medical missionary and the final crisis

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  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    elieve inhe LORD your,od so shalle be;stablishedelieve his

    ,rophets sohall ye.rosperhronicles:0 20

    ,If ye will not believe surely ye shall not,If ye will not believe surely ye shall not

    .be established saiah

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    The light that God has given inThe light that God has given inmedical missionary lines will notmedical missionary lines will notcause His people to be regarded ascause His people to be regarded as

    inferior in scientific medicalinferior in scientific medicalknowledge, but will fit them to standknowledge, but will fit them to standupon theupon the highest eminencehig

    hest eminence. God. Godwould have them stand as a wisewould have them stand as a wiseand understanding peopleand understanding people becausebecause

    of His presence with them.of His p

    resence with them.

    The light that God has given inThe light that God has given inmedical missionary lines will notmedical missionary lines will notcause His people to be regarded ascause His people to be regarded as

    inferior in scientific medicalinferior in scientific medicalknowledge, but will fit them to standknowledge, but will fit them to standupon theupon the highest eminencehig

    hest eminence. God. Godwould have them stand as a wisewould have them stand as a wiseand understanding peopleand understanding people becausebecause

    of His presence with them.of His p

    resence with them.





    ,Counsels to Parents Teachers and Students,Counsels to Parents Teachers and Students , 467, 467,Counsels to Parents Teachers and Students,Counsels to Parents Teachers and Students , 467, 467

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Medical missionary work is the rightMedical missionary work is the righthand of the gospel. It is necessaryhand of the gospel. It is necessaryto the advancement of the cause ofto the advancement of the cause of

    God. AsGod. As through it men and womenthroug

    h it men and womenare led to see the importance ofare led to see the imp

    ortance ofright habits of living,rig

    ht habits of living, the savingthe savingpower of the truth will be madepower of the truth will be madeknown.known.

    Medical missionary work is the rightMedical missionary work is the righthand of the gospel. It is necessaryhand of the gospel. It is necessaryto the advancement of the cause ofto the advancement of the cause of

    God. AsGod. As through it men and womenthroug

    h it men and womenare led to see the importance ofare led to see the imp

    ortance ofright habits of living,rig

    ht habits of living, the savingthe savingpower of the truth will be madepower of the truth will be madeknown.known.

    Right Hand of theRight Hand of the


    Right Hand of theRight Hand of the


    . .Testimonies to the Church Vol 7 pg 59. .Testimonies to the Church Vol 7 pg 59. .Testimonies to the Church Vol 7 pg 59. .Testimonies to the Church Vol 7 pg 59

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Every city is to be entered byEvery city is to be entered byworkers trained to do medicalworkers trained to do medicalmissionary work. As the right handmissionary work. As the right hand

    of the third angel's message, God'sof the third angel's message, God'smethods of treating disease willmethods of treating disease willopen doors for the entrance ofopen doors for the entrance ofpresent truth. Health literature mustpresent truth. Health literature mustbe circulated in many circulated in many lands.

    Every city is to be entered byEvery city is to be entered byworkers trained to do medicalworkers trained to do medicalmissionary work. As the right handmissionary work. As the right hand

    of the third angel's message, God'sof the third angel's message, God'smethods of treating disease willmethods of treating disease willopen doors for the entrance ofopen doors for the entrance ofpresent truth. Health literature mustpresent truth. Health literature mustbe circulated in many circulated in many lands.

    Right Hand of theRight Hand of the


    Right Hand of theRight Hand of the


    . .Testimonies to the Church Vol 7 pg 59. .Testimonies to the Church Vol 7 pg 59. .Testimonies to the Church Vol 7 pg 59. .Testimonies to the Church Vol 7 pg 59

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    h e E n t e r i n ge d g e f o rh i s G e n e r a t i o nh e E n t e r i n ge d g e f o rh i s G e n e r a t i o n

    edicaledicalMM issionary



    I can see in the LordsI can see in the Lordsprovidence that the medicalprovidence that the medicalmissionary work is to be amissionary work is to be a

    great entering wedge,great entering wedge, whereby the diseased soul whereby the diseased soulmay be reached.may be reached.

    ,Counsels on Diet and Foods,Counsels on Diet and Foods.76.76

    WW orkork

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis









    CrisisThe FinalThe Final

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    The truth for this time, the thirdThe truth for this time, the third

    angels message, is to beangels message, is to beproclaimed with a loud voice, as weproclaimed with a loud voice, as weapproach the great final test.approach the great final test.

    The truth for this time, the thirdThe truth for this time, the third

    angels message, is to beangels message, is to beproclaimed with a loud voice, as weproclaimed with a loud voice, as weapproach the great final test.approach the great final test.

    The Last GreatThe Last Great


    The Last GreatThe Last Great


    ; , .Manuscript dated 1900 Loma Linda Messages 62; , .Manuscript dated 1900 Loma Linda Messages 62; , .Manuscript dated 1900 Loma Linda Messages 62; , .Manuscript dated 1900 Loma Linda Messages 62

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    This test must come to the churchesThis test must come to the churches

    inin connectionconnection withwith truetruemedical missionary workmedical missionary work, a work, a workthat has the Great Physician tothat has the Great Physician todictate and preside in all that itdictate and preside in all that itcomprehends.comprehends.

    This test must come to the churchesThis test must come to the churches

    inin connectionconnection withwith truetruemedical missionary workmedical missionary work, a work, a workthat has the Great Physician tothat has the Great Physician todictate and preside in all that itdictate and preside in all that itcomprehends.comprehends.

