medieval india for prelims

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  • 8/16/2019 Medieval India for Prelims



    This material is only for revision process 

    These bullets will give you an insight about the different periods of


    The art and culture section is excluded from this portion as it will be

    covered separately 

    Summary of NIOS (Ancient+ Medieval + Modern India +Indian Culture)

    will be made soon. 

    That material will save a lot of time for preparation and will give you the

    rare trivia and useful information needed for Prelims 

  • 8/16/2019 Medieval India for Prelims


     The Early Medieval history 

     So many things have occurred in the South Indian peninsula over the years.

    The Deccan plateau, the region north and south of Krishna-Tungabhadra

    region is historically important. 

     The Rashtrakutas were a prominent dynasty that ruled India around 8th to the

    close of 10thcentury. 

     These Rashtrakutas were overthrown by the Chalukyas who established their

    independent kingdom. 

     Some of the important dynasties of the region were The Rashtrakutas, the

    Chalukyas of Kalyani, the Pallavas of Kanchi and the Cholas of the Thanjavur. 

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      The Cholas 

     The 2nd and 13th Rock edict of Asoka refers to them as friendly power in South


     Together with the Chēras and the Pāndyas, the Cholas formed the three main

    Tamil dynasties of Iron Age India, who were collectively known as the Three

    Crowned Kings. 

     Then in history, another great Cholas are coming. The famous dynasty

    sometimes known as the medieval Cholas. 

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     The great empire of the Chola was founded by Vijayalaya. Began his rule

    around 850 AD. He was previously under the Pallava kings. 

     He was led by his son ‘Aditya’ I. He overthrew the Pallava ruler


     Later on Parantaka I came to the throne. 

     After Parantaka I many others succeeded them like Gandaraditya, Sundara

    Chola, Karikala and Uttama Chola. 

     Rajaraja Chola (AD 985-1014) was the son of Sundara Chola. Succeeded the

    throne and was a great ruler.

     He had the titles Mummadi Choladev, Jayangonda, Martanda etc. 

     Rajaraja Chola was militarily very powerful and made Cholas very powerful. 

     He conquered Kalinga and the ‘Old islands of the sea’ which can be Laccadives

    and Maladives. 

     He constructed the famous ‘Brihadeshwara Temple, the Shiva temple at

    Thanjavur. It is also called Rajarajeshvara. 

     Rajendra I Gangaikonda (AD 1014-44) was the son of Rajaraja I. 

     He brought the Chola empire to its glory .He annexed the whole of Sri Lanka. 

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     He regained the power over Kerala and Pandyan kings. 

     He founded the capital ‘Gangaikonda Cholapuram. Made a huge temple there

    with brilliant granite sculptures. 


    This time was characterized by the rise of Bhakti Movement. 

    Lord Shiva was worshipped as symbol of fertility. 

    The Brihadeshvara Temple of Thanjavur is a classic example of ‘Dravidian

     Style of temple. 

    Many wonderful bronze figurines were crafted during this period. The

    Nataraja statue is very famous. 

    The Local Self Government was very famous. 

    The Assemblies were of 3types. There was UR, SABHA/MAHASHABHA & THE


    Ur was the common one. The Sabha was exclusively dominated by the

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    The Nagaram had Merchants assembly. 

    The system of canals was very renowned in this time. 

    The empire was divided into Mandalams- Kottams- Nadus(district)-

    Kurrams (Village). 

    Tiger was their emblem. 

    They had fine and strong navy. 

    Mahabalipuram, Kaveripattanam and Korkai are the important ports. 

    Land tax constituted the single largest source of income of the Chola state 

    It was generally assessed at one-third of the produce 

    Trade with foreign countries was an important feature of the Cholas

    mercantile activities 

    There were gigantic trade guilds that traded with Java and Sumatra 

    Kalanju was the currency prevalent in the Chola kingdom 

    The Nattar was the dominant peasant community, and the cultivators were

    the subordinate client group of the nattars 


     The king was the head of the administration 

     It was hereditary monarchy 

     The rule of primogeniture generally prevailedThe king gave verbal orders


     Officers like Olainayamak (Chief Secretary) and Vidaiyadhikari (despatch

    clerk)were prominent  

     The army consisted of infantry, cavalry and elephants which formed the three

    limbs of the great army 

     The Velaikkarars were the most dependable troops in the royal service 

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     They were the bodyguards of the monarch, who defended him with their lives

    and were ready to immolate themselves on the king’s funeral 

     The whole empire was divided into mandalams or provinces 

     The villages were mainly of three types 

     The first type constituted of an intercaste population where the land was held

    by all classes of people and paid taxes to the king in the form of land revenue.

