meditators can affect quantum events.doc

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  • 8/14/2019 Meditators Can Affect Quantum Events.doc


    Meditators Can Affect Quantum Events

    By Ben Bendig, Epoch Times| September 19, 2013Last Updated: September 22, 2013 12:1 pm

    E!perimenta" e#idence has sho$n that h%man tho%ght is capab"e o& in&"%encing '%ant%m e#ents,

    and that meditators in partic%"ar are more e&&ecti#e at doing so( )*e&& +enare""aThe Epoch Times-

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    More in Beyond Science,%20and%20that%20meditators%20in%20particular%20are%20more%20effective%20at%20doing%20so.%20%28Jeff%20Nenarella/The%20Epoch%20Times%29,%20one%20of%20the%20most%20enduring%20mysteries%20is%20known%20as%20the%20double-slit%20experiment,%20which%20renowned%20physicist%20Richard%20Feynman%20described%20as%20containing%20%E2%80%9Cthe%20only...&source=www.theepochtimes.com
  • 8/14/2019 Meditators Can Affect Quantum Events.doc


    10 7redib"e ermaid Sightings6 )8ideos-

    5econsidering istory: .ncient ree;s isco#ered .merica Tho%sands o& /ears .go

    Technica""y .d#anced .ncient Tribe B%i"t s"it e!periment,$hich reno$ned physicist 5ichard ?eynman described as containing @the on"y mystery(A

    So $hats so mysterio%s abo%t it6

    This re'%ires a bit o& set%p:

  • 8/14/2019 Meditators Can Affect Quantum Events.doc


    There are prob"ems $ith the #ie$ that matter is primary and conscio%sness comes "ater, b%t the best$ay to demonstrate that is probab"y $ith e!periments, rather than phi"osophica" arg%ments( ).&tera"", s%ch phi"osophica" arg%ments ha#e been going on &or a "ong, "ong time(-

    Dhat i& it co%"d be sho$n e!perimenta""y that conscio%sness can a&&ect the res%"ts o& the do%b"e>s"ite!periment6

    The Experimental Evidence

    Enter ean 5adin and co""eag%es, $ho carried o%t a series o& si! e!periments demonstrating F%stthis(

    4articipants $ere &irst &ami"iari=ed $ith the do%b"e>s"it e!periment by $atching a >min%teanimation, then they $ere bro%ght into an e"ectrica""y shie"ded stee" room, sat do$n a &e$ meters&rom the do%b"e>s"it apparat%s, and $ere gi#en instr%ctions to try to in&"%ence the beam $hen to"d todo so(

    %ring random"y assigned periods "asting &rom 1 to 30 seconds, participants $ere c%ed to re"a! orto try to in&"%ence the apparat%s( Each session "asted abo%t 1 min%tes, not inc"%ding instr%ction(

    5adin and co""eag%es &o%nd that d%ring those periods $hen participants $ere attending to thede#ice, the inter&erence pattern $as signi&icant"y red%ced, compared to $hen the de#ice $as acti#e

    b%t no one $as present( That means it "oo;ed more "i;e $hen theres ;no$"edge o& $hich s"ot the"ight passed thro%gh(

    They contro""ed &or #ario%s &actors, s%ch as e"ectrica" shie"ding, temperat%re, and #ibration, b%tnone o& these co%"d e!p"ain a$ay the res%"ts: &oc%sed attention in&"%enced the pattern o& "ight(

    .nd ho$ good one is at &oc%sing t%rns o%t to be an especia""y important &actor( 4articipantsamo%nt o& meditation e!perience made a"" the di&&erence as to $hether they co%"d a&&ect the patternor notCthose $ho did not practice meditation on a#erage &ai"ed to sho$ a statistica""y signi&icante&&ect(

    Someho$, those $ho reg%"ar"y practice &oc%sing their attention can ha#e more o& an e&&ect on this'%ant%m phenomenon(

    This brings %p a host o& ne$ '%estions: ho$ does &oc%sed attention a&&ect this or other these meditation practitioners di&&erent than other peop"e, or is it the meditation itse"& that

    prod%ces the e&&ects6

  • 8/14/2019 Meditators Can Affect Quantum Events.doc


    They &o%nd that the res%"ts o& these e!periments are not e!p"ained by these #ariations, b%t the#ariations contrib%ted to ho$ strong the e&&ects $ere, th%s &%rther #a"idating that both thesegeomagnetic in&"%ences and the e&&ect on the do%b"e>s"it e!periment are rea"(

    The study was published in Physics Essays, June 2012.

