meeting agenda - mt. san jacinto college file1 mt. san jacinto college academic senate august 14,...

1 Mt. San Jacinto College Academic Senate August 14, 2015 4:30 pm SJC - Library Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order: II. Approval of meeting minutes: Approval of April 22, 2015 Minutes III. New Business 1. Rubric review (Attachment) 2. Number of positions for this year 3. Meeting dates for FA15 semester 4. Summer Grant Hires 5. Other IV. Adjournment: Additional information or available background material regarding any Item on the Joint Hiring Meeting agenda may be obtained by contacting (951) 487-3400, prior to the meeting. pc Faculty Board of Trustees: A. Motte, D.McGargill, T. Ashley, S. Guerrero, B. Zimmerman Student Trustee: L. Gomez Academic Senate: Executive: S. Searl-Chapin, L. Slattery-Farrell, T. Smith, D. Smith SJC Site Council: L. Slattery-Farrell, T. Smith, D. Parrott, A. Ramirez, D. Dalaimo, D. Smith MVC Site Council: S. Searl-Chapin, C. Hennessy, P. Hert, D. Heisnma Judiciary Committee: S. Roulette, E. Ozolins Superintendent/President: Roger Schultz; Director, Superintendent/President's Office: K. Donnell Foundation Executive Director: Vacant President of MSJCFA: K. Cranney Classified Senate: D. Bridge President SGA: S. Boatman Vice Presidents: W. Vincent, B. Elam, B. Moore, J. Miyamoto Deans: M. Orloff, J. Johnson, T. Spillman, J. Brown, C. Tovares, P. Springer, B. Orlauski, R. Teague, S. Loomis, J. Venable Associate Deans: T. Sisco, J. Stokes, D. Smith, K. DiMemmo Directors/Supervisor: K. Marriott, B. Twitty, M. Mendoza, C. Naish, N. Mesaris, M. Crawford, T. Russell Police Administrator/Manager: J. Miyashiro, J. Matthews Librarians: S. Moore, A. Walker, M. Flores www Publication: S. Cason Administration (5) Faculty (6) Resource (1) Recorders (1) Brandon Moore, Interim VPI (Admin, Co-Chair) Stacey Searl-Chapin (Faculty Co-Chair) Jeannine Stokes Angela Aceves Jack Miyamoto Bill Vincent Lorraine Slattery-Farrell Jeremy Brown Tamara Smith Joyce Johnson David Smith Carlos Tovares Vacant Vacant

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Mt. San Jacinto College Academic Senate

August 14, 2015

4:30 pm SJC - Library

Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order:

II. Approval of meeting minutes: Approval of April 22, 2015 Minutes

III. New Business

1. Rubric review (Attachment) 2. Number of positions for this year 3. Meeting dates for FA15 semester 4. Summer Grant Hires 5. Other

IV. Adjournment:

Additional information or available background material regarding any Item on the Joint Hiring Meeting agenda may be obtained by contacting (951) 487-3400, prior to the meeting.

pc Faculty

Board of Trustees: A. Motte, D.McGargill, T. Ashley, S. Guerrero, B. Zimmerman

Student Trustee: L. Gomez Academic Senate:

Executive: S. Searl-Chapin, L. Slattery-Farrell, T. Smith, D. Smith SJC Site Council: L. Slattery-Farrell, T. Smith, D. Parrott, A.

Ramirez, D. Dalaimo, D. Smith MVC Site Council: S. Searl-Chapin, C. Hennessy, P. Hert, D.

Heisnma Judiciary Committee: S. Roulette, E. Ozolins

Superintendent/President: Roger Schultz; Director, Superintendent/President's Office: K. Donnell

Foundation Executive Director: Vacant President of MSJCFA: K. Cranney Classified Senate: D. Bridge President SGA: S. Boatman Vice Presidents: W. Vincent, B. Elam, B. Moore, J. Miyamoto Deans: M. Orloff, J. Johnson, T. Spillman, J. Brown,

C. Tovares, P. Springer, B. Orlauski, R. Teague, S. Loomis, J. Venable

Associate Deans: T. Sisco, J. Stokes, D. Smith, K. DiMemmo Directors/Supervisor: K. Marriott, B. Twitty, M. Mendoza, C. Naish,

N. Mesaris, M. Crawford, T. Russell Police Administrator/Manager: J. Miyashiro, J. Matthews Librarians: S. Moore, A. Walker, M. Flores www Publication: S. Cason

Administration (5) Faculty (6) Resource (1) Recorders (1)

Brandon Moore, Interim VPI (Admin, Co-Chair)

Stacey Searl-Chapin

(Faculty Co-Chair)

