo rens ic Med i c i ne D i v i s i on ,

Depar tm en t o f B iomed ic a l Sc iences ,

Co l lege o f Med i c ine , K ing Fa is a l Un i ve rs i t y ,

PO Box No . 400 , A l - Ahs a - [31982 ] .

K ingdom o f Saud i A rab ia

Te l . [ O ] . +966 -35897811

Ema i l : mdhsha j i@hotm a i l . com, hmohammed@k f u .edu . sa

D r . Fa th i a Omer Moham ed

Ass oc ia t e Pro f ess or ,

Teach ing Men ta l Hea l t h and Med i ca l E th ic s

D i v i s ion C l i n i c a l psyc ho log y Neu ros c ienc es

Co l lege o f Med i c ine , K ing Fa is a l Un i ve rs i t y

Ema i l : f a th i aom er62@yahoo . com

Te l . [ O ] . +966 -3589 7893

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Students of the College

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Professor Abdul Aziz bin Jamaluddin Alsaati

President of the University

King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa

Dean of the College:

Dr. Waleed Hamed Albuali

Tel.: +966-135800000 [Ext: 3003] Fax: +966-135800820

Email: [email protected]

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs

Dr. Abdulrahman Abdulhadi Alsultan

Tel : +966135800000 [Ext. 3006]

Email: [email protected]

Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs

Dr. Mohammed Farhan A Alfarhan

+966-135800000 [Ext.-3076] Direct: +966-135897880

Email: [email protected]

Vice Dean for Female Students' Affairs

Dr. Nadia Al-Jadidi

Tel.: +966-135800000 [Ext: 3015] Fax: +966-135800820

Email: [email protected]

Vice Dean for Post-Graduate Studies and Research

Dr. Ibrahim Khalid Al-Jabr

Tel.: +966-135800820 [Ext: 3163] Fax: +966-135800820 [Ext-3164]

Email: [email protected]

Coordinator, GMCA-2012

Dr. Magdy Hassan Balaha

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Tel: Office: +96635800000 Ext 3168

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Coordinator, FAMCO

Dr Abdul Sattar Khan

College of Medicine

Dr. Ghaiath MA Hussein, MBBS, MHSc (Bioethics)

Doctoral Researcher

Ethics, Society & History (MESH)

School of Health & Population Sciences

University of Birmingham United Kingdom

Mohammed Saleh Madadin , MBBS , SBFLM (MD)

Assistant professor of forensic medicine , University of Dammam , KSA

Associate Editor of Egyptian Journal of forensic sciences

Founder member of international Association of Law and Forensic Sciences

Editorial Advisory Board Member of the International Journal of the A J Institute of

Medical Sciences (IJ-AJIMS)

Member of Saudi Society of Forensic Medicine

Professor T.D. Dogra

Professor of Forensic Medicine and Ex-Director

All India Institute of Medical Sciences [AIIMS, New Delhi]

Professor Jawed Ahmad Usmani,

Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,

J. N. Medical College, A.M.U. Aligarh

Page 11: Medical Ethics Committee College of Medicine - … Page Year 1.pdfMedical Ethics Committee College of Medicine ... Department of Bio-Medical Sciences. ... Professor Dr. Omar Hasan

Acknow ledgem ent :

I feel extremely privi leged when it comes to expressing my

grat itude to Dr Waleed Hamed Albuali , Dean of the Col lege, Col lege

of Medicine, King Faisal University . His enormous dedication towards

his profession has been a source of inspirat ion for me. He ha s been a

guide and a teacher in the true sense of the word. Working with him

made me understand that it ’s just your unrelent ing hard work and your

eagerness to learn that can make a dif ference. I t was his constant

encouragement and meticulous guidance that made this work acquires

the impr int of his dynamic personal i ty, wise counsel, meticulous

suggestions and incessant support.

I am extremely grateful to my revered teacher Dr. Magdy

Hassan Balaha, Coordinator GMCA-2012, Col lege of Medicine, King

Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, KSA, for his keen interest, expert guidance,

constant encouragement and invaluable help she rendered during the

course of this work .

