meditation holy, holy, holy! sunday, february 10, 2019 · 2/10/2019  · monticello. men are...


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Page 1: MEDITATION Holy, Holy, Holy! Sunday, February 10, 2019 · 2/10/2019  · Monticello. Men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally. The evening includes adoration, confession, dinner
Page 2: MEDITATION Holy, Holy, Holy! Sunday, February 10, 2019 · 2/10/2019  · Monticello. Men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally. The evening includes adoration, confession, dinner

“Enrich the harvest of your charity.” PLEASE REMEMBER SAINT LOUIS IN YOUR WILL

MEDITATION Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time

See Worship Book 879

His grace to me has not been ineffective. (1 Corinthians 15:10)

God’s grace seems to be all over today’s readings, doesn’t it? It was grace that burned away Isaiah’s sin and turned him into one of the most important prophets in Israel’s history. It was grace that stopped St. Paul dead in his tracks when he was on his way to imprison Christians and turned him into one of the greatest evangelists of all time. And it was grace that brought Peter to his knees before Jesus and turned this brusque fisherman into a humble fisher of men and leader of the early Church. Clearly, God’s grace was not ineffective in these men’s lives! How about you? Can you point to ways that God’s grace has been “not ineffective” in you? It doesn’t have to be as dramatic as the conversions experienced by Peter or Paul or Isaiah. It doesn’t have to be dramatic at all! Of course, it’s wonderful when that happens, but God’s grace more often resembles a gently flowing stream than a mighty surging ocean. For example, think about those times when you felt especially close to God during a Mass or in a time of prayer. That’s grace. Or what about that twinge of conscience that led you to the confessional after a long absence? That’s grace. Remember that time when you found it easier to forgive someone than you thought it would be? That too is grace. Anything that brings you closer to God or moves you further from sin is the result of God pouring his grace into your heart. Anything that makes you more loving, kind, and compassionate comes from his grace. In fact, if you were to stop and review your day, you’d probably find that his grace was all around you. Today is a new day and the beginning of a new week. Take advantage of this fresh start. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to all the grace that God has stored up for you this week. And when you find that grace, welcome it with your heart. Let it be “not ineffective.”

“Jesus, teach me to open my heart to your grace!” Reprinted with permission from The Word Among Us

ENTRANCE HYMN 485 Holy, Holy, Holy!

RESPONSORIAL PSALM 879 In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord.

POSTCOMMUNION HYMN 535 God, we praise you!


‘Twas in the year that King Uzziah died Charles Wood (1866-1926) 'Twas in the year that King Uzziah died, / A vision by Isaiah was espied; / A lofty throne, the Lord was set thereon; / And with his glory all the temple shone. / Bright seraphim were standing round about / Six wings had every of that quire devout; / With twain he awesome veiled his face, and so / With twain he dreadful veiled his feet below. / With twain did he now hither, thither fly: / And thus aloud did one to other cry: / Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth, / Full of his glory are earth and heaven, both. / And at their cry the lintels moved apace, / And clouds of incense filled the holy place.

Communion Introibo Graduale Romanum, Mode VIII I will go in to the altar of God; to the God who gives joy to my youth.

— Psalm 42:4.

Antiphon Sub tuum præsidium Mode VII Under thy protection we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our needs, but from all dangers deliver us always, Virgin Glorious and Blessed.

— Oldest extant Hymn to the Blessed Virgin; circa 250 A.D.

Oculi omnium Wood The eyes of all wait upon thee, [O Lord]; and thou givest them their meat in due season. Glory be to the, O Lord. Amen. — {salm 145:15.


TUESDAY ORGAN RECITALS, 12:35 pm — 1:05 pm 12 February — Dr. Dean W. Billmeyer

University Organist and Professor of Music The University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

A significant portion of the costs of the Tuesday recitals for the current season was graciously given by

Sharon Bigot in loving memory of ALFRED E. BIGOT.

SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, February 11 Genesis 1:1-19; Psalm 104:1-2,5-6,10,12,24,35; Mark 6:53-56 Tuesday, February 12 Genesis 1:20—2:4; Psalm 8:4-9; Mark 7:1-13 Wednesday, February 13 Genesis 2:5-9,15-17; Psalm 104:1-2,27-30; Mark 7:14-23 Thursday, February 14 Genesis 2:18-25; Psalm 128:1-5; Mark 7:24-30 Friday, February 15 Genesis 3:1-8; Psalm 32:1-2,5-7; Mark 7:31-37

Saturday, February 16 Genesis 3:9-24; Psalm 90:2-6,12-13; Mark 8:1-10 Sunday, February 17 Jeremiah 17:5-8; Psalm 1:1-4,6; First Corinthians 15:12,16-20; Luke 6:17,,20-26

Please pray for our parishioners and friends of St. Louis Church who are sick: Mark Joseph Acesor, Christy, Ginny Collins, Monty Denniston, Barb Arland-Frye, Greg Ennis, Anne Hallgren, Margaret Ann Hennen, Tom Nutter, Joan Schmitt, Tom Skepper and Evelyn Virnig. Prayer Requests If you or someone you know is in need of prayers, please call or email the parish office and we will add their names to our list of intentions: [email protected] or call 651-224-3379. Our new parish directory will contain the names and

addresses of our registered parishioners only. If you do

not wish to have your name/address published in the

directory, please call the parish office this week.