    Contiina influenea!" materia # experimentei dove!i

    29(09(2013Ben Bendig

    Large adron 7o""ider, ce" mai mare acce"erator de partic%"e din "%me, aparGinHnd rgani=aGieie%ropene pentr% cercetare n%c"earI )7E5+-, ene#a )?.B5

  • 8/14/2019 Meditators Can Affect Quantum Events.doc


    Jnregistrat o dHrI "ongit%dina"I > Jn miF"oc o parte neagrI )coresp%n=Itoare =onei din &aGa &antei pe%nde a% intrat &otonii care s>a% i=bit de hHrtia &otogra&icI( Hra se aten%ea=I spre margini(

    Pn principi%, acesta este re=%"tat%" "a care ne>am atepta( 7ea mai mare OcantitateO de "%minI seconcentrea=I pe =ona #is a #is de &antI, e!istHnd o parte a &otoni"or care se dispersea=I de "a po=iGiacentra"I, cItre stHnga i dreapta(

    .cest re=%"tat se datorea=I caracter%"%i Ode partic%"IO, de OmaterieO a &oton%"%i, care Jn acestecondiGii se poartI ca o partic%"I, ca o OpietricicIO(

    Apoi schim$"m experimentul% i lu"m o cutie cu dou" fante paralele&

    acI &oton%" ar &i Opartic%"IO, poate ne>am atepta sI obser#Im pe hHrtia &otogra&icI do%I dHreJnt%necate, para"e"e, sit%ate "a o distanGI %na &aGI de cea"a"tI > o distanGI ega"I c% cea dintre &ante"e

    prin care a% intrat &otonii )#e=i #ideo-(

    PnsI rea"itatea ne aratI cI n% este aa( om obGine %n Oab"on de inter&erenGIO, constHnd Jn ben=i"%minoase i Jnt%necate, para"e"e, care a"ternea=I "a distanGe inega"e(

    .cest "%cr% a &ost e!p"icat prin &apt%" cI de aceastI datI &otonii acGionea=I ca o %ndI > n% capartic%"e( 7e"e do%I &ante acGionea=I ca s%rse p%nct%a"e de %ndI Jn interior%" c%tiei, interacGionHnd%na c% cea"a"tI( Uneori e"e se JntIresc reciproc, iar a"teori se ne%tra"i=ea=I reciproc, prec%m %nde"ecirc%"are de "a s%pra&aGa apei(

    Apare misterul

    acI repetIm e!periment%" c% do%I &ante, dar ar%ncIm &otoni %n%" cHte %n%", JncHt ei sI n%inter&ere=e, &IrI sI tim prin ce &antI trec, tot #om obGine ab"on%" de inter&erenGI, dei Jn principi%%n &oton n% poate inter&era c% e" Jns%i( .cest "%cr% a &Ic%t teoreticienii sI de=#o"te nite ec%aGiicomp"icate care sI e!p"ice c%m partic%"e"e pot &i i %nde, a&irmHnd cI acetia se pot a&"a Jn maim%"te "oc%ri Jn ace"ai timp(

    7% toate acestea misterul apare atunci c'nd repet"m experimentul pun'nd (ns" un o$servatorJn drept%" %neia dintre &ante, pentr% a #edea pe %nde intrI &oton%"(

    Pn mod norma" ne>am atepta ca re=%"tat%" sI n% se modi&ice din ca%=a obser#ator%"%i, JnsI Jnrea"itate, pe hHrtia &otogra&icI obGinem o sin)ur" $and" (ntunecat", ca i c%m &oton%" obser#at i>ar pierde ca"itatea de %ndI(

    4entr% e"%cidarea acest%i mister a% &ost o&erite n%meroase e!p"icaGii teoretice( Une"e dintre e"e a%a#ansat ipote=a con&orm cIreia act%" de obser#aGie din partea %nei entitIGi contiente, respecti# a"%nei minGi, FoacI %n ro" cr%cia"( Actul de o$servaie ar avea ca efect alterarea st"rii materiei lanivel cuantic

    Sun" ciudat% (ns" experimentele f"cute de *ean +adin% pre!entate la BBC ,ori!on% suntuimitoare&