I acknowledge my grat itude to Dr . Abdu l rahman Abdul hadi

Al su l tan , V i ce Dean f o r Ac ademic A f f a i r s , Col lege of Medicine,

King Faisal University, Al -Ahsa, KSA, for his reassur ing presence,

invaluable suggestions and tremendous concern.

I express my deepest regards and grat itude to Dr . Mohammed

Far han A Al f ar han , V ic e Dean f o r C l i n i c a l A f f a i r s , Col lege of

Medicine, King Faisal University, Al -Ahsa, KSA, for his constant

guidance and advise are truly praise worthy.

I am deeply indebted to Dr . Nadia Al -Jad i d i , V i ce Dean f o r

Fema le S tuden ts ' A f f a i r s , College of Medicine, King Faisal

University, Al-Ahsa, KSA, for advice and guidance.

I acknowledge my grat itude to Dr . I brah im Kha l id Al - Jabr ,

V i ce Dean f o r Pos t -Gradua te S tud ies and Res earc h , Col lege of

Medicine, King Faisal University, Al -Ahsa, KSA, for his t imely and

fruiteful guidance with respect to the ethical dif fer ences between

Global and Saudi law and invaluable suggestions and tremendous


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My Special thanks to Dr Ali Rawabdeh, Faculty Member,

College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Al -Ahsa, KSA for his

energetic encouragement and guidance.

I am also thankful to Dr Abdul Sattar Khan, Dr Waseem

Suleman, Dr Feroze Kaliyadan. Dr O J Gosai, Dr Ossam Zakaria, Dr

Mohamed Yasser daoud, Dr Habeeb Qureshi, Walid Al-Mulhim, Dr

Seba Ghreiz, Dr Ibrahim Ali, Dr Aboyazid, Dr Mohammed

Bastawesy, Dr Ayub Ali , Dr Latifa Lassoud, Dr Eglal, Dr Sheerin

Rafae, Dr Sayeed Quadri , Dr Utkarsh Shahi, Dr Ansari M. Aleem, Dr

Bahgat, Dr Imtiyaz Shaikh, Dr Azza, Dr Krishna Swaroop, Dr Salma

Taha, Dr Talha Khan Ghauri, Dr Manoj, Dr. Saba Firdos Mohamed

Khan, Dr Amr Foad, Dr.Naheed Kausar Ghulam Murtaz , Dr Abdul

Wahab, Dr Aneela Khalid, Dr Naglaa Siddiq , Dr Yograj Khinchi, Dr

Naushad Abid, Dr Arif Mohyuddin, Dr Joel Kuruvilla, Dr Mujtaba

Hashir, Dr Riyaz Hussain, Dr Surendra Bathula, Dr Surendra

Safaya, Dr Hesham Al-Touky, Dr Kaberi Feroze for their t imely

support and cont inuous guidance.

My sincere thanks are due to al l Non -Teaching staf f and

Producers Dr John Levardo, Bryan Kim J. Pascua, Mr. Jose Karlo M.

Pañgan Karlo, Phi l ip Crystal, Glenda, Hamed for their constant help,

encouragement and t imely support without any personal motive.

I t wi l l be a great mistake on my part not to express my thanks to

al l my fellow faculty members of the College of Medicine who had

helped me and gave construct ive ideas t ime to t ime .

Special Acknowledgment:

Professor James Ware, MA, MB, FRCS, DMSc

Director of Medical Education and Postgraduate Studies

Department of Medical Education and Postgraduate Studies

Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdulaziz Fahad Al Kaabba, MBBS, JMHPE, MHSc, DCH, ABFM

Family Physician Consultant,

Associate Professor of Family Medicine & Bioethics

College of Medicine, Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, KSA

Page 13: Medical Ethics Committee College of Medicine - … Page Year 1.pdfMedical Ethics Committee College of Medicine ... Department of Bio-Medical Sciences. ... Professor Dr. Omar Hasan

Dr. Ghaiath MA Hussein, MBBS, MHSc (Bioethics)

Doctoral Researcher

Ethics, Society & History (MESH)

School of Health & Population Sciences

University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Professor Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr., MBChB (MUK), MPH & DrPH (Harvard)