    (Popular one) 

     The second was the Brahmadeya or agrahara villages which was granted to the

    Brahmins and was entirely inhabited by them 

     They were exempted from tax and were prosperous 

     The third type of village was the Devadana, which were villages granted to god 

     The revenues from these villages were donated to a temple 

     The Devadana type of villages gained more popularity as the temples became



     The ur was a general assembly of the village 

     The ur consisted of all the tax-paying residents of an ordinary village 

     The Alunganattar was the executive committee and the ruling group of the ur 

     The ur open to all male adults but was dominated by the older members 

     The sabha was apparently an exclusively Brahmin assembly of the brahmadeyavillages 

     The sabha had more complex machinery, which functioned largely through its

    committees called the variyams 

     The sabha possessed proprietary rights over communal lands 

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     It also controlled private lands of the villages 

     It reclaimed forest and waste land 

     It aided in the assessment of the produce and land revenue 


     Election to the executive body and other committees of the ur and sabha

    appears to have been conducted by draw of lots from among those who were


     The nagaram was an assembly of merchants and were found more commonly

    in the trading centers 

    The Rashtrakutas 

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     They were feudatories of Chalukyas of Badami. 

     It was founded by Dantivarman/Dantidurga. He defeated the Chalukyan king


     His uncle Krishna I led the other conquests and defeated the Chalukyas of

    Badami, Gangas of Mysore etc. 

     Then there were Govinda II and Dhruva who ruled the dynasty. 

     He was again succeeded by Govinda III. He fought against North Indian Kings

    and the Pala king ‘Dharmapala’ and Chakrayudha. 

     He was succeeded by his son ‘Amoghavarsha/Sarva. He patronized literature

    and arts. 

     After them came Indra III and Krishna III. Indra III defeats the Prathihara King


     The Rashtrakutas were of Kannada origin and Kannada language was their

    mother tongue 

     Dantidurga was the founder of the Rashtrakuta dynasty 

     He defeated the Gurjaras and captured Malwa 

     His successor Krishna I was also a great conqueror. He defeated the Gangas

    and the eastern Chalukyas of Vengi. He built the magnificent rock-cut

    monolithic Kailasa temple at Ellora 

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     Amoghavarsha I was a follower of Jainism. Jinasena was his chief preceptor 

     He was also a patron of letters and he himself wrote the famous Kannada work,


     He had also built the Rashtrakuta capital, the city of Malkhed or Manyakheda 

     The Rashtrakuta Empire was divided into several provinces called rashtras

    under the control of rashtrapatis 

     They were further divided into vishayas or districts governed by vishayapatis 

     The next subdivision was bhukti consisting of 50 to 70 villages under the

    control of bhogapatis 

     The Hindu sects of Vaishnavism and Saivism flourished during the period of


     Almost one third of the population of the Deccan were Jains 

     There were some prosperous Buddhist settlements at places like Kanheri,

    Sholapur and Dharwar 

     There was harmony among various religions 

     There was a college at Salatogi, situated in modern Bijapur district  

     An inscription gives details of this educational centre 

     It was run by the income from the endowments made by the rich as well as by

    all the villagers on occasions of functions and festivals 

     The Rashtrakutas widely patronized the Sanskrit literature


     There were many scholars in the Rashtrakuta court. Trivikrama wrote

    Nalachampu and the Kavirahasya was composed by Halayudha during the

    reign of Krishna III 

     Amogavarsha I, who was a Jain patronized many Jain scholars 

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     His teacher Jinasena composed Parsvabhudaya, a biography of Parsva in verses 

     Another scholar Gunabhadra wrote the Adipurana, the life stories of various

    Jain saints 

      Sakatayana wrote the grammer work called Amogavritti 

     The great mathematician of this period, Viracharya was the author of


     The Kannada literature saw its beginning during the period of the


     Amogavarsha’s Kavirajamarga was the first poetic work in Kannada language 

     Pampa was the greatest of the Kannada poets. His famous work was


     Ponna was another famous Kannada poet and he wrote Santipurana 


    The man of Letters ‘Jinasena’ who wrote ‘Adipurana’ lived under the patronage

    of Amoghavarsha. 

    There were Mahaviracharya who wrote ‘Ganitasara Samghraha. 

    aktayan wrote ‘Amoghavritti’. 