    The Last GreatThe Last Great


    The Last GreatThe Last Great


    ; , .Manuscript dated 1900 Loma Linda Messages 62; , .Manuscript dated 1900 Loma Linda Messages 62; , .Manuscript dated 1900 Loma Linda Messages 62; , .Manuscript dated 1900 Loma Linda Messages 62

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Why is it that the Why is it that the

    Final TestFinal Test (National(National)Sunday Law)Sunday Law comes incomes in

    connection withconnection withthethe

    TT ruerue MM edicaledical MM issionaryissionaryWWorkork??


  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Chapter 36Chapter 36

    -Pages 589 590-Pages 589 590


  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    ThroughThrough spiritualismspiritualism, Satan, Satan

    appears as aappears as a benefactorbenefactor of theof therace,race, healinghealing the diseases of thethe diseases of thepeople, and professing to present apeople, and professing to present anew and more exalted system ofnew and more exalted system ofreligious faithreligious faith

    ThroughThrough spiritualismspiritualism, Satan, Satan

    appears as aappears as a benefactorbenefactor of theof therace,race, healinghealing the diseases of thethe diseases of thepeople, and professing to present apeople, and professing to present anew and more exalted system ofnew and more exalted system ofreligious faithreligious faith

    -Satan The

    -Satan The

    BenefactorBenefactor-Satan The

    -Satan The


    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Satan works through the elementsSatan works through the elements

    also to garner his harvest ofalso to garner his harvest ofunprepared souls.unprepared souls. He has studiedHe has studiedthe secrets of the laboratories ofthe secrets of the laboratories ofnature,nature, and he uses all his power toand he uses all his power tocontrol the elements as far as Godcontrol the elements as far as God


    Satan works through the elementsSatan works through the elements

    also to garner his harvest ofalso to garner his harvest ofunprepared souls.unprepared souls. He has studiedHe has studiedthe secrets of the laboratories ofthe secrets of the laboratories ofnature,nature, and he uses all his power toand he uses all his power tocontrol the elements as far as Godcontrol the elements as far as God


    -Satan Studies-Satan Studies-Satan Studies-Satan Studies

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    When he was suffered toWhen he was suffered to afflictafflict Job,Job,

    how quickly flocks and herds,how quickly flocks and herds,servants, houses, children, wereservants, houses, children, wereswept away, one troubleswept away, one troublesucceeding anothersucceeding another as in aas in amoment.moment.

    When he was suffered toWhen he was suffered to afflictafflict Job,Job,

    how quickly flocks and herds,how quickly flocks and herds,servants, houses, children, wereservants, houses, children, wereswept away, one troubleswept away, one troublesucceeding anothersucceeding another as in aas in amoment.moment.

    -Satan Afflicts-Satan Afflicts-Satan Afflicts-Satan Afflicts

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    It is God that shields His creaturesIt is God that shields His creatures

    and hedges them in fromand hedges them in from the powerthe powerof the destroyer.of the destroyer. But the ChristianBut the Christianworld have shown contempt for theworld have shown contempt for thelaw of Jehovah;law of Jehovah;

    It is God that shields His creaturesIt is God that shields His creatures

    and hedges them in fromand hedges them in from the powerthe powerof the destroyer.of the destroyer. But the ChristianBut the Christianworld have shown contempt for theworld have shown contempt for thelaw of Jehovah;law of Jehovah;

    -Satan The

    -Satan TheDestroyerDestroyer-Satan The-Satan TheDestroyerDestroyer

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    and the Lord will do just what Heand the Lord will do just what He

    has declared that He would. He willhas declared that He would. He willwithdraw His blessings from thewithdraw His blessings from theearth and remove His protectingearth and remove His protectingcare from those who are rebellingcare from those who are rebellingagainst His law and teaching andagainst His law and teaching and

    forcing others to do the same.forcing others to do the same.

    and the Lord will do just what Heand the Lord will do just what He

    has declared that He would. He willhas declared that He would. He willwithdraw His blessings from thewithdraw His blessings from theearth and remove His protectingearth and remove His protectingcare from those who are rebellingcare from those who are rebellingagainst His law and teaching andagainst His law and teaching and

    forcing others to do the same.forcing others to do the same.

    -Satan The

    -Satan TheDestroyerDestroyer-Satan The-Satan TheDestroyerDestroyer

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Satan has control of all whom GodSatan has control of all whom God

    does not especially guard.does not especially guard. He willHe willfavor and prosper some in order tofavor and prosper some in order tofurther his own designsfurther his own designs, and he will, and he willbring trouble upon others and leadbring trouble upon others and leadmen to believe that it is God who ismen to believe that it is God who is

    afflicting them.afflicting them.

    Satan has control of all whom GodSatan has control of all whom God

    does not especially guard.does not especially guard.

    He willHe will

    favor and prosper some in order tofavor and prosper some in order tofurther his own designsfurther his own designs, and he will, and he willbring trouble upon others and leadbring trouble upon others and leadmen to believe that it is God who ismen to believe that it is God who is

    afflicting them.afflicting them.

    -Satan Prospers-Satan Prospers-Satan Prospers-Satan Prospers

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    While appearing to the children ofWhile appearing to the children of

    men asmen as a great physician who canwho canheal all their maladies, he will bringheal all their maladies, he will bringdisease and disaster,disease and disaster, until populousuntil populouscities are reduced to ruin andcities are reduced to ruin anddesolation.desolation. Even now he is at work.Even now he is at work.

    While appearing to the children ofWhile appearing to the children of

    men asmen as a great physician

    who canwho can

    heal all their maladies, he will bringheal all their maladies, he will bringdisease and disaster,disease and disaster, until populousuntil populouscities are reduced to ruin andcities are reduced to ruin anddesolation.desolation. Even now he is at work.Even now he is at work.

