meet robin

meet Robin

Upload: bleauxhart

Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Do you know Robin? Take a look at this ppt for a quick view of who Robin is and what he can do for you.


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Robin was born in…

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Orange County


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grew up in…

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lived most his life in…

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and graduated from…

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Baker Sr. High School…

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Robin likes to…

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go places with loved ones…

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spend time with his kids…

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go fishing with his brothers…

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hike with family and friends…

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play a little ball…

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lend a hand to those in need…

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enjoy a little music…

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eat a lot of these…

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and have a cup of coffee in the morning while watching the sunrise…

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Recently Robin worked at…

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Remember the Eleven

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CTEH – Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health

through EMR Inc. and Myers Engineering

on theBP’s MC252 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Event

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protecting the environment…

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and the workers…

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doing this…

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and bringing everyone home safely at the end of the day…

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Before the spillRobin worked at…

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Dynamic Industries, Inc.

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providing training…

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and safety…

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for major projects like this…

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and this…

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reaching a few milestones…

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and changing lives…

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Prior to Dii Robin was an Operations Manager at…

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providing compliance consulting, training, & safety to companies…

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like these…

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and these…

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Robin owned and operated his own safety company…

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managed two educational departments at a local college…

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and retired from the…

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where he learned how to…

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troubleshoot a few of these…

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provide maintenance on some of these…

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repair a few of these…

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operate some of these…

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oversee a few “First Ever” projects…

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supervise large groups

investigate accidents and incidents…

conduct safety meetings…

provide certification training…

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and making sure employees used proper PPE…

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Robin would like to ask you a few questions…

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At the end of the day;

How would you like to go home

to your “Loved Ones”…

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Like This?

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Or Like This?

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Maybe Like This?

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Or is this your final Choice?

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Robin has a few tips to help you make the right Choice…

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When it comes to SAFETY… Think “Outside of the Box” and Look at things Differently!

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Always Look Out for one another?

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And… the “Most” Important

Tip of ALL…

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Remember...Why you should work SAFE!

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Robin is available should you need any help with…

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Now that you know Robin…you can contact him at:

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Robin R. Hall, CET CIT

[email protected]

Thanks and be Safe!