    The Arab traveler Al Masudi came during the Rashrakuta period and was

    impressed by Indra III. 

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    The Chalukyas 

     The Rashtrakutas were overthrown by Tailapa or Taila who founded another

    dynasty called the Chalukya dynasty which had the capital at Kalyani


     There are many Chalukyan dynasties.


    Chalukyas of Badami/Vatapi. They are known as early western Chalukyas. 

    Chalukyas of Vengi. They are known as Eastern Chalukyas. The Chalukyas of Kalyani. They are known as ‘Western Chalukyas’. 

    The Chalukyas of Gujarat. 

     The Chalukyas began with a base in northern Mysore at Vatapi or Badami and

    the adjacent Aihole, from where they moved northward and annexed the

    former kingdom of the Vakatakas 

     Pulakesin I (550-566) was the real fouder of the Chalukya dynasty of Badami.

    He made Badami or Vatapi as his capital. He adopted the title Vallabheshvara

    and performed the ashvamedha 

     He was succeeded by Kirtivarman I 

     With the expeditions of Pulakesin II, the Chalukyas became the paramount

    power in the Deccan 

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     The army of Pulakesin II checked the forces of Harshavardhana on the banks of

    the Narmada 

     The Pallava King Narasimhavarman I (A.D. 630-668) occupied the Chalukya

    capital at Vatapi in about 642 A.D., when Pulakesin II was probably killed in

    fight against the Pallavas 

     One of the paintings in Ajanta represents Pulakesin II receiving the ambas-

    sador from Iran 

     Hiuen Tsang, the Chinese pilgrim visited the kingdom of Pulakesin in about

    641 A.D 

     Vikramaditya I plundered the Pallava capital, Kanchi, thus avenging his father’s

    defeat and death at the hands of the Pallavas 

    The other Dynasties 

     The Senas of Bengal were supposed to be the original inhabitants of


     The last ruler of Pala dynasty called Madanapala was defeated by the founder

    of Sena dynasty called ‘Vijayasena’. 

     Ballalasena and Lakshmana Sena are notable kings in the Sena dynasty. 

     The Pratihara dynasty was founded by Nagabhatt II. They fought continuous

    battles and got the glory under the king ‘Bhoja I/ Mihirabhoja. 

     Mihirabhoja adopted the title ‘Adivaraha’ . 

     The Pratihara dynasty was called as ‘Gurjara Pratihara. 

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     Rajputs were also very known family. They have emerged from the ‘Agnikula’. 

     The 4 agnikula clans are Pratiharas, Chauhans, Solankis and Paramaras. 

     The Chandela dynasty was centered in the region of Bundelkhand. It was

    founded by Nanuka. Dhanga was the famous king. 

     The Pallava dynasty was very famous. The term Pallava meant ‘Creeper’ and is

    a Sanskrit one for Tamil called ‘Tondai. 

     Their capital was at ‘Kanchi’. Dandi was the court poet of Narasimha Varman II. 

     Vaishnavism and Shaivism became very popular during the Pallava period.

    Majority of the kings were Shaivites except Simhavishnu and Nandivarman

    who were Vaishnavites. 

     The Kailashnatha temples, the temples of Mahabalipuram are classic examples

    of Pallava temples. 

    The Arab conquest of Sind 

     The Khalifa of Baghdad wanted his governor Hajjaj to invade Sindh.


     The ships carrying some valuable materials/gifts were travelling from Ceylon

    to Baghdad. This ship was attacked by the pirates. This angered the Arabs. 

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     Mohammad Bin Qasim invaded Sindh in 712 AD and killed the Hindu king

    ‘Dahir’ in the ‘Battle of Rowar’. 

     Islam was spreading in different parts of India. 

    The Turkish invasion (1000-1025 AD) 

     A man called Mahmud of Ghazni attacked India. He wanted to plunder wealth

    from India. 

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     He attacked India 17 times. He defeated ‘Anandapal’ of Hindu Shahi dynasty in

    the ‘Battle of Waihind’. 

     He attacked different temples of India. He completely destroyed the

    Somnathpur temple. 

     He destroyed the temple of Thaneshwar and burnt the temple of Mathura. 


    The poet Firdausi wrote the ‘SHAHNAMA’ (Book of Kings) 

    lberuni was a person related to Mahmud and he wrote the ‘Tarikh-ul-hind’. He took the wealth of India to Ghazni and wanted to make it one of the

     prosperous cities in the world. 

