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Medical Image Analysis Instructor: Moo K. Chung [email protected] Lecture 04. Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) February 01, 2007

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Page 1: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Medical Image Analysis

Instructor: Moo K. [email protected]

Lecture 04.Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM)

February 01, 2007

Page 2: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM)

• It uses higher order spatial derivatives ofdeformation fields to construct morphologicaltensor maps.

• From these tensor maps, 3D statisticalparametric maps (SPM) are created toquantify the variations in the higher orderchange of deformation.

Page 3: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Jacobian determinant (JD)• The Jacobian determinant J of the deformation field

is mainly used to detect volumetric changes.• Notation:Voxel position


Jacobian determinant


J(p) = det"d(p)

" # p = det

"d j



% &


( )


p = (p1, p

2, p



d = (d1,d



Page 4: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Interpretation of Jacobian determinant

• JD measures the volume of thedeformed unit-cube after registration.

• In images, a voxel can be considered aunit-cube

• JD measures how a voxel volumechanges after registration.

Page 5: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

JD Computation

• 1D example:

• 2D example:


" x = 2x +1

J(x) = 2


" x = 2x + y +1

" y = x + 2y

J(x,y) = 3







Page 6: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Is it possible to perform TBM usingonly an affine registration?

• For affine registration p’=Ap+B, the Jacobiandeterminant is det(A).

• Every voxel will have the same scalar value.

• Affine registration based TBM only detect global sizedifference.

Page 7: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Normality of JD


J(p) "1+ tr#U

# $ p


& '


) * =1+










d(p) = p +U(p)



" # p = I +


" # p

Note that we modeled displacement U to be a Gaussianrandom field. Any linear operation (derivative) on aGaussian random field is again Gaussian. So J isapproximately a Gaussian random field.

Page 8: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Properties of JD

• J(p) >0 for one-to-one mapping• J(p) > 1 volume increase; J(p) <1 volume decrease•Due to symmetry, the statistical distribution of J(p)and 1/J(p) should be identical.

Mapping d(p)JD J(p)

Inverse mappingJD 1/J(p)



Subject 1 Subject 2

Page 9: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Lognormality of JD

• Domain

• If J(p)=1,

• Symmetry:

• These 3 properties show that JD can bemodeled as lognormal distribution.


"# < logJ(p) <#


logJ(p) = 0


log J"1(p)[ ] = "logJ(p)

Page 10: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Lognormal distribution

• Random variable X is log-normally distributed iflog X is normally distributed.

• For E log X=0, the shape of density:

Some lognormal distributionlooks normal so how do wecheck if data followsnormal or lognormal?

Page 11: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Testing normality of data

• How do we check if JD is normal or lognormalemphatically?

• Quantile-quantile (QQ) plot can be used. Forgiven probability p, the p-th quantile of randomvariable X is the point q that satisfiesP(X < q) = p.

• See supplementary lecture material.

Page 12: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

QQ-plot compares quantiles

x y



Page 13: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

QQ-plotsPlots are generated by R-package

Page 14: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Normal probability plot

Quantiles from N(0,1)


The sample has longer tails.

Page 15: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Normal probability plot showing asymmetric distribution

Longer tail

Page 16: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Checking normality across subjects

Page 17: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Fisher’sZ transformon correlation

Tricks for increasingnormality of data

Page 18: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Increasing normality of surface-based smoothing

Thickness 50 iterations 100 iterations

QQ-plot QQ-plot QQ-plot

Page 19: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Statistically significant regions of local volume changeJD > 1 volume increase, JD < 1 volume decrease over time

Page 20: Medical Image Analysis - University of Wisconsin– · Tensor-based Morphometry (TBM) •It uses higher order spatial derivatives

Generalization of Jacobian determinant in arbitrary manifold= determinant of Riemannian metric tensors= local volume (surface area) expansion

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Lecture 5 topics

Surface-based Morphometry (SBM)and

Cortical thickness