    -Satan A Great

    -Satan A Great

    PhysicianPhysician-Satan A Great-Satan A Great


    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

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    InIn accidentsaccidents andand calamitiescalamities by seaby sea

    and by land, inand by land, in great conflagrationsgreat conflagrations,,inin fierce tornadoesfierce tornadoes andand terrificterrifichailstorms,hailstorms, inin tempeststempests,, floodsfloods,,cyclonescyclones,, tidal wavestidal waves,,

    InIn accidentsaccidents andand calamitiescalamities by seaby sea

    and by land, inand by land, in

    great conflagrationsgreat conflagrations


    inin fierce tornadoesfierce tornadoes andand terrificterrifichailstorms,hailstorms, inin tempeststempests,, floodsfloods,,cyclonescyclones,, tidal wavestidal waves,,

    -Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    andand earthquakes, in every place andin every place and

    in a thousand forms,in a thousand forms,

    Satan isSatan is

    exercising his power.exercising his power.

    andand earthquakes, in every place andin every place and

    in a thousand forms,in a thousand forms,

    Satan isSatan is

    exercising his power.exercising his power.

    -Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    At this time immense forests wereAt this time immense forests were

    buried. These have since beenburied. These have since beenchanged to coal, forming thechanged to coal, forming theextensive coal beds that now exist,extensive coal beds that now exist,and also yielding large quantities ofand also yielding large quantities ofoil. The coal and oil frequently igniteoil. The coal and oil frequently ignite

    and burn beneath the surface of theand burn beneath the surface of

    At this time immense forests wereAt this time immense forests were

    buried. These have since beenburied. These have since beenchanged to coal, forming thechanged to coal, forming theextensive coal beds that now exist,extensive coal beds that now exist,and also yielding large quantities ofand also yielding large quantities ofoil. The coal and oil frequently igniteoil. The coal and oil frequently ignite

    and burn beneath the surface of theand burn beneath the surface of


    occurs?occurs?How does EARTHQUAKESHow does EARTHQUAKES


    Patriarch and ProphetPatriarch and Prophet .pg 108Patriarch and ProphetPatriarch and Prophet .pg 108
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    Thus rocks are heated, limestone isThus rocks are heated, limestone is

    burned, and iron ore melted. Theburned, and iron ore melted. Theaction of the water upon the limeaction of the water upon the limeadds fury to the intense heat,adds fury to the intense heat, andandcauses earthquakes,causes earthquakes, volcanoes,volcanoes,and fiery issues. As the fire andand fiery issues. As the fire and

    water come in contact with ledgeswater come in contact with ledgesof rock and ore, there areof rock and ore, there are heavyheavyexplosions underground,explosions underground, whichwhichsound like muffled thunder.sound like muffled thunder.

    Thus rocks are heated, limestone isThus rocks are heated, limestone is

    burned, and iron ore melted. Theburned, and iron ore melted. Theaction of the water upon the limeaction of the water upon the limeadds fury to the intense heat,adds fury to the intense heat, andandcauses earthquakes,causes earthquakes, volcanoes,volcanoes,and fiery issues. As the fire andand fiery issues. As the fire and

    water come in contact with ledgeswater come in contact with ledgesof rock and ore, there areof rock and ore, there are heavyheavyexplosions underground,explosions underground, whichwhichsound like muffled thunder.sound like muffled thunder.

    Patriarch and ProphetPatriarch and Prophet .pg 108Patriarch and ProphetPatriarch and Prophet .pg 108


    occurs?occurs?How does EARTHQUAKESHow does EARTHQUAKES

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    The air is hot and suffocating.The air is hot and suffocating.

    Volcanic eruptions follow; and theseVolcanic eruptions follow; and theseoften failing to give sufficient vent tooften failing to give sufficient vent to

    the heated elements, the earth itselfthe heated elements, the earth itselfisis convulsed, the ground heavesconvulsed, the ground heavesand swells like the waves of theand swells like the waves of the

    sea,sea, great fissures appear, andgreat fissures appear, andsometimes cities, villages, andsometimes cities, villages, andburning mountains are swallowedburning mountains are swallowedup.up...

    The air is hot and suffocating.The air is hot and suffocating.

    Volcanic eruptions follow; and theseVolcanic eruptions follow; and theseoften failing to give sufficient vent tooften failing to give sufficient vent to

    the heated elements, the earth itselfthe heated elements, the earth itselfisis convulsed, the ground heavesconvulsed, the ground heavesand swells like the waves of theand swells like the waves of the

    sea,sea, great fissures appear, andgreat fissures appear, andsometimes cities, villages, andsometimes cities, villages, andburning mountains are swallowedburning mountains are swallowedup.up...

    Patriarch and ProphetPatriarch and Prophet .pg 108Patriarch and ProphetPatriarch and Prophet .pg 108


    occurs?occurs?How does EARTHQUAKESHow does EARTHQUAKES

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    These wonderful manifestations willThese wonderful manifestations will

    be more and more frequent andbe more and more frequent andterrible just before the secondterrible just before the secondcoming of Christ and the end of thecoming of Christ and the end of theworld, as signs of its speedyworld, as signs of its speedydestruction.destruction.

    These wonderful manifestations willThese wonderful manifestations will

    be more and more frequent andbe more and more frequent andterrible just before the secondterrible just before the secondcoming of Christ and the end of thecoming of Christ and the end of theworld, as signs of its speedyworld, as signs of its speedydestruction.destruction.

    Patriarch and ProphetPatriarch and Prophet .pg 108Patriarch and ProphetPatriarch and Prophet .pg 108


    occurs?occurs?How does EARTHQUAKESHow does EARTHQUAKES

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    . . . . .H A A R P. . . . .H A A R P. . . . .H A A R P. . . . .H A A R P

    -Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work

    High Frequency Active Aurora Research ProjectHigh Frequency Active Aurora Research ProjectHigh Frequency Active Aurora Research ProjectHigh Frequency Active Aurora Research Project

    China EarthquakeChina EarthquakeChina EarthquakeChina Earthquake

    China LightsChina LightsChina LightsChina Lights

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Never did this message apply withNever did this message apply with

    greater force than it applies today.greater force than it applies today.More and more the world is settingMore and more the world is settingat nought the claims of God. Menat nought the claims of God. Menhave become bold in transgression.have become bold in transgression.