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    Mohammad of Ghori came after Mahmud of Ghazni and waged many battles in

    India. He attacked India between 1175- 1206 AD. Mohammad of Ghori was defeated in the ‘Battle of Tarain’ in 1191 AD. The

    Indian ruler Prithviraj Chauhan defeated him. 

    In 1192 AD, Mohammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan in the 2nd Battle of

    Tarain. In 1193, in the Battle of Chandwar, Ghori defeated the king ‘Jayachandra’. 

     fter he left India, the territories were handed over to the other Generals. 

    The most notable general was Qutb-ud-din Aibak who later started a new

    empire called the ‘Slave Dynasty’. 


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     After the death of Ghori, the general Qutb-ud-din Aibak was in Lahore. Ghori

    had given him the Vice regal powers in India. 

     There was a series struggle for the throne. It was between the Ghori’s generals

    who were all slaves. 

     They were Nasiruddin Qabachha, Tajuddin Yildiz and Qutb-ud-din Aibak. 

     So Qutb-ud-din Aibak took the control of India and established his empire in


     In 1206, the foundation of the empire was laid and started the Delhi Sultanate.

    It was the first ruling dynasty of the sultanate. 

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     They were also called as Yamini and Ilbari Turk dynasty. Sometimes called as

    the ‘Mameluqs’/Mameluq dynasty. 

     Mameluq means “Slaves born of free parents”. 



    The ILBRI --- 1206-1290 

    The KHALJIS --- 1290-1320 The TUGHLAQS --- 1320- 1413 The SAYYIDS --- 1414- 1451 

    The LODIS --- 1451- 1526 

     All the kings in the dynasty are not slaves. Aibak, Iltutmish and Balban were slaves

    during their early life. 

    Qutb-ud-din Aibak (1206-10) 

     Turk of the Aibak tribe means “Lord of the moon” in Turkish. 

     Lahore and later Delhi were his capitals. His main intention was to control the

    empire from different forces. 

     There was no time for fresh conquests. He initiated the work of Qutb Minar. 

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     One day while playing ‘CHAUGAN’, he fell from the horse and died. 

     He had a title called ‘LAK-BAKSH’. It was because of his kind and generous

    attitude and behavior. 

     The foundation of Qutb Minar was laid and named after the Sufi saint ‘Qutb-ud-

    din Bhaktiyar Kaki. 

     He was succeeded by his incapable son ‘Aram Shah’. He was later succeeded by


    Iltutmish (1210-1236) 

     His real name was Shamsuddin Iltutmish. When Aibak died, he was the

    governor of Badaun. 

     Delhi was his capital. He had to continuously fight with Tajuddin Yildiz and

    Nasiruddin Qabachha to keep the empire under control. 

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     He also saved the Sultanate from the Mongol Invasion. 

     He received the ‘Deed of Investiture’ from the Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad. His

    status of Sultan was recognized officially. 

     It was during his period, a powerful group of ruling nobles called ‘Turkani-i-

    Chwahalgai or Chalisa (The group of forty) formed. 

     The whole of his empire was divided into big and small lands called ‘IQTAS’. It

    was also given as salary to the officers. 

     Iltutmish introduced the two coins of the Sultanate called ‘Silver Tanka’ and

    copper Jittal. 

     He wanted his daughter, Razia to be the next ruler as he was not confident

    about his other sons. 

     After his death, some Turkish nobles made his son ‘Ruknuddin Firoz’ as the

    emperor. He was later dethroned by Razia. 

    SULTANA RAZIA (1206-1240) 

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     She is the first and last Muslim ruler of medieval India. 

     She had asked the people to depose her if she could not fulfill the expectations

    of the people. 

     She began to avoid purdah and started to wear Male attire and startedpresenting herself as a king like one. She used to travel on the back of an

    elephant whenever she wanted to meet the public. 

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     The nobles slowly started to go against her. Her actions in many field angered

    the nobles. 

     She could rule only for three and a half years. 

     She raised and promoted an Abyssinian man called ‘Lallaluddin Yakut’ as the

    master of stables. 

     Kabir Khan of Lahore revolted against her and she herself marched to crush


     In another case, the governor of Bhatinda also revolted. She was defeated in

    this and was married by ‘Altonia’. 

      The nobles were very angry with such moves and decided to put ‘Bahram

    Shah’, the son of Iltutmish on the throne of Delhi. 

     On the way back to Delhi, Razia’s forces were defeated by the Bahram’s army.

    The army left her and was later murdered by the robbers. 