Page 3: MEDITATION Holy, Holy, Holy! Sunday, February 10, 2019 · 2/10/2019  · Monticello. Men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally. The evening includes adoration, confession, dinner

FEATURED ON THE COVER –1940 Marist Fr. Bobby Morin at the Grotto in the Winter Chapel. A graduate of École Saint Louis in 1915 and ordained in 1931, he celebrated his first Mass in the present church. The original builders of the Grotto (circa 1909-1910) were Joseph O. and Alphonse L. Morin, relatives of current parishioner Robert A. Morin and a nephew of Fr. Morin. Robert wrote in 2009: “My grandfather and my father (as a teenager) built the Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto. My father described the procedure. “First they built a wooden framework and then they dipped burlap (old gunny sacks) into liquid Plaster of Paris and nailed the wet material onto the wooden framework with large-headed roofing nails. As the Plaster of Paris hardened, they pushed and pulled the wet burlap to form a simulated hewn stone appearance. After the material set, they “dashed” the surface with large brushes diped

dipped into additional fluid plaster to get a textured finish. Then the painters applied the artistic finish. Needless to say, this process left quite a mess both in the building and on the personnel. When the nails were applied and the hammer hit wet plaster, everything flew all over! My father had the pleasure of cleaning up the mess.” edited. Robert and †Rosemary née Andert Morin were married in the current church on February 14, 1953. ON FEBRUARY 11, 1858, a teenaged Bernadette saw a beautiful young girl standing in a grotto niche beside the River Gavé. Bernadette called her “Aqueró” (That). Before the 18 apparitions came to an end, she proclaimed Aqueró to be the ever-sinless Virgin Mother of God, or as Bernadette kept repeating “Immaculada Counchetsiou”! The Church’s official records list her as “Sancta Maria Bernarda.” To us she is affectionately our Saint Bernadette, and also memorialized in our windows and Carillon.

OPEN BELL DATES: The following dates are still open in February and March for anyone wishing to have the bells rung in memory or in honor of a loved one: February 18th-19th, 23rd, 28th. March 1st-4th, 8th-9th, 11th, 17th, 24th and 26th. Please, call the rectory during office hours to make arrangements.


Monday, February 11 Our Lady of Lourdes 6:45 †Janet LeBlanc 12:10 †Mary Kaye McGough Tuesday, February 12 6:45 Deacon Joseph Michalak 12:10 †James Lieb Wednesday, February 13 6:45 Kathleen Gifford 12:10 †Mary E. Henes Thursday, February 14 Saints Cyril and Methodius, St. Valentine 6:45 †Tim Nichols 12:10 Richard Geoffrey Colond Friday, February 15 6:45 †Jim McQuillan 12:10 †Lee Bakewell Saturday, February 16 6:45 Joseph Schiffer 5:00 †Mary C. Katynski Sunday, February 17 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 Living and Deceased Parishioners of St. Louis Church 9:15 †Jane DeLisle 11:00 †Einar Skov 12:30 Gramling Family Intentions

PARISH CALENDAR Monday, February 10 Coffee & Donuts after All Sunday Masses Tuesday, February 12 Organ Recital after the 12:10 Mass Wednesday, February 13 Eucharistic Exposition 12:35 – 2:00pm

Masses and Bells at St. Louis 2019 For those wishing to reserve a Mass Intention, there are envelopes in the vestibule of the church and the chapel. The stipend is $10 per Mass. The ringing of the Bells can also be reserved using the Bell Envelopes in the vestibule of the church. The offering for the bells is $25.

Altar Servers We are in need of Altar Servers. If you are in the third grade or higher and are interested in serving at the weekend Masses. Please contact the parish office at 651-224-3379 to set up training. The Catholic Services Appeal Foundation In response to the Gospel call to serve the poor and spread the Good News, the Catholic Services Appeal Foundation of the Saint Paul and Minneapolis Area (CSAF) works as Christ’s hands and feet throughout the 12-county area. An independent non-profit organization, CSAF partners with 20 varied outreach ministries, thousand of individual donors, and over 185 Catholic parishes to serve the poor, support life, and strengthen the Catholic faith. We invite you to learn more about each of the vital ministries supported by the Foundation, and to join us in transforming lives through the Gospel! Visit to learn more, and please prayerfully consider how you might give back via the CSAF. Lose Something? Did you lose your reading glasses or sunglasses? Forgot your Bible or prayer book? Gloves or mittens, some jewelry or keys? We may have them. Our lost and found box has a number of things we've found in the church or the chapel. If you think we may have something of yours feel free to visit the sacristy after any of the Masses. Catholic Watchmen Rally Tuesday, February 12, 6:30 - 9 p.m., Church of St. Henry, Monticello. Men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally. The evening includes adoration, confession, dinner and talk. The presentation will be given by International Speaker Matt Fradd’s and is titled “The Man Talk.” Please Register at A free-will offering will be collected. Questions? Contact Enzo Randazzo at [email protected] or 651-291-4483. Fuel and Heat Collection This Weekend There will be a second collection this weekend to help in deferring the cost of heating the Church, Chapel and Rectory. As you know, we have had some extraordinarily cold weather lately. Our bill last year for January alone was over $6,000.00.

RING OUT, O BELLS… DATE REQUEST FOR INTENTION REQUESTED BY February 11 Maria Wight Happy Birthday David Wight February 12 Mary Schmitz Happy Birthday Nancy and Bruce Lindberg February 13 Chris Cannon Memorial Nancy and Bruce Lindberg February 14 †Laura L’Allier Houle Birthday Memorial Helene Houle February 15 Tom Young Happy Birthday (February 14) Nancy and Bruce Lindberg February 16 Sheryl Ramstad Happy Birthday Nancy and Bruce Lindberg February 17 †Einar Skov Memorial Marie Larson

Page 4: MEDITATION Holy, Holy, Holy! Sunday, February 10, 2019 · 2/10/2019  · Monticello. Men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally. The evening includes adoration, confession, dinner