    Never did this message apply withNever did this message apply withgreater force than it applies today.greater force than it applies today.More and more the world is settingMore and more the world is settingat nought the claims of God. Menat nought the claims of God. Menhave become bold in transgression.have become bold in transgression.

    -Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work

    7 Testimony 1417 Testimony 1417 Testimony 1417 Testimony 141

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    The wickedness of the inhabitants ofThe wickedness of the inhabitants of

    the world has almost filled up thethe world has almost filled up themeasure of their iniquity. This earthmeasure of their iniquity. This earthhas almost reached the placehas almost reached the placewhere God will permit the destroyerwhere God will permit the destroyerto work his will upon work his will upon it.

    The wickedness of the inhabitants ofThe wickedness of the inhabitants ofthe world has almost filled up thethe world has almost filled up themeasure of their iniquity. This earthmeasure of their iniquity. This earthhas almost reached the placehas almost reached the placewhere God will permit the destroyerwhere God will permit the destroyerto work his will upon work his will upon it.

    -Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work

    7 Testimony 1417 Testimony 1417 Testimony 1417 Testimony 141

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    The substitution of the laws of menThe substitution of the laws of men

    for the law of God, the exaltation,for the law of God, the exaltation,by merely human authority, ofby merely human authority, ofSunday in place of the BibleSunday in place of the BibleSabbath, is the last act in theSabbath, is the last act in thedrama.drama.

    The substitution of the laws of menThe substitution of the laws of menfor the law of God, the exaltation,for the law of God, the exaltation,by merely human authority, ofby merely human authority, ofSunday in place of the BibleSunday in place of the BibleSabbath, is the last act in theSabbath, is the last act in thedrama.drama.

    -Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work-Satan At Work

    7 Testimony 1417 Testimony 1417 Testimony 1417 Testimony 141

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    When this substitution becomesWhen this substitution becomes


    God will reveal Himself.God will reveal Himself.

    He will arise in His majesty to shakeHe will arise in His majesty to shaketerribly the earth. He will come outterribly the earth. He will come outof His place to punish theof His place to punish theinhabitants of the world for theirinhabitants of the world for their

    iniquity, and the earth shall discloseiniquity, and the earth shall discloseher blood and shall no more coverher blood and shall no more coverher slain.her slain.

    When this substitution becomesWhen this substitution becomesuniversal,universal, God will reveal Himself.God will reveal Himself.He will arise in His majesty to shakeHe will arise in His majesty to shaketerribly the earth. He will come outterribly the earth. He will come outof His place to punish theof His place to punish theinhabitants of the world for theirinhabitants of the world for their

    iniquity, and the earth shall discloseiniquity, and the earth shall discloseher blood and shall no more coverher blood and shall no more coverher slain.her slain.

    -God At Work-God At Work-God At Work-God At Work

    7 Testimony 1417 Testimony 1417 Testimony 1417 Testimony 141

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    He sweeps away the ripeningHe sweeps away the ripening

    harvest, and famine and distressharvest, and famine and distressfollow. He imparts to the air afollow. He imparts to the air adeadly taint, and thousands perishdeadly taint, and thousands perishby the pestilence. These visitationsby the pestilence. These visitationsare to become more and moreare to become more and more

    frequent and disastrous.frequent and disastrous.

    He sweeps away the ripeningHe sweeps away the ripeningharvest, and famine and distressharvest, and famine and distressfollow. He imparts to the air afollow. He imparts to the air adeadly taint, and thousands perishdeadly taint, and thousands perishby the pestilence. These visitationsby the pestilence. These visitationsare to become more and moreare to become more and more

    frequent and disastrous.frequent and disastrous.

    -Satan More Frequent-Satan More Frequent-Satan More Frequent-Satan More Frequent

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

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    Destruction will be upon both manDestruction will be upon both manand beast.and beast.Destruction will be upon both manDestruction will be upon both manand beast.and beast.

    -Satan More Frequent-Satan More Frequent-Satan More Frequent-Satan More Frequent

    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Isaiah 24:4, 5.

    "The earth mourneth and," "fadeth away the haughty

    . . . .people do languish Theearth also is defiled under

    ;the inhabitants thereofbecause they have

    ,transgressed the laws,changed the ordinance broken

    .the everlasting covenant.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    And then the great deceiver willAnd then the great deceiver willpersuade men thatpersuade men that those who servethose who serveGod are causing these evilsGod are causing these evils. The. Theclass that have provoked theclass that have provoked thedispleasure of Heaven will chargedispleasure of Heaven will chargeall their troubles upon thoseall their troubles upon those

    And then the great deceiver willAnd then the great deceiver willpersuade men thatpersuade men that those who servethose who serveGod are causing these evilsGod are causing these evils. The. Theclass that have provoked theclass that have provoked thedispleasure of Heaven will chargedispleasure of Heaven will chargeall their troubles upon thoseall their troubles upon those

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat True

    SDASDA-Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat True


    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

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    whose obedience to God'swhose obedience to God'scommandments is a perpetualcommandments is a perpetualreproof to transgressors. It will bereproof to transgressors. It will bedeclared thatdeclared that men are offendingmen are offendingGod by the violation of the SundayGod by the violation of the Sundaysabbath;sabbath;

    whose obedience to God'swhose obedience to God'scommandments is a perpetualcommandments is a perpetualreproof to transgressors. It will bereproof to transgressors. It will bedeclared thatdeclared that men are offendingmen are offendingGod by the violation of the SundayGod by the violation of the Sundaysabbath;sabbath;