     Bahram Shah was succeeded by ‘Alauddin Masud Shah’. And next, the line was

    occupied by the powerful ‘Balban’. 

    BALBAN (1266-86) 

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     With his kingship, the rulers of the Iltutmish family ended. 

     Balban was a leading Turkish noble and married his daughter to the Sultan.

    Sultan gave him the titles like ‘Ilaib-i-mamlakat’ (Regent) and Ulugh Khan

    (Premier Khan). 

     Consolidation and Expansion were his core principles. His entire focus was

    given to consolidation and saving the empire from different threats. 

     The size of the army was increased and more incentives were given to the

    army. Regular military drills were organized. He actively controlled and

    resisted the Mongol invasion 

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     The Iqtas were given in lieu of salaries. 

     He separated the Military department (Diwan-i-Arz) from the Finance

    department (Diwan-i-Wizarat). 

     He was the first Sultan to discuss about the views of Kingship. 

     He derived his Kingship from the ‘Sassanid Persia’. 

     He brought the concept of ‘Shadow of God’ (Zil-i-illahi). He believed that he

    ruled on the basis of Divine Sanction and was not answerable to any of them. 

     His court was modeled on Iranian model and inspired the ‘Sassanid model’. 

     Balban before becoming the king was an active member of Forty. 

     He had a tough time against the governor of Bengal called ‘Tughril’. Even after

    two failed attempts, Balban had to reach there and settle the accounts. It was a

    big strain for him during his old age. 

     His heir, Muhammad was killed against the Mongols and this incident made

    Balban very weak. 

     He was succeeded by his grandson Kaiqubad who was very pleasure seekingman. The administration became very weak. Jalaluddin Firoz Khalji killed him

    and took over. With this the Ilbari dynasty ended. 

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    THE KHILJI DYNASTY (1290-1320) 

     They came through a big revolution, sometimes called the ‘Khilji’ revolution. 

     Jalaluddin Khliji’s (1290-96) entry was a big revolution and ended the Ilbari


     He wanted to keep intact his kingdom and even followed a conciliatory policy

    with the Mongols. 

     He married one of his daughters to the Mongol leader Uligh Khan. 

     During his time, there was a campaign against the Yadava Kingdom in the

    Deccan. Devagiri, the capital of the Yadavas was invaded by Ali Gurshap. 

     Ali Gurshap is no one else but ‘Sultan Alauddin Khilji. After the invasion, Ali

    Gurshap invited the Sultan to ‘Kara’ to receive the booty and other wealth as


     When the Sultan came, he was brutally murdered by Ali Gurshap. 

     There Ali Gurshap proclaimed himself the Sultan and took the name ‘Alauddin


     ALAUDDIN KHILJI (1296-1316) 

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     Ali Gurshap became the Sultan and he reached back to Delhi and killed the

    family of Jalaluddin Khilji. The son of the former Sultan, Arkali Khan was also


     He made it sure he removed all the Jalali nobles and Balbani nobles are out

    from the empire. 

     He wanted the ‘Consolidation’ and ‘Expansion’ to go together. 

     Anhilwad was attacked and the King Kama with his daughter ran away.

    Alauddin married the chief queen ‘Kamala Devi’ with full honour. 

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     During the raid and attack of the Cambay region, the commander of Alauddin

    called ‘Nusrat Khan’ got a slave who later on became the military general. He

    was Malik Kafur (Hazardinari).

     He even became the Malik Naib of Alauddin. 

     He captures Chittoor and named it ‘Khizraabad’ after his son ‘Khizr Khan’. 

     Between 1307-1312, Malik Kafur attacked the Deccan territories and fought

    with the Kakatiyas, Hoysalas, Pandyas etc. The Pandyas refused to accept the


     Mongols attacked during the time of Alauddin. The border areas were now

    guarded well. 

     He followed some steps to keep his empire strong and free from internal



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    Prevention of wealth distribution among the nobles. Grants of lands were revoked. 

    Good spy system was organized. 

     Sale and use of Alcohol and related materials were banned in Delhi. Parties, marriages between the Noble families needed the permission from the


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    The basic objective was to maintain a large army. rices of many commodities were reduced. 

    t was also for the Welfare of the people. 

    The prices of many commodities were fixed.

    ifferent markets were launched for different things. Separate markets forGrains, manufactured goods, general goods, market for horses, cattle’s,

     slaves etc. 

    There was a controller of market. Merchants should get registered. 

    ultan got daily reports of the market. trict punishment for cheating and underweight. 

    ubsidy was given. 

    Rationing during the famines.