Jeannine Stokes Angela Aceves

Jack Miyamoto

Bill Vincent Lorraine Slattery-Farrell

Jeremy Brown Tamara Smith

Joyce Johnson David Smith

Carlos Tovares Vacant



Mt. San Jacinto College Academic Senate

Mt. San Jacinto College, a California Community College, offers accessible, innovative, comprehensive and quality

educational programs and services to diverse, dynamic and growing communities both within and beyond traditional geographic boundaries. We

support life-long learning and student success by utilizing proven educational methodologies as determined by collaborative institutional planning and

assessment. To meet economic and workforce development needs, MSJC provides students with basic skills, general and career education that lead to

transfer, associate degrees and certificates. Our commitment to student learning empowers students with the skills and knowledge needed to effect

positive change and enhance the world in which we live.


Mt. San Jacinto College Academic Senate

April 27, 2015

Virtual Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order: L. Slattery-Farrell called the meeting to order at 11:59 pm via email

II. Approval of meeting minutes:

III. Discussion:

1. Title V Proposed positions and JHC We need to take rapid action on an item and do not have time to try to wrestle with all of our schedules for a face to face meeting. The new Title V taskforce has proposed adding 3 faculty positions to the grant. The positions are: A. Distance Education Coordinator,

B. First Year Experience Activity Coordinator

C. Instructional Designer. These positions would become institutionalized in 2020. This would mean that whatever our hiring number that year for new positons would automatically be reduced by 3. We have not had to face that situation in the past—institutionalized positions did not affect our annual hiring number. Therefore, we need to consider carefully if we believe all 3 of these positions are necessary as faculty positions. The one position that has been open to conversation is the instructional Designer. One position that has been open to conversation is the Instructional Designer. * One group of faculty believes this position can be a classified position. I was not in attendance at the all-faculty meeting but the report I was given was that the majority of faculty said they didn’t care if this person was classified or faculty—they just wanted help with design. *One group of faculty believe it must be a faculty position and believe that faculty will respect the position more if the person is “one of them”. The (one)faculty voice on the Title V committee strongly believes this need to be a

Administration (5) Faculty (6) Resource (1) Recorders (1)

Patrick Schwerdtfeger (Admin, Co-Chair)

Lorraine Slattery-Farrell (Faculty Co-Chair)

Interim VP HR (as resource only) Betty Ihrig

Bill Vincent Stacey Searl-Chapin

Joyce Johnson Jeremy Brown

Richard Rowley Alma Ramirez

Carlos Tovares Susan Winslow

Herb Alarcon


Mt. San Jacinto College Academic Senate

faculty position as this will promote a greater working relationship between faculty. Other institutions have designers who are faculty and who are classified, so there is no uniform approach to this position. We need a decision on this very quickly as the grant is currently being written and budget developed with these positions in mind. I need you to reply to this e-mail before Friday, April 24th,with your vote of either A, B or C as

outlined below: A. I support all 3 positions as full time faculty positions and understand they will be

institutionalized in 2020 reducing our net new positions for that year by 3.

B. I support the DE Coordinator and FYE Coordinator positions as faculty but do not support the Instructional Designer position being faculty. I understand this means the 2 positions will be institutionalized in 2020 and will reduce our net new positons for that year by 2.

C. I do not support any of these positions.

There are 2 arguments:There are 2 arguments:

IV. Replacement Positions: English-One-Year Full-Time Faculty Member-Interim MVC Roger has asked that JHC approve the hiring of a one-year interim full-time faculty member in the English department at MVC to replace Larry Barkley who has submitted his resignation paperwork. He would like approval to hire the interim from the current pool of applicants for the 3 open positions. Stacey and I met with Roger and tentatively agreed to this, but need full endorsement from the committee. I have added “voting buttons” to this e-mail so you can vote that way or just send me a reply saying you agree or disagree to this proposal. Please act ASAP so that the hiring can be done in a timely way….as you know HR is slammed right now Thank you ALL once again for serving,

V. Action: 1. Please see the information below regarding the Joint Hiring Committee decision on proposed faculty positions

for the “new” Title V grant. Joint Hiring Committee virtual vote confirmation: D. I support all 3 positions as full time faculty positions and understand they will be

institutionalized in 2020 reducing our net new positions for that year by 3. 0 votes

E. I support the DE Coordinator and FYE Coordinator positions as faculty but do not support the Instructional Designer position being faculty. I understand this means the 2 positions will be institutionalized in 2020 and will reduce our net new positons for that year by 2. 8 votes

F. I do not support any of these positions. 0 votes This email serves to verify the votes above and to confirm that the position of the Joint Hiring Committee is to support the Title V positions for 2 non-teaching, full time, tenure track faculty positions are supported for