    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat True

    SDASDA-Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat True


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    thatthat this sin has broughtthis sin has broughtcalamities which will not ceasecalamities which will not ceaseuntil Sunday observance shall beuntil Sunday observance shall bestrictly enforced;strictly enforced;

    thatthat this sin has broughtthis sin has broughtcalamities which will not ceasecalamities which will not ceaseuntil Sunday observance shall beuntil Sunday observance shall bestrictly enforced;strictly enforced;

    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat True

    SDASDA-Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat True


  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    and thatand that those who present thethose who present theclaims of the fourthclaims of the fourthcommandment, thus destroyingcommandment, thus destroyingreverence for Sunday, arereverence for Sunday, aretroublers of the peopletroublers of the people,,

    and thatand that those who present thethose who present theclaims of the fourthclaims of the fourthcommandment, thus destroyingcommandment, thus destroyingreverence for Sunday, arereverence for Sunday, aretroublers of the peopletroublers of the people,,

    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat True

    SDASDA-Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat True


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    preventing their restoration topreventing their restoration todivine favor and temporaldivine favor and temporalprosperityprosperity. Destruction will be. Destruction will beupon both man and beast.upon both man and beast.

    preventing their restoration topreventing their restoration todivine favor and temporaldivine favor and temporalprosperityprosperity. Destruction will be. Destruction will beupon both man and beast.upon both man and beast.

    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Thus the accusation urged of oldThus the accusation urged of oldagainst the servant of God will beagainst the servant of God will berepeated and upon grounds equallyrepeated and upon grounds equallywell established:well established:

    Thus the accusation urged of oldThus the accusation urged of oldagainst the servant of God will beagainst the servant of God will berepeated and upon grounds equallyrepeated and upon grounds equallywell established:well established:

    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

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    "And it came to pass, when Ahab"And it came to pass, when Ahabsaw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him,saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him,Art thou he that troubleth Israel?Art thou he that troubleth Israel?And he answered, I have notAnd he answered, I have nottroubled Israel; but thou, and thytroubled Israel; but thou, and thyfather's house,father's house,

    "And it came to pass, when Ahab"And it came to pass, when Ahabsaw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him,saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him,Art thou he that troubleth Israel?Art thou he that troubleth Israel?And he answered, I have notAnd he answered, I have nottroubled Israel; but thou, and thytroubled Israel; but thou, and thyfather's house,father's house,

    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

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    in that ye have forsaken thein that ye have forsaken thecommandments of the Lord, andcommandments of the Lord, andthou hast followed Baalim." 1 Kingsthou hast followed Baalim." 1 Kings18:17, 18.18:17, 18.

    in that ye have forsaken thein that ye have forsaken thecommandments of the Lord, andcommandments of the Lord, andthou hast followed Baalim." 1 Kingsthou hast followed Baalim." 1 Kings18:17, 18.18:17, 18.

    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

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    As the wrath of the people shall beAs the wrath of the people shall beexcited by false charges, they willexcited by false charges, they willpursue a course toward God'spursue a course toward God'sambassadors very similar to thatambassadors very similar to thatwhich apostate Israel pursuedwhich apostate Israel pursuedtoward Elijah.toward Elijah.

    As the wrath of the people shall beAs the wrath of the people shall beexcited by false charges, they willexcited by false charges, they willpursue a course toward God'spursue a course toward God'sambassadors very similar to thatambassadors very similar to thatwhich apostate Israel pursuedwhich apostate Israel pursuedtoward Elijah.toward Elijah.

    .Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590.Great Controversy pg 590

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

    -Satan Scapegoat True-Satan Scapegoat TrueSDASDA

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    Satan will excite indignation againstSatan will excite indignation againstthe humble minority whothe humble minority whoconscientiously refuse to acceptconscientiously refuse to acceptpopular customs and traditions.popular customs and traditions.Men of position and reputation willMen of position and reputation will

    join with the lawless and the vile tojoin with the lawless and the vile to

    Satan will excite indignation againstSatan will excite indignation againstthe humble minority whothe humble minority whoconscientiously refuse to acceptconscientiously refuse to acceptpopular customs and traditions.popular customs and traditions.Men of position and reputation willMen of position and reputation will

    join with the lawless and the vile tojoin with the lawless and the vile to

    -5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451

    -Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men

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    take counsel against the people oftake counsel against the people ofGod. Wealth, genius, education, willGod. Wealth, genius, education, willcombine to cover them withcombine to cover them withcontempt.contempt. Persecuting rulers,Persecuting rulers,ministers, and church membersministers, and church memberswill conspire against them.will conspire against them.

    take counsel against the people oftake counsel against the people ofGod. Wealth, genius, education, willGod. Wealth, genius, education, willcombine to cover them withcombine to cover them withcontempt.contempt. Persecuting rulers,Persecuting rulers,ministers, and church membersministers, and church memberswill conspire against them.will conspire against them.

    -5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451

    -Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men

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    With voice and pen, by boasts,With voice and pen, by boasts,threats, and ridicule, they will seekthreats, and ridicule, they will seekto overthrow their faith. By falseto overthrow their faith. By falserepresentations and angry appeals,representations and angry appeals,they will stir up the passions of thethey will stir up the passions of thepeople.people.

    With voice and pen, by boasts,With voice and pen, by boasts,threats, and ridicule, they will seekthreats, and ridicule, they will seekto overthrow their faith. By falseto overthrow their faith. By falserepresentations and angry appeals,representations and angry appeals,they will stir up the passions of thethey will stir up the passions of thepeople.people.