Head of Knowledge Exchange and International Collaboration

Chairman, KFMC Ethics Committee and the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Faculty of Medicine, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Ms. Vittoriana Crisera

Journal Manager, Journal of Health Specialties

Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Steven Z. Pantilat, MD, FAAHPM, MHM

Professor of Medicine,

Alan M. Kates and John M. Burnard Endowed Chair in Palliative Care

Director, Palliative Care Program and Palliative Care Leadership Center

Director, Palliative Care Quality Network [PCQN], Division of Hospital Medicine,


Dr. Putul Mahanta, MD (FMT), FIAMLE

Associate Professor, Tezpur Medical College, Tezpur, Assam, India

Editor: Modern Text Book of Forensic Medicine &Toxicology

Editor-in-Chief: International Journal of Health Research & Medico Legal practice

Professor (Dr) R K Sharma

Director , Institute of Medico-legal Publications, New Delhi

President, Indian Association of Medico-Legal Experts ( Regd), New Delhi

Director, Supreme Medico-legal Protection Services Pvt Ltd , New Delhi

Former Head, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

All-India Institute of Medical SciencesAnsari Nagar New Delhi-110029

Dr Imran Sabri, Coordinator, Medical Ethics

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لسى انطبب

ألسى باهلل انعظى

أ أرالب اهلل يف يهيت. وأ أصى حاة اإلسا يف كافت أدوارا، يف كم انظروف واألحىال، بارنا وسع يف استمارا ي املىث واملرض

واألمل وانمهك، وأ أحفظ نهاس كرايتهى، وأستر عىراهتى، وأكتى سرى. أكى عه انذواو ي وسائم رمحت اهلل، بارنا رعايت انطبت نهمرب وأ

وانبعذ، انصاحل وانطاحل، وانصذك وانعذو. وأ أثابر عه طهب انعهى، أسخ ر نفع اإلسا ال ألرا. وأ أولر ي عهين، وأعهى ي صغرين،

وأ تكى وأكى أخا نكم زيم يف املهت انطبت يف طاق انرب وانتمىي.حايت يصذاق إمياين يف سر وعاليت، ما مما شين أياو اهلل ورسىن

واملؤيني. واهلل عه يا ألىل شهذ.

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Physician Oath

**I swear in the name of mighty Allah…

**To keep performing my duties in front of Allah…

**And to help save human life in all of its forms and ages, in all Circumstances and

conditions, doing all my best in saving the lives of my patients from illness, pain and anxiety.

**And to keep human dignity, to protect their privacy and to keep their Secrets.

** To be always one of the means of gods mercy, keeping medical care for everybody, for

good or bad, and for friend or enemy.

**To keep looking for knowledge, and using it for human benefits, not harming them.

** To respect and honor my teachers , to teach those who are younger than me, and to be a

brother for my fellow physicians , cooperating with them on faith and advising in the good.

**To keep my life a reflection of my faith in my own personal or public practice, pure from

what may disturb or shame my life in front of god.

May Allah witness all what I am saying.

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Contents Year 1

Ch. Topic/Activity Type Block Page

1.1.1 Introduction to Medical Ethic T 1.1 01-08 1.1.2 Privacy Protection/Confidentiality T 1.1 09-17

1.1.3 Doing well/Doing No Harm T 1.1 18-22

1.1.4 Autonomy T 1.1 23-31 1.1.5 Assignment One [Oath] P 1.1 32-37

1.1.6 Practical Ethics [Assignment 2] P 1.1 38-39 1.1.7 Global Heath and Ethics [Assignment 3] P 1.1 40-41

1.1.8 Assignment Cases P 1.1 42-48 1.1.9 Relevant Study Material of Block 1.1 49-60

1.4.1 Am I to blame? T 1.4 61-72 1.4.2 Interaction life and spirit T 1.4 73-75

1.4.3 Sickness and health T 1.4 76-80 1.4.4 Quality of life 2 T 1.4 81-87

1.4.5 How Do I become good doctor T 1.4 88-96 1.4.6 Relevant Study Material of Block 1.4 97-97

Bibliography 98-98