Mt. San Jacinto College Academic Senate

both the Distance Education Coordinator and the First Year Experience program coordinator. The committee understands this decision means that in 2020 when these positions become institutionalized the net new faculty hired that year will be reduced by 2. The committee has further voted to NOT support the hiring of a faculty coordinator for the Instructional Designer position. We all agree that this position should be submitted in the grant as a classified staff person. Let me know if you need anything else,

Lorraine Slattery-Farrell, Ed.S

V. Adjournment: M—R. Rowley, SC—S. Searl-Chapin Approved to adjourn at 5:58 pm Additional information or available background material regarding any Item on the Joint Hiring Meeting agenda may be obtained by contacting (951) 487-3403, prior to the meeting.

pc Faculty

Board of Trustees: A. Motte, D.McGargill, T. Ashley, E. Kadow, G. Schlange,

Student Trustee: L. Gomez Academic Senate:

Executive: L. Slattery-Farrell, S. Searl-Chapin, A. Ramirez, J. Brown, H. Alarcon, S. Winslow

SJC Site Council: L. Slattery-Farrell, A. Ramirez, E. Menz, D. Dalaimo, T. Smith, H. Alarcon

MVC Site Council: S. Searl-Chapin, J. Brown, C. Hennessy, N. Reeves, R. Rycraft, S. Winslow

Judiciary Committee: S. Roulette, E. Ozolins, L. Barkley Superintendent/President: Roger Schultz; Director,

Superintendent/President's Office: K. Donnell

Foundation Executive Director: Vacant President of MSJCFA: K. Cranney Classified Senate: D. Bridge President SGA: S. Boatman Vice Presidents: V. Collins, B. Elam, P. Schwerdtfeger, W. Vincent, Deans: W. Ellis, J. Johnson, B. Moore, B. Orlauski,

M. Orloff, J. Quejada, R .Rowley, T. Spillman, P. Springer, C. Tovares, K. Winston,

Associate Deans: K. DiMemmo, P. Howell, S. Loomis, T. Sisco, D. Smith, R. Teague,

Directors/Supervisor: M. Crawford, K. Marriott, M. Mendoza, N. Mesaris, C. Naish, T. Safranek, B. Twitty, S. Williams, J. Venable,

Police Administrator/Manager: J. Miyashiro, J. Matthews

Librarians: M. Flores, S. Moore, A. Walker, www Publication: S. Cason


Mt. San Jacinto College Academic Senate

Mt. San Jacinto College, a California Community College, offers accessible, innovative, comprehensive and quality

educational programs and services to diverse, dynamic and growing communities both within and beyond traditional geographic boundaries. We

support life-long learning and student success by utilizing proven educational methodologies as determined by collaborative institutional planning and

assessment. To meet economic and workforce development needs, MSJC provides students with basic skills, general and career education that lead to

transfer, associate degrees and certificates. Our commitment to student learning empowers students with the skills and knowledge needed to effect

positive change and enhance the world in which we live.

Mt. San Jacinto College: Full-Time Faculty Scoring Rubric (54 Points Possible). Position: ______________________________

Section Scoring Area Scoring Rubric Score Reviewer Notes

I 8-10: Need strongly substantiated by data

4-7: Need substantiated by data

1-3: Need minimally substantiated by data

0: Not Addressed.

II 8-10: Difficulty strongly substantiated by data

4-7: Difficulty substantiated by data

1-3: Difficulty minimally substantiated by data

0: Not Addressed.

III 8-10: Program/Student Success significantly impacted

4-7:Program/student success impacted

1-3: Program/student success minimally impacted

0: Not Addressed.

IV 8-10: Position strongly tied and substantiated to program review

4-7: Position tied to program review

1-3: Position minimally tied to program review

0: Not Addressed.

V 8-10: Rationale strongly substantiated by data

4-7: Rationale substantiated by data

1-3: Rationale minimally substantiated by data

0: Not Addressed.

VI 1: Yes

0: No

VII Priority: 2 pts.

Emerging: 1 pt.

Not emerging/priority: 0

VIII Is necessary office/lab space available?

Yes: 1 pt.

No: 0 pts.

IX Total -

External Mandates

CTE: Labor Market Relation

Special Facilities/Equipment Needs

Total number of tenured and tenure-track/part-time faulty.

Percentage of FTES (Full-time equivalent students) taught by

tenure/tenure-track faculty vs. Part-time faculty, OR

Counsellor/Student ratio, OR Librarian/Student Ratio

Ability to obtain part-time faculty

Position linked to Program Review

Rationale for position

Impact on program/student success