    -5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451

    -Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men

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    Not having a "Thus saith theNot having a "Thus saith theScriptures" to bring against theScriptures" to bring against theadvocates of the Bible Sabbath,advocates of the Bible Sabbath,they will resort to oppressivethey will resort to oppressiveenactments to supply the lack.enactments to supply the lack.

    Not having a "Thus saith theNot having a "Thus saith theScriptures" to bring against theScriptures" to bring against theadvocates of the Bible Sabbath,advocates of the Bible Sabbath,they will resort to oppressivethey will resort to oppressiveenactments to supply the lack.enactments to supply the lack.

    -5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451

    -Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men

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    To secure popularity and patronage,To secure popularity and patronage,legislators will yield to thelegislators will yield to thedemand for a Sunday lawdemand for a Sunday law. . . . On. . . . Onthis battlefield comes the last greatthis battlefield comes the last greatconflict of the controversy betweenconflict of the controversy betweentruth and error.truth and error.

    To secure popularity and patronage,To secure popularity and patronage,legislators will yield to thelegislators will yield to thedemand for a Sunday lawdemand for a Sunday law. . . . On. . . . Onthis battlefield comes the last greatthis battlefield comes the last greatconflict of the controversy betweenconflict of the controversy betweentruth and error.truth and error.

    -5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451-5Testimony to the Church 450 451

    -Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men

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    There are many who will tell youThere are many who will tell youthat if you keep the law of God youthat if you keep the law of God youhave fallen from grace. They makehave fallen from grace. They makestrong assertions for which theystrong assertions for which theyhave no foundation, to lead peoplehave no foundation, to lead peopleastray, for they do not knowastray, for they do not know

    whereof they speak.whereof they speak.

    There are many who will tell youThere are many who will tell youthat if you keep the law of God youthat if you keep the law of God youhave fallen from grace. They makehave fallen from grace. They makestrong assertions for which theystrong assertions for which theyhave no foundation, to lead peoplehave no foundation, to lead peopleastray, for they do not knowastray, for they do not know

    whereof they speak.whereof they speak.

    ,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889

    -Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    The prophet says, "Bind up theThe prophet says, "Bind up thetestimony, seal the law among mytestimony, seal the law among mydisciples.disciples.

    The prophet says, "Bind up theThe prophet says, "Bind up thetestimony, seal the law among mytestimony, seal the law among mydisciples.disciples.

    ,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889

    -Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Those who are seeking to destroyThose who are seeking to destroythe law are not of the class who arethe law are not of the class who aresealing the law among the disciplessealing the law among the disciplesof Christ, but they are of the classof Christ, but they are of the classwho "shall stumble, and fall, and bewho "shall stumble, and fall, and bebroken, and be snared, and bebroken, and be snared, and be


    Those who are seeking to destroyThose who are seeking to destroythe law are not of the class who arethe law are not of the class who aresealing the law among the disciplessealing the law among the disciplesof Christ, but they are of the classof Christ, but they are of the classwho "shall stumble, and fall, and bewho "shall stumble, and fall, and bebroken, and be snared, and bebroken, and be snared, and be


    -Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men-Satan Conspire with evil Men

    ,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889

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    The dragon is represented asThe dragon is represented aspersecuting those who keep God'spersecuting those who keep God'scommandments.commandments. Evil angelsconspire with evil men againstGod and his people.

    The dragon is represented asThe dragon is represented aspersecuting those who keep God'spersecuting those who keep God'scommandments.commandments. Evil angelsconspire with evil men againstGod and his people.

    -Satan Conspire with-Satan Conspire withevil Menevil Men

    -Satan Conspire with-Satan Conspire withevil Menevil Men

    ,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889

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    Persons of influence are stirred withPersons of influence are stirred witha power from beneath;a power from beneath; thetheenergies of apostasy are unitedenergies of apostasy are unitedto deceive or to destroy theto deceive or to destroy thechampions of truth.champions of truth.

    Persons of influence are stirred withPersons of influence are stirred witha power from beneath;a power from beneath; thetheenergies of apostasy are unitedenergies of apostasy are unitedto deceive or to destroy theto deceive or to destroy thechampions of truth.champions of truth.

    -Satan Conspire with-Satan Conspire withevil Menevil Men

    -Satan Conspire with-Satan Conspire withevil Menevil Men

    ,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889,Signs of the Time April 22 1889

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  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    All Children

    Please Close your Eyes

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  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    The only persons missing from the

    photos are: Gods Medical Missionaries

    Satan working his miracles

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    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    -Satan Manipulates nature -Satan Manipulates nature

    - -Satan A great physician MedicalMissionary

    - -Satan A great physician MedicalMissionary

    -Satan Benefactor of the race throughhealing

    -Satan Benefactor of the race throughhealing

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    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    As a result of calamities and making. . ,true S D A his scapegoat he then

    calls for a ational Sunday Lawational Sunday Law

    while performing False MedicalMissionary Work by means of


    As a result of calamities and making. . ,true S D A his scapegoat he thencalls for a ational Sunday Lawational Sunday Lawwhile performing False Medical

    Missionary Work by means of.spiritualism

    - . . .,Satan Scapegoat true S D A blamingthem for calamities created by him

    - . . .,Satan Scapegoat true S D A blamingthem for calamities created by him

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance


    Is the Master Mind ofevery CONSPIRACYagainst Jesus Christ

    & .His people


    Is the Master Mind ofevery CONSPIRACYagainst Jesus Christ

    & .His people

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    .Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589.Great Controversy pg 589

    Through spiritualism, SatanThrough spiritualism, Satanappears as aappears as a benefactorbenefactor of theof the

    race,race, healinghealing the diseases of thethe diseases of thepeople, and professing topeople, and professing topresent apresent a new and more exaltednew and more exalted

    system of religious faithsystem of religious faith

    Through spiritualism, SatanThrough spiritualism, Satanappears as aappears as a benefactorbenefactor of theof the

    race,race, healinghealing the diseases of thethe diseases of thepeople, and professing topeople, and professing topresent apresent a new and more exaltednew and more exalted

    system of religious faithsystem of religious faith

    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

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    Gods people will not find their safetyin working miracles; for Satan willcounterfeit the miracles that will bewrought. Gods tried and tested peoplewill find their power in the sign spokenof in Exodus 31:12-18.