    .ceasta ridicI o contro#ersI, datoritI &apt%"%i cI se a&"I Jn de=acord c% mod%" tiinGi&ic >act%a"mente dominant > de a #edea "%mea, care a&irmI cI materia )partic%"e"e- i energia )de e!(%nde- s%nt primordia"e, iar contiinGa este Oa"tce#aO, ea nea#Hnd #reo "egIt%rI c% componente"e

    &%ndamenta"e a"e %ni#ers%"%i( .t%nci, dacI mintea n% are ace"ai JnsemnItate ca i materia, c%mpoate ea a&ecta materia sa% energia Jn cadr%" %nor e#enimente c%antice6

  • 8/14/2019 Meditators Can Affect Quantum Events.doc


    i=i%nea con&orm cIreia materia este primordia"I iar contiinGa apare %"terior a generat prob"eme(7e" mai b%n mod de a demonstra acest "%cr% este prin e!perienGe(

    7%m ar &i dacI s>ar p%tea demonstra cI re=%"tat%" e!periment%"%i c% &anta d%b"I poate &i a&ectat decontiinGI6 ean 5adin i co"egii sIi a% e&ect%at o serie de ase e!perimente, demonstrHnd ce"e ce%rmea=I(

    La Jncep%t, participanGii a% &ost &ami"iari=aGi c% e!periment%" ce"or do%I &ante %rmIrind o animaGiede cinci min%te( .poi a% &ost ad%i Jntr>o camerI de oGe" i=o"atI e"ectric, a% &ost ae=aGi "a cHGi#ametri de c%tia c% ce"e do%I &ante i "i s>a% dat instr%cGi%ni sI Jncerce sI in&"%enGe=e ra=a de &otoni "acomandI(

    Pn perioade a"ocate a"eatorii, care se Jntindea% pe d%rata a 1 Q 30 sec%nde, participanGi"or "i secomanda sI se re"a!e=e sa% sI Jncerce sI in&"%enGe=e aparat%", s%ccesi#( %rata &iecIrei sesi%ni a&ost de cca( 1 min%te, neinc"%=Hnd%>se instr%cGi%ni"e(

    5adin i co"egii a% constatat cI Jn perioade"e Jn care participanGii era% atenGi "a dispo=iti#, ab"on%"de inter&erenGI era red%s Jn mod semni&icati#, comparati# c% perioade"e Jn care dispo=iti#%" era

    acti#, dar nimeni n% era de &aGI( .sta pres%p%ne cI &otonii era% comandaGi de gHnd%" %man, eireacGionHnd di&erit de &iecare datI(

    i&eriGi &actori c%m ar &i i=o"area e"ectricI, temperat%ra i #ibraGii"e a% &ost s%p%i monitori=Irii, darnici %n%" n% re%ea sI e!p"ice Jn mod abso"%t re=%"tate"e > an%me in&"%enGarea ab"on%"%i de "%minI

    printr>o atenGie &oca"i=atI(

    Pn p"%s, calitatea focali!"rii ateniei s#a dovedit a fi un factor deose$it de important( Statistic#orbind, cei care n% practica% meditaGie sa% e!erciGii de concentrare n% dIdea% e&ecte semni&icati#e(

    7ei care>i e!ersea=I Jn mod reg%"at &oca"i=area atenGiei pot a#ea e&ecte mai p%ternice as%praacest%i &enomen c%antic, de &apt nee!p"icat(

    S%nt ast&e" ad%se Jn disc%Gie o m%"Gime de JntrebIri noi: c%m a&ectea=I &oca"i=area atenGiei acest&enomen6 S%nt practicanGii %nor ast&e" de &orme de meditaGie di&eriGi de a"Gi oameni, sa% estemeditaGia Jn sine cea care prod%ce ast&e" de e&ecte6 acI timp%" petrec%t Jn practicI are importanGI,at%nci se p%ne prob"ema as%pra meditaGiei Jn sine, care prod%ce o ast&e" de capacitate(

    se &apt%"

  • 8/14/2019 Meditators Can Affect Quantum Events.doc


    cI atHt aceste in&"%enGe geomagnetice cHt i e&ect%" "or as%pra e!periment%"%i c% do%I &ante s%nt"%cr%ri rea"e(

    Studiul a fost pu$licat (nPhysics Essays, iunie 2012.

    .rtico"%" Jn eng"e=I:7an 7onscio%sness .&&ect R%ant%m E#ents6