    Gods people will not find their safetyin working miracles; for Satan willcounterfeit the miracles that will bewrought. Gods tried and tested peoplewill find their power in the sign spokenof in Exodus 31:12-18.

    9 Testimony 169 Testimony 169 Testimony 169 Testimony 16

    No Safety in MiraclesNo Safety in MiraclesNo Safety in MiraclesNo Safety in Miracles

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    They are to take their stand on theliving Word, It is written. This is theonly foundation upon which they canstand securely. Those who have brokentheir covenant with God will in that daybe without God and without hope.

    They are to take their stand on theliving Word, It is written. This is theonly foundation upon which they canstand securely. Those who have brokentheir covenant with God will in that daybe without God and without hope.

    9 Testimony 169 Testimony 169 Testimony 169 Testimony 16

    It is WrittenIt is WrittenIt is WrittenIt is Written

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Since miracles willSince miracles willnot play a major rolenot play a major role

    in the final work ofin the final work of ,God s people then ,God s people thenwhat will take itswhat will take its



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    Counsel on HealthCounsel on HealthPages 533Pages 533A

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    I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done inministerial lines but medicalmissionary work. The work of aminister is to minister. Our ministersare to work on the gospel plan of

    ministering. . . .

    I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done inministerial lines but medicalmissionary work. The work of aminister is to minister. Our ministersare to work on the gospel plan of

    ministering. . . .

    Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533

    Only Work in MinisterialOnly Work in MinisterialLineLine

    Only Work in MinisterialOnly Work in MinisterialLineLine

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    You will never be ministers after the

    gospel order till you show adecided interest in medicalmissionary work, the gospel ofhealing and blessing andstrengthening.

    You will never be ministers after the

    gospel order till you show adecided interest in medicalmissionary work, the gospel ofhealing and blessing andstrengthening.

    Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533

    Medical MissionaryMedical Missionaryworkwork

    Medical MissionaryMedical MissionaryworkworkIs Part of the Gospel OrderIs Part of the Gospel OrderIs Part of the Gospel OrderIs Part of the Gospel Order

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    Come up to the help of the Lord, tothe help of the Lord against themighty powers of darkness, that itbe not said of you, Curse ye Meroz,curse ye bitterly the inhabitantsthereof; because they came not to

    the help of the Lord. Judges 5:23

    Come up to the help of the Lord, tothe help of the Lord against the

    mighty powers of darkness, that itbe not said of you, Curse ye Meroz,curse ye bitterly the inhabitantsthereof; because they came not to

    the help of the Lord. Judges 5:23

    Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533

    Come up to The Lord s HelpCome up to The Lord s HelpCome up to The Lord s HelpCome up to The Lord s Help

    W P itiWongs Position

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    NNooBB lamelameGG


    NNooBB lamelameGG


    Wongs PositionWongs Position

    St Bl i g Th Mi i tStop Blaming The MinisterSt Bl i g Th Mi i tStop Blaming The Minister

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    The churches that have not life inthemselves, that have lost theirspiritual discernment, call forministers to come to their help, tobring them the breath of life. But theministers have other work to do.

    The churches that have not life inthemselves, that have lost their

    spiritual discernment, call forministers to come to their help, tobring them the breath of life. But theministers have other work to do.

    .Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65

    Stop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The Ministerand do the Work God hasand do the Work God has

    .Given YOU.Given YOU

    Stop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The Ministerand do the Work God hasand do the Work God has

    .Given YOU.Given YOU

    St Bl i g Th Mi i tStop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The Minister

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    They must carry the message oftruth to those who know it not.Those ministers who hover aboutthe churches, who have not a clearcut message, which, like a sharp,two-edged sword, cuts both ways,

    will do the churches harm.

    They must carry the message oftruth to those who know it not.

    Those ministers who hover aboutthe churches, who have not a clearcut message, which, like a sharp,two-edged sword, cuts both ways,

    will do the churches harm.

    .Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65

    Stop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The Ministerand do the Work God hasand do the Work God has

    .Given YOU.Given YOU

    Stop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The Ministerand do the Work God hasand do the Work God has

    .Given YOU.Given YOU

    St p Bl ming Th Mini t rStop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The Minister

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    They will not work for the salvationof souls that are in great perilbecause they know not the truth,and they will die spirituallythemselves, and trouble anddiscourage those who try to help


    They will not work for the salvationof souls that are in great peril

    because they know not the truth,and they will die spirituallythemselves, and trouble anddiscourage those who try to help


    Stop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The Ministerand do the Work God hasand do the Work God has

    .Given YOU.Given YOU

    Stop Blaming The MinisterStop Blaming The Ministerand do the Work God hasand do the Work God has

    .Given YOU.Given YOU

    .Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65.Vol 6 Manuscript Release 65

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    Our ministers are not to hover overthe churches regarding the

    churches in some particular placesas their special care.

    Our ministers are not to hover overthe churches regarding the

    churches in some particular placesas their special care.

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    - ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    We cannot expect that ministers will be permanently located in

    settled charges, as they are locatedin other denominations; but eachchurch member must individuallylearn to bear responsibility,

    We cannot expect that ministers will be permanently located in

    settled charges, as they are locatedin other denominations; but eachchurch member must individuallylearn to bear responsibility,

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    ,Review and Herald October 22 1889,Review and Herald October 22 1889,Review and Herald October 22 1889,Review and Herald October 22 1889

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    and become a worker, making theadvance of the cause of truth the

    first and highest interest of hislife. Each one must devote his God-given power to the work of God;

    and become a worker, making theadvance of the cause of truth the

    first and highest interest of hislife. Each one must devote his God-given power to the work of God;

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    ,Review and Herald October 22 1889,Review and Herald October 22 1889,Review and Herald October 22 1889,Review and Herald October 22 1889

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    And our churches should not feeljealous and neglected if they do not

    receive ministerial labor. Theyshould themselves take up theburden and labor most earnestlyfor souls.

    And our churches should not feeljealous and neglected if they do not

    receive ministerial labor. Theyshould themselves take up theburden and labor most earnestlyfor souls.

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    - ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902

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    Believers are to have root inthemselves, striking firm root in

    Christ that they may bear fruit to Hisglory.

    Believers are to have root inthemselves, striking firm root in

    Christ that they may bear fruit to Hisglory.

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    - ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902- ,Australian Union Conference Record August 1 1902

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    The ministers are hovering overchurches, which know the truth,

    while thousands are perishing out ofChrist.

    The ministers are hovering overchurches, which know the truth,

    while thousands are perishing out ofChrist.

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    ,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901paragraph 21paragraph 21

    ,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901paragraph 21paragraph 21

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    If the proper instruction were given,if the proper methods were followed,

    every church member would do hiswork as a member of the body.

    If the proper instruction were given,if the proper methods were followed,

    every church member would do hiswork as a member of the body.

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    ,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901paragraph 21paragraph 21

    ,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901paragraph 21paragraph 21

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    He would do Christian missionary work. But the churches are dying,

    and they want a minister to preachto them

    He would do Christian missionary work. But the churches are dying,

    and they want a minister to preachto them

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your WorkDo Your Work

    ,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901paragraph 21paragraph 21

    ,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901paragraph 21paragraph 21

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    They should be taught that unlessthey can stand alone, without a

    minister, they need to be convertedanew, and baptized anew. Theyneed to be born again.

    They should be taught that unlessthey can stand alone, without a

    minister, they need to be convertedanew, and baptized anew. Theyneed to be born again.

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your WorkDo Your Work

    ,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901paragraph 21paragraph 21

    ,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901,General Conference Bulletin April 12 1901paragraph 21paragraph 21

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    do not hover around thechurches, preaching to those who

    are already fully established in thefaith. Teach the people to have lightin themselves, and not to dependupon the ministers.

    do not hover around thechurches, preaching to those who

    are already fully established in thefaith. Teach the people to have lightin themselves, and not to dependupon the ministers.

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your WorkDo Your Work

    Historical Sketches 139Historical Sketches 139Historical Sketches 139Historical Sketches 139

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    They should have Christ as theirhelper, and should educate

    themselves to help one another, sothat the minister can be free to enternew fields.

    They should have Christ as theirhelper, and should educate

    themselves to help one another, sothat the minister can be free to enternew fields.

    Do Your Work

    Do Your Work

    Do Your WorkDo Your Work

    Historical Sketches 139Historical Sketches 139Historical Sketches 139Historical Sketches 139

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    Missionary WorkMissionary Work




    Missionary WorkMissionary Work

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    It is because of the directions Ihave received from the Lord that I

    have the courage to stand amongyou and speak as I do,notwithstanding the way in whichyou may look at the medical

    missionary work.

    It is because of the directions Ihave received from the Lord that I

    have the courage to stand amongyou and speak as I do,notwithstanding the way in whichyou may look at the medical

    missionary work.

    Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533

    Direction EGW ReceivedDirection EGW ReceivedDirection EGW ReceivedDirection EGW Received

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    I wish to say that the medicalmissionary work is Gods work.

    The Lord wants every one of Hisministers to come into line.

    I wish to say that the medicalmissionary work is Gods work.

    The Lord wants every one of Hisministers to come into line.

    Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533

    God s WorkGod s WorkGod s WorkGod s Work

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    Take hold of the medical missionary work, and it will give you access

    to the people. Their hearts will betouched as you minister to theirnecessities.

    Take hold of the medical missionary work, and it will give you access

    to the people. Their hearts will betouched as you minister to theirnecessities.

    Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533

    =MM Work Access to people=MM Work Access to people=MM Work Access to people=MM Work Access to people

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    As you relieve their sufferings, youwill find opportunity to speak to them

    of the love of Jesus.

    As you relieve their sufferings, youwill find opportunity to speak to them

    of the love of Jesus.

    Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533Counsel on Health 533

    MM Work Relieve SufferingsMM Work Relieve SufferingsMM Work Relieve SufferingsMM Work Relieve Sufferings

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    Medical Missionary Work is part of theGospel Order

    Medical Missionary Work is part of theGospel Order

    ,The Lord needs our help now and thishelp is effective when we are true

    Medical Missionaries

    ,The Lord needs our help now and thishelp is effective when we are trueMedical Missionaries

    Very soon the only work in ministerialline will be Medical Missionary Work

    Very soon the only work in ministerialline will be Medical Missionary Work

  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    MMW is God s Work MMW is God s Work

    MMW gives Access to People

    MMW gives Access to People

    MMW Relieve suffering MMW Relieve suffering

    EGW received directionfrom the Lord

    regarding MMW

    EGW received directionfrom the Lord

    regarding MMW


  • 8/8/2019 Medical Missionary and the Final Crisis


    oints ofoints ofImportancemportance

    oints ofoints ofImportancemportanceAll True SDA

    MinistersandSDA Laity are

    All True SDA


    SDA Laity are